| Female | Adult | Artist/Writer/Hobbyist | Just a gal that enjoys cute and sexy things, obsesses over fictional characters, and loves drawings OCs/Self-Inserts
827 posts
Those People Who Constantly Reblog Your Stuff But You Never Really Talk:

Those people who constantly reblog your stuff but you never really talk:
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More Posts from Mochaachuu
MC Caring About the Boys (SFW/NSFW)
So I had this idea: what if the demon boys had some sort of injury/illness/whatever and MC had to care about them? Enjoy!
He was putting some demon in their place and got minor injuries during the process - nothing serious to him but you can spot a wound on his hand right away.
“Calm down” he says in an annoyed manner but deep down he likes the fact that you care.
He’d never expect you to run this fast to him just to check if he is okay. He suppresses the desire to squeeze you in his arms and tries to remain cool and reserved.
Tries to hide his hand behind his back as you are reaching to it with the bandage. His pride won’t allow him to admit any weaknesses - especially in front of you.
Finally gives in with a sigh and holds out his hand so you can take care of it. Is quite sceptical about your help but still gives it a try.
Blushes a bit and is amazed at how soft and soothing your touch is.
Hates to admit it but he wants you to touch him more.
As you are occupied with his wounds and bangade, he can’t help but fantasize about you exploring more of his body… and in many different ways.
Composedly thanks you for your help but suddenly grabs your waist and pulls you close.
“I need to thank my doctor” he hums as his hands explore your body.
The boy is a walking disaster so no wonder he always has random bruises.
Was probably trying to steal something from Asmo’s room and got under a curse.
“AAARGH” he yells and rubs his forehead.
There is quite a big scratch on it and it seems to bleed.
You pass by and see Mammon on the floor, rubbing his forehead.
He is super confused and tries to hide it with fake “Whadda ya want, human? Mind your own business!”
But you don’t buy it because you know him too well. Instead, you sit down and reach for your backpack. There must be a band aid in it.
Mammon sits silently as you accurately put the band aid on his scratch. He will never admit it but he wants you to pamper him and care for him.
You catch his eye and see that he is staring at you in sheer admiration.
You slightly kiss his forehead and smile - he immediately turns bright red and mumbles “Great Mammon will not forget your assistance, human”.
Deep down, he wishes he had a more serious injury so you could stay by his side a bit longer.
Nothing serious - he just got a headache from playing too many games non-stop.
You enter his room because you wanted to borrow some manga and you see him lying on the bed and frowning.
“What do you want, human?” He sounds more annoyed than he should but you don’t take it seriously and sit down near him.
He tries to hide his face but then gives in and admits he has a very strong headache.
You place your hand on his forehead and he blushes so hard his skin basically burns under your fingers.
He is doing his best not to move at all because he loves how your touch feels - but is scared that if he changes his position for an inch, you’ll remove your hand.
“It’s a bit better” He mumbles. “But can you maybe sit with me for a bit more?”
Satan was trying to rescue a cat and got rewarded with deep scratches.
He hisses as he is trying to wash the wounds and suddenly notices you standing by his side.
He raises his brow at you asking if he needs help but agrees. After all, he doesn’t turn down any kind of assistance, be it from demons or humans.
Is surprised by how gentle and accurate you are but doesn’t say a word. He just observes you with a faint smile.
You are done - quicker than he thought! The scratches don’t hurt but he really wants you to stay and can’t think of a valid reason to make you stay.
You see the expression on his face and decide to ask if there is anything else you can do for him.
“Maybe you can make me a company while I read?” He prompts and his heart misses a beat when you agree. He will make sure to make the most out of the time spent with you.
Do you really expect Asmo to get hurt or injured? No way such a graceful demon ever gets even a minor cut or bruise! No, dear, leave it to his clumsy brothers.
A little accident happened though - he spent too much time outside and his skin got all dry. You heard him sighing and sobbing about it while walking past his room.
When you enter the room (knocking first, of course!, he tries to hide his face.
You gently take his hand and assure him that he is still the jewel of Devildom and that such little accident cannot make him look worse. In fact, with your help, he can shine even brighter!
Asmo immediately lits up when he hears that - especially that you are next to him and take your time to comfort him!
“Oh my sweet baby” he showers you with kisses, forgetting about his problem. “How can you be so caring and SO seductive at the same time?”
He wants you in his bed right now - but first you need to promise you will help him come up with a new skin care routine afterwards.
Beel is the star of the team so injuries are a common thing. This time, he just strained his leg.
He somehow made it to his room but it hurts real bad so he can’t walk to the kitchen. He decides to text you and ask for help.
As soon as he sees you rushing in his room, he smiles widely. You care so much and it really warms his heart. He forgets about his pain for a moment and wants to hug you and care for you instead.
You stand your ground though - he needs medical assistance! And food, of course.
He sends you down for some food while he will be taking care of his leg. His first aid kit is right here, besides his bed.
You come back with arms full of snacks to see that he did, in fact, keep his promise - put bandage on his leg and took some medicine.
You sit on the bed beside him and feed him with snacks, stroking his hand at the same time.
Suddenly, he grabs your arm and pulls you closer. “Can I kiss you?” he asks quietly, staring at your lips in admiration.
You nod and he passionately kisses you, squeezing you tight in his hands.
You can feel something… hard under the blanket. He catches your eye and gives you a guilty smile - but you are open to alternative medicine, you know?
Belphie got in a fight in school and is not in the mood so he heads straight to the attic.
You find him there as you were calling for everyone for dinner.
He is annoyed and tries to snap at you but you know him too well. So you get under the blanket and start playing with his hair.
He sighs and turns his face to you. Nothing serious - just a few bruises but you are still worried.
He laughs at seeing this worried expression on your face but tries to be nice and thanks you for caring.
You ask if you can do anything for him - and oh yes, you can!
It involves staying in bed for some time and getting rid of few clothes but he insists it will instantly make him feel better. You don’t have a choice but to give in.

🌸💖How the Gang enjoys being cuddled 💖🌸
Lucifer: in public, he won't touch you except maybe letting you hold his arm. In private, he loves any position that lets him feel able to protect his darling. Spooning, sitting in his lap, and generally having an arm around your waist included.
Mammon: in public, he's very affectionate. Hugs, slinging an arm around your shoulders, etc. In private, he enjoys being the little spoon. Something important to be doted on since his brothers really don't.
Leviathan: don't try touching him in public. You may get lucky and score a nice little looped-pinky subtle handhold, but he's too embarrassed to cuddle in public. In private? He secretly loves sitting on the floor and in front of a chair/couch/beanbag/etc and letting his head rest between your thighs as you sit on said chair/couch/beanbag/etc. He can game and also fanboy over his waifu/husbando/etc.
Satan: he enjoys having an arm looped around the waist of his partner in public. It's a subtle, yet effective way of asserting dominance over potential lovers. In private he enjoys having you sit in his lap, making it so you can read a book together. He taps your leg to when he wants you to turn the page.
Asmodeus: Clingy Boi™ he loves snuggles even in public. Both big spoon and little spoon are great. As long as he gets to feel held and loved. In private, though, he prefers to just be tangled up in your arms and legs. The more wholesome the better. He just wants to feel soft and adored.
Beelzebub: he's wayyyy too shy to snuggle a lot in public. He gives hugs, he holds hands, but the big softy really gets nervous if theres more than that. However, words to describe Beel's private snuggles are "Tortilla" and "Python". He wraps himself around his partner in a nice firm full-body bear hug.
Belphegor: in public he likes to lean on his partner, resting his head on their shoulder and falling asleep. In private, he's a blanket snuggler. Pile of pillows + blankets + Belphie draping himself over his partner. He is a snugglebug so don't expect to move anytime soon.
Diavolo: bear hugs! Lots of pats on the head, he loves giving Headpats. In private he enjoys giving/receiving massages as well as just holding his darling tightly to his chest. He will crush your head between his pecs. Be careful.
Solomon: Not super touchy in public, likes holding hands. In private he enjoys laying with his head in your lap, reading some tomes or meditating. Pet his hair and youve got a mushy lil sorcerer right there.
Simeon: he's an arm-linker. Just enjoying walking around hand-in-hand or arm-in-arm. In private he will allow some spooning or leaning on each other. Gotta stay Pure For The Lord™ but ....only sometimes.....take that as you will.
Barbatos: in public, no affection. Cold, calculated, stern. In private? Prepared to be suplexed. He's much more loving between himself and his partner, not so much in front of everyone else. Let him lay on your chest and be weak.
Luke (in a friendship/little brother way): holding hands or holding onto your sleeve. He claims it's to keep you safe, but in reality he's nervous around demons. In private he likes staying close. Piggyback rides, holding hands, leaning on each other, and other wholesome friendship things.
Beelzebub: I had a nightmare, can I sleep with you tonight?
Beelzebub: I know it's childish and I'm too old for this, but you've always made me feel so secure. Not even hunger can get me with you around. So....can I sleep here? Im so tired.... So...so tired...
Beelzebub, laying down in front of the incredibly worn gravestone: thank you MC, you've always been so sweet to me. Goodnight, I love you.