THIS IS ME - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

shoutout to slow growers, late bloomers, people whose plans got derailed by circumstances beyond their control or their own choices, people who never had a plan to begin with, people who have had to start over when theyre too old to feel like theyre supposed to be where they are, people who cant pretend theyre built for the environment theyre in, and everyone who's not living the life they thought they would. im proud of you for making it this far and i hope you keep going until youre happy ♡

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8 years ago

If this ain't me I don't know what is

me once a week: messages everyone apologising for not replying to their texts, gets overwhelmed when they all reply, doesn’t respond again for another week

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4 months ago

being on tumblr for a long time but never reading homestuck like

An edited Aslan meme: "I was (in the general area but looking at something else) when it was written"

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1 year ago
The Bowuigi Tag Rn

the bowuigi tag rn

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5 months ago
realribs - vibes i guess?

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What’s your “love language???”


Don’t fuck’n hug me! Draw your sword out and cut me! Let us duel, clash our hard steel together, just the tip! Gliding across flesh! Let’s stain the bedsheets crimson from carnal intimacy! Our scarred flesh a detailed patchwork of passion! Its not skin-deep, our bond cuts to the bone! Cleave our hearts open and rip them out, the useless organ only gets in the way. In death we shall be together forever more, in a cold, icy embrace

•car musings 666th, my version of “love” as I don’t feel that particular emotion but think about it a lot•

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1 year ago

I love you "boring" female characters. I love you ingenues. I love you female characters who aren't "modern" enough. I love you female characters who aren't "badass" enough. iI love you female characters who aren't "empowering" enough. I love you quiet female characters. I love you unappreciated female characters. I love you polite female characters. I love you female characters who "can't appeal to modern audiences." I love you frightened female characters. I love you female characters labeled as not complex just for being nice. I love you female characters who get criticism just for not being their tomboy or femme fatale counterpart. I love you silk hiding steel trope.

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2 years ago

I love the Dracula Daily progression of:

“Uh, adaptions seem to not know what to do with Jonathan. That sucks, he deserves better :/“

“Adaptions have Mina fall in love with WHOM?? Why would they do this to her??”


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10 months ago

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🌻 If you get this, answer with 3 random facts about yourself and send it to the last 7 blogs in your notifications, anonymously or not! Let's get to know the person behind the blog 🌻

I never know what to say to these questions, but here we go...

1. I love love love music! I will listen to anything, from country to classic rock to old rap

2. I love anything with a boho, beachy, or western vibe. Literally everything in my closet screams boho, outer banks wannabe, ranch owner 😂

3. I want to go into the criminal justice field, but I always see movies and TV shows and behind the scenes type things and think it would be fun to be an actress

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1 year ago

Day 1 of making pictures of my younger self into memes 🤣

Day 1 Of Making Pictures Of My Younger Self Into Memes

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6 years ago

I was so proud of myself cuz I filled up 2 goodwill boxes after going through my closet. The next step in my brain was to take the boxes to my car, so I looked for my keys for like 20 minutes, and I couldn’t find them. So now I’m frozen on the couch cuz even though I logically know that I can and should do the other steps in this project without taking the boxes to my car first, I just can’t make myself do it.

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