loycspotting - Your Friendly Neighborhood Ewan McGregor Stan
Your Friendly Neighborhood Ewan McGregor Stan

He/him | 20s

172 posts

Loycspotting - Your Friendly Neighborhood Ewan McGregor Stan - Tumblr Blog

5 months ago

My bike finally broke down on me, so guess who's about to walk an hour in the rain home from work? Wish me luck!

5 months ago

I've had some time to think about it and I'm feeling better!

I reminded myself that I'm the odd one out here. Of course people think I look weird! Just because I love Star Wars and Jedi doesn't mean everyone else feels the same and know what's going on. I'm in the real world not online. The unfortunate truth is that adults who dress up in costumes will always be seen as weirdos/immature/losers etc etc. I signed up for that when I decided to step outside wearing something unconventional. It sucks that I had some negative reactions. But you know what? I've started to have some positive ones too!

A little kid recognized my costume!

I got to take a picture with a coworker who dressed up today for her first time (up till now, I've been the only person in the whole store who's been dressing up) even though she's been scared to do it all week!

An elderly person exclaimed, "WOW, I love your outfit!" When I walked past them and said they wish more people were like me where they're from!

It's been a learning experience and I'm thankful for the reality check. I don't have to play by society's rules, but doing so is gonna make me an outsider. I gotta be okay with that 🤷

Thanks again for y'all's kind words! I love you guys 🫶

I really appreciate you guys. I wore my Jedi costume to work... let's just say my coworkers weren't as supportive as y'all...

I'm genuinely bummed out. I know my costumes aren't good. I don't get them special made or anything. I just use what's in my closet or from the thrift store. This is my third costume this week and I'm starting to realize I was probably being made fun of the entire time.

I know I'm not attractive. I can't help it. I wish I looked good like everyone else. I just like dressing up cuz it's fun. It's silly and makes me happy.

I'll still do Stranger Things tomorrow since it's supposed to be a group costume (even though I'm thinking I'm gonna be left hanging) and after that, I'm not sure...

I'm glad I have y'all. When I start getting down, I think about how y'all were nice to me 💜

5 months ago

I really appreciate you guys. I wore my Jedi costume to work... let's just say my coworkers weren't as supportive as y'all...

I'm genuinely bummed out. I know my costumes aren't good. I don't get them special made or anything. I just use what's in my closet or from the thrift store. This is my third costume this week and I'm starting to realize I was probably being made fun of the entire time.

I know I'm not attractive. I can't help it. I wish I looked good like everyone else. I just like dressing up cuz it's fun. It's silly and makes me happy.

I'll still do Stranger Things tomorrow since it's supposed to be a group costume (even though I'm thinking I'm gonna be left hanging) and after that, I'm not sure...

I'm glad I have y'all. When I start getting down, I think about how y'all were nice to me 💜

5 months ago
BEHOLD My Jedi Costume!

BEHOLD my Jedi costume!

At my job, we're allowed to wear Halloween costumes throughout the month of October!

It'd be a shame if I didn't dress up as at least ONE Ewan McGregor character.

Obi-Wan is probably the only genuine costumey character, but in the very likely event that I can't find the materials to do his outfit, I need a backup.

Can you guys help me brainstorm costumes to put together?

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5 months ago

I THRIFTED A JEDI COSTUME!!! I did it, everyone! I'm so proud!

Okay, so I gave up on trying to do an Obi-Wan costume specifically. People weren't going to recognize me as Obi-Wan even IF I had every screen accurate piece of clothing. I decided to just focus on making a generic Jedi costume whenever I got the time, but in the back of my mind, I figured it just wasn't going to happen. 🤷

On Friday, I'm doing a Stranger Things costume with some coworkers so I went on Pinterest to get some ideas and BOOM there was an ad for a Jedi cosplay for sale and it made me realize that I was seriously overthinking the costume! The cosplay in the ad gave me a whole new perspective on what I could put together myself!

After work, I shopped at the thrift store for my Stranger Things costume and didn't find what I needed so decided to give the Jedi costume another try. Guys. I'm SO happy with how this turned out!

I should've taken a picture before I put it in the wash 🤦 but I'll show y'all when it's done!

At my job, we're allowed to wear Halloween costumes throughout the month of October!

It'd be a shame if I didn't dress up as at least ONE Ewan McGregor character.

Obi-Wan is probably the only genuine costumey character, but in the very likely event that I can't find the materials to do his outfit, I need a backup.

Can you guys help me brainstorm costumes to put together?

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5 months ago
Drawing Some Of My Star Wars Characters As What They Would Look Like As Different Species
Drawing Some Of My Star Wars Characters As What They Would Look Like As Different Species
Drawing Some Of My Star Wars Characters As What They Would Look Like As Different Species
Drawing Some Of My Star Wars Characters As What They Would Look Like As Different Species
Drawing Some Of My Star Wars Characters As What They Would Look Like As Different Species

Drawing some of my Star Wars characters as what they would look like as different species

5 months ago

Reblogging for reach! I'm not an Obikin shipper, but I know several of my moots are. I'm curious what answers y'all have 👀

Obikin shippers, what do you think Obi-Wan would use as nicknames for Anakin, and vice-versa ? 👀

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5 months ago

You did great on her design! So beautiful!

I'm glad I didn't annoy you with all my prompts 😅 I wanted to give you options to choose from. Plus, I just enjoy thinking up prompts lol.

Thank you for doing another one 🥰

(Barriss absolutely deserved better 😔)

Hey, This One's Also For @loycspotting , Thanks For Sending So Much Prompts !!

Hey, this one's also for @loycspotting , thanks for sending so much prompts !! 🥰

The prompt was : Barriss Offee sitting in class and looking out the window

My girl Barriss, you didn't deserve the story they wrote for you 😔

Btw I loved drawing her design !

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5 months ago

I finally did it...I want to die.

I'm sorry. Y'all didn't follow for all this sad stuff. I don't have people offline to share my vulnerable self with so easily. I've tried and tried to push through and figure things out by myself. I just feel like an absolute wreck of a person. I'm not even a person. I have something I must do that I've been putting off, and of course, it must be done alone. I'm very scared and angry and crying as I type this. I can only hope against hope against hope against HOPE that I will finally receive peace when it is done. That I can move on and be normal and happy and a real person again. The kind of person you'll like. I've let my family down. I've let myself down. And I feel like I've let you down. Things will be different. They'll be better. I have to believe it.

5 months ago


Tahseen @tahseenkhazen | vetted | gfm | $13,421 USD raised of $25,000 goal

Ahed @nooraahed | vetted | gfm | €2,609 raised of €40,000 goal

Salem @salem-baker | vetted | gfm | €6,807 raised of €38,000 goal

Alsaidi family @suppormyfamily1 | vetted | gfm | £684 raised of £30,000 goal

Esraa @esraayyad14 | vetted | gfm | €22,248 raised of €45,000 goal

Darine @drdarine | vetted | gfm | $3,537 USD raised of $30,000 goal

Mahmoud @m-albalawi | vetted | gfm | €41,356 raised of €85,000 goal

Mohammed and Lana @mohammed2lana | unverified; ris clean; donations protected | gfm | €257 raised of €20,000 goal

Yahya @yahya-abu-zour | vetted | gfm | €3,407 raised of €35,000 goal

Eslam @eslamfamily3 | vetted | gfm | $10,136 USD raised of $50,000 goal

Hany @hanyfamily | vetted | gfm | €768 raised of €20,000 goal

Ghada @ghadafamily2 | vetted | gfm | €991 raised of €20,000 goal

Hassan @mmalakhasan | unverified; ris clean; donations protected | gfm | €538 raised of €25,000 goal

Ashraf @ashraffblog | vetted | gfm | €24,145 raised of €25,000 goal [VERY CLOSE TO THEIR GOAL]

Safaa @safaakhatib | vetted | gfm | €25,002 raised of €35,000 target

all blogs, links to verification, and gfms have been checked by me personally.

5 months ago
These Are Some Things I Bought Today At The Thrift Store To Prepare For Halloween! I Wanted To Put An

These are some things I bought today at the thrift store to prepare for Halloween! I wanted to put an outfit together that I can wear on the first of October.

My plan was to buy one full costume, but I had such a hard time and ended up finding different pieces for different costumes instead of one full costume. 🤷

Okay, so I know I said that I wouldn't do Curt Wild because of his inappropriate outfits. But y'all! Look at those pants! Are they not Curt's pants from his "Gimme Danger" scene??? I HAD to get them! There was also a microphone prop for sale (I didn't buy it). It was like a sign. If I can find some sexy, black, platform boots then fuck it, I'm dressing as Curt Wild. I might even go all out and buy a blond wig 👀.

I actually went to the store with the intention of putting together a thrifted Obi-Wan costume, but Jesus, it was impossible. I was almost tempted to just buy a Rey costume off the rack and call it a day but I'm glad I didn't. I did get some nice, super cheap, khaki pants out of it though. (Not pictured).

So far, it looks like Michael Jackson in "Remember the Time" will be my first costume. I have everything I need except the gold turtleneck. I also want to dress as him during his "Bad" era since I have a wig from last Halloween that I think I can turn into a mullet.

Anyway, the hunt for a Ewan costume continues!

Pro tip: MEN! Don't be afraid to shop in the women's section for your Halloween costume! They have all the good stuff, I'm telling you!

At my job, we're allowed to wear Halloween costumes throughout the month of October!

It'd be a shame if I didn't dress up as at least ONE Ewan McGregor character.

Obi-Wan is probably the only genuine costumey character, but in the very likely event that I can't find the materials to do his outfit, I need a backup.

Can you guys help me brainstorm costumes to put together?

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5 months ago

Everyone's songs that were requested got played yesterday!

Song Requests!

So, last week my job started something called "Request Friday" where employees could write in song requests that would then be played on the store speaker. It was a hit! Everyone had a lot of fun and it boosted team morale!

Well, I thought it'd be fun to take song requests from you guys and write them in at work tomorrow in your honor! 😁


The songs MUST be clean! Meaning no vulgarity or explicit sexual/violent lyrics. This includes even "tame" curse words like damn/hell. It is a workplace environment after all and they're very strict about what customers may hear.

Not a rule but a preference: high tempo songs are preferred because of the fast-paced nature of the job. Slow songs, in turn, tend to slow us down 🤷

That's pretty much it!

Also, songs in Spanish are VERY WELCOME!

Leave your request in the comments or tags and I'll submit what I can tomorrow. Let's see how it goes!

If you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to ask! 🫶

5 months ago

Obi-Wan Kenobi & Qui-Gon Jinn aka The Negotiator & The Maverick

Obi-Wan Kenobi & Qui-Gon Jinn Aka The Negotiator & The Maverick
Obi-Wan Kenobi & Qui-Gon Jinn Aka The Negotiator & The Maverick
5 months ago

Just wanted to say that you're super cool and I hope you're having a good weekend!

Oh wow, thank you so much! You're so kind! I hope life is treating you kindly 🫶

5 months ago

Yay! This is so cute! I wasn't sure if everyone's prompts would get drawn or how you wanted to do it, so I'm absolutely stoked that you drew this! 😁

Mace deserves way more love in the fandom! Thank you for drawing my prompt! 🫶

This One's For @loycspotting

This one's for @loycspotting ☄️

The prompt was : Mace Windu holding two younglings! One in each arm

I'm soo slow with these prompts I'm sorry, but now I'm back at my place and should be able to draw more regularly !

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6 months ago

Song Requests!

So, last week my job started something called "Request Friday" where employees could write in song requests that would then be played on the store speaker. It was a hit! Everyone had a lot of fun and it boosted team morale!

Well, I thought it'd be fun to take song requests from you guys and write them in at work tomorrow in your honor! 😁


The songs MUST be clean! Meaning no vulgarity or explicit sexual/violent lyrics. This includes even "tame" curse words like damn/hell. It is a workplace environment after all and they're very strict about what customers may hear.

Not a rule but a preference: high tempo songs are preferred because of the fast-paced nature of the job. Slow songs, in turn, tend to slow us down 🤷

That's pretty much it!

Also, songs in Spanish are VERY WELCOME!

Leave your request in the comments or tags and I'll submit what I can tomorrow. Let's see how it goes!

If you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to ask! 🫶

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6 months ago

I'm the DJ at work today!

6 months ago

Padawan braids should be far more decorated I don't care

I want them to have beads and bows and jewels and rings and bells and-

I want them to scream culture, to scream tradition, to scream history!!!

6 months ago

Just wanna say I love you. Thank you for your companionship and community.

6 months ago

Want to learn something new in 2022??

Absolute beginner adult ballet series (fabulous beginning teacher)

40 piano lessons for beginners (some of the best explanations for piano I’ve ever seen)

Excellent basic crochet video series

Basic knitting (probably the best how to knit video out there)

Pre-Free Figure Skate Levels A-D guides and practice activities (each video builds up with exercises to the actual moves!)

How to draw character faces video (very funny, surprisingly instructive?)

Another drawing character faces video

Literally my favorite art pose hack

Tutorial of how to make a whole ass Stardew Valley esque farming game in Gamemaker Studios 2??

Introduction to flying small aircrafts

French/Dutch/Fishtail braiding

Playing the guitar for beginners (well paced and excellent instructor)

Playing the violin for beginners (really good practical tips mixed in)

Color theory in digital art (not of the children’s hospital variety)

Retake classes you hated but now there’s zero stakes:

Calculus 1 (full semester class)

Learn basic statistics (free textbook)

Introduction to college physics (free textbook)

Introduction to accounting (free textbook)

Learn a language:

Ancient Greek




Japanese (grammar guide) (for dummies)


Russian (pretty good cyrillic guide!)

6 months ago

At my job, we're allowed to wear Halloween costumes throughout the month of October!

It'd be a shame if I didn't dress up as at least ONE Ewan McGregor character.

Obi-Wan is probably the only genuine costumey character, but in the very likely event that I can't find the materials to do his outfit, I need a backup.

Can you guys help me brainstorm costumes to put together?

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6 months ago
Its Way Too Hot Today So I Made These

It’s way too hot today so I made these

6 months ago

I'm sorry. Y'all didn't follow for all this sad stuff. I don't have people offline to share my vulnerable self with so easily. I've tried and tried to push through and figure things out by myself. I just feel like an absolute wreck of a person. I'm not even a person. I have something I must do that I've been putting off, and of course, it must be done alone. I'm very scared and angry and crying as I type this. I can only hope against hope against hope against HOPE that I will finally receive peace when it is done. That I can move on and be normal and happy and a real person again. The kind of person you'll like. I've let my family down. I've let myself down. And I feel like I've let you down. Things will be different. They'll be better. I have to believe it.

6 months ago

This is cool as hell! I wish I was talented like this

pencils were invented by the devil

Pencils Were Invented By The Devil