Bucky X Peter - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

Hear me out... an AU where Tony was dusted in the Blip rather than Peter, and Peter kept on growing up. Fast forward to post-No Way Home and he meets Bucky Barnes, the Winter Soldier, again. 10 years since they very briefly met in Germany.

Bucky of course doesn't remember him and honestly there wasn't much history there to begin with, and Peter is just so desperate to connect to anything from his old life and a relative stranger like the Winter Soldier isn't as painful as someone he once knew better and was friends with. Fast forward a few months and Peter finding himself doing some intense math figuring out that because of HYDRA freezings, Wakanda recovery freezes and the Blip, the total time Bucky's actually aged physically and mentally since he was first frozen by HYDRA to modern day is only a few years. By 2026 there's not even a 7 year gap between them anymore.

Why did Peter do this math? No reason 👀 He just really doesn't want to dwell on the moral nightmare he's made for himself.

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5 months ago

Soulmate + His Dark Materials fusion AU where your dæmon isn't a reflection of your soul but that of your soulmate

Bucky Barnes' dæmon never settles, nice people call him a late bloomer while other people aren't so nice and call him far worse, but Steve never minded and the Howling Commandos soon learned to shut their traps so he got by just fine. Hydra value their Asset whose dæmon can shift around well into adulthood until one day they thaw him out and his dæmon appears to be gone. No matter, they move on. It's not until Bucky's granted asylum in Wakanda that he feels comfortable letting anyone know that his dæmon finally settled: she's an adorable, tiny Jumping Spider, so small that she'd been able to hide from Hydra in his clothes, his hair or even in the inner mechanisms of his arm where she spends his missions so she's safe and can't be crushed.

Peter Parker's dæmon settles unusually early on the other hand, before he's even hit double digits, as an adorable wolf cub that by the time he becomes Spider-Man has grown into an enormous and intimidating Grey Wolf, almost completely white in her pelt and fiercely protective. She's quiet compared to his chattiness, and as a side effect of either the spider bite or possibly Mary Parker having secrets of her own, Peter and his dæmon can be miles apart comfortably.

No one makes the connection for years. Years! Not until Shuri finds out one of the spiders Peter is mixed with was a Jumping Spider, known as the smartest spider in the world, and happens to look up and see a text from the White Wolf. What does she do with this information? Who knows but she's very pleased to have figured out yet another thing no one else has yet.

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5 months ago
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

When Mr Delmar recommends Peter for a last minute cat sitting job, Peter isn't prepared for who the adorable feline's owner is.

part 1 of when you've nothing to remember, you've nothing to lose

For the @winterspider-bingo round 1 SFW: Alpine

For the @pparkerbingo round 2 SFW: Pet(s)

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5 months ago
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

Bucky finds one of Peter's library books left behind in his apartment his first morning back from a long mission, and it leads to a confusing morning for both of them; the beginning of something even more unexpected than Peter becoming Bucky's cat sitter.

Part 2 of when you've nothing to remember, you've nothing to lose featuring Peter as Bucky's cat sitter and Bucky almost remembering Peter. Neither of them have enough emotional stability for this, but they have cooking and memories of women who cared for them as mothers to share...

For the @winterspider-bingo SFW Fill: In the Kitchen

(which I know isn't a row link with Alpine, this is just a good filler prompt)

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5 months ago
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

The Avengers' team briefing on the impending arrival of their newest member, Spider-Man, goes awry and leads to Doctor Strange bringing up serious concerns to Sam about Bucky's stability.

[ In which this series has a deeper plot arc than just cat sitting and falling in love, oops. ]

Part 3 of when you've nothing to remember, you've nothing to lose featuring Peter as Bucky's cat sitter. For @winterspider-bingo SFW Round 1: Avengers Compound

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5 months ago

Reporters in 2028, running after the Avengers post-mission: Spider-Man, Winter Soldier! You have previously suggested that the two of you were once romantically involved but not confirmed if you still are. Would you like to give us an update on your respective dating statuses?

Bucky, 85 yrs since his celeb Howlie days: No. Mind your business.

Peter, coached by Pepper Potts and MJ for years: James means we have a right to personal life privacy in every way - we're here to save people, not be reality stars! Thanks.

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5 months ago

Steve's never called Bucky 'Jamie' in his life. Bucky has never been called 'Jamie' in his whole life. It wasn't really a thing back in the 40s, not like it is now. There'd maybe the occasional Jim, Jimmy or Jimbo if Dum Dum was looking to rile the man up and get his hat stolen later, but never 'Jamie.'

Yet as this guy, this Peter fellow who came from the future- or another universe? Some kind of mix between the two? His head hurts thinking about it- spots Bucky, their Bucky, entering the lab in his peripherals he holds out a hand behind him without taking his eyes off his project; throwing out a "Hey Jamie, pass me the soldering pen, please? It's on the left next to a ginormous spool of wire."

Bucky, decidedly their Bucky and not this guy's 'Jamie' stops dead and his blank mask drops, eyes going wide as saucers.

Peter's fingers wiggle and when no tool appears in it, he looks up. His playful frown drops into genuine stammering embarrassment when he clocks the chrome arm.

"Oh god, I am so sorry I uh- I thought you were my Buck- I mean our, our! From my world, my one, not- As in not yours, not you. He's not my anything, even though I guess he is my Bucky it's just not uh-"

Bucky cuts the man off by picking up the tool in question and flicking it his way, which Peter catches swiftly out of the air. Steve tries to get a read on Buck, but his face has gone blank again, back to hiding behind the Winter Soldier training.

Another preview, this time of an AU I'm writing and the reason the installment the fic my last teaser was from hasn't been posted yet... Whoops. It's set during the new timeline Steve created when he told his past self Bucky was alive, while Peter is from another timeline. It's a bit convoluted but it's the multiverse, when isn't that convoluted??

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1 year ago

AO3 Works Masterlist

Behold, the grand space where a master list could have been, but let's be real – that's more effort than I'm willing to invest. So, just click this link or something (or don't, I'm not your boss). Don't worry, it only leads to AO3. And, for the love of all things TS, do us both a favor and READ THE TAGS.

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1 year ago
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

"He makes me sleep with him," Peter blurts out. He's so tired, his brain's filter is practically non-existent.

Mr. Stark, who's been tinkering with something that looks alarmingly like a miniaturized nuclear reactor, drops it with a loud clank. He turns around so fast, Peter's half-convinced he's going to get whiplash just from watching.

"Care to run that by me again?"

Oh, fuck.

"What? No! Jesus," Peter waves his arm, trying to backtrack from the conversational cliff he's just hurled himself off. "Not like that."


The one where Peter has night terrors, Bucky is simultaneously the least difficult and the most confusing man in the compound, and everyone's a good bro.

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1 year ago
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

New York might be a sprawling concrete jungle, but the term "six degrees of separation" is less a theory and more a fucking day-to-day reality, especially if you wear spandex for a living. To be fair, in a city of eight million stories, Peter should hardly be surprised that he eventually collides with a one-armed super-soldier and whatever-the-hell-category Deadpool falls into. Should be hardly surprised, but almost is, even though it was a long time coming. Village. This city is a fucking village and, seriously, there should be a support group for this—'Anonymous Super-People of NY', or something equally cliché.


A completely filthy, untrue, occasionally ridiculous, and canon-compliant story about how Peter Parker falls in love, Bucky Barnes meets Cable, and Deadpool finally gets a llama.

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11 months ago
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

There was no reason for Peter to come back to that place, not after everything that happened, but they’d once laughed about being fucking unkillable.


Rule number... whatever: DO stick with the guy who's as dangerous as the undead. DON'T let him know he gives you inappropriate semis. Because that's just awkward for everyone involved.

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9 months ago
*Moodboard By @peteyougottaletgo / Yougottaletgo
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

*Moodboard by @peteyougottaletgo / yougottaletgo

Bucky knows what people see when they look at him: the metal arm, the distant stare, the scars both visible and hidden. Damaged and, obviously, stupid for letting the government stomp all over him, stupid for signing up to get broken in the first place. It has to be that, right? Stupid. That's the only reason why this kid, who picked out a restaurant too fancy for Bucky’s comfort, would sit here and lie his ass off by saying, "I have a stalker," and think he is getting away with it.


That hooker WinterSpider AU that someone actually asked for. Peter is an escort looking for a driver, and Bucky needs a distraction. It's not what you think. Unless it is.

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9 months ago
maukree - maukree
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

Bucky knows what people see when they look at him: the metal arm, the distant stare, the scars both visible and hidden. Damaged and, obviously, stupid for letting the government stomp all over him, stupid for signing up to get broken in the first place. It has to be that, right? Stupid. That's the only reason why this kid, who picked out a restaurant too fancy for Bucky’s comfort, would sit here and lie his ass off by saying, "I have a stalker," and think he is getting away with it.


That hooker WinterSpider AU that someone actually asked for. Peter is an escort looking for a driver, and Bucky needs a distraction. It's not what you think. Unless it is.

Chapter 2 fills: @pparkerbingo "Sex Work" Square

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8 months ago

Omg, I love it so much.

For Maukree's Awesome Story.

For maukree's awesome story.

An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

(Now, you have to finish it, hon. )

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8 months ago

Yup, this is Winterspider. Someone, dear God, please organize a winterspider event, so I don't have to.

maukree - maukree

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7 months ago
Bucky Knows What People See When They Look At Him: The Metal Arm, The Distant Stare, The Scars Both Visible
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

Bucky knows what people see when they look at him: the metal arm, the distant stare, the scars both visible and hidden. Damaged and, obviously, stupid for letting the government stomp all over him, stupid for signing up to get broken in the first place. It has to be that, right? Stupid. That's the only reason why this kid, who picked out a restaurant too fancy for Bucky’s comfort, would sit here and lie his ass off by saying, "I have a stalker," and think he is getting away with it.


That hooker WinterSpider AU that someone actually asked for. Peter is an escort looking for a driver, and Bucky needs a distraction. It's not what you think. Unless it is. Chapter 3 fills: @pparkerbingo "Sharing Bed" Square

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7 months ago
Ok Im Not Quite Sure What Was I Thinking Of When Ive Posted This Art At My Russian Group At VK And Decided

Ok i’m not quite sure what was i thinking of when i’ve posted this art at my russian group at VK and decided not to post it here. It was really long time ago. 2017 i think (i kinda see it ‘cause of difference in my art style 😅 and coloring).

It was one of my first colored winterspider arts by the way.

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7 months ago
Peter Parker/Bucky Barnes WinterSpider
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

Peter Parker/Bucky Barnes ☆ WinterSpider

Peter might or might not have a silly, tiny crush on a firefighter working at the fire station Peter passes by on his daily bus ride. It's nothing, okay? The guy is just, like, ridiculously hot.


Firefighter!Bucky AU, College Student Peter, No Powers, Apline the Cat, Meet-Cute, Near Death Experiences, Crush, Pining, POV Peter, 1st chapter of WIP, 13.5K words

[This chapter fills our the "Meet Cute" square from SFW sheet of @winterspider-bingo ]

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6 months ago
Bucky Knows What People See When They Look At Him: The Metal Arm, The Distant Stare, The Scars Both Visible
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

Bucky knows what people see when they look at him: the metal arm, the distant stare, the scars both visible and hidden. Damaged and, obviously, stupid for letting the government stomp all over him, stupid for signing up to get broken in the first place. It has to be that, right? Stupid. That's the only reason why this kid, who picked out a restaurant too fancy for Bucky’s comfort, would sit here and lie his ass off by saying, "I have a stalker," and think he is getting away with it.


That hooker WinterSpider AU that someone actually asked for. Peter is an escort looking for a driver, and Bucky needs a distraction. It's not what you think. Unless it is. Rating: Explicit Status: Completed Wordcount: 45k Last chapter Bingo Fills: Winterspider Bingo: SWF O3 Square - Nightmares @winterspider-bingo Winterspider Bingo: NSWF G4 Square - Escort (getting it out of the way, will never write one again, lol) @winterspider-bingo Peter Parker Bingo: SWF B3 Square - Nightmares @pparkerbingo Peter Parker Bingo: NSWF O2 Square - Walked in on @pparkerbingo

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6 months ago
The Last Thing Bucky Remembers Is The Lounge, That Mouthwatering Scent, And Then Everything Going Straight
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

The last thing Bucky remembers is the lounge, that mouthwatering scent, and then everything going straight to shit with no pit stops. He rolls over, coming face to face with a bunch of blankets. They aren’t soft anymore. They aren’t clean. And they sure as hell don’t smell like anything close to heaven now. They reek of sweat, filth, and something vaguely burnt—the fuck? Must’ve been his self-respect torching itself and going up in flames. His head is pounding, his heart is pounding, his den’s a war zone, the bed broken. His goddamn mattress looks molested. Jesus. What the fuck was that?

In Bucky’s defense, the compound’s a revolving door, and he barely recognizes half the faces most of the time, let alone pays attention to memos that pop up on his phone. Rating: Explicit Chapter: 1/?

Chapter Fills:

Peter Parker Bingo: SWF G3 Square - Enchanted (depends on how you look at it / a stretch) @pparkerbingo Winterspider Bingo: SWF O1 Square - Avengers Compound @winterspider-bingo Winterspider Bingo: NSWF Alt - Scent Kink @winterspider-bingo

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