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The VIII of Swords is a card of limitations which can usually be traced back to the mental sphere. It describes situations in which one feels restricted or suffers from paralyzing fear or another sort of limiting attitude/behavior that keeps one stuck in the same place. These situations can be purely self-imposed or caused by outside circumstances. Either way, most of the time, they can be resolved by working on changing one’s mindset or behavioral pattern(s) that are keeping one stuck or causing the feeling of entrapment. Combining the VIII of Swords with other Tarot cards VIII of Swords & Ace of Swords This combination can suggest that one could be motivated to escape the limiting factors by looking out for thought-provoking impulses. For example, one might find a relevant piece of information in a book or look at how other people deal with similar situations. Additionally, communication can be a key in overcoming one’s limitations.
Suit of swords - Ace of swords
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Ace of Swords - Lord of the Root of the Powers of Air
You are capable of having a balanced mind, and you are a very receptive person. You have moved away from feeling confused and being full of doubt to a more expanded knowledge that is blessed by the heavens
practical or rational will
it suggests victory in planning and in carrying out a task
Season: Winter
Element - air
Astrological association - air signs - Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
the sword is offered with the right hand -had of giving
beginnings impulse, new possibilities
the sword is double-edged - cutting to the truth, it can defend us or turn against us
triumph of force does not come without potential conflict

❉Upright meaning
brings movement and power
you must make a decision or a decision will be made for you
new beginnings, decisions - word and love
action, drama, and sometimes confrontation
immediate change to your circumstances for the better
mental agility and assertiveness will bury success(the other cards will guide you to the nature of the conquest)
in relationship triumph over past obstacles
if you have been feeling as if you are never going to find someone because life is too complicated or you can never find a person that really matches you on an integral level, now is the time to relax - the heavens are clearing the way for you
❉Reversed meaning
conflicts and arguments - withdraw tend your wounds, turn your actions elsewhere
a contest that you cannot win
you may feel you lack confidence in your intellectual abilities
decision going against you(falling a test or interview)
telling Lies
Suit of swords - 2 of swords
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2 of Swords -Lord of Peace Restored
being stuck in the middle and being afraid to move
quiet state in which the drive to action is preoccupied with or distracted by several matters
Season: Winter
Timing: 2 weeks
Element - air
Astrological association - Moon in Libra
card of indecision - the struggle of bearing responsibility without facing up to the consequences
advice - do it, make the choice even if it hurts; find a middle path or third options

❂Upright meaning
thinking time before a decision - the tendency is to protect yourself, have a little peace and not take action
this upcoming battle may not take action
2 - a person you cross swords with(difficult person who is sharp-tongued)
employment issues and time out in relationships
help will come from a supportive friend and colleague
relationship - you will need to make a decision; single - you are either avoiding pursuing something for fear of being shot down, or you are pursuing more than one person at a time and you are not appropriately giving your full attention to any one person
health - you are sacrificing too much to give to others who are ill - you must find the balance between the two
work - being torn in two directions
❂Reversed meaning
chilling in a comfort zone
ordinary life
feeling numb
not focused on dreams
deception, being blind to someone’s manipulation - partnership(love, friendship, and business on your career)
in your intuition is telling you that someone’s distracted pay attention and mare a detailed investigation
Suit of swords - 3 of swords
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3 of swords - Lord of Sorrow
you are either experiencing or entering into a transit of difficulties in relation to the heart; heartbreak, betrayal, and separation
frustration and impatience
Season: Winter
Timing: 3 Weeks
Element - air
Astrological association - Saturn in Libra
3 is a dynamic number - the trinity of mind, body, and soul - all can be affected when experiencing betrayal or deep disappointment - 3 people in a relationship, affairs
Saturn’s influence is harsh and demands the truth - and the truth will come no matter how much it hurts

❉Upright meaning
the pain of truth
betrayal - affairs or disloyalty - but any confusion is banished, you begin to move forward and begin the healing process
relationship - single there is a possibility that you are still stuck in a perspective regarding a past love, which is making it very difficult for you to move forward into a new relationship; in a relationship - make sure that you are vocalizing your needs and boundaries, to you partner
health - challenging time because you really need to feel better, or you would like someone in your life to experience wellness
work - you will not get what you expected; time to come up with a new plan
❉Reversed meaning
complete mess
painful breakup
broken promise
asking for forgiveness
overcoming heartbreak
despite the upheaval, as the feelings are expressed some of the confusion and pain is shared and revealed
those around you will understand your need to vent
Suit of swords - 4 of swords
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4 of swords- Lord of Rest from Strife
Take a timeout to relax, regroup & refocus. Relax first though & reconnect with yourself. Life can take us over, our commitments often rule. Time for a switch up, and when you’re ready, re-begin anew.
it indicates a state of success but not comfort
Season: Winter
Element - air
Astrological association - Jupiter in Libra
stability and balance - no need to continue a conflict
time to give yourself a bit of a break from thinking and doing and always trying to control the show
get out there more and be a bit more social
advice - look at your strength, weakness, opportunities and threats, do not act, do not take any decisions

❃Upright meaning
time out, rest from work, a personal project, or a relationship
recovery from stress - conserve your energy and take quiet time, take some alone time to recharge
relationship - spend some time with yourself for a while so that you can determine what the best next step is going to be for you(you need to establish what about you need to change to attract someone that will be with you for the long term)
health - your physical body has been through a lot and you need to actually lay flat without moving for a while to allow for it to heal and re-energize
work - a detachment from what it is that you want in your work life; trust your inner voice; it is time to rest - it will help in the long-term
❃Reversed meaning
big change, a new beginning
new opportunities
you may have to take time away from work or other responsibilities due to influences out of your control
you must surrender to events
use this time positively, rethink your working arrangements or come to terms with changes in a relationship(particularly if you live apart from a partner or potential love)
Suit of swords - 5 of swords
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5 - Lord of Defeat
Season: Winter
Timing: 5 Weeks
Element - air
Astrological association - Venus in Aquarius
Key meaning
conflicts, loss, upheaval
dissension, discord, troubles, disturbances
feeling defeated, feeling broken
spite and malice
not standing up for yourself
being heavy-handed

❃Upright meaning
family disputes, conflict with managers, being a victim of the system
ongoing stress, continual challenges in your position, often defect
deal with your anger and disappointment
relationship - you are stuck in a cycle of fighting needlessly to get your point across; you spend so much time worrying about what others think or feel about you that you never get anything done
health - you are worrying way too much about the potential of health hazards and diseases; you need to get outside, strengthen your muscles both physically and mentally
work - time to break out of this unhealthy routine and push for new experiences
❊Reversed meaning
lack of order, lack of commitment
toxic relationships
conflicts and fights
acting immorally
caught in the middle of another person’s fight and be injured through no fault of your own
the battle is not for good reason - whoever initiates it had a selfish agenda(he might try to cover up his incompetence at work blaming others to deflect attention, drama due to ego, and need to show off power)
Suit of swords - 6 of swords
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6 - Lord of Earned Success
This is a sign that the difficult cycle that you have been experiencing is now ending.
Season: Winter
Timing: 6 Weeks
Element - air
Astrological association - Mercury in Aquarius
Key meaning
moving on
mental clarity
using logic to find the solution
an inner journey of discovery
an actual journey
successfully navigating a difficult period

✥Upright meaning
moving on from a situation or relationship and enjoy the period of peace and harmony(mentally rather than physically)
opportunity to rest and recharge - may lead you to explore a new environment or make a spiritual discovery
taking a break from work and travel
relationship - you can expect to find new love in your new environment; putting your past behind you and going to a whole world of new opportunities; you will feel that everything is sparkling and new in your home, and in this, there will definitely be someone who is going to sparkle their way right into your world;
health - all of the changes that you have and are going to make for your body
work - if you are in a bad job situation right now that is making you miserable and you are trying to decide if you should leave, the Six of Swords supports you in your decision to make the change
✵Reversed meaning
dealing with trauma
healing your heart, building yourself up, taking care of yourself
need to escape but the plans are delayed
not the right time to travel - you need to solve some problems first
you may feel frustrated by lack of progress but you should stay focused and grounded and your time will come
relationship - someone will declare love to you; you are sick of trying to make someone happy
Suit of swords - 7 of swords
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7 -Lord of Unstable Effort
you have too much going on for yourself, more than you can comfortably keep track of
Season: Winter
Element - air
Astrological association - Moon in Aquarius
Key meaning
thief and dishonesty
theft, theft of ideas
mental procrastination
just doing enough
falling short of the mark

❈Upright meaning
protect your belongings and property
you may encounter a challenge to your position, an individual invading your space or in a relationship - a selfish partner who takes too much emotionally or defrauds you
your opponent may be strong but you still have valuable resources on your side
legal problems, unfair or fraudulent business dealings
relationship - time for you to focus on bringing more genuine people into your experience; you must allow some irrational moments into your life because it is
health - now is the time to clean house spiritually and physically
work - you have become overburdened by too many projects at once
❀Reversed meaning
hidden secrets revealed
stealing and lying, dishonest
hurting others
the tendency to give up rather than take a stand
it may feel weird to you to think like your opponent to anticipate their next move but this attitude will help you defend what is yours
when a colleague tries to disempower you it is important to stand your ground
legal problems, beware of unscrupulous people
Suit of swords - 8 of swords
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8 - Lord of Shortened Force
card of victimization
a person who dislikes his or her work but does it anyway
Season: Winter
Element - air
Astrological association - Jupiter in Gemini
Key meaning
sheer bad luck
being held back
mental blockages
quitting before you fail
being immobilized, being outplayed

❇Upright meaning
feeling trapped(bad experiences, poor luck) and you wonder if things can ever improve
you may be anxious due to an unsatisfactory bond with an individual or an organization
feeling humiliated and ignored, fear other’s attitude towards you
relationship - you feel as though you are completely stuck in your situation; potential end of a marriage
health - is referencing a hypochondriac nature - that of a person who is constantly saying they are sick enough that they actually become sick
work - sometimes you are being overlooked for promotions because there is nowhere to go in your position or money issues with the company, other times you are being looked over because you are not working hard enough)
❇Reversed meaning
strong emotions and guilt, anger, regret
you’ll negatively express those feelings because you are frustrated
a phase that will not last
Inner strength
awaiting salvation
escaping problems
Suit of swords - 9 of swords
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9 - Lord of Despair and Cruelty
You simply cannot let go of negative thoughts, past trauma & bad behavior. Nightmares & insomnia become familiar & drain you further.
card of a bad match, living with someone you can’t stand
Season: Winter
Element - air
Astrological association - Mars in Gemini
Key meaning
mental cruelty
verbal assault
worry, sleepless nights
feeling hopeless and helpless
nightmares, insomnia

❂Uprights meaning
what you wake up worrying about - dealing with high levels of anxiety
you may have suffered an illness - low energy or stress that begin to disrupt your sleep patterns and peace of mind
overwhelmed or have too much to do
insomnia, nightmares
relationship - you continue to attract those that are not good for you(take advantage, cheat and lie and betray you); someone has suddenly come to a realization that they are suffering greatly in their love life; someone likes playing games, they like the chase; does not want the relationship to go anywhere; you are not even in the mind of this person because they have so much going on in life; they are scared to have any relationship with anyone due to being hurt
health - a time of depression
work - a loss in your work situation or are you are in the process of working through one that you fear is on its way; your business is going to be affected directly by the fear that is all around you right now
❂Reversed meaning
despair, guilt, or feeling trapped
reliving the past overthinking
be patient and compassionate with yourself and turn to others for support rather than suffering alone
there is real hope for this relationship but there is also the danger of delusion
feeling happier in your love life - but it will only be temporary
you have suffered stress in relationships and they are not safe and secure
Suit of swords - 10 of swords
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10 - Lord of Ruin
death and rebirth without physical death
Season: Winter or Spring
Element - air
Astrological association - Mercury in Virgo
Key meaning
a sudden ending
feeling totally broken
the result of wrong choices
falling just before the finishing line
being stabbed in the back

❆Upright meaning
this ending clears the way for new possibilities
bonds of friendship may break and there is no turning back - unavoidable
relationship - you will get no more from this relationship, and you must start over; you were so attached to the unhealthiness of your relationship that you had become accustomed to it; now you must be grateful, allow for the change, and be alone for a little while to get yourself back on track
health - the result of accidents that have caused broken bones or other random injuries that make you feel as though you are completely inept and broken
work - cautions you to not make any more random purchases until you can put aside some money for emergency purposes and can afford comfortably with no guilt, to buy something else
❆Reversed meaning
same of upright meaning but indicated the way be more repercussions
you may examine your past actions and feel guilty or angry
try not to hold on to the stress - accept the situation and let go
feeling helpless(especially if you have been ill or overwhelmed emotionally) - soon you will be able to start over
sacrifice for greater goods
neglecting yourself, putting other’s needs first
lack of motivation for success
Suit of Swords - Page of swords
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Page of swords - Princess of the Rushing Winds Lotus of the Palace of Air
You are starting over again after the desolation that caused you to hit rock bottom.
New ideas & thoughts abound & you are excited by your newfound curiosity about what you previously saw as mundane.
Element - earth

✾Upright meaning
your hard work pays off in business and work dealings
people around you will be helpful
be ready to take action as you see the right opportunity
a contract will be coming your way(property, career, travel)
rely on your intelligence
relationship - if you are currently in a relationship, even if you have been in that relationship for a long time, you are going to find that you are reconnecting to it in a whole new way; it is good for you to spend time laughing and feeling shy or vulnerable again
health - you need to start a new exercise program to bring back the physical strength in your body
work - you are going to be blessed with all sorts of new work and new money-making possibilities; pay attention to the work opportunities that are going to start popping up all around you
✾Reversed meaning
equality for all
ethical behaviour
fairness for everyone
following your heart
manipulative and cunning - be cautious about the information you receive now
can be a person who gossips and care little about the misconceptions he spreads, he also ignores his needs for constant attention
Suit of Swords - Knight of swords
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Knight of swords - EROLL FLYNN -Lord of the Winds and Breezes
when you feel inspired & energized, you put your plans into action
a time when you think you can do anything - bring your ideas into being, the time is now
Element - the fire of air
Astrological association - Taurus and Gemini

✭Upright meaning
a dispute at work, tension within families and in romantic relationships
you need to wait until the situation is calmer before you can make a move
in a relationship - cause drama and doesn't take responsibility for reconciliation, leaving others to make peace while moving on
expect the unexpected
relationship - could be an excellent time for a romantic partnership; there is someone who romantically favours you at this time; you are both or one of you is jumping to a conclusion without thinking about the evidence; someone wants to move the relationship on but there are so many blocks; this person does not care about your feelings or if you are crying; they can change their mind in a heartbeat
health - consider making that final decision regarding a health issue that has been concerning for you; you must push yourself to get the answers that you seek(not knowing is worse than knowing)
work - good tidings regarding money, wealth, and other monetary gains
✭Reversed meaning
telling the best advice
solving issues
expressing creativity
sharing knowledge
the stressful situation as an individual thrives on drama but lacks the courage to take control
you may be let down by someone you thought was reliable
this person’s high intelligence usually talks his way out of trouble, denying any involvement
Suit of swords - Queen of swords
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Queen of Swords - KNOW YOUR OWN MIND, RATIONALITY -Queen of the Thrones of Air
the Ice Queen - she just thinks with her head, not her heart; every decision is made in logic & fact; she gets things done with precision & aplomb
Element - water of the suit of air
Astrological association - Virgo and Libra

❅Upright meaning
be determined and stand strong
relationship - she gets what she wants; she is a fiercely independent woman who doesn’t need anyone to be happy; she is content with who she has become and the years have made her wise as well as brave; this is a time in your life to start to selectively pick and choose the kind of people that you want in your life; start to search for the right person who can fit your independent nature
health - if you have something going on in your body that you do not quite understand, then it is time to go to the doctor and get it figured out
work - you must pay attention to opportunities that will present themselves that make it possible for you to be in charge; now is an excellent time to pursue going into a business venture of your own
❅Reversed meaning
excuses for bad behaviours or a situation in which you are unjustly attacked
extreme stress - this woman lacks awareness of just how unreasonable her demands have become - back away
questioning beliefs
re-evaluating yourself
fixing your personality
direct confrontation
no masks, no lies
Suit of swords - King of swords
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King of Swords - Mr. SHARP -Prince of the Chariots of the Winds
you are on the top of your game mentally speaking and it’s a great card revealing high intellect, focus, and determination in one or more aspects of your life
the man with all the answers & a man of great conversation
Element - Air of the suit of air
Astrological association - Capricorn and Aquarius

❆Upright meaning
focus on the mind rather than the heart
you may go through an intensive time of work or study
relationship - man in your life either currently (as in a relationship) or someone that is coming your way; you are connected in your relationship both intellectually and spiritually; a warning as a man that is overbearing and that can be too analytical for a relationship
health - physical well being; it can be a difficult card in the mental health department; avoid stressful situations that are causing you undue stress or strife at this time
work - overbearing boss or a person that are causing problems and making your life difficult; growth and expansion endeavours such as a large purchase or single investment
❆Reversed meaning
exercising verbal skills
exploring creativity
winning arguments
making plans and organizing events
dealing with the authorities
facing big decisions
setting boundaries and rules
taking control and man-managing a situation
meeting with a legal expert or facing a legal case;
putting aside your emotions to make an informed decision
learning to see all sides of a dispute
expanding on inner wisdom
filtering thoughts and imagination into cohesive ideas and projects
goal-setting and having a commitment to those goals

[ID: a The Umbrella Academy-themed tarot card, illustrated in a way that is supposed to resemble the style of the comics (though how well that is achieved is up for debate). It is Ten of Swords, featuring an illustration of Leonard Peabody slash Harold Jenkins who has been Very Killed by ten sharp implements, mostly knives (and one pair of scissors), impaled into his chest by Viktor's mind powers. He is slumped in a chair in his dining room, with blood coming from both the knife wounds and his hairline. His missing eye has a white bandage over it, which is slightly stained with the blood coming from his face. End ID.]
we take a brief interlude from the major arcana part of the tarot series to add a sneaky little bonus. i'm absolutely not doing any more of the deck that's outside the major arcana, but this one i had a Vision for. Or rather, i had a vision of leonard in the sword suit and picked whichever card's meaning that would let me stick the most knives in him. luckily, i got to stick The Most knives in him!