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Destination Seoul Updates / Snippets

destination seoul updates / snippets

feel free to interact with this post through discussions + reblogs + likes, and thanks for stopping by <3 oop almost forgot inspiration taken from the genius @talesofsorrowandofruin !!

yes, I swear I'll make a proper, detailed wip intro soon! this is more for my immediate gratification and seeing myself spiraling lmao, reactions to look back on.

wip general notes (to be updated):

A fake dating ya romance set in Seoul, Korea where a teen tries to escape the blind dates her chaotic family sets her up on for her aunt's wedding.

One of the few members in her family unable to connect with Korean culture-starting from grasping the language to understanding the mannerisms-the only reason Hyeri Kang comes every summer is to visit her beloved grandfather... who has cancer. This year, though, is more chaotic than ever. Caught up in blind date shenanigans to her aunt's wedding, she employs Taeyoung Kim, who is as infuriating as he is straightforward, as her fake boyfriend to escape awful men who propose to her on the spot. Surely it wouldn't be hard to not fall in love with someone who's connected to a culture she's been resistant towards...

links: taglist | writblr intro | ko-fi

Destination Seoul Updates / Snippets

SUN. APR 17 2:45:24 PM


brain's so blank I don't even know what to think

It’s complicated.

You’d think I’d be more excited, coming to Korea over summer break. But this is a mandatory family meeting in the guise of a meeting. Trying not to topple over while dragging the luggage bag from the taxi’s trunk, I glance up at the 11-story apartment. It’s quiet. No hands sticking out through the nets, no voice shrieking our names.

I don’t know whether to be worried or relieved. 

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2 years ago

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2 years ago



so there's the first book that I finished and have been procrastinating publishing since January.

It's about Hindu mythology, is kind of like Percy Jackson but also at the same time, not like Percy Jackson.

I'll give you the (currently) official synopsis lmao:


I've written many characters facing treacherous challenges, and now the trials of my life have begun.

I'm Anusha, and if you think your life is messy, you couldn't begin to imagine mine.

It started off normally enough – a recurring nightmare; class bullies; a miserably failed kidnapping; a picnic I didn't want to go to; generally just hating my life.

But then I somehow got magically transported to the picnic bus by my class teacher, who alongside an unknown woman tried to kill me and my sister Rochelle. I got rescued by an Oreo-loving stranger everyone but me seemed to know, and got sent to a magic empire to fully fledge into what I apparently am – a semidivine organism, offspring of some celestiality. But before I could even understand what was happening, I got picked, balled up and thrown into a mission no one really cared about.

Apparently, the earth never got over its Hindu mythology.

I only pray history doesn't repeat itself.


so yeah! if you want more context lmk lol

2 years ago

i'm telling you this because i'm struggling with it, too.

stop second guessing and doubting yourself. stop getting imposter syndrome while writing. stop comparing.

i know it's hard to stop, and this is a process i always struggle with. but it's awful when you get tunnel vision, seeing all the plot holes and every little grammatical error made. i open my wip's sometimes, and get such bad anxiety that i can't even write, because i'm so scared. it literally doesn't make sense, but it happens.

but learn to love what you write. grow attached to your characters, and write whatever you want. write for yourself first. and no matter what, whether it's one word or sentence that you wrote that day, be proud of yourself.

self validation and self care comes before a completed novel or mesmerizing characters.


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2 years ago



legit the writer that tugs at my heartstrings remind me to get tissues if I ever end up reading your full length novels one day

lmao no I get it! contemporary isn't for everyone, mainly because there's no action or heavy plots. it's more sublime and chill, which I get doesn't suit everybody's tastes hehe <3


okay I actually only managed to read the first book in the trials of apollo, and I just love his sarcasm so. much. and meg? it's meg right? oh gosh like literally I'm getting so much NOSTALGIA RIGHT NOW.

I need to read my hero academia )): I want to )): I'm like stuck reading fanfics of it and understanding everything because I've read so many fanfics but I gotta read the original work

your reading tastes >>>>>

obviously, i'm not surprised <3




me, desperate for some writer friends/mutuals

hi everyone!

this is just a post where writers get to know writers, and hopefully through reblogs/comments we can find more people who not only read/write our genre, but just people who have similarities with us.

it's kind of a simple "get to know me" post, and anyone can join <3

feel free to tag your mutuals and reblog !!

name: genres you like to write in: genres you like to read in + fav books/media: favorite line from your current wip:

name: ave

genres you like to write in: currently writing contemporary (ya/romcom/romance, give me them ALL), but I also like to dabble in fantasy!

genres you like to read in + fav books/media: i'll consume literally anything haha. Fantasy, mystery, historical fiction, romance, young adult, you name it. I'm awful with horror, though ;-;

percy jackson (MY CHILDHOOD), harry potter (OBVIOUSLY), Better Than the Movies, From Lukov with Love, The Love Hypothesis, These Violent Delights, the list goes on...

favorite or latest line from your current wip: [latest line, because what a mood- from Destination Seoul] Ha. Per usual, the universe hates me.

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2 years ago

😂 I was craving a kimchi soup when I sent in the ask, too.

The fact that I mess with all three makes me so confused when I'm writing. The past and present tense also messed me up SO much. I never thought I'd be stuck choosing which tense but I found myself switching throughout the first draft, and ahhh it's driving me insane haha.

LMAOOO we love family roasts, poor Sephris HAHAHHA

OH MY GOSHH that would be the ultimate comfort scene, I'd melt. If you ever write it, feel free to mention me (if you want to put it up as a snippet, of course).

Thank you for answering xx

immediately: KIMCHI SOUP

but also Beer Cheese Soup & Chicken Noodle Soup <33

lmao why did this make me laugh so hard 😂

Kimchi Soup: Do you write best in first, second, or third POV?

I think I'm probably equal when it comes to first and third (I don't mess around with second!), but since I feel it gives me the most latitude, I prefer third the most!

Beer Cheese Soup: A scene from your wip that made you laugh.

When sweet, sweet Merity meets Laesia for the first time when coming over for dinner and immediately starts dunking on her future brother-in-law:

“Sephris told you my family runs the bakery in town, didn't he?” Merity asked Laesia. “Whenever we have leftovers from the week, I’ll save some for him. Poor boy can’t bake for his life; he would have to spend a fortune on all his bread if not for me.”

“Boy?” Sephris repeated. “Look who’s talking! A whole two years younger than me, you are!”

“Not as if anyone would be able to tell from how you act,” Merity replied back. “Really, don't think I've forgotten the day Fendley gave you that walloping by the lake and you came to me crying to bandage you up.”

“All right, let’s not get hasty,” Sephris cut in. “And that was near fifteen years ago, I’ll remind you. No need to go rehashing family history in front of a former princess, thank you very much.”

Chicken Noodle Soup: Your favorite hurt/comfort scene

Okay I haven't written it yet, but I'm thinking it might end up being when Sephris ends up catching the yearly fever and Laesia has to nurse him back to health 🤭

tysm dear 🥺

I'm at the soup store 🍲

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