love9620 - Love9620

Lola| 27 years old| Disabled| Tyrus Shipper| Trans Woman| Disney Fan| Charmed Fan| Harry Potter Fan| Wicked Fan

463 posts



Is Jonah Alright?

*Lola's POV*

Ever since Jonah got bit by that Spider he's been acting different.. like more confident in himself.. and I guess that would be a good thing but not when he could have gotten killed by the School bully. Sure he was defending me but Puck is captain of the football team. Jonah could have gotten hurt. Come to think of it how did Jonah twist Puck's arm behind his back... Jonah's not that strong... I'm starting to wonder if that was your typical everyday spider that bit him. As I was lost in my thoughts I must've not been paying attention and slipped on something on the floor. My lunch tray went flying and some how Jonah caught it and everything landed up right on it.


"Jonah.." was all I was able to say. He handed me my tray and said "I- I gotta go." What is going on with him? I decided to fallowed him to see where he was going. I saw him run down the block and behind a building so I ran after him but once I got there he was gone with out a trace. I walked back to the school and I saw my brother talking to my Cousin Tj. "Hey, has Jonah been acting different to you guys?" I asked. "Not really." Marty said. "Yeah, he seems like the same old Jonah to me." Tj replied. "Ok, maybe it's just me." I said although I knew something was up and I was going to get to the bottom of it.

More Posts from Love9620

2 years ago
As A Wicked Fan I Love That They Are Doing This, As Now No Songs Will Be Cut And There's Still Room To

As a Wicked fan I love that they are doing this, as now no songs will be cut and there's still room to add the 4 new songs that they are adding. I love Wicked and I don't agree with people saying this is a money grab. They want to do justice to the Source Material and to me that means both the book and the musical. This also means that we might see Dorothy in Pt. 2 of the movie. Stephen Schwartz and Winnie Holzman are working on the movies as well. I just know those movies are going to be epic!

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2 years ago

Charmed: A New Beginning


Aaron's room

Charmed: A New Beginning

Aaron- Alex isn't in my room... I hope Asher finds him in the attic

Meanwhile In the attic

Charmed: A New Beginning

Asher- Well Alex is definitely not in the attic...

Just then the front door slammed shut. Asher and Aaron run down the stairs.

Alex- Fuck we lost the game!

Asher- Bro, You're not a werewolf?!?

Alex- I told you I got control of the wolf bro..

Aaron- How?

Alex- I'll show you bro...

Alex lead his brothers back to the attic and grabbed the book of shadows off the table.

Alex- See it's this spell right here bro...

Aaron and Asher look at the spell.

Asher- Um bro...

Aaron- This spell is in a different language....

Alex- What's the problem bro?

Aaron and Asher looked at each other.

Asher- We don't know this language bro...

Alex- Well I can understand at perfectly bro...

Aaron took a closer look at the spell and realized something.

Aaron- Well no wonder....

Asher- What bro?

Aaron- It's written in his father's handwriting...

Alex- David? Mom actually let him write in our book of shadows?!?

Aaron- I guess so...

Alex- Bro, my dad wrote this??

Aaron- It appears that way...

Alex turned to look at the picture of their mom and his father on the wall.

Charmed: A New Beginning

Alex- So is this like some sort of wolf magic bro? Did you know I would become a werewolf dad?

Aaron- He must have at least expected that you might otherwise he wouldn't have written that spell for you..

Asher- Yeah, in our book of shadows bro!

Aaron- Our mom might have cheated on dad with David but she must have loved him in order to let him write in the book of shadows...

Just then the picture started talking.

Amelia- I didn't Cheat!!

Alex/Aaron/Asher- Mom?!?

Amelia- Hello my darlings...

Aaron- How is this possible??

Amelia- Anything is possible when you're a spirit honey...

Asher- What do you mean that you didn't cheat? That's what dad always said!

Amelia- He wasn't telling the truth!

Aaron- So what is the truth?

Amelia- You're father and I got a divorce... He didn't take it very well... I let him say that I cheated because it made him feel better but now it's time I clear the air...

Alex- So Ryan lied about you cheating?

Amelia- That's correct... I married David a few years after the divorce. Asher you were just 2 years old at the time and Aaron you were just 3 months old... You probably don't remember that we shared custody of you boys for awhile...

Aaron- I don't remember that at all...

Asher- Neater do I....

Amelia- it was a wonderful year together...

Alex- You were only together for a year??

Amelia- Yes, you see your father was killed by a silver bullet...

Alex- So that true?!?

Amelia- It's true... But the night he died I had told him I was pregnant and he said that he was worried that if our child would also be part werewolf, he told me he knew of a spell that could help when you came of age to start going through the change so I had him write it in the book of shadows for you to find..

Alex- What do you mean come of age?

Amelia- A werewolf comes of age at 19...

Alex- Wait.. My 19th birthday was a week ago... was that you that lead me to the spell...

Amelia- Yes...

Alex- Then why did it work the first time I read it?? There was a full moon that night!

Amelia- David told me it probably wouldn't work right away... but you kept reading it right?

Alex- Yeah... and I felt like I had more control.

Amelia- See! I'm so proud of my three boys!

Aaron/Asher/Alex- Thanks mom

Amelia- Just one more thought before I go...

Aaron- What?

Amelia- Other Charmed Ones from different earth's are on the way... There's danger brewing... and they are coming to help.

Alex- What!

Aaron- What do you mean??

Amelia didn't answer.

Asher- Mom are you there?

Amelia still didn't answer.

Alex- I guess she's gone bro...

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5 years ago


*The Next Day*

I woke up to my alarm going off. "Time for another day at school." I said to myself. I got up and walk by my mirror that was hanging on my door. "Wow, is that me?" I said when I saw my reflection.


"What happened to me?" I asked myself. "Jonah." My mom called through the door. "Yeah?" I replied. "Hurry up! You're going to be late." She said as she walked down the stairs. I turned around to head to my dresser that's when I saw her through my window.


Lola... How was I going to explain this to her.. I didn't even know what happened. I turned around and continued getting ready. I ran down stairs. I couldn't believe how amazing I felt.


"Hey Dad." I said as I walked over to him. "Good morning Son." He replied. "Don't start painting the living room without me." I said as I got my backpack on. "I won't as long as you are home on time." He said as I walked out the door. "Hey Jonah." Lola said as she met me at the end of my driveway. "Hey babe." I replied. "You look different." She said. "Just woke up feeling great about myself." I replied. "Well that's good." Lola replied back.

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5 years ago

Here’s all the new footage from the new UK preview, leaving out the recap of past episodes.

5 years ago

My Andi Mack Fanfic's are on hold for the moment. A family friend passed away.

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