maul-of-shame - "Ithil nîn"
"Ithil nîn"

She/Her. 26. 🇫🇷 🇮🇹- Reads/write: 🇫🇷 🇮🇹 🇬🇧 🇪🇸 🇷🇴Your mom's favorite. Short and salty.If I catch you reposting my stuff without permission I'll split you in half and send your kneecaps back to your weeping mother.!!!!!!!MINORS DNI!!!!!!

471 posts

Okay, You Know What? After Reading This Post, I Jokingly Said We Should All Just Make A Pact To Reblog


Okay, you know what? After reading this post, I jokingly said we should all just make a pact to reblog it five times a day forever. So I'm gonna do this louder for the people in the back:








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More Posts from Maul-of-shame

8 months ago

It's clear you're hellbent on being patronizing and trying to assert your supposed superior understanding, but let’s set the record straight since you're set on this path to show me I'm "lacking media comprehension" and such.

Plot hole: (noun: plot hole; plural noun: plot holes; noun: plothole; plural noun: plotholes) An inconsistency in the narrative or character development of a book, film, television programme, etc.

A plot hole is, indeed, a gap or inconsistency in the storyline that contradicts the logic established by the plot.

However, your condescending attitude and rigid definition don't help foster a meaningful discussion.

You can feel however you want about a piece of media, but dismissing others' critiques as merely subjective and insisting they're not valid because they don't fit your narrow definition of plot holes is unhelpful and dismissive.

A plot hole is more than just an obvious mistake like a lightsaber magically reappearing (who can simply be editing errors or genuine human mistake). Here are more nuanced examples to clarify since you wanna be specific:

Character Motivation: If Character A is established as deeply loyal to Character B, but suddenly betrays them without any plausible reason or buildup, that’s a plot hole. Unresolved Storylines: If a major plot point is introduced, such as Character C having a crucial piece of information, but the story never explains what happens to that information or how it affects the plot, that's a plot hole. Inconsistent Rules: If a story sets specific rules for its universe (e.g., time travel mechanics) and then blatantly disregards them without explanation, that’s a plot hole. Wishing for more developed characters or more comprehensive arcs isn't about feelings, again, it's about the story's coherence and depth.

Your assertion that others are using the term "plot hole" incorrectly and your insistence on correcting them only serves to elevate your sense of superiority rather than contribute to a constructive conversation. Different people might see different aspects of the story as gaps or inconsistencies based on their interpretations, and that’s perfectly valid.

If you enjoy the show and have no issues with its narrative choices, that’s great, good for you. But don't invalidate others' critiques by implying they don’t understand the terminology or lack comprehension. This approach is not only condescending but also harmful to open and respectful discourse (which you seem to refuse since you're clearly trying to get to people by saying they don't understand, lack comprehension and so on).

Content can be liked or disliked for various reasons, and people are entitled to their perspectives.

If you’re so convinced of your interpretation, perhaps it's best you stay in your bubble rather than try to school others on how they "should perceive" and "critique media", and avoid trying to "test" them as if it was some sort of homeworks to do. Different viewpoints enrich discussions, and dismissing them as mere emotional responses only shows a lack of respect for diverse opinions and that you're clearly refusing discussion, chosing to school people instead of really focusing on the show and its critiques.

So, yes, we can all be critical of shows and no show is above criticism. But please, spare us the patronizing lectures on terminology and accept that differing opinions can coexist without one being inherently superior to the other.

If you cannot engage without schooling people about "rightful terminology" and all without having to reference a potential "lack of understanding/comprehension) and act like we, as watchers, are "below you" because "you" know "better than us", "know the rightful terminology" etc etc, then I'm sorry but there is no point in continuing this conversation.

Spoilers for the Acolyte Finale: (spicy)







Maybe this is me being picky, a bitch, or just using braincells but this didn't make sense on so many points???????!!!!!! You want me to believe Osha, who witnessed the deaths of the Jedi, INCLUDING HER FRIENDS JECKI AND YORD, right in front of her in the most BRUTAL WAYS, realized her sister had been/was being manipulated by Qimir, who got basically kidnapped by him, THIS OSHA, would go hand in hand off into the sunset with the man who murdered her friends right after she choked her master to death and they wiped the memory of her twin sister after finally finding her after years thinking she lost everyone and leave said AMNESIC sister into the hands of people she thinks are awful ?????


Don't even get me started on the Vernestra stuff because- Sol was not the only one on Brendok. They were 4. 4 damn people. One went into exile, one took the vow of silence, one didn't seem that affected by it (hello she was the one saying they should cover it up) and Sol did his very best to train Osha for YEARS. He wanted her and Mae to be safe. He tried to save them both and it backfired. Did he go about it the right way ? No. Did he deserve to die for it ? Definitely not.

Sol did try to redeem himself, tried to be the best teacher and parental figure he could be for Osha, taught younglings to not be like him (visible in the lesson he's giving, also he was the only one back to teaching, JUST SAYING) and there's no point in denying that. He thought Mother Aniseya was going to kill Mae. His heart got the best of him and he acted without knowing what was happening. But don't you dare try to say they went there to "steal children" because this wasn't the damn point of the MISSION. They have been seent to EXPLORE the planet, not to STEAL CHILDREN, or MURDER PEOPLE.

Their actions were not the best, yes, but there is no need to make it seems like it was part of a "grand plan" or even more messed up.

What happened was a kid tired of spending time on a planet for god knows what was starting to get restless and a man worried about two CHILDREN, thinking something terrible was about to happen with two other people trying to shut them down messed up big time.

The miscommunication caused all of this, this could have been avoided if everyone involved TALKED.

And what was the point of making the "twins" reunite only to wipe Mae's memory and do ANOTHER cover up??? Like my sister in the Force, WHAT THE HELL ????

Mae's character, the growth, realizing he should go and be judged for his crimes, her character was beautifully written and to just end this like that: this disminish her character, Sol's character, Jecki's, Yord's and all the others.

Osha snapping after learning the truth, I can understand it, but would she just go like this? Full darkside and believe the man who manipulated her twin, killed her friends and all to just run off into the sunset with him? Would she go that easily with him????

This genuinely feels like a fanfiction someone wanted to end quickly, no matter how far off the ending and characters seemed. But, with Leslye saying she loves "enemies to lovers", I'm not surprised she did this, just heavily disappointed.

If the Jedi are this bad... Why leave an amnesic Mae with them then?

Mae, Sol, Yord, Jecki, Torbin... They all didn't deserve this. If you have to kill two potential love interests (Jecki & Yord) + downplay the villain's actions to make sure your ship (Oshamir) happens, then there is an issue here.

How in the Hell becoming a Sith and going on a rampage is liberating? Genuinely, how is that good and freeing?

Haven't you guys watched the prequels??? And Anakin's downfall???

This series was so good, genuinely great with beautiful decors, scenes, fighting choreography etc and it just... It feels like an empty ending. Idk what she thought she did with this but this ain't it.

Again, this is just my rant about it, you don't have to like it. If you loved this episode, then good for you! Congrats!! I loved the show, I really did. Until episode 5. Then it just went downhill.

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8 months ago
maul-of-shame - "Ithil nîn"

I think the Jedi are a massive system of unchecked power, posing as a religion, a delusional cult that claims to control the uncontrollable. [...] Not the Force. Your emotions. You project an image of goodness and restraint, but it's only a matter of time before one of you snaps. [...] The majority of my colleagues can't imagine a galaxy without the Jedi. And I can understand why. When you're looking up to heroes, you don't have to face what's right in front of you. 

--Senator Rayencourt - The Acolyte 1x08

I Think The Jedi Are A Massive System Of Unchecked Power, Posing As A Religion, A Delusional Cult That

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8 months ago

To each their own when it comes to opinions, but don't accuse me of "lacking media comprehension" just because I have different takes than you.

Your points are just your interpretations, not absolute facts, just like mine are. I never said you "had" to agree with them, but dismissing differing views as ignorance is not constructive in any way, shape or form, no matter the words you are using.

Calling out certain elements of the story as plot holes or not is subjective. Just because you don't see them as plot holes doesn't mean others can't. It's a matter of personal perspective.

Character's Dark Side Seduction: You see it as a "character being seduced to the dark side and ignoring heinous acts". Fine, others might view it differently. The story's execution left gaps for some viewers, including myself. Dismissing these concerns as a lack of comprehension is downright arrogant. People can perceive the same narrative in varied ways, and it’s essential to respect that. You want to believe this is "normal", then good for you. If I interpret it as a lack of cohesion, that's my own. I would have accepted her fall if it had been gradual and not whatever this was. But that's just me. Just like your view is yours.

Desire for More Character Development: Wanting more character development is not just a personal preference, it's a valid critique. Deep, well-rounded characters are crucial for understanding their motivations, backgrounds, and actions within the story and they deserved more time, screentime or at least lore. Suggesting that this is merely a personal whim undermines the importance of character development in storytelling. It’s a critical aspect of narrative structure and engagement and HELPS with the plot and subplots.

Sol’s Character Arc: You interpret Sol’s death as meaningful and pivotal. Others might see it as a loose end or a poorly handled arc. For me, it certainly feels lacking, poorly handled, and judging by the majority of responses echoing this sentiment, I am not alone. So, according to your logic, it seems that a significant number of viewers is also "lacking media comprehension" then, which is an unreasonable assumption.

Different perspectives on a character’s journey are more than valid and you trying to prove "others are ignorant/lacking media comprehension" because they have different views than you is baffling.

Critiquing a show and expecting more from its narrative depth and coherence doesn't mean someone lacks media comprehension.

It shows that they are engaging critically with the material.

Engaging with a show critically is a sign of investment and interest, not ignorance.

And just because someone is able to critique a show, doesn't mean they hate it. I loved the Acolyte.

So, before you dismiss others' views, consider that differing opinions can coexist without one being inherently wrong. And "getting better at media comprehension", this isn't a sort of test or contest. People are allowed to criticized media and art without making a competition, trying to guess who's right/wrong.

I'm never gonna change your mind, you're never gonna change mine, so I wish you the best finding whatever you're looking for.

Spoilers for the Acolyte Finale: (spicy)







Maybe this is me being picky, a bitch, or just using braincells but this didn't make sense on so many points???????!!!!!! You want me to believe Osha, who witnessed the deaths of the Jedi, INCLUDING HER FRIENDS JECKI AND YORD, right in front of her in the most BRUTAL WAYS, realized her sister had been/was being manipulated by Qimir, who got basically kidnapped by him, THIS OSHA, would go hand in hand off into the sunset with the man who murdered her friends right after she choked her master to death and they wiped the memory of her twin sister after finally finding her after years thinking she lost everyone and leave said AMNESIC sister into the hands of people she thinks are awful ?????


Don't even get me started on the Vernestra stuff because- Sol was not the only one on Brendok. They were 4. 4 damn people. One went into exile, one took the vow of silence, one didn't seem that affected by it (hello she was the one saying they should cover it up) and Sol did his very best to train Osha for YEARS. He wanted her and Mae to be safe. He tried to save them both and it backfired. Did he go about it the right way ? No. Did he deserve to die for it ? Definitely not.

Sol did try to redeem himself, tried to be the best teacher and parental figure he could be for Osha, taught younglings to not be like him (visible in the lesson he's giving, also he was the only one back to teaching, JUST SAYING) and there's no point in denying that. He thought Mother Aniseya was going to kill Mae. His heart got the best of him and he acted without knowing what was happening. But don't you dare try to say they went there to "steal children" because this wasn't the damn point of the MISSION. They have been seent to EXPLORE the planet, not to STEAL CHILDREN, or MURDER PEOPLE.

Their actions were not the best, yes, but there is no need to make it seems like it was part of a "grand plan" or even more messed up.

What happened was a kid tired of spending time on a planet for god knows what was starting to get restless and a man worried about two CHILDREN, thinking something terrible was about to happen with two other people trying to shut them down messed up big time.

The miscommunication caused all of this, this could have been avoided if everyone involved TALKED.

And what was the point of making the "twins" reunite only to wipe Mae's memory and do ANOTHER cover up??? Like my sister in the Force, WHAT THE HELL ????

Mae's character, the growth, realizing he should go and be judged for his crimes, her character was beautifully written and to just end this like that: this disminish her character, Sol's character, Jecki's, Yord's and all the others.

Osha snapping after learning the truth, I can understand it, but would she just go like this? Full darkside and believe the man who manipulated her twin, killed her friends and all to just run off into the sunset with him? Would she go that easily with him????

This genuinely feels like a fanfiction someone wanted to end quickly, no matter how far off the ending and characters seemed. But, with Leslye saying she loves "enemies to lovers", I'm not surprised she did this, just heavily disappointed.

If the Jedi are this bad... Why leave an amnesic Mae with them then?

Mae, Sol, Yord, Jecki, Torbin... They all didn't deserve this. If you have to kill two potential love interests (Jecki & Yord) + downplay the villain's actions to make sure your ship (Oshamir) happens, then there is an issue here.

How in the Hell becoming a Sith and going on a rampage is liberating? Genuinely, how is that good and freeing?

Haven't you guys watched the prequels??? And Anakin's downfall???

This series was so good, genuinely great with beautiful decors, scenes, fighting choreography etc and it just... It feels like an empty ending. Idk what she thought she did with this but this ain't it.

Again, this is just my rant about it, you don't have to like it. If you loved this episode, then good for you! Congrats!! I loved the show, I really did. Until episode 5. Then it just went downhill.

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