The Little Bubble Au - Tumblr Posts

10 months ago
En Espaol: Aqu
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En Espaol: Aqu
En Espaol: Aqu
En Espaol: Aqu
En Espaol: Aqu

En Español: Aquí

The Immortality Necklace, better known in the cult as a gift only for siblings.

"...currently in the cult there are few people who have this type of necklace, and luckily for the lamb, they are not kind enough to reveal something so obvious to our clueless Ando. Well, at least for now."

Fragment of the answer I gave to a question I received on Tumblr.

And I couldn't stand it anymore (owo)

I had to draw it.

¡I hope you like it!

Extra: I realized something, so I made a gif for it (ouo)/

I want to say video, because adding audio changed that idea XD

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10 months ago


Firstly, I’d like to start by saying I love your art and I will definitely check out your fics.

Secondly, I’m extremely curious about something I saw in your post in IG. It said that Nando was 10% lamb (or was it sheep? I’m not sure, I’m sorry).

This brings me to my questions, what do you mean he’s only 10%? Could it be that he’s mixed? Or is he mixed? (As of “half-animal/half-spiritual something).

That is all :)! Thank you for bringing light to the fandom, it is such an awesome experience to have talented people like you in this growing community.

Otra cosa, por alguna razón cada vez que veo al cordero y a Ando lo primero que se me viene a la cabeza es “¡Hola, somos los hermanos Arturos!”. HAHAHAHAHA perdón si es bien random.

¡Hello! Sorry for the delay in responding, life has me busy XD

First of all, thank you very much. I'm glad to know that there are people who like my drawings (ouo)/ ¡They make my day!

Although I think I'll disappoint you with the fics, I don't write very often, and what I have is more Invader Zim than anything else. Oops XP

Secondly, welcome to my Tumblr; not many of my IG come here that I know of <(ovo)>

As for your question, you're in luck; someone asked something similar right here –(^u^)/

¡Thank you for asking and for your nice words!

I'm shy, so I don't know what else to say, but again, ¡thank you! (>w<)

Sí, es un poco random. Jeje no entendí la referencia XD

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10 months ago

I proceed to go crazy (oOo) AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH! My sheep!! XD They both look so cute!! X3 I love it! I love it! thank you! you made my day! (QwQ)/

Art Blast!! pt2

We continue

Long post notice

Art Blast!! Pt2


Art Blast!! Pt2


Art Blast!! Pt2


Art Blast!! Pt2


Art Blast!! Pt2


Art Blast!! Pt2


Art Blast!! Pt2


Art Blast!! Pt2


Art Blast!! Pt2


Art Blast!! Pt2


Art Blast!! Pt2


Art Blast!! Pt2


Art Blast!! Pt2


Art Blast!! Pt2


Art Blast!! Pt2


Art Blast!! Pt2


Art Blast!! Pt2

@themilkiemooth I forgot to put a comment on this one! Just I wanted to say… FLUFFY!

Art Blast!! Pt2


Art Blast!! Pt2


Art Blast!! Pt2
Art Blast!! Pt2

@xmajordumps Two versions because I didn't decide wich one i liked more

Art Blast!! Pt2


Man… i can barely feel my hand now hehe

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10 months ago

How would ando deal with the existencal horror of his brother never ever letting him die?

¡A question related to one of the central points of the AU! (OoO)

Happy and conflicted because answering your question would be a kind of spoiler, but maybe I can answer part of it in a different way (ouo)/

¡Here it goes!~

How Would Ando Deal With The Existencal Horror Of His Brother Never Ever Letting Him Die?

As I mentioned before, Ando is still not aware of what his brother did to him to bring him back, and even less that his brother has him tied to life for "a reason" that I have yet to draw <(ouo)>

(That also includes how Ando would react to knowing this, sorry.)

But what I can say is that whatever the lamb has done will have consequences.

Both for him and for Ando.

At some point, I will talk more about this, but for now, this is all (owo)

¡Thanks for asking, and sorry for the wait! (>//<)/

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9 months ago

¿Should I make an animatic?

I have like three songs floating around in my head and two audios for my AU and I just keep asking myself "¿do you want to draw and draw to capture this idea?"

And I say: Maybe… yeah… uhm…

…I have to think about it more

Although the idea is strong

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9 months ago

will there be Leshycat?

That was the idea... but you see...

To help me with the personality of my followers, I decided to base it on the behaviors that I have seen in my first cult. I have a select group of whom I want to star in some things, but getting back to the topic, I added my first yellow cat among them.

And bless that cat—he turned into a flirt.

He made out with almost all of my followers with long-life necklaces, focusing almost specifically on my two strongest followers up to that point: my right-hand man (the loyalty enforcer) and my best friend (the tax enforcer).

All of this happened while my yellow cat was a newcomer.

I was amazed, and thanks to that, his personality was defined this way:

He is an opportunist who is motivated by interest and uses his charms to get what he wants. However, he is no fool and will not push at the risk of his own safety.

So, taking this into account, I think that if something were to happen between my yellow cat and Leshy, it would be more because the yellow cat himself wanted it that way.

But for now, I would say they are just "friends”.

Although, yes, I would love for them to be lovers.

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9 months ago

I know this has absolutely no chance of ever happening in your main au but like in another universe would Ando and the Goat ever have a chance of becoming an item?

Hey, you reminded me of an idea I already had XD

I Know This Has Absolutely No Chance Of Ever Happening In Your Main Au But Like In Another Universe Would
I Know This Has Absolutely No Chance Of Ever Happening In Your Main Au But Like In Another Universe Would

I wouldn't say they would become "something,” but I wouldn't say there wouldn't be interest on the goat's part either.

Although the idea would not fascinate my lamb so much (owo)

I Know This Has Absolutely No Chance Of Ever Happening In Your Main Au But Like In Another Universe Would

Just saying, haha.

¡Thanks for asking!

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9 months ago

Do you have anymore lore for your au?

Assuming you're asking about The Little Bubble AU...

The answer is yes (ouo)

I have some things accumulated and ideas that need to be refined, although I'm already telling you that the order of events or data related to the main AU canon will not be a priority.

That means I can start posting scenes from the past before those from the present, and vice versa.

At the moment, I'm working on something related to the main lore of The Little Bubble AU.

A little story starring the lamb, but that's all I can say about it (ovo)

Given that I wouldn't want to ruin the surprise...

So, wait for it (OuU)/

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8 months ago

Does Ando ever get a spouse in the main AU?

At the moment there are no marriage plans for Ando, but I might consider it…

Although what I can confirm is that he will have a small "crush" with someone from the cult (owo)

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8 months ago

Hey so, first, ur art is beautifull!

Also I love your Narilamb dynamic, its like, everytime I see it I feel my heart melt for the extreme sweetness of it.

And the second thing, if it isnt something that you are waiting to reveal… Could you give us some details about how are the relations in the cult? Like how does Ando reacia to his (Official?) brother in law, and the same with Narinder and the bishops.

I cant wait to see how this history develops!

First of all...

Aweawae thanks (QwQ)

I like knowing that people like my art, so thank you very much (>\\<)

It also makes me happy to know that you like my Narilamb dynamic. I've noticed that a lot of people like cuteness, so... I'll continue with that along with its due doses of comedy (UuU)/

And maybe anguish... when I know how to do it well...


That is precisely one of the things I want to present separately. I am referring to the interactions that Ando has with the rest of the cult, more specifically with the closest followers of the Lamb.

Although I think I mentioned something about it here.

So there is already an idea for that, one that I need to polish before I can share it with you (ouo)

As for Narinder and the bishops… that is also something I want to deal with separately.

What I can say right now is that this AU focuses more on the theme of family and friendship; there is love, of course, but not from who you imagine.

At least not yet.

As for Ando, well, he may end up discovering a thing or two as he is allowed to interact with more people. Whether inside or outside the cult.

But apart from that…

I would like to mention that this story will also be told from the lamb's point of view, as I want to show both the life he previously had through Ando as well as the life that led him to bring him back.

I hope I have answered you well and once again...

¡Thanks for asking! (^u^)/

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7 months ago
Sometimes Narinder Just Needs A Change Of Pace.
Sometimes Narinder Just Needs A Change Of Pace.

“Sometimes Narinder just needs a change of pace.”

I drew this as fast as I could XD

First time drawing Kori /(>u<)\

¡I hope you like it!

Feeling lonely, catboy? Has your lamb not looked at you for a feasible amount of time before you need to push them away? Would you like to fulfill the fantasy of holding their hand without the repercussion of what it could mean?

Then look no further!

Feeling Lonely, Catboy? Has Your Lamb Not Looked At You For A Feasible Amount Of Time Before You Need

With the small amount of 100 gold pieces, I can provide all the lamb services you could ever desire! Reblog to share this to all the lonely Narinders before mine shows up.

(he's on a mission for three days, so make it worth my time)

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7 months ago
En Espaol: Aqu
En Espaol: Aqu
En Espaol: Aqu
En Espaol: Aqu

En Español: Aquí

"Descending Ascension"

Context: When the last piece falls into place, the lamb makes the greatest sacrifice he has ever made.

Or also when my lamb decides to renounce his divinity in order to bring his older brother back <(ouo)>

The lyrics were taken from the song "Get Your Hands Dirty" by Malia Baker.

I liked the rhythm (>u<)

I hope you like it!

Extra: Textless version because... yes XD

En Espaol: Aqu
En Espaol: Aqu
En Espaol: Aqu
En Espaol: Aqu

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7 months ago
Context: As Ando Begins To Think About The Repercussions Of Accepting A Follower's Request, The Lamb

Context: As Ando begins to think about the repercussions of accepting a follower's request, the lamb prepares to receive his first client… hoping that his announcement has gone unnoticed.

“Kissing Booth of the Cult of the Two Sheep” Located in a common tent and managed by the lamb and his older brother, it offers kisses, hugs, and hand-holding. All for the modest price of 5,000 gold coins. Any species is welcome. But it is warned not to exceed the limits already mentioned unless one of the two sheep agrees.

Reblog and participate in this curious booth.

Don't miss it 6(Ou<)9

Edited: Finally Closed <(ouo)/

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7 months ago
That's Pretty Sweet Of Your Narinder (owo)

That's pretty sweet of your Narinder (owo)

So here's a hug for your lamb, for 20,000 gold coins.


Anyway, ¡I hope you like it!

Context: As Ando Begins To Think About The Repercussions Of Accepting A Follower's Request, The Lamb

Context: As Ando begins to think about the repercussions of accepting a follower's request, the lamb prepares to receive his first client… hoping that his announcement has gone unnoticed.

“Kissing Booth of the Cult of the Two Sheep” Located in a common tent and managed by the lamb and his older brother, it offers kisses, hugs, and hand-holding. All for the modest price of 5,000 gold coins. Any species is welcome. But it is warned not to exceed the limits already mentioned unless one of the two sheep agrees.

Reblog and participate in this curious booth.

Don't miss it 6(Ou<)9

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7 months ago
They Are Happy And Surprised That There Are Customers Who Are Encouraged To Buy At These Prices XD

They are happy and surprised that there are customers who are encouraged to buy at these prices XD

A hug for 5,000 gold coins for your lamb.

Thanks for coming! (OuO)/

Context: As Ando Begins To Think About The Repercussions Of Accepting A Follower's Request, The Lamb

Context: As Ando begins to think about the repercussions of accepting a follower's request, the lamb prepares to receive his first client… hoping that his announcement has gone unnoticed.

“Kissing Booth of the Cult of the Two Sheep” Located in a common tent and managed by the lamb and his older brother, it offers kisses, hugs, and hand-holding. All for the modest price of 5,000 gold coins. Any species is welcome. But it is warned not to exceed the limits already mentioned unless one of the two sheep agrees.

Reblog and participate in this curious booth.

Don't miss it 6(Ou<)9

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7 months ago
Our First Kiss! (OoO)

¡Our First Kiss! (OoO)

Note how the lamb is shocked to remember that they also offer kisses… Hahaha

A kiss for 5,000 gold coins for your goat.

I hope you like it (UvU)

Context: As Ando Begins To Think About The Repercussions Of Accepting A Follower's Request, The Lamb

Context: As Ando begins to think about the repercussions of accepting a follower's request, the lamb prepares to receive his first client… hoping that his announcement has gone unnoticed.

“Kissing Booth of the Cult of the Two Sheep” Located in a common tent and managed by the lamb and his older brother, it offers kisses, hugs, and hand-holding. All for the modest price of 5,000 gold coins. Any species is welcome. But it is warned not to exceed the limits already mentioned unless one of the two sheep agrees.

Reblog and participate in this curious booth.

Don't miss it 6(Ou<)9

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7 months ago
It Was Time For The Brothers To Take A Little Break. Thank You Very Much For Suggesting It (ouo)/

It was time for the brothers to take a little break. Thank you very much for suggesting it (ouo)/

A tea break for 5,000 gold coins.

I hope you like it (Ou<)

¡Now back to work!

Context: As Ando Begins To Think About The Repercussions Of Accepting A Follower's Request, The Lamb

Context: As Ando begins to think about the repercussions of accepting a follower's request, the lamb prepares to receive his first client… hoping that his announcement has gone unnoticed.

“Kissing Booth of the Cult of the Two Sheep” Located in a common tent and managed by the lamb and his older brother, it offers kisses, hugs, and hand-holding. All for the modest price of 5,000 gold coins. Any species is welcome. But it is warned not to exceed the limits already mentioned unless one of the two sheep agrees.

Reblog and participate in this curious booth.

Don't miss it 6(Ou<)9

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7 months ago
Happy To Provide Hugs At The Right Price (owo)

Happy to provide hugs at the right price (owo)

So here's a hug for 10,000 gold coins.

¡Hope you like it!

Note: We're already halfway through, great (ouo)


Context: As Ando Begins To Think About The Repercussions Of Accepting A Follower's Request, The Lamb

Context: As Ando begins to think about the repercussions of accepting a follower's request, the lamb prepares to receive his first client… hoping that his announcement has gone unnoticed.

“Kissing Booth of the Cult of the Two Sheep” Located in a common tent and managed by the lamb and his older brother, it offers kisses, hugs, and hand-holding. All for the modest price of 5,000 gold coins. Any species is welcome. But it is warned not to exceed the limits already mentioned unless one of the two sheep agrees.

Reblog and participate in this curious booth.

Don't miss it 6(Ou<)9

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7 months ago
The Brothers Are A Bit Small, But They Will Do What They Can \(ouo)/

The brothers are a bit small, but they will do what they can \(ouo)/

So here's a hug for Feannor for 5,000 gold coins.

¡Hope you like it! (>u<)/


Context: As Ando Begins To Think About The Repercussions Of Accepting A Follower's Request, The Lamb

Context: As Ando begins to think about the repercussions of accepting a follower's request, the lamb prepares to receive his first client… hoping that his announcement has gone unnoticed.

“Kissing Booth of the Cult of the Two Sheep” Located in a common tent and managed by the lamb and his older brother, it offers kisses, hugs, and hand-holding. All for the modest price of 5,000 gold coins. Any species is welcome. But it is warned not to exceed the limits already mentioned unless one of the two sheep agrees.

Reblog and participate in this curious booth.

Don't miss it 6(Ou<)9

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7 months ago
Without Money There Are No Kisses.

Without money there are no kisses.

But thanks for coming (^u^)/


Context: As Ando Begins To Think About The Repercussions Of Accepting A Follower's Request, The Lamb

Context: As Ando begins to think about the repercussions of accepting a follower's request, the lamb prepares to receive his first client… hoping that his announcement has gone unnoticed.

“Kissing Booth of the Cult of the Two Sheep” Located in a common tent and managed by the lamb and his older brother, it offers kisses, hugs, and hand-holding. All for the modest price of 5,000 gold coins. Any species is welcome. But it is warned not to exceed the limits already mentioned unless one of the two sheep agrees.

Reblog and participate in this curious booth.

Don't miss it 6(Ou<)9

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