margarethelstone-2 - margarethelstone-2

just a fandom blog, art & writing mostly | miraculous, chihayafuru, fma and more! | art tagged as #helstoneart-2 | writing tagged as #margaretwrites ^^ | call me gee! |

271 posts

In Case You Guys Think I've Given Up On This Story

In Case You Guys Think I've Given Up On This Story

in case you guys think i've given up on this story

i have not

it's just that i'm working on it out of order and slow okay

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More Posts from Margarethelstone-2

3 years ago

Have you watched season 4 of Haikyuu yet? I want to ask a season 4 character for the insane expressions.

Oh dear no, not yet! The actual European championship totally got my attention in the recent days, so much that I couldn't find the energy to watch even MORE volleyball after the rl games were over 🤷🏼‍♀️

also because I got sucked into Bungou Stray Dogs in the meantime and fed my binging needs with it

but fear not, I will probably get to it in the next few days (or at least I hope so) so please stay patient! You guys will definitely hear from me when I'm done with s4 ;D

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3 years ago
Yes, Yes, Of Course It's A Snunzel Fic

yes, yes, of course it's a snunzel fic


it's enemies to best friends to lovers actually we just never got there

How about 1, 5, 7, 9 for the asks!

1. What was the first fic you ever wrote?

Okay, so we gotta go back a long way to answer this question. Six years to be exact. Gosh, it was six years ago. And so many fandoms ago, too.

Either way, to answer your question: the first fandom story i ever wrote was called Once Mine and was a crossover story between Disney's Tangled and DreamWorks' How to Train Your Dragon, and written for hiccunzel as a pairing. It was heavily canon based, set after Tangled and HTTYD 2 (I mean, there was a time i thought i might actually finish it by the time httyd 3 is out, silly me). It had lots of angst, lots of pain, lots of unresolved issues... that stayed unresolved because i simply couldn't bring myself to finish the damn story.

Sometimes, i wish i could go back.

@astridthevalkyrie sure hopes i do (she'll tell you it's a snunzel fic though).

5. Do you have a writing playlist?/what's on it?

I do! I had this one huge one for Once Mine (see above), that was pretty much songs that inspired each chapter. Lots of Sleeping at Last, some Stallion soundtrack. Pop songs in general though.

Now these days i hardly ever listen to anything other than instrumentals because of how distracted i get otherwise, and it's mostly the soundtrack from the fic i'm writing. I have two playlists for chihayafuru (manazashi on the loop constantly). Other than that it's more about, "Well, today's some angsty Kono Oto Tomare/FMA/etc, let's find some sad OST on youtube."

7. Do people in your real life know you write fanfic?

Some do? I don't exactly brag about it, I usually answer the questions with an, "I write... stuff." But yeah, i told some people. My siblings do, but there's no hiding things from them. Oh, and i remember some of my friends getting really hyped about me writing for Anne of Green Gables back in the day.

9. If you had to pick one: Angst, Fluff/Soft, Smut, or Darkfic?

Angst with a happy ending is an epitome of storytelling and fanfic in particular and you can't convince me otherwise. That being said, it's fun to be able to write fluff every once in a while.

Though it's still more fun if you have a heavier/sadder background to paint it methinks.

Thanks for asking!

Fanfic Writer Ask Game

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