❤️ masquenoir
( Send in a ❤️ + a url for some OOC positivity! - ACCEPTING )
I'm gonna assume you mean @masquenoire, but correct me if I'm wrong!
So, way back when, before I made a blog, before I even was sure I wanted to make a blog, I was checking out some blogs that interacted with a friend's muse. And all the sudden I saw this here masquenoire blog in my recommends, and I was like "oh heck yea, I love Black Mask, I didn't think anyone played him! :o".
And even though the blog was a little new at the time, I LOVED IT. Chip, your writing is utterly fantastic. I got a little more confidence and inspiration reading such your prose that I got my little writer bones together and started my own blog. Your style is emotive and clever and sharp, you write these amazing paragraphs of lore that go in depth about all the big and little things that build Roman as a character. Even the small headcanons are given such wonderful attention, it makes everything feel so natural!
And that's not even getting into your actual interaction posts! The way you write through his gaze is fascinating, you always have such a good handle on both his internal and external voice through every emotion and situation, from giving nuance to his anger to even working in his softer moments or displaying his shrewd business skills, you make him feel so rounded. Even quiet moments on his own feel immersive, and it's clear that you put a lot of passion and thought into your writing!
Your portrayal is genuinely one of my favorites, even amongst his canon ones, and I feel so spoiled getting to read all this good writing for free!
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I meant what I said in that last post about Roman enjoying working with Killer Croc and while Arkham Origins is a different kettle of fish (since it’s actually Joker beneath the mask which I’m still a little salty about), the dynamic is still something I like.

“I’m still finding those little shits stashed all around the place.”
So I really like your Black Mask but I'm curious, who else might you have picked as a muse if you didn't go with Roman?

Hi there, nonny! Thanks so much for the lovely message and I really hope you continue to enjoy Roman’s presence on your dashboard in the future! Truth be told, he was ‘kind of spur of the moment’ when it came to picking a muse but decided on him as he was a character I remembered back when I was last in the Batman fandom years ago? I got back into it again this year after The Batman (2022) and was sorely tempted to go with the Riddler... but as the main antagonist of the movie, he had plenty enough attention as it was and as much as I adore his character, I also don’t think I (personally) have the ‘intellectual’ talent to bring the best in Eddie as a muse? I would have gone with his Arkham depiction also seeing as he was a personal favourite of mine throughout the video game series but again, lacking that same witty ability to make him shine! Therefore, if we’re going back to back then (and possibly now if I picked up another canon muse), I would pick... Kirk Langstrom! Honestly, I think Man-Bat is is a FANTASTIC character and one I think I would have really enjoyed, his human half being a scientist who was hopeful about curing deafness combined with his bestial alter ego thanks to experimenting with vampire bat DNA and ending up becoming scary af in the games. I just think he would have been neat to write and another ‘monstrous’ muse much like Killer Croc albeit one who I don’t think is roleplayed by anyone at all, at least not currently.
Do you have mains or exclusives?

Hey there, nonny! Thanks for sending this in, I appreciate it a lot but honestly, mains and exclusives are something I don’t... really get? I guess I’m biased towards certain people whom I vibe well with, mainly people I’ve followed for a few months now and chatted with via IM/Discord so my inbox is always open to them but generally I try to be accepting to everyone and not let any biased feelings get the best of me? I’m just really bad at keeping threads/responses going, especially since starting work last month BUT - I’m about halfway through my current contract so (hopefully) should be able to manage activity much better once that’s out of the way (and give my wonderful followers some overdue attention at long last!) I just love everybody in the RPC community too much to ever have exclusives, loving their canon, OC muses and muns in general... ya’ll know I just lack the brain cells to keep anything worthwhile ongoing. 😭
What form of love do you embody?

Love as hunger
[ Love as ravenous desire, love as something fragrant and home-built ] When Florence Welch said "We all have a hunger" and when Jenny Slate asked "Who will come into my kitchen and be hungry for me?" and when Violet Trefusis wrote "I want you hungrily, frenziedly. Passionately. I am starving for you..." and when Anne Carson asked "What are we made of but hunger and rage?"
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