This Is A Sketch Of Grougo In The Monks/priests Threadbare Hooded Robe. I Didnt Know What Hairstyle Hed

This is a sketch of Grougo in the monks/priests threadbare hooded robe. I didn’t know what hairstyle he’d have, but since you can completely manipulate the hair length on vecnas scalp, almost any style is possible. So I went with the one I have in real life, shaved sides and the rest is long. I like longer eared orcs after I saw a pic of one, so that’s why his ears are longer than orcs ears usually are
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The second sketch, the wings are open. My background for him was that he was born on Walpurgis night, which is an ill omen to the firbolg (made it up entirely) because the firbolgs born on those nights are clad in raven fur, and are generally evil natured. Which as a Druid in the firbolg community that’s a no no. So on those nights a fey being comes, to whisk those children away to the fey wild to be trained as guardians of the green. They are given a special seed from the fey tree (like the world tree, it’s the magical epicenter for the fey wild and keeps the veil that separates it in place, also completely made up!) this seed then grows into a weapon that can change form, a halberd/spear form with a petrified wood blade, a staff, a sword with hard thorn spikes that rip and tear and later apply poison, and a bow with arrows that sprout from the thorns he breaks off the bow (the bow string is giant spider silk, everything that lives on the tree becomes a part of it in a way. Like king from seven deadly sins who inspired this weapon!) he never received a name from his parents and has never met them. His name came from the fey mother, she raises all the firbolg children. So with no connection to his people or anyone aside from the fey mother and the green, he follows out his orders with no hesitation
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I’m not sure what you mean
What’s your “love language???”
Don’t fuck’n hug me! Draw your sword out and cut me! Let us duel, clash our hard steel together, just the tip! Gliding across flesh! Let’s stain the bedsheets crimson from carnal intimacy! Our scarred flesh a detailed patchwork of passion! Its not skin-deep, our bond cuts to the bone! Cleave our hearts open and rip them out, the useless organ only gets in the way. In death we shall be together forever more, in a cold, icy embrace
•car musings 666th, my version of “love” as I don’t feel that particular emotion but think about it a lot•

This was another prototype, you can see the outfit has more or less taken shape, I prefer my characters barefoot as I don’t like shoes all that much. But he really needed combat heels to sell that THIC slut vibe I wanted. I added more bulk, but he still lacked them thic curves. The giant weapon was from a 1 off campaign, it was one of those hallway swinging axe trap things, I rolled a nat20 and ripped it out the wall. So it became weapon for that character. In my mind I always pictured Grougo snaring someone with the whip then slicing them with some huge weapon. He mostly got to that point, except with the sword of kaz

And this is the last prototype, but it’s basically the final form of the outfit. The long hair sleeves add that dramatic touch, inspired by bayonetta’s outfit in the first game. I also went with a bun since bayonetta had that cool wrapped hair cone in the first game, I wanted to capture that same vibe.