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3 years ago

It's curious 2 watch Donna Brazile cape 4 The Biden Administration, when We KNOW that She knows that Joe Biden hasn't done ANYTHING 4 Black Constituents that put him in Office & Dems in control of The Senate... This will not end well 4 The Democratic Party.

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2 years ago

So Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R- Al.) told a crowd that Democrats R Pro Crime, bcuz They want 2 'take what U have'. They want 2 give Reparations 2 The People committing the crimes'... Really? How did those Alabamians in that crowd GET what They got? What 'people' R the Senator talking about?

The majority of the crimes in America, R committed by White Men. According 2 FBI Crime Stats, White Men represent 70% of All Arrests. They can afford legal representation, so they rarely plead out. As 4 The Dems, NONE have a Black Agenda; & those in support of Reparations, reject a Lineage Based Program that focuses solely on American Descendants Of Slavery.

What I REALLY hear in Sen. Tuberville's comments 2 his constituents, R the effects of Our Argument 4 Reparations. He can get his 'people' as riled as he likes, They WILL have 2 think about how 2 pay 4 their self described 'Original Sin'. There's no escaping This.

-Just My 2 Cents

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2 years ago

I'm not a fan of Justice Ketanji Brown- Jackson, but I gotta give her kudos 4 her argument on the discriminative nature of Alabama's redrawn Census Map. 30% of Alabama's population is Black; but out of Alabama's 7 Districts, the redrawn Census Map only has 1 District representing the entire Black demographic. Black Alabamians say they should have @ least 2 Districts. Justice Brown's argument, was in response 2 an argument supporting the New Map; based on a claim that 'The Law' was Race Neutral. She pointed out how 'The Law' had 2 B amended 2 reinforce the Rights of Emancipated Slaves/ Free Men. The language was very specific.

-Nice job, but I still don't trust her.

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2 years ago

Biden's State Of The Union: a bridge to bipartisanship?

Joe Biden's 2nd State Of The Union Address seemed to be about checking boxes. 1st, Biden attempted to check the 'Fit for Duty' box. He appeared to be his snarky self, channeling the old persona of Blue Collar 'Joe from Scranton'. He took a few jabs @ Republicans, starting w/ his introduction of House Speaker Kevin McCarthy. He also instigated a kerfuffle w/ Marjorie Taylor Greene & others over Social Security & Medicare. Throughout his address, Biden tried to emote the swagger of that Senator from Delaware, who had the ear of Reagan, Bush, & Gingrich.

In his Address, Biden said that America is about 'possibilities'. He touted the accomplishments of his Administration over last 2Yrs, & made his pitch for Congress to finish what he started. Joe Biden ran on a platform of bipartisanship; to back this up, he touted 300 Bipartisan Bills passed since he took Office. He expressed his plan to 'Restore The Soul of America', starting w/ The Middle Class. He spoke of building an economy from the bottom up, & the middle out. Like Donald Trump, he supports a Made In America Campaign where Our supply chain begins @ Home.

The Star of the 'Made In America' Campaign, is 'The Chips & Sciences Act'. Biden touts how it will create hundreds of thousands of 6 figure income jobs, that WILL NOT require a College Degree. The expectation is that these Chip Production Sites will bolster & hopefully restore the Communities around them. Presently, the National Unemployment Rate is @ 3.4%- a 50Yr low; this (supposedly) includes lows for Black & Latino Communities. On top of recent job growth #s, Biden also touted 10 million New Business Applications.

He pointed out how 30 million Employees have to sign Non Compete Agreements, & how Workers deserve 'Dignity @ Work' that gives them a Right to a Living Wage, Affordable Housing, & Affordable Child Care. Biden took a couple of jabs @ Republicans, while speaking on the Debt Ceiling. Speaker McCarthy already appeared on News Shows to say that he supports taking Social Security & Medicare off the Table; why did Joe Biden linger on the subject? McCarthy can do his own wrangling.

The Biden Administration were the 1st to say their Fiscal Budget is non-negotiable; how can they fault Republicans for crying foul? Ultimately, Biden agreed to compare Plans. His Plan for Restructuring the Tax Code entails no Tax Increase for families making below $400K, a Billionaire's Minimum Tax of 15%, & quadrupling Corporate Buy Back Stock Fees. Biden touted how his Administration reduced the Deficit by $1.7T, & how Programs like the 'Junk Fee Prevention Act' will spur economic growth.

The subject of Infrastructure gave Joe Biden another opportunity to take a jab @ Republicans. He remarked how Red States will get Projects earmarked, just like Blue States. Members Of Congress may not have voted for his Infrastructure Plan, but 'i'll see ya at the Groundbreaking'. Under this plan, Biden highlighted:

Bridges, Tunnels & Roads

Lead Pipe Removal

Affordable High Speed Internet for All Americans

ALL Construction Materials used for infrastructure must be Made In America

Biden's 'Inflation Reduction Act', is basically a Plan to use restructuring the Tax Code as an excuse to reform Prescription Drugs & Climate Change initiatives. No one (in their right mind) disagrees w/ $35 Insulin, Fentanyl Prevention, or Clean Water efforts; that said, politicians have been slow to act on these measures. The manufacturing angle of this Act sounds promising, as it rewards Companies for buying American made components for their operation. Education, Immigration/ Border Security, & COVID Protocols rounded out the balance of Biden's State Of The Union Address.

Biden stressed the need for quality Public Education for grades Pre-K through 12. He also expressed a need for access to Local/ Community Colleges, & College Debt Reduction. He split COVID fallout into 2 categories: Economic Fallout & Public Safety Concerns. Under Economic Fallout, Biden reiterates his Made In America Agenda to bolster job growth. He again touts Job Growth #s as an indicator that America is getting back to business; pointing out how We are outperforming the rest of The World.

Under Public Safety Concerns, Biden spotlights the family of Tyre Nichols. He goes on to speak about the need for better Police Training/ Reform, more Community Programs, & Gun Reform. He talks about 'Brown & Black' families having 'The Talk', but I don't know of ANY 'Brown families' having that 'Talk'. Joe Biden's ease @ changing 'Black American Struggle' into 'Black & Brown Issues' is becoming an Art. His short memory is already legendary. He speaks about implementing Community Programs, but he was an architect of Benign Neglect Policy that eliminated these Community Programs over 40Yrs ago.

I found it ironic how Joe Biden could invite Tyre Nichols' family to The State Of The Union Address, but didn't mention the George Floyd Justice In Policing Act. He spoke about funding for better Police training, but the combined budgets of the Nation's Largest Police Departments likely rivals the Defense Budgets of NATO Countries. There's already enough $$$ being spent on training. Why is training not a factor when Police are somehow able to apprehend armed White assailants w/ little incident? It was interesting to watch both Sides of the Aisle show sympathy for Tyre Nichols' Mother in one moment, & applaud an increase of Police Budgets in the next. I made note of the CBC Members that applauded.

Gun Reform, like Abortion, is an ongoing issue. The REAL problem, is how to restrict Blackfolk, while respecting everyone else's 2nd Amendment Right. Gun Control wasn't an Issue, until The Black Panther Party protested in Sacramento nearly 60Yrs ago. White Americans have an Inalienable Right to bear Arms, & always will. Gun Control is not a real thing; Society needs the same personality types that are misbehaving w/ firearms to protect them from 'The Big Black Boogeyman'... It's a strange dance.

On the subject of the Southern Border & Immigration Reform, Biden spoke about resources for Border Control, & a pathway to Citizenship for Migrant Workers & Children of Illegal Immigrants. Border States have been literally begging for help; the Texas Governor has been busing Illegal Immigrants to Northern Cities for months. A bus went to Kamala Harris' residence, so The White House had to know things were critical on The Border. It is estimated that over 2 million Illegal Immigrants have entered America on Biden's Watch; not counting tens of thousands of Ukrainians & Afghans entering from Tijuana. How was Barack Obama able to keep Border Crossings low, while Joe Biden seems overwhelmed?

Biden's International focus was on Ukraine & China. According to him, Ukraine is fighting against 'Putin's Tyranny', & We as Americans, should do everything possible to support their fight for freedom. I would personally like an accounting of what 'We' gave, & where it went. Redacted has reported on Al Qaeda & ISIS Soldiers being paid $2,500/ Week to fight w/ Ukraine- is this true? What are Our Tax dollars paying for? Redacted, The Grey Zone, & Jimmy Dore have all talked about high level theft of funds & Black Market activity in Ukraine.

On the issue of China, Biden said that We seek Competition, not Conflict. The U.S. helped China rise- from a 3rd World Nation, to a legitimate World Economic Power in under 50Yrs. America's ongoing meddling in Hong Kong, along w/ rising tension in Taiwan has apparently struck a nerve in Beijing. The recent drama of balloons violating U.S. Airspace are merely another round in a Marathon Dance Competition. America's dependence on China for basic Staples, is the Real Issue.

According 2 Biden, we're in Our strongest position to compete w/ China, & Anyone else. We will work w/ China, but WILL defend Our Sovereignty. He went on to say how No other World Leader wants to trade places w/ President Xi, going against America. Biden ultimately says that The State Of The Union is Excellent. He emphasizes a Nation built on ideals, not geography, collectively working together- sounds promising. Gov. Sarah Huckabee- Sanders delivered The GOP Response, & didn't waste time picking Biden apart.

According to Gov. Huckabee- Sanders, Joe Biden inherited:

The fastest economic recovery On Record.

The most secure Border in History

Cheap, abundant 'home grown' Energy

Fast rising Wages

A rebuilt Military

A World that was stable & @ peace.

Over the last 2Yrs, Joe Biden & The Democrats have spent Trillions in reckless spending, while creating the worst Border Crisis in History. 100,000 Americans are dying from drug overdoses annually- mainly fentanyl. Domestically, criminals roam free, while Internationally, We have been unable to stand up to China... Joe Biden has been unwilling to protect Our Border, Sky, & Our People- he is not fit to serve as Commander In Chief. She deadpans that Biden is caught up in 'Wokeism'.

Huckabee- Sanders goes on to repeat several GOP talking points that date back to Newt Gingrich's 'Contract w/ America'. She says that giving every child access to quality education is the civil rights issue of today. To that end, she proposes an 'Educate, not Indoctrinate' Agenda, that eliminates Critical Race Theory (CRT), & use of the label 'Latinx'. She closes by saying that America is Free, but this Freedom is under attack & America is in danger. The Biden Administration has failed Us, but the GOP has America's future in mind. They are still the place where Freedom reigns & Liberty never dies.

Clearly, Gov. Huckabee- Sanders is towing the Party Line. As Biden tried to build himself up as a virile, stable, & capable Leader, Huckabee Sanders tried to paint a picture of someone old, feeble, & out of touch. The GOP sees Biden as Dems saw Ronald Reagan. The Country was literally more 'Black & White' back then, so Reagan was able to get away w/ more than Biden can. As for 'The Future', how can Republicans truly believe this, when their base is quickly becoming a Minority?

All of this plays into an ongoing narrative, where Democrats & Republicans take turns assuming Leadership. In theory, One leans Left, & the Other leans Right. In practice, Both Sides find consensus on issues that promote the continuance of White Supremacist Policy, by way of Institutionalized Systemic Racism. Minority Groups understand & accept AmeriKKKa's 'pecking order', in return for resources & privilege. The GOP tend to use 'Non- Racial' language to filter out Black America, while Democrats use 'Liberal- Progressive' language to do the same. Both depend on Black America's sense of 'fair play', & equality for Everyone.

As ADOS, We rationalize why a Group should get resources ahead of Us, while Everyone Else behaves like they have some inherent Right to be ahead of Us. We know that some Immigrants & Minority Groups have prejudices against Black Americans; Joe Biden's lack of concern for 'Black specific Policy' in effect, tells them that they're justified in their thinking. If he doesn't care, why should they? To them, America is a 'Grab Bag'. When you consider the fact that Joe Biden showed more concern for Migrant Workers, than taxpaying Black Farmers who have been victimized & oppressed for generations, it's pretty easy to see how his State Of The Union Address condones an Anti Black Agenda- I call it: Benign Neglect 2.0

-Just My 2 Cents

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1 year ago

The Difference between The Black Agenda & The Reparations Movement

Reparations Commissions are popping up across the Country, but none of them come close to addressing the true spirit of Reparations. There are several reasons for this:

Neither Democrats nor Republicans in Congress have a real interest in discussing Reparations; let alone dispensing anything tangible.

Minorities involved in these Reparations Projects have either tried to include their demographic into the discussion, or they have been against it.

Infighting amongst members of the ADOS, FBA, Freemen, & Indigenous Community have weakened the overall message of Reparations. The Masses don't realize that they are All THE SAME LINEAGE GROUP. This division weakens Our collective argument, but has allowed some to eat well over the past few Yrs.

Organizations like The NAACP, The Urban League, The National Action Network, NCOBRA, NAARC, & other like minded Groups have promoted a Trans Atlantic Reparations Agenda that ignores CARICOM. In effect, it 'Centers' Black Immigrants (including Afro Latinos) in the Black American Experience. Most arrived at least 10Yrs after Jim Crow ended- how do they qualify for American Reparations?

The recent kerfuffle over San Francisco NAACP President Rev. Amos Brown's rejection of that City's Reparations Proposal spotlights the problem w/ letting Our (so called) 'Established Leaders' drive the Reparations Bus. They drove the Bus into Our current situation, why should We expect anything different from them? Many of these individuals chose Corporate Donations over Black Community Development. They arent 'Leaders', they're Corporate Lobbyists. These are the Same People that let HR- 40 rot on the 'Social Action vine' for over 30Yrs; If they REALLY wanted Reparations...

Another issue, are the individuals & Organizations narrating 'The Black Agenda' into the Reparations Argument. They are separate & distinct. The White Noise of their rhetoric has confused The Masses, which weakens the magnitude of Our Fight. For the sake of clarity, I want to point out the difference between The Black Agenda & The Reparations Movement.

The Black Agenda, is an All inclusive Program for Black & Afrikan Americans, regardless of their Country of Origin. This includes Africans, Caribbeans, Afro Latinos, & Afro Asians. All of Us share in the current experience of being Black in America. It is an experience that is unique to Us, & is also what unites Us.

The Black Agenda is about Equity. America loves to promote 'Equality', but equal measure doesn't guarantee that Everyone will somehow end up on equal ground. We have been collectively marginalized in America, so it's only fair that they level the playing field. 'Rising Tide' Programs, like those offered by The Democratic Party are on the right track, but NONE take into account the fact that Black America needs an extra scoop of whatever they propose.

The Black Agenda deals w/ the issues of Community Development: Residential & Commercial/ Business Property Ownership, Job Development, Training & Employment Opportunities, Health Care & Mental Health Solutions, School Reform, After School Programs, Youth Empowerment, Visual & Performing Arts Programs, Daycare & Pre- K Programs, along w/ the necessary Community Boards needed to present these & other Community related issues to Local & State Agencies. The goal, is to improve the overall Quality of Life in Black Communities- up to the level of Every Other Community.

The Reparations Movement, is a specific call for American Society to pay their long overdue debt to American Descendants of Chattel Slavery. This Movement is about Indemnification. While Black America collectively deserves legislation, American Descendants Of Slavery deserve much more. The problem w/ EVERY Reparations Program offered so far, is they All ignore the fact that Reparations is a debt owed. They All read like Politicians are giving Blackfolk a hand out. These Programs also fall short on what is really owed.

A lot of numbers have been thrown around over the years, but I have consistently said that Final Reparations numbers will depend on WHO is held liable. If the U.S. Government alone is held liable, Reparations will probably be in the $18 Trillion- $22 Trillion range. If Corporations & Individual families are included, that number could reach $64 Trillion. That should give a clue to the extent of Exploitation, Theft, Terrorism & Oppression that Black America endured over the last 246Yrs- 400Yrs. American History is a chronicle of Anti- Black sentiment. Reparations Naysayers point out the impossibility of dispensing Trillions of Dollars, but a Multigenerational Reparations Program is an easy solution.

The Republican Party's outright refusal of, & The Democratic Party's attempt to graft Feminist & LGBTQ... rhetoric to Critical Race Theory (CRT), are attempts by both Parties to keep Mainstream America away from Our Nation's cruel & bloody past. They obviously fear divulging this history, because it will quell the Argument 'Against', as it strengthens the National Argument 'For' Reparations. The Immigrant Argument of 'I wasnt Here' becomes embarrassing, when We consider 2 facts:

It was Black American Labor that built America up & made it attractive (i.e. The Land of Milk & Honey) to Europeans, Asians, Latinos, Caribbeans, & Afrikans looking to start a New Life.

Black America is responsible for motivating ALL of the Immigration Initatives over the last 150Yrs; especially those since 1965.

It's only fitting for Immigrants living their American Dream (at another's expense) to pay tribute to the people who made that dream possible. I like the analogy of 'Inheriting an Old House'. The New Occupant didn't cause the wear & tear on the house, but that doesn't change the fact that they will have to invest the Time, Work, & Money needed to restore & maintain it. THAT, is the price of Occupancy.

Another thing to consider, is the fact that most Black Americans are descendants of Indigenous Americans or American Indians (Coppertoned Aborigines); not to be confused w/ 'Native Americans', who migrated from Siberia. Less than 10% of Transatlantic Slaves landed in North America. Our Ancestors were Prisoners Of War, that were forced into Indentured Servitude, & later Chattel Slavery on their Own Land. Census Records reveal the effort to hide Our lineage.

Starting w/ the 1790 Census, Indigenous indentured servants were reclassified as Negro & Colored. By the 1900 Census, Indigenous People were being punished for identifying as 'Indian'. They were forced to identify as Negro, Colored, or Mulatto. By the 1970 Census, We were designated 'Black'; & on the 1990 Census, We were labeled 'Afrikan American'... Out Of Afrika Theory is not only Culturally false, it now appears to be a ploy to get Us off of Our Land. We're looking to Afrika, while the Blood & Bones of Our Ancestors fertilize This Land. Our success in agriculture isn't an accident- We were Here for millennia!... I guess that adds an extra wrinkle to the Reparations Discussion.

It's Time for Us to link the moving parts of Our Lineage into Black Voltron, so We can get on w/ The Work. -Just Saying

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1 year ago

Carolyn Bryant- Donham: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead!

Carolyn Bryant- Donham: Ding Dong The Witch Is Dead!

Mainstream Media was quick to announce the death of Carolyn Bryant @ 88Yrs Old, but many kept their storylines short & sweet. Another Day in The Life, under the Biden Administration. Bryant reportedly died in hospice care in Westlake, Louisiana. Details were not given by the Coroner of cause of Death, but Bryant's battle w/ Cancer was not exactly a secret. New Black Media has reported in recent Yrs on how she was initially in Raleigh- Durham, North Carolina, before being moved to Kentucky, & later Louisiana.

Back in June 2022, members of Emmett Till's family discovered an Arrest Warrant issued for 'Mrs Roy Bryant', among Records @ the Lefore County Courthouse in Mississippi. The warrant was issued back in 1955, citing the charge of Kidnapping; but it was never served. The Till Family attempted to reissue that warrant, citing Carolyn Bryant's [recent] admission of perjury in the Trial of Emmett Till's brutal murder. In her 2017 interview w/ Dr. Timothy Tyson, Bryant allegedly admitted to lying on The Stand.

Unfortunately, Mississippi Attorney General Lynn Fitch didn't think the case presented any new evidence, & in Aug. 2022, The Grand Jury declined to indict Bryant. As recently as Feb. 7th 2023, Emmett Till's cousin, Priscilla Sterling tried to compel Lefore County Sheriff Ricky Banks to reissue the warrant on Carolyn Bryant; but as of April 13th, she was informed that there was 'no point' in reissuing the warrant, since the Grand Jury declined last August.

Some lament missing the opportunity to send Carolyn Bryant- Donham to Prison. She lived a full life, while Emmett's life was brutally ended before it truly began. Bryant lived in anonymity for decades, until The New Black Panther Party & other Activists began showing up @ her addresses in North Carolina & Kentucky- to issue an 'Unofficial Warrant for her Arrest'. Some complained that Blackfolk were terrorizing an 'Old Lady', but no one says anything, when Nazi Hunters take individuals in their Nineties to justice.

The whole Emmett Till 'Tragedy' revolves around the Culture of protecting a White Woman's 'Honor'- whether she's worthy or not. Emmett Till & Carolyn Bryant are the only ones who know what really happened on Aug. 24th, 1955. According to Emmett's cousins, he was in the Store for a minute before they entered; they didn't know if he knew how to 'act' around a White Woman. From what they saw, Emmett didn't say or do anything threatening; they admit to hearing him whistle @ her. Carolyn Bryant initially concurred, but in Court, she recounted a different story.

In her Court Testimony, Bryant recounted how (14Yr Old) Emmett "put his left hand on my waist, and he put his other hand on the other side." When she rebuffed him, he replied: "What's the matter baby? Can't you take it?" She went on to say that Emmett uttered obscenities that she refused to repeat in Court, but related to his sexual prowess w/ White Women. According to Press Reports, Bryant gave the [unmistakable] impression of being afraid that Emmett might rape her. The Jury took about an hour to deliberate; the Foreman said that it would've been shorter, but they decided on having a [Soda] Pop.

In his 2017 interview, Dr. Tyson says that Carolyn Bryant- Donham told him that her testimony about Emmett grabbing her & uttering obscenities was 'not true'. Unfortunately, his recording of that interview was not enough to change the Grand Jury's opinion about reissuing the 1955 Arrest Warrant. For the most part, The State of Mississippi & The Federal Government were more concerned about the welfare of Carolyn Bryant, than the Family of Emmett Till. The Press described her as a former Beauty Queen that was raised in Poverty, w/ little Education or 'Knowledge of The World'... She was a product of her environment.

Following her death, Dr. Tyson wrote that 'Carolyn Bryant's precise role in the murder of Emmett Till remains murky, but it's clear that she was involved.' It appears that Bryant was in the car when her husband abducted Emmett; she pointed him out. By the time they reached the Store to drop her off, Dr. Tyson says that Bryant may have learned Emmett's fate, & was now saying that he wasn't the boy. In her interview, Bryant says that Emmett didn't do anything that warranted what was done to him. It appears that Emmett's Big Crime, was putting money in Carolyn Bryant's hand, & not on the counter.

Dr. Tyson speaks on how American Society views the Emmett Till Lynching as a story of 'Monsters', including Bryant. Professor Black Truth often speaks about how [White] Society operates on Moral Relativity & Situational Ethics. Applying them here, we can easily see how Dr. Tyson concludes that Society finds it easier to condemn Carolyn Bryant- Donham's actions, than confronting what America is. It's a big reason why both Democrats & Republicans have problems w/ Critical Race Theory (CRT).

For all of the aid & comfort that The State of Mississippi provided Carolyn Bryant- Donham, I can't stop thinking about Emmett... What was that 14Yr Old boy thinking when those grown White Men took him out of his family's house? Took him to that barn where they beat him mercilessly, shot him in the head, tied him to a 70lb Cotton Gin Wheel, & dumped his body into the river... As bad as that Jet Magazine Cover of Emmett's face looked, I can't get past the sheer TERROR he must have felt being alone, in the presence of Pure Evil.

I personally hope that Carolyn Bryant- Donham gets the Full Tour of 'Dante's Hell'... I'll even cover the tribute to Cerberus.

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1 year ago

Kudos 2 Family in Chicago & the Community of Austin 4 standing up 2 the bullyism of Mayor Brandon Johnson. His unnecessary 60 Day closure of Amundsen Park was an obvious retaliation 2 Ur rejection of converting Ur Park into an Illegal Immigrant Encampment. We KNOW that Family in Chicago is about 2 Set It Off! Decades of disrespect have taught ALL of Us that We can't trust Our Political Representatives; They have 2 Show & Prove!

Brandon Johnson's disregard 4 his Own Neighborhood has likely doomed him & the Illinois Democratic Party.

-Sucks 2 B them.

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5 months ago

Democratic Shills: Simping ain't easy

Democratic Shills: Simping Ain't Easy

Like that 'Ole Man River', The 'Ole Black Bootlicks' keep Rolling along! Not to be outdone by DL Hughley, Rickey Smiley & Charlemagne 'The Clod'- Dr. Michael Eric Dyson, Roland Martin, Luther Campbell, & Steve Harvey had to add their names to the List of Democratic Shills demanding Blackfolk Vote for Kamala Harris; w/o asking for ANY POLICY in return for Our Vote. This effort to motivate Black Men to 'Vote Blue' By Any Means Necessary appears to be an ALL HANDS ON DECK situation.

Black Alpha Network made a great analysis, when he compared the Democratic Party to a Slave Plantation. He compared the Democratic Shills to the Slave Patrol and the 'Vote Blue, no matter Who' Crowd w/ Happy Slaves... My first 'Slave Hunter' is Michael Eric Dyson, who has gone out of his way to shill for Kamala & the Democratic Party. His actions are more than cringe worthy, the man comes across like a Street Pimp w/ a PhD. Dyson's language is not just pompous, he can be as cheesy as a Storefront Minister. In his effort to shill for Kamala Harris:

He tried to shame Black Men for daring to question Kamala's 'Sistah Credentials'

He apologized [disingenuously] in a 'Love Letter to Black Women'. Dyson says this letter is written on behalf of ALL Black Men for past mistakes, but HE is the one that's guilty of indiscretions against former female Students

He purposely Race Baited a Congresswoman on CNN for mispronouncing Kamala's name. Dyson claimed to be defending a 'Black Woman', but in the process he disrespected the Host, Abby Phillip

Luther Campbell then goes on an Anti Black rant where he calls Blackfolk 'Stupid Negroes' for questioning Kamala Harris' 'Blackness'. In another instance, Luke gives Black Men 'One more chance' to return to the Democratic Party. Luke is of Jamaican descent & I could understand his view if Kamala identified as 'Part Jamaican', but she doesn't. She only touted her Jamaican Lineage when Charlemagne 'The Clod' asked if she smoked marijuana in College. This motivated her father to come out of the shadows to denounce her comments & warn her against playing 'Identity Politics'. In an interview w/ Kamala Harris, Luke certifies her 'Blackness' on the Basis of:

Fried Chicken


Fico Scores

Living an 'Afrikan American Life'(???)

It's ironic to see the Architect of Misogynistic Rap working so hard to legitimize Kamala Harris. Despite his effort to link her w/ Black American Culture, Kamala went out of her way to avoid saying: Yes, i'm Black. Instead, she played semantics by associating her Experience as a 'First Face', w/ being someone outside the 'Box' of Popular Perception. She used the example of The Boy Next Door... This Method of Tricknology is not unique in the Culture of Brownfolk; I imagine THIS is how Mindy Kaling's brother, Vijay Chokalingam navigated Medical School as a 'Black Man'.

Roland Martin, aka 'Baron Von Buttah Biscuit' has been the Poster Child of 'Simping Democratic Shills'. His attitude towards Blackfolk that reject Kamala Harris for whatever reason, is as Anti Black as a White Supremacist. He frequently uses profanity when talking about Us, & never fails to use derogatory terms to describe Us. Despite his Tough Talk, Roland went viral when he was confronted by Chicago Activist, Ja'Mal Green at the Democratic National Convention. Roland insulted Ja'Mal's intelligence regarding '1st Generation Home Buyers' on 'X', then devoted a Show to further insults. It's apparent that Roland didn't expect Ja'Mal Green to confront him Face to Face. This follows his embarrassment at the National Association Of Black Journalists Convention.

Refusing to be outdone by the others, Steve Harvey not only responded to Dr. Umar Johnson's accusation of getting paid to shill, he Doubled Down on his Unconditional Support of Kamala Harris. According to Steve- he, DL Hughley, & Rickey Smiley are ALL 'Que Dogs'. He went on to say that Ques RUN the Airwaves of Black Radio. Steve Harvey then stated matter of factly that he not only promotes Kamala Harris, but will FREELY:

Invite Kamala on his Program Again & again & again

Ask her 'Soft Ass Questions'

'Lob the Basketball' to her, so she can Slam Dunk Questions

Agree w/ whatever she says

Steve didn't do Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Inc. any favors by touting himself, DL Hughley, & Rickey Smiley as Members. Ques aren't known for being Crybabies. Say what you will about Jesse Jackson, but he was the Image most of Us associated w/ 'Omega Men'. This is becoming a Real Issue, as Blackfolk question the motivations of 'Divine Nine' Members. These people proudly proclaim being Boule at a Time when it's not very popular among the Black Grassroots. This group was supposed to be the Architects of Black American Society. They were supposed to represent the Entrepreneurs & Professionals that laid the foundation of an Independent Black Economy. Over the last 30Yrs, these 'Black Elites' appear to be more comfortable working in the Social Matrix, than creating a Matrix of their Own.

Statistics still show Black America having a Collective Net Worth of $0 by the Year 2053. Asian Americans & Latinx are expected to leap frog Us in Population & in Assets. For some reason, Black Business Leaders, Celebrities, & Politicians continue to promote a 'Black & Brown' Agenda to the detriment of Our Own Community. The unconditional promotion of Kamala Harris also reveals a Colorism Element among this group. Black Men & Women can generate Millions of Dollars for her Campaign in a matter of hours, but can't raise funds for Black Farmers & Businesses to expand their Operations. I understand that many in the 'Black Intelligentsia' moved to the Suburbs, but what happened to Investing in the Old Neighborhood?

This current group of Boule is playing a very dangerous game. The Black Grassroots are sick & tired of The DNC's disregard of Black Specific Issues. Barack Obama exhausted whatever patience We had left. Black Wealth has nosedived over the last 16Yrs, while White Wealth has increased by over $60T. This All started during Barack Obama's Tenure, but he did nothing to stop the bleeding on Our Side of The Tracks. Instead, Barack gave Us Symbolic Gestures w/ one hand & Cultural Critiques w/ the other. Everyone Else received Policy that protected their respective Communities. Folks like Roland Martin, Steve Harvey, DL Hughley, & Joy Reid came into their Own during this Time; like Obama, they also chose to denigrate Us w/ insults to Our Intelligence.

We must remember that this group has ignored Us Collectively for over 3Yrs, but now they expect Us to blindly Vote for the Democratic Ticket. This is after lauding Black Women as the 'Backbone of the Democratic Party', while casting Black Men as Villains over the last 8Yrs. Their effort to create a Gender War among Us has failed. The Black Celebrities & Democratic Shills trying to shame Us into voting for Kamala Harris can't tell Us what her Platform is, let alone her Black Agenda. Some of these characters look desperate in their attempt to sway Us. Perhaps they realize the damage that they're doing to their Personal Brand & whatever Social Capital they have. Several have posted Videos where they appear to be in an 'Altered State'.

-Like Yvette Carnell says: Pressure busts Pipes.

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