You Will Always Be Mine
You will always be mine
sharnsimmonds liked this · 2 years ago
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beauty is in the eyes of the beholder
Well there you go
Vivid dreams that make you want to scream...
There's a little girl..she mimics my temperament,
I find some sentiment in the Inner me thats still with me.
And here I thought I'm like I tree and you've left me,I've left you to be free.
Afraid of the change,little girl I won't abandoned you like a wicked mage..and you bound to the cage of your childhood trauma
Magic drew me and then threw me when somewhere In my spirit you said let me go
let go..
A shadow reality I'm in a heat storm.
Night sweats pull me close in this realm where you a ghost..haunted stained and I wake up with the pain..that I haven't let you go..
So as I dream may you know I'm with you..holding your hand.
Altho it's just a dream
May it be serene.