06 | In love with the blonde and dark hair duo | being 1% better everyday | i like enhypen | notion obsessed | glow up journey
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More Posts from Memoriesndew

06.02.2024 || Almost done, but still a long way to go, I should be done early March I think from my 12-week year plan that's how it seems

23.01.2024 || working on a new template, and here are a few things I've added and I plan on adding would love Intel on the other things you guys might want in the template
Finally, after procrastinating, I finished this, and it was awesommeee (the voice of Veronica from the secret life of my secretary). It was short and cute, and it was basically everything art by dani_smilek

pretty boy with such pretty words -- anon

13.12.2023 || I haven't really been too focused on editing my notion other things have been my focus but I will finish it before the year ends and do a full tour on here, on my pinterest and more detailed one on YouTube

02.02.2024 || this morning, I saw a post on tiktok saying "starting my 2024 plans on 1st february bcs january was a free trial month" and I relate to that soo much, yh I did achieve a few things last month but I definitely did not feel good, I felt so weak and lost... honestly. That's one of the main reasons I love a new month bcs like it kinda gives this feeling of a cleanse, a new start β¨οΈ when the last month or year felt so bad or overwhelming. It's just feels better when new β¨οΈ is attached, i guess β anyway, before I get lost in my rant, here is my more practical 2024 vision board