Ados. - Tumblr Posts
Kim Potter can sob all she likes, it doesn't change the fact that her negligence led 2 the death of Daunte Wright. A 26Yr veteran of the Police Force, charged w/ training Officers, simply has NO EXCUSE. Blackfolk/ ADOS R all 2 familiar w/ the role that sobbing White Women, crying 'crocodile tears' played in the lynching of thousands of Black Men over the last 145Yrs. It's not hard 2 assume that Potter meant 2 shoot Daunte Wright, & screamed "Taser Taser Taser!", 2 cover her treachery... Can We FF 2 the 'Send her Evil Butt 2 Jail' Part?
-Just Askin'
Kudos 2 Yvette Carnell, Antonio Moore & the members of the ADOS Advocacy Foundation in forcing a retraction from Harvard University & The Kennedy School's 'Misinformation Review' 4 their ADOS smear piece: "Disinformation Creep: ADOS & the strategic weaponization of Breaking News".
Harvard is not known 4 issuing retractions, so this is a pretty big deal. The substance of Harvard's Retraction confirmed the cavalier attitude that academia has 4 anything related 2 the ADOS/ Black American Experience; & the lack of research that goes into making the numerous generalizations about Indigenous/ Black American Culture in Ivy League Circles.
-Safe 2 say that They have been Served Notice.
So 'Jim Crow Joe' asked The Press Corp. if anyone could think of a President that accomplished more than he has in his 1st Yr... Seriously?! Dude MUST B going senile. Franklin Delano Roosevelt accomplished more in his 1st 11 Days in Office, than 'Jim Crow Joe', OR 'Donnie 2 Scoops'. Does anyone remember The New Deal? I don't know what that legislation is worth in 2day's dollars, but it brought America out of The Great Depression. FDR did it by TAXING THE WEALTHY...
It was by No Means fair- most of Black America was locked out of this 'Hand Up', but what else is new? Back then, The Black Family was more cohesive, & We were able 2 rise out of The Great Depression on Our Own Merits (Black Banks, Businesses, & Land Ownership). 2day, Our Collective Assets R just a fraction of what they were 100Yrs ago, by No Fault of Ours. 'Jim Crow Joe' is old enough 2 know FDR's Legacy. This 'Selective Memory' problem in America won't shield them from The Truth, bcuz We have EXCELLENT Memory Recall.
-Just My Opinion.
I can appreciate Justice Stephen Breyer's general idealism & commitment 2 the U.S. Constitution, but I would tell him (& other Progressive Minded folk) that 'The Experiment' he refers 2 regarded Blackfolk as 3/5ths human. Nearly 246Yrs later, Black Women earn 67 Cents for every Dollar that a White Man earns. When We factor in 'Prison Leasing', Black Men earn 51 Cents for every Dollar that a White Man earns... This 'Experiment' hasn't worked very well 4 Black Anerica.
-Just Sayin'
Black Is Back
Praises 2 The Ancestors of The Motherland
AFRIKA- Dr. Ben calls it Alkebu- Lan
Land of birth of Him & Her
on Planet Earth
known 4 their Strength, Benevolence,
& Self Worth
The Black Clan spanned 2 Other lands
where We taught
Peace, Love, & Harmony
promoting Spirituality
& outta jealousy Another One came
in the guise of a Righteous Man
2 put Us in chains
& despite the acts of Criminal Genocide
The Proud & Nobel People
multiplied & survived
The Slave Ship, the Whip,
the Biological Experiment,
The Ku Klux Klan, Heroin, & the Tenement
Still the Will 2 Kill continues 2 exist
but The People no longer R ignoring This
As Family Ties once again grow Strong
UNITY amongst The People-
@ Home & abroad
Sisters & Brothers R finding One another
taking Pride in themselves
no longer chasing The Others
& despite the Attack by AIDS & Crack
nobody's giving up JACK
bcuz Black IS back!
Wizdom Manifest*™
So Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R- Al.) told a crowd that Democrats R Pro Crime, bcuz They want 2 'take what U have'. They want 2 give Reparations 2 The People committing the crimes'... Really? How did those Alabamians in that crowd GET what They got? What 'people' R the Senator talking about?
The majority of the crimes in America, R committed by White Men. According 2 FBI Crime Stats, White Men represent 70% of All Arrests. They can afford legal representation, so they rarely plead out. As 4 The Dems, NONE have a Black Agenda; & those in support of Reparations, reject a Lineage Based Program that focuses solely on American Descendants Of Slavery.
What I REALLY hear in Sen. Tuberville's comments 2 his constituents, R the effects of Our Argument 4 Reparations. He can get his 'people' as riled as he likes, They WILL have 2 think about how 2 pay 4 their self described 'Original Sin'. There's no escaping This.
-Just My 2 Cents
Is Rafael Warnock the Canary in DNC Coal Mine?
So The Democratic Party is expecting Blackfolk to go out & vote overwhelmingly for Sen. Raphael Warnock, but I STILL haven t heard about a Specific Black Agenda from Dems or the Warnock Camp. I don't know about U, but I have been inundated w/ emails from Warnock's Camp asking for donations. I wanted to see what was being offered in return for My donation. What I read was a combination of cookie cutter 'Rising Tide' Class Based Policy, & Herschel Walker doom & gloom scenarios... Once again, EVERY GROUP gets Specific Policy for their Lot, except Blackfolk.
Rev. Warnock rode into The Senate on the coattails of Black Georgians, but he has yet to propose anything specific for The Group that put him in Office. The Fact that he has to endure a Run Off against Herschel Walker reveals how flawed he really is. Funny how 'democratic shills' dance around Warnock's inherent weakness when they're questioned about Walker's resilience; in spite of multiple Self Inflicted blows. Dems anticipate low GOP Voter turnout, & just enough support from Black Georgians to push Warnock to Victory... Sounds feasible.
The Problem that Dems face, is Blackfolk are not as receptive to 'Operatives' representing Us, as We were just 2Yrs ago. Recent Events, where Black Men were singled out for their actions; while White Men acting badly were glossed over, served as a Wake Up Call for many. The # of 'Black Operatives' in Entertainment, Sports, & Politics became apparent when We saw Who were speaking out against these Black Men. We preach that Black America is not a Monolith, but that doesn't mean that We don't share Common Core Ideals as a Collective.
Critics have been quick to say: What exactly is this 'Code' that we're All supposed to get on? It's really not that complicated. The 'Code' that We speak about, is simply a Declaration to uphold, preserve, & protect The Cultural Values of The ADOS/ Black Family. This entails representing:
Black Excellence in All Fields
Positive Black Images- In Public, On Screen & On Air
Black Love & The Spiritual Covenant between Black Men & Women
Black Economics & Generational Wealth
Proper Examples of Black Manhood & Fatherhood
Protection of Black Womanhood & Femininity
Protection of Black Children & Childhood Experiences
We ALL KNOW instinctively when we're acting less than Righteous. The essence of being 'On Code', is a Spiritual Connection w/ the Cultural Collective. That 'instinct' then becomes Common Sense among The Collective. It becomes easier for individuals to acknowledge being Off Code, when Our neighbors can reinforce that notion [non verbally], as We question & wrestle w/ it internally. The Governmental Effort to break the Traditional ADOS/ Black Family Structure over the last 50Yrs has led Us into adopting some pretty Bad Habits.
Not only has The Democratic Party been Front & Center @ the helm of Benign Neglect Policies that drained Black Communities of vital resources & upset Our sense of Communal Rapport; They stood silently as the Republican Party denigrated ADOS/ Black America for circumstances instigated by Liberal Progressives, w/ help from their Black & POC Political Operatives. It's pretty clear that Dems need 'The Black Vote', but according to Congressional Minority WHIP Elect- Katherine Clark, The Democratic Party Platform is: 'Workers, Women, & Climate'.. Where exactly does ADOS/ Black American Families fit into this?
Raphael Warnock is in an interesting position. His adherence to Democratic Party Philosophy, as it pertains to ADOS/ Black Americans, is why he had to spend $388M since 2020 on Campaign expenditures. Sen. Warnock may stoke enough fear to win his Run Off Election against Herschel Walker. He was expected to win his Senate Seat outright, so he shouldn't celebrate too much if he wins. That said, if he doesn't offer Blackfolk a Return on Our Investment, he most likely won't survive a future Election. He should learn from Stacey Abrams' experience.
Mainstream Media is calling Kevin McCarthy's rise 2 House Speaker a debacle, but Black Americans can learn something from that Congressional Vote. Those 20 'dissident' GOP Members Of Congress stymied The Agenda of 202 Other GOP Members. They were very effective in getting a Return for their Vote. Many Black Americans fall in line w/ The Democratic Agenda, assuming Our #s aren't large enough 2 effect anything Tangible. Meanwhile, Social Action has been more effective in producing Legislation than Campaign Promises.
As Gen Z gets acquainted w/ Politics, Gen X & Millennials R reassessing their Method of Political Action. I believe that Now is the Time for Us 2 Stand On Our Square Collectively. The Biden Administration is looking through Us; expecting more Bark, than Bite in retaliation. He & his cronies will once again come calling on Our Support; The Freedom Caucus showed Us how 2 play Political Hard Ball. As Black Americans, We cannot get caught up in Democratic or Republican Politics; they're both Wings of the same Bird.
Over the last 150Yrs, We supported both Parties loyally, but failed 2 see how Democrats & Republicans take turns assuming the Lead Role in keeping Us in a perpetual State of 'Arrested Development'. Neither Party has Our Best Interests in mind. That said, Our #s w/i the Democratic Party gives us leverage; We simply need 2 utilize it. The Democratic Party Experiment has lasted nearly 60Yrs, & We lost more ground than We gained. For the sake of Our Children, We cannot afford 2 wait another Election Cycle for Dems 2 produce Tangible Legislation for American Descendants Of Chattal Slavery.
Time 2 cut Our political teeth- We have a Reparations Battle 2 prepare for.
-Just My 2 Cents
MLK Day- Are We Losing Focus?
2day, Al Sharpton & Co. R celebrating the 60th Anniversary of The March On Washington. Sharpton is also pushing a Kumbaya Hate Crime Bill. My problem, is EVERY GROUP has specific Hate Crime Legislation, except ADOS. Yelling @ Asians, European Jews, & LGBTQ... is a Hate Crime; but Police Officers can beat on little Black Girlls, & White Men can shoot Black Boys in the back w/ No Reprisal. Rafael Warnock can get 'Jim Crow' Joe Biden 2 speak @ Eberneezer Baptist Church, but couldn't get him 2 address a Black Agenda, or Reparations specifically 4 American Descendants Of Chattal Slavery.
Instead, Biden spoke about supporting Dr. King's legacy of 'Faith'... Really??! Joe Biden was a disciple of Robert Eastland & Strum Thurman- both HATED Dr. King! R We supposed 2 believe that Biden didn't share their sentiment? It's an insult of the Highest Order 2 have an architect of Benign Neglect Policies speak @ Dr. King's Church; let alone on his Birthday. I can't blame Joe Biden, he's doing what he has always done w/ Blackfolk. He tells Us that he supports 'Opening Doors of Opportunity'; meanwhile, he's working on legislation that will keep those Doors 'Closed'.
Raphael Warnock & Al Sharpton R the individuals that I blame. Both espouse the virtues of Dr. King- 'The Dreamer', but never speak of MLK- 'The Warrior'. Why didn't Warnock remind Biden that Dr. King was 'Coming 2 Washington- 2 Collect Our Check', when he was betrayed & assassinated? Why didn't Al Sharpton have the Courage 2 single out Anti- Black Racism as the #1 Hate Crime in AmeriKKKa? We have a Historical Record that justifies specific Hate Crime legislation; We don't need 2 ride on ANYONE'S coattails 2 make a legitimate argument.
It looks like Our Political Leaders R fine w/ phasing Blackfolk out of Civil Rights. Warnock seems beholden 2 Biden, despite the role that Black Georgians played in his Election. Al Sharpton seems beholden 2 his 'Memorandum Of Understanding' w/ Comcast/ NBC. In return 4 their treachery, R both 'Reverends' getting their 30 Pieces of Silver? This blatant disrespect of Us only tells me that The Powers That B have been forced into speeding up their Time Table. We're gaining momentum faster than They expected. Their Agents of White Supremacy R getting neutralized.
-In a nutshell: It's Coon Hunting Season!
From George Santos, to Joe Biden: Muddy Waters in D.C.
2023 has barely begun, but it's already off to a controversial start. 1st there was the GOP's difficulty in electing Kevin Mccarthy to Speaker Of The House. A side issue that bubbled to the surface, was George Santos- the GOP Representative from NY's 3rd Congressional District. As that issue began to simmer, V.P. Biden's Classified Materials began to turn up outside of his Archives. Add in a looming Debt Ceiling Debate to the mix, & we have a recipe for more drama on The Horizon.
George Santos, in a nutshell, is a National Disgrace. His Election to Congress has raised a lot of questions about him, his Resume, & his Family History. Santos based his qualification for Office on a particular 'pedigree':
He touted where he attended H.S. & College; boasting about his GPA, & the sports injuries he suffered while playing on a Volleyball Scholarship.
He touted his tenure w/ Citigroup & Goldman Sachs.
He touted that he was a Property Owner w/ over a dozen Properties.
He touted his philanthropy, speaking on his Foundation & Fundraising efforts.
He touted his Grand Mother being a Holocaust Survivor.
He touted his Mother being a 9/11 survivor that later died from 9/11 related Cancer.
The Truth has been revealed that NONE of this is correct. George Santos literally wove his Life Story out of thin air. The man is a living portrayal of that Jon Lovitz character from SNL. I can hear Santos saying: 'I want to give Special thanks to my husband, Ricky Martin- Yeah, That's The Ticket!... Despite calls from both Sides of The Aisle for him to resign, Santos intends to serve his 2Yr Term. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy is standing by Santos, even defending his Right to serve. McCarthy's position isn't hard to decipher, he has a very narrow hold on The House, & every vote counts. I assume McCarthy expects loyalty from Santos, in return for his endorsement.
The notion of a character like George Santos is curious to me. Who he is, how he presents himself, & what he represents has layers. As an (Indigenous) Black American living in 'Joe Biden's America', I have become very sensitive to evolving Social Mores. Biden already told Black America that he places the Latinx Community ahead of Us, & We should get used to taking Orders from them. Then he allows 2 Million illegal immigrants to flood the Southern Border; but somehow, Barack Obama was able to keep illegal immigration down. Biden put Kamala Harris in charge of the Southern Border, did Obama give him the same assignment?
A familiar Cultural pattern is playing out again, as the Latinx Community is coalescing & creating points of Power (nepotism) in particular Trades & Occupations. Much like the Irish, Italian, & Eastern European, the Latino/ Hispanic is basing their success on the marginalization of Indigenous Black Americans. The 'Black & Brown Coalition' is breaking down in areas where Latinx no longer need solidarity to push their Agenda. The ongoing drama in the LA City Council is just the beginning.
Individuals like George Santos send a blatant message to Blackfolk- The American Gov't, & the General Public (through their Collective silence) is willing to grant liars, thieves, & Enemies of The State permission to not only immigrate here, but to run rampant; long before They will indemnify American Descendants Of Chattal Slavery. The fact that a 'Nobody' like George Santos could get away w/ the degree of fraud that he perpetrated, merits a closer look. Who is bankrolling Santos? He was supposed to be broke, but somehow put $700K of his own $$$ into his Campaign... How? His district on the Queens- Nassau County border, represents Towns & Villages that have seen a dramatic decrease in their Black American population over the last 30Yrs.
Unlike many of the White (Irish, Italian, Eastern European) Areas, Black Enclaves, from Bayside to Hicksville were open to a multicultural (i.e. Black & Brown) Community; but many of the Asian & Latinx families that purchased from Black families, were unwilling to sell to them. This changed the complexion & sociality of these Areas. People became intolerant... George Santos ran as a Conservative, which resonates w/ most of the 3rd Congressional District. He presented himself as visually appealing to The People. He was 'their kind of guy'. As dispicable as Santos appears, what does that say about the people that voted for him?
As for Joe Biden, the growing drama over his Classified Papers could have been handled better. Currently, there are roughly 30 pages that turned up @ The Penn- Biden Center & his Delaware Residence. Material was found in Biden's garage, & later in the room adjacent to the garage. So far, Biden has treated this embarrassment like a 'non- issue'; essentially saying: "There's no 'there' there"... Now reports have come in that some of the Classified Documents recovered date back to Biden's tenure as a Senator. His Chief Of Staff, Ron Klain's pending retirement is being downplayed, but I think that there is a connection. Klain has been a loyal Biden servant for 30Yrs; He knows where ALL of the bodies are buried.
Conspiracy Theories have already appeared regarding the appearance of these Classified Papers. Some say that this 'discovery' was set up give Donald Trump some wiggle room in his own Case of Mishandled Documents. A.G. Merrick Garland would be hard pressed to proceed w/ a Case against Donald Trump, if he also faced an Investigation of a sitting President. Some point out how Biden & his Staff are fully cooperating w/ the investigation; unlike Donald Trump, who had to be subpoenaed, & later raided by the FBI. I agree w/ those who remind Biden Supporters that just because something may not be illegal, doesn't mean that it isn't wrong.
Another angle that some Conspiracy Theorists are taking, is the idea that the appearance of these Classified Documents are meant to weaken Biden's political hold as the 2024 Democratic Nominee for President. The incident is supposed to either force Biden into resigning from Office, or embarrassing him enough to create mistrust amongst Voters & Members Of Congress. The focus on Documents found @ The Penn- Biden Center on Nov. 2nd, was meant to stir thoughts of contradiction, or sloppiness on the part of Joe Biden & his Staff. They had a full Week before Election Day to report the finding; why did Biden's Staff wait?
I don't think either side of the Conspiracy Theory Debate will get what they propose. Joe Biden will not be pressed very hard legally about his Classified Papers, & he will not be manipulated into resigning from Office. Meanwhile, Ukraine continues to receive billions of U.S. Tax Dollars, but NO ONE knows where the $$$ is going. The GOP are talking tough about the Debt Ceiling & fiscal accountability, but financing the Ukrainian War Effort was a bipartisan measure. From my 'Place In Space', I see Democrats & Republicans taking up their positions; looking to corrall their Share of the Voting Public into their particular narrative. Both Parties are courting Asian & Latinx Voters; but both are finding this demographic politically fickle.
The lengths that both Parties are willing to go, to avoid the inevitable discussion of Reparations for American Descendants Of Chattal Slavery is truly juvenile.
Only Children (& Cowards) would seek a distraction over a Solution.
-Just Saying
Is Tyre Nichols' death a watershed moment?
The Nation is supposedly On Hold, awaiting video footage showing how 5 Memphis PD Officers brutally beat 29Yr Old Tyre Nichols. The members of the Memphis PD 'Scorpion Unit' were supposedly stopping Tyre for Reckless Driving, but how did things escalate? The Press says that Tyre initially fled The Scene, & there was an indication that he may have resisted arrest, but nothing suggests that he needed to be pepper sprayed, tased, & beaten severely. The incident took place on Jan. 7th- Tyre died from his injuries on Jan. 10th. The Family of Tyre Nichols have chosen Attorney Benjamin Crump & his Team to represent them.
I don't always agree w/ the methodology of Benjamin Crump. He frames himself like he's the Thurgood Marshall or Johnnie Cochrane of This Generation; I still haven t decided if he is. He spends as much time on his Self Image, as he does on his High Profile Cases. I can rationalize that he needs face time On Camera to boost his ability to serve his clients, but I think he goes a bit too far. Who named Ben Crump: 'The Attorney General Of Black America'? It's framing like This, that leads me to call the man: Benjamin 'Buttah Biscuits'... To be fair, Crump has won some monetary awards for his clients, but we're still waiting to see the Outcome of several Police Trials.
Regardless of my critique of Ben Crump, I agree 100% w/ his Press Conference Commentary. He pointed out how these Officers were fired & arrested on Murder Charges in less than 3 Weeks. Is it because all 5 of the Officers are Black Men? We have seen Black Officers, like Muhammad Noor get convicted for incidents that Non Black Officers get acquitted. Crump is correct, when he says that this should be the blueprint for All Police Involved Incidents. It doesn't matter what Sex, Race or Ethnicity the Officer is, it's pretty clear that this is about Police Culture.
According to a Statement from the Memphis Police Department: Tadarrius Bean, Demetrius Haley, Emmitt Martin III, Desmond Mills Jr., & Justin Smith have violated multiple Department Policies, including Excessive use of Force, Duty to Intervene, & Duty to Render Aid. While Black America applauds the expedience of the MPD, We also question why it doesn't happen so quickly when the Officer isn't Black. As a Community, We have serious questions for these 5 Men. Some of Us want to 'Check their Paperwork'. Contrary to the National Conversation, Blackfolk don't go after each other like this. Certainly not Black Cops. This is why most of Us are talking about Police Culture.
Tyre's brutal murder, is an example of why Critical Race Theory can be a valuable tool. If We follow the basic model, which is a History of Race Relations in America, We see how Police Departments play an important role of maintaining the Institutionalized Racism in American Society. We're told that Police are here to Protect & Serve, but they leave out how that is limited to Corporate Property & Interests. The Police Force comes out of the Slave Patrols, who 'protected' the interests of Plantation & Business Owners. As German, Scottish, & Irish Immigrants appeared, they were given jobs 'regulating' the Black Population- Free & Enslaved.
As Cities grew & Police Departments were established, the protocol remained the same; Protect Corporate Interests, & regulate the Black Community. This was a National Effort. As cruel as the White (WASP) Officers were, immigrants always tended to take Anti- Black actions further. It's like they were trying to prove to Mainstream Society how much they belonged. Irish, Italian, & now, Hispanic Officers are generally more aggressive w/ Black 'Persons Of Interest'- that's just a fact. Black America has complained about this 'Police Culture' for over 100Yrs, but have just gained ground in recent years. The difference between Justice for Mitrice Richardson & Sandra Bland, compared to Atatiana Jefferson has been encouraging.
Qualified Immunity has been a literal 'Get Out Of Jail Free' Card for Police Officers. Recent Police convictions have shown that this may be a thing of the past. Despite a few hard won convictions, the legal road getting there has been a long & drawn out one. Many have accused the various Police Unions, DA Offices, & Judges of collusion. They're collectively kicking The Can down The Road; hopeful that The Public will lose interest & eventually forget the incident in question. The actions taken by the MPD, following the brutality of their Officers is worth noting. Tyre Nichols isn't the 1st Black Man to get beat by a gang of Police Officers; Rodney King (RIP) was beat in front of The World 30Yrs ago.
Some may try to focus on the actions of 'Black' Officers, but this behavior happens against Blackfolk in Every City & w/ Officers of Every Ethnic Group. As I said earlier, it's a Culture. What's different about This Instance, is the fact that ALL of the assailants are Black Officers. The City of Memphis is probably still feeling the reverberations of Breonna Taylor's murder in Louisville; I doubt they want Blackfolk to bring that level of Energy there. Cutting their losses is a no brainer. They will likely face an expensive lawsuit from Benjamin Buttah Biscuits; no sense in adding a Riot to an Embarrassment.
I see The City Of Memphis offering up these 5 Bullies, w/ the hope that it will quell a still simmering undercurrent supporting Independent Police Investigations. Defund The Police rhetoric has quieted, but every new incident brings talk about restricting Police 'Street Crime Units', along w/ the equipment & tactics used. Family Attorney Antonio Romanucci hit the Nail on the Head, when he called Street Crime Units, like the MPD's Scorpion Unit 'Suppression Units'. Those of Us that live in 'Inner Cities' understand the reality of these Units patrolling Our Neighborhoods like Military Troops stationed in Iraq or Afghanistan.
I don't expect alot of hoopla coming out of Memphis. Blackfolk see tangible results, so we're willing to see what develops. What We do expect, is for future Events (that WILL happen) to move w/ the same expediency. The World will see yet another instance of Police involved Anti- Black Racism in America; i'm pretty sure many have also heard Ben Crump's suggestion about a blueprint. Moving forward, if the Legal System treats Non Black Officers differently than these 5 Officers in Memphis, all the rhetoric that the Department Of Justice can muster will not get the racist stench out of the Courts.
-Just My 2 Cents
Biden's State Of The Union: a bridge to bipartisanship?
Joe Biden's 2nd State Of The Union Address seemed to be about checking boxes. 1st, Biden attempted to check the 'Fit for Duty' box. He appeared to be his snarky self, channeling the old persona of Blue Collar 'Joe from Scranton'. He took a few jabs @ Republicans, starting w/ his introduction of House Speaker Kevin McCarthy. He also instigated a kerfuffle w/ Marjorie Taylor Greene & others over Social Security & Medicare. Throughout his address, Biden tried to emote the swagger of that Senator from Delaware, who had the ear of Reagan, Bush, & Gingrich.
In his Address, Biden said that America is about 'possibilities'. He touted the accomplishments of his Administration over last 2Yrs, & made his pitch for Congress to finish what he started. Joe Biden ran on a platform of bipartisanship; to back this up, he touted 300 Bipartisan Bills passed since he took Office. He expressed his plan to 'Restore The Soul of America', starting w/ The Middle Class. He spoke of building an economy from the bottom up, & the middle out. Like Donald Trump, he supports a Made In America Campaign where Our supply chain begins @ Home.
The Star of the 'Made In America' Campaign, is 'The Chips & Sciences Act'. Biden touts how it will create hundreds of thousands of 6 figure income jobs, that WILL NOT require a College Degree. The expectation is that these Chip Production Sites will bolster & hopefully restore the Communities around them. Presently, the National Unemployment Rate is @ 3.4%- a 50Yr low; this (supposedly) includes lows for Black & Latino Communities. On top of recent job growth #s, Biden also touted 10 million New Business Applications.
He pointed out how 30 million Employees have to sign Non Compete Agreements, & how Workers deserve 'Dignity @ Work' that gives them a Right to a Living Wage, Affordable Housing, & Affordable Child Care. Biden took a couple of jabs @ Republicans, while speaking on the Debt Ceiling. Speaker McCarthy already appeared on News Shows to say that he supports taking Social Security & Medicare off the Table; why did Joe Biden linger on the subject? McCarthy can do his own wrangling.
The Biden Administration were the 1st to say their Fiscal Budget is non-negotiable; how can they fault Republicans for crying foul? Ultimately, Biden agreed to compare Plans. His Plan for Restructuring the Tax Code entails no Tax Increase for families making below $400K, a Billionaire's Minimum Tax of 15%, & quadrupling Corporate Buy Back Stock Fees. Biden touted how his Administration reduced the Deficit by $1.7T, & how Programs like the 'Junk Fee Prevention Act' will spur economic growth.
The subject of Infrastructure gave Joe Biden another opportunity to take a jab @ Republicans. He remarked how Red States will get Projects earmarked, just like Blue States. Members Of Congress may not have voted for his Infrastructure Plan, but 'i'll see ya at the Groundbreaking'. Under this plan, Biden highlighted:
Bridges, Tunnels & Roads
Lead Pipe Removal
Affordable High Speed Internet for All Americans
ALL Construction Materials used for infrastructure must be Made In America
Biden's 'Inflation Reduction Act', is basically a Plan to use restructuring the Tax Code as an excuse to reform Prescription Drugs & Climate Change initiatives. No one (in their right mind) disagrees w/ $35 Insulin, Fentanyl Prevention, or Clean Water efforts; that said, politicians have been slow to act on these measures. The manufacturing angle of this Act sounds promising, as it rewards Companies for buying American made components for their operation. Education, Immigration/ Border Security, & COVID Protocols rounded out the balance of Biden's State Of The Union Address.
Biden stressed the need for quality Public Education for grades Pre-K through 12. He also expressed a need for access to Local/ Community Colleges, & College Debt Reduction. He split COVID fallout into 2 categories: Economic Fallout & Public Safety Concerns. Under Economic Fallout, Biden reiterates his Made In America Agenda to bolster job growth. He again touts Job Growth #s as an indicator that America is getting back to business; pointing out how We are outperforming the rest of The World.
Under Public Safety Concerns, Biden spotlights the family of Tyre Nichols. He goes on to speak about the need for better Police Training/ Reform, more Community Programs, & Gun Reform. He talks about 'Brown & Black' families having 'The Talk', but I don't know of ANY 'Brown families' having that 'Talk'. Joe Biden's ease @ changing 'Black American Struggle' into 'Black & Brown Issues' is becoming an Art. His short memory is already legendary. He speaks about implementing Community Programs, but he was an architect of Benign Neglect Policy that eliminated these Community Programs over 40Yrs ago.
I found it ironic how Joe Biden could invite Tyre Nichols' family to The State Of The Union Address, but didn't mention the George Floyd Justice In Policing Act. He spoke about funding for better Police training, but the combined budgets of the Nation's Largest Police Departments likely rivals the Defense Budgets of NATO Countries. There's already enough $$$ being spent on training. Why is training not a factor when Police are somehow able to apprehend armed White assailants w/ little incident? It was interesting to watch both Sides of the Aisle show sympathy for Tyre Nichols' Mother in one moment, & applaud an increase of Police Budgets in the next. I made note of the CBC Members that applauded.
Gun Reform, like Abortion, is an ongoing issue. The REAL problem, is how to restrict Blackfolk, while respecting everyone else's 2nd Amendment Right. Gun Control wasn't an Issue, until The Black Panther Party protested in Sacramento nearly 60Yrs ago. White Americans have an Inalienable Right to bear Arms, & always will. Gun Control is not a real thing; Society needs the same personality types that are misbehaving w/ firearms to protect them from 'The Big Black Boogeyman'... It's a strange dance.
On the subject of the Southern Border & Immigration Reform, Biden spoke about resources for Border Control, & a pathway to Citizenship for Migrant Workers & Children of Illegal Immigrants. Border States have been literally begging for help; the Texas Governor has been busing Illegal Immigrants to Northern Cities for months. A bus went to Kamala Harris' residence, so The White House had to know things were critical on The Border. It is estimated that over 2 million Illegal Immigrants have entered America on Biden's Watch; not counting tens of thousands of Ukrainians & Afghans entering from Tijuana. How was Barack Obama able to keep Border Crossings low, while Joe Biden seems overwhelmed?
Biden's International focus was on Ukraine & China. According to him, Ukraine is fighting against 'Putin's Tyranny', & We as Americans, should do everything possible to support their fight for freedom. I would personally like an accounting of what 'We' gave, & where it went. Redacted has reported on Al Qaeda & ISIS Soldiers being paid $2,500/ Week to fight w/ Ukraine- is this true? What are Our Tax dollars paying for? Redacted, The Grey Zone, & Jimmy Dore have all talked about high level theft of funds & Black Market activity in Ukraine.
On the issue of China, Biden said that We seek Competition, not Conflict. The U.S. helped China rise- from a 3rd World Nation, to a legitimate World Economic Power in under 50Yrs. America's ongoing meddling in Hong Kong, along w/ rising tension in Taiwan has apparently struck a nerve in Beijing. The recent drama of balloons violating U.S. Airspace are merely another round in a Marathon Dance Competition. America's dependence on China for basic Staples, is the Real Issue.
According 2 Biden, we're in Our strongest position to compete w/ China, & Anyone else. We will work w/ China, but WILL defend Our Sovereignty. He went on to say how No other World Leader wants to trade places w/ President Xi, going against America. Biden ultimately says that The State Of The Union is Excellent. He emphasizes a Nation built on ideals, not geography, collectively working together- sounds promising. Gov. Sarah Huckabee- Sanders delivered The GOP Response, & didn't waste time picking Biden apart.
According to Gov. Huckabee- Sanders, Joe Biden inherited:
The fastest economic recovery On Record.
The most secure Border in History
Cheap, abundant 'home grown' Energy
Fast rising Wages
A rebuilt Military
A World that was stable & @ peace.
Over the last 2Yrs, Joe Biden & The Democrats have spent Trillions in reckless spending, while creating the worst Border Crisis in History. 100,000 Americans are dying from drug overdoses annually- mainly fentanyl. Domestically, criminals roam free, while Internationally, We have been unable to stand up to China... Joe Biden has been unwilling to protect Our Border, Sky, & Our People- he is not fit to serve as Commander In Chief. She deadpans that Biden is caught up in 'Wokeism'.
Huckabee- Sanders goes on to repeat several GOP talking points that date back to Newt Gingrich's 'Contract w/ America'. She says that giving every child access to quality education is the civil rights issue of today. To that end, she proposes an 'Educate, not Indoctrinate' Agenda, that eliminates Critical Race Theory (CRT), & use of the label 'Latinx'. She closes by saying that America is Free, but this Freedom is under attack & America is in danger. The Biden Administration has failed Us, but the GOP has America's future in mind. They are still the place where Freedom reigns & Liberty never dies.
Clearly, Gov. Huckabee- Sanders is towing the Party Line. As Biden tried to build himself up as a virile, stable, & capable Leader, Huckabee Sanders tried to paint a picture of someone old, feeble, & out of touch. The GOP sees Biden as Dems saw Ronald Reagan. The Country was literally more 'Black & White' back then, so Reagan was able to get away w/ more than Biden can. As for 'The Future', how can Republicans truly believe this, when their base is quickly becoming a Minority?
All of this plays into an ongoing narrative, where Democrats & Republicans take turns assuming Leadership. In theory, One leans Left, & the Other leans Right. In practice, Both Sides find consensus on issues that promote the continuance of White Supremacist Policy, by way of Institutionalized Systemic Racism. Minority Groups understand & accept AmeriKKKa's 'pecking order', in return for resources & privilege. The GOP tend to use 'Non- Racial' language to filter out Black America, while Democrats use 'Liberal- Progressive' language to do the same. Both depend on Black America's sense of 'fair play', & equality for Everyone.
As ADOS, We rationalize why a Group should get resources ahead of Us, while Everyone Else behaves like they have some inherent Right to be ahead of Us. We know that some Immigrants & Minority Groups have prejudices against Black Americans; Joe Biden's lack of concern for 'Black specific Policy' in effect, tells them that they're justified in their thinking. If he doesn't care, why should they? To them, America is a 'Grab Bag'. When you consider the fact that Joe Biden showed more concern for Migrant Workers, than taxpaying Black Farmers who have been victimized & oppressed for generations, it's pretty easy to see how his State Of The Union Address condones an Anti Black Agenda- I call it: Benign Neglect 2.0
-Just My 2 Cents
Reality Check:
Straight out a background
frowned upon by The Mainstream
& made 2 think 'Success' is just a Dream
Cuz Reality speaks
when I walk thru The Streets
& see the Brothers,
The Others had a chance 2 reach
Check it- 33% of Strong Black Males
don't get a chance 2 prevail
cuz They were Felons in Jail
Some were Prisoners Of War
that fought 4 The Cause
2 empower The People
but The People chose 2 pause
As Laws were broke & necks got choked
Bourgeois Leaders still spoke
some shit about 'Hope'
Shifting the Fight, from 'Civil' 2 Human Rights
giving Other Groups light
2 benefit from Our plight
& Overnight They seemed 2 GROW
as We remained The Same
Now 2day, U see Them playing
'The Oppression Game'
& still Our leaders wanna talk about 'Integrate'
Killing Our Culture, while making Others 'Great'
Self Determination, no deviation
is the Solution
Some call it Revolution
Wizdom Manifest*™
Is Scott Adams an exception, or The Rule?
The hoopla over 'Dilbert' Creator, Scott Adams, is a classic example of 'White Fragility' in a Real Life situation. He (sarcastically) claimed that he 'identified as Black' (because he wanted to be on 'The Winning Team'), & supported Black Causes for years. Suddenly, a Rasmussen Reports survey on 'Whiteness' got him so worked up, that he now reidentifies as White. On top of that, he now says that 1/2 of Black America is a Racist Hate Group. His claim is based on the survey results to the question: 'Is it okay to be White?'
According to the Report, 53% of Black respondents answered 'Yes'. Adams is reported to have gone on an Anti- Black racist rant during the airing of his podcast- 'Morning Coffee w/ Scott Adams'. During his 'rant', Adams suggested staying the hell away from Black America, because 'it can't be fixed'. Keep in mind that his comments are based on the survey results of a right winged conservative Organization. The question itself is Open Ended, & necessitates additional probing. The response to Adams' comments has been swift & decisive. Hundreds of News Publications have cancelled 'Dilbert'.
So far, Adams is standing behind his comments. He acknowledges that he is likely Cancelled, saying 'you can't come back from this'. I'm not sure how much he really cares about cancellation, being 64Yrs Old & having a net worth of $70M... Regarding his comments, Adams says that he wasn't being emotional. He said that his words had context, & so far, No One has disagreed w/ him. I appreciate his honesty. I think his rush to judgement was sincere & should be taken at face value. If I were to interview Scott Adams, I would ask: Did he take the 'context' of the 47% into consideration? What motivated their response? 26% answered 'No' & 21% 'Not Sure'- did Adams consider why?
As someone who supposedly 'identified as Black', I would've expected him to pause. Maybe take a moment to ascertain the reasons 47% of Black respondents may not think of 'Whiteness' as a good thing. Instead, he deadpanned that those respondents represent a 'Racist Hate Group'. Then he says that he doesn't want anything to do w/ them, & suggests that All Whitefolk do the same. Judging from his 'racist rant', it sounds like Scott Adams was being less than facetious about his identification w/ Blackfolk. What I did hear in his comments, was the use of Black people, like Don Lemon, to support his racist actions.
His comments aren't unique. Marjorie Taylor Greene's recent demand for a 'Secession' of Red & Blue States; due to rampant Wokeness & Biden's failure to 'Make America Great', is a similar sentiment. Add to that, Ben Stein's lamentation over 'Aunt Jermaima' syrup, along w/ Elon Musk's comments in support of Scott Adams, & a pretty easy connection can be made. These are the thoughts of The Silent Majority. Their collective fear of Black Expression goes back 50Yrs. They tend to come from 'Middle America' or 'Flyover States', but they generally represent White Families that migrated to Suburbia (White Flight). 'Dilbert', is basically a chronicle of individuals from this background, so I wouldn't be surprised if Adams isn't alone in his sentiment.
What I found intriguing about Scott Adams' comments, was his tonality. He wasn't ranting to me. He was clear & concise in his deduction & conclusion. What stands out, is how easy it was for Scott Adams to discard the 53% of Blackfolk that felt that it was 'Ok to be 'White'. Why didn't he consider working w/ that group, while changing hearts & minds of the Other? Instead, he threw Everyone into the same 'Racist Hate Group' pot, & concluded that 'it can't be fixed'. I'm immediately reminded of those Black Veterans that faced angry White Mobs in full uniform, & saluting... I imagine they were of that 53%.
Our Ancestors were morally upright, & idealistic, but were naive. They actually believed that The American Dream applied to them. It's clear that it didn't. Recent comments prove that it still doesn't. There is a direct correlation between the increase in discussions regarding National Reparations for American Descendants Of Chattal Slavery (ADOS), & the cries of Anti- White Racism, Wokeism, & the Bringing down of America. The Biden Administration has spent $113B in Ukraine over the last 12 months, w/ billions more promised; but Flint, Detroit, & now Jackson are forced to wait for Water Filtration Systems. East Palestine however, is an 'All hands On Deck' scenario... America's priorities are brutally clear.
Elon Musk's assertion that Mainstream Media is Anti- White & Anti- Asian, is confusing, when we consider the fact that Asian Americans are the wealthiest demographic in America. As a White Man & an immigrant, Elon (The Afrikaner) Musk has outpaced EVERY Black American financially, so We fail to see the 'racism'. What Adams,Musk, Stein, & Taylor- Greene all have in common, is a fear of an inevitable 'Leveling of The Playing Field'. America, as an Institution (Columbia), has perpetually propped up Whites & Honorary Whites in a position of dominion over Black America. Clear examples can be seen from The Homestead Acts to The New Deal.
White Supremacy dictates survival of the fittest, but Poor Whites are assured Living Wages, or Federal Assistance (in worse case scenarios) to maintain a lifestyle above the 'average Black family', in return for their participation in America's collective Anti- Black agenda. Small wonder how the most brutal Anti- Black attacks occur in Poor White areas. As I said numerous times before, NOTHING IS ABSOLUTE. There were Allies in the past, & there are Allies now. Unfortunately, their number has dropped over the last 50Yrs. Hard Times makes scapegoating easy. Groups that might have been indifferent to an issue, may be motivated into taking a side.
This is the Case of America over the last 50Yrs. When Working Class Black & White Americans were feeding their families & living their lives, both Communities prospered. As Benign Neglect hit Black Communities, Factory Closings hit White Communities. The American Institution once again bailed White America out, by extending Credit Lines (MasterCard, Visa) & Bankruptcy Law to individuals; allowing them to offset current debt. Few Black Americans were able to take advantage of this. In addition, White Families were given the opportunity to refinance their homes, while Black Families were largely denied. As White Families struggled, it's understandable how Self Preservation can kick in. They can't really emphathize w/ another's Struggle, when they're going through their Own.
That said, this group took the Reagan narrative of ''Black Welfare Mothers' & 'Black Male Degenerates' & ran w/ it. They raised their children on it, Educational Systems taught it in Schools & Citizenship Classes. Meanwhile, some White Teens & Young Adults 'Raged Against The Machine', & developed a love affair w/ HipHop- that continues today. Despite this, a good number of Today's Parents still hold the values of their upbringing. The Age of Political Correctness stalled a lot of tongues, but a collective frustration w/ Quality of Life is motivating them to speak frankly. Again, I welcome it.
Regardless of their Economic or Political Standing, Whitefolk that express a problem w/ Black America collectively, are using some variation of the Segregationist Era 'Fear Of Black Rule' argument. This rhetoric goes back to Reconstruction, when the Post Slavery Era saw the largest & fastest expansion of ANY GROUP in American History. The number of Black Landowners, Businessmen, & Politicians that rose to prominence from 1865- 1875 scared Whitefolk. The result was the rise of The KKK & Daughters Of The Confederacy, along w/ Black Codes; that stalled Black progressive efforts, while terrorizing Black Citizens under Local & State Law.
All of the individuals mentioned express some impending threat of Black 'Rage' & Violence. Meanwhile, Police Officers & Anti- Black Racist 'Vigilantes' are allowed to assault and kill Black Men & Women wantonly, and w/ impunity. This is by virtue of the Collective Silence of Mainstream America. It is especially important to take note of this, as America cultivates roughly 2 Million illegal immigrants, 100,000 Afgans, & 100,000 Ukrainians- All of whom identify as 'White'. As an Indigenous Black American, I sense a Lesson In American Protocol being taught: How to Engage Black America 101. Meanwhile, NO ONE of Any Ethnic Group can tell you about a Time when 'Black American Hegemony' ravished their Community, Town, or City...
These passive aggressive Anti- Black Racist types are a funny breed. They talk ad naseum about why they should be separate from Black America; but despite being far removed from ANY Black person, these people still can't seem to leave Us alone... Makes me question What Scott Adams & Co. are REALLY afraid of.
Yo! Did I hear Roland Martin say the words: 'Black First', in response 2 what he thinks Corporate Diversity Programs should look like? Seriously??? When did Roland get off the Diversity Bus? Remember when he couldn't tell Richard Spencer that he was a 'Black' Man? Dude was 'A Christian', 'A Man of God', (ect...) ANYTHING but a Black Man... Now 'Baron Von Butta Biscuit' is Black First? Bootlick opportunists like Roland R facing a larger narrative of 'Chickens coming home to Roost' w/i the Black Community. He won't B the last 'Snake' looking 2 Shed their Skin.
-Just Saying
So 'Jim Crow' Joe Biden can produce tangible legislation 4 Asian- Americans, European Jews, Illegal Immigrants, Latinx, LGBTQ..., Native Americans, & White Women; but all he can say about Black America, is his 'Child Tax Credit' Program has reduced poverty in Black Communities(?) Seriously though! What is 'Black specific' about that legislation? Isn't that a Program that All Americans w/ children benefit from? Dude sounds like he's still sitting @ the feet of Strum Thurman & Robert Eastland. Even LBJ understood that he had 2 give Black America 'The Basics'.
-Just Saying
The Difference between The Black Agenda & The Reparations Movement
Reparations Commissions are popping up across the Country, but none of them come close to addressing the true spirit of Reparations. There are several reasons for this:
Neither Democrats nor Republicans in Congress have a real interest in discussing Reparations; let alone dispensing anything tangible.
Minorities involved in these Reparations Projects have either tried to include their demographic into the discussion, or they have been against it.
Infighting amongst members of the ADOS, FBA, Freemen, & Indigenous Community have weakened the overall message of Reparations. The Masses don't realize that they are All THE SAME LINEAGE GROUP. This division weakens Our collective argument, but has allowed some to eat well over the past few Yrs.
Organizations like The NAACP, The Urban League, The National Action Network, NCOBRA, NAARC, & other like minded Groups have promoted a Trans Atlantic Reparations Agenda that ignores CARICOM. In effect, it 'Centers' Black Immigrants (including Afro Latinos) in the Black American Experience. Most arrived at least 10Yrs after Jim Crow ended- how do they qualify for American Reparations?
The recent kerfuffle over San Francisco NAACP President Rev. Amos Brown's rejection of that City's Reparations Proposal spotlights the problem w/ letting Our (so called) 'Established Leaders' drive the Reparations Bus. They drove the Bus into Our current situation, why should We expect anything different from them? Many of these individuals chose Corporate Donations over Black Community Development. They arent 'Leaders', they're Corporate Lobbyists. These are the Same People that let HR- 40 rot on the 'Social Action vine' for over 30Yrs; If they REALLY wanted Reparations...
Another issue, are the individuals & Organizations narrating 'The Black Agenda' into the Reparations Argument. They are separate & distinct. The White Noise of their rhetoric has confused The Masses, which weakens the magnitude of Our Fight. For the sake of clarity, I want to point out the difference between The Black Agenda & The Reparations Movement.
The Black Agenda, is an All inclusive Program for Black & Afrikan Americans, regardless of their Country of Origin. This includes Africans, Caribbeans, Afro Latinos, & Afro Asians. All of Us share in the current experience of being Black in America. It is an experience that is unique to Us, & is also what unites Us.
The Black Agenda is about Equity. America loves to promote 'Equality', but equal measure doesn't guarantee that Everyone will somehow end up on equal ground. We have been collectively marginalized in America, so it's only fair that they level the playing field. 'Rising Tide' Programs, like those offered by The Democratic Party are on the right track, but NONE take into account the fact that Black America needs an extra scoop of whatever they propose.
The Black Agenda deals w/ the issues of Community Development: Residential & Commercial/ Business Property Ownership, Job Development, Training & Employment Opportunities, Health Care & Mental Health Solutions, School Reform, After School Programs, Youth Empowerment, Visual & Performing Arts Programs, Daycare & Pre- K Programs, along w/ the necessary Community Boards needed to present these & other Community related issues to Local & State Agencies. The goal, is to improve the overall Quality of Life in Black Communities- up to the level of Every Other Community.
The Reparations Movement, is a specific call for American Society to pay their long overdue debt to American Descendants of Chattel Slavery. This Movement is about Indemnification. While Black America collectively deserves legislation, American Descendants Of Slavery deserve much more. The problem w/ EVERY Reparations Program offered so far, is they All ignore the fact that Reparations is a debt owed. They All read like Politicians are giving Blackfolk a hand out. These Programs also fall short on what is really owed.
A lot of numbers have been thrown around over the years, but I have consistently said that Final Reparations numbers will depend on WHO is held liable. If the U.S. Government alone is held liable, Reparations will probably be in the $18 Trillion- $22 Trillion range. If Corporations & Individual families are included, that number could reach $64 Trillion. That should give a clue to the extent of Exploitation, Theft, Terrorism & Oppression that Black America endured over the last 246Yrs- 400Yrs. American History is a chronicle of Anti- Black sentiment. Reparations Naysayers point out the impossibility of dispensing Trillions of Dollars, but a Multigenerational Reparations Program is an easy solution.
The Republican Party's outright refusal of, & The Democratic Party's attempt to graft Feminist & LGBTQ... rhetoric to Critical Race Theory (CRT), are attempts by both Parties to keep Mainstream America away from Our Nation's cruel & bloody past. They obviously fear divulging this history, because it will quell the Argument 'Against', as it strengthens the National Argument 'For' Reparations. The Immigrant Argument of 'I wasnt Here' becomes embarrassing, when We consider 2 facts:
It was Black American Labor that built America up & made it attractive (i.e. The Land of Milk & Honey) to Europeans, Asians, Latinos, Caribbeans, & Afrikans looking to start a New Life.
Black America is responsible for motivating ALL of the Immigration Initatives over the last 150Yrs; especially those since 1965.
It's only fitting for Immigrants living their American Dream (at another's expense) to pay tribute to the people who made that dream possible. I like the analogy of 'Inheriting an Old House'. The New Occupant didn't cause the wear & tear on the house, but that doesn't change the fact that they will have to invest the Time, Work, & Money needed to restore & maintain it. THAT, is the price of Occupancy.
Another thing to consider, is the fact that most Black Americans are descendants of Indigenous Americans or American Indians (Coppertoned Aborigines); not to be confused w/ 'Native Americans', who migrated from Siberia. Less than 10% of Transatlantic Slaves landed in North America. Our Ancestors were Prisoners Of War, that were forced into Indentured Servitude, & later Chattel Slavery on their Own Land. Census Records reveal the effort to hide Our lineage.
Starting w/ the 1790 Census, Indigenous indentured servants were reclassified as Negro & Colored. By the 1900 Census, Indigenous People were being punished for identifying as 'Indian'. They were forced to identify as Negro, Colored, or Mulatto. By the 1970 Census, We were designated 'Black'; & on the 1990 Census, We were labeled 'Afrikan American'... Out Of Afrika Theory is not only Culturally false, it now appears to be a ploy to get Us off of Our Land. We're looking to Afrika, while the Blood & Bones of Our Ancestors fertilize This Land. Our success in agriculture isn't an accident- We were Here for millennia!... I guess that adds an extra wrinkle to the Reparations Discussion.
It's Time for Us to link the moving parts of Our Lineage into Black Voltron, so We can get on w/ The Work. -Just Saying
A thought about 'Minority Groups'
As I said in previous Essays- while (Indigenous) Black Americans continue to get lip service & empty tributes, i'm looking at WHO is getting WHAT. There has been a lot of activity under The Biden Administration, & I found myself looking at these events from an abstract perspective. 'Jim Crow' Joe said that he appreciated Black America 'having His back' throughout the years, & he would have Ours. Since that statement, Native Americans, Asian Americans, Latinx (Citizens & Illegals), LGBTQ..., have All received legislation & funding. On top of the $113 Billion spent in Ukraine over the last Year, Israel continues to receive Billions annually from The U.S. Now provisions have been made for 100,000 Afghani & 100,000 Ukrainian refugees to relocate to America.
We Black Americans/ ADOS/ FBA/ Freemen/ Indigenous Americans can be a well intentioned, but socially naive group. The efforts of White Supremacists w/i Local, State, & Federal Government Agencies to systemically oppress Our Community has created a 'Collective Consciousness' that empathizes (abstractly) w/ the oppression of other Ethnicities. We can identify w/ the hardship of Others, & when possible, We do what We can to combat that hardship. We fought against the oppression of American Slave Codes, Black Codes, & Jim Crow Laws; simultaneously, We fought for The Rights of Irish, Chinese, Mexican, Jewish, Italian, Haitian, Cuban, Puerto Rican, Panamanian, Filipino, & Japanese immigrants that faced a measure of the oppression We experienced here.
Looking at this 'Collective Consciousness' historically, a Pattern can be seen over the centuries. Every Immigrant Group in America has gone through a 'Hazing Period', where they are the target of Social Bias & Prejudice. During this 'Social Phase', newcomers tend to identify w/ the Black Americans that they are in contact w/. We encircle these people w/i Our Community, & take the lead in protesting injustices against them. In the past, 'Brownfolk' tended to identify w/ Us. We shared Culture & Traditions; in some instances, we intermarried. In this Era, things have changed. If Black Immigrants & 'Brownfolk' start off in Black Communities, they don't always stay.
By the 2nd Generation, their children either identify w/ The Black Experience in America, or they make every effort to move away from it. Ethnic Enclaves have literally 'popped up' outside of Black Communities over the last 30Yrs, creating true Buffer Zones between Black & White Communities. Black America was oblivious to any possible agenda amongst Minority Groups- We also identified as Minorities, & assumed We were all in the same boat. Black Power isn't a selfish endeavor- Our Right of Autonomy grants other Minorities the same Right. American History substantiates this truth. To be honest, We were naively ignorant about the 'Culture' of these Minority Groups in their Native Land. We assumed they shared a similar experience of White Supremacy.
We knew about the Racism in Europe, but were unaware of the Tribalism that existed in Afrika & The Caribbean; or the Colorism that exists in Arabia, Asia, & Latin America. Many of the minorities that We had 'First Contact' w/, were friendly. As a Marginalized People, they had something in common w/ Us. We collaborated in business & in Social Action. We shared Our Community, & worked together to improve Our collective Quality of Life. We thought that We were united in the fight against White Supremacy. Then a funny thing happened- one by one, these 'Marginalized Groups' were accepted into Society, & given Rights & Privileges that We were (still) denied.
Over the Centuries, We watched- as Irish, Jewish & Italian neighbors elevated their status. The more they achieved, the more distance they placed between Us. Collectively, each group became increasingly intolerant of Blackfolk. They began to speak the Anti- Black rhetoric of Mainstream America. Our old neighbors appeared to 'pledge allegiance' to the same people that discriminated against them. Black Americans were now victims of mob violence, stemming from (perceived) competition that Irish & Italians had w/ Black Men for Jobs. The Irish in particular, were brutal in their efforts to push Black Men out of specific Trades & Sports. The only reminder of Black involvement in Horse Racing, are 'Lawn Jockeys', that many Black People see as racist. 150Yrs- 200Yrs ago, Black Jockeys dominated Horse Racing.
As disappointed as We were w/ the actions of the Irish, Italians, & Eastern Europeans, the current Anti- Black American sentiment held by today's 'Minority Groups' (POC), truly stings! We can't say that We didn't see it coming though. Many (Indigenous) Black Americans have an experience of being 'in the company' of a given Minority Group. When they are in mixed company, the conversation is civil; but when they outnumber Us, We begin to hear the stereotypes about Us. The larger the advantage, the more prejudiced the language becomes. While they may repeat White Supremacist talking points, they lack the power to truly be 'Racist'. That being said, quite a few individuals have ridden this rhetoric into Mainstream notoriety; the names represent a literal Who's Who in Pop Culture & Politics.
Collectively, these Minority Groups seem comfortable w/ their place in AmeriKKKa's Caste System, as long as they are 'positioned' above Black America... Hispanic & Asian women are currently testing the racial waters, by way of recent attempts to gauge their degree of White Privilege. Their actions legitimize the notion that White Privilege is defined by Anti- Black Racism & Oppression. The actions of these 'Karens of Color', are no different from the garden variety Karen. All of these women are trying to exercise their 'Right', but Women Of Color are also establishing their position in the Social Caste. I personally don't understand the need to gauge one's 'Power' on the ability to harass or harm what is believed to be a Soft Target. I thought that White Supremacy is a philosophy premised on strength & 'Might makes Right'- Where is the challenge?
Joe Biden's Policy actions have made clear his intention to extend White Privilege to Asians & Hispanics. Like (White) LGBTQ... individuals, & European Jews, Asians enjoy meaningful Hate Crime Legislation. Meanwhile, Black America still fights for this legislation, as the #1 Victim of Hate Crimes in America- according to the latest FBI Crime Stats. For Latinx, Biden is fast tracking Citizenship for illegal immigrants in Sanctuary Cities. Many Cities are suggesting Drivers Licenses for illegal immigrants, while California is talking about hiring non- Citizens for the LAPD & State Police. In short, 'America' has become a Multicultural & Multilingual Nation. All of this is very curious. Just a generation ago, Local, State, & Federal Officials were adamant that America is a 'Judeo- Christian' Nation that speaks 'English'. Efforts to make Spanish an Official 2nd Language were quickly shot down. 100Yrs ago, America was a 'White Man's Country!'.
Black Americans were looking for a Seat at The Table, but didn't have a problem sharing w/ Our fellow 'Minorities'. Affirmative Action was designed to level the playing field between Blackfolk & Whitefolk. It was supposed to make up for The New Deal & G.I. Bills that excluded Black Families. Despite this, We didn't complain when these resources were diverted (via Diversity Initiatives) away from Us, & given to people who NEVER had to experience what We went through. We were as compliant as Cows being bled by Vampire Bats, until We renewed the Reparations Conversation. Suddenly, We were xenophobes. The loudest voices have come from 2nd & 3rd generation Americans, who (collectively) enjoy a better Quality Of Life than the average Black American. The fact that the children of immigrants from the 1980s are now attacking Black America w/ White Supremacist talking points, is simply mindboggling!
An Ethnic Group that appears to do A LOT of 'Racial double dipping', are Hindi/ Pakistani/ Bangladeshi Americans. They are conveniently 'Black' when there is opportunity, but otherwise, they not only identify as 'White'; they subscribe to a visceral Anti- Black sentiment that needs to be addressed. This is important, because Joe Biden is putting Kamala Harris at the forefront of his Re-election Campaign. America is still calling Kamala the 1st 'Afrikan American VP', but both of her parents are Brahmin. Kamala's 'Black Experience' ends at Howard University & Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc. She is otherwise an Elitist, who has a decades long resume of undermining Black Californians (Black Women in particular), & looking out for her own best interests.
Former Governor of South Carolina & U.N. Ambassador, Nikki Haley (Nimarata Nikki Randhwara- Haley), is the flip side of Kamala Harris. Both Women are Brahmin, but while Kamala is 'Asian' w/ a cultural leaning towards Black America; Nikki is 'Brown', but has consistently shown a cultural leaning towards White Privilege. Both Women highlight a simple truth- that 'Black' Issues aren't 'Brown' Issues. People Of Color (POC/ BIPOC) tend to be victims of Discrimination, more than Racism. This is evidenced by their Collective Autonomy throughout America. They have a Right of Expression that Indigenous Black Americans never truly had; not even during Reconstruction. It may be due to their sovereign status, but it's clear that they DON'T share Our plight.
Vivek Ramaswamy is yet another type. He is a 2nd Generation child of [Elitist] Asian Immigrants, but he tries to weave an Ellis Island narrative out of his experience. Like Kamala Harris & Nikki Halely, both of Ramaswamy's parents were Post Graduates w/ more education than the average [White] American Family. He gives the impression that they were Blue Collar Workers living the American Dream for their children. Ramaswamy casually speaks about his 'rough' Public School experience in Cincinnati, before going to a Private (Jesuit) School- that 'didn't conflict w/ his Hindu values'. This experience supposedly positioned him for College, Post Grad work, & starting his 1st Biotech Company... He implies that EVERYONE gets this opportunity in America.
Kamala Harris' Mother had the support of the Black Community in Oakland & Berkeley. Nikki Haley's Father had the support of (HBCU) Voorhees College, where he worked for nearly 30Yrs. Despite that support for their Parents, Nikki Haley & Kamala Harris have done NOTHING meaningful or specifically for Black Americans. In fact, both have supported measures that were detrimental to their Black Constituents; i'm reminded of The Tale of 'The Tortoise & The Scorpion'... Vivek Ramaswamy takes it up another notch. His 'Anti- Woke' Campaign, is a not too subtle Anti- Black dog whistle. Ramaswamy has the audacity to use his Experience (as a 2nd Generation Brahmin- American) to minimize, if he can't outright disclaim The Black American Experience altogether.
Vivek Ramaswamy's family has been in America for roughly 40Yrs. That means that they arrived sometime in the 1980s, nearly 20Yrs after the End of the Jim Crow Era; but Vivek feels that he can speak about the History of Anti- Black Racism in America. Ramaswamy, along w/ Harris & Haley represent the 'People Of Color' Prospects for POTUS. The similarity of their Agendas speaks volumes. All of them benefited from opportunities meant for Blackfolk, but they lecture Us about 'bootstrapping'. Add in Joe Biden's thoughts about Latinx being 'the largest Minority Group in America'(???), along w/ weird Culture Appropriation rhetoric coming from Eva Longoria, then John Leguizamo, & it looks like a conspiracy.
It's crystal clear that collectively speaking, Indigenous Black America has NO FRIENDS. We should act accordingly... These Minority Groups forget that Our 'Culture' is fighting White Supremacy, not bowing to it. We're not Here for a Come Up, or a Hand Out- We're indigenous to This Land. We were Here before the first Colonizer, & We'll be Here long after the Last.
-Just Sayin'
Is ending Affirmative Action in College Admissions a bad thing?
I wanted to monitor any fallout resulting from the SCOTUS Decision on Affirmative Action before speaking on it. Watching Mainstream Media frame the narrative has been interesting. An assortment of News Anchors, across the Major News Networks have featured a variety of individuals to give 'their' perspective; but NONE of them appear to be Indigenous Black Americans. The Black Immigrants speaking on 'Our Behalf' do not share Our Experience of Racism in AmeriKKKa, so they offer a weak argument that can be easily picked apart.
None of the Black Immigrants interviewed mentioned White Supremacy by name. They speak of a 'Black' Experience in AmeriKKKa of discrimination & bias, but not the Systemic Racism that Indigenous Black Americans face. They also seem beholden to the forces of White Supremacy. The fact that Mainstream Media spotlights This Group to discuss Affirmative Action in College Admissions, is indicative of WHO has been chosen by these College Admission Boards over the decades.
Affirmative Action is being presented by Mainstream Media as a 'hand out' for Minority Groups, but this is completely false. Affirmative Action was designed specifically for American Descendants Of Chattel Slavery, as a compensation for being shut out of The New Deal & The G.I. Bill. Using Benign Neglect tactics, Liberal- Progressives [intentionally] transformed Affirmative Action into 'Diversity Initiatives for Minorities'; which benefited White Women, White LGBTQ..., & Disabled Whitefolk more than the Blackfolk that it was designed to help.
If 'The History of Race Relations in America' wasn't weaponized & repackaged as Critical Race Theory, The Public would have a clear understanding of what Affirmative Action is & why it is necessary. The Argument Against Affirmative Action in College Admissions largely comes from Asian Students that were denied Admissions to Harvard & The University Of North Carolina. The Students argued that they were discriminated against because of their Race, & the preponderance of this bias leads to Asians gaining Admission at a lower percentage than Any Other Group.
On ABC's 'This Week', Sherrilyn Ifill, of Howard University Law School explained how both UNC & Harvard held separate trials on the issue of Asian Admissions. In both Cases, Asians were NOT found to be underrepresented. 'The Real Dana', w/ Judge Joe Brown pointed out that Asian Attendance at Harvard is 27.7%, while 'Afrikan- Americans' are 9.9%, & Hispanics are 12%. The only group w/ a higher Admission Rate than Asians, are 'Harvard Legacies' [Whitefolk] at 38%... Judge Joe Brown gives background on the SCOTUS Decision, by explaining that it was inevitable.
He says that Affirmative Action was created w/ the intent of bringing Future Leaders of every Community into each other's orbit. Getting these individuals familiar w/ each other on the Collegiate Level, would benefit Society moving forward. Unfortunately, a group of Black (boule) students at U.C. Berkeley (19 Dental students, 19 Medical students- back in 1971) wanted Racial Quotas established for Berkeley Medical School. According to Judge Joe Brown, the measure was passed, despite going against California State Law (& 219 Black Law Students). This action changed Affirmative Action into a Racial Quota Program that was destined to end. Justice Sandra Day O'Connor famously quipped that Affirmative Action would end after 25Yrs, but the Original Construct barely lasted 10Yrs.
Throughout the 1970s & 1980s, Affirmative Action was stripped from the hands of Indigenous Black Americans that it was created to help, & given to an ever expanding number of Minority Groups. Today, Minorities have collected so many resources from Us, that They feel comfortable enough to speak for Black America. They [arrogantly] equate Our Experience w/ their Own. Nikki Haley, Vivek Ramaswamy, & Dinesh D'Souza are at the top; but there is a long list of Black Immigrants that also feel that They can speak for Us. Hint- If you can't say [Publicly] that White Supremacy is the underlying cause of Black Oppression in America, then you CANNOT speak for Us.
The SCOTUS Ruling on Affirmative Action in College Admissions has triggered expected reactions. Chief Justice John Roberts ruled on the grounds of the Color Blind intent(?) of The U.S. Constitution, so he needs to clarify. How does he explain Indigenous Blackfolk being relegated to 3/5ths of Humanity, in a (so- called) Color Blind Society? Justices Alito, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, & Coney- Barrett were expected to tow the Conservative Line. Justice Kagan was expected to tow the Liberal Line, but attention remained focused on Justices Thomas, Sotomayor, & Brown- Jackson. All three were beneficiaries of Affirmative Action; at least more clearly than Justice Kagan.
Justices Sotomayor, & Brown- Jackson both dissented w/ this Ruling. Justice Sonia Sotomayor offered what she called 'the most obvious data point available to this Institution today'. The Example of 3 Supreme Court Justices of Color. All graduates of elite universities & law schools that offered race conscious Admissions Programs, who went on to have successful legal careers. Justice Ketanji Brown- Jackson offered the additional commentary of the 'let them eat cake obliviousness' of the Majority, & 'ostrich like hope' that ignoring Race will somehow make racial inequities disappear.
Justice Thomas concurred w/ Chief Justice Roberts' Ruling, emphasizing the Race Neutral Argument. He went further, singling out Justice Brown- Jackson when he said: "As she sees things, we're all inexorably trapped in a fundamentally racist society". He goes on to accuse her of labelling All Black People as victims. Clarence Thomas has been under a microscope, ever since his ominous gay marriage comments following SCOTUS' repeal of Roe vs Wade. Reports of unethical behavior by Justice Thomas & his Wife, has kept him in the spotlight.
The dumpster dive into Clarence Thomas' Life has revealed that he has extremely low regard for Affirmative Action. He blames his trouble finding work, fresh out of Yale Law School w/ being typecasted as an Affirmative Action beneficiary. It's interesting how a former 'Black Panther sympathizer' never considered Race as a factor. It's said that Thomas affixed a 10 Cent Stamp to his Yale Law Degree- claiming that thanks to Affirmative Action, that's all it's worth. Ironically, despite Clarence Thomas' (nearly obsessive) desire to prove himself on his own merits, EVERY JOB that he landed in the Law Profession, was predicated on his Race.
I'm not a fan of Ketanji Brown- Jackson, but I agree w/ her more than I agree w/ Clarence Thomas. His condescending tone towards her reminds me of Anita Hill- another Black Woman w/ a Legal Mind superior to his. Both women make Thomas look like a 'mental midget', & he KNOWS it. All of the attention that Justice Thomas is getting is jeopardizing his usefulness. White Supremacy moves in the shadows; the spotlight on the 'excess' of Justices Thomas & Alito will likely affect the future of SCOTUS. This may explain the effort to show that the Justices found consensus in most of the Cases they preside over.
From an Indigenous Black American perspective, the issue of ending Affirmative Action in College Admissions is moot. It hasn't benefited Us specifically in over 30Yrs. The fact that Asian students are the protagonists of this move is gut busting! The Asian presence on College Campuses is literally 4X their percentage of the American population. I guess they don't understand that this action will reduce their presence on College Campuses. I wasn't aware of the number of Asian students that lie & cheat to get into College; the extra scrutiny expected from the SCOTUS Ruling will certainly affect those individuals.
Some are saying that Black American students should look to HBCUs, but Indigenous Black Americans, as a group, have been unable to afford HBCU tuitions for over 30Yrs. The majority of the students on these Campuses, like the majority of Black students on Ivy League Campuses, are Black Immigrants. They are being prepped to become the Joy Reid, Roland Martin, Barack Obama, & Kamala Harris of the future. Their experience/ perspective once again, is of discrimination & bias, not Systemic Racism & White Supremacy. These are the folks that allow People Of Color/ Brownfolk to pass racist remarks w/o 'putting them in perspective'.
Affirmative Action Programs & the Diversity Initiatives that they were repackaged as, offered Minorities an enormous 'hand up' over the last 45+Yrs. Post Vietnam, Immigrants were offered what Professor Black Truth calls: 'goodies giveaways & guarantees' that Indigenous Black Americans were promised, but never received. Immigrant Enclaves began popping up, as thriving Black Communities began to decay. Is it a coincidence that many of the new store owners in Our Community were inhabitants of these Enclaves; in areas that were former Sundown Towns?
The AmeriKKKan Government is making it abundantly clear that it is Green Light Go! w/ the campaign of Anti Black Racism. Using their 'Model Minority' as a proxy may surprise the newcomers, but those of Us w/ Blood & Bones in the soil have been foretelling how THIS will be White Supremacy's Method of Attack. Ending Affirmative Action in College Admissions will inevitably lead to the End of Affirmative Action altogether. I say good! It has been an albatross around Our Collective Neck. We get the accusations of tokenism & mediocrity, while others reaped the benefits. Let All of the minorities earn their keep- No More Free Milk from Black America! Get your own legislation, & we'll get Ours.
The March On Washington 60Yrs later- What does it mean?
Mainstream Media is almost tripping over themselves to celebrate the 60th Anniversary of The March On Washington... Seriously?! Black America is WORSE OFF now, than We were 60Yrs ago! We're still being oppressed by the Same Institutions that Dr. King & 'The Big 6' were marching to protest. I respect my Elder, but Andrew Young is speaking for himself when he says he's 'No ways tired'- more than a few of Us are Sick & Tired of being sick & tired!
U KNOW Mainstream Media had to play Dr. King's 'I have a Dream' speech; I think it's the only MLK Speech allowed. Maybe its just me, but the crowd participating in this 'Event' looked as disingenuous as the Event itself. Why were they there? What are they celebrating? They remind me of the Yuppies that make their pilgrimage to Newburg, N Y. to celebrate the glory & wonder of Woodstock; but the Event itself was a literal Mud Bowl that tested the resolve of the Attendees.
The Kumbaya Coalition looked happy to be part of 'History', but do they understand The History? The individuals that were interviewed ran the usual talking points of 'I have a dream'; are they aware that Dr. King famously said that he 'feared integrating Us into a burning building'? He also said that 'America owes Us a debt & We're coming to Washington to collect Our Check'. Once again, I feel like Black American Culture is being looted to suit another's purpose. MLK is being lauded, but he's just a prop. At the time of his assassination, Dr. King was disliked by 2/3rds of America. Over 160 Newspapers denounced him.
The 'Cloth' of Black American Culture is literally being removed from Us & placed on other groups. First Barack Obama calls his Immigration Policy: 'The Dream Act', & labels the children of Illegal Immigrants 'Dreamers'. Next, (White) LGBTQ... Individuals appropriate Civil Rights to normalize a Counter Culture. NOTHING is politically 'Black Specific', Everything is 'Black & Brown'; meanwhile, Latinx, & Asian Americans get specificity for their respective communities. It's the same thing w/ The Congressional Black Caucus (CBC). Their Mission Statement offers more to Immigrants, than the Black Americans that put them in Office.
As an Indigenous Black American, I feel an all out effort to remove & replace my lineage group. Efforts to rewrite American History, as it relates to Anti- Black Racism is gaining traction. Democrats & Republicans appear to be in agreement w/ placing Illegal Immigrants in Black Communities & instigating competition between Us for the same resources. Los Angeles was just The Beginning. The blatant culture appropriation by folks that We thought were 'Family', is forcing Us to revisit John Henrik Clarke's assessment (30Yrs ago) that: 'We don't have any friends'.
-It doesn't look good.