check out @tomanyaus for my writing /I would like to read, eat, sleep and write all day, everyday
16 posts
Head Empty, Just Ben Barnes In "Shadow And Bone" Saying: "Fine, Make Me Your Villain."
Head empty, just Ben Barnes in "Shadow and Bone" saying: "Fine, make me your villain."
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when the start of your school gets delayed thousands of times aswell as your finale exams:
New side-blog
Hi, i just want to say, that i created a side-blog to this one, where i will be sharing my writing and posting about my projects, OCs, etc.
I would really appreciate it, if you would consider to check it out.
It’s @tomanyaus
I am attracted to fictional characters and fictional characters only.
My reaction:
Happy Walpurgisnacht to all witches! <3 (where I live, we dress up as witches for this day. For me it's an excuse to wear black and be all witchy.) 😅🖤
Happy Walpurgis night!
Its name come from Saint Walpurga, who feast day is May the first.
I regard her as the witches’s patron saint for that reason, with Saint Brigid and Saint Hildegard. Brigid have her feast day on February the 1st, a day regarded as the first day of spring. That’s why Irish people still make, on that day, Saint Brigid crosses that are associated with witchcraft. As for Hildegard, she was a medium and wrote several grimoires about herbology and cryptozoology.
Traditionally, May the first was the very beginning of hot season in ancient days, despite (like today…) these days can be cold due to the Ice Saints phenomenon. That’s why light fairies (seelies) ended their hibernation and dark ones (unseelies) would begun theirs.
The ancient ones would be terrified to cross the path of unseelies on their way to bed, and that night quickly get the reputation to be one of the biggest sabbaths of the year with one night exactly set six months later. That’s it: Halloween. The contrary happened (Unseelies woke up and seelies were going to bed) that night. You would spot no one outside on 30th April to May the first night (too afraid to met bad witches or even demons),
and in some north European countries, it is still traditional to disguise as witches and have fun outside (well, except not, this year).
So, one of the biggest sabbath, right? Unfortunately, a meeting with your coven is not an option during an epidemic. But guess this is still a good night to do rituals.