mossypidder - Ava E.
Ava E.

- ♀- Autistic - Demi Aroace - 19 -I draw and write and sew and crochet and sculpt and- -DNI WITH ME IF YOU POST OR REBLOG NSFW- STAY AWAY FROM ME

48 posts

So Ive Been Struggling To Find Jesus Music That Scratches That Stimmy Itch In My Brain For The Last Year

So I’ve been struggling to find Jesus music that scratches that stimmy itch in my brain for the last year or so. I’ve also been holding God at arm’s length for a while. I’ve been wrestling with a lot of things in my faith. But I think I’ve come to a place of possibly embracing while I wrestle. Tonight I found a playlist with a lot of really good songs. I’ve cried and my brain has buzzed and I’ve sat in prickle skinned shock. I’m still vibrating a little. Feeling like I’m on the brink, almost there; closer than I have been in many months. It feels scary. And raw. But not in a bad way.

Explaining Jesus - Jordy Searcy (took me completely off guard. One of the best songs- spiritual or secular- that I’ve heard in a very long time)

How to be Yours - Chris Renzema (a song I was already using for characters but realized was meant to refer to God-Human condition and I cried)

The Hope Inside - Colony House (too close to home)

Ring the Bells - Johnnyswim (no, not christmas. very powerful wording but also just really buzzy and good)

Sweet Ever After - Ellie Holcomb - (also very good wonderful lyricism and music contrast and just makes me wanna scratch my arms and flap my hands)

Will update if I find more. Wish there were more female solo ones tho.

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1 year ago
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1 year ago
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Doodles I Did Of Gus And Wrenfield. Probably Gonna End Up Doing Summer And Winter Molt Adults Too, But

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1 year ago
So Because Every Howls Moving Castle Book Cover That Isnt Sixty Five Dollars Is In That Sort Of- Gaudy,

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1 year ago
I Have More Reasons But I Dont Have The Energy To Write Them Right Now.

I have more reasons but I don’t have the energy to write them right now.

But yeah, I’ve been thinking about what I’d be if I were in Faas and Enya’s universe and I thought I’d be a changeling as well for a while for many reasons, but upon further consideration I think I was wrong. So here’s the first concept art for a my avian persona.

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