Yandere Tokyo Revengers - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago
Chapter 1 Coming Soon...

chapter 1 coming soon...

Shinichiro x Reader, Mikey x Reader, Izana x reader


Preview Thanks to Takemichi, the Sano Brothers got a chance to relive their lives the way they always wanted to. Unbeknownst to anyone but each other, they have retained the memories of all their other timelines, and with this newfound opportunity, they decide to make sure that their beloved sister cannot escape their grasp again. As they become more and more obsessed with her, the brothers discover deep, dark family secrets and the lengths that they are willing to go to protect the one they love.

TW: Yandere, smut, murder, noncon/dubcon, drugging, kidnapping, pseudo-incest (reader is considered a sibling but not blood related), physical abuse, emotional abuse, mentions of child abuse and neglectful parents, ages of characters are shifted around a bit (specifically shin)

Trigger warnings and tags will be updated with each chapter!!!!

Please comment or message me to be tagged 💚💚

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1 year ago

finally! ❤️

Going Home: Chapter 3

Yandere Platonic Toman + Time Leaper Darling


Going Home: Chapter 1 | 2

Thank you all for your patience! Sorry I've been a bit quieter than usual, been working on this chapter as and when I have the time, super excited and relief to finally get this out there! Enjoy! :) p.s. it’s pretty late, editing tomorrow, thanks for understanding!

Going Home: Chapter 3

Catching Kazutora’s fist with a quick flash of his own arm, the already bulging vein on Draken’s forehead that had been throbbing for the better half of a day looked like it was on the verge of finally popping. “Hey, hey! Knock it off already!” It was a line he had repeated countless numbers of times today alone, yet the words didn’t seem to sink into the other with black-and-yellow hair, those unblinking eyes fixated on a head of lilac hair on the other end of the picnic bench, though Kazutora reluctantly retreated back to his assigned corner under the tired glare, away from a weary Mtisuya.

“And don’t you even think about it,” Draken snapped without even turning, and Mikey reluctantly sank back down into his seat, tightly clenched fists disappearing under the sun-bleached wood of a school bench. Despite the gloomy mood that hung heavy over the Toman boys back home and unknowingly separated from you by twelve long years, the weather seemed to disagree with their somber thoughts; the sun was bright yet the air was cool, a breeze rustling the leaves of overhead trees with the occasional joyful ray of light breaking through a generous canopy and onto miserable faces. A beautiful day by all accords for an absolutely horrible, worst-case situation.

Letting out a wretched sigh, the usually stoic Vice President dragged one hand down his face, the other clutching a comparatively small phone. He understood, he really did - after all he was as much trapped in the same unenviable situation as the rest of his fellow founders. Exhausted, anxious, an insatiable boiling rage in his gut, and the need to beat anyone and anything that stood in his path.

You were gone. Vanished without a trace in the middle of the day from outside your school in the single half-hour they weren’t by your side. There was little doubt that like him, the rest were still beating themselves up a day later over wasting precious time, having decided to wait for you outside the gates by their bikes instead of rushing straight in to look for you. After all, it was uncommon for you to run even a minute late from your classes; you never liked to keep your boys waiting for longer than necessary. And with Mitsuya having been the last to have seen you before your disappearance, walking you back and dropping you off at your classroom right after lunch, it was obvious that everyone’s initial suspicion would have been pinned directly on his other Twin Dragon no matter how ridiculous that idea sounded to Draken.

Because where else could you possibly have gone?

There surely was no stone in Shibuya that the panicked Toman founders had left unturned in their day and night comb of the city, yet they failed to find even a whiff of your presence. No school bag, no shoes, things that you usually had on your person had vanished along with you - it was as if you had simply vanished from the face of the earth, yet your house was undisturbed without a single item missing or out of place, nor did any of very vigilant your neighbors see you enter or leave. A kidnapping? A rival gang that had perhaps seen you with them one too many times, and decided to whisk you away as a hostage? Maybe a random street grab-and-run? Unlikely, given none of your schoolmates reported seeing any suspicious vehicles around the time of your disappearance (under the threat of a very painful death that is) and Toman had yet to receive any demands - Draken scratched that off his mental list.

Or worse, did you somehow find out about what your precious friends had been up to behind your back and decided to run away? It was a constant unspoken fear among the Toman founders, that you would decide one day to leave and never come back should you ever find out what they had been doing behind your back. But it was just another struck from the list; no chance that they wouldn't have known the moment you found out, given you always wore your heart on your sleeve.

So what did that leave? The blond-haired boy, a steadfast and strong presence that the Tokyo Manji Gang rallied around, barely knew where to go from here. Yet no matter how much his mind and heart yearned to get out and help with the search, his body was still weak and recovering from his near-death incident just a week prior: handling Kazutora and Mikey already took whatever strength he had left. Even if it was Draken who did manage to find you, he would imagine you wouldn’t be too happy to see him already out and about - all he had left was his brain.

The warm sunlight that bathed their skin felt more like a scornful, satirical imitation of your hug, the crowds thronging Tokyo City uncaring of their plight.

How did everything go wrong so quickly? It was supposed to be all uphill from here - Takemitchy had saved his life and been rewarded with Mikey’s first ever Toman uniform, and you, despite trying to save him yourself had thankfully walked away with a small but heartbreaking wound and scar on your hand; a clear reminder of their failure to protect you from their dark world.

Dropping back into his seat at the table, Draken set his uninspiringly quiet phone down with a thud. “Any new ideas?”

And apparently that was the wrong question to ask, and the taut tension finally exploded, the wooden bench groaning and shuddering under Kazutora’s open palms as the duo-colored haired delinquent slammed both hands down, jumping to his feet. The words that spilled off his lips, combined with that unblinking stare, were toxic enough to kill. “I know it’s fucking you, isn’t it Mitsuya. You’re hiding her!”

A straight, unflinching accusation, one that said boy, no matter how level-headed, wasn’t going to take lying down. “Huh?! Are you dumb?” A vein on Mitsuya’s forehead began to bulge as he tried and failed to swallow the boiling anger. “I walked her all the way back to class! Why would I be here if I knew where she was?!”

“You said she needed more space, let her attend class in peace,” Kazutora spat back, though the tinge of desperation that underlied his tone and those dreadfully dark eyebags was abundantly clear. “We wouldn’t be in this position if we didn’t.”

If they didn’t let you run off and do whatever you wanted, unspoken words that all of them, both present around the bench and away searching, knew and carried in their heavy hearts. No one could shake the guilt.

And then a different voice speaking up had Draken’s gut sinking further. “How do we know its not you, Kazutora?” Questioned Mikey, unblinking eyes staring down said boy, who spun round to face the Toman President.


The gang was falling apart without you, and the Toman Vice President could only wonder how long more they could last. He hoped you were at least safe and dry wherever you were.

Separated from the woes of your delinquent friends by simple time, you were far from free from your own problems.

“Does it still hurt?”

“Not any more. I’m fine, Mikey, really. See?” you sighed out, running your bandaged hand through his crown of white hair, the other resting on the handle of an oil strainer, the gentle sound of food sizzling the only sound to be heard amidst this otherwise lifeless stainless steel environment that formed the ginormous kitchen you found yourself in. Your friend seemed less than inclined to believe you though, arms wrapped firmly around your waist as he leaned into your chest, careful to avoid brushing against your neck.

“But it did just now,” he mumbled back into your clothes, and you couldn't deny that - you could still feel those hands clamping around your throat, quavering dilated eyes squeezing down with the intent to kill.

It had been a good hour since the doctor had left after being immediately summoned from the infirmary to Mikey’s room to carefully and professionally assess your injuries under the watchful eyes of the white-haired man. An ointment for the ugly blue and purple bruising that littered your neck and a tight bandage wrap for your wound that was torn in the scuffle, and you were given the green light to resume regular activities, whatever that meant in light of what had just happened. Knowing Mikey, you would be lucky to ever be left alone anytime in the next week, let alone ever again. You hadn’t forgotten the look of utter fear that had washed over your friend’s face, the way he raced through winding hallways with you bundled in his arms, as if you were already on death’s door and tempted to cross the threshold. Because how could you? There wasn’t a single instance you remember ever seeing such a raw emotion pass Mikey’s face in all your time spent with your Toman friends, and you weren’t keen on seeing it again.

Yet all you had taken away from the whole incident were more and more questions; questions whose answers you knew would maybe start to solve the mystery of where you were and what had happened, yet questions you had no doubt would, at best, break Mikey’s heart if you asked. What to do indeed? Mentally shaking yourself out from the neverending spiral of thoughts, you turned your thoughts back to the present. Though, your lips twitching upwards, the irony of the other’s insistence at your apparently debilitating injury at the moment wasn’t lost on you - he hadn’t so much as mentioned the possibility of your bandages getting dirty when you were battering the chicken parts just a few minutes ago. “So I suppose I should stop frying and get some rest then?”

A noise that sounded like a cross between a snort and a whimper, and those abyss eyes instantly whipped up to meet yours. You couldn’t help the giggle that slipped out at the absolutely pathetic pout he had on his face, his grip on your shirt tightening further. “I didn’t say that!” he protested. “Take that back!”

“Yes, yes,” You rolled your eyes, that familiar indulgent smile spreading across your face. Despite everything, he was still your Mikey. “I was kidding, Mikey.”

But your wince at the flare of pain as you turned to press a kiss to the top of Mikey’s forehead, as much as you tried to hide it, wasn’t missed, the man gently guiding your head to face forward once more, childish whine fading into a quiet concerned mutter. “Don’t turn if it hurts.”

The kitchen fell back into a comfortable silence, you humming that old croony love song under your breath as you reverted your attention to your cooking, nudging Mikey back slightly when his hand got a little too close for comfort as you shook the oil off the crisp chicken pieces, settling them down top of a tray you had found in one of countless drawers. Steel surfaces marred with scratches and dulled from wear and tear told their own stories of the days spent toiling away here by unknown souls. You weren’t sure when those clingy arms had released you long enough for the white-haired man to wander back with plates, but the clinging of porcelain together as you rescued the last lonely karaage from the boiling sea of oil told you everything you needed to - you were certain your friend would demand payment for his “help” in the form of attention and cuddles later on.

Though there was not much time to think about that now either, not when you barely had enough to pick up your precious tray before Mikey started to insistently tug at your sleeve, leading you a surprisingly short distance through two doorways which opened up into a relatively homely-looking dining room. Decked out in simple but nonetheless exquisite walnut-wood furniture and a rug that reminded you of your own room back home, it was a stark contrast to the grandeur of the upper floors the two of you had descended from, the plain walls home to a single mirror and the round dining table a vase of flowers. “Sit here,” he insisted, and you obliged, dropping into the cushioned seat, to which Mikey immediately attempted to climb into your lap.

“Mikey!” Letting out an oof as your entire vision was suddenly filled with nothing but the black shirt your friend seemed to always wear, you swore you heard the chair underneath you groan with the weight of two. “Too heavy!”

A rustle and several mild thuds later, the pressure on your thighs was somewhat alleviated, with the white-haired man finally settling down, opting to sit only on your lap while resting his legs across both yours and the neighboring chairs’ armrests. To any other pair of discerning eyes, it would look almost as if you were cradling him, like a mother would their child, and you certainly were to an extent - but to you, it was very much just business as usual.

Just Mikey being the needy friend you remember from yesterday morning albeit looking a bit different. Even down to him now prying your fingers open to force a spoon into your grip, you knew it was your dear friend behind this facade of white hair and gaunt hands.

But, your mind whispered against your heart’s protest, was that all that was different? Was the man in your lap truly the Mikey you thought you knew?

Even as you absentmindedly spooned a chunk of fried chicken into the awaiting mouth of the former Toman President, your thoughts couldn’t help but wander back towards that incident just a few hours prior, and even with your valiant attempts to ward them off, barricade them away, your brain remained firmly stuck. You simply had to know what happened - your own memory drawing a blank from the time between Sanzu suddenly attacking you and finding yourself clutched in Mikey’s arms, corridors whirling past your shaky, blurred vision. It was just for your peace of mind, you tried to reassure yourself as you plucked up your courage; you swore you wouldn’t change anything about how you thought about your friend no matter what you learnt.

"Mikey, about Sanzu- '' You hesitated as that carefree smile was instantly wiped from his face as he turned to face you fully, any sense of playfulness the other had drained away in a heartbeat.

Despite his eyes being empty like they always were, they were a blank slate to anyone but you, the growing anger behind the facade of uncaringness was as clear as a lit neon sign in the midst of a winter night, a 180 from the carefree friend just a second earlier before you opened your mouth. The room temperature plummeted with those narrowing eyes, the quiet whirl of cold air from above only adding to the sudden chill of the room. “I told you to go straight to my room and not to talk to anybody. You disobeyed me.”

There was something about the way those words spilled out that frightened you - you had never been scared of any of your friends before, never Mikey - but there was no other way to explain how you felt in that moment, though you didn’t quite understand why. Maybe it was that icy look of lingering contempt for that poor pink-haired man, or maybe it was how menacing his aura had become, an almost overwhelming, radiating sensation of power.

But this time, against your mind screaming to roll over and give in, you pressed on. Mikey wasn’t going to hurt you. "What happened Mikey? I don’t remember much."

“He deserves it.” The hiss of words that came out were unlike anything you have heard spill from his lips, the way the usually hidden shadows crept up onto his face to accentuate that hard look only making the other seem more a stranger than anyone you knew. “How dare he lay his filthy hands on you.”

You’ve always known how overprotective your friends were, but this seemed extreme - had they always been this way? Or was this new, and you were actually in the future? Were your friends hiding something from you? Forcing yourself to squash down the questions that kept bubbling up, you instead focused your attention on the most recent events; if you asked all that ate away at your heart, you were sure you and Mikey would be all night, and you weren’t going to last that long in this cold that started to bite away at your bones. And the one question that you simply had to ask despite your sinking gut telling you that you probably wouldn’t like the answer: that echoing sound of gunfire that you could hear at the edge of consciousness after which Sanzu was wrenched off you, was that real or just your imagination? “Isn’t he your friend? D-did you shoot him?”

Unable to stop the shiver that seemed to shake your entire body before you got your answer, the empty spoon you had been holding fell back onto the porcelain with a clink as you instinctively rubbed both hands against your arms, and the white-haired man paused. The spell over the room broke, the tension lifting as quickly as it had weighed down on your shoulders. “I did what I needed to.” His answer came almost gently though with a sense of finality, one bony hand reaching out to ever so delicately grasp your hand even as he pressed his face into the crook of your neck, his other hand comfortingly rubbing circles into your back. “I’ll do anything to protect you.”

You believed him. Mikey did scare you for that few minutes, you wouldn’t lie to yourself, and you wouldn’t be getting any more answers, but you still believed him. That didn’t mean you agree with what he did of course, but you had promised yourself you wouldn’t treat such a dear friend any differently no matter what you learnt. Letting out a sigh, the warmth of the room slowly returned much like the rising of the sun after a frigid winter night, and you shuffled yourself slightly in an attempt to get comfortable while still balancing Mikey’s weight on your lap. Time for a change of topic, and you wondered out loud the first thought that came to mind. “Where’s Ken-chin and the others?” You hummed, reaching round the sulking man to spoon another lump of chicken and rice.

“Don’t wanna talk about that,” came his muttered answer, and your heart sank - there was just too much you didn’t know, and ignorance was proving not to be very blissful. Yet you didn’t push that either, not after such an intense day for both you and Mikey, though fortunately that seemed to bring other more acceptable ideas to his mind, and the man pulled away to look you up and down. “You need clothes.”

You blinked. “Clothes?” You still had clean clothes from your home.

“New clothes,” he declared, pulling the spoon to his face and chomping down, before continuing to speak with a mouth full of food. “We’ll have a party next week, I’ll introduce you to everyone, so let’s go shopping later.”

That same indulgent smile emerged once more, you letting out a laugh as you dabbed away from Mikey’s round cheeks the morsels of rice that made it out. “Alright Mikey. Chew and swallow first, okay?”

Once the last morsels of food had disappeared into Mikey’s mouth and you had left the empty plate atop the dining table with much reluctance at his insistence, you were once more led down those same neverending corridors, delicate unbandaged hand held ever so gently in the other’s. On a good note you mused, glancing around your luxurious surroundings, you were at least beginning to recognise the few corridors you were walked down: the corridor that Mikey’s room was along, the large white-and-blue porcelain vase that denoted where you should turn for the bathroom, and the next corridor over the one that the two of you had walked towards the kitchens.

The hallways that stretched and winded away beyond your view, hiding in its unknown depths the allure of adventure and unmade friends, was tempting to say the least, but no matter your urge to wander and explore, you knew Mikey would never let you; and alas you were right, the man leading you straight back to the worn wooden door. With a promise of a short thirty minute wait for him to make a few calls and have everything set out before your little outing, there would usually be no reason for you to disagree. But this time there was somewhere you wanted to be, somewhere you needed to be to settle the guilt eating away at your heart with those precious few minutes of potential freedom.

“I feel bad, Mikey. I wanna apologize,” you protested right at the threshold of the room, with Mikey hovering right in front of you and taking quick glances up and down the corridor, anxious to get you inside. “Sanzu got hurt because of me.”

The other stayed resolute in his decision though, as you knew he would even in light of the very strong pout on your face. He never was really that weak to your puppy eyes like you were to theirs, you supposed, lightly touching the bag of extra karaage in your pocket you had snuck aside to give to Sanzu. “No. You stay here.”

“But Mikey-”

“He’s dangerous,” came the blunt answer, his grip around you tightening ever so slightly as he tugged insistingly at your sleeve, trying to guide you into the permanently darkened room. “And resting. No.”

You sighed, allowing yourself to be ushered into his room; there was no way you were going to win this fight. “Alright, alright.” Guess you'll just have to eat the karaage yourself.

“Thirty minutes, max.” Mikey swore, his hand on the doorknob with the door halfway closed. “I’ll be done in thirty. Just need to sort some things out.”

A click of the lock, and you found yourself once more alone, swallowed into the shadows. The minutes went by slowly, one second crawling by after another. After repeatedly sitting and standing up from the bed in an attempt to think of something to do, you were finally bored enough to explore the little area, though that didn't help alleviate your boredom much. Mikey’s room was sparse. There was no other way to put it nicely, you grimaced, pushing the near-empty drawer back into its slot, before closing the wardrobe door behind you with a soft thud where the wood met. Even with the little light that seeped in under the door, it was obvious that your friend had few belongings, and even fewer if you didn't count clothes.

It broke your heart. Plain walls with no windows, few things to call his own, and this miserable, constant darkness. Sure this wasn't the Mikey you knew, but it was still Mikey. What had he been going through?

Flopping back onto the bed, you let out a breath. You knew your 'return' had brought him a semblance of relief, but you couldn't stay here forever. You didn’t belong here - and you were sure your Toman friends were waiting for you back home. Was there anything more you could do to ease the pain he carried? Closing your eyes, the darkness behind your eyelids wasn't too different from the room's.

And without a sound or another word, you vanished.

‎ ‎

‎ ‎

Across the city and tucked away in a quieter neighborhood, the same sun that was all but hidden from you behind the labyrinth of walls that made up Bonten’s headquarters shone prominently through open windows, though the fresh minds that the new day brought after a good night’s sleep didn’t quite seem to help ease the conundrum that the two men pouring over a whiteboard were stuck in.

“But what makes you think the other time leaper is her?” The former delinquent mumbled, letting out a sigh as he straightened for a quick stretch, his joints rusty from the week-long lack of movement after his latest lap in the past. “It could be anyone - maybe even Kisaki.”

“Yes, I get that, but she’s the most reasonable explanation here,” Naoto retorted, turning away from the picture of your smiling face staring back at him from the whiteboard. “The bounty appeared the day you said she disappeared.”

“Are you sure? It could be that you just missed the bounty previously. You mentioned that your memories weren’t changed like the last time I timeleaped?”

It seemed almost impossible to comprehend, the detective understood: the mere idea that there were not one, but two time leapers who could both individually change the future, it was hard to swallow to say the least. But it was the reality that they had to contend with and work around, and the faster Takemichi could bring his mind around to that, the faster they could start solving this mystery and change his sister’s future. Fortunately for the already irate Naoto, the annoyance that was starting to show clearly enough on his face that the other was quick to back down from his claims, Takemichi throwing up his hands in surrender. “Alright, alright, so let’s go forward with the assumption that the other time leaper is her. Nothing’s changed since Draken’s - Ken Ryuguji’s - death was prevented, but do you think he is alive now?”

A lightbulb went off behind Naoto’s eyes, and he rocketed from his seat, the former delinquent almost toppling off his seat at the sudden movement. “Wait.”


“Could her time leaping be overriding yours? There’s been no major change in my memories since you met her at that fight, not even after you stopped Ryuguji’s death. Only the bounty that appeared after her disappearance from the past.”

Naoto’s living room fell silent as both men contemplated the latest theory. It was plausible, more than plausible even, given how much the fate of Toman in the past was tied into you, and now, how the future failed to shift even with another life saved. More and more, it seemed you were somehow tied into this entire mess, but how was the real question?

Takemichi let out a groan, ruffling his hair. This was hard, too hard even. “I don’t suppose we know if she’s here right?”

“I ran her name through the system, still only school records from 12 years ago,” the detective grimaced. “But if her time leaping works anything like yours, then she should be present somewhere.”

“And nothing on Mikey or Bonten yet?”

“Still no sighting of the boss, so we can’t be sure.”

“How bout Draken? He could still be alive.”

Phone clicking open, Naoto allowed himself to drop back into his seat. At this point, they had nothing else to go on, so any starting point is better than none. “Let me see what we have on Draken first - if you can write down some of the other Tokyo Manji founders’ full names, I’ll try to pull their records too.”

12 years separate from Takemichi’s woes, the only thing on Sanzu’s mind was just how hot and humid the evening was, much like the previous evening, the heavy wind that plowed down the empty street only bringing more heat rather than the relief Sanzu craved. Running one hand through the sticky mop of drenched pink hair in an attempt to give relief to his sweat-covered forehead, this delinquent had zero doubts that the past two hours alone was already a lot more miserable than the entire yesterday combined, not even taking into consideration what had gone down before the sun sank beneath the horizon.

This part of town was predictably quiet at this time of the day - cars rested beside empty sidewalks, the chatter of voices and light thuds and clinks of people drifting down to where Sanzu walked the streets below, the sound of the occasional furious scribble of students rushing work lost in the background hum of the neighborhood, audible only to whatever gods they were muttering to. Stalking down the road that ran past your school gates, a single glance of the flawless nameplate, sparkling in the light of the sinking sun, was enough to push his bad mood over the edge.

“Fuck! Fucking bitch!” A black clad leg swung out, and its hapless victim, an innocent, empty garbage can that went rattling down the road, the clanking of metal against concrete cutting through the night. It was you, the boy fumed. This whole mess was entirely your fault. You had vanished into thin air, a fact that Sanzu would ordinarily celebrate given all the problems you brought for him if it didn’t only proceed to make his life harder. You were the one that forced him to waste his entire day on the hunt for you, all in a vain effort to ease Mikey’s suffering. And when Sanzu predictably turned up with nothing, neither were you there to see the pain you were putting Mikey through, let alone soothe his anger away. And after you stole his best friend away from him - well, former best friend. Small fact, didn’t matter. You were still undoubtedly the root cause of all this trouble - he’s no doubt heard about the growing divide between Kazutora and the rest of the founders - so why couldn’t his king, his whole world and purpose, just forget about you and move on?

A loud growl broke the Fifth Division Vice Captain’s spiralling thoughts, and one hand moved to clutch at his empty stomach. With the sun low on the horizon and the night looming in the distance, waiting impatiently for its turn to rule the sky, of course dinner was going to be completely burnt though, and Sanzu didn’t think he had enough money on him for some supper before bed. Definitely your fucking fault as well. Grumbling about stupid and unappreciative friends as he turned a corner, your quiet school block quickly disappearing behind the wall of yet another generic apartment complex, the delinquent paused for a quick break on his seemingly endless quest, letting out as a sigh as he leaned against a brick wall, pulling his mask down for a breather where no one would see him hidden away from the tired aura of nearby streetlamps.

Why did he bother? And truly, why did he? Looking up at the clouded sky, Sanzu could only wonder. It wasn’t the first time this particular train of thoughts had popped up - several times, in fact, over the course of the past two days. Right from the start when he got the call that you had gone missing from outside your school, and that all of Toman had been mobilized to search for you, he had always wondered why he should.

Weighing the pros and cons, sure it would bring Mikey peace and joy if you were returned safe and unharmed to his awaiting arms, and Sanzu was sure he would be at the receiving end of that gratitude and thanks from all of the Toman founders alike. Maybe he would even get the chance to know you better without the threat of being beaten to death, obtain the rare opportunity to witness and learn firsthand how you got his king wrapped around your glass fingers. But at the end of the day, it would only benefit both him and Mikey in the long run should you have vanished for good, Sanzu knew - the Toman boss would be free to walk his dark destined path with you no longer there to distract or weigh him down, and there would only be the loyal Sanzu by his side to aide him.

What to do indeed. Well he did suppose if anything untold happens, he could always just kill you. All for the sake of Mikey, of course, but that was if anything untold happened. Maybe you’ll just never show up.

Resolved to give up the search and hit the sack if nothing turned up within the next five minutes, it was only then that the slightest flash of gold and purple caught the corner of Sanzu’s eye, and the pink-haired boy had to take a second glance.

No fucking way. This had to be the tenth time he himself had scoured these few roads, let alone taking into account the countless times the Toman founders had searched the vicinity of your school from roof to ground. How was it possible this had been missed? Seemingly carelessly tossed at the foot of one of many brick walls that made up Tokyo City was your iconic purple charm, gifted to you by Mikey and the rest of the Toman founders. There was no one in the entirety of the gang who would fail to recognize the onomori that usually hangs by your school skirt’s belt hoop or from the zipper of your bag, a clear indication of the eyes that watched over you and whose shadows you were living under. So what was it doing here, lying forgotten in the dirt? And how has no one found it till him?

The few rays of evening light that still danced across the apartments above mocked his turbulent thoughts: would he land himself in even more trouble if he picked it up or not? Alas all Sanzu had was questions, with answers nowhere to be found. Damned if he did and damned if he didn’t. Finally settling on picking it up first and praying for forgiveness later - it would be more criminal to let something that met so much to his king lie any longer in the dirt, Sanzu decided - he reached for the charm.

As his fingertips brushed the sacred purple cloth, a sudden gall picked up, rushing down the street with enough force to slam windows and rattle doors, even almost managing to bowl over the bent-over delinquent had he not quickly righted himself.

And as quickly as the wind had started, it was gone like the last evening light upon sundown, the world falling back into a stillness that felt out-of-place. Unusually still, right till a single breath had him shooting back up at full alert, onomori now clutched in hand - he swore he had been completely alone.

You blinked back at him, frozen as if a doe caught in headlights, crunchy, transparent bag of karaage in hand rustling away with the wind.

His jaw dropped as your gazes met, his made-up mind sent reeling again.

What the actual fuck? Was - was that really you? Or just your ghost sent to haunt him from the great beyond?

One heartbeat, two heartbeats; no one spoke, and the two of you simply stared down each other, Sanzu puzzling out if this was real life or just a dream and you doing…something. You were real alright, the boy determined, a very real physical body that cast a shadow, who had two feet firmly on the ground. But where did you come from? How did you suddenly appear out of nowhere? Were you hiding from Mikey or were you on the run? Yet for reasons beyond him, you seemed more perplexed at seemingly seeing him in one piece than he was at meeting you after you appeared from nowhere. “Sanzu-san? Is that - you’re okay?”

Was- was he okay? What?

“What do you mean?” The words seemed to blurt out before the usually unflappable Toman Fifth Division Vice Captain could bring his brain around. What happened? Why would he not be okay? As if his answering set off an epiphany, a lightbulb went off behind your eyes, those doe eyes sparkling to life as you alternated looking back down at your quickly cooling karaage and Sanzu - you must have the answers that he wanted, at least some of them.

You chose to bite your tongue and keep your secrets. “Here, take this.” Instead, with a single step forward, you closed the gap between the two of you, quickly thrusting the plastic into his free hand, a small, almost sad smile breaking out onto your face. “I’m sorry for what happened.”

The small motion, though careful, was enough to knock the onomori from his other hand, the delinquent’s eyes following its path through the air as it descended once more towards the ground, but you didn’t seem to notice as you backed off and away. And when he looked back up, you had vanished once more without another word, evaporating into the chilly wind that took your place as mysteriously as you had appeared. The sun had finally given up its place as ruler of the sky, the darkness of the night enveloping the sky as it sank below the horizon, the last rays of daylight swallowed by the stars.

If he wasn’t still clutching on to the bag of karaage, he would have written the entire incident off as a hallucination and been on his way. But now, Sanzu mused as he once more bent down to carefully pick up the charm with a handkerchief, tucking it away into his pocket, now he would have to consider what to do next. No doubt that this charm was somehow linked to your disappearance and subsequent reappearance, and the boy noted to be extra careful with accidentally coming into contact with it again - the last thing he wanted was to accidentally trigger you appearing again. So should he turn over your charm to Mikey and tell his king everything? Or should he just keep this to himself, keep his head down and go along pretending?

Absentmindedly, the delinquent picked out a piece of chicken and popped it into his mouth. Bad move, because he had no words to describe how fucking delicious it was, the karaage though lukewarm still exploding into a homely, lovely flavour that warmed his belly - was this what the Toman founders had to enjoy every day? No wonder Mikey’s pissed that you’re gone.

Maybe it would be better to have you back.

Rather unluckily for Sanzu’s sudden change of heart, where you had vanished to wasn't anywhere that the delinquent could follow across 12 years of time. Arriving just five minutes before the white door was pulled back open, you were rather surprised to find that the sun had already set when you finally had the chance to step out from behind those intimidating glass doors of the equally intimidating building you called home for the past few days. Having had no window to look out from or clock to tell the time ever since you had met this version of Mikey, you had long lost track of the passage of time - how many days had it been since you’ve had the opportunity to take a breath of fresh air?

Maybe you should have asked the Fifth Division Vice Captain when you had the chance, but then again, you didn’t want to get him into any more trouble for speaking with you.

An arm snaked around yours to clasp your freezing hand in his, shaking you from your thoughts. “You okay?” Mikey mumbled, pulling you closer to him, forehead pinched as he scanned your face.

“I’m fine Mikey,” You hummed, glancing around as discreetly as you can under the other’s watchful eye. “Just thinking.”

The white-haired man said nothing, instead leaning his head against you. Needless to say, seeing how Mikey had reacted around you over the course of the past few fours, you had decided to keep your little excursion a secret from your friend. There was no longer any doubt in your mind that you had, against all logic and reason, time traveled - this must be somewhere in the future, though you weren’t sure how many years had passed.

But in that case, why did Mikey mention finding you? Was there no future you?

All you had were more and more questions.

The foyer of the skyscraper Mikey called home was completely empty save for the two of you, the high wall that ran around the entire compound blocking any sight of the outside world - an unusual choice given what you knew of Mikey, but things had probably changed. A car rumbled across the gravel from an entrance unseen, pulling to a stop in front of the otherwise empty foyer. Even as you were bundled into the car, the one thing that struck you was just how quiet the world around you always seemed. You couldn’t see the driver either, with the partition between the front and back of the spacious car up. Except for the two “friends” of Mikey you had met plus Sanzu (you weren’t sure if he and Mikey were still friends), the building seemed lifeless. Unoccupied. It wasn’t possible of course: there was no way such an enormous place could be kept as spotless or such a feast could be whipped up without an equally enormous staff. Maybe they were just ninjas, really good at hiding.

Lit signs and digital screens flashed by, and your mind was drawn away, and you clambered up to look out of the tinted windows in fascination, though Mikey’s arm tight around your waist remained. The city had changed in the unknown time that had passed, and you couldn’t say you recognised the Tokyo that was whizzing past you - there was an almost dreamlike feel and ambience to it, the area had changed too much - yet it was still undoubtedly the same Tokyo you had grown up in.

Barely noticing that the car slowly rolling to a crawl, the tug at your sleeve came as a surprise to you as it pulled up next to a sidewalk in a neighborhood you noted as a more prestigious part of the city - you don’t think you had ever dared venture here by yourself. “We’re here.”


But you were no longer as alone as you thought you were, the car door swinging open to reveal a mass of bodies forming a semicircle around the entrance. The silver of light that slipped through broad shoulders was just barely enough for you to get a peep of the surroundings before the group started moving as clockwork. Huddled as close to Mikey as physically possible, you tried your best to keep your gaze down and focused on your friend, away from the intimidating gazes of the heavily armed bodyguards that surrounded the two of you. A stark reminder that no matter how Mikey behaved and acted around you, the Mikey that strolled down the street, shoulders relaxed with one arm around you, the same one that had shot Sanzu without a second thought, was but a complete stranger to you.

The single row of double-storied shops with flawless floor-to-ceiling windows all bore names you could barely read, let alone pronounce, the interiors lit and gleaming against the setting sun in the distance. Handbags, sunglasses, clothes of every color and variety displayed proudly to the world, a siren’s call to those who sought the status they brought and a mockery to those who barely got by.

“Mikey.” A new voice cut across the rumble of the city, and your ears perked up. This wasn’t someone you met before. Gaze swinging up as the herd of bodyguards parted to reveal a man in a red and gold outfit, his white side-swept hair tossing lightly in the wind as his single gold-linked glimmered in the dim overhead light of the streetlamp.

"Koko." Mikey acknowledged, and you noted that his grip on you slightly tightened. The other had an air of confidence he carried that you supposed your protective friend didn’t quite like. But even if the newly named Koko noticed, he didn't mention it, cat-like gaze kept firmly trained on Mikey with nay a single glance in your direction.

“Store’s cleared and secured, had a chat with them earlier.”

No more words were exchanged, or rather no more needed to, with Koko sauntering off while Mikey moved forward with you, and you caught a quick side glimpse of the man. You don’t remember him from Toman either, much like the case with Ran. The two of you stopped in front of one of many storefronts, a few paces away from where Koko had just been, the polished wooden front door already neatly propped open. “Come on, I wanna start with the party dresses,” Mikey mumbled into your ear, close enough that his hot breath tickled your skin, though he quickly pulled back to stare at the ring of suited men that still surrounded you.

That seemed to be a cue, and no one followed you as you were tugged into the shop. Yet right on the threshold of the shop, you thought you heard what sounded like the click of a shutter from behind and you hesitated- it was hard to mistake the sound for anything else even from a distance, given the void of people along the rest of the stretch of road - but when you turned to look, there was no one and nothing to be seen.

“What’s wrong?”

You turned back. “Nothing.”

A crystal chandelier. There was an entire chandelier in the shop, hanging from ludicrously high ceilings framed by two floors of intricate railings as you gawked at the sparkling teardrops that refracted rainbow rays of light. Well to be fair, you didn’t know what to expect - it was the first time you had ever stepped into a shop so fancy, but this was a next level of fancy. Marble tiles expertly shone lined the floor of the shop, with tasteful picks of carpet that broke the montony; vases of fresh flowers resting atop simple side tables that helped accentuate their beauty, with smaller chandeliers that hung through the rest of the shops.

But Mikey was hardly impressed with the selection, the white-haired man too busy tearing through the racks of clothes with a silent, polite attendant by his side, occasionally pulling out various articles that seemed to be made of ghostly goasmer, the fabric puffing up at the lightest breathe, looking over the piece with a critical eye and than back at you. When he amassed a satisfactory number, the attendant was quick to hurry the dresses into a private changing room that you swore was as big as your own room back home, before vanishing from sight, leaving just the two of you.

“There’s no price tag-” you swallowed anxiously, taking another glance round the store, your delicate hand gripping the parting curtain. How much did any of this cost? Should you even be holding this?

Your friend didn’t seem to have the same concerns, his facade shattering as he reverted back into the clingy, needy, baby boy you knew as Mikey as he flung himself on you. “I like this one,” he whined, pulling those puppy eyes on you as his fingers pulled at one of several dresses hanging from velvet hangers, revealing white fabric. “Try this first.”

“I-“ You hesitated, but as Mikey’s lips started to pull downwards, you found yourself caving once more to his request. “Okay, okay.”

A bright beam replaced the white-haired man's frown in an instant. “And show me when you’ve put it on.” He insisted, pushing you lightly into the dressing room.



Waking into absolute darkness was not anything out of the ordinary for Sanzu, not after twelve years as Mikey’s loyal right arm and not much lesser as Bonten’s executor; didn’t matter if it was dark because he had blacked out in a questionable location where no light reached after too hard a binge on his favorite cocktail mix of drugs, or simply a lack of sight from not being able to physically open his eyes, he had done it all before. Countless times in fact. At least he wasn’t dead yet. But this time, the Bonten second-in-command noted as he tried and failed to lift an arm, this time was different. For one, everything hurts like an absolute bitch: his right leg was throbbing. The tell-tale sharp pain that shot up muscle and resonated in his thigh like a heavy gong was replicated in his chest, an incessant agony that stopped him falling back into the comfortable nothingness he awoke from - this was no doubt from gun wounds. He had been shot it seemed, though when and how would remain a mystery for now.

And for two, this awful stench: the putrid smell of heavily bleached floors that overwhelmed his nose, the odor permeating his throat with every breath he was forced to take. He had long forgotten when he had last been able to smell anything so strongly, and of all the things he could be taking a whiff of, that he rather be taking a whiff of: coffee, tea, or what of sweet, sweet orange candy? But noooo, it had to be this wretched stinkfest. There was no smell that Sanzu hated more than the overwhelming scent of supposed cleanliness and hygiene, yet here he was for no lack of trying. His arms and legs as if weighed down with lead. Where exactly was this? And what was he doing here?

Nothing made sense to his abnormally clear yet throbbing head.

“Well, well, well. Look what the cat spat out.” Make that three things that were different.

“Fuck you Haitani, I feel like I was hit by a bus,” Sanzu groaned out hoarsely, throwing a limp hand over his face in a vain attempt to block out the burning overhead lights which end with him slapping himself. He ignored the burst of muffled giggles from the side. “Need some fucking painkillers.”

“Doc says none for you,” another voice drawled out, right on the tail of his older brother as usual. Ah, so both Ran and Rindo were here. Fucking Haitani bastards. “Something about mixing drugs and dying.”

Eyes popping open at the denial of much-needed medication, it was in that moment that the pink-haired man finally recognised the god-forsaken Bonten infirmary that he had awoken in, the sole room he absolutely despised yet the only medical facility he hadn’t been kicked from and banned for life. Another shot of pain rocketed up his leg, a mocking reminder of his lack of drugs, to which Sanzu could only bite down the pain, closing his eyes once more in the hopes that the darkness would help soothe some away (it didn’t). Fuck him indeed. What happened?

He seemed to have said that last part out loud, seeing that Ran answered; the last he checked, neither Ran nor Rindo could mindread just yet, though knowing those bastards, it might be a matter of time. "We heard you fucked up."

Rindo continued. “Attacked Mikey’s little friend, nearly killed her. The boss didn’t seem too pleased to find you with your hands around her neck.”

“So he shot you,” finished Ran, somehow sounding even more smug than usual, an incredible feat in itself.

Words that individually made sense now strung into a sentence didn’t seem to add up at all; what were they talking about? What friend? Why would his king shoot him? “Are yall fucking with me?”

“Why would we? Kakucho told us everything.”

The mention of Bonten’s third-in-command was enough to open the floodgates of memories that had been suppressed by a combination of the trauma of getting shot and his wild day-long drug binge, those green eyes flying back open as your curious face hovering over him instantly flashed across the front of his mind. Scrambling to force his tortured body up into a sitting position, the movement almost sent the pink-haired man over the side of the infirmary bed, his gaze spinning and his head light. “It’s her?” His words came out as more of a croak, blown gaze sweeping the room to land on the silent black-haired man who he finally noticed, sitting in the corner busy flipping through a book - had he been present at the scene? Not that Sanzu remembered. "Did you see her?" He demanded.

The uncomfortably clean room fell silent, as if Kakucho was contemplating what to reply. The pistol very visibly resting in the other’s lap didn't phase Sanzu in the slightest; he knew why it was there, deducing that it was most likely a direct order from the boss to keep Sanzu from leaving, but he was still the second-in-command. Mikey's right hand. Any command he gave that didn't override his king's was to be obeyed. The pause before the other's response was short, and the reply was as simple and straightforward as Kakucho himself was. "It's her."

Ran nodded along. "Kind of a runt, highschool kid. Never expected her to be so small." Seems like the purple-haired man had his own little run-in.

"Watch your tongue," Sanzu snapped back automatically, though his mind was in a mess elsewhere. He had expected it, but Kakucho's answer still somehow threw him into a binder, the pink-haired man slumping back down to the bed. You. You were back like a ghost to haunt him. To haunt Mikey. To ruin their lives once more, like you did all those years ago. Why couldn't he get rid of you, put you to rest like an exorcist spirit? What did you want? But despite his initial surge of anxiety and anger at the mere idea of having to deal with you and all the problems you brought, he couldn’t quite grasp what exactly had pushed him over the edge.

You were no longer just the big, bad enemy that Sanzu had to get rid of to keep Mikey on his destined path. You were that feeling of a warm hug, of home. If he strained his fraying memory to the edge, the pink-haired man was sure he could still bring up a memory of a kindness that no one had shown him before you - a bag of hot, crispy karaage. A homely taste that warmed his belly on a bad day like nothing he had never experienced previously. His head felt…messed with? “Am I crazy?” He muttered to himself, before raising his voice enough for the others to hear. “I feel like my memories…changed?”

Apparently this was enough to pique Kakucho’s interest, as per the creak of his chair as he leaned forward. “In what sense?”

“Like - I changed the way I felt about her. New memories that I don’t remember having-” Sanzu shook himself out of the daze. No. He couldn't let himself get distracted - bribed - so easily. You were still the enemy, the largest obstacle he needed to clear from his king's life, crispy, home fried karaage or no. “Just me?”

Ran hummed, while Rindo scoffed and spoke up. “Just you,” he confirmed. “Probably the drugs.”

Sanzu tsked. It wasn’t the drugs, but he wasn’t going to get anything more than that from those bastard brothers. “Where’s Mikey?”

“Should be back in his room asleep.” The younger Haitani popped out the lollipop he had been sucking on, waving it casually in the air as he spoke, though the clear taunting smirk plastered across Rindo’s face said everything Sanzu needed to know. Back in his room?

“Wouldn’t you like to know~” Ran sang.

Returning from the dangerous, dirty outdoors (or so your needy friend said) with an entire fresh new wardrobe was a good enough excuse for Mikey to insist on you taking another shower, and you saw no reason to disagree. The sun had already fully given way to the night sky when you finally left the shop and its exceedingly helpful attendants, though there were no stars to be seen from behind the heavily tinted window on your ride back to the gated compound. You were, funnily enough, thankful to be finally away from so many pairs of curious eyes no matter how discreet they were and despite how lonely you had been before; being at the center of any kind of attention was draining, but Mikey didn’t seem the slightest bit affected. But of course he wouldn’t. He led a biker gang.

Mikey didn’t let you see your new belongings being rung up, let alone the final total cost of the haul, though that didn’t stop you from having an inkling at the minimum number of zeroes that must have been attached to the end of the tab, an amount you had no hope of repaying ever. You did notice the other white-haired man - Koko, you recalled - had re-entered the store just ast you slid into the car; perhaps he was the one handling the payment? And if he was, well, you could only hope that he wouldn’t be too angry at the damage, even if Mikey had assured you that it was alright. The shopping from the trip had been neatly packed away, filling up some of the many empty wardrobes that lined the walls of the bedroom, save for the single mind-bogglingly expensive white party dress and accompanying shoes that Mikey had talked you into, which hung prominently from the back of his bedroom door.

You had to admit that the dress was perfect in every sense, almost like it was tailored for you: it hugged your body in just the right places, the fabric just heavy enough to not lift with a strong gust yet light enough that your fingers could drag through without resistance. Mikey was right, and you did like it a lot, even if you did initially think that it looked rather much like a wedding dress as opposed to one for a part; and you had to admit that you started looking forward to that party next week much more, should you still be here.

But now, even with Mikey fast asleep cuddled up in your arms just like the previous nights, you couldn’t quite fall asleep just yet, your mind preoccupied with the small, dimly lit screen of your phone. You had found it when your white-haired friend was out for his own shower, tucked away in one hidden corner of the room amidst the rest of the belongings you had arrived with in the future: school bag, umbrella, shoes and all. To your surprise, the network symbol held strong when you flipped it open for the first time in days, and you had no issues connecting back onto the same carrier you had used despite it having been an unknown number of years. Had Mikey also been maintaining this all this time?

Yet it was Baji’s number that stared back at you from the phone, his contact still seemingly active. Your finger hovered over the send button, a sudden sense of doubt settling on the base of your gut. What if- what if you were wrong? What if the number had already been transferred and you were just bothering them? Or worse, what if it was your number was the one that had been transferred and was instead the number of some criminal? And you got Baji in trouble?

The simple words dancing in the backlight of your screen now looked a lot more menacing than before. Maybe you shouldn’t, that nagging voice in the back of your head whispered, and your thumb shifted to hover on the tantalizing ‘delete’ button.

But then again, you reasoned, pushing that voice away as best you could, you would never find out if you didn’t send it. Perhaps you should include the name of your intended addressee, so all it would take would be a glance for the number’s new owner to know if it was a mistaken message - yes, you should do that indeed. What was the worst that could happen anyway, you consoled yourself, nimble fingers flying over the keypad; at most you will get a ‘wrong number’ or no response at all.

You squinted, looking over the screen again. Hi! Is this Baji Keisuke? This is - And there the cursor hovered as you reconsidered your decision. Mikey shifted in your arms with a whine, threatening to wake up and stir up a fuss if you didn’t choose soon. Finally mustering up the courage to add your name to the end, you hit send before you could regret your decision, shutting your phone with a distinctive click.

Quickly shelving the small phone back onto the empty side table, you made yourself comfortable, shifting slightly to bundle Mikey better in your arms and make sure that you didn’t wake with a dead arm once more; the night was already late, and you weren’t going to get an answer within the next few hours. No matter if Baji was still a delinquent, even he would be fast asleep by now.

Three long, miserable days and two nights it had been since any of them had last seen hide or hair of you, and the cold war twelve years in the past raged on at full steam, threatening to escalate into a full civil war with every passing hour. The divide between Mikey and Kazutora was only spreading to the rest of the gang, complete with rumors whirling about Kazutora looking to split and start a rival gang. It wasn’t beyond the realm of possibility the other four Toman founders had to admit, despite them failing to take a side yet - you really were the glue that held Toman together, and as much as Draken and Baji tried to reason with the two stubborn boys, there would come a time that they would have to turn against Kazutora, as much as that would break them, if you didn’t return soon.

The world for once seemed to sympathize with the poor mortals that inhabited the earth below it, overcast skies rumbling and mourning your absence. Everything just seemed that much desolate without you. But it was under an uneasy truce that the feuding boys met along the small side street near your school from which you vanished; Kauztora and Mikey all but staring the other down with unblinking empty eyes that held promises of pain and death, though their attention was quickly drawn away with the appearance of a masked, calculative Sanzu. Even before Mikey could demand what his former childhood bestfriend wanted, why Kazutora could question why he had summon them here at this godforsaken hour, the rustle of a plastic bag being pulled from the front pocket of his black Toman uniform pants. The sight of the onomori from the creation of the Tokyo Manji gang, the charm they had gifted to you to bless them with your constant presence, your bloodied charm; swinging innocently inside the plastic bag. “I found this just along the sidewalk here,” Sanzu explained to the jaw-dropped yet deadly silent founders, those pairs of predatory eyes all bearing down on him. “Yesterday night.”

If he hadn’t added those last two words, the Fifth Division Vice Captain was sure his head would already made an acquaintance with the ground. Or maybe he would have been dead. Maybe both even, given those glares sent forth by the two warring parties that stabbed at him.

One heartbeat, then two, and when Sanzu blinked - the bag was gone from his hand, wrestled away by Mikey, though the blond-haired boy wasn’t alone.

“You again,” hissed Kazutora, his fingers equally dug into the bag in an attempt to take your charm for himself. “You’re still trying to keep her for yourself.”

“And I could say the same for you,” Mikey retorted, eyes narrowing dangerously as his grip tightened. This was all they had of you, and this traitor wanted to keep it for himself? Unacceptable.

It was the plastic that gave way first under the might of both delinquents, tearing along the stressed middle, the onomori starting its journey towards the ground. All Mitsuya had the time to shout was “charm!”, and both pair of fingers moved to catch, brushing the purple cloth in an instant.

A sudden strong gust of wind almost rocketed all seven boys off their feet, rushing down the small side street as if a divine hurricane sent forth by an angered god. And only Sanzu instantly understood when from thin air you appeared, standing and blinking groggily at the herd of your stunned friends, wearing a set of evidently expensive silk pajamas that no one recognised. But you seemed a lot less surprised than them, stretching your arms above your head and letting slip a yawn before you began to speak. "Guys, I think I might have gone to the future," you mumbled.

As the sun rose on the quiet Bonten headquarters, long after Ran, Rindo and Kakucho have left Sanzu to his thoughts alone in the infirmary, it was the anguished scream echoing down the corridors that wretched Bonten’s second-in-command from his uneasy rest. But he wasn’t alone, by the sounds of pounding footsteps that rushed down the corridor in the direction of Executive’s Row. In all the years they, the Bonten executives, had faithfully followed Mikey, the man had never once shown weakness, blank empty eyes always silently observing horrendous crimes committed in his name; yet there was no doubt. The furious, grieving, desperate cry, there was no mistaking who it came from, or what had happened. You had once more vanished from Mikey’s arms.

Across a now bustling town, black-haired man stumbled out of bed despite the sun having long hung in the sky, smashing snooze on his way; those sleepy yellow eyes all but missing the new message that flashed across the lock screen of his new smartphone. And a few blocks away, Takemichi and Naoto stood determined outside a motorcycle shop, the shutters raised yet the interior still darkened.

“This is Draken’s shop?” Takemichi questioned once more, and Naoto confirmed. He had checked and double checked, and all the records pointed here. Given Ken Ryuguji was the only Toman founder outside of Sano Manjiro that Takemichi knew the full name off, and that he was alive in this time line, perhaps the former Toman Vice Captain would be able to shed some light on the twelve years that had passed - surely having been so close to you in the past, he would have kept his ear to the ground for any news on you or Mikey.

Takemichi took a deep breath, hand reaching for the door bell. “Then let’s do this.”

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~ writing starts off decent but improves as the stories go on. reader is classified as “she/he” first few stories but ends up changing to “you” later ~


❦The Visit❦ - female reader

❦Beneath the Waters❦ - female reader

❦Exotic Trouble❦ - female reader

❦Our Beta❦ - female reader

❦Favorite Professor❦ - female reader

❦You Get Me❦ - female reader

❦Stuck in Space❦ - female reader

❦Close Quarters❦ - male reader

❦Cellmate❦ - male reader


don't be scared, keep reading for more... :)


❦No Room For Prayer❦ - female reader

❦Brothers Conflict❦ - female reader

❦Escaping Bonten is for Scraps❦ - female reader

❦Why Talk To Others When You Have Me?❦ - female reader

❦Murder House❦ - male reader

❦Yandere Toxic Bf Headcanons❦ - female reader

❦You’re Never Leaving❦ - female reader

❦Infiltrating Their Hearts❦ - female reader

❦Yandere Bf - Talking to Another Boy Headcanons❦ - female reader

❦Bonten’s Property❦ - female reader


❦Caught❦ - male reader

❦To Fool is to Be a Fool❦ - female reader

❦Blood Thirsty❦ - female reader

❦How to Survive a Mugging❦ - female reader

❦Our Alpha❦ - female reader

❦Yandere One Night Stand Headcanons❦ - female reader

❦Work Night❦ - female reader

❦Spiked with Love❦ - female reader

❦Rabid Love❦ - female reader

❦Pay Your Debts❦ - female reader


❦Melodic Ruin❦ - female reader

❦Fight For Your Life❦ - female reader

❦Our Pet Human❦ - female reader

❦Temptation❦ - female reader

❦Rebel❦ - female reader

❦Bitched❦ - male reader

❦Edge Of The Law❦ - female reader


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2 years ago

𝕔𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕣𝕪. 𝕤𝕙𝕖/𝕙𝕖𝕣/𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕤. 𝕝𝕚𝕓𝕣𝕒🍒



𝕤𝕞𝕖𝕝𝕝 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕖𝕤🌹🌹

𝕔𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕣𝕪’𝕤 𝕣𝕦𝕝𝕖𝕤🌷🌷


𝕨.𝕚.𝕡 -what i’m currently working on

𝕣𝕖𝕔𝕖𝕟𝕥 𝕗𝕚𝕔𝕤 — tbd

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2 years ago

Run Rabbit Run

Yandere uncanny valley Mikey. . .

Somethings not right. . .

Ever since you opened the mysterious book that was by the river, you felt like you were being watched.

The book was black with a red star in it, it had pictures and was written in Wingdings, it had some of your favorite anime characters in it and had strange but familiar images that made you feel uncomfortable.

You started to see a weird figure in your dreams, it was tall and had unusually long fingers. . . It would stare ( not that you saw its eyes but you felt it) at you and say nothing. Sometimes it would hum.

You start seeing the figure more often. . . In your dreams, in the dark parts of the streets of the city, in the hallway, in your room standing over your bed watching you read.

When you saw it lurking in the halls you ran and called the police but when they got there nothing was found, you went to therapy it also did not work. you burned the book . . .

It was still there. You decided to ignore it and try to focus your mind on something else. your sibling bought you a Tokyo revengers manga and it was one of the ones you were missing, you were grateful and excited to read it.

*time skipped to two months later*

You woke up covered in sweat. . . You had a nightmare. . . You felt the feeling of being watched again.

You looked down to see your manga was on the floor, you picked it up and noticed something off about it. The characters were looking at you with fear in their eyes, you continued to flip threw the pages. Mikey was missing you felt uneasy, you flipped some more and you saw takemichi. . . He looked at you with worried eyes and the dialogue said “Behind you”.

You felt a hand on your shoulder and you heard breathing. The fingers on the hand were long like the figure . . .

You pinched your self thinking it was a dream but it was not. You slowly turned around.

It was Mikey

He was 6’0 tall, his pink lips were formed into an inhuman smile, his eyes were dark and had a look of lust, his teeth were sharp.

“Hello love”

You now belonged to him

Run Rabbit Run
Run Rabbit Run

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2 years ago

Here’s an idea for the tumblr authors who love Tokyo revengers and yanderes. The reader(male) is the older brother of platonic yandere takemichi, who has the personality of ushijima from haikyuu and shinichiro sano. One day toman, the first generation of the black generation of the black dragons, and tenjiku meet reader and becomes platonic yanderes for him. I would write this my self but,I don’t know how would I would write it and I’m working on platonic yandere manjiro sano and Mandela bitty box for my Mandela catalogue lovers.

feel free to tag me so I can read the results so I can can give hearts because I believe it will be awesome.

Also make sure you take care of yourself and have a good day/night/afternoon.

Heres An Idea For The Tumblr Authors Who Love Tokyo Revengers And Yanderes. The Reader(male) Is The Older

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2 years ago

𝙼𝚢 𝚕𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚕𝚎 𝙻𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝, 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙱𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚗 𝚙𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚌𝚎

Platonic yandere Father Mikey x son reader featuring platonic yandere Bonten.

Trigger warning ⚠️: blood ( I forgot to put this for the ones who don’t like blood, my apologies)


Manjiro Sano lost too many people in his life. . . first his parents, his older brother, Draken, his best friend,his sister, Izana, toman, his grandfather, and now his wife. . . the only one he has left was his son, his little boy.

Right now he is holding you close , gently rocking you back and forth. He pets your ( hair length, color) hair and looks down at your sleeping form.

So peaceful. . .

So heart warming. . .

He loves you so much. . .

Right now once again he is fighting his demons. one side of him wants to give you up for adoption, not that he doesn’t love you, it’s because he wants you to live a normal life and doesn’t want you to deal with the stuff he is going through because he is the leader of a criminal organization and if people find out about you. . . The enemies of bonten will come after you as well as the police and he will have to give you a new life. the other half of him can’t let you go. . . He is selfish, he can’t let you , he needs you here with him, he will protect you and keep you hidden under lock and key. Your his last light. . . He needs you, he needs your warmth. “Dad” “yes son” “can we go to the cozy corner and the park today, also can we bring my uncles with us please?” Oh your “uncles”, when I mean your uncles I mean his executives,his number two and three, and his advisor. . . The nosy bitches, well koko ( hey Auntie koko needs that tea 😤☕️🫖 be grateful that he helps with money . . . Probably, maybe, I don’t know) basically at first the only ones that knew was sanzu, kakucho, and takeomi. . . the others found out because they saw you on their zoom meeting helping Mikey with the laundry while he is listening to their presentation and koko did research ( to make sure he doesn’t assume things and does not bother anyone specifically his boss) “sure just let me make a few phone calls (music stops here)









“Aww Sanzu you killed him, I wanted a turn” the short black and light lilac haired man cooed in a mocking tone.

They did it, they found the traitor who almost gave away the information about you.

“Im glad he is, his screams of pain were starting to get on my nerves” Mochi sighed in relief.

“Make sure you dispose the body properly” Kakucho said as he glared at the corpse.

“hey Kakucho, can you hand me the cleaners so I can wipe that disgusting pig’s blood off of the weap- Sanzu that’s enough he’s dead!” Takeomi says as he trys to pull his brother off the corpse.

“ but I’m not finished :(“

“I don’t give a damn”

“Pathetic” Rindou grimaced as he glared at the corpse.

“Agreed” Koko seethed in disgust.

Brrrrrrinnng Rɪɴɴɴɢ!

(Time skips because I’m running out of ideas 🥲)

“Yummy🥹” Mikey smiled as y/n ate his (your favorite dessert)

“Is that good kiddo” chuckled Mochi

“It’s really good”

“Glad you like it pumpkin” smiled Takeomi

“Your so cute I could just eat you up” Ran said playfully as he reached over and pinches your cheek(🤨. . . It’s not what your thinking, keep it clean)

“Did you have fun at at the park y/n” Kakucho said as he took a bite of his dessert.

“Yeah I enjoyed spending time with you guys”

“I’m glad you had fun”


“You tired” Rindou said as he fixes his glasses.

“ I don’t blame him, he ran around the whole park” chuckled Koko (pun intended)

(After a drive home, continue to read on after the songs are finished. Enjoy the gifs for the meantime)



It was night, stars decorated the dark skies and the moon shined.

You were now in your bed holding your father close as he pet your hair once more, the others sat down and just chilled.

you closed your eyes, finding your way into dreamland.

When your eyes closed, before you find the door in your dreams, you felt a soft, warm pair of lips on your forehead.

“Goodnight son”

You are the last flame, the burning candle, the one thing that keeps them sane

The Bonten prince


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2 years ago

Interesting Mortal

a platonic yandere Tokyo Files short story

Trigger warning: rotting flesh mentioned, blood, slight amount of choking, reader is one of Mikey’s best friends ( not trigger warning obviously 🙄) demonic entity.

Interesting Mortal
Interesting Mortal

You woke up in the storage, you don’t know why you were there.

As you walked you see Mikey’s nail bat, you took the nail bat as you went farther, you felt dread. Your legs moving on their own, you can’t turn back. The halls reeked of blood and rotten flesh. You raised the bat ready to attack if anything strikes.

In the corner of your eye you see a man with dark voided eyes with a inhuman smile, dark liquid substances leaked out both his eyes and mouth

You turned around and he was gone.

“Y/n where am I?”

It was Manjiro’s voice you turned around and again nobody’s there.

You kept walking until you see the Danny the dog animatronic blood was leaking out his eyes.

“Wℯ𝚕𝔩 𝕨🅔🄻𝓁 𝐰𝚎l𝕝"

You turned around and saw a man, he looked like your friend but he is completely monochrome, he has a white hair shaved into an undercut, his pink lips in a inhuman smile grinning ear to ear.

Without a warning you begin to swing the nailed bat, aiming for his head ( giving him the shinichiro special for real) he dodges and the catches the bat. He throws it against the wall causing it to snap in half, some nails stuck to the wall.

He laughs as he puts you into a chokehold.

"A𝚠 𝕕🄾ɴ𝓉 𝐛🅔 𝕝𝔦𝚔e 𝚝𝔥𝕒t"

you struggled in his grip kicking around to find the spot, you kicked him in the balls however he still was standing ( he did groaned in pain tho) his hold tightened a bit.

He raised his hand to cup your cheek, but before he could you woke up.

You woke up in sweat and your neck sting , you went to the bathroom to splash cool water on your face only to find a bruise and a few small bleeding scratches on your neck.

You then began to here a few clash of pans you then exit the bathroom and took a peep into the kitchen

He’s in your home

Interesting Mortal

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5 months ago

TOKYO REVENGERS OMEGAVERSE (boarding school au!) ☆ part. 1

TOKYO REVENGERS OMEGAVERSE (boarding School Au!) Part. 1
TOKYO REVENGERS OMEGAVERSE (boarding School Au!) Part. 1
TOKYO REVENGERS OMEGAVERSE (boarding School Au!) Part. 1

୨୧ yandere! alpha! tokyorev x omega! f! reader (harem : mikey, draken, mitsuya, chifuyu, kazutora, baji, ran, rin, izana, kakucho, kokonoi, inupi, sanzu, kisaki, hanma)

— you're joining an elite all-boy (and alpha) boarding school and they all turn out to have a very dark affection for you.

cw : reverse harem, yandere themes, harassment, bullying, blackmailing, stalking, possessive and controlling behaviour etc.

a/n : I had the idea thanks to this post and from the kdrama hierarchy I just finished watching + I hope it's not messy + they'll be multiple parts to it I think...


TOKYO REVENGERS OMEGAVERSE (boarding School Au!) Part. 1

having a girl attend an all-boy school is unusual, but an omega enrolling in a place filled with alphas is almost unheard of.

let's simply say that your father was suddenly transferred to another school, forcing the both of you to move in tokyo in the course of a week only. your dad is offered a room directly inside the building with other of his colleagues and for convenience, his only daughter was allowed to reside here as well.

the school is pretty far away from the rest of the city too, and with all the wealth this school has accumulated, they find the generosity in themselves to let you attend classes with the others in exchange for your father's appreciated hard work.

there aren't a lot of students you point out, but they seem to all stand out in their own way. your class is composed of the elite, boys all born with a golden spoon, privileged lifestyles and a brilliant future.

you're intimidated at first, scared even, not used to being surrounded by so many alphas at once. you feel like a prey once you enter the classroom for the first time, the news has passed around quickly and the students grew very curious of the sweet faced omega who was going to join them soon.

you quickly got to learn the name of the rep, who has been nothing but welcoming to you and made your arrival as pleasing as possible. mitsuya made sure to show you around, he was kind and reliable, giving you his number almost immediately after your first encounter.

you had spent the day glued to his side, shyly smiling to his friends and listening attentively to the advices he gave you. the next morning, you came a bit sooner, rushing over to the empty seat he had kept for you right in front of him, happily thanking him for his kindness.

mitsuya is quick to present you his closest friend draken, a big and strong alpha who's just that tall you can't help but notice him. despite his menacing appearance, draken is calm and collected and keeps his pheromones in check. you even notice how pleasantly odourless the whole classroom has been since your arrival. you had expected to feel your nose burn from the intense pheromones and testosterone alphas usually emitted, but you had to admit they were rather well behaved and you mentally thanked them for their thoughtfulness.

draken helps you out during sport lessons, shows you how to score when playing basketball, catches the ball for you before gently handing it to you and makes sure the others are being careful around you.

mikey's the one who offers you his sweater once it gets cold during the late night classes or when it gets dark outside and going back to your rooms through the immense garden is a bit of a challenge. he doesn't really let you argue and throws it over your shoulders, he doesn't give room for discussion and you're too cooperative to refuse anyway. you notice that the others instinctively act a little less clingy when he's interacting with you, you find their group dynamic quite interesting and you like how comfortable they make you feel.

his scent often lingers on you for hours afterwards, even going the next day with a tiny patch of mikey's distinctive aroma on your shoulder. you sometimes see him eyeing that exact spot with a lot of intensity that if often destabilises you. when you look up at him with a puzzled look, he simply gives you a kind smile, hiding behind it how possessive you make him.

you later meet kazutora, who doesn't waste time introducing himself to you. you notice that he's pretty popular, always in the middle of all conversations, laughing loudly with the other boys and receiving every invitations to every parties. he always tries to get your attention one way or another, bragging about his good grades, casually flirting with you before someone else reprimands him for that. you should come and see one of his game soon ! he's in the basketball team with draken and the both of them would love to see you cheer on them in the bleachers.

chifuyu's room's right next to yours. when mitsuya first showed you your room, he had called him to help you unpack and settle here comfortably. chifuyu's awkward but he's got the spirit, almost choking on his own saliva once he catches a sniff of your sweet scent for the first time. were all omegas supposed to smell this good or are you just the exception ?

then there's kisaki, who visits you quite often, pretending that he likes it better to be in your room after classes only because it's easier to talk without the hubbub of other students. you notice how sweaty his palms are, nervous gaze desperately trying to find something to look at if not your chest, and hands fixing his glasses every minute or so. he helps you out with your homework, of course your level is nowhere near theirs. they're the elite, born and raised in the best conditions possible to rise and become part of the top of society. he's sighing a lot, slightly mocking how hard you find your homework even though all of them are able to finish them with ease. he explains it all, shaking his head at how cutely dumb this pretty omega is and how helpless she'll be once thrown into the big wide world. will you be able to survive on your own ? kisaki is skeptical...

by hanging out often with kisaki, you're naturally bound to meet his best friend, hanma. he's exactly what you would think of when imagining a "privileged delinquent". he smokes behind the building, skips classes but still manages to score high and doesn't take shit from anyone. you would find funny how easy life is for them if the power they hold over the teachers and their school headmaster wasn't pretty horrifying. the hierarchy clearly wasn't anything close to normal, as every family of those students were very influential, a tantrum from one them is all it would take to have a teacher fired on the spot. you quickly learned that when a new professor tried to teach hanma some manners and reprimand him for carrying cigarettes with him. the poor man didn't get the justice he should have had and instead was gone the next day.

but no matter he says, hanma is actually pretty thoughtful. he always tells you to stay away from those toxic garbage and that only he is allowed to do that. he makes sure to never smoke near you and sprays perfume before coming over to you. you can scold him all you want as well, he likes to hear you nagging him. but that's just you, nobody else.

anyways, hanma warned you that if one of those assholes (students and teachers alike) were to bother you, you should simply talk to him about it. he seemed very adamant about making your year here very pleasant and you thank him for that, even if you don't necessarily approuve of his methods.

                                    · · ୨୧ · ·

lately you've been feeling like somebody's following you... but you simply shrug it off as baji is always with you. he's confident and assertive, you don't feel nervous around him. he's part of the swimming club and invites you over during his competitions. he drags you to one of the privatised pool under his name at your school and helps you out in the water, enjoying more than he should how you cling to him whenever you get too tired and he won't let you go back to edge. he feels your soft boobs pressing against his firm skin and sees the sweet panic in your eyes and his instincts jump out immediately.

                                    · · ୨୧ · ·

saint valentine's near and you can practically hear them all whine with impatience. of course their adorable omega was going to bake something, isn't she the best ? tight apron tied around your perfect waist, you're trying hard to make as many chocolate as possible, putting them in small boxes and decorating them with a pink ribbon.

you're glad they let you use their own kitchen, the one you and your father had along with his colleagues was nothing sort of dreamy, used and damaged. theirs was huge, clean and filled to the brim with the latest and most sophisticated tools you could only dream of. they told you to use it whenever you had something you wanted to bake instead of that poor excuse of a kitchen, living inside that garbage was a crime they thought, they couldn't let their precious omega walk around in such filth...

sanzu almost begged you to bake some chocolate for him, you even thought he was gonna end up on his knees from how hard he was pleading... you laughed a bit at his antics and gave him his holy grail with your usual smile that never fails to make him want to bite your cute cheeks. mikey's eagerly waiting for his own share of chocolate and you promptly give them all theirs without forgetting to thank them for how kind they all were since the beginning of the year.

                                    · · ୨୧ · ·

that's... weird. you never thought you would've felt unsafe inside the buildings of this school with how protective they all were. but again, you should have expected that from at least one of them, you're in an all-alpha school after all...

but now you're all alone, the late night snack you left your room for tightly held in your fist and frantic eyes searching around you for anyone awake at this hour too. you didn't think someone would actually assault you in such a place, but here you were...

the corridor is empty, dim lights don't help your vision at all and the foul scent of an alpha is invading your nose.

the boy starts to dig his nose inside the crook of your neck and you physically recoil at the intrusive action, shaking at how forcibly submissive it makes you.

lucky for you, the lights turn on and a familiar small group of alphas arrive after a minute only. mikey's the one to give the first blow before leaving the rest to baji and sanzu. kakucho is as kind as ever, the most reassuring person you could wish for and softly makes sure you're alright after the small scolding of mitsuya. of course you should've called one of them if you were hungry ! only a helpless omega like you would have done that, so vulnerable and in need of a saviour... how did you even survive on your own before meeting them ?

you honestly can't answer nor think straight anymore next to the pleading of the beaten up boy, the two angry alphas spreading pheromones you wish you didn't smell because of how strong they are...

                                    · · ୨୧ · ·

— second part coming soon...

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1 year ago

Hii!! I'm not sure if ur still taking reqs but had a silly thought during recital today, so imagine reader taking ballet classes, and for a while she had to stop because the school didn't have a schedule for them, and they msged her again that she's going to do ballet class again so like a prompt where she tells mikey

"please let me go there, I won't talk to anyone I promise!" (hopefully he gives in, or even gives reader new clothes and shoes for it) so yeaa

"Please, let me go there!"

Hii!! I'm Not Sure If Ur Still Taking Reqs But Had A Silly Thought During Recital Today, So Imagine Reader

yan!mikey x f!reader - wanting to take ballet class again | # - yandere themes, possessive and controlling behaviour

notes: that's literally so cute? :(( thank you for this request! I hope you like how it turned out!

Hii!! I'm Not Sure If Ur Still Taking Reqs But Had A Silly Thought During Recital Today, So Imagine Reader

Mikey loves you dearly. That's for sure. So why do you always want to change things? Yes, it seems silly. To others, at least. But it wasn't. To him, it wasn't a joke at all. He doesn't laugh and neither do you. You know exactly how he is and how much hates that you could interact with others. But you also know that he loves you so much that, if you keep up with your puppy eyes, he might agree with your wish.

After all, it was important for you. And he could make you happy. He wants to make you happy. But Mikey hates how there are a lot of other people. It's dangerous. And you belong to him. Only him.

"Mikey. Please! Please let me go there."

He still ignores you. Not wanting to go along with your little tantrum. That's what it is to him. You are just frustrated. But it will go away eventually. Or so he thought.

"I promise, I won't talk to anyone. I will just do my thing and leave after class is done!"

You cling to him, looking up with the cutest expression that you could offer. Dang, he thought. Why are they doing this to him now?

"I can dance while my mind is with you! Don't you think that is cute? Or even romantic? I could even dance for you."

He is listening now. And you catch up on that quickly.

"I could make you so proud, don't you think? Dancing only for you!"

You nearly got him!

"You would dance for me?"

"Yes, only for you! All the others aren't important to me. I will only think about you during class. And afterward, I can show you what I learned for you that day! So please, let me join this class!"

Mikey thinks about it for a second. He daydreams about you in pretty costumes, dancing around the room and looking at him with the smile he cherries so much.

"Mhmm... If you insist. But only if you reallyyy want it, of course."

Your face lights up and you nod.

"And you have to promise that you will stay away from anyone else, you understand? Remember that you belong to my side. Oh! And you will only wear what I buy for you, alright?"

"Yes, of course! Thank you so so much, Mikey!"

He loves you too. And that's why goes shopping with you the next day, all while telling you to definitely stay away from all the others in that class. Mikey thinks you are beautiful in the outfits he buys for you. Also making you choose between different shoes.

He loves you so much that he can't resist a small smile appearing on his face after your face lights up while thinking about finally dancing again. Mikey can't stop his heart from beating.

Of course, he will always make sure that you behave and no one tries anything with you. He has his ways, so don't you worry.

But if you do what you promised, he will support you.

So you rather be good to him and dance only with him on your mind.

Hii!! I'm Not Sure If Ur Still Taking Reqs But Had A Silly Thought During Recital Today, So Imagine Reader

★ © — all rights reserved to @evv33 ★ do not copy, translate, repost, or steal my work, please! ★

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1 year ago


Yandere Izana with a Nanny Darling


Disclaimer: Middle-aged but DILF Izana

TW: Yandere, Manipulation, Drugging, Somnophilia, Non-Con, Dub-Con, Mind Break


You anxiously looked over your wristwatch for the seventh time as you waited for the bus to stop at your place. “Come on, I don’t want to be late, '' you thought as you looked over again to the road. There was no vehicle in sight; you then grumbled under your breath. You’ve woken up early and got dressed and even set extra timers for this day. You really couldn’t afford to lose this job since it was the only one that offered excellent pay, and it had employment benefits such as vacation days, extra pay, and even dental plans, which is a far cry compare to your previous jobs, even those that had a decent salary but had a terrible working time and fewer employment benefits. But even then, you really can’t enjoy it because you have somehow gotten fired so suddenly by your employer.

Ever since you graduated from college, it's been hard to get a job or stay there for a long time. Hell, you’ve even tried to apply at a fast-food joint, but you still got rejected, saying that you were overqualified for the job and that it would be a hassle to pay you. That is why you are desperate to arrive on time for this job. Because of your bad luck with your employment, you had been struggling with your budget for months and if you bust this job, your landlord might as well kick you out due to your overdue payment in your apartment. 

And you feared that happening since you really didn’t have any family member to take you in, much less a close friend that would do it for you. If you couldn’t keep this job, you were surely going to be homeless next week. 

As you mulled over your terrible situation, you suddenly heard a bus coming your way, which snapped you out of your train of thought. “Oh, finally,” you thought as you waited for the bus to stop at your station. When the bus door opened, you quickly entered the vehicle and paid the toll on the machine near the bus driver. Seeing that you are the only one at the station, the bus driver quickly closed the door and drove off to the next bus stop. As you sit on the chair, you quickly pull up your phone and check again on the address that you were going to work at. The place is in Minato Ward in Tokyo, even though you are from Nerima, which is a little farther if you consider the distance of the wards. Despite that, a thirty-minute train ride would be a slight inconvenience to you compared to a lifetime of regret if you don’t take this job, which you desperately need right now. 

When the bus finally stopped at the train station, you swiftly exited the bus and entered the train station. You then pull out your phone, which had your IC card on its back, which thankfully still had some balance on it. You then quickly swipe it on the turnstile and run on the platform to wait for the train, to your luck is arriving shortly at the train station. When the train car’s doors open, you shoved yourself into the small crowd who are entering the train. Even though the train is quite packed with passengers, you thankfully found a spot to sit on and relax until you’ve arrived at your stop, which is about thirty minutes if you estimated the time. It would be very painful for your feet if you had to stand for half an hour in the same place.

 As you wait for your stop, you pull out your phone again and read the job that you are going to have. It is basically becoming a nanny for a single father that lived alone with his son. Apparently, your employer, Mister Kurokawa, wanted to hire a nanny who has a college degree that involves working with younger children. Luckily for you, you just got your degree in early childhood education last year. Honestly, it was god-sent when you found this job ad while scrolling down through countless job sites on your phone, and it was a miracle when you were quickly accepted by your employer after sending your application online for just a few hours of sending it to them. Honestly, you thought that your employer would not even look at your application. You were just a fresh college graduate with little experience. Don’t even ask about your job history, which is a mess itself. Your job requirement is simple really: take care of the child as best as you can while simultaneously stimulating his capacity for learning and mobility. Which is the usual requirement for most of your previous jobs already. Your employer also sent you information that involves his son. He’s eight months old and dubbed ‘high maintenance’ by his father endearingly. His baby is very dexterous for his age and drinks more milk than a normal baby.

The baby was also very touchy especially to those who they have bonded with the most, which was very usual for babies his age. Mister Kurokawa had also sent you a few pictures of his baby, which were very adorable. Some of them were his baby wearing various colorful onesies, while others were him getting fed by him or his baby doing baby things. It made you hopeful of staying on the job for a long time, or at least a few years, since you are going to teach and raise his baby for quite a long time, and you can finally use your degree in something that you are really passionate about, which was a win-win situation for you honestly. Even if your situation is finally looking up, dread still lingers in your mind, since you have a sequence of bad luck on jobs. What if this also applies to your current one? What if in less than a month, something would happen and your employer, just like your previous one, would sack you quickly because of a reason that is out of your control or was just a small mistake. That really made you nervous, making your palms sweat. 

But you shook away those thoughts, wanting to distract yourself from your past. Maybe that this would be different from your past employment since you can only focus on one person and have fewer demands compared to your previous jobs. And besides, you can now actually focus on a child instead of taking care of many without addressing their individual needs. Even though you love your previous experience with some of your previous jobs, it irked you that you can’t focus on a child’s problem without another one taking your attention, making the previous child feel ignored. You love the job really, but sometimes, it could get really demanding not only on your responsibilities but also the children that demand total attention from you. 

As you pondered more about your situation, your train stopped and announced that you’ve arrived at the station that is your stop. You got up and exited the train car before looking at the address on your phone; the place that you were going to work at is a little bit far away from the station, but nonetheless, you then swiftly walk towards the exit and walk to your destination. As you walk towards the place, you somehow got lost. It’s your first time in Minato since you’ve never been in this ward of Tokyo before. You bit your lip anxiously while looking again at Google Maps; you have somehow got lost and even an app that could provide your location and ways couldn’t even help you. How screwed up does your luck have to be when it comes to your employment? Just as when you are about to call your employer for directions, you suddenly bump into someone. 

“Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry!” you said in a concerned tone as you looked over at who you’ve bumped into. The man was shorter than you. He had healthy-looking tan skin and silky white hair. His eyes were a rare orchid shade, and his face looked like it belonged to one of those foreign models in magazines. His muscles are obvious as he wore a white turtleneck shirt and black baggy pants. “No worries, I’m okay - how about you?” he asked as he looked up at you, which made you lightly blush. 

You can’t help but look away in embarrassment. “A-ah, I’m alright, s-sorry for bumping into you,” you stutter, not looking down to meet his gaze. You heard him chuckle in amusement, which made you kind of embarrassed, to be honest. 

“Ah, are you lost? You seem anxious while looking down at your phone. Did something happen to you?” 

You hear him ask. 

You finally look back at him and shyly nod at his question, flustered by how obvious you are, but at the same time, flattered by the person’s concern for you. “U-uhm, it's actually kinda funny really, I have a new workplace at this ward and I- I don’t really know the place, so I use Google Maps and still I’m lost” you mumbled, ashamed of your current situation. As you twirled your fingers, trying to calm down, you saw the man then tilt his head for a moment but then smile at you, “I’m familiar with this place, so how about I point you in the right direction?” he offered, you then looked back at him, eyes widening in surprise. 

You thanked the man for his help and apologized again before showing him the address of the place. When you show it to him, to your surprise, he just giggles and then looks at you. “I never thought that I would bump into you, Miss (L/N).” 

Your eyes winded, realizing who he is. “M-mister Kurokawa, I-I’m sorry,” you hurriedly said and quickly gave him a low bow. As you looked down at the pavement, you heard an amused chuckle coming from him. 

“No worries, Miss (L/N), no need for bowing”. As you heard those words, you looked back at him. Straightening your posture, you smiled, “Thank you for your consideration, Mister Kurokawa, I’m sorry that I have to meet you this way.” 

He waved it off and offered to walk you back to his place, which you quickly agreed to. While walking together, you can’t help but to be embarrassed inside, why does it have to be this way to meet your boss? “Oh my god, I hope that he isn’t angry,” you thought as you thought about your earlier interaction. 

When the two of you arrived at a rather slick-looking building, it was one of the few skyscrapers in the area, and it looks like it was rather well guarded for some reason. As the two of you entered the building, various people in formal attire bowed down at Mister Kurokawa, welcoming him back. Their action made you nervous, terrible thoughts swirled in your mind as you realized what kind of person is your employer. Obviously, he was a very important person, maybe an owner of a large company or an heir, since he looks too young to be the owner. When the two of you entered the elevator, you kept a polite distance from him, not wanting to make yourself look unprofessional like your previous actions made you seem. You needed to show him just how capable you were to be hired for this job and your previous stuttering didn’t help you gain that image; you hoped that for the next few days, your image in his mind would improve once you’d shown your capabilities on handling your job. 

The elevator stopped and opened its doors, revealing a long hallway that led to an enormous door, which had a security camera in front of it. The two of you walked up to that door, which quickly opened once the camera recognized your employer’s face. After you entered the gate, the two of you walked into another hallway that had another elevator, which would most likely be the way towards Mister Kurokawa’s home. The two of you entered that elevator and waited for a few moments before finally arriving at his home, which is a penthouse above this building. 

“Oh wow,” you thought as you marveled at the view of the skyscraper. The place overlooked every building in Minato, even the other skyscrapers. You could also look down to see the Tokyo Tower, which was very fascinating. You snapped out of your wonder and looked back at your employer, who was walking around the main building of the penthouse. The two of you entered a glass door that slid open, welcoming you to his house. As you expected, everything looks meticulously placed and designed as if it catered to your boss’s taste, which is most likely the case. The two of you then walked down a hallway, passing by rooms and glass windows that overlooked the gardens and surprisingly a tea house surrounded by a stunning chaniwa garden. The two of you then walked up to a stair which led to the second floor of the house, there you could see that the place has fewer rooms, but it is evidently the most used floor since this would probably be the place where the baby and your boss’s room was located. 

The two of you then walked down to a door with a colorful out-of-place sign that said ‘Shinichiro’s Room’. Mister Kurokowa then opens the door, revealing an enormous room that is specifically made for a child. After he opened it, the two of you then heard a loud laughter of a baby, which quickly captured both of your attention. The two of you quickly walked up to the baby’s crib and saw him looking up at the two of you while playing with a small tiger toy. “Aw, your son is so cute Mr. Kurokawa,” you said as you looked at the baby, which is now confused as he focused his attention on you. “Please, call me Izana, Mister Kurokawa makes me feel old. " 

You looked at him. “Really? But you look like you're in your late twenties, surely you can’t be much older than that,” you said to him, confused by his statement. 

He looked at you for a moment but then let out a small titter. “Miss (L/N), I’m in my early forties, please don’t flatter me like this,” he said with a faint smile on his face. Your eyes winded, early forties? Holy hell, he looked so young!

“I-I meant it Mister- I mean Izana, you really looked younger compared to your actual age!” you exclaimed, bursting your words because of your nervousness. This caused your employer to giggle again before asking you to take a seat on the nearby chair to discuss your duties and responsibilities. The rules were simple really: take care of the child with great care, stimulate his mind and mobility as much as you can, feed him during a specific time period, and quickly change his diaper or clothes if there is even a small body fluid forming and most of all, don’t leave the penthouse without Izana coming back home.

“I assume that this would be simple for you, Miss (L/N)?” he asked, looking up at you. 

“Got it, sir,” you said while puffing up your chest, assuring him that you can do this, but this caused Izana to let out an amused smile at your behavior. 

Izana then looked at his wristwatch, “Oh, look at the time, it seems that I have work to do down in the building, Miss (L/N). If you need anything that is not available in this penthouse, just go down to the kitchen, and dial the landline phone and my assistant Kakucho will bring it to you,” he said, looking at his baby before he leaves. 

After he left, you looked at the baby and smiled. To your surprise, the baby smiled back and even started giggling, which made your heart burst because of his cute behavior. You quickly lifted him up and cradled him to your chest. Although Shinichiro was surprised by your action, he instinctively processed the situation, like he recognized it as someone comforting him. He then let out a gummy smile and babbled at you. You smiled at him. It seems Shinichiro is not that of a fussy baby at all. 

“Okay Shinichiro, let’s do some fun activities today, okay?” you said to the baby, the baby let out an excited gurgle as if he can understand your words. You giggled and looked at the clock that was in front of you - it seemed that it was his feeding time. “Okay, but let’s get you some milk first, okay?” you said as you walked towards the refrigerator in the room. The job is not that demanding, and the baby is really cute and not fussy. You just hope that your bad luck has disappeared because you are starting to love your job. 

Weeks passed as you continued to be employed by Mr. Kurokawa, or Izana, as he insisted on being referred to. It is really fun and fulfilling to be employed in this job and you are really thankful for it, even though most of your interactions are with the baby or sometimes, Izana himself. But compared to your previous jobs - this one is a piece of cake. Shinichiro is not only unfussy but actually a really playful and active baby, which was a welcomed surprise when you found out about it a few days ago. As you continue to be employed, days have also flown by like it's nothing; before you could exactly recall how many days you have been employed and even remember what your lunch had been at that time, but now?  You ertr too focused on caring for the baby to remember those redundant things. 

Those memories have been replaced by your activity during your job like how many bottles of milk Shinichiro drink that day or how Shinichiro got up and took one step before he fall down the mattress, which you then quickly take a pic and report back to your boss, even though he didn’t ask for it. This job was really rewarding and at the same time hassle-free for you, it's almost like it's not a job, but a part of your lifestyle by now, which was rare for many people to have, and you are glad that after all of that string of bad luck, you’ve finally found a job that not only makes you employed but also gave you a sense of purpose in life as if this is destined for you. 

“Okay Shinichiro, you can do it, come on,” you said to the baby as he warily looked at the floor. You have been encouraging Shinichiro to walk for more than a few steps. You want him to get used to walking and develop his mobility. 

“Ehw ah-” you heard him grumble, not wanting to let go of the leg of the green plastic table. 

“Shini~,” you playfully whined, wanting to encourage him. The baby looked up to you with a worried expression, still expressed on his face. You smiled in defeat as Shinichiro fell onto the padded floor and crawled towards you, wanting you to lift him up. 

“I guess you’re not ready yet, huh?” you said as you cradle the child in your arms, who was burying his head into you, wanting to comfort himself. You smiled at his behavior. You know that someday, Shinichiro would be ready to finally walk a few steps, but not this day. 

You sat on the nearby sofa and cradled Shinichiro to make him fall asleep and for you to clean up the place for the night. Just as you were about to place Shinichiro into his crib, you felt your phone then suddenly vibrate. You gently place Shinichiro in his crib and immediately took out your phone to see who was calling you, and as usual, its Mr. Kurokawa.

“Sorry sir for not answering the call quickly, I was just putting Shinichiro back to his crib,” you said to him, and you heard him let out a mirthful laugh. 

“It's okay Miss (L/N), and also, did I always tell you that you can call me Izana? No need for that sir nonsense” 

You blushed in embarrassment. “I’m sorry S- I mean Izana, I’m still not used to calling you so casually.” 

You heard him on the other line letting out a hum, which made you very nervous. Although he was satisfied with your performance and conduct, you still couldn't shake off your nervousness because of your past experiences- your previous history still lingered in your consciousness like a faint shadow, as if reminding you of your past every time you’ve made even a simple mistake. 

“Hmm, if you can’t get used to it, then can I call you (Y/N) instead? I think that it's unfair for me to call you Ms. (L/N) and me just Izana, and it could shake off that Mr. Kurokawa nonsense in your brain, so what do you say (Y/N), can I call you that?” 

Your eyes widened but let out an okay for an answer.

“Great, (Y/N), sorry for calling you at this hour, I just wanted to check in on my son if he fell asleep already, looks like I was right.” 

“I-is that all sir?” you asked, wanting to know if he wants to ask other questions related to Shinichiro, which you would gladly reply to.

“Ah no, I was also checking up on you, it's quite late and the last midnight train should be going a few minutes now.” Your eyes winded at his words and you looked at the time on your wristwatch. It's true, the midnight train would be in a few minutes and you are quite far away from the train station. “A-ah, I think I’ll just take a cab...” you replied, not wanting to agitate him due to your current situation. 

“No can do (Y/N), there are fewer cabs this time of night and I don’t think that it's safe for you to travel alone during this time, I suggest that you stay at the penthouse guest rooms.”His offer shocked you. You, staying at this place for a night? 

“A-are you sure Si- Izana? I do not want to cause you trouble,” you said, troubled at his generous offer. 

“It's alright! You’ve been an excellent nanny for Shinichiro, he is much better now compared to before, he even whines to me when you are not in there,” he said mirthfully, praising you for your excellent work. 

Shyly blushing at his declaration, you reluctantly agreed to his offer, not wanting to press things further.  “I-if you say so, Mis- Izana.” 

“Great, good night (Y/N) See you tomorrow.” 

He then quickly hung up the call, and you turned off the phone, looking out the glass window of the room. Even though you have been working for Mr. Kurokawa for months now, you still couldn’t get used to it. Unlike before, you now have a job that not only pays you well but also had such a gracious boss that even lets you stay at his house. It's so contrasting compared to your previous jobs and employers, even though some of them are really nice bosses. 

“Okay Shinichiro, I’m going to wash up now, be good okay?” you softly murmur as you look down at the baby in the crib. You always wonder who were the people that would care for Shinichiro while you’re gone. He has always been enthusiastic when you go back to your work, seemingly missing you while you were at home. “Oh god, I can’t leave him behind,” you thought as your mind started to fill with ideas about what is happening while you are gone, even though he is alright when you always see him in the morning, it doesn’t change you not knowing what is happening behind the scenes while you were gone made you nervous and even scared for Shinichiro. 

You shook off your worries and quickly went to the nearest bathroom, which is in the nearby guest room, to wash up yourself. Thankfully, the bathroom had adult clothing and bathrobes. The clothes were tailored for men, which was alright for you since you only wore baggy clothes in your sleep anyway. You took off your black turtleneck shirt and high-waisted pants, revealing you in your plain gray underwear, and quickly took those off too and washed for the night. When you were done, you looked at the clothes on the bathroom cabinet, although there were clothes in there, you just now noticed that there was no underwear, not even for men. This made you flustered and looked at the washed bra and panty that you have taken off earlier. You can’t wear those, you need to wash them to be dry in the morning. You looked down and blushed at yourself as you put on the baggy t-shirt and short pants that were a tad big for you to fit in, but you managed to make it work as you exited the bathroom and the guest room and quickly entered Shinichiro’s room. 

Thankfully, the baby was still sleeping, which means that you didn’t miss anything. You then sigh as you grab a few blankets and pillows and put them on the couch. You sat on the couch and looked at the time, it was almost two am in the morning, which means that you should really be sleeping by now. “Huh, I haven’t been up this late since college,” you thought as you put down your phone on the nearby coffee table and then lay on the couch. You then faced the couch’s cushion and bit by bit, your consciousness started to fade, which eventually puts you to sleep.

A few hours passed by, and you suddenly felt a strange tingling feeling running down your bottom, “Huh?” you mumbled as you felt a wet appendage trailing up to your soft cheeks and unto your clit, licking up a huge stripe. “W-what?” you thought groggily as you tried to look down to see if someone is touching you, but you couldn’t, as if you are paralyzed in your place. The now-identified tongue then started to twirl your clit around for a moment but then a pair of lips suddenly sucked it. “I- ah~ What’s happening?” you exclaimed as a feeling of pleasure then surged throughout your whole body. No, you can’t be feeling good about doing this, you need to get out of here with Shinichiro as fast as you can.

“Hyaa~!” you then mewled as you felt your ass and legs being lifted up by the person and finally tossed the short pants that were dangling on your foot earlier. You felt your assailant’s hot breath on your folds, which made you blush. You felt their fingers gripping your plush thighs as they then started to lick your folds. You wanted it to stop but you couldn’t do anything as the person licked and slurped your cunt as if they hadn't drank water for a long time. You can’t help but finally let out loud moans and mewls as they then finally put their tongue inside your vagina. You felt his hot tongue twirling and retracting it back and forth, fucking you with it. “Ah! Ah! St- Ah~” you moaned as you tried to get this person to stop and let go of you. They stopped, withdrawing their tongue, and finally diving out of your pussy, making you relieved at the moment. But that is proven short-lived as they then quickly shove two of their fingers, fucking you with them. As their fingers are reeling in and out of your pussy, you then hear familiar giggling, almost as if you knew who was doing this to you. The person then started to lap up your juices again, making you moan louder than before. 

Right now, you are a mess of a person, both inside and out. Moaning and panting as you felt their tongue and fingers explore your wet, tight insides. You had masturbated on several occasions and felt good every time you did it but the pleasure that you got from touching yourself wasn’t comparable to this one. This made your cunt hot, wet, and tight all at the same time as foreign appendages roamed your wet caverns and sucked on your now sore clit. The heat pooling on your stomach starts to get unbearable as you feel yourself start to come. “Oh no, I’m gonna I-I’m gonna ahh~” you mewled as you felt yourself cumming onto the person’s face. 

As you finally let out your cum, you just laid on the couch, panting, having no energy to move a single muscle as you felt the person lick and drink up your cum from your pussy and thighs. As you start to drift back to sleep, you felt the person crawling on top of you and whispering into your ear, feeling his hot breath on your skin. 

“Sweet dreams, sugar.” 

Your eyes widened as you recognized the voice. “M-Mr. Kurokawa?” you stuttered, not believing what you are hearing right now. You heard him hum and put his palm on your eyes, closing them gently. “Sleep (Y/N), you need energy for Shinichiro tomorrow,” he whispered, feeling his hot breath as he uttered those words. You slowly drifted into a mindless sleep, numbed by the orgasm you had earlier, feeling too tired to even open your eyes as you felt Izana gently cover you with a soft blanket and planted a kiss on your forehead. 

You let out a loud gasp and got up from your sleep as you then looked out of the clear glass window of the room. You then tossed the blanket out of your body and then looked down at your bottom. Thankfully, you are still fully clothed down there, panties and all. You sighed in relief and checked out your phone - it’s eight in the morning, two hours before your shift. Slumping back down the mattress, you thought about your dreams earlier. You couldn’t help but blush in embarrassment as you recalled the wet dream that involved your boss eating you out while you sleep. You just can’t believe that you just dreamt about your boss that way. Sure, he was a very desirable man, not only for his physique and attractive face but also for his behavior towards his child Shinichiro. But you couldn’t see your boss in that light! Hell, you can’t even see him even jokingly flirting at you in a friendly way, much less him being so possessive over you. 

You then sigh and rub your head. You have a job to do and you have an erotic dream that involved your boss is not going to be helpful. After rubbing your head, you then looked down on your lower half. Although you are sure that is just a dream, you can’t help but have a slight doubt about it because it was so vivid and felt too real. As if that dream of yours really happened. But you shook your head, surely, Mr. Kurokawa is not that type of person to do this. After all, he is so considerate and helpful whenever something has happened during your time at work and he even apologizes and pays you overtime time even though you just stayed more than an hour or so in your shift. Him assaulting you in your sleep is such an absurd thought that it's almost laughable, Mr. Kurokawa is anything but that kind of person. 

But you can’t help thinking, what if it's true? That he did just that while you are so vulnerable? You couldn’t help but shiver at that thought alone. He was such a kind and considerate person to you, and it's so horrifying to think that he would do such things to you. You shook your head in disgust, no, why would he do that to you? With only just his physique, he could attract many women who would willingly sleep with him, even if for just a few hours. Him doing something to you, especially eating you out is such a wild thought. 

While you are deep in your thoughts, Shinichiro let out a loud wail, which snapped you out of your thoughts. You looked at him blankly for a moment before slapping yourself out of it. That’s right- you were only here because you have a job to do, which is taking care of Shinichiro. You shake your head and sigh and quickly get up and walk to his crib. When Shinichiro saw you, he let out his adorable gummy smile, which melted away your dilemma earlier. Smiling, you gently grab Shinichiro and carry him. Mr. Kurokawa would never assault you while you were sleeping - after all, how can a person like that produce such a cute and adorable baby? 

It’s been a few weeks after the wet dream incident, but you still couldn’t shake it off your mind. Although you still do your job earnestly, it also affects your relationship with your boss. You really can’t help but to either freeze or flinch, every time he comes near you the flashes of that dream start to come into your mind like a tidal wave- of you being vulnerable under him, struggling to get him off you as you felt his tongue slithering inside your walls while massaging your clit, getting turned on by your whines and pleads. Which doesn’t help your amiable relationship with your boss as you unconsciously try to avoid him as much as possible while at work, which is not that hard considering he always came back after your shift is done. 

You really tried your best not to be avoidant of your boss, you really did. But you really can’t help but feel uncomfortable and even scared every time he either touches you or gets close to you. You always triedto rationalize it by thinking that he’s your boss and you are afraid that he is going to fire you anytime soon or any other excuses that you might think. But deep down - deep down, you know that it's because of that realistic dream you had, and deep inside, you are afraid that it might be true that Mr.Kurokawa had assaulted you while you slept that night. 

As you were tucking Shinichiro in for the night, you suddenly heard the door open. Looking back, you saw Mr.Kurokawa, who was wearing a dress-like black jumpsuit with silver necklaces and a loose belt. Although he looked so casual, you had a feeling that it's probably not - maybe he’s going out with his friends? 

“O-oh, Mr.Kurokawa! I was just tucking Shinichiro in, I’ll be gone in a minute now.” you said as you tried not to look away from him. 

Your boss just smiled at you.  “No worries Ms.(Y/N)! I was just checking up on my son!” he said in his usual carefree tone that he had. Although you doubted that, you just nodded and continued to tuck the baby into the crib as your boss eerily watched you from behind. When you are finally done, you look back at Mr.Kurokawa and apologize for how late you’ve stayed, and quickly try to get home. But before you do that,  Mr.Kurokawa stopped you and handed you some sort of card in your hand. Not wanting to displease him, you took it and looked at what it was. The curiosity turned into shock when you saw the content. 

M-Mr. Kuroawa! I can’t take this!” You said as you tried to give the card back to your boss, which shook his head, refusing to take it back. 

“You’ve worked for more than eight months in my house with no breaks every day, you deserve this,” he said as you look at him in disbelief. After all, the card that he gave to you is practically a meal pass to one of the most exclusive and expensive restaurants in Tokyo, maybe even in the whole world. 

“Sir, I think that this is too much,” you said, trying to reason with your boss, but he just shook his head- insisting that you keep it. You tried to banter with your boss, trying to get the card back to him but he swiftly turned down your proposals and reasonings, and kept insisting that you keep it. In the end, you accepted the card reluctantly and thank your boss in embarrassment, after that you then say goodbye to him and head out of the penthouse and eventually the building. 

While walking down the streets of Minato, you looked at the card in both fascination and curiosity. It's an exclusive meal pass for Midori. One of the most exclusive restaurants in Tokyo, it's one of the few three-star Michelin restaurants in Tokyo but unlike the other restaurants, Midori operates for only three months in certain seasons, which makes it difficult for people to dine in or book a reservation for the restaurant. You even heard that the yearly customers of Midori could be counted with your fingers - which means that your boss gave you a card that can basically give you an instant pass to enter and eat for free in Midori just because you didn’t take your vacation leave for more than eight months. Which frankly to you is both very generous and simply ridiculous. You know that many rich people in Tokyo would give you a large sum of money just to get this card and some might even blackmail you for it. You sigh in frustration as you feel a headache building up in your head as you keep thinking about what you are going to do with the card.

Sell it?

No, people might think that it's a fake.

Throw it away?

You know that the guilt would eat at you for a very long time.

You kept thinking about what you were going to do about it until you completely gave up on thinking about it. “Fuck it, I’m just going to redeem this, this is a once-in-a-lifetime experience,” you thought as you clutched the card and took out your phone- googling the location of Midori on google maps and quickly heading off to where it is. When you finally arrived at the building where the restaurant was located, you couldn’t help but feel nervous as the two doormen, who strangely recognized you, quickly welcomed you into the restaurant as if you were a very important person.  When you enter the restaurant, one of the waiters quickly walks up to you and asks if you have a reservation - to which you silently reply by giving them the card that Mr.Kurokawa gave to you. The waiter just smiled and gently took the card from your hand, as if they were worried that they might offend you. But you just shook your head, you are just overthinking things since this is your first time in an exclusive Michelin star restaurant, the nerves are maybe getting into you. 

When the waiter grabbed the card, another waiter popped up and guided you inside the restaurant. You followed the waiter to your seat, as you subtly looked around the restaurant. As expected it looked classy and fancy. The restaurant itself has a mix of modern and traditional Japanese architecture, although it is located in the middle of Tokyo, the restaurant has a ginormous Tsukiyama garden that can be seen in the whole restaurant, giving the restaurant a much more traditional touch. 

When you are finally seated by the waiter, You couldn’t help but feel awkward at the situation as you are the only one in the whole restaurant as there are practically no people in sight. You tried to find a positive outlook in the situation that you are in, hey, at least there are no snobby people that would judge you, right?

As you tried to assess your situation, the server quickly came back and gave you the tasting menu of the restaurant and explained some of the dishes that are written there, which made you nervous since you only knew a few of the items in the restaurant. You just decided to pick the strangest named dishes on the menu, hoping that the dishes that you’ve picked would taste good. The server then jolts down your order as you put the menu on the table. When they are done they cautiously take away the menu and then bowed, saying that your complimentary appetizer would be on its way. 

The eighteen-meal course came one by one as you started to eat, some are familiar dishes presented to you such as sushi and sashimi that you know came from expensive cuts of fish while others are western inspired dishes that you couldn’t figure out how to eat but just decided to wing it and eat it anyway. As expected, the dishes are fantastic, and sure, most of them could be eaten in just one bite but the whole course will make you full since the meal was an eighteen-meal course and not just the usual one dish or two that you usually buy when going out. While eating, there was something bothering you at the moment. There were no problems with the dishes since they were all fantastic and the servers were very professional, but there was an eerie feeling while you're eating in the restaurant, as if the servers were afraid of making a mistake or offending you in some way. You tried to comfort yourself by saying that it's just the nervousness of not only dining in a fancy restaurant but also being the only customer dining there but your gut says otherwise, as if something is going on. 

But still, you silently ate the dishes that the server explained before serving them to you, just wanting to enjoy the rare experience while ignoring the nagging feeling in your gut. When you finally ate the last dish, two servers appeared in front of you, one cleaning out the dirty utensils on the table while the other poured you a glass of wine.  The server who poured you the wine explained what wine it is and how old or what kind of fragrant and texture it has. Apparently, it's a 1968 Bruno Giacosa Collina Rionda wine from Italy, one of the finest wines that they have on their shelves right now.

When the server places the wine glass on the table, you then hold the stem of the glass and curiously sniff the wine, before taking a sip. But before you can finish the whole glass, you start to get dizzy - your vision blurring and you trying to hold on to the table, afraid of falling into the floor. But it's no use as your body slumps down on the ground, causing the half-sipped wine glass to break and it's content to spill into the ground. 

As your vision darkened, you saw two men, who were in suits walking toward your form, “Hurry up Rin, the boss would be angry if we took too much time,” you heard one of the men say while the other just hummed in response. You felt yourself being carried by one of them, you aren’t sure who is carrying you since you are barely strong enough to see. As you start to fall unconscious you hear a familiar person that made your blood freeze in fear. 

“Be careful with her, Izana wouldn’t want her to be injured.” 

“K-Kakucho?” That name was in your final thoughts as you slipped out of consciousness, not strong enough to fight it any longer. 

Your eyes opened slowly as you woke up with your head aching, and although you were awake, you still couldn’t really feel anything around you due to you being drugged earlier. As you started to get a grip of your consciousness, you couldn’t help but be shocked when you finally saw what was going on. 

“M-mister Kurokawa?” You looked up at him, grunting and moaning as you felt your cunt being penetrated by his dick, you can’t help but moan as he keeps pounding your pussy into oblivion. “Ah, (Y/N) you’re awake,” he said as he continued slamming his long dick into your tight walls, rhythmically keeping up his pace as your confused face contorted into pleasure. Although it felt pleasurable by his actions, you can’t help but feel betrayed and hurt as the person that you’ve looked up to did this to you. You should’ve listened to your guts and kept your distance from him as much as possible or even outright quit the job even if you struggled to find one. 

Tears rolled down your cheeks as you kept thinking about maybe’s or what-ifs, as his cock kept stretching your wet but tight pussy. “Princess, don’t cry, I’m here to make it better,” you heard him say as he wiped away your tears and kissed your lips, entering his tongue into your mouth as his pace feverishly started to get faster. While his tongue swirled with yours inside your mouth, twirling your tongue with his, you suddenly felt a sudden jolt down there- it seems that his dick hit a specific place that you couldn’t help but moan in pleasure. 

When he heard your loud but unwilling moan, he stopped his movement and ended the kiss, which made you confused at first until he started to take his dick off of you until its tip is the only thing inside.  He then quickly buckled his hips and slammed his cock into your pussy all the way into its hilt. You couldn’t help but loudly moan as you felt him pounding you like an animal, his dick continuously hitting that spot. “Sh-shtop-” you slurred as you felt his dick getting bigger inside you. But he ignored your pleas as he quickly slammed his dick back into your pussy, making you flinch in pleasure while shutting you up in the process. 

“Ah~ (Y/N) your pussy is clenching my dick so hard,” he moaned as you felt his dick start to twitch while also feeling the heat and pleasure bubbling up inside you.

“S-top, please Mr.Kurokawa-”

You were cut off by your boss as his sharp gaze looked at you, and although his lilac eyes are soft, you couldn’t help but see another expression in his eyes. 

“Don’t call me that, call me Izana,” he said as he kept his eyes locked on yours. If this wasn’t an unwanted situation, you ought that this would have been very romantic, but right now - it's the opposite of that. 

“M-Mr, Haaah~” you moaned, not even saying his name as he pinched your sensitive clit.

“No, Mr.nonsense, just call me by my name,” he said, as you desperately looked up at him, wanting this to end. 

“I-Izana, s-s-top, I’m gonna -”

You saw him smile knowingly as he kept pounding in and out of your cunt. 

“Gonna what princess?” he teased.

You can’t help but cry in pleasure as you felt yourself cumming all over his dick as you clench his back for support, your eyes rolling back in pleasure. After your orgasm, you felt him start to quicken his pace, continuing that feverish phase from before. With a few strong and quick thrusts, he unloads his cum inside your tight walls, moaning in pleasure as your pussy milked his dick for all its worth while you lay there panting; your naked form twitching and convulsing in overstimulation due to the climax earlier. 

As he finished cumming inside you and pulling his dick out of your insides, you then looked up to him, tears rolling down your eyes. 

“P-please, l-let me go,” you said as you fruitlessly tried to get away from him. When he saw you trying to move away, he quickly grabbed both of your thighs and spread them, making your pussy, which was still twitching while oozing with his semen, visible to his view. 

“Look at you, after you milked my dick, your pussy still wants my cock so bad,” he said as he used his finger to push the semen back inside your cunt, making your toes curl due to your body being sensitive. 

“I- please Izana, I won’t tell anyone about this” you plead, wanting your boss to let you go. He stops as you look at his expression, his expression now turned dour by your words. “Or what (Y/N)? You will quit and go back fruitlessly trying to find a job?” your eyes widened in shock at his words. He let his finger out of your walls but kept his hands on your knees, still spreading your legs apart. 

“H-how did you know that?” you stuttered as he kept his gaze at your naked form, smiling at your question. 

“I run background checks on all of my employees (Y/N), especially for the one that would be taking care of my child,” he replied as you looked down in shame. 

He continued. “Do you want to go back to that lifestyle (Y/N)? On the verge of being homeless with no one to turn on or help you?” You tearfully looked away, feeling your heart clench, it's true, all of his words are true. Izana saw your forlorn expression and gently touched your cheeks making you look up at him again. “It doesn’t have to be that way (Y/N), you have Shinichiro and me, you don’t have to be lonely anymore,” he said as he gently hugged you. You couldn't help but start sobbing on his chiseled chest. “There, there,” you heard him mumble as he caressed your back trying to soothe you.

The two of you stayed there for a while until you felt his dick harden inside of you again. “(Y/N),” you looked up to Izana who was smiling at you. “Can I?” he asked as you felt his dick twitching inside your pussy. Without a care in the world, you nodded and then spread your cum filled pussy with both of your hands, worldlessly coercing him. As he starts to move again, he smiled and look at you. 

“I love you, (Y/N), I really do.” 

Your dull eyes looked at him, not minding the situation anymore. Smiling, you hugged his neck and gently kissed his lips. “I love you too Izana,” you replied earnestly. As you felt his hips start to move again, you can’t help but feel nothing anymore. He’s right, there is nothing for you out there, no family, friends and barely finding a job, who is the person that took you in? That’s right, It's Miste- no,  Izana. He’s the one that gave you every opportunity that you desperately needed and on top of that, Shinichiro gave you purpose again, he would be lonely without you. 

With that in mind, you tightened your grip as Izana bucked his hips down on you, pounding you into the mattress as your pussy started to clench tightly around his dick. It’s alright, as long as you have Izana and Shinichiro, it doesn’t bother you anymore. 

You finally have people that would be with you.

You are not alone anymore.

As you slip into pleasure once more, you couldn’t help but feel like something broke inside of you- no matter what it was, it's just a minor inconvenience anyway. 

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1 year ago

Imagine this

platonic yandere batfam with daughter/sister reader who ran away to tokyo and joined the tokyo manji gang from tokyo revengers.

So what I'm thinking is the reader being ignored all her life by her father, adopted brothers, half brother, and basically the honoraly grandpa Alfred. So she takes as much money as she can, books a flight to tokyo, packs all her stuff, and leaves. When the reader gets to tokyo, she gets a job, buys an apartment, and signs up for online school. A few weeks go by, and she meets mikey (who she finds is adorable) and draken (who she sees is more of a brother than the ones she grew up with). Mikey falls in love with her as soon as he meets her and further in love when getting to know her. Draken sees her as a little sister and wants to protect her. They let her join tomon to protect her. When the reader meets the others, she gets more yanderes even from the other gangs (some platonic and some romantic). With Mistuya, he introduced the reader to his sisters, and she loves them and acts like a big sister to them. Luna and Mana love her, too. They see that their brother is in love with her, and i see them trying to set up dates to help their brother out (which would be adorable). About maybe 8 months later, the batfam noticed that she's gone and hadn't been around in a while. They go through her room and find some stuff she left behind, like events she was part of and text/voice mails they ignored(kinda like in Not tonight). They start to feel bad and become yanderes. They find a clue as to where she is.

Find her hanging out with draken, and they're having fun. When the reader accidentally calls draken her brother.

Yn: this is so fucking awesome you're the coolest brother ever.....🫢😳 sorry i-i didn't mean

Draken: it's OK. Honestly, I see you as a sister *que him messing up your hair a bit*

Yn: ☺️*hugs him*

Dick, Jason, Tim, and damian (especially damian) see this and get jealous. The batfam goes further into investigating and finds out you joined a gang.

Again, if any of you make a story of my thoughts, all I ask is for you to share it with me.

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11 months ago

I'm doing this robot baby thing for school, and I had thought of how any character from any show/au would react, yandere or not, romantic or platonic

How would they react to you being a good parent to the robot baby 👶 🤔

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10 months ago

Imagine the werewolf laws being

1. Obey your alpha

2. When the alpha is challenged, the loser must die.

3. You have to be a werewolf to challenge an alpha.

How would yn's simps react to them growing up in that society? 🤔

If we're talking yandere, some might plan to get themselves turned into a werewolf, wait a bit, train themselves, challenge yn's alpha and win, and use the first rule to their advantage.

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5 months ago

I just read a yandere various supernatural x reader story, where she has a super rare gene where demons and monsters would see her as family or a potential mate, angels want to protect her and keep her on the right track. They'd try to turn her, too. She doesn't feel right killing them with her dad and brothers cause she feels a piece of her goes with them.

And I had a thought that if she somehow gets transferred to another world like hotd, got, mha, etc (maybe hazbin hotel and helluva boss themselves), she tells the characters of that world her experiences, how would they react? Would they become yanderes for her to? What if monsters and demons followed her to that world? What if her rare genetic brings out the monsters and demons that were in that world?

Edit note: I posted a link to the story

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5 months ago

Hunters, Angels, and Demons (Yandere Various Supernatural X Reader) | Quotev

Warning ⚠️: incest, rape, attempted rape, yanderes, angst

Hunters, Angels, and Demons (Yandere Various Supernatural X Reader)
(Name) Winchester is Sam's twin sister. When she was brought home Dean swore to protect her and has an obsessive love with her. Sam has one

Not my story

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Mentally Unstable Occult | Yandere Tokyo Revengers X Male Reader

Mentally Unstable Occult | Yandere Tokyo Revengers x Male reader

Mentally Unstable Occult | Yandere Tokyo Revengers X Male Reader

The description is down below. This is also on my Wattpad and Quotev! Enjoy!

Description: Mentally Unstable Occult | You are Here More about you: More about you Prologue: A Life Before Chapter 1: The Reality I've Been Searching for | TBW Chapter 2: You remind me so much of him | TBW Chapter 3: Blood Soaked Insanity | TBW

Mentally Unstable Occult | Yandere Tokyo Revengers X Male Reader

A boy born into a different world, still remembering his old life. The torment of it made him go insane. On top of that, he can see and talk to ghosts now? How in the hell was that possible? Nothing made sense to the boy, but it never did, really. Now he has to navigate this life, knowing the future outcomes of everything, but not being able to tell anyone. And having to deal with the multiple attachments he's acquired, both in his past life and his current one. And not only spiritual attachments.

Will this be any better than his previous life?

Warning: Music and art isn't mine, I do not own Tokyo Revengers but I do own this story. Other warnings: - Yandere Themes - Death - Murder - Gore - Abuse - Anxiety Attacks - Identity crisis - Semi Nsfw (It's very minimal) -Will add more if needed

Mentally Unstable Occult | Yandere Tokyo Revengers X Male Reader

Do not repost or translate without my explicit permission! Reblogs are welcome!

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Mentally Unstable Occult | Yandere Tokyo Revengers X Male Reader

Mentally Unstable Occult | Yandere Tokyo Revengers x Male reader

Mentally Unstable Occult | Yandere Tokyo Revengers X Male Reader

The description is down below. This is also on my Wattpad and Quotev! Enjoy!

Description: Mentally Unstable Occult | You are Here More about you: More about you | TBW Prologue: A Life Before | TBW

Mentally Unstable Occult | Yandere Tokyo Revengers X Male Reader

A boy born into a different world, still remembering his old life. The torment of it made him go insane. On top of that, he can see and talk to ghosts now? How in the hell was that possible? Nothing made sense to the boy, but it never did, really. Now he has to navigate this life, knowing the future outcomes of everything, but not being able to tell anyone. And having to deal with the multiple attachments he's acquired, both in his past life and his current one. And not only spiritual attachments.

Will this be any better than his previous life?

Warning: Music and art isn't mine, I do not own Tokyo Revengers but I do own this story. Other warnings: - Yandere Themes - Death - Murder - Gore - Abuse - Anxiety Attacks - Identity crisis - Semi Nsfw (It's very minimal) -Will add more if needed

Mentally Unstable Occult | Yandere Tokyo Revengers X Male Reader

Do not repost or translate without my explicit permission! Reblogs are welcome!

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More About You | Yandere Tokyo Revengers X Male Reader

More about You | Yandere Tokyo Revengers x Male reader

The description is down below. This is also on my Wattpad and Quotev! Enjoy!

Description: Mentally Unstable Occult More about you: More about you | {You are here} Prologue: A Life Before Chapter 1: The Reality I've Been Searching for | TBW Chapter 2: You remind me so much of him | TBW Chapter 3: Blood Soaked Insanity | TBW

More About You | Yandere Tokyo Revengers X Male Reader
More About You | Yandere Tokyo Revengers X Male Reader

Name: y/n l/n

Birthday: y/b/d

Sexuality: Bisexual

Previou age: 17

Age: 15

Height: 5'7 

Appearance: H/L H/C hair, Shiny E/C eyes, S/T skin

Personality :Emotionally turned off, paranoid, anxious, mentally unstable, protective, violent, kind to those he deeply cares about, impulsive, apathetic, and funny

Other notes: Y/n can see ghosts from both his own world and the world he was reincarnated in. These ghosts keep Y/n safe and protects him from those who intend to hurt him, even if Y/n can fight those people physically. Y/n has a thing for fighting, and it brings a smile to his face when he feels the adrenaline kick in. Y/n has a younger brother names Lucas, and Lucas adores Y/n. Y/n has many exes due to trying to fill the empty hole in his heart, but none of them ever worked out and ended up leaving Y/n hurt even more. Y/n watches anime, kid shows, and listening to music as an escapism from his life and using those as a way to fantasize about the perfect life he will never have. Music keeps the ghosts that Y/n talks to from hurting others too much, but also lets them control those Y/n is fighting. Y/n fights to music as a way to ground himself, even though it may seem like it makes things worse. Y/n is a naturally violent fighter, so that is why there is blood shed every time, either from Y/n or the person he is fighting. 

Likes: Fighting, Music, Bluey, Studio Ghibli, Bojack Horseman the show, Anime, Tokyo Revengers, Crocs, Sweets, Isolating, knowing random ass facts, referencing stuff from his old world, and laying on the floor

Dislikes: Both his moms, his dad, his ex-boyfriend, sleeping, nighttime, silence, his brother, himself, feeling alone, the fact that he has to redo not only middle school, but high school too

Love interests:

Takemichi Hanagaki

Hinata Tachibana

Natoa Tachibana

Atsushi Sendo

Takuya Yamamoto

Sano Manjiro

Ken Ryuguji

Emma Sano

Nahoya Kawata (Smiley)

Souya Kawata (Angry)

Takashi Mitsuya

Shuji Hanma

Haruchiyo Sanzu

Rindou Haitani

Ran Haitani

Kazutora Hanemiya

Chifuyu Matsuno

Seishi Inui

Hajime Kokonoi

Izana Kurokawa

Kakucho Itto

Hakkai Shiba

Keisuke Baji

Wakasa Imaushi

Takeomi Akashi

Senju Akashi (Kawaragi)

Yuzuha Shiba

More About You | Yandere Tokyo Revengers X Male Reader

A/n: I may or may not have projected way to much on Y/n.. The stuff under the likes is very crucial to how Y/n see's the world and his coping. 

Picrew used

More About You | Yandere Tokyo Revengers X Male Reader

Do not repost or translate without my explicit permission! Reblogs are welcome!

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