loominglucy - REVOLUTION

she/it | 18 | kinnie

44 posts

Hey Luc Gimme Dos BEN HCS

hey luc gimme dos BEN HCS

MMMM BEN, but like, watch out, cuz drowning and stuff ok?

- his past is only like a foggy memory, that sometimes he remembers crystal clear and other times it's just?? Lonk??? Who's that lol

- most people headcanon him to always be playing video games, but for me it would make sense that he's kinda staying away from them, because it's literally linked to how he died

- on the topic of how he died, by drowning, he tends to avoid water for obvious reasons

- sometimes gets into an extreme coughing fit, where his lungs feel like they're filling up with water yet again and it's just the most awful experience ever. He may be shaking for a few days after that, unable to do ANYTHING

- is a virus, therefore has no *real* body, but he can chose to manifest himself into our reality

- he can also probably drag someone into HIS reality

- doesn't need to eat, sleep, drink (and he's very glad for that) or do just about anything, but he still eats and sleeps cuz he can

- he is SO powerful, but because he never really uses his powers that much, other pastas see him as the weakest

- probably lives in a computer, like just straight up

Why did I think so much about him, (but tysm for asking)

- also he has freckles because I said so

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More Posts from Loominglucy

5 years ago

hcs for e jack? specifically him with an s/o

I started writing for Laughing Jack but then I saw the e for eyeless hgvhjd I am dumb

- you need to pull some y/n level stuff if you wanna get with him

- idk how you managed to do it, but now he trusts you enough to call you a ”friend”

- don’t worry that’s just a starting point, you’ll warm up to each other and, even though he won’t refer to you as an s/o, it’s obvious that you’re together

- probably heals all your wounds, the more your relationship advances the more he freaks out about the smallest cuts

- will stay distant from you if he feels like his cannibalistic tendencies are becoming too strong to ignore, he doesn’t want to hurt the only person that doesn’t think of him as a monster

- don’t take off the mask don’T TAKE OFF THE MASK DON’T T-

- the only way for you to see his real face is if it gets somehow knocked off, but expect him to be distant after that

- will try to eat “normal” food for you, but yeeah he’s gonna throw that up

- “When a man gives you his heart, it’s romantic, but when I give you 5 it’s sick??”

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5 years ago

It really do be like that tho

(jk I'm v happy that I made you happy have a great day xbskx)

Waitisnt That The Person Who Made The Fuckin Jeff Memeim Fucking Crying Thank You This Is A Blessingyou

wait isnt that the person who made the fuckin jeff meme im fucking crying thank you this is a blessing you truly made my life 100% better

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5 years ago

do you think in terms of s/os... first of all do you think the cps would even want/care for an s/o and second do you think its someone they genuinely love or someone they're like "you. you don't make me wanna murder."

This is a very good ask! In this case, it really depends on who the cp we're talking about is. I could see Jane and Liu falling in love the most natural way(make sure you're on good terms with Sully too tho), but the other pastas? Count your blessings if you can even get near them without being killed. Hol up let me make a list

Easiest to win over


Liu (only here because of Sully, Liu himself is an actual sweetheart)

Laughing Jack

BEN Drowned

Eyeless Jack

Jeff the Killer

Toby Rogers

Hardest to win over

Okay I'm sure you have questions, but hear me out. Toby has been bullied his entire life, and abused from his household as well. After going through all that, coupled with the trauma of loosing the only one he ever cared about (his sister) he's probably more distanced from his emotions than anyone.

On the topic of would it be actual love or just "oh I don't hate you that much ig", it depends on how long you've been with them to fully develop their trust and feelings, but with the last 3 that might just have to be eternity. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ you can always get lucky tho

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5 years ago

got any headcanons for jane the killer?

My wife?? ? Always

- she's lesbian, like cmon we all know this

- has her emotions in tack, but that can lead to her appearing cold and uncaring

- quite the tall lady! I have no direct measures just know that she's tall

- unlike Jeff, she's actually able to live a rather "normal" life, and she's getting her burns treated properly!

- no matter how many times she tries to teach herself to "forgive and forget" whenever she sees that stabby stab she just feels rage

- despite the "normal" lifestyle, she still chooses to pursue Jeff, out of pure need for revenge of course

- loooves black coffee and dark chocolate, if she could she would just survive on that

- is on good terms with Eyeless Jack

- still does the thing where she warns people about Jeff, but now she's much more approachable. Like yeah she'll spook you but if you hear her out and take her advice you'll survive the killer 100%

- honestly should just be renamed to "Jane the Normal Woman That Hates Jeff"

- has an understandable fear of fire, but unlike Jeff she isn't a binch about it

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5 years ago

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE LIKE YOU SWEET BEAN!(p.s your art work is really beautiful and amazing just like you.Keep up the good work you do and have a amazing day or night ヾ(´∀`○)ノ SorryitnotcreepypastaIjustwanttosaythankyou


Your art is really cute keep it up!!!

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