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MLK Day- Are We Losing Focus?
MLK Day- Are We Losing Focus?
2day, Al Sharpton & Co. R celebrating the 60th Anniversary of The March On Washington. Sharpton is also pushing a Kumbaya Hate Crime Bill. My problem, is EVERY GROUP has specific Hate Crime Legislation, except ADOS. Yelling @ Asians, European Jews, & LGBTQ... is a Hate Crime; but Police Officers can beat on little Black Girlls, & White Men can shoot Black Boys in the back w/ No Reprisal. Rafael Warnock can get 'Jim Crow' Joe Biden 2 speak @ Eberneezer Baptist Church, but couldn't get him 2 address a Black Agenda, or Reparations specifically 4 American Descendants Of Chattal Slavery.
Instead, Biden spoke about supporting Dr. King's legacy of 'Faith'... Really??! Joe Biden was a disciple of Robert Eastland & Strum Thurman- both HATED Dr. King! R We supposed 2 believe that Biden didn't share their sentiment? It's an insult of the Highest Order 2 have an architect of Benign Neglect Policies speak @ Dr. King's Church; let alone on his Birthday. I can't blame Joe Biden, he's doing what he has always done w/ Blackfolk. He tells Us that he supports 'Opening Doors of Opportunity'; meanwhile, he's working on legislation that will keep those Doors 'Closed'.
Raphael Warnock & Al Sharpton R the individuals that I blame. Both espouse the virtues of Dr. King- 'The Dreamer', but never speak of MLK- 'The Warrior'. Why didn't Warnock remind Biden that Dr. King was 'Coming 2 Washington- 2 Collect Our Check', when he was betrayed & assassinated? Why didn't Al Sharpton have the Courage 2 single out Anti- Black Racism as the #1 Hate Crime in AmeriKKKa? We have a Historical Record that justifies specific Hate Crime legislation; We don't need 2 ride on ANYONE'S coattails 2 make a legitimate argument.
It looks like Our Political Leaders R fine w/ phasing Blackfolk out of Civil Rights. Warnock seems beholden 2 Biden, despite the role that Black Georgians played in his Election. Al Sharpton seems beholden 2 his 'Memorandum Of Understanding' w/ Comcast/ NBC. In return 4 their treachery, R both 'Reverends' getting their 30 Pieces of Silver? This blatant disrespect of Us only tells me that The Powers That B have been forced into speeding up their Time Table. We're gaining momentum faster than They expected. Their Agents of White Supremacy R getting neutralized.
-In a nutshell: It's Coon Hunting Season!
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The 65th Grammys: A Show to remember.
The 65th Annual Grammy Awards was by far The Best Grammy Program that i've seen since Michael Jackson died. To Me, it started a little disjointed w/ Host, Trevor Noah; but Stevie Wonder & Smokey Robinson, along w/ Chris Stapleton & 'Wan Mor' set The Bar. Lizzo rose it even higher, & EVERYONE following her had to Bring It! The majority of the performances were Great! I haven't been able to say that about a Grammy Show for years. Everyone did their Thang, but I was especially proud of the Tribute to the 50th Anniversary of HipHop. It was fun to see LL get hyped about his Love for The Culture.
One Thing that stood out to Me, was the progression of HipHop Music over the years, as it played out On Stage. The Original Concept was Message Driven; there were few curses in the lyrics. The transition to profanity laced lyrics came on abruptly during the Tribute. That's the way Record Producers introduced it to Us; the difference was, for every 'Too Short', there was a 'Guru'. That's not the case today. That said, I think that it was well done- kudos to QuestLove & his Production Crew, as well as All of the Performers... Busta Represented, but Missy KILLED IT! One writer commented that the Tribute was 'somewhat chaotic', but she was showing her ignorance of The Culture. 'True HipHop Heads' saw a consistent narrative of Passing The Mic, from Artist to Artist- throughout the generations. Styles change, but The Method stays the same.
I haven't seen The Grammys in Years, so I don't know when they eliminated Male & Female Categories. It's curious- are they intentionally creating a Free for All in each Category; or are They consolidating Categories out of necessity? There were many more female artists nominated than men... I'm not a Harry Styles fan, but I found his acceptance speech sincere. I have my critique of Beyonce, but I commend her on making Grammy History. Her work ethic is legendary, so the achievement is Hard Won. Samara Joy's win for Best New Artist was a pleasant surprise. Her acceptance speech was pure & heartfelt. I remember hearing her for the 1st Time, & wish her well. As for Lizzo's win- all I can say is: About Damn Time! The Woman is a Force. I hope that this win allows Lizzo to get the Respect she deserves as an Artist.
A particular Truth that stood out to me throughout this Program, is the contribution of Black Music to the overall Global Culture. This is important @ a Time when Other Groups either downplay, or take Credit for Black American Music Trends. I appreciate All of the Genres featured, but from Stevie & Smokey's performance, to Lizzo, Mary, the HipHop Tribute for The Departed, to the 'God Did' performance- U can feel a Special Energy in each. These performances were Soul Stirring. Each brought their A- Game, & it made for an excellent Program. In contrast, Steve Lacy confused me. He 'kinda sorta' reminded me of Lenny Kravitz, & his band reminded me of Mint Condition. Both sounded like 2nd Generation copies.
I found Sam Smith & Kim Petra's performance of 'Unholy' to be dark & heavy, in comparison to the other performances on the Program. It seemed to play up to the Urban Legend of Hollywood Parties & Satanic Rituals. I found myself wondering:: Did they place a ritual in the middle of the Program? I'm reminded of Lil Nas X's Grammy performance of 'Montero'. Trevor Noah's 'devil' reference afterwards was warranted; the whole thing bothered me. Clearly, I'm not alone. I always looked @ Sam Smith as a 'Boy George' type, but I guess he sees himself more as a 'George Michael' type... I think he's wrong.
In contrast, Luke Combs reminds me of a pleasant mix of Clint Black & Kenny Rogers- 'Old School' Country. Brandi Carlile's performance of 'Broken Horses' reminded me of a mix of Bonnie Raitt & Melissa Etheridge - Powerful. Harry Style's performance of 'As it was', reminded me of Classic 80s British Pop. I thought it was a well done, 2nd Generation effort; especially when compared to Steve Lacey. Bad Bunny had the Honor of setting off The Program. I think he brought energy, but his band lacked the dynamic of the other Artists. I can't help but think that The Miami Sound Machine, or Pit Bull would've brought a stronger dynamic to their musical performance.
All in All, the 65th Grammys was memorable. The performances stood out, but the Tribute to Dr. Dre, along w/ Grammy wins for Willie Nelson & Bonnie Raitt made it special. It was a very thoughtful mix of Old & New... The Motown Sound continues to stand the Test of Time; Stevie & Smokey made it look easy! Future Nominees know to bring their Best Effort.
-I'm curious to see what Next Year's Program will look like.
Biden's State Of The Union: a bridge to bipartisanship?
Joe Biden's 2nd State Of The Union Address seemed to be about checking boxes. 1st, Biden attempted to check the 'Fit for Duty' box. He appeared to be his snarky self, channeling the old persona of Blue Collar 'Joe from Scranton'. He took a few jabs @ Republicans, starting w/ his introduction of House Speaker Kevin McCarthy. He also instigated a kerfuffle w/ Marjorie Taylor Greene & others over Social Security & Medicare. Throughout his address, Biden tried to emote the swagger of that Senator from Delaware, who had the ear of Reagan, Bush, & Gingrich.
In his Address, Biden said that America is about 'possibilities'. He touted the accomplishments of his Administration over last 2Yrs, & made his pitch for Congress to finish what he started. Joe Biden ran on a platform of bipartisanship; to back this up, he touted 300 Bipartisan Bills passed since he took Office. He expressed his plan to 'Restore The Soul of America', starting w/ The Middle Class. He spoke of building an economy from the bottom up, & the middle out. Like Donald Trump, he supports a Made In America Campaign where Our supply chain begins @ Home.
The Star of the 'Made In America' Campaign, is 'The Chips & Sciences Act'. Biden touts how it will create hundreds of thousands of 6 figure income jobs, that WILL NOT require a College Degree. The expectation is that these Chip Production Sites will bolster & hopefully restore the Communities around them. Presently, the National Unemployment Rate is @ 3.4%- a 50Yr low; this (supposedly) includes lows for Black & Latino Communities. On top of recent job growth #s, Biden also touted 10 million New Business Applications.
He pointed out how 30 million Employees have to sign Non Compete Agreements, & how Workers deserve 'Dignity @ Work' that gives them a Right to a Living Wage, Affordable Housing, & Affordable Child Care. Biden took a couple of jabs @ Republicans, while speaking on the Debt Ceiling. Speaker McCarthy already appeared on News Shows to say that he supports taking Social Security & Medicare off the Table; why did Joe Biden linger on the subject? McCarthy can do his own wrangling.
The Biden Administration were the 1st to say their Fiscal Budget is non-negotiable; how can they fault Republicans for crying foul? Ultimately, Biden agreed to compare Plans. His Plan for Restructuring the Tax Code entails no Tax Increase for families making below $400K, a Billionaire's Minimum Tax of 15%, & quadrupling Corporate Buy Back Stock Fees. Biden touted how his Administration reduced the Deficit by $1.7T, & how Programs like the 'Junk Fee Prevention Act' will spur economic growth.
The subject of Infrastructure gave Joe Biden another opportunity to take a jab @ Republicans. He remarked how Red States will get Projects earmarked, just like Blue States. Members Of Congress may not have voted for his Infrastructure Plan, but 'i'll see ya at the Groundbreaking'. Under this plan, Biden highlighted:
Bridges, Tunnels & Roads
Lead Pipe Removal
Affordable High Speed Internet for All Americans
ALL Construction Materials used for infrastructure must be Made In America
Biden's 'Inflation Reduction Act', is basically a Plan to use restructuring the Tax Code as an excuse to reform Prescription Drugs & Climate Change initiatives. No one (in their right mind) disagrees w/ $35 Insulin, Fentanyl Prevention, or Clean Water efforts; that said, politicians have been slow to act on these measures. The manufacturing angle of this Act sounds promising, as it rewards Companies for buying American made components for their operation. Education, Immigration/ Border Security, & COVID Protocols rounded out the balance of Biden's State Of The Union Address.
Biden stressed the need for quality Public Education for grades Pre-K through 12. He also expressed a need for access to Local/ Community Colleges, & College Debt Reduction. He split COVID fallout into 2 categories: Economic Fallout & Public Safety Concerns. Under Economic Fallout, Biden reiterates his Made In America Agenda to bolster job growth. He again touts Job Growth #s as an indicator that America is getting back to business; pointing out how We are outperforming the rest of The World.
Under Public Safety Concerns, Biden spotlights the family of Tyre Nichols. He goes on to speak about the need for better Police Training/ Reform, more Community Programs, & Gun Reform. He talks about 'Brown & Black' families having 'The Talk', but I don't know of ANY 'Brown families' having that 'Talk'. Joe Biden's ease @ changing 'Black American Struggle' into 'Black & Brown Issues' is becoming an Art. His short memory is already legendary. He speaks about implementing Community Programs, but he was an architect of Benign Neglect Policy that eliminated these Community Programs over 40Yrs ago.
I found it ironic how Joe Biden could invite Tyre Nichols' family to The State Of The Union Address, but didn't mention the George Floyd Justice In Policing Act. He spoke about funding for better Police training, but the combined budgets of the Nation's Largest Police Departments likely rivals the Defense Budgets of NATO Countries. There's already enough $$$ being spent on training. Why is training not a factor when Police are somehow able to apprehend armed White assailants w/ little incident? It was interesting to watch both Sides of the Aisle show sympathy for Tyre Nichols' Mother in one moment, & applaud an increase of Police Budgets in the next. I made note of the CBC Members that applauded.
Gun Reform, like Abortion, is an ongoing issue. The REAL problem, is how to restrict Blackfolk, while respecting everyone else's 2nd Amendment Right. Gun Control wasn't an Issue, until The Black Panther Party protested in Sacramento nearly 60Yrs ago. White Americans have an Inalienable Right to bear Arms, & always will. Gun Control is not a real thing; Society needs the same personality types that are misbehaving w/ firearms to protect them from 'The Big Black Boogeyman'... It's a strange dance.
On the subject of the Southern Border & Immigration Reform, Biden spoke about resources for Border Control, & a pathway to Citizenship for Migrant Workers & Children of Illegal Immigrants. Border States have been literally begging for help; the Texas Governor has been busing Illegal Immigrants to Northern Cities for months. A bus went to Kamala Harris' residence, so The White House had to know things were critical on The Border. It is estimated that over 2 million Illegal Immigrants have entered America on Biden's Watch; not counting tens of thousands of Ukrainians & Afghans entering from Tijuana. How was Barack Obama able to keep Border Crossings low, while Joe Biden seems overwhelmed?
Biden's International focus was on Ukraine & China. According to him, Ukraine is fighting against 'Putin's Tyranny', & We as Americans, should do everything possible to support their fight for freedom. I would personally like an accounting of what 'We' gave, & where it went. Redacted has reported on Al Qaeda & ISIS Soldiers being paid $2,500/ Week to fight w/ Ukraine- is this true? What are Our Tax dollars paying for? Redacted, The Grey Zone, & Jimmy Dore have all talked about high level theft of funds & Black Market activity in Ukraine.
On the issue of China, Biden said that We seek Competition, not Conflict. The U.S. helped China rise- from a 3rd World Nation, to a legitimate World Economic Power in under 50Yrs. America's ongoing meddling in Hong Kong, along w/ rising tension in Taiwan has apparently struck a nerve in Beijing. The recent drama of balloons violating U.S. Airspace are merely another round in a Marathon Dance Competition. America's dependence on China for basic Staples, is the Real Issue.
According 2 Biden, we're in Our strongest position to compete w/ China, & Anyone else. We will work w/ China, but WILL defend Our Sovereignty. He went on to say how No other World Leader wants to trade places w/ President Xi, going against America. Biden ultimately says that The State Of The Union is Excellent. He emphasizes a Nation built on ideals, not geography, collectively working together- sounds promising. Gov. Sarah Huckabee- Sanders delivered The GOP Response, & didn't waste time picking Biden apart.
According to Gov. Huckabee- Sanders, Joe Biden inherited:
The fastest economic recovery On Record.
The most secure Border in History
Cheap, abundant 'home grown' Energy
Fast rising Wages
A rebuilt Military
A World that was stable & @ peace.
Over the last 2Yrs, Joe Biden & The Democrats have spent Trillions in reckless spending, while creating the worst Border Crisis in History. 100,000 Americans are dying from drug overdoses annually- mainly fentanyl. Domestically, criminals roam free, while Internationally, We have been unable to stand up to China... Joe Biden has been unwilling to protect Our Border, Sky, & Our People- he is not fit to serve as Commander In Chief. She deadpans that Biden is caught up in 'Wokeism'.
Huckabee- Sanders goes on to repeat several GOP talking points that date back to Newt Gingrich's 'Contract w/ America'. She says that giving every child access to quality education is the civil rights issue of today. To that end, she proposes an 'Educate, not Indoctrinate' Agenda, that eliminates Critical Race Theory (CRT), & use of the label 'Latinx'. She closes by saying that America is Free, but this Freedom is under attack & America is in danger. The Biden Administration has failed Us, but the GOP has America's future in mind. They are still the place where Freedom reigns & Liberty never dies.
Clearly, Gov. Huckabee- Sanders is towing the Party Line. As Biden tried to build himself up as a virile, stable, & capable Leader, Huckabee Sanders tried to paint a picture of someone old, feeble, & out of touch. The GOP sees Biden as Dems saw Ronald Reagan. The Country was literally more 'Black & White' back then, so Reagan was able to get away w/ more than Biden can. As for 'The Future', how can Republicans truly believe this, when their base is quickly becoming a Minority?
All of this plays into an ongoing narrative, where Democrats & Republicans take turns assuming Leadership. In theory, One leans Left, & the Other leans Right. In practice, Both Sides find consensus on issues that promote the continuance of White Supremacist Policy, by way of Institutionalized Systemic Racism. Minority Groups understand & accept AmeriKKKa's 'pecking order', in return for resources & privilege. The GOP tend to use 'Non- Racial' language to filter out Black America, while Democrats use 'Liberal- Progressive' language to do the same. Both depend on Black America's sense of 'fair play', & equality for Everyone.
As ADOS, We rationalize why a Group should get resources ahead of Us, while Everyone Else behaves like they have some inherent Right to be ahead of Us. We know that some Immigrants & Minority Groups have prejudices against Black Americans; Joe Biden's lack of concern for 'Black specific Policy' in effect, tells them that they're justified in their thinking. If he doesn't care, why should they? To them, America is a 'Grab Bag'. When you consider the fact that Joe Biden showed more concern for Migrant Workers, than taxpaying Black Farmers who have been victimized & oppressed for generations, it's pretty easy to see how his State Of The Union Address condones an Anti Black Agenda- I call it: Benign Neglect 2.0
-Just My 2 Cents
Mainstream Media is calling Kevin McCarthy's rise 2 House Speaker a debacle, but Black Americans can learn something from that Congressional Vote. Those 20 'dissident' GOP Members Of Congress stymied The Agenda of 202 Other GOP Members. They were very effective in getting a Return for their Vote. Many Black Americans fall in line w/ The Democratic Agenda, assuming Our #s aren't large enough 2 effect anything Tangible. Meanwhile, Social Action has been more effective in producing Legislation than Campaign Promises.
As Gen Z gets acquainted w/ Politics, Gen X & Millennials R reassessing their Method of Political Action. I believe that Now is the Time for Us 2 Stand On Our Square Collectively. The Biden Administration is looking through Us; expecting more Bark, than Bite in retaliation. He & his cronies will once again come calling on Our Support; The Freedom Caucus showed Us how 2 play Political Hard Ball. As Black Americans, We cannot get caught up in Democratic or Republican Politics; they're both Wings of the same Bird.
Over the last 150Yrs, We supported both Parties loyally, but failed 2 see how Democrats & Republicans take turns assuming the Lead Role in keeping Us in a perpetual State of 'Arrested Development'. Neither Party has Our Best Interests in mind. That said, Our #s w/i the Democratic Party gives us leverage; We simply need 2 utilize it. The Democratic Party Experiment has lasted nearly 60Yrs, & We lost more ground than We gained. For the sake of Our Children, We cannot afford 2 wait another Election Cycle for Dems 2 produce Tangible Legislation for American Descendants Of Chattal Slavery.
Time 2 cut Our political teeth- We have a Reparations Battle 2 prepare for.
-Just My 2 Cents
Geopolitics & Double Standards
Volodomyr Zelenskyy did a great job of giving his perspective of Ukraine's War w/ Russia, in his interview w/ Margaret Brennen on 'Face The Nation'. The pictures of devastated Communities, & mass graves show the extent of suffering that Ukrainians on The Front Line face. Regardless of one's position on this War, it's hard not to feel for the innocent caught in the middle. The thought of Russian 'Filtration Camps', where families are separated, sound unconscionable. Zelenskyy is repeating his mantra of 'more weapons', but W.H. Nat'l Security Advisor, Jake Sullivan told Brennen that The U.S. has already sent $15B in weapons to Ukraine. Some estimate that U.S. aid to Ukraine will top $60B.
From an Indigenous (Black) American perspective, the geopolitics of Ukraine is curious. Cities have been destroyed, & the people are suffering, but why? NATO will never accept Ukraine as a Member State, & The EU is using Ukraine as a proxy to destabilize Russian Influence globally. Despite the news of turmoil in Russia over drafting additional soldiers, The Russian Ruble continues to grow in value. 'Global South' Nations continue to do business w/ The Kremlin, giving Russia alternatives to Western Europe. Meanwhile, The EU is already feeling the backlash of Russian Sanctions. They are collectively preparing for a Cold Winter, as protests are growing throughout Europe.
The U.S. has spearheaded NATO'S 'membership drive' in Eastern Bloc Countries, so I understand The Biden Administration's commitment to arming Ukraine. The issue that I have, is the double standard playing out in Black America's face. Flint & Detroit (Mi) need $2B to fix a Drinking Water problem that has been ongoing since The Obama Administration. Jackson (Ms) needs @ least $1B to revamp their outdated Water & Filtration System. Parts of Alabama are still fighting a hookworm problem, resulting from outdated Sewage Systems. The Federal Gov't has given a little 'lip service', but have been slow to put Real Dollars into any of these emergencies.
Meanwhile, U.S. HIMARS & other weapons sent to Ukraine are showing up on the [Ukrainian] Black Market. 'Redacted' recently reported that nearly 400 train cars, about 2 dozen shipping containers, & several tractor trailers of supplies sent to Ukraine have gone missing. What exactly are American Taxpayers paying for? Back in Washington, D.C. Democrats & Republicans alike refuse to talk about Reparations; unless it's for Elderly LGBTQ..., or Disability payments to Transgender Individuals suffering from 'Gender Dysmorphia'(???). How does The Biden Administration expect 2 import 100,000 Afghans, 100,000 Ukrainians, plus an estimated 2 million Illegal Immigrants from Latin America, w/o presenting a Black Agenda?
It's clear that there is a united effort to silence Us, but America's 'money moves' only strengthen Our argument for Reparations. We just need to stand firm on Our Square. Regardless of one's identification as: ADOS, FBA, Freedmen/ FreeMen, Indigenous/ Aboriginal, We ALL share the same Lineage. Our Experience, is uniquely 'American'. We may follow different roads, but We share the same destination. Ukraine is looking more & more like a (yet another) bloody, barbaric 'Corporate Money Grab'. If the U.S. Gov't can come up w $5T for Iraq & Afghanistan, $10T for COVID & now, 10s of Billions of dollars for Ukraine, it can come up w/ WHATEVER the final price tag for Reparations turns out to be... Can you really put a price on building a World Economic & Military Power?
-Just Asking
So Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R- Al.) told a crowd that Democrats R Pro Crime, bcuz They want 2 'take what U have'. They want 2 give Reparations 2 The People committing the crimes'... Really? How did those Alabamians in that crowd GET what They got? What 'people' R the Senator talking about?
The majority of the crimes in America, R committed by White Men. According 2 FBI Crime Stats, White Men represent 70% of All Arrests. They can afford legal representation, so they rarely plead out. As 4 The Dems, NONE have a Black Agenda; & those in support of Reparations, reject a Lineage Based Program that focuses solely on American Descendants Of Slavery.
What I REALLY hear in Sen. Tuberville's comments 2 his constituents, R the effects of Our Argument 4 Reparations. He can get his 'people' as riled as he likes, They WILL have 2 think about how 2 pay 4 their self described 'Original Sin'. There's no escaping This.
-Just My 2 Cents