luwritesomething - lu (taylor's version)
lu (taylor's version)

lu. she/her. entp. gemini. xviii

318 posts

Michael's Slander To Toby Flenderson Is Starting To Hurt LET THE MAN LIVE HIS LIFE

michael's slander to toby flenderson is starting to hurt LET THE MAN LIVE HIS LIFE

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More Posts from Luwritesomething

3 years ago

I- i believe in jj supremacy. that's it.

Me: I Watch This Show For The Plotthe Plot:
Me: I Watch This Show For The Plotthe Plot:
Me: I Watch This Show For The Plotthe Plot:
Me: I Watch This Show For The Plotthe Plot:
Me: I Watch This Show For The Plotthe Plot:
Me: I Watch This Show For The Plotthe Plot:
Me: I Watch This Show For The Plotthe Plot:
Me: I Watch This Show For The Plotthe Plot:
Me: I Watch This Show For The Plotthe Plot:
Me: I Watch This Show For The Plotthe Plot:

me: i watch this show for the plot the plot: 

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3 years ago


i said i was bringing a part 2 and here it is. part 1 is here. jj deserves love and validation and i'm here to give him both. also this is longer,,,

• can play the ukelele because kiara taught him some chords but never actually learned all the other chords because he has a lack of patience.

• makes a lot of disney movie references.

• his favorites are simba ones

• he makes a lot of dad jokes

• and bad jokes

• he does a lot of jokes

• he thinks they are hilarious

• one time he spent half and hour laughing at his own joke

• kiara timed it.

• jj laughs at friendship bracelets but he wants one so bad.

• he really likes it when kiara or pope start rambling about smartass - as he puts it - things and he can't understand shit. he likes to listen to them.

• and boy is he a great listener

• wants to have two kids and teach them how to surf.

• considered joining the selling weed business but pope convinced him it was a horrible idea.

• he really likes how vanilla smells but doesn't like the taste

• also, jj's favorite color is blue

• and green

• and he likes red a lot

• oh and also grey

• and that's probably what he'd say if you ask him

• he can't decide

• he was the kid that when someone was going to buy him an ice-cream he would collapse at the time of choosing between chocolate and strawberry

• then ended up always picking strawberry

• because he doesn't like the little pieces of chocolate that the ice-cream brings.

• jj takes the most stupid decisions when he is stressed

• also when he is not because stupid decisions have good outcomes all the time.

• jj is clingy and he is constantly hugging his friends

• he's touch starved, my poor baby.


• he bets on everything

• and he loses a lot of bets.

• "ten bucks he falls from his board in like ten seconds"

• "bet"

• has 'acab' drawn on his sneaker's sole.

• swears like a sailor

• he would always try not to swear in front of his friends' parents.

• he knows he is already considered the bad influence and he doesn't want to cause his friends any trouble.

• another book he has read is the first one of the series the famous five

• he still owns that book and has read it like a hundred times

• he really likes it.

• can't understand communism

• and doesn't know why we can't print more money

• "inflation, deflation! whatever it is, it's all made up!"

• raging feminist

• if he wasn't a feminist he would be the type to do the 'that's what she said' jokes

• but he is so,,,

• thinks chapstick and lipstick are hot

• dances. a lot. and really good. he really likes dancing.

• master with the skate. his cousin ricky taught him.

• won't apply sunscreen unless someone applies it for him.

• he steals things for the people he likes as in,,, his friends. if you don't accept it he gets upset.

• jj digs mayo as much as he digs surfing.

• he only uses blue ink pens.

• doesn't know how to pray.

• he has family on florida, but he only saw them once - it's the family of the cousin with the dolls.

• kiwis makes his tongue itch.

• would let his girl friends - as in friends who are girls - put make up on him and paint his nails in the most horrible colors, as long as they take it off afterwards and take no pictures.


• he has this cozy big grey sweatshirt and cozy grey sweatpants he wears 24/7 on winter and cold summer nights

• he's very private about his nights and the girls he hooks up with. when he does brag, he gives no names unless he is talking to kie - his biggest confidant.

• jj has no feeling for kie lol fuck it

• hates school

• for some reason he's really good at physical education and chemistry.

• john b teased him for months about liking chemistry.

• he has like, what, five jobs and likes none of them because he still hasn't gotten over the fact he will never be able to be a kook.

• he's banned from mcdonald's for life

• pope has to get his happy meals.

• taco bell >>> mcdonald's

• happy meal >>> everything else

• survives on junk, fatty, processed food and only works out on his own for like one day every two weeks

• and john b hates him for it.

• has a thing for cherry chapstick. drives him crazy.

• he would be good at spanish if he at least tried.

• you bet he has a drawer with clothes of his own in all his friends' rooms - and at ricky's too.

• he feels cold easily, even on summer.

• and he gets like a baby when he is cold.

• he throws tantrums, a lot.

• jj's in dire need of attention.

• he pets every single dog he sees on the street. he's going late to work? doesn't matter, he's taking his time to pet the fucking dog anyways.

• most loyal friends (and boyfriends). CANON.

• he'll defend you with his life, even if he knows you're not right.

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3 years ago

heyyy I hope you’re having a great day/evening I wanted to know if you could write a connor murphy x reader while the reader is on their period ? I started my period and I’m about to cry 😭 and can you do with the pronouns she/her ? It’s totally okay if you don’t tho ! Tysmmmm have a great day ! <33

Connor Murphy x Reader: What's gotten into you?

Reader pronouns: she/her

Edited?: we know the answer,,, no.

Summary: Reader is on their period.

Author's note: OMG YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW WEIRD THIS REQUEST WAS. I'M ON MY PERIOD TOO AND I WAS THINKING ABOUT WRITING FOR CONNOR WITH A READER ON THEIR PERIOD TO MAKE ME FEEL BETTER AND THEN BOOM YOU LOVELY PERSON CAME AND REQUESTED IT WHAT THE HELLLLL. anyway so i made it into headcanons because im on my period so i get to do whatever i want. thank you for requesting, love you <3. hope you like it!! criticism is always appreciated and request are open!


so, you had been acting weird during the whole day and apart from connor being a perspective person, he knew when his girlfriend was feeling off.

you weren't exactly moody, not in from a bickering to sweet talking kind of way at least.

it was more like from being a clingy mess to connor - who wasn't used to receiving such attention and pda when you two were in school, mainly because he didn't want anyone to laugh at you for dating him -, to needing a shit ton of personal space in order to not feel overwhelmed.

connor was pretty discreet with everything that had to do with you and your relationship. that's the main reason why he didn't confront you about his behavior.

but once you two were alone in his - zoe's car, who by the way had jazz band -, he did.

"are you going to tell me what's gotten into you or not?" he asked as he started the car.

before you could answer, one of those horrible period cramps hit you and you folded yourself foward, arms around your belly and closing your eyes shut like it would hold back the pain.

connor was so close to freaking out he almost pulled over the fucking car.

"y/n? what-"

"i'm okay," you nodded and stopped folding yourself, even though your arms were still around your belly and you were feeling extremely uncomfortable in your own body ", i'm just on my period"


now it all made more sense. connor had no idea if it was true that people on their period got moody, but he had read about it.

"you're running okay on pads or whatever you use?" he asked after some minutes of thinking in silence. you glanced at him, a sweet smile crawling onto your lips "y'know, we can stop and buy them if you need them"

"i'm okay, con" you smiled at him a bit wider.

"you wanna cancel plans for tonight? i completely understand if you don't feel like doing anything"

your parents were having a business diner that night and both you and connor had agreed you were having an intense movie night and a sleepover.

thinking of yourself having to go through a whole first night on your period BY YOURSELF made you want to throw up, to be honest.

because it sucked.

"i don't want to cancel anything," you shook your head, and he nodded "i think i could use some company, some cuddles..."

connor nodded, agreeing, and kinda glad you hadn't cancel anything.

he pulled over on your house's sidewalk and grabbed your backpack for you.

it made you smile and even though you still were able to carry your own backpack, you allowed him to do it because you knew he was just trying to do something nice for you.

connor hated small talk, especially with your parents, but he did some for you while you went upstairs to change into more comfortable clothes, him staying on the living room with them until you came down.

he was careful not to screw anything up. your parents knew you two were dating but they didn't know he was staying for the night, and that should remain unknown for them.

"take care of our y/n, connor," said you dad to him while they were getting ready to leave "she's feeling kind of down" and winked at him.

"i'll do, sir"

and that was like a promise to him.

s soon as your parents left, he made sure you were more comfortable than ever.

connor let you choose the three movies you two ere going to watch that night, which was odd because he never gave up his turn.

and he let you throw your legs over his lap because he knew you'd be more comfortable that way.

you chose movies you could critize" home alone, love actually and back to the future.

"con, i'm cold" you muttered half-way home alone, removing your legs from his lap and leaning against him.

in silence, connor got up, got a blanket and came back to the sofa.

he threw the blanket over your bodies, let his arm rest around you shoulder and scooted you closed to him so he could cuddle you.

whenever you got really bad cramps he'll hold you close and put his hand on your belly in an attempt to sooth your pain.

connor would order pizza and would search for your favorite ice-cream in your freezer and encourage you to not feel guilty about eating it.

he would be so gentle and sweet with you, trying to make you feel better and distracted from your miserable state. he would make things so much better and you would be grateful for it.

oh and he'll also stop the movie everytime you needed to change your pad or whatever you used for period.

"you sure you're good?"

"hm-hm. thanks, connor"

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3 years ago
Looks Like They Forgot Someone! Dont Worry Its Fixed

looks like they forgot someone! don’t worry its fixed

3 years ago


Freight and Deceit

Freight And Deceit

Dodge Mason X Fem!oc

Use of She/Her pronouns

Info: ( ) = test message, { } = thoughts, bold = Heather or background voice

Overview: Part one of this series, fixed it up a bit and gave it a name finally, and please support <3

Warnings: Swearing, smoking, underage drinking, blood (a little), and my writing.

Part Two:

Part Three:




Every small town has a secret. Ours has a game. The losers stay here where losing is what we do best. The winners get out. In Carp, Texas, out is the only place worth going. That's why players risk their lives to win. But the game isn't meant to kill you. And it won't. If you follow one rule. Don't panic. The truth is, Panic started like a lot of things out here. Because it was summer, and there was nothing else to do. The games had always started right after graduation and lasted throughout the summer. All graduating seniors are eligible to play. Sometimes 40 players enter. Sometimes half that. But there is only one winner. Each year there are new players, new challenges, new judges. But the game has ghosts, too. We never have to say their names. They know where to find us. They know we aren't going anywhere. "And now what you've been waiting for... the graduates." Nora sat in her seat, patiently waiting for the principal to call out her name, fumbling with the bracelet on her wrist as she stared at the back of her classmates head, remarking on what made her like or hate them so much,

"Natalie Williams." Heather and Nora both ushered Nat to the front, the gleeful girl skipping to the stage.

"Bishop Moore."

"Don't trip." Nora teased, Bishop only scoffed as he walked to the podium.

"Heather Nill." The blonde walked up the stage, the brunette giving her a thumbs-up as she collected her degree.

"Nora Ramirez." She excitedly sat up as she sprinted to her diploma. Her classmates happily cheered her on.


The seniors sprinted out of the school as they went to greet their parents, Natalie being accompanied by her dad, Bishop talking with his father. Even Heather is accompanied by her mother and sister.

Nora pulls out her damaged phone.

(Where are you? You said you'd be here.)


Nora waited for a reply, but the message just disappeared.

"Oh fucking come on." she groaned as she set her phone down.

"Hey, Nora." Nat hugged the girl.

"Hey, Nat."

"What's wrong?"

"They didn't show again." she pursed her lips as her friend rubbed her shoulder.

"Well, screw him. he doesn’t get to see how awesome you are." They both chuckle as they walk off to go find the other members of the friend group.

"There." Nat spots Heather. They both run-up to the blonde, Nora jumping on her a bit, taking her by surprise.

"Giddyup bitch, we're free!" Nat jokes.

"Oh hi." Heather smiles. Bishop fixing her cap.

"Okay, let's go I need to leave this awful place." Nora sighs

"Me too." they all laughed as they threw their caps into the air, like a cheesy high school movie.


Heather and Nora sat next to the campfire as Bishop brought them alcohol.

"Thank you." Heather grabs both cups, handing one to her brunette friend.

"What are we toasting,” Bishop asks.

"No more gym."

"No more gym shorts."

"No more gym excersices." The three laugh.

"Final collection." Ray puts his bucket out to Bishop. Nora slid over to put in a few bucks.

"Rules are rules."

"School's out, okay? I'm not even playing," He shifted uncomfortably.

"Think of it as insurance, it's gonna be one hell of a summer." Ray insisted.

"Yeah, I mean... Come on man, I'm not gonna play."

Ray grabbed Bishop by his arm aggressively.

"We're all playing, fucker."

"Ray just leave the poor man alone." Nora groaned as she took a gulp from her cup.

"One way or another, a dollar buys you a prayer."

"Ray, stop," Heather interjected.

"You want your money, I'm gonna need my arm back."

Ray laughed.

"I'm just fucking with you." He let go of Bishop's arm walking away.

Nora sighed as she set her half-empty cup down.

"Hey, a new toast. To global amnesia." Heather spoke

"I just set my cup down," Nora whispered as she proceeded to raise her cup to the sky.

"Nah, selective, there's a few things I want to remember." Their glasses clanked as they all took a sip.

"Ooh, what did I miss?" Natalie entered the conversation, taking a seat next to Nora.

"We're toasting to a future free of Ray dickhead Hall."


"Ugh, that guy sucks," Nat complained.

"Remember when you puked on the 8th-grade field trip?"

Heather groaned.

"And he spread a rumor that Heather was pregnant?"

"And then you told the whole school that he had chlamydia." Nora laughed.

"No one messes with my girl."

"To revenge."

"Again? My cup's almost empty." Nora complained.

"Oh to Chlamydia."

”absolutely not."

"Oh no, I'm not toasting to that." Heather chuckles.

"Okay, I got one." Natalie laughs as she pulls out her diploma.

"What are you doing?" Heather questions as Nat throws the piece of paper into the fire.

"See, it's toast!" she giggles.

The three stared at her with disapproving faces.

"What? It doesn't matter because I'm gonna win Panic." She says in a sing-song voice.

"We're gonna win Panic." Nora corrects, the two high-fiving.

"Oh, I love this song." Nat sits up and drags the girl up with her.

"Come on, come on."

"Come on Heather." The brunette pleads.

"No, maybe later."

They all argued as Natalie brought the whole group to the dance floor, Heather having to be carried, dancing as if there was no tomorrow. Natalie bumped Nora's shoulder.



They both peered over to Heather and Bishop, the couple staring at each other as if they were in a trance.

"Aw." Nora cooed as she and Nat continued dancing together.

"Jesus, what the hell dude!?" Diggins yelled.

"I'm sorry man. my hand slipped."

"Yeah, onto a lighter."

"The thing is, uh, Dick-ins, everybody gets a little jumpy before judgment," Ray explained.

"Diggins." he corrected.

"Any word from the judges?"

"No, I'm just the emcee, okay. I'm waiting for the signal like everybody else."

"Well, I better hope it comes soon. You know what they say about idle hands. It's the devil's workshop." They lit the other firecrackers.

"Douche" Nora muttered as she went to get a second drink.


"Hello?" The brunette answered her phone.

"Hey, it's Heather. Can you meet us by the pharmacy?"

"Sure I'm on my way." she made her way down the steps of her house.

"Where are you going?" her brother's voice rang out.

"I'm gonna meet my friends by the pharmacy."

"Okay, be safe," he yelled as she walked out the door.

"I will!"


"Wait so he fired you?"

Both Heather and Bishop nodded.

"But you're the only-"

"Whoever actually does anything, I know!" The blonde complained.

They walked up to the front desk to see Nat.

“Give me two minutes“

“Hey, so are you sure about this whole, accountings thing?” He asks as they all walk down the isles.

“Uh yeah, when I get my associates, I can start clerking double what my mom makes hourly,” Heather explained.

“Heather, you hate math though.” Nora brought up.

“Accounting isn’t only math.”

“True, it’s also boring paperwork.” The blonde slants his glasses.

“Okay, fine. You’re a great writer Heather. I mean you should at least apply for a scholarship.”

“Well, they don’t really give out scholarships for knowing how to make shit up.”

“True.” Bishop gives Nora a disappointing look.

“What? I’m being realistic!”

“Hey, y’all I got a break!” Natalie hops in.

“She’s got a break!” Nora repeats.

“Let’s do it.” Bishop says as they walk out the back door.”


“He fired you? But you’re the only one-“

“Whoever actually does anything!” They all answered.

“I’m sorry, Heather. Want me to poison him?”

“You know as much as that idea excites me, I do not know how we’d pull that off.”

“Well, I do refill his prescriptions.”

“And I watch a shit load of true crime,” Nora interjected.

“That’s kind of dark.” Heather laughs

The four got in line.

“Well, when we win Panic, we don’t have to worry about jobs,” Nat explains.

“What did I tell you, they’re serious.” Heather sighs.

“You guys should be supporting our very smart decision.” Nora whines.

“People died last year, Nora.”

“People die all the time.”

“Yeah, like in bathtubs, car accidents.” Nat continued.

“Oh, yeah. Especially when they’re walking blindfolded across the freeway.”

“I can’t lose either of you.” Heather falters.

“Hey, you couldn’t get rid of me if you tried.”

“Yeah, I’d haunt your ass.” Nora jokes.

“Besides, who is going to keep me grounded, when I’m a rich famous actress?”

“Yeah, and who will support me when I’m a top model?”

“Oh, I can think of three people.”

Heather stares at her friends.

“Alright so let’s recap. You are moving to Hollywood, you are going to college, and you are going on a road trip to New York.”

“And I’m gonna stay here forever.”

“Are you saying, you’re gonna miss us?” Bishop asks.

“Really?” Nora coos.

“What I’m saying is that you three losers are abandoning me.”

“Losers?” The brunette laughs as she hugs the blonde.


The two ran in the freezing cold rain, Heather putting work ads in the mailboxes as Nora held the umbrella.

“Hey, someone will hire you, you’re super talented.” Nora comforts


They both walk into the half-empty diner, taking a seat at the countertop.

“Menu?” A tall man offers.

“Um, a coke please,”

“And you?” He asks

“Coke.” Nora smiles, as he turns around to fill both cups.

“Thanks.” They both say as he sets down the cold beverages.

“You’re um, Heather and Nora right?”

“Dodge.” He introduces.

“We know, you’re like the shiny new toy who just got put on the shelf.”

“Well, it’s been a year.” He lightly laughs.

“Everyone here has known each other since diapers, so the new guy is pretty big news. Nothing happens around here.”


“In fact, Carp is actually the capital of nothing. Nothing happening, nothing changing, nothing you want to see or do.” Heather rants.

“What about Panic.” Nora sparks up at the question.

“There is no such thing.” Heather lies.

Dodge stares at them with a blank face.

“Then how’d those two kids die last summer?” He raises his voice causing Nora to almost choke on her pop.

“For fuck sake.”

“Will you keep your voice down?”

“Oh so it is real, you know I thought that Ray was just shaking me down at first. A dollar a day, every day that school is in session. But then when I saw everyone else, including you, had to pay in…”

“So how does it work? When does it start.?”

“You wait for the judges to send out a signal. It’s different every year.” Heather explains

“ And what, we’re just supposed to wait until then?”

“Well it’s hard to rush judges when you don’t know who they are,” Nora sighs.

“Yeah I mean, we’re really supposed to kind of forget about it.”

“Why?” He asks.

“We’re not supposed to talk about it. The cops know about the game now.”

“You could get in some deep shit for just watching,” Nora adds.

“I don’t want to watch, I want to play.” He corrects.

“Desperate for money?” The brunette asks.

“You’re doing the same thing.” He shoots back.

They keep eye contact.

“Fair point.”

“So what happens next.” The doorbell rang as sheriff Cortez walked in, causing the teens to tense.

“Speak of the pig.” Nora mumbles.

“Hey.” Dodge greets as he hands out a menu.

“Miss Nill, Miss Ramirez,”


“Hola officer.”

“Dodge. May I sit with the cool kids?” He sets his hat down.

“Go for it.”

He sits down next to Heather, Nora tensing at the sight of the cop.

“Where’s your mom, Dodge?”

“She’s working the night shift, can I get you something?”

“Make it a root beer,” he orders, Dodge complying.

Cortez takes a look at the papers.

“Job hunting, huh?”

“Begging.” Heather corrects.

“Pleading,” Nora jokes, getting a jab in her side by the blonde.

“You know, I bet your lucks gonna change when they finish the warehouse. I keep hearing they’re gonna break ground any day now.” The sheriff informs.

“They’ve been breaking ground any day now since we were in 8th grade.”

Heather sits up as she collects her papers, Nora copying her actions.

“Well, adios.” The brunette waves, not breaking eye contact with Dodge.

“Did you see the fucking fireworks?!” The girl yelled on her cell, packing up her backpack.

“Get your ass over here! I need to call Heather.”

“Okay! Bye.” Nora kisses her friend goodbye on the phone, slinging her beat-up bag over her shoulders.

“Where are you going?” She jumps as her brother appears in her room.

“Jeez, you scared the shit out of me.”

He gave her a look.

“There’s a party, Nat invited me over.”

“Will there be alcohol?”



“Most likely.”

“Will Diggins be there?” Ah yes Diggins, the only friend her brother actually trusts.

“Of course, hermano, now I have to go.”

“Stay safe!”

“Always am!”

“So you’re competing?” Diggins asked.

“Hell yeah, no problem with making a bit of money.”

“I don’t want to see you get hurt, that’s all.” He explains.

“I’ll be fine, dude, besides I have you in my favor.” She chuckles as Nat and Bishop walk up to her.

“No Heather?” She asks. Nora gives a disappointing nod as Diggins stands up on the dock.

“May I have your attention?” He yells through the megaphone.

“Welcome to Panic!” The entire party cheers as they wait for the challenge to be announced.

“My name is Diggins, and this summer, I will be your host with the most. This year the winner of Panic is gonna take home the grand prize of 50,000 dollars!”

The crowd goes wild,

“Shit.” Nora’s mouth gapes open.

“Holy shit! That’s the biggest pot ever. Last year was only 30!”

“Guess we picked a good time to be seniors.” The brunette smiled.

“You all know the rules!” Diggins continued.”What happens at a challenge, stays at a challenge, so I don’t want to see any posting, tweeting, or gramming about it, no exceptions! Anyone found in violation risks losing game privileges!” He cautions.

“The first challenge is the jump.” The crowd looks up to the peaks.

“Remember kids, you want to go out and down into the swimming hole. You miss it, it’s gonna be the rocks that break your fall. Take the leap from the lookout, and grab yourself a hundred points, courtesy of this year's friendly judges, whoever they may be.”

The teens squeal with excitement.

“Let the games begin!” He yelled.

The people cheer and whoop as they begin lining up.

“That’s our cue,” Nat spoke, undoing her dress to reveal a two-piece bathing suit.

“You’re wearing a two-piece?” Nora asks

“Yeah, why?”

“Aren’t you scared it’s gonna..” she proceeds to make a falling motion with her hands.

“It won’t”

“We’re falling from like ten feet Nat-“

“You know I have the same suit,” Bishop comments as Nora takes off her dress as well.

“Wish us luck!” Nat asks as they turn away.

“I wish you wouldn’t.”

The two walk up to the booth to be met with Dodge.

“Sorry, go ahead” he pulls himself back.

“Thanks.” Nat goes up to get a number, as Nora stands at the back.

“I thought you were going after me?”

“Nah I’ll be fine back here.” She awkwardly smiles, letting the boy step in front of her.

“You’re scared.” Nat teases.

“Pssh, I’m just a bit jumpy.” Which was kind of an understatement on her part.

Nora watches as Natalie lights the flare, the cracking fire filling her vision.

She stares as her friend walks away to the mountains, fiddling with her fingers as she waits for Dodge to get his number.

“Are you okay? You seem a bit worried.” He comments.

“Oh yeah, I’m fine, I always get a but if anxiety before doing something thrilling.”

He sends her a nod before lighting the flare and walking off.

“Okay, Nora, you are lovely number 13.” Summer declares, writing the number on her hand.

“Take a flare.” Nora picks up the object and lights it, stretching out her arm a bit to not catch her hair on fire.

“Thank you.” She replies as she makes her way up the mountain, her heart beating in her chest.

The crowd cheers as Ray steps to the edge of the cliff.

“Contestant number one, announce yourself!”

“You know my name, Diggins! Your mom screams it every night!” Nora scoffs at the joke watching Hall jump off the hill with no fear whatsoever, her heart pacing faster.

The bottom cheers him on as he approaches them, making lewd gestures as a “victory dance.”

“The one and only Ray Hall is in!” The boy announces.

“Shit.” Nora shifted, the adrenaline in her body screaming.

She looked over to Nat who seemed a bit calmer than her, shooting the girl a thumbs up.

She watched as she made her way to the shortest cliff.

“Contestant number eleven, state your name!” The girl doesn’t reply.

“Look, you’re gonna have to jump or get down, because we’ve got people who want to get up there-“

“For fucks sake, Diggins, just give me a minute okay?!” She yelled.

“Natalie Williams, Ray of sunshine.”

She took a few steps back pacing her breathing as she held the flare tighter. Once she was far enough she sprinted, giving herself enough power to jump off the ledge, the cold water hitting her body almost immediately.

The ground cheered, Nat rose out of the water and looked up to Nora, shooting her a smile before going to retrieve a towel.

“Ladies and gentlemen, we have another one!” Diggins announced.

Next was Dodge, he confidently walked to the first ledge but kept on going, seeming to attempt the second cliff.

“Ooh. Hot damn. Looks like we got a player trying for the high point.” The crowd whooped as Nora watched the red glow illuminate what she could see of his face and body.

“For all you virgins out there, a quick reminder: a jump from the high point will get you a 25-point bonus.” The brunette heard him speak, peaking her interest and adrenaline more.

She watched as Dodge stared down at the water, a solemn look gracing his face.

“Contestant number twelve, state your name!”

The teen didn’t reply. He continued to stare down at the pit, pursing his lips.

“State your name-“

“Dodge Mason.” He yelled, dropping down the flare before following it straight down. The crowd gasped as he hit the water.

“That’s player twelve! Making it look easy from the high jump! Way to raise the stakes, Dodge!” Diggins cheered.

Nora approached the first cliff, somehow the second one looked a bit easier, sure the drop was higher but the rocks didn’t really crowd the lake.

“Contestant number thirteen, state your name!” The ginger yelled. Nora hesitated, quickly deciding on whether she would willingly get hurt or walk away like a pussy.

“If you can’t do this-“

“I can do it!” She yelled back. Being a pussy wasn’t on her agenda today. She walked up the cliff, following in the same footsteps as Dodge.

“Ladies and gentlemen we have yet another contestant heading for the second drop!” Dodge looked to the teen.

Once she reached the second one she stared down at the abyss, the gravel rumbling under her feet.

“Contestant number thirteen, state your name!” He repeated.

“Nora Ramirez.” She replied taking a deep breath as she backed away slowly.

{You have done crazier shit than this, you don’t want to look like a pussy.} She ran fast, giving herself more elevation as she pushed her feet off the ground, her body hitting the water as if it was in slow motion.

The crowd cheered as she reached the ground, Nora running to Nat as soon as she saw her.

“That was so fun!” She squealed, not noticing a bit of blood trailing down her leg.

“Shit, Nora your leg." The brunette peered down at her knee, seeing a few scraps.

“I'll be fine.” She brushed it off.

“You two went for the high jump.” She spoke, Nora now noticing who she was standing by.


“Were you scared? Nat asked the boy.

“To jump? No. It’s the landing that gets you in trouble.” He explained to the two girls.

“You want a towel?” He offered both girls.

“I’ll take one.” Nora complied brushing hands with the stranger as she took the cloth, wrapping it around her wet body, and cleaning up the wound.


Nora peeked her head to Natalie’s view, the blonde standing right in front of them.

Nora sprinted to the girl, engulfing her in a hug.

“You’re actually here! Why are you in a swimsuit?” The brunette peered at her clothing, a yellow striped one-piece covering her figure.

“What are you doing here?” Nat questioned.

“ I tried to call both of you.”

“Why are you in a bathing suit?” Natalie reiterated Nora’s question.

Heather stammered.

“I guess I didn’t want to be left out of the fun.”

“You’re gonna play?” Nat said sourly.

“After all the times you told us that it was a trap, that it was a con?”

"It is."

"Then why are you here?"Nora stammered wondering why Heather was now contradicting herself.

"'Cause maybe it's my only option."

"Only option, how? Heather are you okay?"

"Look, you're the one that said that best friends are supposed to support each other." The blonde ignored.

"Support not compete." Nat corrected.

"Okay, we can all play together."

" There is no together in Panic."

"It's you or me, remember? One winner only?" They argued.

"I mean, God, you can't be serious. You're scared of everything. I mean, you won't even get high with me. You can't even sneak into a movie theater. I mean, come on. You can't really think you're gonna win. No one is that dumb."

"Natalie, can you calm the fuck down for a second?" Nora hissed.

"Why? Everything I said was true."

"Yeah, but I've got nothing left to lose." Heather stormed off.

"Heather!" They yelled before Nora nudged Nat.

"Natalie, what the fuck was that?

The girl just scoffs as Bishop greets the two.

"Where were you?"

"I had to pee, okay? Calm down."

"Calm down?" Heather." Nat pointed to the cliff, leading Bishop's eyes to the blonde.

Most viewers called Heather down, watching as she stayed stuck in her position like glue. Every night, the girl made of dirt would talk to the wind... and the wind would only sigh. The girl was lonely.

"Contestant 23. State your name." Heather remained silent.

Nora walked up to the dock, stealing Diggins's megaphone.

"Hey, you can't do that!" he argued as he got pushed aside.

"Heather! You can do it!" She screamed, hyping her friend up. The crowd cheered and booed as they watched Heather stay in her place. That was until she started climbing higher.

Then one day, there was a storm. It rained for days and days. The water climbed and climbed, higher and higher.

"Is she doing devil's drop?" Nora mumbled, Diggins, snatching the megaphone out of her hand. Nat and Bishop yelled for Heather, but the girl didn't listen.

"Are you sure you want to do this, Heather? No harm in turning back, you've already made a huge statement..."

But the stone people were too heavy to carry. Then the wind spotted the girl made of dirt. She would be no problem to carry. The wind gusted as people called Heather down, pleading for anyone to get her to a safe point.

"Contestant 23, state your name."

"Heather, Nill. Heather Nill." She backed up just enough, and then she jumped off the highest point.

So the wind opened its arms. And the girl made of dirt turned to air... .. and flew.