mairablue - Lady Maira
Lady Maira

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421 posts

SCM - Department Of Wishes

SCM - Department of Wishes

Karno ♋ - Where are you? ❄

A/N: Please excuse the grammatical errors and spelling mistakes. I do not know, why i have written this and for whom.

She was sitting in front of the computer screen. Her mind was filled with a web of emotions. A dull ache filling her heart. All the pain, all the tears have been useless. She has been useless. Wasting her time on something which didn't interest her.

Her father was sitting next to her. His lips pressed tightly together. His eyebrows furrowed. He kept staring at the screen as if that will change the numbers. Somehow that will change the E grade to a D or perhaps in his mind he wanted an A.

He glared at her; his glasses making his eyes look angrier. Nobody spoke a word for a few minutes. She knew what was coming; she braced herself.

" I never thought, your marks would be so poor, ( NAME)." the anger evident in his voice. For a moment it felt like he was about to say something else but he stopped. Her mother called her. " How much marks did you get?" she asked as gently as she could. " I failed in one subject. I need to retake that subject." she couldn't look her in the eyes; her head hanging low.

Her mother sighed, " When is that exam taking place?"

" I don't know i will ask Mr. ( teacher's name ). " she replied.

Her father was still gazing at the screen, his eyes focused on that E grade. His hands clenched in a fist.

She called her teacher on the phone and informed him about the whole situation. He sounded like he was in pain. " ( Name ), i am sorry this has happened. Don't worry, you will do better in the upcoming exam. "

" Sir, is everything alright? " she asked.

He was a silent for a few seconds. " Today is probably one of the worst days of my life. My wife was on her way to work. She suddenly collapsed; one of her co-workers had admitted her to the hospital. They are saying it seemed like she had a stroke. I still haven't seen her yet." he said.

The tears which she held back suddenly overflowed, her voice started to crack. " I am sorry sir. Please take care of her. I will call you later. " saying that, she quickly ended the phone call.

She looked at the clock which showed 6 pm. The sun was setting. Her father was sitting beside her mother. He was speaking loudly, he was telling her, "These are the moments where i wish she wasn't born. She is useless. PATHETIC!"

Her mother was looking at her hands on her lap. She didn't reply.

Her teacher called her father on the phone. She could hear him say things like, " I am sure she is doing this deliberately. Failing because she wants to fail. I am not going to spend any more money on her education, anymore. " saying that he ended the phone call and slammed the phone on the table.

"(Name), come here! " he said.

She quickly closed her books and went there. He scolded her. The ache in her chest gaining momentum. Her mother gestured her to go and study.

She started studying, while tears were flowing down her face, wetting her clothes. Perhaps she has never felt this kind of fear before. The uncertainty brought more tears to her eyes. Some tear drops rolled on to her lips.

The night falls, she is studying, dried tear stains on her face, puffy eyes, her hands shaking, her voice cracks every now and then. Her parents are watching TV in the other room. She was trying her best to ignore his words. Trying so hard to stay composed.

They ate dinner in silence.

She went to her room. The window was open. However, Karno made the decision to knock, making her aware of his presence. She embraced him as soon as he entered her room. His soft sandalwood scent calmed her a bit. They stayed in each others embrace for a few minutes.

His mind was flooded with questions as he saw her puffy eyes and pale face. She took his hand and lead him to the bed.

They were lying on the bed, their eyes focused on the ceiling. Her left hand placed on top of his right hand. She broke the silence by saying, " I failed in one subject. I need to retake it." a sigh escaped her lips. Karno was aware of what must have occurred.

" Don't pay too much attention to what he says. Focus on your studies. You will get out of this mess." he said. His voice as gentle as a cool breeze.

She moved closer to him and turned on her side. " I, ... can you hold me, please?"

Karno held her as softly as he could. " This is just a bad dream, sweetie. Tomorrow you will wake up with new found strength."

" I hate this, all of this. The worst thing is i disappointed mom. She has always been there for me, supported me. Now there is nothing more that i can say or do that will change this." the words came out like a mumble.

" It would be wrong for me to say, that i know what you are going through. But nobody can change the past. We can only work in the present and look forward to the future." he paused and took a deep breath.

"None of this is permanent, (name). Neither pain nor sorrow, neither happiness nor joy." He added before kissing her gently on the forehead.

" You have to go to school tomorrow. You should get some rest." The tone of his voice was pleading, urging her to look at the future and have faith in herself. She nodded her head and closed her eyes.

" Everything will turn out alright. " was the last thing she heard before sleep took over her.

SCM - Department Of Wishes

A/N: Thank you.

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More Posts from Mairablue

1 year ago

I hope i am not bothering you by requesting this. (._.)

Can you please write a fic where reader is being comforted by Tauxolouve? She has been feeling numb lately which is effecting her life negatively. As if there is a dull ache in her heart. Thank you


Genre: comfort

Warnings: none

A/N: You're not bothering me at all, love, don't worry! I'm here whenever anyone wants to open up about anything💖💖 It may seem difficult now, but I promise you, life gets better 💖💖💖💖 I love you SO much!!

I Hope I Am Not Bothering You By Requesting This. (._.)

The sun was bright, oh, so bright and yet here you were, gloomy like an autumn cloud. You didn't feel like you fit in, in all this carefreeness and all those... Feelings.

You walked beside Tauxolouve down the path between the bushes of the mansion, having escaped the havoc going on inside with all the gods gathered there and looking for some peace, just the two of you.

"Many flowers have bloomed recently." He commented.

You nodded, remaining silent and not making any commentary at all. You didn't mean to sound like you were ignoring him and his presence didn't displease you at all. Quite the opposite, you loved it. But lately a shadow was following you everywhere, along with a heavy load on your sternum. Your breaths were heavy, your chest filled to the brim with an emptiness so overbearing, it drained you. It felt like you were dragging along a metallic ball, cuffed to your ankles and your wrists. You'd walk a few meters and then you'd stop, your mental exhaustion taking a tool on your physical strength as well.

Tauxolouve stopped and you didn't notice him at first, lost in your own dark and dull world as you were.

"My lady?" He said and hearing his voice from behind you, made you aware of the distance between you.

You walked back to him slowly and even that felt like a labour. "I'm sorry, I was... I was thinking." You tried to fake a smile, but you barely formed a straight line with your lips, before it fell apart again.

Tauxolouve showed you the palms of his hands and you got the hint, placing yours on his. He gave you a gentle squeezed and smiled, looking into your eyes and he was concerned at how lifeless they seemed. "You can talk to me if there's something wrong. I won't force you to, but just know that I'm here whenever you feel ready."

You inhaled deeply and then let it back out. Looking around you, nothing sparked a single feeling. The newly bloomed flowers... They were just there. The birds and the butterflies flying around the trees and the bushes... They were mere shapes in the wind and sky. "It's nothing..." Which wasn't entirely a lie. Your chest was filled with nothing. You didn't exactly feel sadness and obviously not happiness or peace. "I'm fine."

Tauxolouve's mouth fell a bit into one of dissatisfaction. He didn't want you to believe he was barging into your heart, but he couldn't bear to see you hurting and struggling all alone. "Want to seat down?"

You shrugged your shoulders and allowed him to lead you to the pavilion of the garden.

A table and two chairs were placed there, the flowers around you offering their fragrance to the breeze and as you sat down, their aroma relaxed you just a bit.

"The mansion is pretty loud today, don't you agree?"

"Yep. All the gods are here." This time, the sentence you uttered was longer, but the voice that spoke it, was low and kind of monotonous. You didn't approve of the way it contrasted against Tauxolouve's peaceful and colorful one. You huffed, the heaviness of your stomach not letting you enjoy even a simple breath.

You felt hopeless, but seeing your god sitting there, ready to listen and let you fall into his arm whenever you felt weak and frail, made you wanna reach out to him, as he seemed to be your only beacon of hope at the moment. At this incredibly dark and dull moment, that if it had a sound, it'd be the sound of a clock, stuck in one specific hour and not moving forward.

"Will you listen to me?"

"Of course, my little lady." He turned his chair to face you properly, its legs grazing the floor of the pavilion as he did. "Talk to me if you desire."

"It's just that..." You swallowed thickly, before continuing, "Lately, I have been feeling numb and it's effecting my life negatively." You took a deep breath and paused, placing your hands on the table and looking down at them.

Tauxolouve's hands joined yours in a tender hold, a little loose in case you wanted to slip away from him at any moment you felt overwhelmed and needed some space.

"It's as if there is a dull ache in my heart and I just cannot seem to lift it..."

Silence ruled between the two of you for some moments, both of you staring down on your intertwined hands. You tightened your fingers around his and he got the signal that you wanted him to hold them tighter as well. And so he did.

Then, he cleared his throat. "Sometimes routine can be overbearing—if routine is the problem! So how about we spice things up a bit, hm?"

"You mean?"

"You can start leaving candies in your pockets and save yourself a nice surprise for when you find them. Or stick a note on your fridge every night before you sleep and say something to the you that's going to read it in the morning. Or..." He trailed off, thinking. "Read a book you used to love. Or a movie and poke awake that feeling of nostalgia." He reached out, tucking some of your hair behind your ear and smiling sweetly at you. "Perhaps a good cry is what you need. Maybe you just want to cry—since you described it as an ache—but something's holding you back. You can even call someone dear to you and tell them that you love them. Feel your love for them and feel theirs for you too. Or you can pick up a new hobby!"

"And what if that doesn't work...?" You said, doubt whispering those words to the back of your mind. "What then? Am I just going to be an empty shell for the rest of my life?"

"No! Absolutely not!" Tauxolouve's eyebrows rose momentarily and then he placed a hand on the top of your head, stroking your hair softly, until his hand relaxed on the back of your head. "There's always a happy ending for us. Sometimes we have to chase it though. But I promise you, you will be happy again. It might seem like it's taking a while, or that the road is too far for you to walk it all, but I assure you, you're getting there!" With his fingers slipping through your hair, he pulled you in and he pressed a kiss to your forehead. "And if it still feels difficult, you can always contact a professional. It sounds scary and overwhelming, but once you find the one that works for you, it's really worth it. They're not scary people and genuinely want to help and give you a bright future. And of course, seeing a therapist is not a shame. They're here to help and that doesn't mean there's anything wrong with you. You're just going through a difficult time, like a lot of people."

"We'll see. I want to see how this escalates first and when I'm ready... If I need to... I'll go..."

"Of course, don't pressure yourself. You know... All this reminds me of myself before I met you. I was empty once too. I didn't have anything to make me happy, I had pushed everything and everyone aside. But now... Now I found my happiness. That's why I'm saying that there's always a happy ending. Maybe not the one we originally expect, but when we actually see it and get to live it... It feels right and irreplaceable."

Tauxolouve snapped his finger and forth came a silver tray filled with tarts so sweet and colorful, you could practically taste them with your eyes. An elegant pitcher with delicious aromatic tea also appeared beside the tray with the treats and two teacups sat on their little plates. "These look wonderful, don't they?"

You nodded, genuienly.

Tauxolouve picked up a strawberry tart and extended it out for you, its sugary scent flying to your nose instantly. "Try one. This one's my favorite."

It may be a long road for you, but you knew Tauxolouve and all the people who loved you deeply won't ever abandon you. There will always be someone waiting for you at the finishing line with a warm hug. No matter how long it may take you to run it all. They are willing to wait, purely because they love you and nothing is pressuring you. You could take your time and heal.

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1 year ago

Hello. I am that anon who requested the Tauxolouve smut fic.

Can you write some angst for Tauxolouve x goddess reader?

Like the Goddess reader moves on are falls in love with other god but Tauxolouve still has feelings for her.


Genre: angst

Warnings: none

A/N: I'm not sure if you wanted a part 3 of Sweet Inexperience or a standalone........ So I just went with the standalone, because the other option broke me to pieces, so... Yeah. That's a separate fic. (I'm sorry if that's not satisfying 😭)

Hello. I Am That Anon Who Requested The Tauxolouve Smut Fic.

Spotting you from across the gardens, Tauxolouve's footsteps altered direction and he moved up to you.

Your dress hugged your body beautifully, in a way so ethereal, even when you turned away from him, motioning to a man with a movement of your hands.

"Pleasant surprise to see my little lady here." Tauxolouve addressed you, with a smile so charming, your heart clenched.

"Yeah, I was..." You laced your fingers and held your knotted hands before your crotch. "Taking a walk."

"Well, can I join you?" He proposed and the hope that flickering in his irises was too beautiful. Too heartfelt. So heartfelt, your shoulders stiffened.

"Sure." You answered, your tone not matching his bright one at all.

"Good, let me take you somewhere then." He said, walking off and you followed, stopping only to steal a glance at the eyes of a god peeking at the two of you from behind the tall bushes with the roses.

You felt guit enveloping your heart, but it would be worse if you didn't tell him. He deserved to know you moved on and your feelings changed.

Another god had captured your heart. You had fallen for his reserved charm, his shyness and were touched at the pure admiration he harboured for you. He just never came out with it, because he believed he stood no chance before the god of sagittarius.

Determined to end it all with him, you followed Tauxolouve, your eyes upon his strong back, that would always hide you and protect you when you needed it, but still not making you feel weak or fragile or that you couldn't fight your own battles.

Your stroll was a silent one and you couldn't quiet down the aching of your soul. Inspecting his profile made you feel so hurt, that tears swelled up in your eyes. You made a halt in your steps and wiped away the blurriness in your eyes, the tears wetting your knuckles.

"What's the matter, little lady?" Tauxolouve's eyebrows were furrowed as he rubbed his warm palms up and down your arms. "What's wrong...?" He asked gently, giving you time to gather your thoughts.

"Tauxolouve..." You sobbed, looking up at him through wet and salty eyelashes. "I'm so sorry...!" You hiccuped and buried your face in your hands, no longer bearing to face him, with the same face he kissed, loved and admired.

"What are you apologizing for?" He leaned in to press a kiss to your forehead, but you pulled back so suddenly, his breathing hitched.

"Tauxolouve..." You inhaled deeply and your sorrowful eyes casted upon him, with guilt drowning in your watery irises. "I'm so sorry... I can't date you anymore..."

His mouth dried and his heart pounded loudly. "You can't... Why...?!" He swallowed and his Adam's apple moved visibly. "Did I do something wro-"

"No! Please, don't blame yourself!" You hurried to stop him, pain stabbing your heart from every angle at his hurt expression. "I just... I moved on..." The tone of your voice fell significantly and you lowered your head in shame. "I'm so sorry..."

Tauxolouve remained in silence, his lips locking in one place, tightly against each other.

Looking up, his gorgeous slanted eyes had turned into sparkling rivers, heartbreak tumbled out of his every word. "I see..." He chuckled airily in self deprecation. "I... I can't hold you by my side against your will." His lower lip trembled and he bit down on it, blinking away the tears. "You've found someone new, haven't you?"

You nodded wordlessly.

His breaths were shaky and he pursed his lips together into a devastating smile. Even if it hurt him and killed him, his love was the most imposing feeling, even now. He wanted you to be happy and if you needed him out of your life for it... Then so be it... "He better make you happy." He said, a single tear streaming down his cheekbone. "And if he doesn't, make sure to not compromise with someone like him."

With your hands clasped together, you straighten your back, staring him straight in the eye. "I'll make sure of it. And... I'm sorry..." You said quietly, whipped some remaining tears away.

"No need to apologise, little lady." At the uttering of that pet name, his composure grew more unsteady and he barely held himself back from collapsing to his knees.

"Can you... Not call me that, please?"

"Oh, yes." His shoulders stiffened, his teeth close to drawing blood from his lip. "I'm sorry... (Name). It won't happen again."

Seeing you walk away from him was when he allowed his shoulders to tremble and his facial expression broke. He cried, until he believed he had dried and his tongue tasted the blood of his bottom lip. Looking at the spot beside him, now empty, there was only one heartfelt thought ruling. "I hope you have a good life."

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1 year ago

Hi(^3^)/ I was wondering if you could write a story where mc meets Tauxolouve during a royal ball? Please add a bitter sweet ending. Thank you 💗

SCM- Department of Wishes

Tauxolouve ♐ - Together For A Day

A/N: Thank you for requesting anon.💓 This is my first ever Tauxolouve fic, so please have mercy on my poor soul.🥺 I hope you enjoy reading this. ❤

You found yourself standing on the balcony. The moon shore brightly, illuminating the forest below. The cold wind brought shivers down your spine.

In this otherworldly atmosphere, your thoughts wandered through the meticulously tended gardens of the palace, before serenely descending into the captivating depths of the encompassing woodland. Nevertheless, the tranquility of your mind was abruptly disrupted by the delicate resonance of a refined yet resolute voice, gracefully guiding you back to the present moment.

" May I humbly inquire about the motive behind your isolation amidst these captivating surroundings?" The gentle articulation of this inquiry was directed towards you.

" I came here to get some fresh air." you answered.

" Then, i hope you do not mind me being here?"

A youthful gentleman gracefully approached, his presence exuding both strength and gentleness, as he stood beside you.

" I do not." you said. " What is your name? " you asked as your eyes wandered off into the forest.

" Tauxolouve." he answered. " ( Name)" you offered your name in return. " Why weren't you dancing? Do you not like to dance? " he asked; his voice laced with genuine curiosity.

" I do. I just don't know anyone around here." you replied in a quiet voice, not willing to spare any more details.

" I see "

" Will you dance with me? ", he asked, extending his hand towards you, " I can be your friend, if you want? " he added with a smile.

His eyes held neither arrogance nor malice.

After some consideration you placed your hand in his and entered the ball room.

The talented musicians filled your heart with warmth and joy through their beautiful melodies, while numerous elegant couples gracefully glided across the dance floor, capturing your gaze. You exchanged a smile with Tauxolouve, who mirrored your gentle expression. Taking the lead, the two of you danced in perfect harmony with the rest of the couples, never separating from each other's presence.

The minutes flew by swiftly, without either of you realizing. He relished the time spent with you, and you also grew to appreciate his presence. The ordinary evening turned into a delightful one.

The melodies produced by the violins, harps, and pianos altered, resulting in the conclusion of that particular song.

The moon had risen high in the sky at midnight, and a sense of dread began to overwhelm you, compelling you to depart. Your face showed uneasiness, causing Tauxolouve, who had been closely studying your shifting expressions, to hesitate. He comprehended your feelings of despair.

" ( Name )", he said; his voice coming out as a wishper. " Will i ever see you again? " his eyes were solemn, there was a longing in his heart. " I don't know", you wishpered. You could no longer hold his gaze; those gentle brown eyes held a sadness which was unbearable to look upon.

Time was running out, you had to hurry. " Farewell my friend. " He held you hands one last time, softly placing a kiss on your knuckles. You put aside those forlone thoughts and met his gaze one last time. He put on his best smile, as if to say, he was grateful to have met you.

" Farewell." you said.

The door opened and you quickly slipped out.

Hi(^3^)/ I Was Wondering If You Could Write A Story Where Mc Meets Tauxolouve During A Royal Ball? Please

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1 year ago
One Of Them Will Have To Get Finished Eventually, Right???

One of them will have to get finished eventually, right???