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Guess what Im gonna be doing!!! Yup be on the look out for a bungou stray dogs x male reader fan fic!

Would you guys like a bungou stray dogs x male reader full fanfic? It would be a side project I'd work on if my motivation for my huge twisted wonderland fanfic ever went away for a bit

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Hello, Hello!!

I hope my request isn't much of a burden-- however, I was wondering if you could do a one-shot with the decay of angels(Fyodor, Nikolai, and Sigma) with a male reader who has white wings?

Quick rundown for the idea;

The reader is the leader of a different organization called the Aviators; the Reader doesn't exactly have an ability but they do have wings-- the reader and their group side with the Armed Detective Agency because reader is heavily in love with bringing people to Justice, like the Decay Of Angels; however, something goes wrong and the reader gets captured while the three DOA members figure out what to do with them.

You can choose if it's more yandere-like or violent, I don't mind, really!! I usually write requests longer but I'm in a rush <\\3

Hello, Hello!!

These wings bind me | Bungou Stray Dogs x Male Reader

Characters: Nikolai Gogol, Fyodor, Sigma

Summary: Those wings you had didn't even grant you freedom

Warnings: Yandere behavior, Gore, Obsessive behavior, manipulation, death, kidnapping

Taglist: @nightshade-clown

A/n: This is very Nikolai heavy because I am biased. Also, sorry, the wings aren't mentioned as much

Hello, Hello!!

Y/n was a big name in Yokohama, well, a moderately big name. He was a well-known justice bringer with his group called the Aviators. It was a group of people who thought everyone deserved freedom and the choice on where their wings take them. Some of them were like Y/n, with giant wings granting them flight through the sky. 

But some had abilities that helped with bringing justice into the world. Y/n heavily believed in bringing justice to everything that tried to inflict on it. The Aviators seemed to be of decent popularity that even the ADA sought them out as an extra branch. The two organizations were seen as partner groups, essentially. 

Y/n still did whatever he really wanted under his association, but he would give the ADA extra people when they needed them. The same went with the ADA sending the Aviators people when they required them. It was quite the relationship between the organizations. No one really expected it, since Y/n was more about vigilante work and the ADA worked with the government in a way. 

But here is the leader of the Aviators, analyzing a case with some of ADA's best detectives. Dazai, Kunikida, Autsushi and Y/n were all lurking around the crime scene, looking for any form of evidence to link anyone or anything to the scene. Y/n was with Atsushi, as not wanting to deal with Dazai's shenanigans or Kunikida's harsh comments. Atsushi and Y/n were decent acquaintances and worked well with each other.

The two made basic small talk as they searched the crime scene and conversed with passerbys to see if any of them were a reliable witness. Atsushi left Y/n on his own to look for something, though Y/n didn’t know what. He was on his own, just standing out in the open, it seemed pretty safe with the amount of people around. However, there was something off, and Y/n felt it. 

Something in him made his white iridescent wings fluff out in anxiety. None of Y/n’s associates were near bye, and that worried Y/n. No one was there to protect him if something bad were to happen, well, something incredibly bad. Y/n could fend for himself, he knew basic martial arts, but against ability users all he could really do was fly to avoid as many hits as he can until back up comes. 

Y/n wasn’t completely helpless, but he preferred being with someone who could save him if he were in trouble. Y/n didn’t only feel just one pair of eyes on him, but multiple. They were watching him, marking his move and every twitch he made. But Y/n didn’t know who was watching him.

Just as the paranoia subsided, Y/n was swept away from where he was standing. The kidnapper knocked him out, and everything else was blurry in his head. Atsushi came back only to find where Y/n stood was blank. He wasn’t the only one who was worried, however. 

Atsushi went to his two fellow co-workers and told them what had happened, both seemingly hid their panic on the inside. Those other pairs of eyes that kept a close watch on Y/n left, to find their dearly beloved Angel. The crime scene was left barren by both the ADA and the Decay of Angels. Both were on the hunt to get Y/n back.

Sigma, Nikolai, and Fyodor looked everywhere in Yokohama, all the places they knew Y/n might have been taken. But there was no luck, not until a few days later. It was late at night, and the three DOA members followed some of what passing witnesses said they heard or saw a couple of days before. There was a tiny sliver of hope in all three men. 

Nikolai was the first to step into the abandoned shed that rested near a busy roadway. It was covered in foliage and trees, keeping the whole building a secret, or so it seemed. Nikolai, however, paid no mind to any of that, only focused on finding his Angel. Fyodor and Sigma only followed Nikolai, keeping the white haired man at a distance. 

The two didn’t trust anything about this place. They were prepared for any form of attack from anyone. Nikolai wondered in, carefree, not caring about anything else other than his Angel. The three stopped in their tracks as they heard metal bars swishing around. 

Nikolai ran in deeper into the building, stopping to marvel at the sight of a beautiful golden cage. What quickly knocked him out of the trance was the iridescent, feathered wings of his Angel. Nikolai felt angry that someone would do this to his Angel, no one should cage his dearly love up like this. He jumped up against boxes that were stacked to reach the cage. 

Y/n was startled by the sudden stop of the cage he was trying to escape from. He looked outside the bar with teary, enraged eyes. He was met with piercing blue gray eyes that streamed raw anger, yet there was love that trickled lightly. Y/n was left so confused as he just stared deep into the eyes that looked back. 

Y/n didn’t notice two others walking into the room that held him in the golden cage. The metal shined slightly with the whisps of moonlight beaming through the cracks of the wooden roof. Sigma glanced up to see Nikolai gazing at Y/n, holding the cage still. Something wasn’t right about the whole situation. 

Fyodor felt the same as Sigma as the two shared a knowing look of imminent danger. They stood back to back, covering each other's blind spots. Nikolai used his ability to bring himself into the cage. Y/n was taken aback by what this man did, why bring himself into the cage?

Nikolai crouched down to meet Y/n’s face, a sickly smile graced his face. It unsettled the winged boy, he tried to move out of range, but he was stuck to the floor of the cage. He felt the touch of Nikolai, and it increased the anxiety that floating in him. He brought Y/n into a warm embrace, his smile not ceasing from his lips. 

Nikolai gave the other two men a knowing look, and they nodded in agreement. The kidnapper seemed to notice the three and came out of the shadows. Their eyes gleamed with insanity, their laughing was incoherent to the three men and Y/n. Y/n’s fear was practically spilling out of his body, and Nikolai noticed. 

“Don’t worry, my dear Angel, we’ll set you free!”

Y/n felt disgusted by that nickname, coming from a stranger. There was so much going on, he didn’t know what to make out of anything. Nikolai covered Y/n’s ears and brought him even closer to him. He silently whispered to him. 

“No need to be scared, my Angel. Everything will be okay. You’re safe now! Sigma and Dotsoy have it all covered!”

Just behind Y/n, Sigma and Fyodor were fighting the kidnapper. Their anger was shown in their attacks, and it was scaring the kidnapper. The hood fell off, and it showed the face of the persecutor. Y/n glanced behind his back slightly and gasped as he saw the face of his kidnapper. 

“How did you find this place?! I was sure I kept everything out of the public eye!”

Sigma’s face stayed flat, but his emotions were clear to both the kidnapper and Fyodor. Nikolai was too busy with Y/n and comforting him to even notice. Fyodor managed to immobilize the assailant, pinning him to the ground. Sigma walked closer, as he bent down.

“It’s easy for us to find what we want. Now you will pay for stealing from us.”

Sigma looked at Fyodor with an approving look. Y/n and Nikolai were watching from the cage, Nikolai waiting for a change to get Y/n out of said cage. He gripped Y/n harder, to a point it hurt, but he didn’t want to let the h/c haired boy go. Blood splattered everywhere, as Fyodor used his ability to get rid of this pest. 

Y/n wasn’t shocked about the death and red soaking everything around him, but it amazed him how easily someone would end other's life. He has killed others before, but only because they were hurting and taking other’s freedom. Nikolai scooped Y/n into his slender arms, hopping out of the cage, unknown to Y/n how he did, but Y/n couldn’t get out of his grip. Y/n was then surrounded by Sigma and Fyodor. 

Y/n tried to stand, but his legs were still asleep and he collapsed. Sigma caught him, being careful of his white wings. As Sigma stroked Y/n’s h/c hair, loving how it felt against his fingers. Fyodor was busy taking care of the dead body, and Nikolai was gently touching Y/n’s wings. 

Y/n looked up at Sigma, with watery eyes glistening the little moonlight that let itself into the cracks. His lips quivered a bit, fear still settling in his heart after a traumatic event. Sigma brought one of his hands to cup Y/n’s cheek, wiping away tears that threatened to fall. Y/n’s voice was sweet and soft to the three men that surrounded him, they all slightly blushed, feeling honored to hear it. 

“Why did you come and save me?” 

Fyodor came back, gently walking to the side of Y/n. Y/n’s e/c eyes looked at Fyodor, he stopped slightly. Oddly enough, those e/c eyes froze Fyodor right in his place. He sighed, trying to keep Y/n’s eyes on him. 

“Why wouldn’t we? We adore you, my dear.”

Y/n was so confused and look to all three men. He didn’t know who any of these people were and why they were here. The silence filled the building, making Y/n even more uneasy. He wasn’t sure what was going to happen to him. 

Y/n looked back to Sigma, hoping he could bring himself to ask the most important question. For some reason, Y/n already knew the answer based on the grip Sigma had on him. The more Y/n slightly struggled to get out, the harsher Sigma’s grip became. The hope Y/n had was slowly diminishing. 

“Can I go home now?”

The quiver in his voice was noticeable. Nikolai slightly hugged Y/n’s back as a big grin once again found its way to his face. He was noticeably giggling, seemingly finding the question Y/n asked funny. He brought a hand to pat the winged boy’s head. 

“Oh, my dear Angel! Of course not! How else are we supposed to keep you safe if you go home? We can’t watch you every day now, can we?”

Y/n’s eyes widened, more questions and confusion were swirling in his head. Before Y/n could speak again, he was knocked out once again, but this time no one would come to save him. Fyodor carried the winged boy out of the building, leaving NIkolai and Sigma to walk behind him. 

Y/n woke up in a dark room, nothing but a bed, a desk, and a bathroom as all that filled the room. The bit of light came from a small lamp on the desk. Y/n panicked and ran to the door, trying to open it, but to no avail. His wings fluffed out in panic, feathers falling due to the amount of stress Y/n was under. 

Y/n fell to the ground, trying to hold in sobs. He was so busy with trying to not make a lot of noise, he didn’t notice the three people that came into the room. Y/n froze, feeling arms snake around his body. He frantically looked around and recognized the people as the ones who saved him. 

Sigma looked down to Y/n, seeing the fear in his eyes. It did something to him, he cupped Y/n’s face and brought his lips to Y/n’s. Y/n’s e/c eyes widened with fear, but for some reason he couldn’t bring himself to push Sigma away. Fyodor and Nikolai kissed Y/n’s cheeks softly, trying to calm the boy down.

Sigma spoke up, his voice was warm and loving.

"No need to worry anymore my doll, you are safe now. No one will take you from us. Never again."

Y/n choked back sobs. He didn't understand what went wrong. He remembered being with Atsushi, and somehow it came to him being caged once more.

What irony this was, wanting to bring freedom to others and not having any of his own.

Hello, Hello!!

Do not repost or translate without my explicit permission! Reblogs are welcome!

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Hello, Hello!!

I hope my request isn't much of a burden-- however, I was wondering if you could do a one-shot with the decay of angels(Fyodor, Nikolai, and Sigma) with a male reader who has white wings?

Quick rundown for the idea;

The reader is the leader of a different organization called the Aviators; the Reader doesn't exactly have an ability but they do have wings-- the reader and their group side with the Armed Detective Agency because reader is heavily in love with bringing people to Justice, like the Decay Of Angels; however, something goes wrong and the reader gets captured while the three DOA members figure out what to do with them.

You can choose if it's more yandere-like or violent, I don't mind, really!! I usually write requests longer but I'm in a rush <\\3

Hello, Hello!!

These wings bind me | Bungou Stray Dogs x Male Reader

Characters: Nikolai Gogol, Fyodor, Sigma

Summary: Those wings you had didn't even grant you freedom

Warnings: Yandere behavior, Gore, Obsessive behavior, manipulation, death, kidnapping

Taglist: @nightshade-clown

A/n: This is very Nikolai heavy because I am biased. Also, sorry, the wings aren't mentioned as much

Hello, Hello!!

Y/n was a big name in Yokohama, well, a moderately big name. He was a well-known justice bringer with his group called the Aviators. It was a group of people who thought everyone deserved freedom and the choice on where their wings take them. Some of them were like Y/n, with giant wings granting them flight through the sky. 

But some had abilities that helped with bringing justice into the world. Y/n heavily believed in bringing justice to everything that tried to inflict on it. The Aviators seemed to be of decent popularity that even the ADA sought them out as an extra branch. The two organizations were seen as partner groups, essentially. 

Y/n still did whatever he really wanted under his association, but he would give the ADA extra people when they needed them. The same went with the ADA sending the Aviators people when they required them. It was quite the relationship between the organizations. No one really expected it, since Y/n was more about vigilante work and the ADA worked with the government in a way. 

But here is the leader of the Aviators, analyzing a case with some of ADA's best detectives. Dazai, Kunikida, Autsushi and Y/n were all lurking around the crime scene, looking for any form of evidence to link anyone or anything to the scene. Y/n was with Atsushi, as not wanting to deal with Dazai's shenanigans or Kunikida's harsh comments. Atsushi and Y/n were decent acquaintances and worked well with each other.

The two made basic small talk as they searched the crime scene and conversed with passerbys to see if any of them were a reliable witness. Atsushi left Y/n on his own to look for something, though Y/n didn’t know what. He was on his own, just standing out in the open, it seemed pretty safe with the amount of people around. However, there was something off, and Y/n felt it. 

Something in him made his white iridescent wings fluff out in anxiety. None of Y/n’s associates were near bye, and that worried Y/n. No one was there to protect him if something bad were to happen, well, something incredibly bad. Y/n could fend for himself, he knew basic martial arts, but against ability users all he could really do was fly to avoid as many hits as he can until back up comes. 

Y/n wasn’t completely helpless, but he preferred being with someone who could save him if he were in trouble. Y/n didn’t only feel just one pair of eyes on him, but multiple. They were watching him, marking his move and every twitch he made. But Y/n didn’t know who was watching him.

Just as the paranoia subsided, Y/n was swept away from where he was standing. The kidnapper knocked him out, and everything else was blurry in his head. Atsushi came back only to find where Y/n stood was blank. He wasn’t the only one who was worried, however. 

Atsushi went to his two fellow co-workers and told them what had happened, both seemingly hid their panic on the inside. Those other pairs of eyes that kept a close watch on Y/n left, to find their dearly beloved Angel. The crime scene was left barren by both the ADA and the Decay of Angels. Both were on the hunt to get Y/n back.

Sigma, Nikolai, and Fyodor looked everywhere in Yokohama, all the places they knew Y/n might have been taken. But there was no luck, not until a few days later. It was late at night, and the three DOA members followed some of what passing witnesses said they heard or saw a couple of days before. There was a tiny sliver of hope in all three men. 

Nikolai was the first to step into the abandoned shed that rested near a busy roadway. It was covered in foliage and trees, keeping the whole building a secret, or so it seemed. Nikolai, however, paid no mind to any of that, only focused on finding his Angel. Fyodor and Sigma only followed Nikolai, keeping the white haired man at a distance. 

The two didn’t trust anything about this place. They were prepared for any form of attack from anyone. Nikolai wondered in, carefree, not caring about anything else other than his Angel. The three stopped in their tracks as they heard metal bars swishing around. 

Nikolai ran in deeper into the building, stopping to marvel at the sight of a beautiful golden cage. What quickly knocked him out of the trance was the iridescent, feathered wings of his Angel. Nikolai felt angry that someone would do this to his Angel, no one should cage his dearly love up like this. He jumped up against boxes that were stacked to reach the cage. 

Y/n was startled by the sudden stop of the cage he was trying to escape from. He looked outside the bar with teary, enraged eyes. He was met with piercing blue gray eyes that streamed raw anger, yet there was love that trickled lightly. Y/n was left so confused as he just stared deep into the eyes that looked back. 

Y/n didn’t notice two others walking into the room that held him in the golden cage. The metal shined slightly with the whisps of moonlight beaming through the cracks of the wooden roof. Sigma glanced up to see Nikolai gazing at Y/n, holding the cage still. Something wasn’t right about the whole situation. 

Fyodor felt the same as Sigma as the two shared a knowing look of imminent danger. They stood back to back, covering each other's blind spots. Nikolai used his ability to bring himself into the cage. Y/n was taken aback by what this man did, why bring himself into the cage?

Nikolai crouched down to meet Y/n’s face, a sickly smile graced his face. It unsettled the winged boy, he tried to move out of range, but he was stuck to the floor of the cage. He felt the touch of Nikolai, and it increased the anxiety that floating in him. He brought Y/n into a warm embrace, his smile not ceasing from his lips. 

Nikolai gave the other two men a knowing look, and they nodded in agreement. The kidnapper seemed to notice the three and came out of the shadows. Their eyes gleamed with insanity, their laughing was incoherent to the three men and Y/n. Y/n’s fear was practically spilling out of his body, and Nikolai noticed. 

“Don’t worry, my dear Angel, we’ll set you free!”

Y/n felt disgusted by that nickname, coming from a stranger. There was so much going on, he didn’t know what to make out of anything. Nikolai covered Y/n’s ears and brought him even closer to him. He silently whispered to him. 

“No need to be scared, my Angel. Everything will be okay. You’re safe now! Sigma and Dotsoy have it all covered!”

Just behind Y/n, Sigma and Fyodor were fighting the kidnapper. Their anger was shown in their attacks, and it was scaring the kidnapper. The hood fell off, and it showed the face of the persecutor. Y/n glanced behind his back slightly and gasped as he saw the face of his kidnapper. 

“How did you find this place?! I was sure I kept everything out of the public eye!”

Sigma’s face stayed flat, but his emotions were clear to both the kidnapper and Fyodor. Nikolai was too busy with Y/n and comforting him to even notice. Fyodor managed to immobilize the assailant, pinning him to the ground. Sigma walked closer, as he bent down.

“It’s easy for us to find what we want. Now you will pay for stealing from us.”

Sigma looked at Fyodor with an approving look. Y/n and Nikolai were watching from the cage, Nikolai waiting for a change to get Y/n out of said cage. He gripped Y/n harder, to a point it hurt, but he didn’t want to let the h/c haired boy go. Blood splattered everywhere, as Fyodor used his ability to get rid of this pest. 

Y/n wasn’t shocked about the death and red soaking everything around him, but it amazed him how easily someone would end other's life. He has killed others before, but only because they were hurting and taking other’s freedom. Nikolai scooped Y/n into his slender arms, hopping out of the cage, unknown to Y/n how he did, but Y/n couldn’t get out of his grip. Y/n was then surrounded by Sigma and Fyodor. 

Y/n tried to stand, but his legs were still asleep and he collapsed. Sigma caught him, being careful of his white wings. As Sigma stroked Y/n’s h/c hair, loving how it felt against his fingers. Fyodor was busy taking care of the dead body, and Nikolai was gently touching Y/n’s wings. 

Y/n looked up at Sigma, with watery eyes glistening the little moonlight that let itself into the cracks. His lips quivered a bit, fear still settling in his heart after a traumatic event. Sigma brought one of his hands to cup Y/n’s cheek, wiping away tears that threatened to fall. Y/n’s voice was sweet and soft to the three men that surrounded him, they all slightly blushed, feeling honored to hear it. 

“Why did you come and save me?” 

Fyodor came back, gently walking to the side of Y/n. Y/n’s e/c eyes looked at Fyodor, he stopped slightly. Oddly enough, those e/c eyes froze Fyodor right in his place. He sighed, trying to keep Y/n’s eyes on him. 

“Why wouldn’t we? We adore you, my dear.”

Y/n was so confused and look to all three men. He didn’t know who any of these people were and why they were here. The silence filled the building, making Y/n even more uneasy. He wasn’t sure what was going to happen to him. 

Y/n looked back to Sigma, hoping he could bring himself to ask the most important question. For some reason, Y/n already knew the answer based on the grip Sigma had on him. The more Y/n slightly struggled to get out, the harsher Sigma’s grip became. The hope Y/n had was slowly diminishing. 

“Can I go home now?”

The quiver in his voice was noticeable. Nikolai slightly hugged Y/n’s back as a big grin once again found its way to his face. He was noticeably giggling, seemingly finding the question Y/n asked funny. He brought a hand to pat the winged boy’s head. 

“Oh, my dear Angel! Of course not! How else are we supposed to keep you safe if you go home? We can’t watch you every day now, can we?”

Y/n’s eyes widened, more questions and confusion were swirling in his head. Before Y/n could speak again, he was knocked out once again, but this time no one would come to save him. Fyodor carried the winged boy out of the building, leaving NIkolai and Sigma to walk behind him. 

Y/n woke up in a dark room, nothing but a bed, a desk, and a bathroom as all that filled the room. The bit of light came from a small lamp on the desk. Y/n panicked and ran to the door, trying to open it, but to no avail. His wings fluffed out in panic, feathers falling due to the amount of stress Y/n was under. 

Y/n fell to the ground, trying to hold in sobs. He was so busy with trying to not make a lot of noise, he didn’t notice the three people that came into the room. Y/n froze, feeling arms snake around his body. He frantically looked around and recognized the people as the ones who saved him. 

Sigma looked down to Y/n, seeing the fear in his eyes. It did something to him, he cupped Y/n’s face and brought his lips to Y/n’s. Y/n’s e/c eyes widened with fear, but for some reason he couldn’t bring himself to push Sigma away. Fyodor and Nikolai kissed Y/n’s cheeks softly, trying to calm the boy down.

Sigma spoke up, his voice was warm and loving.

"No need to worry anymore my doll, you are safe now. No one will take you from us. Never again."

Y/n choked back sobs. He didn't understand what went wrong. He remembered being with Atsushi, and somehow it came to him being caged once more.

What irony this was, wanting to bring freedom to others and not having any of his own.

Hello, Hello!!

Do not repost or translate without my explicit permission! Reblogs are welcome!

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11 months ago

Hey! Can you do ranpo with a reader who likes spicy foods? since ranpo like sweets it would be a cute idea to see how would ranpo react!

-Anon ☘

A/n:I have no idea how this is gonna turn out, but here you go nonnie!! (Haven't written for Ranpo before, so bear with me)

Hey! Can You Do Ranpo With A Reader Who Likes Spicy Foods? Since Ranpo Like Sweets It Would Be A Cute
Hey! Can You Do Ranpo With A Reader Who Likes Spicy Foods? Since Ranpo Like Sweets It Would Be A Cute
Hey! Can You Do Ranpo With A Reader Who Likes Spicy Foods? Since Ranpo Like Sweets It Would Be A Cute


"Alright I'm gonna go to the store. Does somebody need something, because i am not going again later?" Kunikida quickly said before taking his book.

Ranpo was currently sitting on his desk in the Ada while you were next to him doing some documents. Dazai has asked Kunikida to grab something for him from the store and he didn't have a choice.

"Hokkaido Potato Chips!" "Mochies and Daifuku!" You and Ranpo both screamed at the same time, then looked at eachother? "You want THAT? Do you have any idea how spicy is that?!?" "Yeah i do, that's why i want it!" He opened his eyes to look at you. "Why would you want something so spicy instead of something sweet??" "Because i think spicy is better?" There was a moment of silence between both of you.

"No." "What do you mean no?" "Spicy isn't better than sweet!" "Well I don't think like that" "Think again then! As the world's best detective, i know what's best!!" "That doesn't even make sense?!" "It does!! You just don't get it!!" He pouted and crossed his arms, while Dazai was just standing there looking at what's happening.

You rested your head on your hand. "Ugh okay you know what, yes sweet is better, happy?" He smirked. "A lot actually." He said as he stood up walking out of the room. "Kunikida-kun get me the chips, please" "Understood"

"But you just yold him-" "Shut up Atsushi." "But you-" "Yes i did told him, but otherwise he would keep telling me otherwise, would have liked to just here and listen to a conversation about which is better, sweet or spice, hm?" "No..." "Then don't say a thing"

Hey! Can You Do Ranpo With A Reader Who Likes Spicy Foods? Since Ranpo Like Sweets It Would Be A Cute

© mariaace 2024 do not modify, plagiarize, copy or claim any of my works!

Reblogs and comments are appreciated! á„«á­Ą

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2 years ago
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

A new chapter of my Bungou Stray Dogs x Genshin crossover fanfic is up now! I'll be putting updates for my AO3 fics here too, so watch out for that!

A New Chapter Of My Bungou Stray Dogs X Genshin Crossover Fanfic Is Up Now! I'll Be Putting Updates For

Also, here's a little bit of art for this AU, feat. Thoma as Atsushi, Kazuha as Dazai, and Kujou Sara as Kunikida!

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2 years ago
A Piece For My Miraculous X Bungou Stray Dogs Crossover Series, Wherein Dazai And Chuuya Go Undercover

a piece for my miraculous x bungou stray dogs crossover series, wherein dazai and chuuya go undercover at françoise dupont as marc and nathaniel! (i kinda got lazy with the background, but whatever...)

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2 years ago

hey uhh... I wrote the crossover fic! only the first chapter's up now, bc the new owl house ep totally destroyed me & my motivation, but I'll try to get the others out soon!

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1 year ago


weird way to start but I did start writing a fic called

All Warfare Is Based On Deception 

it's a BSD x DSMP fic based on ideas, characters and abilities I have been working on for honestly several months.

a lot of CC's from DSMP will make an appearance and hopefully, if I don't loose motivation half way through, some hermits and life members will appear as well!

in my opinion it's going to be a pretty good story, idk how many chapters it will have but aside from the first chapter I'll try to keep each chapter a minimum of 3k words.

here's the summery:

When violent attacks of seemingly unknown origins started happening more and more frequently in Yokohama, Kunikida makes a point of finding the culprit and putting an end to these severe acts of violence. The shock, anger and disbelief when the attackers are revealed to be close friends and associates of the detective puts the whole agency in a vulnerable state.


Kunikida, although still a bit shocked from the sudden flood of information from these unknown informants, signaled Tanizaki to go get his laptop from his table, as Tanizaki left Kunikida asked.

“And with whom am I speaking with?”

The other line was quiet yet again as more whispers could be heard, luckily these ones didn’t last as long.

“Call me Skeppy, that’s my code name”

Then the call disconnected.


if you don't know what the I-dots are it's basically a pretty old smp that had skeppy, bbh, megapvp and some other close friends of them on there. as far as I'm aware most members went their separate ways but I will be reuniting them in this fic.

the fic contains zero ships (aside from some skephalo) but feel free to see the way characters act as whatever you like, personally I want to keep this fic mostly ship free unless deemed absolutely necessary by the plot.

hope you read it :D

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8 months ago

Istg I need myself some more braincells- I need help finding a fanfic. Again. Do y'all know that one skk fanfic where Chuuya was on a mission and Dazai wanted to sleep over with him but he didn't want Chuuya to kick him out so he delayed his desires for as long as he could before finally breaking in and slipping into bed with Chuuya and then hotness ensues- ahem, so anyway, It was on Ao3. Help.

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7 months ago


It's Surrender by Starship_Dancer on AO3 (I think I found my favourite writer)

Istg I need myself some more braincells- I need help finding a fanfic. Again. Do y'all know that one skk fanfic where Chuuya was on a mission and Dazai wanted to sleep over with him but he didn't want Chuuya to kick him out so he delayed his desires for as long as he could before finally breaking in and slipping into bed with Chuuya and then hotness ensues- ahem, so anyway, It was on Ao3. Help.

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11 months ago

“Bathe Time”

A mini fem! Dark Era Soukoku fanfic (ïżŁâ–œïżŁïœž)



Hygiene. That was something that Dazai just about didn’t know. She lived in a shipping container, didn’t shower much, didn’t cut her hair, and probably didn’t change out her bandages much.

Chuuya noticed this. Of course she noticed it. The pair were work partners, so the ginger haired woman would notice how the latter’s long, dark brown hair that just about went down her back was matted and unkempt, how her bandages would be yellow and stained, and how she didn’t
 smell all that well. Chuuya knew she had to do something, which led to her approaching Dazai and saying the following statement.

“You coming with me, you need a bath.”

Dazai stared at Chuuya, her big, dark eyes penetrating the other girl’s icy blue ones.

“Huh?” She said, a little dumbfounded by Chuuya’s abrupt request.

“I said you’re coming with me, you need a bath. That is not up for debate.”

“Awe~.. Does Chibi care for me~.” Dazai teased and poked at Chuuya’s face which led the shorter into slapping the taller’s hand away.

“No, you fucking smell like fish and you look like some hobo that was found in a trash can.”

Dazai pouted and clutched at her heart in a dramatic manner.

“Ouch, Chibi! That hurt my feelings!” She smirked, which earned an eye roll from Chuuya.

“Come on, let’s go.” Chuuya said. She grabbed Dazai’s hand and started to lead her to her apartment.


Warm water filled up the bath. After Dazai took her clothes and bandages off, she stepped in and was accompanied by the unfamiliar warmth.

Dazai finally sat down and settled into the water as Chuuya was getting some shampoo, conditioner, body wash, and other essentials that were needed in order to properly clean and dry yourself.

When Chuuya came back, she set the towel and washcloth down on the bathroom vanity and grabbed her brush off the counter. After making sure no more light ginger strands were left entangled into the brush, she sat down by the tub.

“Let me see your hair.” She said.

As Dazai was bunching her long, unkempt hair up to allow Chuuya to brush out, the shorter girl couldn’t help but notice all of the scars on the taller’s body. Some were self inflicted, others from missions. Chuuya couldn’t help but feel a twinge of sympathy and an unfamiliar feeling tugging at her heartstrings.

As Chuuya began to brush out Dazai’s hair, the brunette would occasionally yelp while letting out an occasional, “Ouch Chibi, that hurts!” Or, “Why are you so mean! You’re going to rip my hair out!”

If Dazai kept complaining anymore, Chuuya might as well just rip out her damn hair.

After Chuuya was done brushing out Dazai’s hair and getting out all the knots she could, she cleaned out her brush and told Dazai to lay back, which the latter did. The ginger started to massage the brunette’s scalp gently and leaned into the tub a little to push the younger back up. After a few more dunks into the bath water, Dazai’s hair was now wet.

Chuuya reached for the shampoo bottle and squeezed some into her hands before applying it to Dazai’s scalp and hair. As Chuuya began to massage and rub all of the suds into her hair, she commented,

“You really need to cut your hair, mackerel.”

“Nah! Haircuts are a waste of time and energy.” Dazai would reply with and turn her head back to smirk at Chuuya, which she’d receive an icy blue glare in return.

Eventually, Chuuya got all of Dazai’s hair covered in shampoo and dunked the younger girl into the water to rinse it out. The same process would be repeated with the conditioner.

When it was time for Dazai to bath herself, Chuuya made her stand up to do so. She wet the washcloth, squeezed some body wash onto it, and handed it to the latter.

After Dazai finished getting the cleansing soap, which smelled of sickeningly sweet cherry almonds, Chuuya turned on the shower head and let Dazai rinse herself off.


“You’re hopeless you know that?” Chuuya said, both her and Dazai were seated on the edge of the bathtub. Chuuya was currently drying Dazai’s now clean hair with a towel. Dazai let out a giggle.

“Go figure?” She continued to giggle.

“Ouch! Hey, don’t tug!” Dazai’s giggle turned into a sharp yelp and loud whine. Now it was Chuuya’s turn to laugh.

“Then next time wash your own damn hair, hm?” She said with a smirk plastered on her freckled face. Dazai just rolled her eyes.

After Chuuya finished drying Dazai’s hair, she stood up and hung the towel over the shower rod.

“You may borrow some of my oversized clothes for tonight only. I’ll get you some fresh bandages tomorrow and you may sleep on my couch, sound good?”

Dazai looked up at Chuuya, her big, dark eyes twinkling.

“Sounds good.”


Dazai ended up making her way into Chuuya’s bed. :)

The End

A/n: this is the first time I’ve ever posted a story on Tumblr so im fairly new to this. I hope you liked it and feel free to leave me any feedback and criticism! đŸ„°

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11 months ago

always summer #16

always summer #16: foot job | bungou stray dogs |👿🐯 | #kinktober 🔞| ~1300 words

Always Summer #16

Akutagawa was still lying face down in the bed when Atsushi returned from his early-morning run with Chuuya. He snorted in amusement but didn’t disturb him, rinsing off and emerging from the shower to discover he’d at least changed positions. Atsushi sat on Akutagawa’s side of the bed and poked him with a finger, and Rashomon stabbed through the mattress approximately a handspan to the right of Atsushi’s thigh in a clear threat display.

Continue on ao3 or:

“I told you not to drink the moonshine,” Atsushi said, and he could take a guess at what the noise that creaked out of Akutagawa in response meant. “Dazai-san got it from someone off the side of the road, who knows what was actually in it.”

Akutagawa raised his head just slightly. “If there is anything left in that jar, I will pour it down your throat, see how you like it then.”

Atsushi patted his shoulder. “I’ll get you some water.”

“It feels like there is a fully-grown African bull elephant crashing around behind my eyes.”

“And some painkillers.”

When he returned Akutagawa was at least sitting upright, which was a marked improvement, even if he was squinting off into the distance muzzily. Atsushi presented him the water and Akutagawa pressed the bottle to his cheek, eyes closed, before uncapping it and drinking. “Are you going to be alright?” Atsushi asked, returning to his seat on the edge of the mattress, and Akutagawa squinted at the bottle in his hands and groaned.

“The elephants are multiplying.”

“That’s what you get for leaving them alone in there. Ow.” Atsushi laughed when Akutagawa hit him with the now half-full bottle and raised it again threateningly. Atsushi rubbed his arm. “Sorry, sorry. What do you need from me?”

“Silence, preferably.” Akutagawa rubbed the bridge of his nose. “If you can manage that, at least. And
” his mouth crooked, and he pressed his lips together flatly. “No. You will make fun, and I am far from the mood to deal with it.”

Atsushi leaned back on his hand; head cocked. “I won’t laugh,” he promised.

“You will, and I won’t stand for it.” Akutagawa looked away and sighed, as Atsushi said nothing but continued to look at him. “Fine,” Akutagawa muttered. “What remains of my dignity is already in tatters, what difference does it make.” He set the water bottle in his lap and raised both of his hands, palms out, and flexed his hands.

Atsushi stared at him, uncomprehending.

“When you,” Akutagawa was clearly frustrated with having to vocalize this. “When your hands do the thing, and they—”

“Oh!” Atsushi pulled his tee shirt off over his head and at the same time transformed his arms, fur running to his shoulders, hands halfway between paw and palm. “This?” he asked, offering his hands out to Akutagawa, and without hesitation Akutagawa grabbed one of Atsushi’s proffered hands and pressed it against the side of his face, exhaling loudly, eyes closed.

Atsushi stared at him, eyes wide, as Akutagawa gently rubbed his cheek against the inside of Atsushi’s palm. “The texture is so nice,” he mumbled. “The pads are, mm, nice.” His eyes were still closed, and the expression on his face was one of bliss. Atsushi was entranced. “Don’t laugh,” Akutagawa warned; as if Atsushi had even been close to the thought.

“I’m not,” Atsushi murmured, very gently brushing Akutagawa’s hair back with his other hand. He could see the stress melting from him as he performed the action, like weight dripping from his shoulders, and the feeling bubbling in his chest grew warm. “I had no idea you liked these. I’m always so afraid I’ll hurt you

Akutagawa opened his eyes slowly. He tilted his head back, pulling Atsushi’s paw down his face, so he was cupping more of his jaw. “Is this
helping?” Atsushi wondered aloud, and Akutagawa hummed an enthusiastic noise, shifting on the bed and knocking the bottle over the edge of the mattress.

“Touch me more,” Akutagawa whispered hoarsely, Rashomon cascading off his shoulders, baring his skin for Atsushi, who shifted on the bed, twisting to meet him. He fell back against the pillows, Atsushi’s paws resting on his chest, and he leaned in close, kissing the warm flush that crept down Akutagawa’s neck to his collarbone. He ran his hands over Akutagawa’s chest, careful with his claws, gently pressed to the skin—until Rashomon darted out, grabbing Atsushi by the wrist and yanking, out of the blue. His hand slid off Akutagawa’s side, claws scoring shallow, red marks into his skin and Akutagawa moaned.

“Again,” he demanded, and Atsushi straddled his thighs, claws curled in toward his palms. He didn’t want to hurt Akutagawa, no matter what he wanted, it didn’t feel right to him. After a moment of listening to Akutagawa’s breaths rattle through his lungs, he unclenched his hands and rested both enormous palms against the skin just under his navel, feeling Akutagawa’s muscles jump.

“Do you want me to
?” he asked, the base of his palm rucking the waistband of the underwear Akutagawa had worn to bed. He was breathing hard too, though he’d barely exerted any effort, watching how Akutagawa was affected was really getting to him, now.

“No,” Akutagawa breathed, and Atsushi cursed everything he could think of at the moment, at least until Akutagawa arched his back and breathed, “use your feet.”

He pulled Akutagawa’s underwear off and he groaned, cock lying sticky against his skin. He was leaking a lot of fluid from the tip, Atsushi’s paws on him were apparently a huge hit. Atsushi breathed hard through his nose, he wanted to lick so, so badly; instead, he shifted his position, supporting his weight back on his hands, and pressed his foot—transformed, like his hands—against Akutagawa’s cock.

The pads that appeared along the bottom of his foot like this were warm, they slid well against the velvety-slick flesh; and without even thinking about it Atsushi shifted his foot so he was stroking with the space between his big toe and the rest. Akutagawa moaned again, shuddering under him as Atsushi pushed Akutagawa’s cock back against his belly, stroking slowly with his foot. Akutagawa pushed both of his palms into his eyes, back arching against the bed.

He was careful, and slow, with this—the claws on his feet were no joke, either, and Akutagawa was trembling all over, hands still pushed into his eyes, mouth open; Atsushi had never seen him look quite like this and it was fascinating. He was going to pieces, sweat shining on his skin, muscles tensing, trying his hardest to last as long as he possibly could; Atsushi slid his hand into his own underwear and began jerking himself off slow, in time with every drag of his foot up Akutagawa’s cock.

Akutagawa let out a choked noise, a sob edged in Atsushi’s name, and came all over his belly. Atsushi exhaled, after a moment he moved, climbing to his knees and hand wrapped fully around his own cock. He tugged his underwear down enough to free him, and jerked himself off over Akutagawa’s heaving chest.

Eventually, Akutagawa dropped his hands from his eyes. They were red-rimmed and watery, and he looked at Atsushi for a moment before his eyes darted away, flush darkening across his face. “Don’t,” he said, gruffly, and Atsushi leaned over him, hand still transformed into a paw. He turned Akutagawa’s face back toward Atsushi, delivering a kiss that Akutagawa melted into.

“Feel any better?” Atsushi asked, finally, and Akutagawa groaned, thumping his head back into the pillow. Then he frowned and considered it.

“Strangely,” he said, slowly, “yes.”

Atsushi grinned triumphantly and flopped down next to him. “Good,” he pronounced and yawned hugely. “That took a lot of out me, gonna pas’ out now,” he mumbled and tucked his face next to Akutagawa’s shoulder. He was out like a light before Akutagawa even had the wherewithal to respond.

Akutagawa sighed and patted Atsushi’s head before closing his eyes. “My weretiger,” he hummed, content; then pushed his other hand against his forehead and groaned softly. This hangover wasn’t going away anytime soon.

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11 months ago

Hear me out. What if one day Chuuya finds out that the reader was also experimented on.

TW:scars, leaked information, trauma

Chuuyax reader

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Hear Me Out. What If One Day Chuuya Finds Out That The Reader Was Also Experimented On.


How come his sweet and gentle lover has been hurt

He would take every ounce of pain from you into himself if given the chance

And his initial reaction, however he found out, will be hard to stomach

He’s in shock

 no no that’s not true. You had that good childhood, and you’ve been treated good by everyone. Just like you deserve, right? Right?”

Wide eyes traveled the room mindlessly. His brain was too occupied by thoughts to see anything beyond patches of color and light.

It was obvious what was going on in his head.

First, his experience. What he knows of the pain that still cause shakes and shivers in his body. The absolute mental devastation caused by the storm in his heart and mind from knowing his past.

Secondly, he sees you in the same position. Screaming, blood over your plush skin. Eyes dazed, far away from the world around you. Whatever world you may have been in that allowed you to be treated so poorly. Because if you had gotten hurt, it must’ve been a world Chuuya wasn’t part of.


“I’m sorry

“Sorry? No, fuck. Don’t be sorry, don’t you dare say that.”

In a split second he crossed the distance and pulled you into his chest.

“I’ll kill them all.”

Of course he would lie down his life for you, but this information increases that tenfold

You’re not fragile, that much is obvious, but after learning how close you were to death he strives for your life

Whatever it takes

“Chuuya, I do not need a bodyguard. It’s just down the block! And this boy needs a walk anyways!”

The dog barked in agreement, sorta. But Chuuya would not budge. No puppy eyes work on him when it comes to your safety.

“No. You can talk him on the walk, and go to the market. But one of my subordinates is going with you. I have some emails to write.”


“No buts, love. It’s for your own good.”

He pet the doggies head while speaking sternly to you. Little did you know, it wasn’t just one subordinate. He had a whole team on your saftey detail at all times outside of work and home.

And if those scientists are still alive?

Not anymore
 it will be a MASSACRE that the news will cover for months

“Hey baby, did you see the news this morning?”

You asked, on a whim as you scribbled a shitty signature on some paperwork.

“No, why?”

“Some old facilities blew up. It was crazy. Reports said none of the victims died in the explosion. They all died by these terrible and violent ways. Like torture and stuff
 gives me the chills.”

That was his cause, you. The cute way you told him about every little thing you heard. The funny actions you do to make show of your words.

All his to watch, and not theirs to ruin.

“No baby, I didn’t hear about that. How interesting.”

I hate to bring it up, but it makes him feel worse about himself

How can you, someone who went through the same as him, still be so kind?

Why isn’t he like you?

He doesn’t see himself as sweet or gentle, he’s a monster and a threat to everyone he loves

And he thinks he lacks the humanity that you “still have” that allowed you to grow so kind

You stalked into the bedroom, tense at the fact that the door was closed. He usually would leave it open?

“Chuu? I saw your shoes at the door, I know you’re home-”

There he was, his ginger hair on full display. Hat in his hands to his chest. Said chest on his knees, curled into a ball of black clothing.

His torso expanded and contracted with each exchange of air.

was it work? Meetings with Mori su-”

Words failed. Minuscule things such as meetings at work would cause this. Would cause Chuuya Nakahara to cry.

“You weren’t supposed to be home.”


“You weren’t supposed to be home. I was supposed to be alone, and
 and I- I dunno.”

Whines left his mouth when you kissed his cheek.

As if Judas to Jesus, he burned at your affection. Unworthy of something so

“What did I do to deserve you?”

“Living, and loving. That’s what you’ve done.”

This isnt meant to be spicy, but sex is sex đŸ€·đŸ»â€â™€ïž

And obviously if you’re going to be doing that, he’ll see your scars

For a couple who both has their fair share of scars, this likely isn’t the way the experiments were revealed

It takes a hell of a lot of trust to show yourself so vulnerable to anyone

But he loves each indent

He sees not the pain, but the growth then on

When you cuddle, he’ll get dazed and start rubbing circles on section of skin

Doesn’t mind them at all, even if they are dark and large

He has the same, and is no hypocrite

Hear Me Out. What If One Day Chuuya Finds Out That The Reader Was Also Experimented On.

Not proofread lol

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10 months ago

yall, i've been having Thoughts again, and i wanted to see if anyone has any really good atsushi-centric fics? preferably with lots of whump/hurt comfort, stuff about the orphanage, possibly things about his connection with shibusawa and/or fyodor. i love atsushi and there isn't enough angst about him

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2 years ago

Tired Turtle Doves

Tired Turtle Doves

♡ pairing: Fyodor Dostoyevsky x gn!Reader x Mykola Hohol

♡ synopsis: Fyodor decides to sleep in with you and Mykola.

♡ wc: 1.2k

♡ cw: None! Fluffy! (Fedya and Kolya do tickle you for a sec but it's supposed to be cute)

note: I got this idea from um nothing in particular. No I was not inspired while roleplaying a romantic scenario with AI versions of the characters, I can't believe you would ever think that. Also reader works with Fyodor and Mykola (work isn't specified but like...I guess they're a member of the DOA lol) Apologies for errors.

Tired Turtle Doves

Fyodor Dostoyevsky was a busy man. Such was a consequence of being a crucial part of multiple criminal organisations. Technically, you and Mykola were in the same boat, but you weren't the ones planning and coordinating absolutely everything from behind the scenes. These circumstances led to a tight schedule for Fyodor, meaning he unfortunately didn't have a generous amount of free time like the two of you did.

You were never bored around Mykola- you weren't sure if that was even possible- but over time you grew more and more dissatisfied with Fyodor's absence. All you wanted was to spend some down time with the both of them. You missed the small things, like the quick pecks you'd give the two of them before leaving your home, or even just mundane conversations you shared in your spare time.

One morning, as was generally the case, Fyodor was the first to rise from his slumber. Sitting up in your shared bed and slowly stretching his arms, he glanced down at you and Mykola with a smile. You both appeared to be sound asleep still, or at least that's what the rhythmic breathing emanating from your parted lips indicated.

Fyodor stared at the wall in front of him, momentarily dissociating as he ran a hand through his raven black hair, a little tangled from his sleep. Before long though, he shook his head and noted he'd have to look into that; it had been happening more and more these days. For now he ought to get out of bed and quickly freshen up.

Suddenly, though, he felt a small pull, and turned to find your barely conscious figure glancing up at him with heavy eyes.

"...don't wanna get up..." you mumbled, tugging at Fyodor's shirt. "C'mon, Fedya..."

To be fair to you, it's not as if you could really move. Behind you was Mykola, whose arms were tightly wrapped around your torso as he slept. His chest was flush against your back, and you could feel his warm, consistent breathing on your collarbone. Though you were still half-asleep with a clouded mind, you were still adamant on achieving your goal; getting Fyodor to sleep in with the two of you.

"My dear, you know I can't stay here-"

"Fedya...!" You whined with a tired frown. "You're always outta bed by the time we get up. And I miss you."

"I have work to do, myshka."

"Screw your work," You muttered, irritably. "We are more important than work. Do you love work more than us? How could you do that, Fedya..."

You trailed off as you closed your eyes again, fingers still gripping the hem of his shirt. He placed his hand atop yours, and you yawned.

"You know that isn't true," he answered calmly, knowing that your frustration was a result of your fatigue. You weren't the type to accuse him of something you knew was false and he knew it.

"So please, then? Please...?" You continued, lazily making grabbing motions towards your black-haired partner.

" are both frustratingly endearing," he sighed. You poked his arm, his cold, pale skin barely deterring you by this point in your relationship.

"Mhm...sleep, Fedya..." You attempted to pull his arm closer in order to get him to tuck himself back under the sheets. "Please?"

Fyodor sat still for a moment, before letting out a relenting exhale and giving you a smile.

"...alright, myshka." In response, you gave his arm a squeeze of appreciation and smiled back at him. His form was shadowy, the sun shining through the translucent curtains behind him. To anyone else he might have looked somewhat frightening, but it was different for you. There was affection for you in his gaze.

"Mm..." You heard a quiet groan and felt a small vibration against your neck. "...morning, Dove..."

"Hi, Kolenka." You let out a quiet giggle, moving your hand to place it in his snow-white hair. "Guess who's here with us?"

"" He buried his head further into the crook of your neck and planted a few kisses. "What's happening?"

"Open your eyes!" You encouraged, turning to face him. He lifted his head up to open his eyes and meet yours, before noticing the man on your other side.


"Good morning, Kolya." Fyodor smiled, his magenta eyes creasing so slightly. "Did you sleep well?"

"...Dos...!" Still half out of it, Mykola reached his hand over you to touch Fyodor. In his sluggish movement, all he did was lazily paw at Fyodor's stomach, but he was clearly happy to see his second beloved still in bed. Fyodor chuckled, taking Mykola's hand and pressing a chaste, soft kiss to his palm. You watched the scene with your lips upturned, still a little too lazy to grin all the way.

"Perhaps I should sleep in more often?" Fyodor mused. "You two are so sweet while half-asleep."

"Uh-huh..." You absentmindedly agreed as Mykola's body weight pressed against yours, his hand still in Fyodor's. "So stay."

"I am staying, my dears," he reassured you. "Just for today, though."

"Yay..." Mykola replied, sleepily. Fyodor chuckled and laid back down, positioning himself in front of you. You happily buried your face into his cool chest while he wrapped his arms around you and took Mykola's hand in his. The two were effectively caging you with their bodies, but you didn't mind at all.

"Warm..." You muttered contentedly. While Mykola hummed in agreement, Fyodor let out a small, amused snicker. "We should do this more often. It's nice."

"It is nice, yes," Fyodor replied. "Hm...perhaps this type of relaxation is just what I've been needing."

"You're welcome, Dos-kun," Mykola teased as he narrowed his eyes. "It took you a while to realise how lovely and therapeutic we are."

"He's been too busy being scary..." you yawned, and Mykola chuckled. Fyodor sighed in exasperation, though you could still see the corners of his lips upturned.

"Do you find me scary, myshka?"

"No, you're like a tiny baby kitten to me." Fyodor raised an eyebrow at that. You countered with a devious grin.

"Nooo, Y/N, Dos-kun is scary...!" As he cooed with a carefree lilt to his voice, Mykola pinched your side. You yelped in surprise.

"Hey, what the hell?" He didn't answer; he just let out a chuckle and tickled you more. You began laughing and shuffling about in bed trying to pry his fingers off your waist. Fyodor laid before you both, watching in amusement. "H-help me, Fedya!"

Fyodor did reach out, but it was not to help you. There was a reason he was known as a devil. There was nothing you could do besides fruitlessly writhe around while Fyodor and Mykola both tickled you in such a manner that made you wonder if they'd planned it. The two always seemed so in sync, but that wasn't always a good thing. Especially not now. Regardless, the three of you were all laughing in unison- yours a little more raucous than the others.

When they finally relented, you quickly wiggled your way out of the blanket and sat on top of it, legs crossed so you could quickly leap away should the two demons decide to strike a second time.

"You're both the worst!" You panted, earning a giggle from Mykola.

"You love us though," he grinned deviously, and it was true. You really, truly did love them.

Tired Turtle Doves

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10 months ago

Feel free to dm your requests whether it's fluff or nsfw. ^w^

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ÖŽ àŁȘ𖀐Teenage romance₊˚âŠč ᰔ

 Teenage Romance
 Teenage Romance

ᯓ★Synopsis: Being in a relationship with Dazai Osamu seemed like a huge problem to you, because his behavior often made you confused, and everything suggested that he would remain a silly guy who would remain alone for the rest of his days. But one day you had to realize that this wouldn't happen. Because he has you in his life.

ᯓ★Pairing: pm!dazai×fem!reader (both 16-18y.o);

ᯓ★Contains: fluff/comfort, hugs, kisses, hanging out together, teenage romance, nonsense, pm!reader, mention of murders, mention of criminal organizations drabble&headcanons, sfw, affection, mention suicide attempt;

| author's note: This is my first work, I hope you'll like it. Please don't judge too harshly I tried my best à«źâ‚Ë¶Ă“ïčĂ’ ⑅₎ა |

 Teenage Romance

The whole situation was so strange and unexpected for you that you really didn't understand where you were and what you needed to do. When you woke up in a dimly lit room, you found yourself lying in a room that looked like an infirmary. There was practically nothing around. There were no sounds either, but they soon appeared. There was a door at the end of this room, as you assumed, there was a corridor behind it. It turned out to be true.

A couple of minutes after you woke up, the door opened a crack, and a guy came in — funny shaggy hair, dark eyes, bangs on half of his face and a bandage covering one eye. He was dressed quite formally—a white shirt (although slightly frayed and wrinkled), a black tie, black trousers and shoes. He had a black jacket slung over one arm, he looked rather rumpled and seemed tired. Sitting down on the bed, you looked at the boy with bewilderment and suspicion when he finally came up to you and scratched the back of his head. Yawning lazily, he said:

«Well, hi, silly suicidal. Mori-san asked me to give you something, but I don't think you need it right now. Congratulations! Oh, though... It would probably be more accurate for me to say that I'm sorry, though...Aaaahhh, okay, never mind. I'm Osamu Dazai, don't be surprised, you survived your failed attempt and Mori-san and I dragged you here. He wants to recruit you...So you'd better come to your senses as soon as possible and come to his office. He doesn't like to wait too long... In short, you have no choice. Come on, get up! Can you walk?»

He gave you a dubious squint that made your skin crawl, and then silently walked away. He pulled out a small old chair (which you didn't notice right away), sat down on it, and crossing one leg over the other, began to read a small red book. Still in a strange trance state, you didn't even understand how he was doing everything, it was hard for you to figure out where you were sitting at all. After a couple of minutes of silence in the room, you finally came to your senses a little — you noticed that the room was not so empty, you were sitting on a fairly soft bunk, somewhere above there was a small window through which white light entered the room.

After that, you had the next challenge — to talk to this unknown. He has already introduced himself, and you instantly remembered his name. But still, he didn't mention where you were or who he was at all... So, swallowing hard, you turned your head, but then froze when you found that he was already looking at you. With a sigh, the boy put the book on his lap and looked at the ceiling, muttering

«You're probably wondering where you are and all that... Well, you're in the infirmary of Yokohama's main criminal organization, the Port Mafia. Welcome. No, don't worry, we won't kill or torture you. The boss has slightly different plans for you. But still... You know, if I were you, I'd think twice about choosing this stupid, absolutely shitty way! I'm sorry, but do you even have a brain? To what extent does one have to be a stupid girl to use such a non-working method! And yes, you don't have to ask about all the details of your "rescue." I'll just say one thing — you looked lousy. Yes, however, nothing has changed now...»

Finally, he fell silent, continuing to stare at the ceiling for a while, and then turned his gaze to you. Maybe it was time for you to introduce yourself?...

«You said your boss wants to hire me... Why does he need this?... I... I'm probably grateful for the rescue, but... What does he want?...»

Dazai just raised one eyebrow and then looked away, continuing the dialogue:

«Well, obviously he saw something useful in you for the mafia. He will definitely find a job for you, especially since our staff is very small now. Well, according to him, he just couldn't leave such a poor thing to die»

You've got your head down. The answer was obvious, and why didn't it immediately occur to you? Then you should have introduced yourself properly. You made some kind of pathetic gurgling sound, after which you quietly whispered:

«My name is... My name is Y/N...»

The young mafia turned a curious look at you and got up from his seat. Putting his hands on his hips, he said:

«Yeah, so Y/N you said... Okay. Come on, let's go. The boss should see you before lunch»

You carefully shifted on your bunk, and then lowered your feet to the floor, still sitting. But the real problem for you was getting up — no matter how much you tried to lift yourself, nothing came out. Apparently, your body is very weak, and your legs are numb. You began to have a slight panic, tears began to come to your eyes, and you began to suffocate from them. But it didn't take you a second when Osamu came up to you and gently pulled on your arms, and you were finally on your feet. Exhaling, you were about to take the first step, but the guy stopped you with the words "Where are we going?" after that, he easily picked you up in his arms. It was so unexpected that you squeaked, but he shushed you and said in a dissatisfied tone:

«Hey, I actually don't want you to break all your legs or overwork yourself... Anyway, it's not profitable for the mafia to keep you here for a few days.»

you were more than ready to object, but for some reason your inner self told you to keep quiet. Apparently, this was not the right situation for outrage.

So, after some time, you finally got out of the Mafia boss's office. Dazai seems to have understood everything in the blink of an eye from your distorted face. You were accepted, and now you could consider him a "colleague." He somehow abruptly and very unexpectedly jumped up to you and smiled broadly, said:

«Well, now you are one of us!»

This was your first meeting.

❛━━━━━━━ ‱‱‱ ━━━━━━━❜

And then everything went the way you couldn't have expected, but it's not that you didn't like it. Conversely.

You had to go through many situations and complete many missions together. He also introduced you to other members of the Port Mafia. You were received very cordially, and, frankly, it warmed your heart.

Osamu kept saying how unprepared you were to work in this organization, and that you shouldn't have been here at all, but he supposedly couldn't contradict Mori (Of course, he was a brazen liar— he was the one who begged so desperately to keep you in the mafia for his own good). In short, you got along, you became even more than just colleagues.

One of the situations that you remember the most was how you fooled around and played cards together. It was funny, even though you never managed to win. But you always laughed maliciously when the intense struggle between Odasaku and Dazai continued without your participation. You knew that Oda would always have a way to beat the youngster, so you weren't surprised by Sakunosuke's next victory.

Basically, you've always been a witness to the endless quarrels and swearing between Dazai and Nakahara. It all got to such an extent that you started to get a headache from their shouts of indignation (it's good if they used only speech, and did not get into a frenzied fight). In the end, you just got up and left, but both boys, catching themselves in time, immediately fell silent and quickly followed you, simultaneously apologizing for their antics (in fact, while you were silent, they continued to whisper insults). You didn't have much choice, you were a kind-hearted person, so you just couldn't get mad at them.

But even though they "hated" each other, they were ready to unite at any moment just for the sake of your safety. You were a valuable person to them, not only in terms of being a mafia member — everyone knew perfectly well that one day you would have to make a choice.

But you were like friends with Chuuya — it seems that even on his part there was no initiative to enter into a romantic relationship. You spent no less time together than with Dazai (which made him, by the way, jealous, but of course he would never admit it). So at some point Osamu realized that it was time to throw away the final card. Many of your memories from the mafia are quite clouded — it is clear that the job was not easy, and there was not much light and fun there. But you will always remember the moments spent with a bandaged mafia member.

Your belated winter walks, when it's already starting to get dark outside, and many teenagers your age are already running home, worried that something might happen to them or their parents will scold them. But of course you weren't like that, because you are a fearless mafia that can walk around whenever and wherever you want.

Although many called him a "Demon-Prodigy" you could only agree with one part of that nickname — he was indeed a prodigy, but a demon perhaps only in appearance. He kept in himself those weakened, smoldering particles of warmth and love that he allowed to warm his heart only with you and Odasaku.

And you, like no one else, saw it and appreciated it. Perhaps you didn't even realize it yourself, but at some point your heart literally began to ache from the accumulated warm feelings for him. You endured this mental anguish because you were sure that he didn't need it, or he would reject you.

But fortunately, none of this happened.

You remember how you went for a walk in the snowfall, and you caught snowflakes in your mouth, and he called you stupid, but you didn't care. You called him stupid when he threw a nice snowball at you with all his might... You remember when the skin on your cheeks and hands was already starting to pinch and tighten from the cold, and you were laughing while you were fighting, and he always throw you to the deflection, and you landed in a giant snowdrift. All your clothes were soaked from the snow, and Dazai only stopped laughing when he saw you desperately trying to keep warm, shivering from the cold. Then it finally dawned on him, and you quickly went to the mafia building or to his "home". He wasn't particularly proud of his house, which was just a shipping container. So basically he took you to the mafia building, but if you insisted, he could agree to spend some time with you at his house.

In winter, Osamu was a real simpleton — he almost never wore a hat, scarf, or mittens. It could be bitterly cold outside, but he still went out without any warm clothes. His warm wardrobe for the winter was everything he wore in all other seasons, and the only thing that was added was a warm black coat that Odasaku gave him. You were always cursing why he was walking around with uncovered head and not dressed properly, but he waved you off and ignored your requests to wear a hat/scarf.

But still, one day, when you, having excellent knitting skills, knitted him cute warm mittens, he grunted with displeasure and took them without saying a word. However, during your next walk, you noticed that he was wearing them.

Right after that, you started knitting him a scarf, and after a couple of weeks it was ready. You also packed it as a small present, but as usual, Osamu did not appreciate your efforts with the decoration; but he wore the scarf all the time (not without your reminders ofc).

You wanted to go to the rink together to try yourself at it, but unfortunately, by the time you remembered your intentions, all the rinks were already closed, so you had to postpone this entertainment for the next year.

When spring came, everything always changed somehow: the mood improved, the work went easier, and everyone began to live a little better. This wonderful time of the year was something enlivening. Everyone knows that it is in spring that you can catch a wonderful natural phenomenon — cherry blossoms. The second name is hanami. You really loved these few short days when you could catch this sight. And Dazai, knowing this, finally decided to hint at inviting you to go with him one day (of course, he consulted with Oda and Hirotsu before). He's very lucky that you didn't hesitate to agree.

The preparation for the traditional holiday took place slowly, you managed to do all your business and buy all the necessary attributes. On the day of the celebration, you were wearing a very beautiful kimono in delicate, light shades, and Dazai made do with a simple dark haori. Don't have to mention that he was fooling around for almost half of your walk, but at some points he was unusually serious. You were a little confused by his sudden mood swings, but given his nature, you weren't too surprised. This youngster was unpredictable.

Admiring sakura went great, although Osamu managed to piss you off a couple of times. You saw his face when his dark eyes were staring into the distance, looking at the delicate pink, mixed with white petals slowly flying down — it was a look of anxiety and peace at the same time. And yet, a slight smile touched his lips.

Time passed, your relationship was at a stable level, but still your heart felt the insufficiency that the lack of love gave you. You tried to overcome these feelings with all your might, but nothing came out; it got to the point that one day you had a dream with him; but it was very touching and gentle — a spacious field, waving grass, a cool breeze and a scorching sun, and in the middle of it you, and only you two. More than half of the summer has already passed; Work has not stopped, of course, there are no summer holidays or vacations in the mafia. But sometimes you and Mr. Bandaged Mummy managed to get out of the hectic world of blood and murder.

It was very hot, and you couldn't stand the heat, so you tried to stay in places where the temperature was more or less stable or slightly cool. You always have taken ice cream from the same stall: Dazai has always chosen some strange and tasteless ones, but of course this is only in your opinion. You took your favorite flavor, and often offered him a taste, but he always refused. Boring jerk.

And one day it happened.

His birthday has just passed; it was only a couple of days later, when his 2-day absence from work became suspicious, and you found out that he had made another attempt on his holiday. It was like it cut into your heart — it was so painful to realize it. You tried to contact him somehow, called him, but he seemed to have forgotten about the existence of his phone. You knew it wouldn't be the best idea to show up on his doorstep, so you just had to wait him to show up himself.

And you remember that day by heart: when the bell rang at your door, then a small knock in confirmation. You immediately went to the door and opened it... Osamu was behind. You saw him like this for the first time — with a slight smirk on his lips, an apologetic expression on his face and ...a bouquet of white lilies... You didn't know why, but in that quiet moment when you saw him, you caught your breath and almost burst into tears.

All the emotions mixed into one huge lump that came to your throat, and you, knowing perfectly well why he was here, carefully, timidly took a step forward and hugged him, burying your face in his shoulder. One of his hands was holding a bouquet, so he lightly hugged you with his other hand. After a couple of moments, you heard him whisper:

«Well, don't whine... I can't stand it, you know»

Those words made you smile, and you pulled back a little. Without further ado, he handed you a beautiful, elegant and delicate bouquet of lilies, after which he added:

«Well, I hope you've at least guessed that this is an occasion....»

«Sure... You wanted to apologize, didn't you?»

«And you're smart today, mouse»

You smiled at his comment; he always called you that in a teasing manner, but now it sounded more affectionate. You understood everything at once — white lilies, such a beautiful flower, which means apologies and kindness of intentions. It was his way of earning your forgiveness for what he tried to do to himself.

You spent the evening together; Lilies flaunted in a pretty vase, you watched some kind of movie. It's been dark outside for a long time, but it seems that both of you had no plans to let each other go. And yet, you both felt the tension in the silence that you allowed to hang.

You've been waiting for this. And he knew that there would be no better moment.



«Forgive me»

«For what?»

«For what I'm about to do-»

As soon as he uttered the last sentence, you felt his hands on your shoulders, and he left a light, almost weightless kiss on your lips. It was so funny and embarrassing for you at the same time. Osamu looked at you for a while before hugging you to him and burying his face in your hair.

«You're all I need. You're all I can ask for.»

He muttered softly. After a couple of minutes of hugging, you finally did what you wanted — interrupted his speech and pulled him into a real kiss... But don't think he gave up on you so easily. No way. He's going to take matters into his own hands anyway...

But that day was what divided your life into before and after.

In a good way.

|P.S I think I wrote too much (( I have such a writing style, I hope you liked the headcannons mixed with drabbles. Thanks for reading! I hope I will release some more works. đ–„” ʁ ˖àč‹ àŁ­ |

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 It's Not A Knee... .

₊˚âŠč ᰔ “It's not a knee...” .đ–„” ʁ ˖

°Pairing: fem!reader×chuuya nakahara;

°Contain: drabble, headcanons, close to canon, mention of murders, mention of criminal organizations, hints of sex, MDNI;

°Synopsis: about how your attitude towards each other has changed and you got.... into an embarrassing situation;

°Author's note: well... it's something like nsfw, but I'm not very good at it, so... I hope it's not that bad XD...there may be grammatical errors!

 It's Not A Knee... .

Nakahara Chuuya is your colleague, the head of the executive committee of the Port Mafia, and in fact, you are his secretary.

He is a busy man, holds the honorary title of a martial artist, and is also overworked. That's why he asked Mori to appoint you as his secretary (with your consent, of course). You weren't friends, but you weren't strangers to each other either. Previously, your work went separately: Chuuya constantly disappeared on missions, returned to the mafia office very late, and if he was carried to the outskirts of the city or another prefecture, then it was not worth waiting for him at all. He stayed overnight at a local hotel. You, in turn, were a less important person, although you were on the executive committee under his leadership.

You were rarely on missions, mostly you were engaged in official documentation and paperwork, contracts. Like a clerk, but a little more important. But, as they sometimes said about you, you were a victim, a decoy. That's what they called you because you were always in situations where mafia enemies just grabbed you and held a gun to your temple, threatening to kill you. You were a vulnerable member, and many people from enemy organizations believed that since you were on the executive committee, you should be an important person and you could be used to achieve their goals. Not that it was, no. You were highly appreciated and considered worthy of your position. Plus, you were a great beauty, and all the mafia men just admired the fact that there was such a pretty girl among them. In any case, you don't have to worry — for such threats and unauthorized touching of you, mafia crush their heads and broke ribs.

Over time, you became a little closer to each other — you don't know how it happened, but for some reason he started waiting for you after work (even if he looked like he was going to fall asleep), he could give you a ride on his motorbike or at your request he orders you a taxi. He was very busy during working hours, so he hardly paid attention to you (logically, he didn't pay attention to anyone). Sometimes, tired after battles, he would start writing reports (well, at least he tried), but his head and brain were boiling from everything that had happened, his mind was clouded by fatigue and the need for sleep, and he looked very, very tired. And yet, he managed to come up to you from time to time and ask about some points in the paperwork. Of course, you explained everything to him, he nodded silently with his eyes closed and, returning to his seat, fell into a deep sleep. All you could do was carefully pull out the sheets from under his head that were lying on the table and fill everything out yourself. He was more grateful than anyone else.

He also invited you to the bar a couple of times to have a drink in honor of the successful completion of several missions, but after you, smiling sweetly and awkwardly, said that you wern't drinking, he stop talking, make an empty face and hurriedly nod, after which he leave. Not that he was very upset; but he spent the rest of the evening at the bar over a glass of semi-sweet wine, reflecting that someone really never drinks and doesn't have such an addiction to expensive alcoholic beverages. But soon all his thoughts scattered when he returned home and calmly lay down on a wide bed, falling asleep in the blink of an eye.

Hiding the fact that he was really just too handsome and hot was useless. You just liked him as a person, but as a man he was also very attractive. He had a definite sense of style; he did not dress too pretentiously, his outfits were always good and moderate. And it was partly clear that he had been raised by a woman: idealized manners, always clean, shining red hair, gathered in a neat ponytail, neatly arranged bangs, ironed, clean white shirt; all other things are also clean and ironed, shoes are always clean and shine from the wax applied to them; He always smelled pleasantly of expensive men's perfume; not too heavy, a scent suitable for him. A couple of times you've seen him use lip balm in winter to keep his lips from cracking and bleeding. You also assumed that his house was tidy, clean and had a pleasant smell of fragrance. So, a wonderful man, a rich man, but a reasonable and rational person who knows a lot about manners and neatness, as well as about his work. He combined not only beauty and neatness, but also strength and power. And he was definitely one of those who could stand up not only for himself, but also for other important people for him. Including you. And also rides a motorcycle! Amazing.

But the situation you got into scared you a little, or rather confused you. Oh. Very confused.

It so happens that you and Nakahara have planned a birthday party for your boss, Mori-san. Others were involved in this, but it was you two who did the initial training. While his office was empty, you snuck in here and began to decorate everything that needed to be decorated. But before you could start, you heard footsteps approaching.

It was hopelessness, and Chuuya, grabbing your wrist, quickly pulled you after him. You ended up in some kind of closet, Chuuya quickly closed the door and looked at you. Everything happened so fast that both of you didn't even seem to have time to realize the situation... And now you were underneath him when he was looming over you; well, that was the only possible position for the two of you right now. Looking into each other's eyes, you listen to the sounds outside — someone has entered inside. You both fell silent, barely breathing, so that there would not be an extra creak or sigh. Since there was a closed and very small space in the closet, being here very soon became unbearable. The stuffiness weighed on your mind. So you both gradually got very hot, literally. There was still someone walking around the office, and you didn't know exactly who. Nakahara was still above you, so far he was silent. But after a couple of moments, he quietly approached and whispered in your ear:

"I don't think it's Mori-san. But who knows... We need to be quiet."

You, in turn, nodded slightly and whispered a quiet "yes" in response. You could see the outline of Chuuya, because a light light penetrated into small cracks in the closet. His body, hanging over you, seemed so tempting... But you quickly pushed away all the fragile thoughts and tried to look somewhere else. Chuuya has actually been looking at you all this time. His body was very close to yours, he could hear your slightly rapid breathing. His hands were on either side of your head. He really didn't want to... But your appearance was so beautiful and seductive that he could barely contain himself. He gently leaned closer to you and you felt his warm breath on your neck. He was breathing raggedly and heavily, probably he was hot...

And then you felt something underneath, pressing against your thigh. You couldn't see what it was, of course, but you could easily tell it was his knee. That's why you spoke softly:

"Chuuya, could you take your knee away, please? It gets in the way..."

You saw him pull back a little, and then lean over you again, and this time his voice sounded with a slight tremor:

"This is... This is not a knee...."

There was something between a sour and confused expression on his face. You couldn't tell if he blushed or not, but he did, you can be sure. He also looked away from you and tried to pretend that he was very wary of what sounds were coming from outside, but in fact he was just embarrassed that his body was reacting to you so involuntarily in such situations.

Uh...After the words he said, you were still at a loss, and, to be honest, it didn't come to you right away. You just stared at him, blinking frequently, while intense mental activity continued in your head about guessing what "it" might be, if not the knee.

Noticing that you were silent, looking at him uncomprehendingly, he was even more confused and let out a quiet "Uh ..." after which he tried to think of what to say to you. Your thoughts were not lost, and you thought that it could be the holster from his knife, which accidentally hung down and pressed so uncomfortably. Smiling slightly, you whispered:

"Got it... Is that a knife holster?..."

Oh, my God, you should have seen Chuuya's face. It simply cannot be described in words, and if possible, just repeat the words "confused" and "embarrassed" 100 times. He stared at you, then exhaled softly and said:

"Listen, y/n, this is not a holster.... This... are you... Damn, why haven't you figured it out yet..."

He swore softly and then leaned even closer to you. Oh, he wanted so much to kiss and bite your neck. But he knew he couldn't. Not yet.

Yeah, you haven't figured it out yet. And you felt it pressing against your thigh more and more.

And finally. You got it. You really got it. "It" pressing on your thigh was warm, and as it seemed to you, slightly throbbing. Your eyes widened, your cheeks turned crimson, your breathing became strangled, and you looked down. You actually felt very hot at the same moment of realization. You tried to move away at least a little, but it didn't work because the closet was too narrowly. When Nakahara saw you trying to move, he pinned your shoulders and hissed:

"Don't you dare move!... This damn closet is a million years old, it creaks like the oldest thing on damn earth."

You didn't object. No, not in such a situation and not at such a moment. Keeping silent, you tried to overcome your embarrassment while Chuuya was closely following the sounds from outside the closet. A few minutes later, the person who entered the boss's office finally came out and you and Chuuya opened the door a little. The office was indeed empty. Then, Chuuya run out of the closet with almost light speed, when you were still climbing out. Then you looked at him: flushed face, shortness of breath and wandering eyes. Only for a single moment did you manage to see the bump on his pants, after which he quickly headed for the exit.


Before he could get out, you grabbed his elbow and looked at him with a plaintive look. He quickly turned around and looked at you with a hint of seriousness and a little frustration, but nevertheless his face still had shades of embarrassment.

"Can we talk? I won't just leave it like that..."

"Y/N, It doesn't make sense. I'm sorry for all this... Never mind..."

You pulled his elbow and looked at him seriously when you said more insistently

"But... But you're-..."

"Hold on. What are you trying to achieve? Do you want me to make all my thoughts come true? If you annoy me, I promise I'll do it"

"But... I just-..."

Your voice broke off on a small squeak that you made when the redhead abruptly grabbed you and led you to the table. He also quickly, with incredible ease, lifted you up and bent over the table, facing him, as he squeezed your wrists and leaned closer

"Do you want me to fuck you right here? Is that what you want? Please, Y/N, don't do this. Otherwise, I promise I won't hold back..."

"And if I say that I want you to?..."

When those words left your lips, Chuuya's face instantly changed to pure surprise. Well done, 10 points out of 10. He certainly didn't expect such an answer...

"What... What did you say?..."

You looked at him with a slightly embarrassed and innocent look, and then said

"I said that... That I want you it..."

Nakahara blinked a few times before leaning closer to you and whispering

"Do you want me to... fuck you?..."

His tone was like this... sweet and serious at the same time. You involuntarily blushed and swallowed softly when you answered in a trembling voice


Without wasting any more time and words, Chuuya knocked you down on the table completely and clung to you in a passionate kiss. You unwittingly let out a soft moan against his lips, and then squeezed your eyes shut.

After that, everything was a blur. All you remember is Chuuya unbuttoning your shirt, then his, and then the sound of a belt buckle undoing.

 It's Not A Knee... .

Edited: LMAO I remembered that I forgot to finish the funniest moment! As you have already understood, all the actions took place in Mori's office... Not only was nothing decorated, the papers that were (unfortunately) on this desk were scattered all over the floor, and you both left the office in a lousy state. Chuuya's hair is completely out of order (by the way, so are you), his shirt is not fully tucked in, and you have the same thing.

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