Bayonetta - Tumblr Posts

10 months ago



Have slik hair

Wear Bayonetta glasses

Stylish hats

Intellectual jewelry (clock, small elegant earings)

Always be on point

Low waist flare trousers


Button up shirts

Black vests

Designer bags

Neutral colors (black white,grey,brown etc)

Black heels

Mary janes


Stiletto heels

Pencil skirts

Midi skirts

Simple and elegant makeup



Hard working

Social, everyone knows her


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1 year ago

Somebody requested me to draw Bayonetta, so I did!

Somebody Requested Me To Draw Bayonetta, So I Did!

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7 years ago
Growing Jeanne (Comm)

Growing Jeanne (Comm)

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5 years ago
Merry Christmas, Everybody! Dont Forget The Caviar!

Merry Christmas, Everybody! Don’t forget the Caviar!

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This Was My Most Recent D&D Character, His Name Is Grougaloragran Kaldur Ahm Malathuh Ahk Kara Kesh,

This was my most recent D&D character, his name is Grougaloragran Kaldur ‘ahm Malathuh ‘ahk Kara Kesh, those he considers close friends or lovers can call him Grougo. He’s a 312 year old half Orc, rouge (assassin) I think and warlock (pact of blade, his pact weapon is the sword of kaz). His backstory is kinda long, his mother was human, she wasn’t a Druid but she would practice Druid rituals. They lived in a very religious part of the city (I’m not very familiar with the names of most places in D&D because I rarely have the chance to play. The city started with a V like vasilheim or something) the church didn’t like nonhumans so they approached grougo’s mother with the intent to punish her as a witch or they could take her son and turn a blind eye to her “witchcraft” and being the wonderful mother she was, she gave her son to them. He was spirited away to the churches basement cells, where they began their experiments. Elves trying to contact the queen of blades had the idea of using Vecna’s artifacts to open a means of communication. They had in their possession Vecna’s scalp, which they attached to the young half Orc, after scalping him prior, and began the ritual. In the process of using him as a conduit his soul was lost to the void, claimed by some unknown entity. The ritual failed and he was placed in a cell and forgotten about for years, losing his soul had caused him to become a revenant-like being (I think that’s how the DM explained it. Grougo triggers templars who can sense undead tho he really isn’t dead) his skin grew pale and the telltale white streak from Vecna’s scalp was there. In the hundreds of years to follow Grougo created a 30 foot whip, woven from hair on Vecna’s scalp and decorated with a red ribbon that was part of a banner for the queen of blades (the bronze embellishments were added later after he escaped, he stole many religious figures and he’d them melted down). He then fled the city in nothing but a threadbare hooded priests robes, hiding his face and tusks and white streaked hair was important. With his pale skin, he more or less looked human. That’s when he joined the party, and after 312 years locked up in old church basement he was ready to get laid. During the parties adventures Grougo often didn’t need to spend any coin on lodgings, he would seduce some man that struck his fancy with a lucky nat 20 and stay with him for a few nights. Pesky guards not letting the party into the city, Grougo is on it! A short trip behind some shrubs and the party can continue the quest. Later on Grougo started having strange dreams, about a sword and revenge against Vecna. A trip back to the abandoned church and into the cells below, revealed a hidden room where the sword of kaz lie chained down. I reimagined what the sword would look like, the pictures I saw looked kinda boring for a magical sentient vampire sword. The hearts are Grougo’s flavored eldritch blasts, he blows heart shaped kisses that explode on contact and sound like a tongue pop. His outfit in this pic I drew is inspired by bayonetta, it’s Vecna’s hair turned into clothes. And he found those combat heels off a previous enemy, he sounds like a joke to most people when I describe him but he’s very reliable and versatile in combat

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This Was Another Prototype, You Can See The Outfit Has More Or Less Taken Shape, I Prefer My Characters

This was another prototype, you can see the outfit has more or less taken shape, I prefer my characters barefoot as I don’t like shoes all that much. But he really needed combat heels to sell that THIC slut vibe I wanted. I added more bulk, but he still lacked them thic curves. The giant weapon was from a 1 off campaign, it was one of those hallway swinging axe trap things, I rolled a nat20 and ripped it out the wall. So it became weapon for that character. In my mind I always pictured Grougo snaring someone with the whip then slicing them with some huge weapon. He mostly got to that point, except with the sword of kaz

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And This Is The Last Prototype, But Its Basically The Final Form Of The Outfit. The Long Hair Sleeves

And this is the last prototype, but it’s basically the final form of the outfit. The long hair sleeves add that dramatic touch, inspired by bayonetta’s outfit in the first game. I also went with a bun since bayonetta had that cool wrapped hair cone in the first game, I wanted to capture that same vibe.

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The Last Drawing Of The Prototypes, I Liked This One But He Didnt Have The Whip So I Had To Draw It Again.

The last drawing of the prototypes, I liked this one but he didn’t have the whip so I had to draw it again. He needed that THIC vibe so I drew him with my thunder thighs, and that did the trick! I decided to take the wings off the neon pink heart, it was already gay enough

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8 months ago

Just started the first Bayonetta. I am not out of the cemetery yet but the gameplay sure looks fun. There are a lot of boobs and butts already lol. All the time I am like "yeah, you go girl, kick those angels' asses" And she does. I still don't know why she has beef with them but you go girl. The narrating while fighting at the start was really stressful and I got almost nothing of that dialogue, so I'll have to look it up later. Cool to see the story of my main in super smash bros

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6 months ago

So apparently I found the best way to cheese the Rodin fight in bayo 3. If you use the clock tower and use the umbran armor, instead of losing health you lose magic, and you also can dodge indefinitely until the armor is on AND activate witch time by dodging perfectly. Since you can spam dodge chances are that you are gonna get a perfect dodge every once in a while, especially since Rodin is so fast, and dodging perfectly actually gives you some more magic other than activating witch time. For the attacking part, just mash the button to shoot, don't hold it, press it repeatedly. It does far more damage that way, and you can get one health bar down in about two witch times (I had the climax earring and also used the earring that raises your summon's attack tho, so try these). With this strategy I got a pure platinum rating, so that's something. If you run out of magic there is a possibility that the clocktower will go back to being the clocktower so activate it while in witch time so Rodin doesn't kick your ass during the semi-cutscene. The armor is especially good if you struggle mostly with the black hole attack, since the attack will lower magic instead of hp. Be sure to have Rosa's weapon equipped too because it looks cool and if you wanna attack while not in the armor the basic combo with the demon attack at the end will launch Rodin in the air, making him (almost always) do a dive attack that is easily predictable and basically gives you free witch time. This was really fun!

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6 months ago


It's so weird that some demons in bayonetta 3 don't come back, like the six arms, they were cool, and had development: in the first game they tried to play volleyball with the golem and failed, while in the second they actually do it! So proud of them but where are they??? Like, it would have been so cool to see them back...

Also, the train could have been replaced by scholopendra, I really miss that guy.

And the kraken could have been replaced by the hydra since they are so similar in use...

Or queen Sheba. Now, I know that most people don't like the ending, and they are right as hell. It would have been so cool if the three Bayonettas in the end summoned queen Sheba together and kick singularity's ass and as a reward for finishing the game (maybe only in infinite climax?) You get her weapon and her summon, even if it was just a recolour of Madame Butterfly... (I would prefer it to be her own demon tho)

I don't get why Alrune returned instead. In the lore there is only one version of the demons. Rodin is the same in every universe, and so are other demons. In Bayo 2 Rodin kills her and uses her to create the whip, so she shouldn't be alive, right? Instead she is. Weird.

Rodin being summonable is so fucking cool, I wish they gave us post game where Cereza uses his powered up form like with Gomorrah and Madame Butterfly and Baal Zebul. I just wish there were more of those fights tbh. The clocktower and the big split bats never got any action, while Madame and Gomorrah were summoned about three times... I get that they are fan favourites, but I really wanted to see other demons too...

The clocktower is so cool btw, it can give you witch time whenever you want, or can turn into a mech that can beat Rodin's ass easily (see my previous post), or it can slap big enemies, or make bombs rain on the battlefield! How cool is that??? All while being a clocktower! That's so cool. I admit that when I saw it for the first time I thought it was just a demon to fill the roster. But when Bayo used its witch time bell in a cutscene I audibly gasped (mostly because I didn't even try using it) like, how cool is it to be able to use witch time with the fallen clocktower of the umbra clan infested by the spirits of the fallen umbra witches??? The clock that symbolizes Rosa's death! It was a big deal that it was destroyed according to the previous games' lore, because a lot of witches died in it, and it was the same day that Rosa died (in the main universe)! And you get it by shooting Rosa and killing her as Cereza! That's so fucking good! I love the clocktower so much.

Gomorrah is underwhelming tbh. I expected something more powerful. Like, Madame is good during all of the game, but Gomorrah is just, kinda there??? I love it, but I rarely use it. If I ever used it at all, actually...

BAAL IS SO PRECIOUS. I love her so much! Little (not so much) frog that sings! And when she sings it's such a good attack too! It hits everything and some people use her against Rodin too. She just wants to sing for her master, and when she finally does... Oh boy! That was an amazing scene! The rhythm game was hard tho... So I kinda killed the mood by taking some damage and I am so sorry. The little hands coming from hell with glowing sticks to vibe to her music is so funny, and both of her designs are so appealing. One side is "hehe royal froge" And the other is "queen of opera". Anyway she uses her tadpoles as bombs and that's fucking hilarious, it's like, a dragapult situation, the kids just explode!

The two big bats are cool I guess... They didn't get much screen time and are useful only in like, three situations, which all involve a barrier that makes enemies invisible. And if you squint hard enough you actually see the enemies on your own when they attack so it's not that useful. I like that they separate when they attack but Labolas does that better.

Labolas are four good kitties and I would die for them.

Madame Butterfly is so fucking funny for no fucking reason! She does a kamehameha and kicks butts while taking a nice bath, what an icon. Maybe they overused her a bit along with Gomorrah.

The war train is... Underwhelming? Is that the right word? Idk... Like, you have all these flashy fights but then time stops so that you can place binaries on the battlefield... Baal's song does it's job better. If you wanna hit multiple enemies at the same time use Baal. Basically useless in any boss fight and awkward to use in battle. A shame, really, because I like the concept of throwing a fucking train in someone's face.

Cheshire Is cool, as much as I hate playing as Viola, Cheshire is so goofy and silly when he attacks. He's a good kitty.

Phantasmanereae is cool, but I preferred the black version in other Bayonettas... It's still cool, don't get me wrong, it's just... I don't know. It's cool that it can use webs to imprison enemies but I don't use it much. I prefer its weapon. I like to walk on walls.

Malphas crow is actually so cool in white, and it looks so smart! That's a smart boi right there, I am sure. It has so many eyes! So cute! I wanna pet one.

The kraken... I don't use it much. Similar to Gomorrah, but it's not as iconic so... Meh. I know there was a glitch where people used it to win against Rodin but it's been patched before I started playing so... Idk. Cool that it's basically both the first and the last boss I guess? Gives me that sweet ringkomposition feel I like (and I don't like spelling). I like the ink theme, but I never really use it's summon or its weapon unless it's for using all weapons.

I think that the demons are over? There is Jeanne's version of Madame Butterfly, but I never use Jeanne because i like witch time a lot. And it's basically the same demon.

(Yes this post has become a review of the demons mid writing, thanks for noticing)

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5 years ago
Hey!! First Actual Post On This Account So Lets Go With An Oldie

Hey!! first actual post on this account so let’s go with an oldie

i drew this back in January or February i think? it was for a homework so i decided to do a “promotional poster” for Smash even though it’s been out since last december. 

Bayonetta and Lucina are among my faves to use but i love Sonic and K. Rool too

for some reason this one got reposted in a couple other accounts in Instagram when i uploaded it?? one didn’t credit me but that’s alright, it got fixed in the end

i should’ve probably signed it ngl but here’s the instagram post

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Bayonetta 3 Shirts In The Sims 4?? Its More Likely Than You ThinkPorted By Yours Truly! Theyre Not The
Bayonetta 3 Shirts In The Sims 4?? Its More Likely Than You ThinkPorted By Yours Truly! Theyre Not The
Bayonetta 3 Shirts In The Sims 4?? Its More Likely Than You ThinkPorted By Yours Truly! Theyre Not The
Bayonetta 3 Shirts In The Sims 4?? Its More Likely Than You ThinkPorted By Yours Truly! Theyre Not The

Bayonetta 3 shirts in the sims 4?? it’s more likely than you think Ported by yours truly! They’re not the best out there but it’s my first time messing with stuff like CC (not use, but like, modify and all) Dunno if I should set them up for download. Though I’m sure there’s plenty of people out there that also play with Bayo characters in Ts4 lol

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9 years ago
Here's Some Shit Doodles Of Bayonetta What Can I Say, I Got Carried Away
Here's Some Shit Doodles Of Bayonetta What Can I Say, I Got Carried Away
Here's Some Shit Doodles Of Bayonetta What Can I Say, I Got Carried Away

Here's some shit doodles of Bayonetta What can I say, I got carried away

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8 years ago
I Really Been Trying To Actually Have Myself Draw Something Nice But With The New Job I Have, I Just
I Really Been Trying To Actually Have Myself Draw Something Nice But With The New Job I Have, I Just

I really been trying to actually have myself draw something nice but with the new job I have, i just managed to draw these in sticky notes

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7 years ago
Have An Update!
Have An Update!
Have An Update!
Have An Update!
Have An Update!
Have An Update!

Have an update!

Sorry for not being so up to date with my art blog since I am, to be honest, somewhat clueless in how to start offering my artwork to people and upstarting my freelancing business I want to start lol. My current scanner/printer, after many years of working condition, has stopped scanning properly and I do not how to fix it :/

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7 months ago

Turns out....

Turns Out....
Turns Out....
Turns Out....

....I do have a type...

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