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I Got Chaotic Evil Too

I got chaotic evil too

go through a nighttime routine and ill tell u what kind of villain u are

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More Posts from Mermaidfanficlibrary

Hello, Hello!!

I hope my request isn't much of a burden-- however, I was wondering if you could do a one-shot with the decay of angels(Fyodor, Nikolai, and Sigma) with a male reader who has white wings?

Quick rundown for the idea;

The reader is the leader of a different organization called the Aviators; the Reader doesn't exactly have an ability but they do have wings-- the reader and their group side with the Armed Detective Agency because reader is heavily in love with bringing people to Justice, like the Decay Of Angels; however, something goes wrong and the reader gets captured while the three DOA members figure out what to do with them.

You can choose if it's more yandere-like or violent, I don't mind, really!! I usually write requests longer but I'm in a rush <\\3

Hello, Hello!!

These wings bind me | Bungou Stray Dogs x Male Reader

Characters: Nikolai Gogol, Fyodor, Sigma

Summary: Those wings you had didn't even grant you freedom

Warnings: Yandere behavior, Gore, Obsessive behavior, manipulation, death, kidnapping

Taglist: @nightshade-clown

A/n: This is very Nikolai heavy because I am biased. Also, sorry, the wings aren't mentioned as much

Hello, Hello!!

Y/n was a big name in Yokohama, well, a moderately big name. He was a well-known justice bringer with his group called the Aviators. It was a group of people who thought everyone deserved freedom and the choice on where their wings take them. Some of them were like Y/n, with giant wings granting them flight through the sky. 

But some had abilities that helped with bringing justice into the world. Y/n heavily believed in bringing justice to everything that tried to inflict on it. The Aviators seemed to be of decent popularity that even the ADA sought them out as an extra branch. The two organizations were seen as partner groups, essentially. 

Y/n still did whatever he really wanted under his association, but he would give the ADA extra people when they needed them. The same went with the ADA sending the Aviators people when they required them. It was quite the relationship between the organizations. No one really expected it, since Y/n was more about vigilante work and the ADA worked with the government in a way. 

But here is the leader of the Aviators, analyzing a case with some of ADA's best detectives. Dazai, Kunikida, Autsushi and Y/n were all lurking around the crime scene, looking for any form of evidence to link anyone or anything to the scene. Y/n was with Atsushi, as not wanting to deal with Dazai's shenanigans or Kunikida's harsh comments. Atsushi and Y/n were decent acquaintances and worked well with each other.

The two made basic small talk as they searched the crime scene and conversed with passerbys to see if any of them were a reliable witness. Atsushi left Y/n on his own to look for something, though Y/n didn’t know what. He was on his own, just standing out in the open, it seemed pretty safe with the amount of people around. However, there was something off, and Y/n felt it. 

Something in him made his white iridescent wings fluff out in anxiety. None of Y/n’s associates were near bye, and that worried Y/n. No one was there to protect him if something bad were to happen, well, something incredibly bad. Y/n could fend for himself, he knew basic martial arts, but against ability users all he could really do was fly to avoid as many hits as he can until back up comes. 

Y/n wasn’t completely helpless, but he preferred being with someone who could save him if he were in trouble. Y/n didn’t only feel just one pair of eyes on him, but multiple. They were watching him, marking his move and every twitch he made. But Y/n didn’t know who was watching him.

Just as the paranoia subsided, Y/n was swept away from where he was standing. The kidnapper knocked him out, and everything else was blurry in his head. Atsushi came back only to find where Y/n stood was blank. He wasn’t the only one who was worried, however. 

Atsushi went to his two fellow co-workers and told them what had happened, both seemingly hid their panic on the inside. Those other pairs of eyes that kept a close watch on Y/n left, to find their dearly beloved Angel. The crime scene was left barren by both the ADA and the Decay of Angels. Both were on the hunt to get Y/n back.

Sigma, Nikolai, and Fyodor looked everywhere in Yokohama, all the places they knew Y/n might have been taken. But there was no luck, not until a few days later. It was late at night, and the three DOA members followed some of what passing witnesses said they heard or saw a couple of days before. There was a tiny sliver of hope in all three men. 

Nikolai was the first to step into the abandoned shed that rested near a busy roadway. It was covered in foliage and trees, keeping the whole building a secret, or so it seemed. Nikolai, however, paid no mind to any of that, only focused on finding his Angel. Fyodor and Sigma only followed Nikolai, keeping the white haired man at a distance. 

The two didn’t trust anything about this place. They were prepared for any form of attack from anyone. Nikolai wondered in, carefree, not caring about anything else other than his Angel. The three stopped in their tracks as they heard metal bars swishing around. 

Nikolai ran in deeper into the building, stopping to marvel at the sight of a beautiful golden cage. What quickly knocked him out of the trance was the iridescent, feathered wings of his Angel. Nikolai felt angry that someone would do this to his Angel, no one should cage his dearly love up like this. He jumped up against boxes that were stacked to reach the cage. 

Y/n was startled by the sudden stop of the cage he was trying to escape from. He looked outside the bar with teary, enraged eyes. He was met with piercing blue gray eyes that streamed raw anger, yet there was love that trickled lightly. Y/n was left so confused as he just stared deep into the eyes that looked back. 

Y/n didn’t notice two others walking into the room that held him in the golden cage. The metal shined slightly with the whisps of moonlight beaming through the cracks of the wooden roof. Sigma glanced up to see Nikolai gazing at Y/n, holding the cage still. Something wasn’t right about the whole situation. 

Fyodor felt the same as Sigma as the two shared a knowing look of imminent danger. They stood back to back, covering each other's blind spots. Nikolai used his ability to bring himself into the cage. Y/n was taken aback by what this man did, why bring himself into the cage?

Nikolai crouched down to meet Y/n’s face, a sickly smile graced his face. It unsettled the winged boy, he tried to move out of range, but he was stuck to the floor of the cage. He felt the touch of Nikolai, and it increased the anxiety that floating in him. He brought Y/n into a warm embrace, his smile not ceasing from his lips. 

Nikolai gave the other two men a knowing look, and they nodded in agreement. The kidnapper seemed to notice the three and came out of the shadows. Their eyes gleamed with insanity, their laughing was incoherent to the three men and Y/n. Y/n’s fear was practically spilling out of his body, and Nikolai noticed. 

“Don’t worry, my dear Angel, we’ll set you free!”

Y/n felt disgusted by that nickname, coming from a stranger. There was so much going on, he didn’t know what to make out of anything. Nikolai covered Y/n’s ears and brought him even closer to him. He silently whispered to him. 

“No need to be scared, my Angel. Everything will be okay. You’re safe now! Sigma and Dotsoy have it all covered!”

Just behind Y/n, Sigma and Fyodor were fighting the kidnapper. Their anger was shown in their attacks, and it was scaring the kidnapper. The hood fell off, and it showed the face of the persecutor. Y/n glanced behind his back slightly and gasped as he saw the face of his kidnapper. 

“How did you find this place?! I was sure I kept everything out of the public eye!”

Sigma’s face stayed flat, but his emotions were clear to both the kidnapper and Fyodor. Nikolai was too busy with Y/n and comforting him to even notice. Fyodor managed to immobilize the assailant, pinning him to the ground. Sigma walked closer, as he bent down.

“It’s easy for us to find what we want. Now you will pay for stealing from us.”

Sigma looked at Fyodor with an approving look. Y/n and Nikolai were watching from the cage, Nikolai waiting for a change to get Y/n out of said cage. He gripped Y/n harder, to a point it hurt, but he didn’t want to let the h/c haired boy go. Blood splattered everywhere, as Fyodor used his ability to get rid of this pest. 

Y/n wasn’t shocked about the death and red soaking everything around him, but it amazed him how easily someone would end other's life. He has killed others before, but only because they were hurting and taking other’s freedom. Nikolai scooped Y/n into his slender arms, hopping out of the cage, unknown to Y/n how he did, but Y/n couldn’t get out of his grip. Y/n was then surrounded by Sigma and Fyodor. 

Y/n tried to stand, but his legs were still asleep and he collapsed. Sigma caught him, being careful of his white wings. As Sigma stroked Y/n’s h/c hair, loving how it felt against his fingers. Fyodor was busy taking care of the dead body, and Nikolai was gently touching Y/n’s wings. 

Y/n looked up at Sigma, with watery eyes glistening the little moonlight that let itself into the cracks. His lips quivered a bit, fear still settling in his heart after a traumatic event. Sigma brought one of his hands to cup Y/n’s cheek, wiping away tears that threatened to fall. Y/n’s voice was sweet and soft to the three men that surrounded him, they all slightly blushed, feeling honored to hear it. 

“Why did you come and save me?” 

Fyodor came back, gently walking to the side of Y/n. Y/n’s e/c eyes looked at Fyodor, he stopped slightly. Oddly enough, those e/c eyes froze Fyodor right in his place. He sighed, trying to keep Y/n’s eyes on him. 

“Why wouldn’t we? We adore you, my dear.”

Y/n was so confused and look to all three men. He didn’t know who any of these people were and why they were here. The silence filled the building, making Y/n even more uneasy. He wasn’t sure what was going to happen to him. 

Y/n looked back to Sigma, hoping he could bring himself to ask the most important question. For some reason, Y/n already knew the answer based on the grip Sigma had on him. The more Y/n slightly struggled to get out, the harsher Sigma’s grip became. The hope Y/n had was slowly diminishing. 

“Can I go home now?”

The quiver in his voice was noticeable. Nikolai slightly hugged Y/n’s back as a big grin once again found its way to his face. He was noticeably giggling, seemingly finding the question Y/n asked funny. He brought a hand to pat the winged boy’s head. 

“Oh, my dear Angel! Of course not! How else are we supposed to keep you safe if you go home? We can’t watch you every day now, can we?”

Y/n’s eyes widened, more questions and confusion were swirling in his head. Before Y/n could speak again, he was knocked out once again, but this time no one would come to save him. Fyodor carried the winged boy out of the building, leaving NIkolai and Sigma to walk behind him. 

Y/n woke up in a dark room, nothing but a bed, a desk, and a bathroom as all that filled the room. The bit of light came from a small lamp on the desk. Y/n panicked and ran to the door, trying to open it, but to no avail. His wings fluffed out in panic, feathers falling due to the amount of stress Y/n was under. 

Y/n fell to the ground, trying to hold in sobs. He was so busy with trying to not make a lot of noise, he didn’t notice the three people that came into the room. Y/n froze, feeling arms snake around his body. He frantically looked around and recognized the people as the ones who saved him. 

Sigma looked down to Y/n, seeing the fear in his eyes. It did something to him, he cupped Y/n’s face and brought his lips to Y/n’s. Y/n’s e/c eyes widened with fear, but for some reason he couldn’t bring himself to push Sigma away. Fyodor and Nikolai kissed Y/n’s cheeks softly, trying to calm the boy down.

Sigma spoke up, his voice was warm and loving.

"No need to worry anymore my doll, you are safe now. No one will take you from us. Never again."

Y/n choked back sobs. He didn't understand what went wrong. He remembered being with Atsushi, and somehow it came to him being caged once more.

What irony this was, wanting to bring freedom to others and not having any of his own.

Hello, Hello!!

Do not repost or translate without my explicit permission! Reblogs are welcome!

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A Life Before | Yandere Tokyo Revengers X Male Reader

A Life Before | Yandere Tokyo Revengers x Male reader

The description is down below. This is also on my Wattpad and Quotev! Enjoy!

Description: Mentally Unstable Occult More about you: More about you Prologue: A Life Before | {You are here} Chapter 1: The Reality I've Been Searching for | TBW Chapter 2: You remind me so much of him | TBW Chapter 3: Blood Soaked Insanity | TBW

A Life Before | Yandere Tokyo Revengers X Male Reader

Y/n had no easy life, and not one any child should have had. His parents were never around to see the accomplishments of their son, they were just busy. His brother, Lucas, wasn’t any help either. He was the golden child, and Y/n lived within his shadow. Y/n was the oldest, but his brother just seemed to have the charisma that Y/n lacked. 

Y/n grew to isolate himself, and bury himself within his jealousy. Y/n grew up with the harsh parenting of his father, and when his brother came into the world it changed. In Y/N's mind, Lucas was getting special treatment. He grew up thinking that any form of attention only ever came to him when he did something remarkable. But Y/n started to give up on trying, and let Lucas have all the attention. 

He didn’t want his brother to become like him, an isolated mess with no one to talk to and resentment for people. There was something that had sought Y/n out, however. The shadows of all kinds of places started to appear to Y/n, telling him of their woes and stories of their ever fleeting pasts. He saw them before when he was younger, usually in his room. They filled the loneliness he had felt from the abandonment of his mother and father. 

Y/n would often talk to the shadows, causing curiosity within his family. His parents had thought he was talking to friends on the phone, but they were concerned when Y/n wouldn’t bring these friends over. They had thought he was with delinquents, but never pushed the issue because they never had the time. Lucas, however, wanted to only spend time with Y/n. All he wanted was Y/n look at him with a smile. 

Just like their parents did. But all Lucas got was this look of numbness from his other brother. Whenever Lucas tried to reach out to Y/n he would shut the door to his bedroom. This left Lucas a crying mess on the other side. But he would never tell their parents. All Lucas ever wanted from Y/n was the loving and supportive brother he saw in movies and shows. 

The one that gives advice on first dates and when the main character's best friend was fighting with them, the older brother would come in and give some jaw dropping response the audience would never expect. And Y/n felt the same. He wanted the loving parents he saw on the TV, ones that loved all their children the same. Y/n gave up on that silly little hopeful idea, knowing it was an unrealistic fantasy that would never come to him. 

Due to the constant isolation Y/n brought to himself, he became more absent in his mind. His thoughts were relentless, but they were one of the few things that would ever listen to him. The mental breakdowns he started to have become more violent. The shadows, who he had befriended, had to hold him back from attempting several times. They didn’t have the strength to stop him from hurting himself. 

Y/n would hear the cries of the shadows, thinking it was the pain of their past lives. The true reason they were wailing was because of Y/n’s self-destructive behavior. Y/n didn’t even need to try to hide the scars he caused because no one would notice. No one took the time to check in on him. It made his spiraling mind so much worse. The shadows who had become his new family had to put in so much effort to make sure Y/n didn’t die to his own hands.

There was one person, outside the spectral plane, that noticed Y/n’s worsening state. It was Y/n’s brother, Lucas. Lucas tried so hard to reach out to Y/n, to offer him his helping hand. He never knew how else to go about it, seeing his brother’s scars and heavy eye bags. Every time Y/n walked out of his room, Lucas would stare at him horrified. How could their parents not realize how much pain their oldest son was in?

“Y/n, are you okay?”

Y/n looked at Lucas, eyes empty, with no sign of any one present. Y/n only walked past his younger brother, not sparing him a moment. Lucas grabbed Y/n’s hand, causing the h/c haired boy to whip his head around. Lucas let go of Y/n’s hand instantly, startled by the cold, harsh gaze coming from his e/c eyes. Y/n’s voice was low and hoarse.

“Like you care. Just leave me alone.”

Y/n walked away, stepping out of the house. The slam of the front door left Lucas in shock. Tears dripped down his cheeks as they hit the hardwood floor. He did care for Y/n, but why did Y/n not see it? Why was Y/n always pushing him away?

Y/n let the interaction with his brother leave his mind. He was too focused on going into the shops that were close by his house. Y/n only had his phone and wallet in hand, headphones placed on his ears. He walked down his driveway and down the various roads that led to the stores and restaurants that littered the town. His thoughts were stuck on his brother.

He hated Lucas, but there was so much guilt in hating him. He noticed his younger brother's attempts to comfort him. Y/n kept on walking, focusing on the music playing through his headphones. He didn’t want to think about his family, but they always plague his thoughts. Y/n was finally at the small mall with other shops and restaurants surrounding it. 

He looked around and noticed that the place wasn’t bustling with people, but more of a calm flow of 2 to 3 people every 3 stores. Y/n sighed, letting out all the anxiety he felt in his stomach, and gently walked around as his eyes darted around. As he was window shopping, one store caught his attention. It was a manga and anime store. Y/n walked in the small store, looking around at all the items that were being showcased. He loved anime, well, some anime, but only because it was his escape from the cruel world he lived through. 

He fantasized about these characters loving him endlessly, giving him the attention he never got from anyone else. Y/n picked up a few figurines he liked, looking at them front and back as he admired them. He slipped into his fantasy mind of the never ending love, but it was short-lived as he looked at the many shelves of manga. Y/n dragged himself over to the bookshelves, gently placing the figuring he was holding back on its spot, and started to look through the various manga series that were on display. Y/n mainly focused on the manga of anime’s he’s seen, anxious about starting a series without having the anime to follow along with. 

Y/n’s anime choices were also very restricted because he had no way to legally access them and usually had other things to do whenever he had downtime. Even if it seemed like Y/n did nothing in the eyes of those around him, he was quite busy. He did his best in school, getting homework done a week early, trying to find something to be creative, walking around, and just thinking. That was his usual schedule, but there were times where Y/n just needed to listen to something for comfort. To see the silly characters on his screen have better lives than him, so he can imagine one of his own. 

Anime wasn’t Y/n’s only escape, show wise, that is. He had the silly kids cartoons from the various streaming sites his parents had bought, and to their stupidity, Y/n had memorized every single password they used in case he got locked out. It didn’t help Y/n’s isolation issues at all, but it made things so much easier. At least that's what he had thought throughout his whole life. Growing up, T.V was what created most of how Y/n views everything, a world where everything ends happy and that people who’ve hurt him will come back and do some big grand gesture and repent for the pain.

That realization came from an adult show he had watched on his own, even if it made him feel worse. That one adult show and one of the many kid shows he loved watching were his therapy, more so than anime was. They taught him the patterns in his own life and reasons why he feels the way he does. Y/n shook his head, trying not to get distracted while he looked through the shelves. He just looked at the several front covers of various series for 30 minutes, and the cashier just watched him, waiting for Y/n to make a choice.

Y/n’s attention shifted to the cashier as he felt them watch him look through the various series. He put the book he was holding back on the shelf, walking over to the checkout counter. He stood loosely in front of the cashier, having a staring contest with them. Both of them had a bored look resting on their features as the cashier rested their head on their hand, propping up their elbow on the counter. The cashier smirked at Y/n, trying to read the boy. Y/n only stared blankly back.

“You not finding what you want?”

Y/n lightly shook his head, his eyes still blank and numb. The cashier chuckled softly as they turned to look through the shelf behind the counter. Y/n watched the cashier as he eyed all the books and figures on the feature wall. Y/n stood patiently, waiting for the cashier to find what they were looking for. The cashier then pulled out a manga and slid it to Y/n from across the counter.

“Try this. I think you’ll like it. There’s a small sitting area behind the shelves if you want to read it.”

Y/n nodded and gently took the manga, not giving the cover a glance. Only after sitting down did Y/n register what the manga was called. He studied the character that was presented on the volume, as the number 1 was big and red. He read the title quietly to himself.

‟Tokyo Revengers…”

After gently opening the cover page, Y/n started to get sucked into the story. The concept of being isekaied to time travel was very new, and he only ever saw it once. This story was vastly different with the plot, but he noticed similarities with the anime he kept thinking of. Y/n sat there for who knows how long, trying to finish this one volume. The cashier was right, Y/n loved it. 

Y/n stood up after he finished the book and brought it back to the checkout counter. Before the cashier could ask if Y/n liked it, Y/n walked back to the shelves. The cashier looked curiously as Y/n scavenged to shelves for every single Tokyo Revengers manga that was available. The cashier watched Y/n in awe as the boy walked back to the counter with a large stack of books. They just looked at the stack and then back to Y/n.

“Is that all?”

Y/n only quickly nodded in response as he rocked back and forth on the balls of his feet. He was so excited to go home and read the whole series, or what he could find, anyway. The cashier smiled at Y/n, bagging the last book. They've never seen someone so excited to enjoy reading. Y/n paid the cashier with money he stole from his parents, and immediately ran out of the store. 

Y/n paused for a moment after running down the mall. He stopped in front of a fountain and walked closer to it. He stared at the reflection, but the reflection had many eyes staring back. He chuckled lightly as he brought his headphones to his ears. Y/n took a coin out of his pocket and dropped it into the fountain. Y/n stared back at the rippling reflections of all the eyes that were looking at him. 

“You guys are pretty late to the party. No matter, let's get home. I have some books to read!”

 He turned around, picked up the bags and started to walk out the mall. Some bags started to float out of his hands as one of his ghost friends helped him out. No one noticed the floating back because once the ghost touched it, it disappeared, not to Y/n though. Y/n was the only one who could see what the ghosts carry or touch, and it was hilarious to see sometimes. The other ghosts walked beside him as they all talked in their minds with Y/n. 

The main ghost that carried Y/n’s bags was what Y/n considered to be a mother. He loved her dearly, and she loved him. The only thing Y/n has from her past is that she was a mother, but her son disappeared a long, long time ago. So to help, Y/n let her mother him in ways his own mother didn’t. She was the main reason Y/n was still sane with all the isolation he has done throughout his life. 

The ghosts among him always called her Mother, and Y/n did too. It only felt appropriate, and it helped him a lot when he needed a mother to depend on. Y/n continued to walk down the streets, trying to get home, but his stomach wouldn’t leave him alone. He looked to Mother, and then back to the other ghosts. Their energy changed to a knowing one as they changed directions to get food.

Y/n skipped along, completely forgetting about his guilty feelings directed toward his brother, and focusing on satiating his hunger. Y/n swayed his head slightly as he focused on his music and looking for a place to eat.

The ghosts all admired Y/n, they thought of him as a god, but Y/n had to explain every time how he wasn’t one. It was quite funny seeing their energies become more confused the more he tried to explain. Y/n stopped walking as he stood in front of a restaurant. 

Y/n walked closer, scanning the menu that was displayed outside the restaurant. While scanning the prices, Y/n felt a tap on his shoulder. Y/n turned to meet Mother, her white eyes moving in a way of worry. Y/n gave her one of his rare soft smile as his e/c eyes held a calm gaze. Mother was trying to get Y/n’s attention to the sky, and Y/n looked up to see the sun was already setting.

“Don’t worry, we’ll get back before dark. Not like they’d punish me if I got home late anyway.”

Y/n shrugged his shoulders and walked into the restaurant, with only Mother following after him. Y/n had taken a seat for two, and no one questioned him talking to himself. Well, that’s what the outsiders saw, but he was in a very deep conversation with Mother. Mother was the one to stay with Y/n whenever he went out to eat or to be by himself that wasn’t in his home. Y/n had ordered two servings of f/f to share with Mother, even though she never really needed to eat. 

She loved indulging Y/n however. These things were seen as offerings from Y/n, and they were greatly appreciated. Y/n loved spoiling the ghosts that followed him around and helped. Giving them gifts was the best way to show his gratitude. It was also the only way he could show it. 

It first started with Y/n giving the ghosts different articles of clothing so he could keep track of who was who. That was before Y/n could read their energies and get a grasp on who he was speaking to without the guidance of a distinctive feature of the shadowy creatures. Y/n had also used the memories he was given in his sleep to discern the ghost he was talking to. The memory sharing became frequent when he went to bed. That was the main reason Y/n hated sleeping. 

He didn’t like seeing the pain and sadness of the various past lives of the shadows that followed him around. Those nights with those memory dreams ended up with Y/n having a panic attack. That's when Mother put a restraint on the memory sharing from all the other ghosts. They only ever did it when Y/n asked, and Y/n barely ever did. So the other ghosts resorted to pointing at pictures that related to their lives. 

Y/n shook his head, trying not to focus on the other ghosts. His attention got brought to the scent of the f/f he was served. A big smile graced his usually empty face. He pushed the 2nd serving to the seemingly empty seat. Mother took a fort and started to absorb the food's energy. She could feel the love of not only the chef, but from Y/n as well. Y/n looked to Mother, seeing here happy essence. 

“You like it? It’s my favorite, though you already know that. You know everything about me. You know me better than my own mom..”

Y/n trailed off, thinking of how a ghost knew more about him than his family. It made him sad that he would never have the relationship he dreamed of having. Mother brought a shadow limb to Y/n’s hand, comforting the boy. Y/n took a heavy sigh and quickly finished the food, wanting to get home. He hated the fact that he ever had to go home in the first place, but he needed to because it's where he felt safest. 

Y/n started his walk home after paying for the food. Mother had taken both bags from Y/n, insisting that he needed to rest. She was right, of course, but Y/n was a stubborn soul. He never liked having assistance with tasks like this. He only gave in because Mother was insistent about it.

“L̶e̶t̶ ̶h̶e̶l̶p̶.̶.̶.̶ ̶L̶e̶t̶ ̶h̶e̶l̶p̶.̶.̶.̶”

Y/n chuckled and looked at Mother as the two of them walked down the calm streets. Y/n had his hands in his jack pockets, not caring about anything else. He smiled at Mother as she continued to carry the heavy bags full of manga. He loved Mother so much, and couldn’t express how much he did. He turned his head back to face what was in front of him as he walked the dark and dimly lit streets. 

“You know, you’re the only one who I’ll let help me. You’re the only one I deeply trust… Mother..”

Mother made a pained noise, feeling the sadness Y/n had now been washed over. Y/n’s eyes dulled, feeling the emptiness he had in his heart before his shopping trip. This always happened, no matter how good a day Y/n had, he would go back to his numb and apathetic heart. Y/n finally stood in front of the door of his house. He took the bags from Mother, and opened the door gently, trying not to make a sound.

Y/n wasn’t quiet enough to keep everyone asleep, well, that’s what he thought when he felt his younger brother watching him. Lucas was worried about Y/n as he was out. Y/n left in the early afternoon and only came back late into the night. Before Lucas could even walk up and confront his older brother, he noticed one of the many books Y/n was carrying fall out of the bag. Lucas let Y/n go to his room to isolate once more, as he gently walked to the book on the floor. He read the title to himself, as it seemed whatever higher being out there had answered his prayers, a way to finally bond with his brother. 

After Y/n had dropped that one volume accidentally, Lucas had become so fond of Tokyo Revengers. He had begged his parents to get an anime streaming service so he could watch it, and to also let Y/n watch it in hopes of watching it together. That hope was slowly crushed when Y/n found the account information and only isolated himself even further. Lucas tried plan B, begging for more volumes of Tokyo Revengers, and various other series, for his birthday and for other holidays and giving them to Y/n. Y/n would walk into his room and see a new volume on his desk with a note placed against it. 

Y/n always discarded the notes, thinking they were from the ghosts, and quickly read through the new volume he had his hands on. Lucas watched from the crack of the door, sadness weighing down on his chest. He was still very patient, knowing sooner or later Y/n would come up to him and talk about their similar interests. Lucas had kept up with the series, and tried to impress Y/n whenever he was around his older brother. Y/n never thought anything of it, only a boy younger than him ranting about his interests. 

Lucas tried so hard for two years trying to connect with Y/n over anime. There were times where Lucas had thought he made it through to his older brother, only to find out it was a brief moment of Y/n's good moods. Lucas had become so caught up in trying to get approval from his brother that it seeped into his other relationships with friends. 

Y/n's family issues didn't get any better either. His father had died a year ago, and it took so much from Y/n. He didn't feel connected to his father, but it was way more than his mom. Y/n cried the most he had ever had over a person that night, and it pained Lucas. His death was unknown to Y/n but his mom blamed him for it.

Y/n had to suffer a whole year of scowling looks from his mom, and Lucas had noticed the change. Lucas tried to find out why their mom was treating Y/n this way, but every time he asked, their mom just dismissed it. A year had passed since then and things had become more distant with Y/n and his family. The desires to be in his daydreams grew with every incontinence he faced. However now that he was 17, he could look forward to forging his own life.

Y/n almost being done with school and getting ready to move out and live on his own created so many good feelings within him. This time had been Y/n's happiest because of the hope of Y/n being alone and not having to worry about his parents. Mother was also very excited because she got to see somewhere new and Y/n was feeling better. The other ghosts had soaked up the excited energy, using this as a way to get their messages across better. The ghosts had started to move things around and write on papers left around the floor. 

It shocked Y/n that something as simple as his happiness caused such a reaction in the ghosts and shadows around him. To celebrate the good feelings, Y/n was gonna read in the park. All the ghosts, new and old, were ready to join him outside and see the bright sunny day. To Lucas, however, there was this dread that hovered over him.

He had this need to follow Y/n, knowing of his plans to read in the park, to keep him safe. Y/n and the shadows that surrounded him didn't notice Lucas' presence, Lucas following close behind. Once Y/n had reached the park, he took a seat on a soft patch of grass. Y/n had this content smile that amazed Lucas. Lucas had only ever seen Y/n look sad or numb. 

Y/n was rereading the first volume of Tokyo Revengers, kicking his feet as he got sucked into his daydreams. Lucas felt something painful settle in his heart. He felt so jealous that a book could make Y/n so happy, and all his attempts only ever made Y/n seem unhappy. Lucas had never felt this jealous, and he didn't understand why. He loved Tokyo Revengers too, so why was this hatred toward it?

Lucas didn't have much time to contemplate it as Y/n got up. Y/n didn't realize he had finished the book within an hour, and the day was still fresh. The warm sun beat down, letting Y/n bask in its warm glow. A soft smile graced Y/n’s lips as he turned his head to slightly gaze at the sun. Lucas was amazed at the scene in front of him, never had he seen his brother this content. 

Y/n started to walk slowly across the street, not really paying attention. Lucas wasn’t far too behind, the dreadful feeling still present in his mind. Lucas wasn’t sure, but something bad was going to happen. Y/n held the book he just finished, looking down as he admired the cover. His mind went to his daydreams, and slowed down the most in the middle of the road.

Y/n turned his head when he heard the sound of frantic honking. His eyes stayed dull as he saw a truck coming straight down the hill, seemingly not stopping. He turned fully to face the truck out of subconscious, and Lucas just froze, watching the truck go at inhuman speeds down the hill.  Lucas’ eyes watched Y/n, panic taking over his whole being. He didn’t know why Y/n turned to face the truck, but he wanted to push him out of the way. 

The truck was barreling toward Y/n, and Y/n just stood there. He didn’t think he should move, something kept him tethered there. The surrounding ghosts were worried, their human they loved so much was going to die. Y/n’s mind finally got sucked out of his daydreams and registered there was a truck coming for him. Instead of moving, he just smiled, finding this entire situation hilarious. 

“Seems truck-kun has finally come. It’s finally my turn!”

Y/n yelled out, but only himself could hear it. Lucas stared in disbelief, seeing Y/n’s attitude as he was about to get hit by a truck. For a brief moment, Lucas could hear the cries that were beyond the mortal plane. The truck came even closer to Y/n, now two feet away from him, and Y/n gripped the book tighter. In his mind, he hoped that the truck would hit him and that when he did, he would be transported to one of his many daydreams. 

Y/n's whole world force as he waited for the truck to him. He didn't see anything move around him. He didn't hear the ghosts' worries or the bystanders cries for help. People were panicking, trying their best to save the boy that stood in the middle of the road. Y/n turned in head slightly, seeing white all around him. There was a distant voice he heard, calling his name.


The truck had crashed, leaving the bystanders to look in horror. Many screamed, and some stood in disbelief. The Tokyo Revengers book fell from Y/n’s hand as it fell onto the road. The white pages turned red as a pool of blood surrounded it. Y/n’s body lay next to it, where his hand used to be seemed to be grabbing it. His last hope in life was that story, the daydreams that sprouted from the manga. 

A Life Before | Yandere Tokyo Revengers X Male Reader

Do not repost or translate without my explicit permission! Reblogs are welcome!

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Sorry I haven't been to focused on my event right now, I promise those will get done soon! Right now I'm ver focused on getting some of my tokyo revengers fic done! So please be paitent with me, and if you put in any other request then I promise I'll get to those!

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