Day 14: Your Scholar And Crush (?) In A Haunted House

Day 14: Your Scholar and Crush (?) In a Haunted House
Nice and quick for this one. The problem with explosive anxiety and an itch for control of the situation is that when someone jumps out at you, you punch it into subjection immediately.
Moral of the story is, don’t jumpscare her. Just don’t do it.
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More Posts from Mangorumpuscandyfactory

Day 17: Scholar as a Tarot Card
I know I’m just experimenting with light here but by god does she look like an alien in this. We’ll Live. Probably.
Credit to the frame to Google Image stock images! No I’d die design that on my own.

Day 21: Hogwarts
You might belong in Gryffindor, Where dwell the brave at heart, Their daring, nerve, and chivalry Set Gryffindors apart
Megan as a Gryffindor is mainly as a result of a popular fan theory that Houses are awarded based around what values more than what one ‘is’ since these are traits any decently well rounded person could exhibit. Elsewise she’d likely fall into Ravenclaw, or Hufflepuff.
Fun fact; she doesn’t get her own wand till third year. First and second are spent with her trying to wrangle the family Cherry wood wand her own mother got honors with in Mahoutokoro, but it winds up combusting in disappointment. She finally screws up the courage to earn her own money and purchase a nice Ollivander; Alder wood and Phoenix feather, 12 ¼th inch, slightly yielding. Her patronus is a crow.

Day 12: Your Scholar in a Historical Time
I’m pretty sure that Megan’s got some shrine maiden in her blood. Also I just really really wanted to draw a miko. So sue me.
Unfiltered version below the cut!

Get ya Kagura groove on bby

Day 16: Ouiji Board
[Megan voice] BEGONE, THOT
If Tyler so much as tries to put a hand on that planchette he’s gonna plan-regret. Catch Tegan NOT catching those hands thanks.
In all seriousness tho, people can do what they want. But as soon as she hears ‘Come on it’s just a game’ she’s either educating or vacating. A little bit of none of that in her life.
Thanks to deviantart’s machiavellical for the base!

Kris, this is by far the dumbest thing we’ve ever done. Shhhh, Meg, it’s moving!
Sweet Elite Halloween Challenge Day 16: Ouija Board