Charlie, A BAMF: Silena, You Cant Adopt Every Snarky Gay
Charlie, a BAMF: Silena, you can’t adopt every snarky gay
Silena, an even bigger BAMF, standing in front of Clarisse, Nico, and Percy: You watch me Charles Beckendorf, you watch me
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More Posts from Meteorsandstars
I just would like to confirm to anyone that I am NOT the author of My Immortal.
Reblog if you are also not the author of My Immortal.
bisexual girls are great pass it on
I’m not saying that Piper kissed both Grace siblings but...
If sis has an opportunity she might as well take it.
help urgently needed!!
Happy Pride Everyone!! 🏳️🌈
Thursday, June 20th: Hello everyone, I’m Gemma and I am quite sure that everyone is beyond tired of seeing my posts by now, and I sincerely apologize to be asking again but I still desperately need help to make ends meet this month and to get through July.
As most of you are aware, I have been struggling financially for quite some time due to my welfare benefits (U.C & Housing Benefit) being revoked, under the UK’s controversial changes to how benefits are assessed and assigned. And due to my mental health and some unfortunate DWP mess-ups, my benefits have been on and off sanctions for over a year now and I am currently waiting for the DWP to send me for a medical assessment, which I am hoping will fix my benefits and offer me more assistance as I am unable to work.
However, the process and paperwork for a medical can take weeks and often months to go through (I have been waiting since January). To make matters worse, a few weeks ago my unemployment advisor, who is consistently mishandling and misplacing my medical sicknotes, lost my medical lines and due to this, further sanctions have been temporarily placed on my benefit. Which means the £128.88 I used to receive on a monthly basis has been put on hold until the issues can be resolved. I did not receive a benefit payment in May and most likely will not receive one on June 25th.
These past few months have been absolute hell for me, and with no income, I’ve been relying on the kindness of others to get by. However, due to quite a lot of overdue bills, chargebacks and late fees, it’s been difficult to stay out of debt. (previous donations have gone to my rent, bills, and emergency supplies). I’ve also added a few items to my old wishlist as it was my birthday yesterday if anyone is feeling kind enough to have a look at it.
If anyone could spare any amount to help me, even if it’s just £1/$1/€1, it would literally save my life, and sharing definitely helps just as much as donations. Nobody is obligated in any way to donate or buy anything off my wishlist if they can’t or don’t want to, I know we’re all struggling.
Thank you for your help 💖
£5/£300 (goal)
PayPal • Ko-Fi • (Wishlist)
Will turned to me. ‘I apologize for my boyfriend.’ Nico rolled his eyes. ‘Could you not—’ ‘Would you prefer special guy?’ Will asked. ‘Or significant other.’ ‘Significant annoyance, in your case,’ Nico grumbled. ‘Oh, I’ll get you for that.’
Will Solace and Nico is Angelo, Pages 91 and 92 of The Hidden Oracle, Book One in the Trials of Apollo Series