mechanisedbastard - Damien🎀🪲

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431 posts

Mechanisedbastard - Damien - Tumblr Blog

5 months ago
Anyway Gertrude Was Goth
Anyway Gertrude Was Goth

Anyway Gertrude was goth

5 months ago

Captains super secret spy name is Captain

He is forever a spy (get it? If u dont thats okay cause i dont either)

hey uh. wtf was going on with lord brigadier sir anthony bartholomew raisinby jones. he served with the captain in the war. he left for north africa. was the captain not ready to tell the others ab havers? why would he make up a fake name? did he and havers talk ab secret spy names when they were doing paperwork or whatever back during the war? was havers just like "yeah my super cool spy name would be lord brigadier sir anthony bartholomew raisinby jones" and the captain was just like "yep I'm remembering this forever and ever" did they actually go on a super secret spy mission? (probably not but I'm delusional and silly) what happened on that walk with him? WHAT HAPPENED ON THE WALK. WHY IS IT UR FONDEST MEMORY CAP. U CAN TELL ME. PLEASE.

5 months ago

Thats the sweetest and sneakiest thing ever😭😭🤍🤍🤍

A while back my pharmacist saw my deadname on my profile and accidentially called it out, he corrected and deleted my deadname from the system so only my preferred name shows up now. There was a crowd of people behind me, so as he hands over the pills he apologized, in equal tone and volume as when he called my deadname and lied saying it's been a long day and he didn't mean to call out -his own- name. I quietly told him it was fine and he didn't need to do that for my sake.

His response: "No, it's my name now."

I went to the pharmacist yesterday, his nametag is my deadname. He informed me he's immigrating and in the process he's changed his first name to my deadname to have an English sounding name. That's why he's now able to get a reprint of his nametag to be my deadname. And repeated, with the intense seriousness of someone who is going to die on this hill: "It's mine now. Not yours. I'm taking." His tone indicated that decision is final.

Bro literally deadnamed me once, and has committed to flat out stealing my deadname. It's his now. Legally. Officially. I over heard his co-workers call him by the name.

5 months ago

I love the way that the swagger stick belonging to Havers recontextualises so many silly Captain scenes. When the Captain uses the stick as a microphone or a magic wand or anything like that, he's using the only thing he has left of the love of his life as an instrument for joy and I think that's beautiful

5 months ago

Anyone else feel unwell about "Have you no shame?" with the shot focused on Havers. Bcus I think about that. A lot.

Anyone Else Feel Unwell About "Have You No Shame?" With The Shot Focused On Havers. Bcus I Think About
5 months ago

I love when writers use finding love in death to show how beautiful death can be

I just love the thought of being ur true self after death which is part of the reason i believe ill be reincarnated into an animal that resembles my soul

despite how tragic and heartbreaking the Captain's death was, at least he died while being comforted by the love of his life, with his hands held by him, almost confessing his love to him and receiving acknowledgement of that love. the Captain died knowing that the man he loved knew about his love. the Captain's last words were the name of the love of his life, and the last thing the Captain heard before dying was his own name coming from the lips of the man he loved. death is all it took for the Captain to finally find love, both from the man he loved in life, and from the family he found in death

5 months ago

I love his writing as it made me start reading again but finding out how old he is and the fact hes still writing is concerning, i love the new series but i feel like after the college series ends he should step down

My guys gonna have arteritis for DAYSS😭😭🙏

Dear Rick even tho i love the entire pjo fandom/books, you need to STOP writing, a sequal to tsats was not needed especially if they are not gonna be focused on Will that might be the only exception- that would prob be somwhat fine

Ik they are gonna die or break up tho......still trying to accept the possibility especially since mark isnt exactly fond of Will, im TERRIFIED PLEASE SPAR MY BABIES AND LET THEM BE HAPPY FOR ONCE 🙏🙏🙏

BUT please stop and retire or whatever you are streching it WAY to far

At this point its extremely clear you’er doing it for the money and reconigition.

First the college percy series, now the sequal to tsats sequal?

Yes im still excited but like- this book was COMPLETELY out of nowhere

And I will be extremely dissapointed if this is the same as the last one- for the gods sake- my sake


Just let them be you know HAPPY FOR ONCE😒

Thank you for your time

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5 months ago

One of my lecturers was telling us about how a particular example was bad because it was using first names as keys to enter a database and she said:

"I mean there could be 50 Michael's"

and I just-

One Of My Lecturers Was Telling Us About How A Particular Example Was Bad Because It Was Using First

everywhere I go I see his face

5 months ago

hello. agnes blog there. she is only there if you clown harder than swifies do for reputation tv. unfortunately.

As an ex swiftie i was made for this😈😈

Ill get my candle girl with a side of lesbianism💪

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5 months ago
5 months ago

Havent seen tmagp 30 yet but im so excited now😈🙏

Man i love spoilers /gen YIPPIE!!!

(If u phone creatures have lied trust u will be dealt with.)

TMagP 30

Is Agnes Montague alive?

Status: Fuck man, maybe? I don’t know at this point. I’m gonna say unconfirmed, because even if my clowning is real and that WAS her, there’s no clue if she’s STILL alive. Status unconfirmed, I’m losing my mind. The Magnus Protocol truly is a podcast.

6 months ago

Could really use this right now🤍

Hi!!This is my first post so I don't know if I can call myself an hellenic polytheist because I don't practice much (but I love the gods) because I don't have motivation but I want to start practicing everyday so if you guys have tips it would be appreciated.

So I can't really teach anyone anything but I can share prayers so this is the prayer I do (it's been a while since I prayed) before I sleep:

Lady Nxy godess of the night  I thank thee/you for all the peaceful nights bestowed to me

To Lord Hypnos beloved child of Lady Nyx I thank thee for all the peaceful sleep and dreams bestowed to me

I ask you Lady Nyx  for another peaceful night

And to you beloved child of Nyx ,Lord Hypnos, I ask for a good night of sleep and good dreams

If you guys think I could improve some things, please tell me and have a good day

6 months ago

i love you media that emphasized mundanity. i love you media that says you still matter as a person even if you don't achieve something great. i love you media that says existing and being alive is enough. i love you "we might not remember your poems, but we'd remember you." i love you "i was no hero" "perhaps. but you are a brave man." i love "in another life i would have really liked just doing laundry and taxes with you." i love you "but who's gonna watch the deer?" i love you the mundane as something to be loved for

6 months ago
mechanisedbastard - Damien🎀🪲
6 months ago

so im reading the iliad and i got so excited when the helm of hades came up! and not only that, but it's athena who wears it to hide herself from ares which i think is very cool

6 months ago

so has this been done yet?

So Has This Been Done Yet?
6 months ago

The Magnus Archives is a horror podcast WRONG

The Magnus Archives is a RomCom WRONG

It's the world most elaborately made and longest anti smoking ad lmao

6 months ago

Tumblr users will see a post mentioning a day if the week and just fucking black out and reblog it

6 months ago

the other thing about elias is that he is like a tumblrina to me essentially. like he saw a wet mean little man he liked and he said oh he’s perfect i’m going to put him in a jar and shake him around i’m going to put him in so many hideous situations. like any time you want to put a man in the microwave it was then that elias bouchard carried you. but unlike tumblr bloggers he managed to leverage this for career advancement slash becoming king of the fucking world which no one here has ever accomplished. you know they say if you do what you love you never work a day in your life.

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6 months ago

I know he’s kind of a polarizing character, but I have to say, Elias Bouchard truly is Iconic. When you hear the twist of “the boring middle manager was actually secretly an evil eldritch monster the whole time!” you sort of assume that the boring middle manager persona was just a facade, but no, he really does seem to just enjoy dull administrative work. He’s both exactly as boring as he seems on the surface and profoundly fucked up in ways you couldn’t imagine. He’s practically omniscient and playing 4-D chess with everyone, but he responds to even slight hiccups in his elaborate scheme with acts of extreme violence. He beats an old man to death with a metal pipe and when someone brings it up later he goes, “Yeah I may have overreacted there.” His employees are constantly trying to murder him. He broke out of prison just so he could give a dramatic monologue. He had a weird gay thing going on with seemingly every man he met in the past 200 years. He loves scheduling.

6 months ago

Rata tat tat

Rata Tat Tat
6 months ago
Just Another Goddamn Mystery
Just Another Goddamn Mystery
Just Another Goddamn Mystery
Just Another Goddamn Mystery

just another goddamn mystery

6 months ago

Re-listening to the Magnus Archives... damn this is good. I'm on Schwartzwald at the moment (always love the Eye ones for obvious reasons). This is one of my favorite episodes I think... all the bits left unexplained really adds to it. It just doesn't make full sense and that makes me love it all the more. It's just so cool! I wish I could live in this world just so I could know everything about everything. I'd be such a great Archivist lmao

Maybe it's a good thing this stuff isn't real tho?

I kinda want to do one of those episode-by-episode analysis things, so tell me if you want that! I'll do it with, like, the slightest positive support cuz i really want to lol

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