Poems On Tumblr - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

That night

That night you walked a few feet away from the others, knowing I would follow you

Knowing when I did we would be entirely alone

Just the two of us

I don't remember what we talked about

All I can remember is the feeling of your lips on mine

You kissed me that night

You kissed me so out of the blue

So out of nowhere

With such a hunger and need like you couldn't stop yourself from doing it

My eyes closed as our lips collided for the first time in months as if no time had passed

It all happened so fast I could feel my eyes widen in surprise when you pulled away

The shock that filled my body when you took the opportunity to kiss me

Not knowing how I'd react

And still doing it anyway

As if you would never get another chance

I could feel the involuntary smile too

The same one that appears everytime I replay that night

I replay it more than I'd ever admit

I can't get it out of my head and I probably blush every damn time

The night you kissed me

The memory repeats itself over and over

My mind went completely blank and I just looked at you

You told me I was blushing

I told you that it was too dark for you to tell if I was

I wonder if you knew I wanted to kiss you

I wonder if you knew I thought about doing it the entire time we were together that night

How badly I wanted to

I was too scared to do it

But you weren't

You let the love you had for me bubble over

And suddenly it didn't matter if it was wrong

Because how could it be wrong

When it felt so right

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6 months ago

I love you, you know

I love when you kiss me in public

I love when you show me off and love me loudly

you do not care who sees

You do not care what any of them think

Or what they might say

Your focus is entirely on me

And I love it

I love how you always hold my hand when we are walking

You tell me I'm pretty even when I do not know how to respond

I love that you are so sure about me

I love that we have let each other go and yet we still came back to one another

It means it's real

That you could see how bad I self sabotage my own happiness

And how want me anyway

And chose me anyway

You have picked me over all the other girls you may have liked before

I love it

And I love you

Even if I do not know how to say itI hope you know it deep down

I love you

I love us

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1 year ago
Emily Dickinson. She Gets It.

emily dickinson. she gets it.

i just want to help people. if i cannot help people then how will i help myself? helping people, helps me. it makes me think less about myself and also makes me feel a little better about myself because i'm helping someone. but also how will i help others if i cannot even help myself? really, it's an endless loop. in the end i will always pick the selfless option. help someone else's heart. i shall not live in vain. maybe one day some one will come around and mend my heart. as i have done for others.

。゚゚・。・゚゚。 ゚。 - nina's book nook  ゚・。・゚

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1 year ago

Callow In Nature, It’s Who I Am

blending my tears with the shower rain

callow in nature, it’s who I am

while my room feels like a casket

where I rot in day and night

a reflection of my mind, of my thoughts

I wither away with the tunes

Swallow my name, burning in the bed I made

Pretend I’m a phoenix, I rise from the ashes of my laments

Wingspan the size of the amount of my tortured convictions

But then again the dream has to end

As smoke begins to fill my lungs

And the ashes begin to stain my legs

Carbon filled walls, so many locked doors

I wave goodbye, the dreamland

The wingspan shrinks as the size of a birds heart

Carefully coming back to the ice cold bed they made me to lay

I wish I knew better, next time, maybe



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1 year ago

The Consumption of Love

The consumption of love

it gets tiring

I’ve become obsessed with


to make you love me

to make you see me

the need to be loved

not wanted, not desire

to be loved

not by anyone else

but you.

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1 year ago


Reading the wise words of Albert

Eating clementines in the garden

His vision of the world, much like mine

90 years of no change

What a crime

In solitude as I am, he was

The world as he saw it

A gift to my own mind

Living in the land of the mysterious

Wonderland state of mind

Eyes bright like christmas lights

Tie to you by the sympathy of our hearts

Kindness, beauty and truth

A guiding light

Albert, I thank you for your unique mind.

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1 year ago

Paper Thoughts

The paper does not judge

The paper does not seek

It absorbes the ink

It makes it travel through lines and lines of woodcuts

telling stories, truths, lies, myths of the holders mind

it won’t shrink at your tears

it won’t joke at your laugh

it won’t make you feel anything

it will just let you be right

your stories

your truth

your lies

it doesn’t know better

it doesn’t know worst

it’s just simply yours

no one will know

no one to show

the paper won’t judge a single word.

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1 year ago

Look at me Mom, I’m big now

The best kind of growth is of the mind, of the spirit

The kind that shapes the heart, fuels the soul, and sets the imagination free

Not everyone will get there

Some stay as small as an ant

And as weak as a fallen, dried up leave

How to achieve the growth of the soul?

It’s a solo road

Connection is key, but too much can ruin it

Words, good ones

Mirror time, look right?


Beliefs systems






Eternally searching

Getting older, wrinkles, gray hair


So much time




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1 year ago

modus operandi

It’s all I do

I write

I write

I write

and I think too much

Musing in blue

Collecting dust in my cerebrum

no métier to rely on

folios fulfilling their tasks

notes app

ink stained fingers

Crystal clear water glass

Musing ceaselessly

A way of life.

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1 year ago

Hey You!

Hey you!

Take a look at the moon

silver shine

soft light

Hey you!

Do you know who I am?

no one yet

will you get to know me right?

Can we talk about tomorrow, while we forget yesterday?

In the darkness of the hour

in the park, in the shed

Hey you!

I love you

Is all I been wanting to say.

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1 year ago

It’s Time to Get Happy

Remember when you were young?

You prayed to shine just like the sun

But now, where does your mind lay?

Turning off for nothing

You try to rearrange it, but end up going insane

You change your hair and your smile

As it slowly fades away

A world burning outside your door

We all can feel the heat

The flames reaching you

But, you know you can’t contain yourself forever

Kaleidoscope eyes

Golden heart

Diamonds for teeth

Chocolate dripping from your hair

Honey scented

You walk through the snow with a beaming smile

Even when you’re smiling, we can hear your sights

Tired of trying

Looking at the weakness in the skies

A reflection of your heart

You keep on trying to break free

As the worms eat into your brain

And all you can say is “You got to go someday”

Months past



Now, July

How in God’s name did you survive?

That fragile Capricorn

The softness of your Cancer

Mistaken your kindness for weakness

As the snow that falls from the skies

Chill wind through your soul

Grown with curiosity

Watching as the skies get light

While writing your poetry

It’s time to get happy

Because nothing last forever

Only your love could ever

And with the “Slow, graceful flow of age”

Doing it for fun and for free

Peace in the quiet nights

No disturbance of silence

You are finally free.

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1 year ago
Nurture The Wounds Poetry Album By Marlene. Out March 8th, 2024. On All Streaming Platforms.
Nurture The Wounds Poetry Album By Marlene. Out March 8th, 2024. On All Streaming Platforms.

“Nurture the Wounds” poetry album by Marlene. Out March 8th, 2024. On all streaming platforms.


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1 year ago

I am unique, but I am not different

I am separate, but I fit in

I have my own views, but I am not ignorant

I am not too curvy, but I am not too thin

I am not too quiet, but never have I shouted

I am who they want me to be, but I cannot conform

I am compared over and over, I am constantly doubted

I am not allowed to over express myself, yet I am expected to perform

They boo and they cheer

I cry and I sneer

They beg and they demand

I conform although I do not understand

I do not know what more they desire

I do not know what less they need

I do not know how to put out this fire

I do not know how much now remains still me

It spreads and it burns

No matter how much I fight, it always returns

And I yearn, and I yearn, and I yearn

But deep inside I’ve always known

That in attempts to reach their impossible throne

I will inevitably be left alone

They think they know me

They think they can control who I will turn out to be

They think that eventually they’ll find the pearl

If they can pressure me into the role of that perfect teenage girl

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2 years ago


Kapiláry, řezání, korálky krve, nejrannější, do temna  

Na dně Tartaru 

Se dívám na vlastní kapiláry,  

korálky krve kolem zápěstí 

Náramek, který nosilo moje malý já 

Jako groteskní princezna... 

Mám vedle sebe poházený lahve od vína  

A modřiny na sněhobílých stehnech 

Nahmatám vedle sebe cigaretu 

Zapálím si vlasy a řeknu 

„To byl zase den...” 

Na dně Tartaru mám dětský pokojíček 

Usínám v plesových šatech  

Pod vlivem Rohypnolu a levnýho alkoholu 

Potácím se místy, který pak nepoznávám  

Město se mění  


Na jehož ulice lze navěšet fáze dezintegrace vlastního já. 

Na dně Tartaru je se mnou Sirius 

Sedíme na zemi vedle sebe a pijeme kradený pivo 

Potom vytáhne nůž a po(d)řeže mě 

A jeho vlčí čelisti stisknou můj krk 

A já mu za to poděkuju... 

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6 months ago


all i had, i used.

my strenght to light the flame of a candel in this hole of my heart.

all i had, i spent.

time crashes me angrily with bare knuckles and no sight of softness in it's eyes.

all i had, i gave.

good luck chewing from my bones

that's my treat for you,

thank u for devouring my sorry soul.

all i had, he takes.

when the forest is burning please bring a rose in the meantime,

the land is mine but i feel nothing belongs to me, it's all yours to take.

all my aching down him and back.

for LF.

yours truly, Vanessa.

August, 2023


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6 months ago

self headshot

is the "peace" i have now

worth of everything i left?

what am i missing here?

something from the past?

or something that's yet to come?

grow your hair,

cut the ends.

you'll never change.

grow as a person too,

or get the gun.

Late August, 2024

Self Headshot

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6 months ago

blaze - aftermatch testament

a year later

all that i went through, i already grieved.

the corpse you left in my garden

it's mostly healed like a wound

that would leave a soft pink scar all over my chest.

all that you went through and continue to,

it's behind your door and i need you to realize

that the past may stay hiden

from eyes that don't want to look back

into the abyss,

afraid to fall and vanish again.

all that we had, i forgave.

and you did too.

the warmth of knowing that we both perished that time for good.

i always knew that only one of us would get out of this and still be okay.

i just never knew it would be me.

dyed my hair,

the color of the flames.

to remind myself that i've become what

i've always feared

and finally tamed it.

i hope you heal like i did.

maybe u should spend some time at the place i once called mine,

and watch the crows flying

and trees growing.

i can see it in your eyes,

the aftermatch of the horrors that once made me broken.

force on force, brings hurt on you either way.

all the fire upon this town, don't let it burn too far.

that way u won't see home again.

for LF.

yours truly, Vanessa.

August, 2024

Blaze - Aftermatch Testament

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1 year ago

I am lost here,

In this land i call home.

My feet burn and blister from the sand they walk over;

My mouth twinges and stings from the air it swallows;

My body spasms and twitches from the heat it withstands,

And I realise once more:

I was not made for this.

For where is the subtle brush of grass that should greet my every step?

Where is the smoke my lungs were made to breath?

Where are the monsoons that should shower my skin?

Where are they?

I am growing desperate, now.

Each day a new petal falls off me,

A thorn growing in its place,

And I find I am more cactus than jasmine today.

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