She/her- jack of many trades, brainworm farmer- Memes ‘n Misc. hyper-fixations- Take a snack, leave a snack
978 posts
Not To Remind Anyone Things Happen To Happen IRL But Sorry For The Streak Of Inactivity As Of Late. Going
Not to remind anyone things happen to happen IRL but sorry for the streak of inactivity as of late. Going to be moving out soonish, dealing with a national medication shortage that’s been hitting me most inconveniently, still adjusting to my daytime workload, just, stuff that’s been kinda occupying and hopefully will have been at least greatly worked through by the end of the month. As much as I’ve still been teaming the entire time with the think juice and so much I still have to say and meme about, upkeeping the queue rn is just temporarily a bit less of a recreation and more of a chore. But genuinely thanks for still viewing and spreading my other stuff around. Every new comment and note is a very appreciated little egg of dopamine during this time
aperfecttimeforscreaming liked this · 7 months ago
More Posts from Ms-scarletwings
Okay here’s the thing. I love and adore Doof as much as the next high class cartoon fan, but if you are voting for him, you genuinely do not know what a “villain protagonist” is. The main protags of phineas and Ferb are Phineas and Ferb, and even within the classic doof-centered B plot, Perry the Platypus is the one in the protagonist role.
Like all other campaign arguments are thrown aside. One of these guys is an actual villain protagonist, and the other one is a villain antagonist. It’s not your fault, Doof, you are amazing and iconic, but this is not your banner to fly and I will not deprive you of your proper taxonomy.

Heinz Doofenshmirtz: He has a tragic backstory. It’s so tragic that not even his parents showed up for his birth. He also has a found family of ocelots! And a nemesis with whom he has a mildly homoerotic rivalry. He predictably gets his plans utterly decimated each time, but he never gives up! Give the guy props for tenacity. He’s also legitimately good at building crazy machines, his downfall is his habit of building self-destruct buttons. He’s ridiculous. He tries so hard. He’s such a babygirl.
Invader Zim: An autistic icon who paved the way for so many shows people praise today - Steven Universe, She-Ra Princesses of Power, Hazbin/Helluva, Owl House and so many more. Also, a non binary icon, as this beautiful small bean rocks a pink dress and on multiple occasions is the draggest of queen's. Vote Zim for the road he died paving for all the recent LGBT faves to run on.
Sooooo finally caved and shelled out for the Downpour expansion!
Key notes so far:
- loving all the new items and foods
- outskirts definitely does not feel like a beginner area anymore
- tackling this lore now like a fruit frozen into a block of ice and placed into my enclosure for enrichment
- thank the ancients for custom tweaks like key item tracking
- still gay for robots
- garbage wastes has been demoted from being my favorite level
- round boi is best boi round boi is best boi round boi is best boi round boi


“Haha ha remember how Zim actually killed Dib on screen for a moment in that one episode? So dark right?”
Yeah Haha ha ha remember when Zim also screwed up in that same episode by turning their beef so personal and traumatic that after Dib survived, he stopped even thinking of capturing him, and he just rushed into dude’s base with the open intention to fucking end Zim and GIR both on the spot in broad daylight?
“Thinking all day about Zim remorselessly killed/crippled a child-“
And? We knew he was capable of that from episode one I’m thinking all night about the terrifyingly canon threshold that exists between current Dib and a scenario like this

How’s your Friday going gang ☕️
So here’s a thing that happened to me about two hours ago and I’m still red in the face and utterly losing my mind over it

I fear this is terminal and I will never recover