miss-conner3 - miss_conner3

1) Instagram 2) Twitter 3) Archive of Our Own 4) Deviantart I love stories / I like to draw / I want to write / My hobby is putting together AU's in my mind. Currently with 25 years old.

477 posts

Have You Thought About Posting Some Of Your Art On The Offical Cotl Subreddit On Reddit? You Might Get

Have you thought about posting some of your art on the offical cotl subreddit on reddit? You might get alot of reach there with your content. Sometime the devs even comment on people's post and or artwork.

Wait... can I do that? (OoO)

Uhmm, although that sounds good, I guess I don't want my art to have that much reach hehe

I'm somewhat shy, and I think I'm fine with the reach my art has achieved so far.

But thanks for the suggestion (ouo)/

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More Posts from Miss-conner3

8 months ago



Our next Free Major Content Update! 🌟

Play Cult of the Lamb with you and a friend with LOCAL CO-OP! 🎮👫

Have no friends because everyone hates you? 😗 boooo
Well, that's okay because there is much, much more in this update for you too. pic.twitter.com/dOpPUpVAx2

— Cult of the Lamb (@cultofthelamb) June 8, 2024

I want to scream, but I'll say “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!”, like an excited fan, because that's what I am XD

I don't know what I'm saying anymore (>x<)


¡I have to draw it!

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9 months ago


Firstly, I’d like to start by saying I love your art and I will definitely check out your fics.

Secondly, I’m extremely curious about something I saw in your post in IG. It said that Nando was 10% lamb (or was it sheep? I’m not sure, I’m sorry).

This brings me to my questions, what do you mean he’s only 10%? Could it be that he’s mixed? Or is he mixed? (As of “half-animal/half-spiritual something).

That is all :)! Thank you for bringing light to the fandom, it is such an awesome experience to have talented people like you in this growing community.

Otra cosa, por alguna razón cada vez que veo al cordero y a Ando lo primero que se me viene a la cabeza es “¡Hola, somos los hermanos Arturos!”. HAHAHAHAHA perdón si es bien random.

¡Hello! Sorry for the delay in responding, life has me busy XD

First of all, thank you very much. I'm glad to know that there are people who like my drawings (ouo)/ ¡They make my day!

Although I think I'll disappoint you with the fics, I don't write very often, and what I have is more Invader Zim than anything else. Oops XP

Secondly, welcome to my Tumblr; not many of my IG come here that I know of <(ovo)>

As for your question, you're in luck; someone asked something similar right here –(^u^)/

¡Thank you for asking and for your nice words!

I'm shy, so I don't know what else to say, but again, ¡thank you! (>w<)

Sí, es un poco random. Jeje no entendí la referencia XD

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9 months ago
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

Summary: An introspection of the last moments of the life of a sheep named Ando.

An introspection of the last moments of Ando's life—it is not all, but it is something.

Answering questions about him inspired me, so here I bring you this little story (ouo)

¡I hope you like it!

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10 months ago

Hi I'm here to ask a question in regards of Ando. I noticed in your recent pic of them the lamb gave him a golden necklace presumably. How does Ando feel about having immortality given (or forced) on him?

Also as another side question. (You don't have to answer this one if you dont want to) what would the lamb do if someone tried to hurt or kill their brother (or if their brother tried to harm themselves in a dark senerio).

I'll answer the first question according to where we are in the story shown so far, which is where Ando is introduced to the cult and begins to seriously wonder where the heck he and his brother are.

With that clear, I would say that the only thing Ando thought was that this necklace was extremely expensive, due to the fact that it is made of gold. So he would feel that he couldn't use anything so valuable in such a careless manner.

Although before wanting to return the necklace, his brother would assure him with a smile that this was simply a gift that is customary to give in this place.

A gift that is only given to siblings.

So Ando, trusting his word and considering the value that the necklace given to him must have, wouldn't ask anything else.

As for knowing if this necklace gives him immortality, he wouldn't find out about that until a long time later.

This is because currently in the cult there are few people who have this type of necklace, and luckily for the lamb, they are not kind enough to reveal something so obvious to our clueless Ando.

Well, at least for now.

As for the second question, possibly the lamb would give a difficult time to those who dare to touch his family member; after everything he did to bring him back, he would not leave the aggressors alone.

As for the scenario where Ando would want to harm himself, let's say that, even though the lamb hates seeing others harm him, as long as it is his brother's will, the lamb would not interfere.

After all… he made sure that Ando could never give up on life.

Even if he decided to give it up.

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