Proudly serving up Starker, Winterspider and Winteriron of, let's say, 'unique' (questionable) quality on AO3.
54 posts
Bucky Knows What People See When They Look At Him: The Metal Arm, The Distant Stare, The Scars Both Visible

Bucky knows what people see when they look at him: the metal arm, the distant stare, the scars both visible and hidden. Damaged and, obviously, stupid for letting the government stomp all over him, stupid for signing up to get broken in the first place. It has to be that, right? Stupid. That's the only reason why this kid, who picked out a restaurant too fancy for Bucky’s comfort, would sit here and lie his ass off by saying, "I have a stalker," and think he is getting away with it.
That hooker WinterSpider AU that someone actually asked for. Peter is an escort looking for a driver, and Bucky needs a distraction. It's not what you think. Unless it is. Chapter 3 fills: @pparkerbingo "Sharing Bed" Square
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More Posts from Maukree
There was no reason for Peter to come back to that place, not after everything that happened, but they’d once laughed about being fucking unkillable.
Rule number... whatever: DO stick with the guy who's as dangerous as the undead. DON'T let him know he gives you inappropriate semis. Because that's just awkward for everyone involved.
"He makes me sleep with him," Peter blurts out. He's so tired, his brain's filter is practically non-existent.
Mr. Stark, who's been tinkering with something that looks alarmingly like a miniaturized nuclear reactor, drops it with a loud clank. He turns around so fast, Peter's half-convinced he's going to get whiplash just from watching.
"Care to run that by me again?"
Oh, fuck.
"What? No! Jesus," Peter waves his arm, trying to backtrack from the conversational cliff he's just hurled himself off. "Not like that."
The one where Peter has night terrors, Bucky is simultaneously the least difficult and the most confusing man in the compound, and everyone's a good bro.
Yup, this is Winterspider. Someone, dear God, please organize a winterspider event, so I don't have to.

I am losing my shit over this. Omg omg omg. So many ideas, so little time. I think some of the other Bingo cards might have to take a back seat, unless there are overlapping themes. aKJFHkljfhkljsHDF. I think I am going to have to go for the blackout here. Which is... probably something I am going to fail at, but I can absolutely try.
WinterSpider Bingo Round 1!
Hello! Welcome to WinterSpider Bingo, a creative fandom event for our favorite boys: Bucky Barnes and Peter Parker! No sign-ups for this event, just fun! There are two (2) cards (found below), one sfw and one nsfw, with five (5) alt prompts if you’d like to/need to swap any of the squares. You can do one card, or both!
Standard bingo rules apply: five (5) spaces horizontal, vertical, diagonal, four corners + free space, or black out! But you can fill as many or as few of the squares as you’d like, no pressure! You can write fic, make fanart, playlists and more! All fanworks are welcome, and there are no word count minimums or maximums for fic.
This event is open from August 1st - December 31st
The AO3 collection (winterspiderbingo) will open on August 1st. Also, please tag this blog in your posts here on tumblr, and use #winterspiderbingo so that your work can be shared here for all to enjoy!
The Rules for this event can be found on AO3 on the collection's main profile page, or under the cut! Plain text of the prompts can be found in the image description of each card.
If you have any questions, the ask box is open, or you can message one of the mods: @papermacherainbow or @starksvinyls!
Have fun, and happy creating!

One work per square and it must be a new work, this does include a new chapter of a WIP or new part of an ongoing series! Anything created prior to the start of this event can not count for a square on your card, however. If you are writing fic and would like to create one multi-chapter fic, you are more than welcome to do so, but each chapter must be it’s own prompt/square. 1a. You may use two prompts for one fill if one is from the SFW card, and one is from the NSFW card!
Please use proper trigger and content warnings!
Combining fills with other events is a-okay!
Absolutely no kink shaming will be tolerated within this event! If you are uncomfortable with something in someone’s fill, please just block that content tag and/or user and move on.
Absolutely NO generative AI “art” or fic will be accepted as a fill for this event.
There is one SFW card and one NSFW card for everyone. There will be five (5) Alt Prompts on the cards for if you aren’t vibing with one of the squares for whatever reason. You can use none or all 5 alts, it’s up to you and what you’d like to create fan works for!
Have fun!!!!!!!!
Now, I am incredibly biased and very much guilty of harassing @madeforstarker into making this moodboard for me for my fic, but I think it's perfect. I've got almost no words and, if I do, they are mostly squealing noises and incoherent rambles. I love it nearly as much as Peter loves Tony. Feeeeeels.

• not anymore • by @maukree ♡
...Regardless, Peter has a soft spot for Tony Stark, who is the greatest being ever lived, saved half the universe, and Peter by extension, more than once, and is waiting here, in Queens, by Peter’s door. And Peter might be sad and hopeless and should probably tattoo nevergonnahappen over his heart, or better on his ass, as a conversation starter, since it’s all the action he's been and will continue getting from older guys he meets on Grindr about once a quarter. But he isn't impolite or ungrateful for everything Tony’s done or at least tried and offered to do for him after May died, when Peter fucked it up so very bad, with Tony having to unfuck it. So Peter nudges him aside—drunk or not—and jiggles the key in the stiff lock with a weak "Hey," really wishing for a stiff drink himself if only it worked on him.
[or] Tony's been dodging Peter for months, only to crash his photography exhibition without a warning and ruin everything. Because—reasons.