Mlkday - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

happy martin luther king day. 🙇🏽

source: @/luxandveritas

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3 years ago
Happy #mlkday. Still Fight For Civil Rights. How Can A Nation Say They're A Democracy And Make It Harder

Happy #mlkday. Still fight for civil rights. How can a nation say they're a democracy and make it harder for its people to vote? (at Tempe Marketplace)

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2 years ago

MLK Day- Are We Losing Focus?

2day, Al Sharpton & Co. R celebrating the 60th Anniversary of The March On Washington. Sharpton is also pushing a Kumbaya Hate Crime Bill. My problem, is EVERY GROUP has specific Hate Crime Legislation, except ADOS. Yelling @ Asians, European Jews, & LGBTQ... is a Hate Crime; but Police Officers can beat on little Black Girlls, & White Men can shoot Black Boys in the back w/ No Reprisal. Rafael Warnock can get 'Jim Crow' Joe Biden 2 speak @ Eberneezer Baptist Church, but couldn't get him 2 address a Black Agenda, or Reparations specifically 4 American Descendants Of Chattal Slavery.

Instead, Biden spoke about supporting Dr. King's legacy of 'Faith'... Really??! Joe Biden was a disciple of Robert Eastland & Strum Thurman- both HATED Dr. King! R We supposed 2 believe that Biden didn't share their sentiment? It's an insult of the Highest Order 2 have an architect of Benign Neglect Policies speak @ Dr. King's Church; let alone on his Birthday. I can't blame Joe Biden, he's doing what he has always done w/ Blackfolk. He tells Us that he supports 'Opening Doors of Opportunity'; meanwhile, he's working on legislation that will keep those Doors 'Closed'.

Raphael Warnock & Al Sharpton R the individuals that I blame. Both espouse the virtues of Dr. King- 'The Dreamer', but never speak of MLK- 'The Warrior'. Why didn't Warnock remind Biden that Dr. King was 'Coming 2 Washington- 2 Collect Our Check', when he was betrayed & assassinated? Why didn't Al Sharpton have the Courage 2 single out Anti- Black Racism as the #1 Hate Crime in AmeriKKKa? We have a Historical Record that justifies specific Hate Crime legislation; We don't need 2 ride on ANYONE'S coattails 2 make a legitimate argument.

It looks like Our Political Leaders R fine w/ phasing Blackfolk out of Civil Rights. Warnock seems beholden 2 Biden, despite the role that Black Georgians played in his Election. Al Sharpton seems beholden 2 his 'Memorandum Of Understanding' w/ Comcast/ NBC. In return 4 their treachery, R both 'Reverends' getting their 30 Pieces of Silver? This blatant disrespect of Us only tells me that The Powers That B have been forced into speeding up their Time Table. We're gaining momentum faster than They expected. Their Agents of White Supremacy R getting neutralized.

-In a nutshell: It's Coon Hunting Season!

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7 years ago
This Is My Grandpa. He Was A Freedom Rider And Stood With MLK To Fight For What We Have Today. #mlkday

This is my grandpa. He was a Freedom Rider and stood with MLK to fight for what we have today. #mlkday #legacy

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