merelymatt - Merely Matt
Merely Matt

Creator/writer of I Need A Miracle, host of Merely Roleplayers. (Those are podcasts.) He/him.

1362 posts

I Need A Miracle Is Produced With Broadcast Assistance From Teresa Milewski

I Need A Miracle is produced with broadcast assistance from Teresa Milewski

A black and white headshot of a smiling Teresa Milewski

Teresa Milewski is a firm favourite at @wirelesstheatre, and has been a dedicated and highly organised broadcast assistant on many of the company's most popular Audible Originals, and Wireless Original production Peace and War.

@merelymatt says, Teresa lit up our recording days, keeping on top of a technical job I won't pretend to understand while also being friendly and encouraging to everyone who entered the space.

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    merelymatt reblogged this · 8 months ago
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    foggyoutline reblogged this · 8 months ago

More Posts from Merelymatt

8 months ago

What do you MEAN there isn't a London Tide album. Not a cast recording not PJ Harvey sings the songs album. What do you MEAN I can't even find evidence of a PLAN to make or release one. What do you MEAN my fragile already-degrading memory of those songs is all I'll have of them. I want to rotate those songs until I can bridge the gulfs of those intervals with my mind. They were surely not written to be heard just the once.

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8 months ago

I apologise to all my fans for using the word immersive in the press release I'm writing for I Need A Miracle. I know. I know! But that's the pass-phrase that gets the bouncer to unbolt the door to Coverage just now. I'll do my penance (3 recitations of Jenny Nicholson's bit about "immersion" as a marketing term as relates to the failure of the Star Wars Hotel)

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8 months ago



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8 months ago

whoever decided to start implementing ads on here that automatically unmute and cut off any music app you might have on in the background as you scroll by should be hunted for sport

8 months ago


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