mismagician - I Havent A Clue
I Havent A Clue


7 posts

Mismagician - I Havent A Clue - Tumblr Blog

6 months ago

If I had no morals and an IQ higher than 56 I’d make such a good super villain.

7 months ago

I see your ‘Sun/moon ship dynamic,’ and raise you ‘binary stars dynamic’ as in— we orbit each other. We stay in place and keep moving for the other because they won’t stop pulling us in and we won’t stop chasing them. We will draw each other closer and closer until we merge together and explode into a single, beautiful nebula made of our combined star dust. And the nebula is beautiful because it’s us together, because we were always meant to rip ourselves apart to put ourselves back together as one. We are on a path of mutually assured destruction but we can’t turn back now. it’s already happened. It hasn’t happened yet… but it will.

We are in love, after all.

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7 months ago

Whenever ao3 is down I go to tumblr to watch the girlies freak out and run around like its a city-wide blackout till the sun comes up and we can go back to loving thy neighbor and using microwaves again.

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8 months ago

No because the show isn’t even that good. It’s actually objectively bad. But at the core of it stands two men with such a complex and beautifully earnest bond it will keep the yaoi fans going for generations.

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8 months ago
8 months ago

Do you ever think about when Rose got trapped in Pete’s World at the end of Doomsday, she might have waited for the rift to open again? That she would wait for Ten to come get her? And if someone tried to pry her away from the wall she wouldn’t let go. She would kick and scream and cry and eventually just sit in silence. For hours. That there must’ve been a moment, one single moment after hours of her waiting and hoping against all odds, that she knew he wasn’t coming to get her.

…And that the moment would’ve happened after five and a half hours.

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11 months ago

I can’t explain it but— this man? This man became 50x hotter when his life fell apart.

I Cant Explain It But This Man? This Man Became 50x Hotter When His Life Fell Apart.
I Cant Explain It But This Man? This Man Became 50x Hotter When His Life Fell Apart.

(he got shot in the head)

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