Y/n Was The In Between Babe
Y/n was the in between babe
Y/n: *explaining to the OB boys that they were an in between partner*
The boys: 🤨🤨🤨🤨 he was doing what?
Y/n: my ex was doing Acid tabs with his ex girlfriend while we were dating. He was making jokes about marrying his ex girlfriend while I was with him. We dated off and on for 4 or 5 years. He’s not even allowed to talk to me anymore because his girlfriend said so
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More Posts from Mowochii

Diasomnia gang
Some live2d practice with my favorite dorm :> The new chapter is gonna be hell, so better appreciate the cute and happy stuff for now
(reblogs are appreciated! These took me a few days to finish ;;)
When the little brother goes for an 'adventure': Riddle, Leona, and Azul edition. Short stories(?)
I saw someone post this idea under platonic yandere and I wanted to try my hand at writing it. I really hope that I don't mess this up. Link to the post. I hope that I did the idea justice.
Warnings: Yandere and this is insanely long by my writing standards.
Riddle Rosehearts
Shortly after my brother's overblot, Riddle became more and more controlling over what I could and couldn't do. I could color my heart out but I wasn't allowed to eat on my own. He was very confusing on what was allowed and what wasn't.
Normally, I'd never dare to leave Riddle's side but today, the outdoors was practically calling out to me for an exploration. Plus Ace has been making fun of me for my vitamin D deficiency. I get it! I'm pale. Not my fault.
Riddle was busy in his room, determined to finish all of his homework before our mandatory tea party at six. It's four right now, so I think that I have time to go and explore NRC campus and get some sunlight.
I decided that it would be for the best if I changed out of the dorm uniform and into a t-shirt and a pair of shorts. This way, my body will produce more vitamin D and I can get my cardio work done. I quickly exited Heartslabyul and quickly made my way to Ramshackle dorm. I remember Yuu talking about how there was a forest around there and I personally love to run next to nature.
The forest that Yuu was talking about was actually quite lovely. There was plenty of natural wildlife and a whole bunch of different flowers. I also noticed that while I was running that there were violets growing everywhere. Trey-senpai loves candied violets and he has been helping me out with Riddle for a while now. I should make him some a thank you.
I got close to the ground and started picking the violet heads without them crumbling on me. I just kept picking more and more until I realized that I was lost. I left my magic pen back at the dorm because I didn't think that I was going to travel this far into the forest plus looking up at the sky, I would say that it's close to 6:30 at this point.
Riddle is going to have my head, isn't he?
"Ah... Crap. I've really messed this up, haven't I?"
I started muttering to myself to try and calm myself down. Sadly, it wasn't working and the next thing that I heard terrified me to my core.
Riddle looked like a mess. His face was red and his dorm outfit had stains all over it, meaning that he has been searching for me for a while now.
I did what any normal person would do in this case. I ran. I ran far and fast. Riddle in this mood was dangerous and I'm not feeling brave enough to face him right now.
I quickly ducked and saw a collar flying over my head. It wrapped around a tree branch before disappearing. Riddle was throwing everything that he could at me. Thank you Mother for all the agility training lessons and steak knives that you threw at me.
I jumped to see a wave of water rush underneath me but I wasn't ready for the tree branches to cross together to block my path.
I felt the collar wrap around my neck this time. I wrapped my hands around the collar from reflex and next thing that I knew, Riddle ran into my back knocking us both to the ground. All of the violets that I had picked were now muddy and worthless. So, much for doing something nice for Trey.
I felt my body start to shake. Riddle when angry was always terrifying and this time was no different. I felt his eyes bore into my body, awaiting my answer.
"I thought that it was okay to go outside for a bit..."
My voice was small and shaken, unlike my normal monotone voice. I felt like a child for once.
"Well, it's not. Okay? You should have just waited in the main dorm room until I was done with my homework. Now, because of your little 'adventure', we don't have any time for a tea party and we're both messes. Come on."
Riddle grabbed my arm in a crushing grip and pulled me to my feet. He didn't relinquish his hold the whole entire walk back. In fact, I was pretty certain that he kept on tightening his grip. Even though I am the stronger brother, Riddle's grip still hurts me. I wonder if that's because of the spell that Mom used years ago...
Finally, we reached Heartslabyul and everyone was shocked to see us both not looking our best. Dirt can really ruin someone's appearance. Riddle was getting angrier by the second. First, I completely ruined his time schedule and now, I'm ruining his appearance to the rest of his dorm.
Riddle pulled me all the way to his room and swung me in. I stumbled slightly, not used to being able to walk on my own, and saw Riddle lock the door to his room. He then walked into his personal bathroom, motioning me to follow suit.
I went into the bathroom and closed the door behind me. This was one of our weirder family traditions. Because Mom saw me as less of a human being, she would make Riddle and I wash together because "You don't deserve your own bath." So, now we just always bathe together. I tried to bathe on my own one time and Riddle threw a mild tantrum that had four other Heartslabyul students losing their heads.
Riddle got the water ready and we both just sunk into the water. The personal bathroom for a dorm leader is quite huge to be honest so we had a good amount of distance between us. Riddle was just staring me down while I sunk further into the water, wishing to disappear.
We got clean and put on clothes but Riddle's eyes never left my figure nor did it soften at all. He then pulled up two chairs and sat in one. Oh boy, it was time for a talk.
"(Y/N). What did you do wrong today?"
"I was late to our daily tea party."
"And that I went outside without you by my side."
"You do realize that you broke your most important rules as well?"
"I was aware. I just thought that you weren't going to need me when you were saf-"
"That is no excuse."
I flinched at Riddle's cold tone. I wasn't looking forward to what he had planned.
"For breaking rule #5 of (Y/N)'s protection guidebook, you're now stuck by my left side for the next four days while doing your normal duties."
"Yes, my Queen."
"Good. Now come on. I have a different tea party to attend with Cater."
I nodded my head before standing up and going over to Riddle's left side. I held out my hand for him. He grabbed it and I helped him out of the chair. We then made our way to the tea party. Cater was there waiting for us and he gave a peace sign to us.
"Hey~! I didn't know that (Y/N)-chan was going to join us!"
"This was a last minute development."
"Okay! Well, pull up a chair and enjoy~!"
I only shook my head before pulling out Riddle's chair and pushing him in. I then took my place to his left. I wasn't about to put Cater in trouble. Cater then looked at both of us before he put his phone up and took a photo of us. Riddle's eyes widened slightly.
"#HeartslabyulTeaParty, #RoseheartBros, #AdorableBrotherlyLove! This photo is going to get so many likes!"
The rest of the tea party continued like normal. I was so thankful when it ended. I lost feeling in my legs and was ready to crash. Riddle gave me a light smirk while I held the door open for him. We both got ready for bed and we just crashed.
"I hope that you'll think twice before going out on another 'adventure'."
"Yes, my Queen."
Leona Kingscholar
(I really hate that I have two little brothers for Leona. But here we go! Also for the first brother, this will be before your complete kidnapping and for the second, this is before your transfer.)
Brother A:
"Dang! It's such a boring day! What's the point of having a weekend if you don't have anything to actually do?!"
I was just complaining to myself while lying in my dorm room. All of my roommates were out, practicing Spelldrive most likely, and the other first years are busy trying to get their homework. Those dorks not getting their homework done faster.
I got up from my bed and grabbed my trusty ax. It took me forever to get it onto campus. Crowley wouldn't stop making me promise over and over and then eventually, I had to sign a contract made by Azul. If I ever try to attack a student with said ax, I get teleported straight to Crowley's office. Honestly, it would be a pretty useful escape mechanism.
I decided that I was going to explore the Diasomnia dorm. It has some of the most interesting terrain out of all of the dorms and I want to see it. I made quick track over to the hall of mirrors and rushed into Diasomnia. If anybody from Savanaclaw saw me, Leona would hear about it.
Diasomnia has quite an interesting aura about it. I heard that it's close to Briar Valley in décor and flora. I quickly walked up to the castle and went inside. There were plenty of Diasomnia students in the lobby who were just staring at me like I had three heads. In fact, I saw a few of them getting their pens ready to attack me but thankfully, Lilia came out of nowhere to greet me.
"Fufufu~! It's not everyday that we get a Savanaclaw visitor. Especially one that's related to the dorm leader. What brings you here?"
"I'm glad that there is a friendly face here. I was just wondering if I had permission to go and explore the forest around your castle?"
Lilia's face morphed into a shocked one at my request.
"T-that's what you want to do? I truly thought that you came over to hang out with Sebek."
"Nah. Don't get me wrong, I love Sebek but he's busy with the other first years. I think that he's yelling at all of them for messing up the work."
"Oh~ Love?"
"Easy there. Platonic love."
Lilia's face formed into a pout. I let out a light laugh.
"Sooooo, am I free to prowl your grounds?"
"Of course! I'll let Malleus know of your presence so that you don't end up being fried cat!"
I exited the castle and quickly scaled down the cliff to the forest below. All of the trees didn't have leaves which I guessed was normal for this dimension. There were also no animals around which I sort of expected. There was no actual food in the area for anything. No green = no small prey. No small prey = no predators. But honestly, I think that it's better this way.
I heard a twig snap behind me. It was a few miles away so I wasn't too worried about it. What started to worry me was the whooshing that was coming up behind me fast. I turned around and saw Malleus floating at me at full speed.
I started to run myself except a bunch of fire lit up around me, keeping me in the circle. Malleus then walked through the flames, glaring down at me.
"What brings you here, Kingscholar Two?"
"Just wanting to explore the area."
"Without asking permission from those who live here?"
"Lilia seemed okay with me being here."
"You are not welcome here. Leave."
Malleus normally isn't like this. I've seen him interact with plenty of people. Heck, even I had a few friendly conversations with him. Something must have really made him mad.
"Why aren't I welcome here? It isn't as if I'm messing anything up with your dorm."
"You're contesting me? I shouldn't have expected less from Kingscholar's little brother."
"Yeah, if you want me to leave, you're going to have to make me."
A smirk appeared on my face and a slight smile appeared on Malleus'. We always had small fights with each other to test each other's magic. Everyone is always afraid to fight us so we just fight each other.
Malleus was the first to send out a spell. A powerful fire wave that I was able to dodge by a millisecond. I sent back to him a water shot, trying to douse out his flames. I did hit him in the arm but he only laughed it off. This happened for a while before my ax accidently flew off my back and almost hit Malleus straight in the face.
Thankfully, the contract worked and I was teleported to Crowley's office with my ax now stuck in a wall.
I sat in Crowley's office until Leona arrived after five hours. Crowley refused to let me leave without supervision in case I went out of control. Listen, I may be able to hurt anybody and everybody but I have more control than that!
"You woke me up for this? Are you serious?"
Leona was given me the biggest death glare while I was just looking off to the side.
"Yes, because he belongs in your dorm and that he is your family, you must take responsibility and discipline your brother correctly to make sure that he won't harm somebody."
"A: What did he even do and B: Why should I care?"
"I can answer B. You should care because it will a bad rep for NRC and Savanaclaw together.
Your dorm will suffer if the press heard that one of your members either killed or severely wounded someone.
You also wouldn't get any beauty sleep. (Y/N), you have to answer A."
I glared at Crowley before telling my part.
"I went over to Diasomnia."
"...are you kidding me right now? Diasomnia!?"
"Listen! I know that you don't like the dorm leader but you don't have any right to forbid me from going over!"
"I've told you plenty of times! How many more times do I have to tell you!?"
"Keep yapping because I'm still not listening! But I was exploring the forest around the castle and Malleus and I started fighting."
I saw Leona clench his fist slowly. I was so in for it later.
"I had my ax strapped to my back and when I went to send my own spell, I pulled a maneuver that ended up having the strap slide off of my back and sent my ax flying towards Malleus' face. It was all accidental."
"Why were you fighting that Lizard in the first place?!"
"Because he was in a bad mood and one of the easiest ways for him to get out negative emotions is through fighting! You are the exact same way!"
Leona slammed his hands on Crowley's desk before standing up to glare at me.
Leona's roar was terrifying that it almost made my tail go between my legs. Almost is the key word. I stood up as well and just glared back with just as much fierceness. We both were letting out growls and getting tense. I was the first to strike.
I jumped onto Leona sending both of us flying over Crowley's desk, messing everything up.
"You've never cared about who I hung out with before! WHY DOES IT MATTER SO MUCH NOW?!"
Leona then kicked me off, my back making contact with Crowley's window, shattering it. The glass dug deep into my back. weakening me.
"Because you're starting to get on my nerves with who you choose to hang out with! First, it was that herbivore and now, it's that stupid Lizard!"
Leona then grabbed me and slammed me down on the floor, pushing the glass deeper. I saw black spots consuming my vision but I wasn't out just yet. I looked towards Crowley.
"Survival of the Fittest."
Crowley then collapsed while I felt more energized than ever. I was able to ignore the glass in my back and was able to wrestle Leona off of me.
I never realized how much power that Headmage actually had. Considering he never makes any effort in trying to do anything.
"I am your hunger, I am your thirst. I am what steals your tomorrows. Kneel before me! King's Roar!"
Leona's power was slowly draining the power that I stole away. We had to either wrap this up soon or until one of us submits. The rest of the faculty barged in and separated Leona and I from each other. Crowley's office was a mess, full of sand, glass, and blood. Leona was in worse shape than I was except at least he wasn't phasing in and out of consciousness.
"You pups need to be better disciplined! Two months worth of detention!" Crewel yelled at us, before we both were being ushered to our dorm by Coach Vargas.
We got healed once we hit our dorm and Leona demanded that I go to his room. The aura that we were radiating scared the rest of the dorm to get out of our way.
"What more do we need to talk about? We nearly just killed each other. I think that we got enough across to one another."
"You're done with going to other dorms."
"Excuse me?"
"I know that you heard me but I'll repeat for my slow little brother. Since you obviously can't be trusted by yourself, you have to be either at the main building or at Savanaclaw at all times. Ruggie will accompany everywhere with you."
"You can't just do that! I have other friends from other dorms!"
"Ah, thank you for reminding me! Drop them."
I just stared at Leona in disbelief. This man was trying to dictate my entire school life.
"You must be joking."
"I'm not. That's a command to you from your dorm leader. Now off you go."
I just glared at Leona before walking away in a huff. There was no way to get through to him while he's like this. My ears immediately picked up lighter footsteps.
"Go away, Ruggie."
"No can do, (Y/N). I'm not too happy about this either but I'm not about to go against Leona."
I just continued walking down to my dorm and I just slammed my door closed. I heard Ruggie knocking but I refused to open the door and just put a pillow over my ears. I started to grit my teeth together, trying to keep my emotions under control.
"Leona will snap back to his senses. He has to. He has to."
If he doesn't, I don't know how much of my sanity will last this year.
Brother B:
"So, you're telling me: that you messed up a potion and then spilled it on my brother!?"
I held out my hands and started to do grabby motions. I want upsies!
"Now, now, let's discuss this calmly like adults! Just put the chair down!"
I turned my head to witness Azul cowering behind his desk while Leona was trying to attack him with one of the comfort chairs in the VIP room. I wasn't getting upsies anytime soon.
"Ehh~ I knew that pouring that potion on Honey-chan would be funny."
"You're the reason why (Y/N) is now a toddler?!"
Leona then turned the chair towards Floyd while Floyd wasn't paying attention. Jade was trying to keep in his chuckles while watching from behind Azul's desk. The room was just full of chaos.
I kept trying to get upsies but everyone was distracted. I got bored and left the VIP room. The Mostro Lounge was so full of pretty lights! My eyes then caught another shiny thing! A golden arm band on a white haired student. He was leaving the Mostro Lounge and I was quick to chase after him.
I came upon a weird mirror that many people were walking through and disappearing but I didn't care. I just wanted the shiny! I bolted through the mirror and came out of the other side. There were more people on the other side and more mirrors. I saw another shiny outside of the building and ran out. The shiny turned out to be the sun but it was really pretty.
There were also a bunch of pretty birds and two of them dropped a flower crown on my head. I let out a light laugh before deciding to follow them. I don't know how long I was running for but eventually, the birds flew off and I lost sight of them.
"Bye, friends! I hope to see you another day!"
I shouted and waved goodbye before I took a look around. I was in the middle of a forest and I don't know where I am.
Where is my big brother?
Where are my big brothers?
I picked a direction and ran as fast as I could, shouting out for my brothers. They have to be nearby! They have to! I felt tears leak out of my eyes before the next thing that I knew, I couldn't see anything because it was so blurry. My foot caught a root and I went tumbling. I felt plenty of ouchies form and I eventually stopped rolling. My whole entire body hurt so badly.
"Na-Na? Lena? Help me please."
I felt my eyes start to close and I couldn't keep them open any longer.
"(N/N)? (N/N)!"
"(Y/N)! Where have you gone?!"
"Honey-chan~! Come out so I can give you a nice big squeeze!"
I slightly reopened my eyes before whispering out one last time.
I saw Leona rush over to me and I felt him pick me up. He felt so warm and comfy that I couldn't help but nuzzle deeper into him.
"I'm sleepy, Na-Na."
"No! Don't go to sleep yet, (N/N)! Stay awake for Na-Na! Please!"
"I'll try, Na-Na."
I really was trying. Whenever one of my eyes were starting to droop, I put my hand near that eye to lift it back up the eyelid. I didn't want to disappoint Na-Na.
"This is all your fault, Floyd!"
"My fault?! How?!"
"If you had just behaved, (Y/N) wouldn't be in such a fragile state!"
Floyd and Azul shut up after Leona yelled at them. The forest was zooming past and eventually, I saw the big castle that I saw from the weird mirror building again.
"Na-Na? Are we going to go to the big castle? Are we in the sky, Na-Na?"
"We're going to the big castle but we're not in the sky! You are not going to be in the sky anytime soon! I swear on my life!"
"But the sky is where all of the birdies live."
"But if you went to live in the sky, Lena and I couldn't visit you. Do you want that?"
"No. I want to visit Lena and Na-Na together."
"Good. Now stop trying to get to the sky."
"Eh, Honey-chan, if you want to get to the sky, I think that Azul can help you~"
"Floyd! Silence!"
Leona rushed me to a room with curtains and beds before setting me down on a bed.
"Fix him. NOW!"
I felt some relief in the places that were in a lot of pain. I felt a smile break out on my face. I opened my eyes to see Leona just there staring back at me. He looked quite grumpy. But I knew that was Leona's normal face.
I let out a giggle before putting my palm on his left cheek.
"Na-Na came and saved me."
"Yeah, Na-Na will always come save you. You should take a nap now though, (N/N). I'll be right back."
"Okay, Na-Na."
I closed my eyes and started to snooze.
"Now you two and I are going to have a talk. COME HERE!"
The door then slammed shut and I heard a lot of banging from the hallway. Thankfully, the thuds were in rhythm and made it easier to fall asleep.
I wonder what dream I'll have this time.
*Leona's POV*
"Ugh, those stupid sea creatures. Making me waste energy on their problems."
I walked back into the nurse's office after beating Azul and Floyd to the ground to see (Y/N) just snoozing away on the bed.
"He's all healed up. He'll be right as rain by the time that he wakes up again."
I only nodded at the nurse, signaling to him that he could leave. He did leave and I crawled up next to my little brother.
"You're going to be the death of me. You should be thankful that you have me for your brother."
I'll make sure that nothing ever hurts you, even if I have to take you away from all evil.
Azul Ashengrotto
Land is awful. I need a break from the land. Azul, why did you have to bring me to the land?
"I want to go swimming."
"We can't go swimming today, (Y/N). You've got a debut to do today anyway."
Azul put the finishing touches on my outfit and I looked ten times more dapper than I usually do. I decided to practice my magic and manipulate water into beautiful shapes. A few Scarabia students saw the shapes and immediately ran up to me to watch what I could make. They even gave suggestions on what I should make and it was quite fun.
Azul found us doing it and from there on, he made me start putting on water shows for evening shifts. He did pay me but I didn't even want to perform. I just wanted to swim.
The lights started to blink, signaling that it was my time to go to the small stage. Azul gave me a warm smile before petting my head lightly.
"Knock them dead, little brother. Show them what Ashengrottos can do."
I walked out onto stage and turned towards the crowd. I was thankful for my time at my last school for the fact alone that everyone would always stare at me. I can take the stares.
I quickly bowed to the crowd before I activated my magic. Jade and Floyd put large containers of water all over the Mostro Lounge for me to manipulate. I started by having thin streams of water travel throughout the entire dining area. People were in awe with how soothing the running water sounded. I then separated the paths into different sections and formed shapes with each section.
The show was a huge hit. I would be constantly scanning the crowd to see what thing I should create out of the water and which table I should send it to. By the time that I was done, everyone was applauding and I even got some whistles. I did one last bow before rushing backstage.
"That was excellent! If you keep doing acts like that, profits will skyrocket! Although I don't know how I feel about all of the eyes on you. I might lock you up for a week after each performance, just so that they all understand that they can't see you all the time."
Azul whispered that last part but I still heard him loud and clear. It may have sounded like a question but I knew that he was actually going to do that. A week?! I can't stand only Azul for a week!
I felt my hand twitching and I was so tempted to run then and there. But no, I have to be careful about this. So, I waited and waited in the dressing room. I checked the clock and saw that enough time passed and that the Mostro Lounge would be at its busiest.
I peaked out of the dressing room to see Floyd and Jade rushing everywhere and I also got a peak of Azul taking someone to the VIP room. It was go time. I moved in short sprints until I made it to the mirror. I went through and saw nobody in the hall of mirrors.
I sprinted to the outskirts of NRC campus. Because of it being on top of a cliff, I could just jump off and straight into water. I saw the coliseum and just kept on the path. I quickly came to the wind mill and rushed past it. The cliff was safe from sharp rocks at the bottom and sharp edges that I could hit.
"Deep breath. Let's go!"
I jumped and performed a dive into the deep water below. I felt my body shift back into my mermaid form and I just started swimming. I've never been allowed to explore the water around the Isle of Sages, mainly because Azul liked having a tight grip on the metaphorical leash around my neck.
The water felt so nice and cool on my scales. There were so many different types of fish around, I found at least five new types that I've never seen back at the Coral Sea! Plus there were so many different shipwrecks! One of them still had skeletons from the crew. Those poor souls, unable to break free of their containment.
I originally just planned to time myself fifteen minutes but... It's been so long that I couldn't help but break that limit. I haven't felt this free ever since I got here. My need for adventure has never felt so fulfilled before.
"I wonder what's under this rock?"
"Well, you're not going to find out."
I jolted upwards, wasn't expecting a voice. Let alone it being Azul's voice.
"Here I thought that I made it clear that you weren't allowed to go swimming. I must have been much too lenient with you. I'll make sure to remedy my mistake."
I felt Floyd wrap around me and then, I felt his teeth bite deeply in my arm. I let out a scream, plenty of pain flowing through my body. My vision was really blurry so I could only rely on touch to tell me what was happening.
I felt my head be lifted up and a potion going down my throat.
"There we go. Let's get you your legs back."
I passed out and woke up in Azul's room.
"No... No, no, no, no."
I quickly got out of the bed and went to try and open the door. As expected, it was locked.
"Let me out! Let me out please!"
"Little brother... It's three AM. You need your sleep."
I felt Azul's tentacles wrap around me before pulling me back to the bed. I was shocked that Azul was willing in his octo form but I couldn't let the shock stop me. I had to try and break free of his grip. But sadly, my human form is still quite weak.
Azul brought my head to his chest and put my ear above his heart to assure that I could hear it beating.
"Shhh, shhh. I know that you're upset. You woke up and put yourself in a fit. Don't worry, your big brother is here to protect you from all of your worst nightmares. After all, you're going to be in here with me for two whole weeks. We can bond and become very close together. Of course, I'll need to leave from time to time but I'll be back to spend all the time in the world with you."
"Two... weeks?"
"Yep! It'll be fun!"
Great Seven, please save me.

The entire collection


Yandere Twisted Wonderland x FemReader | Maid Milker

“No. No way! I’m not selling myself just so you can get more thirsty perverts bothering me!”
Since it had recently been discovered that you were the only female in a college meant for boys you could hardly breathe without someone openly creeping on you. First it was just students staring longingly, before it started becoming confessions, and then open stalking. There was even an official fan club that made a point to broadcast every single part of your life private or not. There was no filter. So of course when one of the few people who you had an established friendship (kinda) asked you to exploit just that.
“Awwww, shrimpy! Don’t you wanna work with me? We’d have so much fun!”
He leaned his head on yours letting more of his weight weigh on you as you struggled to keep up right.
“I’d love to but not in a maid dress! Do you know how bad those things can be for girls like me?”
“What could possibly be stopping you other than the overwhelming support of your club?” Jade interjected slyly picking at the fact that you had a literal fan base that would praise you for simply walking.
“Not. My. Club. And panty shots.”
“Easy fix. We can invest in some shorts.” Azul, confident he pushed his glasses up and shrugged; you grimaced.
“I’d have to shave.”
“Those get hair?” Floyd directed at his brother who tilted his head. “Apparently.”
“Ugh harassment.”
“Do you even have to ask? Jade and Floyd.”
“Ugh. What about...my dignity!” You hated that this was you picking at straws here.
“The whole lounge will be on the same rules as you and what's wrong with a student earning some much needed cash. If people think it’s so funny you’re working so hard it’d behoove them to help out of pity.”
“Hmmm...” you brought your index and thumb to your chin in hopes that it could come up with some other reason why this wouldn’t work. Finding that you couldn’t find one you saw no problem agreeing as long as you cleared some things up.
“I get paid and I keep all my tips?”
“Anyone I ask to be removed for behavior will be removed?”
“Of course.”
“...and I get to keep the costume.”
“That wasn’t a question.”
“Okay okay. It’s yours.”
“Thank you, well then I’ll gladly be in your service.”
"I'm surprised you let that go, Azul." The eel-mer spoke without looking up from the modal he was counting, sporting his typical smile.
"Patience, Jade. We don't need golden eggs when we have the goose." Azul reassured writing in his ledger with a confident tone.
"What goose?" Floyd was leaned over the couch behind Azul.
"Its a land expression, you should have covered that in literature already."
"We did but someone wasn't in the mood to listen for the whole of it."
The octo-mer didn't look up from what he was writing but he did stop to speak seriously to the eel.
"If we want this plan to work though you'll need to be in the mood to listen...can you do that at least."
"He~he I'm always in the mood when Shrimpy's involved!"
“Haha, I can’t belie-haha-you agreed to this!”
Ace was having a field-day, as you expected but you had thrown out your embarrassment and were going to proudly wear your themed maid outfit in purple and black.
“Shut up Ace! Before I spit in your drink!”
You whispered the last bit as Jade strongly asked that you refrain from giving any fluid of yours without having paid for the service specifically. Feeling satisfied as Ace held his hands up in submission you looked at Deuce who looked at a loss for words, opening and closing his mouth as he looked at your outfit.
“Got something to say, Deuce?”
You mockingly taunted him in case he thought about hopping on the bully-(Y/n) bandwagon. He continued to flutter before he finally gathered himself looking down then up at you.
“I-uh, like your stockings.” He gulped, diverting his attention for awhile before returning to its latest focus. You immediately perked, balancing the trey to let your hand slide past the fluff of your dress to pull at the fabric.
“Like it? I was originally going to go with tights that went up all the way-“ you let go causing the strap to slap against the plush of your thigh, adding emphasis to your statement. “But I decided these jock-straps were too cute to pass up.”
You dismiss yourself walking back to the kitchen as Deuce blushes full force as he replays the whole interaction in his mind. Not just your words but the prideful look in your eye as you snapped the strap against your thigh, leaving the Heartslabyul student reeling with his imagination. Just across from him, Ace too was replaying the view of you walking away. It was just too easy.
“Hate to watch you go but love to watch you leave.”
He had to come here every night.
“Oh, here’s your underwater mocha and your sweet oyster tart.”
Riddle couldn’t help looking, it was what everyone was here to do anyway. But that was why he came: to make sure everyone was doing just that. So why was it so much worse for him when that was all he could do.
“A-and you're sure this is consensual?”
“Yeah, no worries. Besides, the modal I’m getting for this will have me and Grim eating happily for days!”
“If foods what your worried about, I’d gladly put some on your plate.”
The baker spoke smoothly talking in that calming voice everyone relaxed at totally masking the true intention.
“I appreciate that Trey but with your sweets I’d definitely pack on a few and I don’t need that.” You joked, oblivious to the green and orange eyes flickering to your stomach and thighs before flashing such charming smiles.
“Well, I wouldn’t mind that at all (Y/n).”
“I agree, (Y/n). You’d look stunning, even if you racked on a hundred more.”
“Aw gee thanks guys!”
You couldn’t deny you felt an intensity when they spoke your name but you couldn’t focus on whatever heat they might have spurred especially when you were being called to serve your next order.
“Oh sorry guys, I have to go now. Enjoy your drinks and treats.”
You scurried off only for Riddle to make an interesting discovery. “For only 2,000 madol you can have your waiter hand feed you? I-it’s better that we check and make sure this er-practice is healthy or not, yes?”
“I wholeheartedly agree.” “Count me in, boss.”
“You have some nerve accepting business from the fish.” Leona spoke in his gruff voice immediately having you reel back to his table. In the booth he sat on the cushion by himself with the other being shared by Jack and Ruggie. You nervously laughed as you waited for Ruggie to finally speak after eying you up and down.
“And how much would you be willing to do this for?”
You laughed at him, thinking he was joking when his sky blues were staring unwavering right back at you. Recovering you thought for a moment.
“I guess it would be a lot, not including whatever liberties I’ll even allow. But it’s not like anyone would pay for me to actually do something like this.”
You nervously chuckled only for the knowing smirks spread on Leona and Ruggie's face as you once again realized this was no joke. With a cough from the forgotten guest you looked at Jack who seemed to fidget as he blushed.
“While I don’t think you're anywhere near the level being a maid, you still look...very pretty.”
“Aww thank you Jack!” You struck a pose with a heart before walking off to attend your duties leaving Ruggie to relentlessly be smacked by the wagging of Jack’s tail not seeming to mind as he dazed off to watch you work.
“Oh manifique mademoiselle trickster you’ve rendered me a slave to your beauty and I’m floored to witness you in such a state!” As dramatic and as loud as Rook could be he never failed to make you blush at his compliments as you tried to take the tables order down.
Vil looked off to the side, eying an occupied twin at the bar before turning to look up at you. Smoothly he twirled his fingers around the lace of your maid dress lightly brushing against the now exposed skin of your thigh.
“I didn’t realize you liked to play dress-up (Y/n)...” you blubbered trying to find another topic as his light playing turned into suggestive pulling before you bashfully pushed down your dress.
“Next time you do we’ll have a private fashion show (Y/n), that way you can really learn how to play your role...properly.”
Regrettably Epel never properly spoke to you; he was too interested in the way the apron and dress hugged your body. Making certain to burn it into his memory for an apple carving later for at least he’d be allowed to lick that version of you.
Shouting as if he hadn’t just sat with you in science class, he launches himself at you immediately causing you to spill a drink you were carrying for another table. Eventually breaking from his hug, thanks to Jamil he begins to apologize.
“Aw I’m so sorry (Y/n)! I’ll pay for it and I’ll take you to eat here.”
He seems so happy and with a smile like that you struggled with what to say, thankfully Jamil had that covered he pulled out a hanky he kept on hand.
“Can’t you see Kalim, she’s working right now. And you ruined her appearance.”
“I did? How? You look perfect to me.”
“Aww thanks Kalim.”
Distracted by his musings you almost missed how Jamil kneeled down to rub at the sugary residue on your thighs. Gulping down a blush he tried his best to clean, even though it made no progress at all and he knew that.
“Heheeh Jamil that tickles! I appreciate the help but no worries. In fact I’ll get you two seated right away.”
You guided the two to an empty booth completely unaware of the sorrowful face Kalim was pulling as Jamil pocketed the handkerchief. With a playful flick of his tongue Jamil hurried ahead as Kalim caught up.
Idia was hardly keeping it together seeing you run around taking orders from customers and running around with food on a tray had fueled the fantasy of the cliche maid cafe. He was practically already dying from the sheer amount of noise and extroverts that had gathered here but he most certainly was revived in some strange way to see you in your maid uniform. He refused to bring Ortho with him as this was his special mission on high difficulty and he didn't want Ortho tainted by your succubus charm, of course not because you might be discovered by yet another love rival. When you finally did run up to him a delicious sheen of sweat coated your arms and your forehead wonderfully accompanied but the sticky residue a drink must have made on your thighs-oh seven your thighs it sent him into another frenzy as he was barely able to recite his order.
“Oh, you want the ocean blue smoothie?”
He nodded.
“With the lip mark and a quarter drunk?”
He nodded again.
You looked at him for a bit before shrugging. ‘Everyone at some point must want to feel less lonely.’
So in front of him in the most secluded booth there was you bringing his drink and reapplied your matching lipstick before happily indulging in India’s drink. He didn’t realize you’d do it in front of him! But he wasn’t complaining, all the more grateful for his hidden body-cam as he watched your throat bob drinking his drink. He left happily holding the to-go cup that had your lip marks on it. He was going to...cherish the trophy for a successful mission.
Lilia traversed through enough of the internet to know about the anime-maid-obsession. He won’t lie, for awhile he too was intrigued before moving on but seeing you pad around in such a cute replica reignited it for him.
“It’s a shame you aren’t in-character that way you would have had to do what your master said!”
“Hehe, well than Master Lilia, here's your Pearl Gray iced tea.”
The joking you did with him made the old fae quite excited but he could handle himself until he got back to his dorm. Yes he could wait till he was in his lonesome. He could wait until then to imagine how helpless you’d be under him as he rearranged your guts on the dining table for mocking your master. So all he did was giggle and wink because he was grown. And that’s just what grown fae do. Wait until later to enact his desires.
Malleus didn’t understand why you were wearing such attire and he didn’t appreciate the way it made everyone ogle you like you were free for the taking. It upset him but anger was quelled when from his position he could smell you so clearly and the tightness of your uniform made it all the more appealing to watch. He was angry but when you happily flashed the cuff links he gifted you his anger subsided...kind of. If you were willing to show this much to the general populace than surely you’d have something far more intimate to show him. With that he indulged in his beverage excusing the involuntary flip of your skirt as moved to serve your guests.
Silver did see you in the maid outfit, if only briefly before getting comfortable enough to snooze again. But being awoken to a soft but forceful hold on your head does something. Grasping the crown of his head, nails barely grazing his scalp was a feeling he hadn’t expected to invoke such a reaction out of him. He did moan but thankfully it seemed normal enough that you didn’t question it when he sat upright.
“I’m glad I caught you, that would have been an awful waste of madol. Now Sebek, did you want anything?”
Oh he did want something, to chew you out over your wild attempts to flaunt yourself for all these men and for failing to properly woo his master. But that was before you reached past him to stop Silver from falling in his sleep into his drink. You successfully caught the human, completely oblivious to the half fae you inadvertently shoved your chest into. He’s probably suffocating but is he going to stop you while you right his fellow guard from falling? No! Especially not when you smell so good-and this--this is a part of his training! Yes! To be able to withstand the wiles of a human female for the sake of his master. Right! But it seems he’s failed this time as he won’t be able to properly utter a sentence until he’s forgotten the softness he nearly suffocated in.
“I’ll just get you some water, hun.”
Finally draping yourself over the couches armrest you let out an exasperated sigh. On your feet all day, running around playing maid for everyone in the Monstro Lounge was beyond exhausting. You were glad it was the end. You walked into the office where Azul seemed to have finished organizing his contracts. Sitting in a nearby chair and on the floor respectively was Jade and Floyd. They smiled at you as your tiredness showed nodding at them before leaning playfully into Azul. Breath tickling his ear you asked.
“Now can I have my pay? My hour’s up.” You yawned, leaning your head onto his shoulder as his face bloomed a concerning shade of red.
“I-it’s l-late isn’t it? Don’t you want to stay the night.?”
You yawned again. “No why?”
Jade slid in behind you letting you lean back on him as he swayed you through the door and near a storage area.
“We can all see it, we've worked you dry, (Y/n). So take this time to sleep and I’ll take you back in the morning.”
Floyd appeared tossing a Monstro lounge t-shirt that was way too many sizes big for you. Looking at their sharp smiles you relented, excusing yourself to change before returning and happily passing out on whoever’s bed they guided you to.
In the meantime the three stood menacingly over your abandoned maid outfit. Jade pulled out a checklist and Azul got his wand ready.
“Now who is on the top priority list for a copy.”
“Not including us, Malleus Draconia, Idia Shroud, and oddly enough Neige Leblanche.”
“Alright then."
“Let’s get started then.”