Regionalvariant - Tumblr Posts

Ya know,I've sensed the theme i've had lately with fairy kalos pokemon XD Not to worry though it's my last kalos form for a while. Wherever they appears,they release a calming aura in the air that calms tension and brings people and pokemon together. If it senses that 2 people are compatible,it will try everything to bring them together. #pokemon #pokémon #pocketmonsters #regionalform #regionalforms #regionalvariant #digitalart #fanmade #fanart #firealpaca #firealpacaart #firealpacadrawing #kalos #vulpix #ninetales

Now for the Alolan Oddish line. There were a few inspirations for these. Oddish is based on Grass Awns and the Mosaic Virus. Gloom is based on Sapria buds and also the Mosaic Virus. Vileplume is based on leaf spots and Bellosom is based on a flower called Asphodelus albus Gloom evolves into Vileplume at night at Hau'oli Cemetary. Gloom evolves into Bellossom in the day at Wela Volcano. Oddish: Its head is very sharp and prickly. Oddish imported to Alola seem to have caught something that give them yellowish spots. Gloom: The yellow spots now cover almost their entire body. Gloom appears to not notice or care as it is very happy-go-lucky. Vileplume: It haunts the cemetary at night scaring most trainers and pokemon. They are nocturnal and disappear when the sun risea. Bellossom: Bellossom love gathering around the volcano and hula dancing in daylight. They always retreat when the sun sets. #oddish #gloom #vileplume #bellossom #pokemon #pokémon #pocketmonsters #regionalform #regionalforms #regionalvariant #digitalart #fanmade #fanart #firealpaca #firealpacaart #firealpacadrawing #grasstypepokemon #poisontypepokemon #ghosttypepokemon #firetypepokemon

Galarian Paras and Parasect can be found in Glimwood Tangle and Paras evolves into Parasect at level 24 at night. They're both based on bioluminescent mushrooms and the tiny antlers on Paras are based on clavaria zollingeri coral just because I thought they looked cute. Paras: Paras are nocturnal and are very difficult to see when they're hiding with the other glowing mushrooms. Parasect: They are extremely smart and cunning. They're more in control than their kantonian relatives but due to the glowing mushroom growing bigger & brighter,they have gone blind but the pupils are still barely visible. #pokemon #pokémon #pocketmonsters #bugtypepokemon #psychictypepokemon #paras #parasect #digitalart #fanmade #fanart #firealpaca #firealpacaart #firealpacadrawing #nintendo #gamefreak #regionalform #regionalforms #regionalvariant

Next regional form is the Venonat line that are based on Cinnabar moths. Venonats and Venomoths in Unova have adapted to a more nocturnal lifetstyle and will try to avoid light as much as possible. The food they injest,making their blood toxic. Their bright red colors are a warning not to eat them. #regionalform #regionalvariant #regionalforms #pocketmonsters #pokemon #pokémon #nintendo #gamefreak #venonat #venomoth #bugtypepokemon #darktypepokemon #moth #cinnabarmoth

Next form is the Meowth line and I had a LOT of fun making this one. Might be because of my love for cats lol. The forms are based on a scrapped line from the beta of gold and silver and Persian is based on an extinct species called the Xenosmilus. Their ears are more rabbit like making them based on Cabbits which apparently have appeared in fiction and fantasy stories including Japanese manga and anime. The Persian also seems to be based on Ball tailed cats which is a fictional creature in North America described having similar traits to mountain lions. Meowth and Persian like hanging out in graveyards and are even said to guide pokemon to the afterlife with the soft glow from their tail. They are more docile than their other forms unless you step into their territory. Grieving families however are allowed in without confrontation. #meowth #persian #pocketmonsters #pokemon #pokémon #regionalform #regionalforms #regionalvariant #digitalart #fanmade #fanart #firealpaca #firealpacaart #firealpacadrawing #nintendo #gamefreak

Next form is the Growlithe line based on the Aralez which are doglike spirits that descend from the sky to lick wounds of dead heroes so they could resurrect. Growlithe evolves with the Dusk Stone. Growlithe and Arcanine in Alola are highly worshipped and are said to look after the islanders. They are said to heal any wounds. They have been seen working with the Tapus from time to time. #growlithe #arcanine #pocketmonsters #pokemon #pokémon #ghosttypepokemon #flyingtypepokemon #digitalart #fanmade #fanart #firealpaca #firealpacaart #firealpacadrawing #nintendo #gamefreak #regionalform #regionalforms #regionalvariant

Next form is the Poliwag line. Poliwag,Poliwhirl and Poliwrath are based on lava lamps and Politoad is based on a color morph in strawberry poison dart frogs known as the blue jeans morph. Poliwrath evolves by leveling up in burned tower and Politoad evolves by leveling up in Tohjo Falls. #poliwag #poliwhirl #poliwrath #politoad #pokemon #pokémon #pocketmonsters #regionalform #regionalforms #regionalvariant #digitalart #fanmade #fanart #firealpaca #firealpacaart #firealpacadrawing #nintendo #gamefreak #firetypepokemon #watertypepokemon #fairytypepokemon

Next form is the Abra line and although I haven't watched the shows,I based them off Korra. Abra:They sleep underwater for long periods of time,only surfacing a couple of hours a day. Kadabra: They start training their psychic abilities at this stage. They can create many shapes with the water they control. Alakazam: Their mind is extremely sharp. They are always training to better their abilities. The water they control can slice through rocks. #abra #kadabra #alakazam #pokemon #pokémon #pocketmonsters #watertypepokemon #psychictypepokemon #digitalart #fanmade #fanart #firealpaca #firealpacaart #firealpacadrawing #nintendo #gamefreak #regionalform #regionalforms #regionalvariant

Next form is the Machop line,based on fire dancers and some inspiration from Machamp’s gigantamax form.
Also might take a couple days off from drawing. I FINALLY got the Mystery Dungeon DX and I feel like binging it! XD
#machop #machoke #machamp #pokemon #pokémon #pocketmonsters #alola #regionalform #regionalforms #regionalvariant #digitalart #fanmade #fanart #firealpaca #firealpacaart #firealpacadrawing #nintendo #gamefreak #fightingtypepokemon #firetypepokemon

Some requests I just finished up.
#fusion #pocketmonsters #pokemon #pokémon #pokemonfusion #cat #shayminlandform #shayminskyforme #shaymin #gengar #ghosttypepokemon #dragontypepokemon #grasstypepokemon #digitalart #fanmade #fanart #firealpaca #nintendo #gamefreak #regionalform #regionalforms #regionalvariant

Next regional form is the Tentacool line which are based on the crystal jellyfish. They are also bioluminescent.
The Tentacool and Tentacruel in Sinnoh prefer living near the bottom of the seas and oceans. Their body temperatures became much colder over time and lost the poison typing due to not having as many predators.
#sinnoh #tentacruel #tentacool #pocketmonsters #pokemon #pokémon #regionalvariant #regionalform #regionalforms #digitalart #fanmade #fanart #firealpaca #nintendo #gamefreak #watertypepokemon #icetypepokemon

Next form is the Geodude line based on radioactive rocks and the coloration of Torbernite crystals.
Signature Move:
Radio Lightball: Power: 80 Accuracy: 100
The pokemon lets loose a huge ball of green light at the opponent. It has a 50% chance to poison.
#geodude #graveler #golem #rocktypepokemon #poisontypepokemon #regionalform #regionalforms #regionalvariant #digitalart #fanmade #fanart #pokéathome #pokeathome #unova #nintendo #gamefreak

Next regional forms is the Slowpoke line with Slowpoke looking more like an Axolotl than its previous form. It evolves into Slowbro when you have a Tynamo in your party or Slowpoke into Slowking with a helix fossil in the bag. If you have both then it’s a 50% chance of either.
#regionalform #regionalvariant #regionalforms #pocketmonsters #pokemon #pokémon #slowpoke #slowbro #slowking #watertypepokemon #fairytypepokemon #electrictypepokemon #rocktypepokemon #digitalart #fanmade #fanart #firealpaca #nintendo #gamefreak

The next regional forms- Alolan Seel line AKA the poor man’s Primarina XD
Seel Moveset Headbutt 3 Growl 7 Disarming Voice 11 Icy Wind 13 Encore 17 Sing 21 Rest 23 Aqua Ring 27 Aurora Beam 31 Bubble Beam 33 Brine 37 Hyper Voice 41 Surf 43 Hydro Pump 47 Ice Beam 51 Captivate 53 Misty Terrain
Dewgong Moveset Evolve Sparkling Aria Headbutt Growl Signal Beam Icy Wind 3 Growl 7 Disarming Voice 11 Icy Wind 13 Encore 17 Sing 21 Rest 23 Aqua Ring 27 Aurora Beam 31 Bubble Beam 33 Brine 39 Hyper Voice 45 Surf 49 Hydro Pump 55 Ice Beam 61 Captivate 65 Misty Terrain
#seel #dewgong #watertypepokemon #fairytypepokemon #regionalform #regionalforms #regionalvariant #digitalart #fanmade #fanart #firealpaca #nintendo #gamefreak #alola

A request from my Deviantart.
The request was to draw the buddyized version of Absol so I did the mega version of it,not realizing that it’s buddy mega looks more different to this until after. ;-;
Buddyized pokemon are a concept from the pokemon youtuber Mr Buddy.
Ability: Magic Bounce Height: 3'11"1.2 m Weight: 108.0 lbs.49.0 kg Egg Group: Field and Fairy Gender Ratio: 50% Male 50% Female HP: 65 Attack: 115 Defense: 60 Special Attack: 150 Special Defense: 60 Speed:115 BST:565
(All stats for non-mega Absol is the same as its original form but the attack stats are swapped)
Buddyized Absol moveset
— Moonblast — Future Sight — Scratch — Feint — Leer — Quick Attack 4 Leer 7 Quick Attack 10 Disarming Voice 13 Sweet Kiss 16 Draining Kiss 19 Double Team 22 Slash 25 Swords Dance 29 Dazzling Gleam 33 Detect 37 Psychic 41 Heal Bell 45 Hyper Voice 49 Razor Wind 53 Future Sight 57 Moonblast
Egg Moves
Baton Pass Double-Edge Magic Coat Zen Headbutt Me First Megahorn Play Rough Life Dew Baby-Doll Eyes Roar Acupressure Extrasensory Tickle Aromatic Mist
#absol #pokemon #pokémon #pocketmonsters #fairytypepokemon #digitalart #fanmade #fanart #firealpaca #nintendo #gamefreak #regionalform #regionalforms #regionalvariant

Next regional form is the Hoennian Gastly line based on will-o-wisps (same as original form) and Gastly’s made to resemble a falling meteor.
The Gastly evolution line shoots fire out of their bodies as fast as jets. If you suddenly start sweating,you might be near one of these pokemon.
Hoennian Gastly line Moveset
- Flamethrower - Perish Song - Will-O-Wisp - Lick - Confuse Ray - Hypnosis - Mean Look 12 Payback 16 Spite 20 Curse 24 Hex 30 Night Shade 36 Sucker Punch 42 Dark Pulse 48 Shadow Ball 54 Destiny Bond 60 Dream Eater 68 Mystical Fire 72 Lava Plume
Egg Moves
Perish Song Haze Astonish Grudge Disable Clear Smog Smog Reflect Type Toxic Flame Charge Power Split
#gastly #haunter #gengar #hoenn #regionalvariant #regionalform #regionalforms #firetypepokemon #ghosttypepokemon #digitalart #fanmade #fanart #firealpaca #firealpacaart #firealpacadrawing #nintendo #gamefreak

Next regional form is the Drowzee line which I’ve based off mountain tapirs which have white markings around their mouths.
Drowzee and Hypno are believed to guide pokemon that have passed into the afterlife. Whether they float or walk they move fairly slow.
Sinnohian Drowzee line Moveset
Future Sight Nasty Plot Nightmare Switcheroo Astonish Hypnosis Disable Confusion 5 Disable 9 Astonish 13 Headbutt 17 Poison Gas 21 Meditate 25 Hex 29 Headbutt 33 Psych Up 37 Destiny Bond 41 Ominous Wind 45 Swagger 49 Shadow Ball 53 Nasty Plot 57 Shadow Force 61 Future Sight
Egg Moveset
Barrier Memento Role Play Fire Punch Thunder Punch Ice Punch Nasty Plot Toxic Acupressure Guard Swap Secret Power Skill Swap Torment Confuse Ray
#drowzee #hypno #ghosttypepokemon #pocketmonsters #pokemon #pokémon #regionalvariant #regionalform #regionalforms #sinnoh #digitalart #fanmade #fanart #firealpaca #firealpacaart #firealpacadrawing #nintendo #gamefreak

Some more finished requests. #zygarde #garchomp #dragontypepokemon #groundtypepokemon #spritzee #aromatisse #darktypepokemon #poisontypepokemon #teddiursa #ursaring #fairytypepokemon #sobble #drizzile #inteleon #psychictypepokemon #digitalart #fanmade #fanart #firealpaca #firealpacaart #firealpacadrawing #nintendo #gamefreak #regionalform #regionalforms #regionalvariant #fusion #pocketmonsters #pokemon #pokémon