megalizardon4736 - Mega Lizardon
Mega Lizardon

I do art & stuff .-.

423 posts

The Next Gen 1 Mon That I Didn't Make A Regional Form For Is Metapod And I Absolutely Didn't Know What

The Next Gen 1 Mon That I Didn't Make A Regional Form For Is Metapod And I Absolutely Didn't Know What

The next gen 1 mon that I didn't make a regional form for is metapod and I absolutely didn't know what to fuse it with so I had the fusion generator choose for me. #pokemon #pokémon #pocketmonsters #ghosttypepokemon #bugtypepokemon #banette #metapod #fusion #digitalart #fanmade #fanart #firealpaca #firealpacaart #firealpacadrawing #pokemonfusion #pokefusionart #pokemonfusionart #pokéfusions #pokefusion #pokefusions #pokéfusion #pokéfanart #pokemonart #nintendo #gamefreak

More Posts from Megalizardon4736

5 years ago

Steven Universe Giveaway

Go check it out on Gleam! :D

Steven Universe Giveaway

5 years ago
Galarian Form: Ditto
Galarian Form: Ditto
Galarian Form: Ditto

Galarian form: Ditto

This is a doctor who reference to the Zygons

Deviantart  Instagram

5 years ago
Next Regional Form Is The Venonat Line That Are Based On Cinnabar Moths. Venonats And Venomoths In Unova

Next regional form is the Venonat line that are based on Cinnabar moths. Venonats and Venomoths in Unova have adapted to a more nocturnal lifetstyle and will try to avoid light as much as possible. The food they injest,making their blood toxic. Their bright red colors are a warning not to eat them. #regionalform #regionalvariant #regionalforms #pocketmonsters #pokemon #pokémon #nintendo #gamefreak #venonat #venomoth #bugtypepokemon #darktypepokemon #moth #cinnabarmoth

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5 years ago
Galarian Paras And Parasect Can Be Found In Glimwood Tangle And Paras Evolves Into Parasect At Level

Galarian Paras and Parasect can be found in Glimwood Tangle and Paras evolves into Parasect at level 24 at night. They're both based on bioluminescent mushrooms and the tiny antlers on Paras are based on clavaria zollingeri coral just because I thought they looked cute. Paras: Paras are nocturnal and are very difficult to see when they're hiding with the other glowing mushrooms. Parasect: They are extremely smart and cunning. They're more in control than their kantonian relatives but due to the glowing mushroom growing bigger & brighter,they have gone blind but the pupils are still barely visible. #pokemon #pokémon #pocketmonsters #bugtypepokemon #psychictypepokemon #paras #parasect #digitalart #fanmade #fanart #firealpaca #firealpacaart #firealpacadrawing #nintendo #gamefreak #regionalform #regionalforms #regionalvariant

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