Psychictypepokemon - Tumblr Posts

5 years ago
Next Randomly Generated Fusion Is Uxeedle. It Had To Include Weedle Since That Was The Next Gen 1 Mon

Next randomly generated fusion is Uxeedle. It had to include Weedle since that was the next gen 1 mon on the list without a regional form. #fusion #digitalart #fanmade #fanart #firealpaca #firealpacaart #firealpacadrawing #uxie #weedle #bugtypepokemon #psychictypepokemon #pokemon #pokémon #pocketmonsters #pokefusion #pokefusions #pokéfusions #pokéfusion #pokemonfusion #pokefusionart #pokemonfusionart #PokemonFusion #PokemonFusions

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5 years ago
Galarian Paras And Parasect Can Be Found In Glimwood Tangle And Paras Evolves Into Parasect At Level

Galarian Paras and Parasect can be found in Glimwood Tangle and Paras evolves into Parasect at level 24 at night. They're both based on bioluminescent mushrooms and the tiny antlers on Paras are based on clavaria zollingeri coral just because I thought they looked cute. Paras: Paras are nocturnal and are very difficult to see when they're hiding with the other glowing mushrooms. Parasect: They are extremely smart and cunning. They're more in control than their kantonian relatives but due to the glowing mushroom growing bigger & brighter,they have gone blind but the pupils are still barely visible. #pokemon #pokémon #pocketmonsters #bugtypepokemon #psychictypepokemon #paras #parasect #digitalart #fanmade #fanart #firealpaca #firealpacaart #firealpacadrawing #nintendo #gamefreak #regionalform #regionalforms #regionalvariant

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4 years ago
Next Forms Are The Psyduck Line Based On The Fenghuang. It Is Often Described As A Composite Of Many

Next forms are the Psyduck line based on the Fenghuang.  It is often described as a composite of many birds including the head of a pheasant, the body of a duck, the tail of a peacock, the legs of a crane, the mouth of a parrot. The mark on Psyduck's head and Golduck's tail resemble the pattern on peacock tails. Psyduck: They have better control of their psychic abilities than their kantonian relatives. It is believed that the marking resembling an eye on their head might be the answer. Golduck: They prefer hanging around volcanoes. Their webbed feet help them swim around in hot springs and lava. #psyduck #golduck #pocketmonsters #pokemon #pokémon #digitalart #fanmade #fanart #firealpaca #firealpacaart #firealpacadrawing #nintendo #gamefreak #psychictypepokemon #watertypepokemon #firetypepokemon

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4 years ago
Now Is NidoranF's Turn And It Paired Me With Wobbuffet. WobboranF Body Is A Decoy Filled With Toxic Chemicals

Now is NidoranF's turn and it paired me with Wobbuffet. WobboranF body is a decoy filled with toxic chemicals that leak out from the horns. Its body can take a lot of hits. #nidoran♀️ #nidoranfemale #wobbuffet #psychictypepokemon #poisontypepokemon #fusion #pocketmonsters #pokemon #pokémon #pokemonfusion #pokefusionart #pokemonfusionart #pokéfusions #pokefusion #pokefusions #pokéfusion #pokéfanart #digitalart #fanmade #fanart #firealpaca #firealpacaart #firealpacadrawing #nintendo #gamefreak

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4 years ago
Next Form Is The Abra Line And Although I Haven't Watched The Shows,I Based Them Off Korra. Abra:They

Next form is the Abra line and although I haven't watched the shows,I based them off Korra. Abra:They sleep underwater for long periods of time,only surfacing a couple of hours a day. Kadabra: They start training their psychic abilities at this stage. They can create many shapes with the water they control. Alakazam: Their mind is extremely sharp. They are always training to better their abilities. The water they control can slice through rocks. #abra #kadabra #alakazam #pokemon #pokémon #pocketmonsters #watertypepokemon #psychictypepokemon #digitalart #fanmade #fanart #firealpaca #firealpacaart #firealpacadrawing #nintendo #gamefreak #regionalform #regionalforms #regionalvariant

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4 years ago
Some More Finished Requests. #zygarde #garchomp #dragontypepokemon #groundtypepokemon #spritzee #aromatisse

Some more finished requests. #zygarde #garchomp #dragontypepokemon #groundtypepokemon #spritzee #aromatisse #darktypepokemon #poisontypepokemon #teddiursa #ursaring #fairytypepokemon #sobble #drizzile #inteleon #psychictypepokemon #digitalart #fanmade #fanart #firealpaca #firealpacaart #firealpacadrawing #nintendo #gamefreak #regionalform #regionalforms #regionalvariant #fusion #pocketmonsters #pokemon #pokémon

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4 years ago
Next Was Ponyta's Turn For A Fusion And Gave Me Gible. Since It Refuses To Give Me A Gen 8
Next Was Ponyta's Turn For A Fusion And Gave Me Gible. Since It Refuses To Give Me A Gen 8

Next was Ponyta's turn for a fusion and gave me Gible. Since it refuses to give me a gen 8 mon still, I went with the galarian form. It's legs are too short and too heavy to run very fast. It prefers living in forests but few can be found in caves. Galarian Ponible Moveset - Tackle - Growl 3 Sand Attack 5 Tail Whip 7 Dragon Rage 10 Confusion 13 Sandstorm 15 Fairy Wind 19 Sand Tomb 20 Agility 25 Psybeam 25 Slash 27 Dragon Claw 30 Stomp 31 Dig 35 Heal Pulse 37 Dragon Rush 41 Take Down 45 Dazzling Gleam 50 Psychic 55 Healing Wish Egg Moves Double Kick Hypnosis Horn Drill Morning Sun Dragon Breath Outrage Twister Scary Face Double-Edge Thrash Metal Claw Sand Tomb Body Slam Iron Head Mud Shot Rock Climb Iron Tail

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4 years ago
Next Was Farfetch'd's Turn For A Fusion And I Was Paired With Mesprit. Like,I'm Glad It Didn't Give Me
Next Was Farfetch'd's Turn For A Fusion And I Was Paired With Mesprit. Like,I'm Glad It Didn't Give Me

Next was Farfetch'd's turn for a fusion and I was paired with Mesprit. Like,I'm glad it didn't give me something super complicated like Eternatus but come on,I want a gen 8 mon ;-; Galarian Mesfetch'd Moveset - Healing Wish - Natural Gift - Copycat - Rest - Confusion - Peck - Sand Attack 5 Leer 6 Imprison 10 Fury Cutter 15 Rock Smash 20 Brutal Swing 21 Swift 25 Detect 30 Knock Off 31 Lucky Chant 35 Defog 36 Future Sight 40 Brick Break 45 Swords Dance 46 Charm 50 Extrasensory 55 Leaf Blade 60 Final Gambit 61 Copycat 65 Brave Bird 66 Natural Gift 65 Healing Wish

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4 years ago
Next Starter Evolution Is Saxaison,a Combination Of The Spanish Word For Golden Pheasant And Saxony.
Next Starter Evolution Is Saxaison,a Combination Of The Spanish Word For Golden Pheasant And Saxony.
Next Starter Evolution Is Saxaison,a Combination Of The Spanish Word For Golden Pheasant And Saxony.
Next Starter Evolution Is Saxaison,a Combination Of The Spanish Word For Golden Pheasant And Saxony.
Next Starter Evolution Is Saxaison,a Combination Of The Spanish Word For Golden Pheasant And Saxony.

Next starter evolution is Saxaison,a combination of the Spanish word for golden pheasant and saxony. It is based on the golden pheasant and the saxony bird of paradise. Saxaison are almost completely flightless,only able to glide short distances. However,their brains have doubled in size,allowing them to be much more intelligent and gain psychic abilities. Their feathers are sold for jewelry at high prices.

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