Tarot tells the truths we often don't dare to tell ourselves.✨Moni 🧚♀️, she/her, Libra rising, tarot reader, former @mimondee
374 posts
Suit Of Swords - Queen Of Swords
Suit of swords - Queen of swords
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Queen of Swords - KNOW YOUR OWN MIND, RATIONALITY -Queen of the Thrones of Air
the Ice Queen - she just thinks with her head, not her heart; every decision is made in logic & fact; she gets things done with precision & aplomb
Element - water of the suit of air
Astrological association - Virgo and Libra

❅Upright meaning
be determined and stand strong
relationship - she gets what she wants; she is a fiercely independent woman who doesn’t need anyone to be happy; she is content with who she has become and the years have made her wise as well as brave; this is a time in your life to start to selectively pick and choose the kind of people that you want in your life; start to search for the right person who can fit your independent nature
health - if you have something going on in your body that you do not quite understand, then it is time to go to the doctor and get it figured out
work - you must pay attention to opportunities that will present themselves that make it possible for you to be in charge; now is an excellent time to pursue going into a business venture of your own
❅Reversed meaning
excuses for bad behaviours or a situation in which you are unjustly attacked
extreme stress - this woman lacks awareness of just how unreasonable her demands have become - back away
questioning beliefs
re-evaluating yourself
fixing your personality
direct confrontation
no masks, no lies
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Hello I'm here for the feedback 😊
What you said resonate a lot and those are words I needed to hear right now
Thank you so much for the reading and the advices you gave 💕 wish you the best
Hello, dear! Glad to hear that! Hope that you will have a wonderful year ahead! Thank you for your support and feedback!
Wish you only the best and good luck!🍀

Free readings update
Hello, everyone! Moni🧚♀️ here! As you can see I have finished doing the fist session of free readings. Thank you for messages, interest, support and feedback. Really appreciate that you guys are still hear with me and that you help me grow my community.
💮🌸💕• ω •🍭💖✨ 💮🌸💕• ω •🍭💖✨
For everyone that had send me a request and haven't yet received they readings I have a good news: FREE READING SEASION is OPEN again but this time there are only 15 slots available from now on.
Also from now on I will be also making readings in other language. So you can request a reading in:
Every person that has requested a reading will automatically get a slot for the next session of readings. Again, the request that do not respect the rules WON'T BE ASWERED so keep that in mind. I'm putting the rules again down here:
*Follow my blog and help my community grow with a share or a like.
*Send me a request in ask box to establish what kind of tarot reading suits your situation the best and how you want to receive your answer.
*Your request must contain only 1 specific question(it helps the reading to be precise).
*Provide me as many details as you can when you ask your question(date of birth, initials, any specific/special event that happened in the past week/month). Any requests that doesn't have the required information WILL NOT BE ANSWERED!
*Give me a FEEDBACK - I would like to know if the reading helped you with your situation.
*I will NOT answer question as: when I will die, future readings more than one year ahead, medical movements. Things can change from month to month so for a precise and correct reading focus on a maximum 1 year period and important aspects of your life.
Hope that we will have a great collaboration ahead and that my blog and readings will help everyone around the world! ⋆。‧˚ʚ🍓ɞ˚‧。⋆
Wish you only the best! Moni🧚♀️

Suit of Swords - Knight of swords
Please like and reblog if you find this information useful! 🌸🎀💕
//don’t claim it as your own and/or repost it on other platforms//
Knight of swords - EROLL FLYNN -Lord of the Winds and Breezes
when you feel inspired & energized, you put your plans into action
a time when you think you can do anything - bring your ideas into being, the time is now
Element - the fire of air
Astrological association - Taurus and Gemini

✭Upright meaning
a dispute at work, tension within families and in romantic relationships
you need to wait until the situation is calmer before you can make a move
in a relationship - cause drama and doesn't take responsibility for reconciliation, leaving others to make peace while moving on
expect the unexpected
relationship - could be an excellent time for a romantic partnership; there is someone who romantically favours you at this time; you are both or one of you is jumping to a conclusion without thinking about the evidence; someone wants to move the relationship on but there are so many blocks; this person does not care about your feelings or if you are crying; they can change their mind in a heartbeat
health - consider making that final decision regarding a health issue that has been concerning for you; you must push yourself to get the answers that you seek(not knowing is worse than knowing)
work - good tidings regarding money, wealth, and other monetary gains
✭Reversed meaning
telling the best advice
solving issues
expressing creativity
sharing knowledge
the stressful situation as an individual thrives on drama but lacks the courage to take control
you may be let down by someone you thought was reliable
this person’s high intelligence usually talks his way out of trouble, denying any involvement
Hello, I just came across your free readings and I hope I can get a love reading from you :>! I’m looking to see if me and this guy I’ve had an intense but short lived relationship with will possibly get back together in the near future (like by the end of this year)?
( my DOB: 2/2/95, his DOB: is 5/6/94, my initials are KBT and his initials are NK, I’m an Aquarius Sun, Pisces Moon and Taurus Rising, He is a Taurus (I wasn’t able to get his other sign unfortunately). A specific event we broke up this last Sunday, not because we wanted to but because he felt he’d be hurting us both by staying.)
Thank you so much again for doing this! :>
Hello, dear @intoxicatinginsanity! Thank you for your patience and interest in my blog and your request.
Feedback is very much appreciated and if you consider tipping me, you can do so on my ☕️ko-fi.
Count of questions/requests and answers 30/30
Without wasting any time, let's get into your reading!
I can see that there are signs that this situation has no control and it can make you feel that you are a victim. It can also make you feel exhausted emotionally and that you are carrying too much on your shoulders just now. It is understandable but don't feel that this is all your fault because it isn't.
When your person tells you that he doesn't want to hurt you both they definitely mean something else. They were neglecting your relationship because there was more focus on work rather than on your connection. Also, you weren't able to express yourself and your needs in this connection. Both of you might been too busy for your relationship or at least one of your.
I think that your person had seen you as a light in their life because you are someone who has great energy and someone who is powerful, someone with a strong and good character.
It seems that this person can be frustrated or intimidated by you and also there can be some influences from work that had made them finish your relationship. They didn't have the courage to tell you the real reason and that's why they told you that they don't want to hurt both of you. And to answer your question, I cannot see any sign that you will get back together maybe because they don't know how to treat you or the connection.
But the good news is that there are signs of a new important relationship where there will be great communication and self-expression. There is also a good time to open up about your feelings and what do you want from this new connection. If you want this relationship to grow there must be emotional support from both you and your new person. So this connection will be better for you.
Even though the person that broke up with you can come back to you, now you will find new things about them and you won't like what they will say to you. So again, signs of reconciliation aren't in your reading because you will definitely wait for something better and as you can see, it will come into your life when you least expect it. In this new connection you will both make an effort to build the right foundations so keep that in mind.
Angel message: We are all presented with opportunities and are expected to flow with the currents that come our way. Be alert, be aware, and be prepared. You can of course make your own opportunities. Quieten your mind and ask the angels to help you.
Affirmation: I am ready for all opportunities.
Wish you only the best!🍀
How are you doing! Could I please have a love reading? (Single) I don’t have anything specific but instead if you pick up anything <3
I’m born on June 7 2005 and my initials are I.D
Something that happened at the end of last month was my mother getting accepted to get a surgery to help for weight loss and her getting the surgery fast tracked so she will get it this week
Oh and I DEEP cleaned a lot around my whole house this week, so it’s nice and very clean
I hope I did everything right <3 thank u
Hello, dear @astrobellesworld! Thank you for your patience and interest in my blog and your request.
Feedback is very much appreciated and if you consider tipping me, you can do so on my ☕️ko-fi.
Count of questions/requests and answers 26/30
Without wasting any time, let's get into your reading!
Well, I see that you are going to deal with a lot of fire energy so if someone that is a fire sign(Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius) tries to come close to you don't be surprised. The good news is that they are an honorable person, someone creative, a natural charmer, someone attractive that aren't afraid to speak their mind. They know exactly what they want to do and how they want to do things. They can also be a mentor or coach to you(just be careful because at their worst they become a little bit bossy but it's normal for a fire sign). Also, they can also teach you to express your ideas in case you are a shy person or someone who doesn't like to be at the center of attention. This person will be someone older than you with a leadership personality and by meeting this person you will need to embrace your inner strength and become more powerful. By doing this, you will be noticed by them, so let yourself shine! I think that the interaction with this person will start very quickly, there will be lots of communication, and all the blockages will be removed. Just be careful to don't be tempted to say yes to everything you get from people. All the work that you have been putting in to improve yourself as a person will help you bring the right person into your life. Speak directly about what you think because there is a long-term journey for this connection. They will be in a hurry to be with you because they feel that you are someone special for them(they can even chase you, you need to teach them how to slow down and enjoy every step of a relationship - the fire is being impatient over here). By being with this person you will feel that you have a victory over past challenges. Also, you will enjoy more energy. The relationship will grow and you can even go on a trip or vacation with this person. If there are any hidden parts of your person or hidden truth, rest assured, that everything will come to light and everything will be resolved. I don't know if this will be like your last relationship, but it will make you learn so many things that you just need to enjoy this connection. It all depends on you and your person if you will get old together. Angel message: Allow the wisdom in your heart to radiate out and dissolve the chatter in your mind. Know that your angel has drawn this to your attention and is waiting to help you in your task. Sit quietly so that you can find the stillness within. Then you can shine a pure, clear light onto every area of your life. Affirmation: My mind is quiet, still, and clear.
Wish you only the best!🍀