Heyo potatoes, I'm Mangos. I love all things Zelda and Splatoon, including Linked Universe (and other Linkverses), and the Splatoon mangas. I will draw stuff for you, all you have to do is ask. My Splatoon name is the goofy (matching with my boyfriend, he is the silly). If you see me say hi :>My reblog account is @mangoreblog
192 posts
Mango0o0o0os - I Am A Mango

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More Posts from Mango0o0o0os

A present for @a-very-fishy-salad! We both swapped commissions, so I will reblog theirs once it gets posted. This was a lot of fun, so if you want to do a commission swap, just message me!
They requested an Ocarina of Time related piece, so I drew the scene where Link first leaves the forest. I love Link and Saria's relationship and how it proves a boy and a girl can have a very strong platonic love for each other.

Legend from Linked Universe for @natureless-creatures! This was really fun to draw (but I still don't think I drew his mouth quite right, sorry Legend 😬). His hair reminds me of a sunset, that was what inspired the background.

This is for @bunnynotravioli, so sorry it took so long :(
I think I'm going to draw my own design for all the Links, because Wind turned out pretty good! I think boys should start wearing flowers in their hair more often, it looks cute 🥰
I feel like Link would get sunburnt too easily, so he needs to wear thin, loose clothes to protect from the sun. Meanwhile, Ravio's got the nice pirate tan like Tetra (he's so cute!)
Imagine being this big of a jerk. I understand if you're trying to give advice, which is sometimes appreciated, but completely tearing someone down and ruining their week just because they didn't meet your expectations? Are there really people out there who stoop that low?
That being said...

No one hurts my friends and gets away with it.
ugh one (1) person had a negative private comment on my ongoing fic -which is the product of me being very new to writing and wanting to learn, it's my first ao3 fic- and it's really ruined my entire week and made me want to give up trying to learn to write, lmao yikes what's the point yknow

Behold, OoT Link commission for @oracleofseasoned! I tried to combine the designs of Time in the original game, Linked Universe's design, and the design in MajorLink's animation series A Hero's Purpose. I also started experimenting with white a little more and am very happy with the results.
I hope you enjoyed the result!