msbarrybeeson - Banana Beez
Banana Beez

They / Them : Writer / Artist / Editor : 23 : "I simply like to do whatever.” Spotify:

30 posts

In This Episode Of "Mad Dogs Love Reader" : Mystic Library

In This Episode of "Mad Dogs Love Reader" : Mystic Library

A/N: This lowkey feels like crack-fiction. Then I remember the premise is the actual, released episode itself. I did my utmost trying to adhere with the characters' personalities when it came to non-canonical dialogue.

I am aware of your comments about my Donnie X Reader shots and feel really happy to hear them! After a year or so of not writing, though, I apologize for my rough return. I still love Rise of TMNT with my heart and hope to see a single glimpse of the show's possible continuation.

Constructive criticism is much appreciated! Especially for character-writing! Leave some comments about it if you will.

In This Episode Of "Mad Dogs Love Reader" : Mystic Library

Summary: While searching for something to help your project, you found yourself jammed into a fiasco of a book find with the Mad Dogs in the Mystic Library.

Episode Base: Episode 20A "Mystic Library"

Implied Pairings: Rise! Donnie X Reader • Rise! Leo X Reader • Rise! Raph X Reader

Reader: Gender Neutral. Human.

Word Count: ~2070

➵ ➵ ➵





You whipped your head. "What the hell was that?" you muttered to yourself, cautious of the "Hush Bats" hanging from above.

Your hand flipped through pages of a book, yet nothing remarkable piqued you. You sighed. You needed to get a project done as soon as possible before you could hit the weekend concert in Central Park. "Where are all the books on the anatomy of frogs. . .?" You picked out another book, this time with a fish-like Yōkai on the cover page.

"What are they doing here?" Your ears perked at recognizing that coarse, scratchy voice. "Can't we enjoy a nice peaceful Sunday without those clowns showing up?"

April and the others showed up? Here?

"I got an idea," Foot Brute gestured a "knuckle-sandwich." "Since they're always messing up whatever we're doing, why don't we mess up whatever they're doing?"

Under their breaths, they snickered evilly.

You frowned. Not on my watch, bozos.

⇨ ⇨ ⇨

"Loom 16." Donnie slid, rocking into his rhythm as he busted out singing. "Take Corridor B. Down-the-stairs past the Ibis tapestry."

"Uhh. . . Donnie?" Raph whispered, feeling uneasy when even Leo decided to join in with his beatboxing. "We're still in the library." Yet his warning went ignored.

"Sliding bookcase after bookcase shows the way to the hall– up a pole through a hole to the waterfall." He rhymed with every line. Raph hushed him, "Keep it down Donnie!"

Aimlessly, Raph glimpsed up the library, careful of the Hush Bats. He did not want to be taken to the kiddie room. He was expecting one to come right out of the endless ceiling, flying straight for him and his ridiculously noisy brothers.

He heard nothing. He saw nothing. His back faced his brothers as Raph kept his eyes out for those bats. He quirked an "eyebrow" when the silence settled in.

"Gee Donnie. Didn't think you'd be the one to listen." Curious, the snapping turtle finally spun around to face his brothers.

What he truly did not expect was bumping right into Leo's shell. A relatively low "oomph" emitted. Now, he felt confused. "Guys?" Raph tried calling. "What's the big idea? Why are we stoppin' out of nowhere? We got Mayhem to save!" He glimpsed at his phone to April's frantic texts.

Looking back up, he noticed Leo wrapping his hands over Donnie's mouth. Their heads were blocking his view of something. Or rather, someone. Raph leaned his head to the side and found–.


In a whisper, of course.

You would hope so.

He nearly yelled for the world to hear.

The Hush Bats above dilated their pupils in great suspicion.

From your end, you watched the wide-eyes and shocked looks plastered on their faces. Leo covering Donnie's mouth before he could scream at seeing you pop out of the blue. A deep fluster evident on Donnie's features. You did kind of jump from behind a ledge.

That wasn't what mattered, though.

"Why hello." You somehow dropped the whole warning-spiel to give a quick greeting, hand on your hip.

But it wasn't quick.

"(Name)!?" Raph quietly exclaimed. Perfect timing for an oxymoron. "What on Earth are you doing here!?" He rushed to you, giant hands on your shoulder and lightly shook you. "Were you trapped here?!"

"Raph, Raphie." You lightly knocked off his grip. "I'm fine. I was looking for a book to finish my biology project. I would really love to get to this concert coming this weekend, but I can't dance my soul out when my grade hangs on the balance of Mr. Racataian." You waved dramatically.

Donnie yanked off his twin-brother's hands. "I had an excellent cadence going before you ruined it, Leo!" He scrunched his face. "Keep your germs off. Who knows where your hands have been?" Donnie sanitized the area around his mouth. He faced you, the disgust wiped off in an instant. He raised an eyebrow, obviously judging the decision you just made.

"Allow me to digest this." He repeated slowly, "You are looking for a book."


"To help you with a school project."


"From the human world."


"And you're not searching in any of New York's public libraries, but in the Mystic Library?"

"Sums it up."

"'Sums it up?' That is downright absurd!" His eye twitched. "Why?"

"Yeah. No offense, (Name)," Leo intercepted. "This lowkey doesn't feel like the right place for you to be searching for human books. You should try one of the higher stories." He quirkily pointed up.

"Oh, you're right! They'd–."

"You should neither be endorsing this nor encouraging them, Leonardo!" Donnie hissed and went to pinch between his brows. "Dear Darwin, you have access to the Internet, (Name)!"

"I'm well aware, Don."

He blinked incredulously. "Oh Bohr. What have they done to you, my brightest pupil? My intelligent (Name)! Has New York decided to reduce state funding on public education as of late?" He suddenly hugged you, garnering shock from Leo and Raph. Donnie rarely– much emphasis on rarely– touched anyone out of his will. So this said a lot. "We shall fix this. An old fashion petition won't do. They never listen to those–."

"Donnie!" You shoved the mutant off, ignoring his endearing title for you. "Did you seriously believe I hadn't visited the public libraries?"

"I'm afraid you are not making any sense, (Name). To come here implies there weren't any books at all relating to your topic–!"

"Of course, there are!" You ruffled your hair. "But my teacher begged everyone to put in forty sources– all of them as books– or else he'd drop our grades by two whole letters! I don't know what's his deal with bringing in physical work! It's been decades! Can he please catch up to today's technology!?"

Yes, you were in fact whispering still.

"Sheesh." Leo crossed his arms and muttered, "And here I thought high school's all about the sports. Y'know, the better stuff."

"Why are you guys even here?"

In a blink of an eye, Raph tensed up. Hands on his head, he panicked as he snatched his phone out of you-don't-know-where. He frantically tapped his thumbs on the screen, texting. You looked around. "And where's Mikey and April?"

"Mikey. . . kinda got taken to the kiddie room." Leo rubbed his nape. "He did that to himself though, so I wouldn't really worry 'bout him that much."

"Oh." You snickered. "So he's the one I heard that loud echo from." You would have laughed real hard at that.

"Not gonna lie, I kinda wanna do the same thing. But those bats up there are giving me the heebie-jeebies."

"And so where's April? Isn't she usually with you guys too?"

"Mayhem. . . got stuck in her mirror."

". . ."

Leo twiddled with his fingers.

You freaked out, your one spare hand wiggling and everything. "Why are you guys even chatting with me!?" Your eye twitched. "Are you lost or something? There's some Magic 8 Ball thing down that hall. You could've found the book by now–!"

"Which I would've found if it weren't for my annoying colleague interupting my memory rhythm." Donnie gritted his teeth. "But fret you shall not, (Name). Everything is handled without flaw as long as my intellect is around. Nothing is necessary except for your mind."

Ah. Your daily dose of Donnie's wisdom. You didn't even have to ask.

"Woah-ho. Now you're blaming me, mi hermano?" The latter had his hands up defensively. "You're the only one with directions inside your head. I was only trying to stop you from getting snatched by bats. Did you get that?" He spelled each letter, "B-A-T-S."

"You!" Robotic arms from Donnie's Battle Shell snatched Leo and shook him like an earthquake. "I won medalions from the National Spelling Bee, you simpleton! You can't even spell 'soldier' without replacing the letter 'd' with a 'j'! Who are you to quest–!?

Oh Bohr."

He did in fact yell.

You and Leo gaped with wide-open jaws as your friend with a big ego dramatically floated away by bats.

"Donnie!" Raph nearly screeched.

⇨ ⇨ ⇨

"I know Donnie has once again messed up our mission as he does on virtually every mission." Leo glanced between April's panicked messages on his brother's phone and you. His sights lingering on you each time.

"Are you trying to impress (Name) by putting down Donnie?"

"Wha–What? Of course not." Leo nervously chuckled. "W-Where did you get that idea from?" He looked at you yet again. The moment you made direct eye-contact, he tried putting up his nonchalant facade. Instead, he looked kind of goofy.

You wouldn't tell him that though.

Raph pointed at him, narrowing his eyes. "Are you trying to get Donnie fired?" Before his brother's hand slammed his face.

"We'll discuss that later." He swung to change the subject. "Let's just focus on getting that book, so we can save Mayhem." Leo held his chin, pondering. "We need to remember the song. How did it go? Something about a Loom."

"Loom 16." You heard it briefly when you had gone off in search of your buddies. You were sure if you could catch onto the beat again, you could remember all the lyrics– directions.

"That's right!" Raph snapped his fingers softly. "Take Corridor B. . . Uhhh. And then where'd it go?"

"Oh my God." You clasped your mouth. The other two whipped their heads. "What happened, (Name)?"

"I forgot to tell you guys!" said you in a hushed voice. "Those two guys from the Foot Clan are here to mess things up again!"

"You said who!?" Raph crashed into another body.

"Us." There they were, Foot Brute and Foot Lieutenant, right in the flesh. "How thoughtful of you to let us make our own welcoming, instead of spoiling it for others." The Lieutenant signaled in your direction with a sneer.

"Hey! Step aside, chump! We're on a crucial mission!"

"Which is why we're going to throw a little monkey wrench into your plans."

"We'll see about that." Raph charged to land an attack, but meeting the Brute's palm. Everyone quickly remembered the Hush Bats hanging patiently along a beam. The two backed off. Blue hopped on his brother's back. "We can't fight these guys! We have to be quiet, or we'll never get the book to free Mayhem!"

"So we fight them as quietly as the quietest lions in the jungle of silence!" Raph grunted. "Like a boss!"

"Oh dear me. Where's your other partner?" The Lieutenant pointed. Without a thought, the two mutants whipped their heads behind another time. Figuratively, your missing figure left a flashing dotted outline. Raph shrieked, "(Name)'s been kidnapped! What have you–?"

Book dust puffed out into his face. He nearly bursted into a sneeze if not for Leo's quick reaction.

"Oh, it's so on." Blue's competitive spirit tingled.

Raph stomped on the Brute's foot. Leo gave a real disgusting wet willy to the Lieutenant's ear. Things quickly escalated to making one another laugh as hard and loud as possible. Even the other visitors looked disturbed, either wheeling back their squeaking chairs or simply turning away.









Leo and Raph froze in the middle of their shenanigans as two heavy books struck the heads of the Feet. What an odd name, you would have thought. The impact created loud sounds that resonated throughout the library.

Two more victims for the kiddie room were claimed that day.

"Hey guys. Sorry, I went off for a mome–. Why is there a book in your mouth, Leo?"

He spat out the book, its spine drenched saliva.

"Oh. . ."

"You. . . did not see anything."

You slid down the bookcase. The one book with the fish-like Yōkai remained in your grasp. Raph practically teared up upon your sight. "Y-You weren't kidnapped after all. . .!"

"Thank you for the concern, but why would I be. . .?" You blinked amusingly before waving it off. "Nevermind." You pointed in a specific direction. "Let's head this way. There's Corridor B right there. Someone told me where this 'waterfall' is."

♪ Up the pole through the hole to the waterfall. ♫

"Oh-ho! So he did mention a waterfall." Leo snapped his fingers. "You're a life-saver, (Name). Up high!" You lightly high-five– or is it high-three– his hand.

Raph exhaled, patting your back– a usual sign of either appreciation or reassurance you came to learn. "Like a boss."

"See?" Blue nudged Red. "Like I said, who needs Donnie when–."

"Don't even think about it, Leo."

A sudden low ring of Raph's phone vibrated. The snapping turtle proceeded to take it out, but your hands were quick to stop him. "Shh! Don't you dare answer that. We don't know how loud whoever's calling is!"

Raph looked unsure. "It's April. I hafta take this or she's gonna go berserk! Don't want her to think we've forgotten about Mayhem!"

"Hey, I'd love talk to my best friend too, but right now, if any loud noise–."

Much to your damned misfortune, however, a heavy– extra heavy– book fell onto the floor beside the snapping turtle.

He did not realize he was leaning on the bookcase.


And on the cover, there existed the title: How to Not Drop Anything.

The Hush Bats, in a single second, clouded your vision like a fog. A vein popped on Raph's forehead, gritting his teeth. He groaned exasperately. "Okay, I've had just about enough of this jumble! Forget being quiet, we got our buddy Mayhem to save!" His tonfās glowed red.

You frantically waved your arms. "Hold on a second, Raph–!"

"Power smash-a-roni!"

It was too late. You and the red-eared slider were tightly shoved against each other, being held in a gigantic holographic hand as Raph activated his energy construct. "You're seriously going to wreck the entire library!?" Leo shouted. "OW. Watch the grip, King Kong! You're squeezing the very life out of us!"

♪ Down the stairs past the Ibis Tapestry. ♫

Raph's eyes lit up at the banner with a long-beaked bird on it. "Ibis Tapestry!" The Hush Bats swarmed around you once again.

You screamed, "To your left!"

The sliding bookshelves were found. Raph simply smashed his way past them. "To think I was gonna apply here as an assistant too!" You wailed. "I'm never going to be able to come back here as long as I'm associated with you guys!"

The Hush Bats began to charge right at you three. But Leo yanked out his ōdachi. With a swipe, a portal opened up, sending all the bats right into the bookshelves opposite.

"Can someone tell me if we're almost there?" Leo had been waving and brandishing his ōdachi. The repetitive high-pitched squeaks were heard when the blade struck something. "Ughh. These bats are getting on my nerves! My arms are getting sore!"

♪ Up the pole through the hole to the waterfall. ♫

"Up the pole!" Raph yelled until he broke through the fountain. The book, Complete Compendium of Escape Rituals, glimmered in the center of a large podium. One of the shiniest covers you could ever witness glowing.

"Don't worry I got it!" Leo portal'ed himself right over and snatched the book. But the Hush Bats rushed in as well. He grinned, "Oh yeah! Hero of the day!"

"Leo! Hand over the book!" Raph urged. "While you're at it, portal (Name) out of here!"

Your eyes widened. "What are you do–!?" Raph used his energy construct and flung you and himself over. You shrieked, "You little! You forgot I'm a humaaannn!" Leo passed the book to his brother, and swung his ōdachi. The portal that appeared behind you teleported you away from getting a concussion and five weeks of a coma on a bookshelf.

As two brothers exploded through the walls, crashing through the glass, the Bat Librarian– busy stamping books– instantly painted her face across in horror when she looked up. Her wide yellow eyes as she watched the destruction unfold right above the main chamber.

Oh boy did she herself explode into rage. "You! I'll pummel you into papyrus!" she hissed. Her normal Yōkai form mutated into something larger, expanding her wings and all of her six limbs.

Leo gulped thickly.

"Err. . .

. . .Is it too late to be pardoned?"

So much for being the "Face."

She soared up, seizing the two mutants, and body-slammed them down into another room. The debris scattering across the puzzle-tiled floor and unicorn-themed carpet. The book was still safe in Raph's grasp.

Hold on.

Puzzles and unicorns?

"Oh my God. It's about time you showed up! Why the hell would you teleport me here of all places, Leo!?"

They groaned, recovering from the brutal impact. Only to discover you were tied in jumpropes and about to be sacrificed to. . . Mikey?!

They had crashed into the kiddie room.

Their box turtle of a younger brother, covered in glow-in-the-dark marker and his head crowned with feathers, sat high and mighty on a stack of giant books like a throne. The armrests were made with alphabet blocks. Donnie sat on the side, fanning him with leaves. The Foot Brute and Lieutenant were also tied in jumpropes and hung like cocoons. The other Yōkai chanted and beated the drums.

He swayed his attention from you to the huge raging bat climbing up the rubble, hissing at the turtles.

Mikey, as if declared the king of the jungle, pointed at the Bat Librarian with crazed eyes.

"N E W T O Y!"

April would refuse to believe their fiasco if it weren't for you having a broken rib and bruises on your limbs.

At least your ancient teacher handed you that perfect score.

➵ ➵ ➵

A/N: Fish consume frogs. You wanted to learn about frog anatomy, and it ended up being a cookbook surrounding frogs.

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More Posts from Msbarrybeeson

7 months ago

Princess and Her Matra | Cyno X (F) Reader (Part III) (Royal AU)

Princess And Her Matra | Cyno X (F) Reader (Part III) (Royal AU)

Summary: Forced to accompany Scaramouche to the Royal Garden, many secrets began to seep like venom. You and your General were not ready to hear them.

Relationship: (Bodyguard) Cyno X (Desert Princess) Female Reader

Characters: General Mahamatra Cyno • Prince of Avidya Scaramouche.

Warnings: Suggestive. Mentions of Blood.

Word Count: 2250

Parts: One / Two / Three / Four / Five

➵ ➵ ➵

"Cyno," you sighed, letting your eyelids fall in pleasure.

"You.. you feel so.. good," he rasped, shaky breaths. "Agh, Your High–."

"Say only my," you gasped, "name."

"(Name), (Name)," he repeated between breaths, "I can no longer– Archons– hold myself together–!"

"Please, Cyno, please! Ohhh~." Your moans sent him trembling more. Your hands suddenly crept up the skin of his nape, combing his hair. Your legs wrapped around him. "Do it inside!" That was the final push before he–.

The General Mahamatra shook awake, eyes widened and face deeply flushed. He blinked a couple of times, realizing he had fallen asleep while standing by your chamber. He prayed to the Gods above no one caught him in such a vulnerable state.

He spotted the sun beyond the hall window, setting closer to the horizon. Right. It was the late afternoon. Apparently, you were scheduled to have a private drink with the Prince following the discussion, and you claimed wanting to change your attire.

Except Cyno knew you well enough to figure you wanted a breather after discussing your marital fate.

He was right. Not a single change in dress or accessory when you exited. For a moment, he had to shut his eyes. The dream of his gave him a far more embarrassing feeling than he hoped. When he opened them, he found you scanning around, which piqued his curiosity.

You hummed. "Are Matra Dehya and Candace no longer accompanying me?"

"They were temporarily requested for their presence."

"What a shame."

The General Mahamatra raised a brow. "Is my presence not enough, Your Highness?"

"Well, you could use some humor, maybe sarcasm."

"I am pained you do not find my jokes pun-ny."

"And a sigh leaves my lips." You pinched the bridge of your nose. "I wonder if the Prince himself has better ones."

This might have struck a genuine nerve in the General, who stiffened up, because you instantly paid mind to how he went silent. You turned your head to find a frown plastered on his lips.

Oh. That was your mistake.

You did not mean to make him feel insecure of his own humor. Sometimes, you forgot he took much pride in his jokes, even if they rarely garner a laugh from a crowd.

You paused halfway down the corridor, knowing the Mahamatra had no choice but to follow suit. You glanced toward one way and the opposite. Cyno furrowed his brows, looking concerned, because it seemed like you detected a threat that he shockingly did not.

"Stay close to me, Your Highness." His eyes narrowed as he took on a defensive stance. He then, however, felt the touch of a pair of hands on his chest. Cyno blinked away, slowly meeting your eyes with a perplexed expression.

"No, no. There is nothing wrong, my General." One of your hands went to lower his polearm. "I was only checking to make sure there are no witnesses."

"What are you talking about–?"

The General Mahamatra's breath hitched when your hands circled up his neck and to his head. The sudden touch sent shivers down his spine, and he gulped. His heart pounded against his chest

"Your," he croaked, "Highness."

The sensation felt too close to his dream. To have imagined you bare, the feeling of your breath on his skin, the sound of your breathy moans. He attempted to look away from you. How could he meet your gaze when he, a General, imagined the most obscene things of you, his Princess.

You pulled him down and kissed him on the lips, fingers combing through his hair that brought out a shaky breath. How you adored getting this vulnerable reaction.

He wanted to return the touch.

His hands slowly lifted up, closer and closer to your face.

However, much to his dismay, you pulled yourself away before anyone saw anything. You left him once again flustered, and this time, in a frustrated way. He scowled as his face bore a heavy blush, panting softly. You were playing too many games with him.

Then, down one end of the corridor heard footsteps. You and the General composed yourselves in no time.

"If it isn't my Princess."

This time, you were the one scowling. Rounding the corner was Scaramouche, sneering. "It's time for a private moment of our own, beloved."

"You did not bring along a bodyguard? I expected better caution of you."

"Why ever would I need to? Private moments require isolation. But I suppose you did not reach the same conclusion."

The General frowned.

You narrowed your eyes. "My Father is always worried of me."

"My, you like jumping to conclusions often. To think of me as a–."

"You have forgotten: threats come in other kinds of people, my beloved." Your voice held a mocking tone. "Assassins and thieves are common, you see. So I shall require my guard with me at all times." You stepped in front of the General.

"So you say. How strange, I don't recall having to deal with such pests in Avidya. Perhaps this is an issue among the Setekh people–."

"I believe we shall call off this 'private moment' of ours for the time being, Prince Scaramouche," you snapped. "Sounds like we cannot handle being next to one another."

The young Prince's eye twitched. "Now, now, Princess. Are you not being sensitive right now?"

"Sensitive as I may be, that is your issue. I shall not tolerate a husband who thinks it right to make demeaning assumptions about my people."

He clenched his teeth and gave into an annoyed sigh.

You could only laugh inwardly at how apparent his irritation was.

"My sincere apologies, beloved. It was rather shallow of me. Still, I would like for us to spend time in private. After all, what is a thriving relation without getting to know one another?" Scaramouche extended his hand.

The Mahamatra eyed him. That did not go unnoticed by the Prince. "Perhaps your guard," he snarled, "may accompany you as well."

You hummed, accepting his hand. "I am content to know you see my point of view. Wherever shall we go, beloved?"

"Why not show me this 'Royal Garden' your Father speaks so much of during lunch." He worded it not as a request but as a command. You eyed him with a frown. Immediately replaced with a strained smile, you spoke, "Yes, of course."

You reached the greenhouse, basking in the sunlight's warmth once again. Your eyes briefly lit up at the butterflies passing along, but the presence of an unwanted stranger kept your guard up.

That was a significant reason why you hesitated bringing him here. Now you could not be in the greenhouse without worrying that he might taint the flora.

"Well isn't this beautiful. For a region so assumed to lack life, it seems to flourish." The veil of his hat glistened in the evening light.

"Even the Setekh has its own secretive finds, you know."

Scaramouche eyed a goldpoppy, too closely for your liking. "Oh, I know secrets all right."

You raised a brow in suspicion. "What do you mean by that?"

"Are you always so quick in your judgement? I feel rather hurt to see you so cautious of me, Princess."

"Enough with your act, Prince. I am well aware you despise showing your kindness just as much as I show my hospitality."

No words.

The greenhouse went silent for a moment until you caught the edge of a scowl appearing on his face. "You are truly annoying, Princess. I may detest your kind, but I have done all I can to mend the relations of our kingdoms. I cannot believe this is what I get in return from my own betrothed."

"Do not mistake me for a fool. Something as simple as a 'wife' is not your true goal."

Suddenly, the goldpoppy his palm was caressing withered, shriveling back into its dried, wrinkled form. Your eyes shot wide, and a string snapped in you. "What are you doing–!?" The General was quick to stop from storming too close. "Stop that! My mother planted this garden!" The nearby poppies began to shrivel up the same.

You glared at the General, but his arm remained wrapped around your waist. "You need to keep your distance, Your Highness!" he urged.

You turned your anger back to the Prince. "What have you done to them! Answer me!"

The Prince plucked a dead poppy, spinning it in his fingers. "Calm yourself, beloved. You're overreacting." His indigo eyes flickered to the General. "And you, why don't you release her? It's not like I'm going to harm her."

Cyno only narrowed his eyes, clenching his jaw. His silence said enough.

Scaramouche sighed, raising a hand. "I didn't want to resort to this, Princess." A single flick of the wrist sent the Mahamatra flying back, letting you collapse to the ground. Panicked, you faced your General, who was held up by a set of strings.

He loudly winced. "Argh!" The thin strings pulled back tightly on his skin, beginning to leave small cuts. "Your Highness!" he yelled with seething in his voice. "Get away from him!"

"Cyno!" Your eyes in horror. You turned to face the Prince, picking yourself up. "Release him!"

"Don't be a fool, Your Highness! Forget me–!" Your General groaned in a stinging pain as strings tightened further.

"Enough!" you pleaded, which had gone ignored.

Scaramouche snarled, "Shut your mouth, guard. This is a matter between your Princess and I." He drew a finger up your chin. You tried to slap him off, but another of his strings wrapped around your shoulders, holding you back.

"You're right," he sneered in a mocking whisper. "Why would I go through so much work just to have a useless wife and boring old romance, when I could have so much more?"

He snatched your hand, prompting more struggles from the General. The dead poppy in Scaramouche's hand lifted up to meet your finger. You watched the crazed look infect his smile as the poppy glowed back into its colorful youth.

"So it is true." His hand went up to hold your chin, examining your face while you scowled. "The Setekhan Princess shares the Goddess of Flowers' ability to restore life."

Your brows furrowed. "What?"

He scoffed. "How pathetic. You actually have no idea? You hold the power to bring your useless plants back to life, and you have no idea that you descend from a family blessed by the Goddess of Flowers?

"What does that have to do with this marriage?! Is the Avidya dying? Is it resurrection you seek?" You had lost all your patience.

He laughed. "My dearest beloved. You being blessed by the Goddess of Flowers means to me you have the power to call a Jinni, the key to entering the Eternal Oasis. To be granted with the very power which can rival a God."

Beads of sweat trickled down your face. "You would find me nothing more than useless. I know nothing of calling a 'Jinni' more than I know my family being blessed by Nabu Malikata."

Scaramouche narrowed his eyes. "Then, it would mean 'nothing' to keep your precious guard alive."

Your eyes widened as he curled his fingers together, making more cuts on the General's skin. He yelled, wincing and struggling to move. He was panting and groaning loudly.

"No! Let him go!"

No response from the Prince as he kept his eyes on strangling the Mahamatra.



"I will summon the Jinni! Just let him go!"

Finally, Scaramouche wafted his hand, releasing the strings. Cyno dropped onto the ground, panting. "Good girl," he mocked. "That better be the case, my beloved."

The General, fueled with anger, picked up his partisan.

"Watch yourself, dog, or we're going to have more trouble. I kept my word: your Princess is unharmed." The Prince strolled away, leaving the greenhouse. "In two days' time during the evening all the same. Stand me up and your guard's won't be the only one caught up in this mess."

The fury dissipated the moment Cyno laid his eyes on you, who was also released from the strings. He ran to your side, arms wrapped around your form.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry." Heavy breaths left his lungs. "I should've taken you away the moment things became tense." His voice sounded strained, full of guilt. "I didn't realize– Archons." Cyno's embraced tightened, cursing himself again and again.

Tears pooled in your eyes. You sat silently, burying your face in his shoulder. The scent of blood shot your eyes open, and you pulled back. "Cyno– your wounds!"

"It's nothing, Your Highness. I wouldn't have been the General if I couldn't handle the pain."

A pained look took your eyes. "You said the same thing about being quick on your feet, and look at you. Do not get too cocky, Cyno." Your hand caressed his cheek. Then, a white light slowly glowed along his cuts.

"You are lucky this 'blessing' of mine can heal. I truly had no idea I was blessed by Nabu Malikata. I thought I was simply born with it."

Cyno leaned closer to your hand, eyes closed. "You should be much more careful, Your Highness. This 'Jinni' and 'Eternal Oasis' he spoke of could be a catalyst for something far worse."

You sighed. Thoughts ran through your mind for a way out of this. A hum emitted. "I may have read something about it in the palace library. But they sounded more like legends I never believed it." You recalled his ulterior motives. A cold shiver ran down your spine, as you realized: "Scaramouche aims to become a God."

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7 months ago

Princess and Her Matra | Cyno X (F) Reader (Part II) (Royal AU)

Princess And Her Matra | Cyno X (F) Reader (Part II) (Royal AU)

Summary: Your Prince of Avidya had arrived with the intent of taking your hand in marriage, but something seemed off about him and his advisor. A bitter taste infected the General Mahamatra's tongue, watching you from afar. Matra Dehya and Candace could not help but tease a little.

Relationship: (Bodyguard) Cyno X (Desert Princess) Female Reader

Characters: General Mahamatra Cyno • Matra Dehya (Lionness) • Matra Candace (Priestess) • Prince of Avidya Scaramouche • Avidyan Advisor Il Dottore.

Warnings: None.

Word Count: 1570

Parts: One / Two / Three / Four / Five

➵ ➵ ➵

"So, you're going to explain how you managed to catch Her Highness's heart?"

A whisper.

Cyno whipped his head to find two Matra beside him, one smirking and the other with a knowing smile. He grumbled, "Dehya. Do not."

"Just curious, General."

"We have figured you two have feelings for a while," Candace chuckled. "There is no need to pretend anymore."

The Mahamatra, however, froze. Hushed, he demanded, "Don't tell me word got out to every–."

"Calm yourself, General." The Lionness flapped her hands. "We're not clueless or ignorant as you think. Really offensive if you even think of us like that." He deadpanned in response. She continued, "It's obvious what'll go down if this reaches our King."

"We can assure you your secret is safe."

Cyno could not have asked for better friends. He sighed, crossing his arms. "So?" Dehya pushed in a quiet voice.

The General thought back to the other late afternoon, half a week ago. He could still feel the touch on his lips. His fingers nearly ghosted over as the memory flashed, but he was also aware of prying eyes from his friends, especially the Lionness's.

"It simply happened."

Candace snorted as a soundless laugh shook her body, while Dehya looked offended. "'Simply happened'? What kind of answer is that?" She flickered between her friend and Cyno. "Pretty certain your lovey-dovey moment is a lot more than 'happened.'"

"At ease, Dehya," said Candace, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Careful or the whole throne room will catch us."

Dehya scoffed. "Whatever. Guess our General has other– more shameful– secrets hidden." She glanced in your direction. Then, eyed Cyno. "Today's the day, huh. How're you feeling, General?"

He was well aware of what his friend meant. He sighed, a pained look in his eyes. How could it ever be easy to watch your own lover look into another person's eyes, hold another person's hands, and eventually live their life with them instead of you? The Mahamatra trailed his sights from the floor to you, meeting your eyes and your upset expression.

You were there, yet you were also so far.

Suddenly, a loud rumble of the palace entrance opening cued everyone to positions. Cyno cleared his throat as he, with force, put down his partisan.

Adorn in cream-colored fabrics with gold and auburn linings, you stood from your throne alongside your Father.

As the giant doors widened, light crept into the throne room and a set of men in uniform of forest green and onyx black, presumed to be bodyguards of the Prince, or the Matra's counterparts known as "Rangers."

They were followed by a rather interesting man.

Your posture stiffened as he, who had light blue hair and eyes covered with a mask, entered the throne room. His stature, tall. You were quick to note his unusual clothing compared to the Rangers.

"What in Deshret's name is that man wearing?" Dehya murmured. Candace creased her brows. "Strange. I have traveled to Avidya when I accompanied our merchants before, and this does not suit their culture."

"So you're saying he's from a whole 'nother kingdom? I never even thought there is a place outside of Setekh and Avidya."

"I am sure no one from either kingdom would adorn themselves in such thick animal fur."

"Honored to meet you, King of Avidya. Your Highness all the same." The strange man bowed to you. "My name is Il Dottore, closest advisor of His Highness, whom I may formally introduce to you: Prince Scaramouche of Avidya."

Your hands turned clammy.

Your breathing hastened.

A young man of a shorter, slender figure strolled in.

His locks were indigo, matching his eyes distinguishably outlined in red. You found his clothing bizarre as well. While he was dressed in what would be closer to Avidya fashion, there was also a large amount of purples and reds in his palette, especially in his wide ornamented hat. A long, leafy green, silk veil accompanied him from behind.

"The pleasure is all mine." He put on a smile, bowing.

Cyno felt his jaw tighten.

The King nodded his head. "Prince Scaramouche. I welcome you to the Setekh. I have my faith all is well in your travels?"

"Your concern is appreciated, Your Majesty. Not a single trouble there was."

"I see. Allow me to introduce you my daughter, Princess (Name). Or shall I say, your betrothed." The King signaled in your direction to bow. You nearly scowled.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Prince Scaramouche." You had hesitated in great distaste. It seemed Scaramouche paid no attention to it. He held out his hand, bringing yours as he placed a gentle kiss. "I must say, you look rather stunning, Princess (Name), seeing you dressed in glowing silk."

The Mahamatra found his own eye twitching.

You hummed. "Then, color me impressed to find your subjects in such thick fashion. The Setekh rarely has anyone in thick fabrics. Perhaps, it would do you well to alter yourself in better convenience, my betrothed." A slight swing in your tone, as if to mock.

A Setekhan council member broke into snickers, gathering eyes which forced him to compose himself.

Your Father narrowed his in your direction.

"My, I suppose you do have a point, beloved." Scaramouche's hand twitched. "But I'm afraid us Avidyans take much pride in our culture."

"Then, perhaps the Setekh is not a suitable place–."

The King hastily cleared his throat. "Excuse my daughter's fatigue. It has also been a while since we have had honored guests welcomed into our palace. You must be exhausted yourself. Allow my Matra to guide your way to your chambers."

As the guests began leaving the throne room, Cyno glared, sending daggers toward the Prince. However, you, catching onto his glowering expression, signaled your hand. 'Calm down,' you mouthed.

I could say the same for you. He did not say it though. It was much preferable to him for you to impolite to another man. Cyno huffed, before marching to your side, as always when you were due for slumber.

"Matra Dehya, Candace." The King named, stopping the two from accompanying the guests. Confusion seeped into their faces. "As of tonight, I shall assign you to guard my daughter. Nothing shall get in the way of this wedding."

They bowed. "Understood."

"And you, (Name)." You knew where this was going. "I expect better behavior of you in front of the Prince tomorrow. The future of Setekh is dependent on your relations." Your Father's voice was laced with disappointment, nearly making you feel guilty. "Do you understand?"

You mumbled, "Yes."

"Rest up. You have many plans to fulfill with the Prince"

Silence filled your walk to your chamber. You did not wish to say anything, especially when concerns bounced in your mind. The General Mahamatra stared towards you, equally worried. But it seemed the Lionness had some ideas of her own. "That guy was bizarre."

At least you had someone who loved to speak her mind.

"Hm." Candace hummed. "Il Dottore or Prince Scaramouche?"

"To be honest, both."

"I have to agree. They wear unusual clothing."

"You two noticed as well?" You paused in your tracks. "All of Avidyan merchants who entered Setekh are dressed purely in greens and browns. Occasionally, they would wear black."

"Il Dottore is dressed in a thick coat. Even in Avidya, the weather is much too warm for him to wear such a thing, as I said to these two," Candace pointed out. "I cannot say much about the Prince. He suits Avidyan fashion better than his advisor."

"I have a hypothesis," you slowly voiced.

"You should be cautious, Your Highness. All of us should be." The General Mahamatra crossed his arms. "It could be that the arrangement is tampered by external parties, coroborrating with Avidya."

"Why though?" Dehya questioned. "What are they even getting by uniting Setekh and Avidya? Haven't they always hated us?"

"That is exactly what one of my Father's councilmen said. For many centuries too." You nodded. "Tomorrow, during lunch, both parties are discussing plans for the arrangement. Perhaps things will finally make better sense then."

"If something ever happens–." The Mahamatra jumped quickly to urge you.

"Any harm done to anyone of my palace and Setekh, and those men will not leave unscathed, I promise you that."

"Don't let your guard down, Your Highness," Cyno reminded.

Everyone paused.

"Seriously?" Dehya groaned, hands on her hips.

"Have I said something.. wrong?"

You blinked. Oh, he was serious this time. Suddenly, a laugh jumped out. Even Candace smiled. Dehya's smile was more painful and awkward.

"Would anyone care to enlighten me?"

"The one time..." Your General looked at you confused, as if pleading for an answer. You remained silent this time. For the best, you thought.

"We bid you a good night, Your Highness." Candace smiled.

As the door to your chamber finally shut tightly, Dehya could not stop herself, breaking into snickers. "Our mighty, stoic, fierce General," Dehya wrapped an arm around him, swinging from side to side, "is actually a lover boy. Always ready to jump in for our sweet Princess." She clasped her hands together and imitated the scenario playfully.

She spoke in exaggerated voices, switching between Cyno's deep pitch and yours. "'I will always be there for you, Your Highness.' 'You make me so happy, my General!' 'It makes me jealous that another man is taking you–.'"

"Say another word and you'll be sorry."

Tags :
7 months ago

Princess and Her Matra | Cyno X (F) Reader (Part I) (Royal AU)

Princess And Her Matra | Cyno X (F) Reader (Part I) (Royal AU)

Story Premise: You were the Princess of Setekh, ruling over a flourishing kingdom among dry deserts alongside your Father. You found yourself stuck in a dilemma when you were forced to give your hand in marriage, in return for the Avidyan Prince of the Forests to rescue your kingdom. Your heart was set solely on your bodyguard, Cyno the General Mahamatra. But suspicion arose around the Prince's motives, perhaps you found a way to your true love after all.

Summary: You and your General Mahamatra slipped into the Royal Garden following a discussion upon your arranged marriage.

Relationship: (Bodyguard) Cyno X (Desert Princess) Female Reader

Characters: General Mahamatra Cyno.

Warnings: None.

Word Count: 1220

Parts: One / Two / Three / Four / Five

➵ ➵ ➵

The King spoke to his council. All while you observed, the only thing you could really do.

In the throne room were two towering seats, decked in gold and colorful gems. At least one of them were. The smaller one, occupied by you, was more plain.

All of the King's messengers stood in front of the steps, organized like as if there was an elongated table.

"My King," bowed one man, "I for one believe not in entrusting Princess (Name) to the Prince of Avidya. They do not trust us, evident by closing off flowing streams from their forests. They mean to dry us until we die of thirst! How can we trust them to not forsaken the Setekh?"

The old King combed through his beard. A long sigh escaped his lips. "I do not. But I cannot allow my people to suffer from dehydration any longer. The only natural source is the spring that resides in the center."

You winced, hearing the discussion. You never liked grave topics. Your eyes shifted to a guard standing on the side by the sandstone pillars.

His amber hues lit up upon eye-contact, only a little but it was there. You gave him an exasperated smile, leaning your head on your hand. He simply huffed, the corners of his own lips twitching up.

"My King, with all due respect, does it not appear suspicious? What would the Avidyan Prince truly want from this arrangement? Surely, 'a wife for the Prince' is too simple and illogical of a reason for them to suddenly want to repair relations after years of distrust."

"I heard you." The King only raised his palm to stop. "But my decision is final: my daughter will be married to this Prince in two weeks' time. If the case of betrayal ever arrived, I trust my General and the Matra will handle our guests swiftly." The old King sent a nod.

Cyno blinked away from your eyes to return one to your Father.

"Hold on–." You furrowed your brows.

"(Name)." The King's voice became stern. "I understand your reservations, my child. However, I expect you to–."

"Place the Setekh above myself, I am well aware." Your shoulders dropped while curling up your fists. "I cannot believe this," you scoffed. You found yourself tapping harshly on your throne's armrest. "I shall be in the Royal Garden instead, Father."

The King's eyes saddened and sighed. You quickly stood and stormed right out of the throne room. The council, distracted by plans for the upcoming engagement, did not notice your hasty disappearance.

Of course, there had been one man.

The General Mahamatra trailed you from behind, holding a partisan. He wore a Hermanubis headdress, a shape of a jackal, signifying his high ranking and head of the Setekhan Military's Royal Branch, the Matra. His face adorn in red powder marks, while his uniform dressed in black and gold. A lot of his skin, he left bare, for the desert heat never took kindly to those covered.

"Leave me alone, General."

The young man raised an eyebrow. "I'm afraid I cannot do that, Your Highness."

"I need time to myself, General."

No word.

"That is an order from your Princess," you scowled, pausing in your tracks to face the General Mahamatra.

"My King's one order is to guard you at any time. I'm afraid his word overshadows yours, Your Highness."

You only frowned and turned away to continue striding.

Suddenly, a polearm swung in front of you, halting you.

"You were feet away just moments ago."

"I wouldn't have been your bodyguard if I am not quick on my 'feet.'" He smirked. You tried to hold a deadpanned expression, but your lips cracked into a small smile the longer your eyes held contact. You waved him off. "Sometimes I do not know what to do with you."

You gazed down and frowned again. "Of course, even if I do, you would not listen to me while Father is here, would you." You pushed Cyno's partisan aside, making his playfulness falter. "Hold on–." He sighed. "I don't truly mean that, Your Highness." He jogged up to stay beside you. "Your word is my command. I always intend myself to protect you, regardless of the circumstances."


"You're aware I would never betray you, honest."


"Not for my King himself."


Cyno sulked, nearly lagging behind you.

It felt uncharacteristic of the Mahamatra, but you remembered the kind of person he became when a card game showed up here and there. An entire other person, you thought. Truth be told: you gave into his– you admit– endearing behavior. "Enough of that, my General." Your hand traced along his jaw as you hastened your stroll past. "Hurry along."

A glint gleamed in his eyes. You did not glance back at him, yet you already regretted that.

"What's the matter? Is a 'hurry-cane' arriving?"

"It's the Setekh. Hurricanes only appear in the Avidya."

"What?" Cyno huffed. "You don't understand? The joke is–."

"Shush-shush-shush." Your finger landed on his lips before he could continue. "I assure you time and time again, General: jokes are only clever when you leave the explanations out."

You and the General reached the greenhouse, a wide glass dome inhabited by many desert plants and color-popping flowers. A few butterflies in golden-like wings flew by. You smiled upon the sight, taking in how the light hit each plant just right.

You sighed. "I only wonder what will become of this place once I marry." The thoughts ran in your head. For all you could imagine, you may move to the Avidya, making this your final chance of seeing desert wildlife. Or the Avidya could be plotting the downfall of the Setekh with your marriage, leaving the beauties alone to die.

Your eyes caught a withered goldpoppy, brown and shriveled. You stepped forth, hands gently caressing its petals. A faint glow could be seen before the flower returned to its youth.

"General," you called. Immediately, he stood by your side. He tried to meet your eyes, but you only paid attention to the poppy. "Would you.. still protect me, even when I'm married off into another kingdom?"

He gave it a second, glancing from the poppy to your face. "Cyno," he spoke in a gentler tone. Much different from his serious usual.

Your eyes flickered to his, being caught off guard.

"I told you to call me 'Cyno,' Your Highness." He gathered your hands and lifted them to his lips, placing a kiss. "In the same way as how I assured you of my intentions to protect you, no matter what."

You blinked.

In the silent moments that passed, a rosy blush crept his face. The General Mahamatra himself turned away in embarrassment, clearing up his throat.

Your eyes softened.

"Thank you, Cyno." In contrast, you reacted with a sheepish smile. "With the wedding arriving in two weeks, I doubt my Father would be happy to hear or see this, but perhaps behind closed doors," your voice trailed off.

He creased his brows. "'See–?'"

On your toes, you pulled Cyno's head and crashed your lips into his. His eyes widened in shock. For someone as stoic and straight-faced as him, someone who was an intimidating general, the General Mahamatra had an easy time becoming awfully flustered.

"You can also call me, (Name)."

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7 months ago

Princess and Her Matra | Cyno X (F) Reader (Part V) (Royal AU)

Princess And Her Matra | Cyno X (F) Reader (Part V) (Royal AU)

Summary: Your physical confrontation against the Prodigal, possessed by Scaramouche, ended on a relieving note.

Relationship: (Bodyguard) Cyno X (Desert Princess) Female Reader

Characters: General Mahamatra Cyno • False Prince of Avidya Scaramouche • Lord of Avidya Kusanali (Nahida) • Undercover Scribe of Avidya Al-Haitham.

Warnings: Suggestive.

Word Count: 2790

Parts: One / Two / Three / Four / Five

➵ ➵ ➵

An explosion...

A deafening rumble...

Expecting a hard tumble, your eyes shut tight.

Your back hit into some kind of wall.

And you expected a harsher impact, but you no longer sensed any movement.

You could hear yourself panting, afraid of facing wounds or damage. Finally, you peeked through your eyelids.

Hermanubis was above you, their claws held you gently and whose eyes narrowed in a softer way. This felt surreal. Before, you had only heard of powers that summoned a figure in fantastical books, but never witnessed. The violet hue of the Hermanubis figure was transparent, holographic even, so through them, the skies were still visible.

Dawn was beginning to rise.

However, the scattered fog of sand and dust from what felt closely to an eruption of a volcano remained in the air.

Liloupar tugged on your neck. It metamorphosed into a necklace, the tiny bottle charm twittering. Silent, yet you could imagine all the things being said: "This is atrocious!" "How could an outlander dare to wreck massive destruction?" "What in Nabu Malikata's name!"

You glanced down and found their summoner, Cyno. The light gold eyes of his headdress closed as he panted heavily himself. Sighing in relief, you crawled over the large claws. "Cyno," your voice muffled through the matter. "Cyno." You rested a palm on the holographic claw. As if you were holding his hand too. "I am unharmed."

He finally gazed in your direction and visibly relaxed.


"You spoke my name for once." A breathy laugh escaped. "You could have informed me you bear Hermanubis's power. How have I not known after years of knowing you? Or rather, how could you not tell me earlier?"

"There hadn't been any need for me too. If I were to show you my full strength, Your Highness, I'm afraid your palace would not be standing to this day."

"Afraid it is inevitable despite so." You hummed. "Now, let me down, General."

Hermanubis gently lowered their claws until your feet reached the sand. The figure disappeared, retreating into the General's body. You rushed to Cyno and cupped his cheeks. "Are you injured?" You examined his features in worry, though not much could be seen with his headdress hiding his upper face. Violet energy streaks flickering from it.

"Few wounds but nothing more than that. I am the General Mahamatra." The shallow cuts that struck his shoulder blades and face, especially down on his legs, slowly closed up. Your touch giving a remedial and comforting feeling.

"You say that time and time again. I doubt I can truly bring a life back, you know. If a horrible fate catches you, my eyes would not be able to stand it."

"Does it make me all the more 'eye-catching' if it hasn't?"

"You–." A sigh escaped your lips.

He could sense your stare.

As well as a touch lingering from his cheeks to his shoulders. "..Are my injuries truly all you are checking, Your Highness?"

Now you sensed amusement in his tone. "..Whatever do you mean?"

"If I am not mistaken, I may assume you are entranced by my appearance. More so than ever."

"Am not. Only surprised." You huffed, averting your eyes. "Do not confuse that in your head, General."

"With all due respect, Your Highness, you shouldn't get 'a-head' of yourself either." Cyno husked, stepping closer to you, "You may have amused yourself with my reactions those times before, but let's not forget other instances where you hid behind your hands, full of fluster."

You gulped.


A loud creak startled the both of you into backing up. Your hand instinctively reached for Liloupar, hanging on your neck.

But you stopped.

The fog had only now dissipated, revealing the damaged Prodigal's torso by the palace steps. His hand fell right by you. It made you shiver upon the tremendous height of this puppet.

His presence was not all.

Floating high in front of him, there was an unusual light emitting. You in your tattered dress and Cyno among his battered body ran closer and spotted a–. "Girl?" You stopped halfway of the distance.

The light resembled close to the hue of leaves from the Avidyan forests. The young girl dressed in white silk, covered in linings the color of ferns. Her hair was similarly white, and by the glance of her legs and outstretched hand, her complexion seemed pale. Emeralds crowned all around her head to behind her fairy-like ears.

Is she some form of a fairy? Another figure whom you thought were from mere legends?

"No!" You heard a bellowed scream. "I refuse to be taken back there! I refuse to go back to Inazuma! Do you hear me?! I am your Prince! I am your God! Show your respect!"

"Whether you are a God or not, I cannot simply permit you to trespass the livelihoods of innocent people," the young girl spoke. "Both the Avidya and the Setekh do not deserve your cruel definition of authority and power." A small figure, resembling a chess piece, was casted from the puppet's heart.

"Must be his source of energy," said Cyno to you.

"No! Enough! You cannot be doing this to me!" Desperation seeped in Scaramouche's voice.

Sorrow flashed in the young girl's eyes. "You have mistaken one crucial detail: Gnoses do not grant anyone a God's power. It may have enough energy to sustain your mechanical puppet, but as you witness yourself, it is not enough." The "Gnosis" was captured into her hand. Another crackle of electricity sparked around the fallen puppet, before it made its way to a complete death, Scaramouche hanging from the threads attached to inside the head like a doll.

A puppet.

"I have chosen not to return you to Inazuma, but instead, I shall make it my responsibility to show you another way– that you need no God's power to express your true value."

No voice emitted from the man.

A visible wince on your face. You could have felt empathetic, if not for the wrecked destruction on Setekh.

"You must be the Princess of Setekh."

You were startled by the voice appearing right in front of you. Cyno himself becoming wary, and he immediately jumped to pull you behind him.

"I apologize. I never mean to scare you." A gentle smile on her lips. Your face-to-face interaction allowed you to see your clover-like eyes. Everything about this young girl shared a close resemblance with the forest.

You tapped on your General's shoulder, asking him to stand down. "Do not worry," whispered you. After a moment, he gave a quiet nod.

"Who.. are you?"

"I am aware I have not appeared in many centuries, but I can infer your family knows very well of my predecessor, Lord of Avidya, Rukkadevata."

Your eyes widened. "You.. are her descendant?"

"Not necessarily." She laughed. "I am but a branch of her. She expended her strength to remove the Withering from Avidya. Then I came to be as a small child." She then frowned. "However, as he attempted in your palace, Scaramouche and his advisor, Il Dottore, took advantage of my weakened state to overthrow the Avidyan authority. They went through the lengths of manipulating my council once they locked me in a cage."

"Their clothing suggests they do not originate from Avidya..?"

"You are correct. They serve under the authority of Snezhnaya, another kingdom full of frigid winters far north."

"What is this.. 'Inazuma' you and he spoke of then?"

"Scaramouche's birthplace. Or rather Kunikuzushi's birthplace. That is his real name before his affiliation with Snezhnaya gave him, 'Scaramouche the Balladeer.' With that, he also obtained his power of enacting death, stealing life or energy. He will be taken under my care."

You connected that his falter of resolve back then with Il Dottore had to do with his history in Inazuma.

"Out of curiosity, how did you manage to escape?"

The girl smiled a proud one. "I have my subjects to thank. You must meet my dearest Rangers. Ranger Kaveh is indeed a true genius behind mechanisms and his lovely architecture."


She took your hand in hers, much smaller than yours. "I apologize. This must be overwhelming for you."

You shook your head. "It is simply because I have never heard of even other kingdoms or regions than.. Setekh and Avidya. You may be surprised, but books are not commonly seen here as much as they do in Avidya." You turned your gaze to the Prodigal. "And seeing this.. opened my eyes to technology unbeknownst to my people."

"We do have many trees in our region. I shall take it upon myself to transport many books from our libraries, especially as a portion of compensation for this mess."

You smiled. "Hold on, I never caught your name?"

"Simply refer to me as 'Kusanali.' My full title being 'Lord Kusanali.'"

"Enchanted to meet you, Lord Kusanali. I am (Name)– Princess (Name)."

"All the same to you, Princess (Name). I assure you I aim to resolve conflict between our kingdoms. I shall undo the troubles of my council and reopen the flowing streams into Setekh again. I apologize for such events happening under my authority."

"Thank you." Your irises softened.

Suddenly, your body jolted in realization– blood running cold but not in the face of a threat. A curse slipped out. You immediately rushed to the palace steps. Your General, alarmed by your run-off, quickly bowed his head in Lord Kusanali's regard– who chuckled– before he followed you.

"My Father!"

"The palace grounds are unstable, Your Highness!"

"How can I be careful for myself when my Father must be in danger!? In pain!?" You cried, "How could I have forgotten about him?!"

You reached the top of the flights when you heard two voices. One of which gave a familiar bellowing laugh. "You are quite an intriguing one, are you not boy?"

"Depends on what you find about me intriguing." You saw a tall man with silver hair with a contraption over his one ear. He crossed his arms. "Is it the fact that you never had anyone speak to you in such a casual, blunt manner? Or is it simply because I chose to act against my superiors by terminating the machine's flow of energy into the–?"


The King, who kneeled on the disturbed floor of the throne room, glanced over his shoulder with nothing more than a smug smile on his lips. "I recognize that sound anywhere. About time you are! I nearly believed you had wholly forgotten about me." Happy as you were seeing his change of demeanor, you jumped to embrace him. You had missed his light-hearted side from before the marriage dilemma. The King– though he joked– felt a wave of relief washing over him. "No words can describe how eased I am to hear you safe, my daughter. There is no more forcing you through the wedding." He spotted the warrior standing at the wrecked entrance. "I wager the General Mahamatra himself need be awarded my thanks once again."

"It is a duty I intend to honor."

"It brings me a great deal of pride I chose you to protect my daughter."

The General smiled and nodded.

You narrowed your eyes at the Mahamatra. "You knew my Father is alive and well, did you not?"


"No wonder you seemed so awfully calm," you scoffed upon his playful tone. "All while I hurried here cursing myself." You turned to your Father. "Are you fine yourself, Father? I was worried that man Il Dottore had done something horrifying. Why are you simply kneeling in the throne room? And who in Deshret's name may this be?" Your hand signaled to the silver-haired man, always wearing an apathetic face.

"Awful lot of questions, Your Highness," he remarked. "Al-Haitham, one mere Ranger of the Avidya if you failed to assume by my attire."

"Are you not a councilman?"

"Oh?" His brow quirked. "Color me surprised you noticed. I am in fact a Scribe to the Avidyan Royalty. However, concealing my occupation as a pawn of war brings less trouble when it comes to obtaining secretive information. So-called 'Prince Scaramouche' and Il Dottore never truly suspected my intents. Your King had been abducted in order to extract knowledge of the Eternal Oasis. To be frank, I find such decision useless when the saying they spoke of mentioned the 'Setekhan Princess' alone."

You checked your Father's features again, concerned.

"Your King sensed the presence of the Eternal Oasis and wished to kneel here. He refused my offer of taking him to a physician, despite being pale. Either Setekh lacks gratuitous healthcare– even for the King himself– or the trait of being reckless and ignorant of your health runs in the family." Al-Haitham scoffed. "I have heard many things from your maids down the corridor."

You huffed. "We simply place our people's well-being above our own."

"You cannot expect yourself to do that if you are unwell. In truth, I do not actually care what your reasons are," he said, "but I find it best to know the outcome is intentional than unexpected. Just informing you, Your Highness."


The older man spoke up, "(Name)? The Eternal Oasis was here, was it not? You opened the entrance, did you?"

"..I only agreed to for the sake of our people. I am aware.. the Matra are here to protect us, but I cannot bring myself to sacrifice them. Besides," you paused, "the False Prince and his Advisor are incapable of entering."


"Only those who are worthy may enter."

Cyno quirked an eyebrow and smiled. He figured you must have taken it from the book. The King pondered thoughtfully. "Your mother.. I sensed her presence here."

You widened your eyes. "Mother? How do you sense her? Why would she ever be–?" "My Deshret, (Name)." He crossed his arms. "You did not truly believe every of those men's word, did you?"

"Whatever do you mean?" Awfully confused you were.

"Your Mother and I knew each other very well, so do not dare question my intuition, child." He pointed a finger. "A simple feeling has enlightened me to the idea that maybe..."

"The Eternal Oasis is not a realm granting a God's power," you gasped. "Rather, it may be a burial ground."

"It is only an idea." He scratched his beard. "I do not dare enter.. in the case I am wrong. After all, I know nothing more than what I was told. In fact, I never knew your ability to heal was a blessing from the Goddess of Flowers. Nevertheless, I am well– merely kneeling in my own peace."

You sighed, extending your palm to Al-Haitham. The Avidyan Scribe raised a brow in skepticism– so did your General– but accepted his palm into yours regardless. "Before I forget..." Both of your hands wrapped around his warmly. "Thank you."

There was an audible silence. You did not notice it yourself, but the tip of his one open ear had tinted a rosy hue. That and how he briefly averted his gaze, thinking a fallen chunk of the far wall rather interesting.

The General Mahamatra, unamused, crossed his arms.

"Calm down," Al-Haitham said. "I am only caught off-guard. I would not dare of dreaming to steal the Mahamatra's love of his life he accompanies day-and-night and calls, 'Her Highness.'"

In an instant, Cyno's eyes widened. Shoulders visibly stiffening.

"Or even, '(Name).'"

You gaped, more so your Father who immediately pointed upon your General, shaking his hand and stuttering. "Y-You!?" he exclaimed. "Y-You've wished t-to court my daughter!? And already on a forename basis!?"

So much for peace. You slapped a palm to your head.

An entertained smirk tugged on Al-Haitham's lips. An evil glint in his irises, even. "Oh, I forgot to mention: I have also heard plenty of rumors about that from your maids, Your Highness. Especially of such an endearing moment in the Royal Garden. Or how some overheard your name being chanted by the General Mahamatra himself in his quarters. Seems like you two have been at it for a while now."

Your head snapped to the man of the hour. Now, you were also shocked. My name? From him? In his quarters!

Cyno, stunned and his entire face deepened in embarrassment, clenched his polearm hard. He did not dare to meet your eyes, you being aware of his activities. He cursed himself.

Thunderous, your Father bursted out loud. "What nerve! Right under my nose!" He practically roared, "General Mahamatra Cyno! You better explain yourself!"

Cyno– despite being so terribly intimidating and vengeful to his enemies (or anyone who intended to harm you)– silently and comically hid behind you in face of the King as you frantically tried to calm your Father down.

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7 months ago

Princess and Her Matra | Cyno X (F) Reader (Part IV) (Royal AU)

Princess And Her Matra | Cyno X (F) Reader (Part IV) (Royal AU)

Summary: Sanity slipped from Scaramouche as you, kneeling on the floor, retaliated against his desire to enter the Eternal Oasis. You, carried in the arms of your loyal General Mahamatra, must put an end to the Prince's enraged assault on Setekh.

Relationship: (Bodyguard) Cyno X (Desert Princess) Female Reader

Characters: General Mahamatra Cyno • Matra Dehya (Lionness) • Matra Candace (Priestess) • Prince of Avidya Scaramouche • Avidyan Advisor Il Dottore • Liloupar the Jinni.

Warnings: Minor Character Death.

Word Count: 3070

Parts: One / Two / Three / Four / Five

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"You're telling us in the one time we were tasked with not watching over you, the Prince held our General Mahamatra hostage, nearly killed him, and coerced you to call this 'magical spirit' to enter some kind of Oasis?"

Dehya gaped in utter shock, while Candace, concerned. Before the latter inquired, you interjected while flipping through pages of a book.

"No, I have not informed my Father yet."

"With all due respect, Your Highness, you should. For one, you have a good reason to get your wedding called off. Two, send them away!" Dehya cracked her knuckles. "I've been waiting to get rid of those numbskulls. Did you see how they've been treating us? We Matra may be soldiers, but calling us 'dogs' is low." She turned to Candace for validation of her point.

The latter, however, noticed your reservation. "Your Highness?"

In your thoughtful silence, Cyno answered, "Her Highness is worried about her people. The whole point of our King agreeing to the arrangement is to save Setekh from dehydration. Knowing the Avidya's malicious intention now, the Prince himself threatened to harm the Setekh if anyone hears of this."

He crossed his arms. "And knowing how he managed to have me tied up so easily, I doubt he was bluffing."

"Don't think we should be giving into his egotism though," Dehya remarked. "He's probably going to assume control of Setekh regardless of whether he enters the Eternal Oasis."

"Do not worry," you assured, speaking up again. "I have a plan."

"I believe it has something to do with that book?"

You nodded. "I have read about the legend of the Eternal Oasis. I do not remember ever it saying the realm grants a God's power." Flipping through the pages. "Though, I do recall reading this Jinni shares a notable power of its own."

"I am guessing that's the 'magical spirit' you were talking about," said Dehya.

"The Jinni had served under the Goddess of Flowers, or Nabu Malikata. Only listens to those worthy, which I assume is whoever is blessed by the Goddess herself." You finally reached the page.

Scanning the words, your fingers paused on an interesting detail. "Just as the Jinni is cautious with its master, the gateway to the Eternal Oasis opens only to those whose heart is deemed worthy," you murmured to yourself.


You heard loud thuds beyond the library doors, hurrying down the corridor, as if panicked.

You recognized them as footsteps.

"Did something happen outs–?"

A voice boomed, muffled through the door. "The Prince has gone mad!" You also recognized that sound as one of the Matra.

"Defend our King!" shouted another.

Blood ran cold as you picked yourself from the seat, hands on the table. "Father? What's going on?" Your breath became shallow.

All four of you bolted out the library, straight to the throne room. It had not been three days since his arrival, yet somehow, your fiancé had caused unnerving trouble.

There was a dispute. Your eyes darted from the crumbling sandstone pillars to the shredded banners on the walls. Then to the Avidyan Prince, surrounded by his angry Rangers. "You're no Prince of ours!" one Ranger screamed, directing their spear at the young man. "You must be the reason why Lady Rukkhadevata, went missing! You monster!" yelled another.

Dehya was bewildered. "Rangers rebelling against their own Prince?"

"Fools!" Scaramouche seethed, tying up the Avidyan soldiers in his strings. "Completely absurd. You dare disrespect your one and true Prince!? You should be bowing to me!"

One Ranger prepared his bow, his brows furrowed and tall black ears folding back. "As if! You're no Prince of ours if you wanted nothing to do with our forests! We have always taken pride in keeping Avidya alive, yet you are bold enough to tell us to let it wither!" The arrow shot through, but Scaramouche cut it up into pieces with his strings.

Another Ranger leaped up behind him and threw her boomerang.

"Silence!" However, his hand sent her flying back onto the ground with a loud thump. The Prince pulled a set of strings around the Fennec, strangling his throat.

"Your Highness!" Your head turned to find one of your Matra running to you. "You must leave! Run away for your own sake–." His sentence barely finished as Scaramouche cut his body up. The pieces dissipating to blood-red dust. Your eyes widened in horror. Cyno, Dehya, and Candace attempted to retreat you, but Scaramouche sensed your presence.

He eyed you with a crazed smile. "Looks like you're on time, Princess." A sudden movement of his wrist and the strings were attached to you. He yanked you to him.

This prompted the General Mahamatra to shout, leaping to grab ahold of you. "Your Highness!" But more cutting strings appeared, caging he and the other two outside.

"I demand to see my Father! Where is he!?"

"Under close care of my advisor. So there is no need to worry, dear." He held your chin, mocking you.

"Do not lay a finger on him. Or anyone!" You gritted. "What have my people done to you? What have your own done to you?"

"What have they done?" he laughed, turning his back to you. "They failed to know their place." The strings pulled everyone in the throne room up, hanging them on the walls like flies trapped in a web. "I am your true King. Your true God with powers beyond your understanding."

All except you.

"But not enough for you fools to respect me, is that right?" His head snapped back to you, stomping back to your kneeling figure. The Prince snarled. "So you better call that Jinni of yours, or one snap will kill them all."

"You're wasting precious time, Scaramouche." Il Dottore scoffed, stepping in the perimeter. "Slice their heads off them all already. We only require the girl for the Oasis."

"If you choose to kill them all," you picked up a fallen arrow and brought it up to your neck, "I shall end myself as well!"

"(Name)!" Cyno yelled. "What are you doing, (Name)?!"

"Your Highness, our lives are not worth it!"

"We Rangers are not worth your sacrifice!"

"The Setekh needs you!"

Yet your resolve remained.

"Do you dare to gamble with my death, your only chance of reaching the Eternal Oasis?"

"You." Scaramouche's form shuddered as he laughed maniacally.

He laughed.

And laughed.

To the point even you were concerned.

"Haha! You truly are bold, Princess!" He laughed. "To think that these pathetic subjects cared about you so so," Scaramouche swung his hand across your face, "much!" His expression went from laughter to a dangerous scowl.

"How could they worship such a pathetic weakling like you?!" he screamed, slapping your face once more.

This time, you had enough. You etched the arrowhead into your skin, drawing a trickle of blood.

"Enough, Scaramouche!" Il Dottore interjected.

The Prince stopped his hand from throwing another hit.

"Do you, or do you not want to become a God." The question, or more so statement, made the Prince falter. "Hit the girl again," Il Dottore's tone dripped with venom, "and I shall cast you aside as your Creator had done before."

His hand dropped to his side. His knees onto the floor.

And suddenly, the strings on everyone were released.

You closed your eyes, lowering the arrowhead. You heaved, releasing some pressure on your lungs. "I command everyone to leave the palace grounds... Matra, evacuate all Setekhans to Avidya. I urge for the Rangers to provide temporary shelter."

You added, "..Immediately."

Although the named and injured councilmen passed a worrisome glance in your direction, everyone opted to follow your word and flee the throne room.

"General," the Lionness called out.

"Leave me be. Whatever the circumstances, I cannot abandon Her Highness."

The Priestess intercepted, "Then, we shall help you as well."

"No, I have always served as her protector. You two heard her: evacuate the people."

Candace bit her lip and nodded. "Defend our Princess."

"We have released your people. Time is ticking, so you better do what you must, girl." You glared upon Il Dottore's sharp-toothed sneer, carnivorous and predatory. You wanted to fling your hand to his nose.

One glimpse to the side and you found your General. His hand gripping his partisan while positioned defensively. You showed him a weak smile, a sign you knew more than you led on.

You faced forth the thrones, worn away from the chaos ensued while standing tall. You slowly clasped your hands and closed your eyes once again. "Strewing flowers along a path, that which is blessed by the gentle Nabu Malikata herself," you recalled from the book. "I call upon thee, Jinni, to seek my heart's wealth."

All of a sudden...

A blinding light illuminated the throne room, capturing the insatiable eyes of Il Dottore and Scaramouche. A spiral of brilliance glowed before halting in front of you. A brighter flash prompted you to cover your eyes until it dimmed into a bottle. Or perhaps, a bulb made from glass. There was a violet cap on top and a distinguished golden glow inside. For a moment, it trembled, danced frantically until a voice echoed.

"Who has called upon the powers of a Jinni?"

You prayed you were aware of whatever fate you were pulling yourself into. There was a sense of hesitation: "It is I, Princess (Name) of Setekh."

It audibly gasped. "It is a great honor to encounter another member of the Setekhan Royal Family. I shall introduce myself, Your Highness. It is I, Liloupar."

"Enough stalling," Il Dottore interrupted. "I demand you Jinni to bring forth the Eternal Oasis."

In a shade of red, the bottle shook violently. "How audacious of you. I only listen to the commands of those who are worthy and one alone. Who are you to dare order me in front of Setekh's Princess? Oh, I understand. Indeed, you are nothing more but an outlander."

Il Dottore scowled. "Hold your end of the bargain up, Princess."

You rolled your eyes, before facing the Jinni. "Liloupar," you spoke in a gentle voice. "I request of you to show us the entrance to the Eternal Oasis. I entrust you to reveal a heart's truth." For a minute, Liloupar only appeared to stare at you. You felt as if the Jinni was pondering. "Very well," Liloupar hummed. "As you wish, Master."

As the bottle danced in the air, a gateway appeared before them. This garnered a malicious smile from Il Dottore. Scaramouche wasted no time pushing you aside as he hurried to the entrance, only to learn:

He could not pass through.

Stunned, his breathing quickened.

"What is this?"


"Why can I not enter?"

His hands began slamming onto the gateway, like an invisible wall existed there. Liloupar lowered itself into your arms' embrace, vibrating in prideful satisfaction.

"What is going on, Scaramouche? Move along!" Il Dottore reprimanded. "After every resource poured into this project, not another second should be wasted. The Prodigal cannot obtain its full potential without a God's power!"


"Open your eyes! Are you so blind to not see what I am doing?" snarled the Prince. His eyes flickered to yours, violent and crazed. He seethed, "You find this amusing, do you not? Daring to play your absurd games and tricks against me, Princess?" Electricity began to conduct as the floors shook. Sand from the ceilings themselves fell. You tried standing to your feet, but your balance faltered. A voice bellowed:

"I am going to end you all!"

"(Name)!" Cyno grabbed you by your wrist and yanked, ushering you away from the palace. "The palace is no longer safe. We must retreat to the Avidya!"

"Archons!" you cursed. "Is there no end to this tantrum of his?!"

The second you and Cyno touched the final flight of steps, a deafening and thunderous sound quaked the Setekh. You peeked behind to discover that Scaramouche had transformed into an enormous mechanical puppet, demolishing half of your palace in the process. His height as tall as thrice the palace.

Sandstone debris and boulder-like chunks toppled down, nearly colliding into you if it were not for your General wrapping an arm around your waist, picking and carrying you up in his arms. "Hold onto me, Your Highness!"

You yelped, panicking as the Prodigal swung a hand down in your direction. "Cyno! Above us!"

Cyno leapt out of the way as the hand smashed right into many homes and buildings, crumbling them all to dust. Your stomach churned in a sickening feeling, and you prayed to Deshret the Matra evacuated everyone on time.

"Never in my years of serving my masters have I experienced such troublesome events," Liloupar trembled.

"From your right!"

Cyno jumped to the left, avoiding a scorching beam from obliterating you. "Not only his hands!?" You grimaced upon how the Prodigal occupied a wide range of offense. "You cannot outrun him, even if we reach the Avidya!"

"I have my duty to protect you. Until I entrust you under the care of the other Matra, I cannot simply stop when your life is endangered!" he yelled. His amber eyes gazed down into yours. For a brief moment, his features softened up.

You instantly broke contact when a shadow overcasted his features.

"Cyno!" you screamed, tugging on his shoulder. "Above you!"

The Prodigal's hand began to fall with a heavy force. Your General gritted his teeth. His mind came to terms with the unlikeliness of outrunning the strike area, yet his legs pushed further. A booming sound echoed as the edge of the hand pounded into the sand. Your fingertips dug into your palms as you urged, "Cyn–!"

The Prodigal's fingertips were right above you. You felt the wind knocked out of your lungs as your General hurled you tumbling forward. You fell with a weighted thud. The impact casting sand and spinning your head into a migraine.


Accompanied with a terrible high-pitched ringing in your ears.


An awful groan left your throat, leaving you to cough up some sand. Your throat had gone dry when you realized. "No." You screamed his name, "Cyno! You did not dare–."

You witnessed his figure vanish as the Prodigal's hand made full contact with the ground. A disastrous earthquake rumbled Setekh from the force, and a huge gust of wind nearly blinded you with sand.

You found yourself hyperventilating.

Your blood ran cold.

Practically gasping in and out.

You could not move.

Dread painted your eyes.

"This cannot be happening."

You faced down, vision blurry by the second as hot tears trickled down. "Cyno. Cyno." You tried running to him, but your legs were too weak. "Cyno. No. This cannot be happening. Please. Please!" Your hands clenched tightly and you shut your eyes. Voice caught in your throat, feeling like you were going to choke. "Please! No. You said you would protect me no matter what."

Liloupar left your arms, glowing brighter. "Master!"

You slowly opened your eyes again.

And trailed up front.

Your General.

A breath heaved out. More tears fell over your smile. You sighed again out of pure relief, shutting your eyes, "Thank Deshret." Opening up again, confusion soon overtook your features instead.


A violet hue shone from the electricity crackling underneath the puppet hand. As the murky fog began to fade, you distinguished another figure, large as the hand trying to crumble them. Only this time, you discovered a pair of claws and tall ears. All in violet and gold.

Your eyes widened.


The figure's claws shoved the Prodigal's hand off them, another gust of sand hitting your way. Cyno was still there, but the colors around his headdress– which enlarged into some form of a hood or mask– lit up in synchronization with the figure that seemed to possess him.

"Cyno is Hermanubis?"

"No, not himself," Liloupar corrected. "It appears he is a current holder of the Great Priest Hermanubis' power. 'How' he obtained such power is beyond my knowledge." You pursed your lip and huffed, your strength returning to pick yourself up. "There is no time to ponder now. I must help him."

This had the bottle frantically shaking. "But Master! Your own safety comes before his!"

"Liloupar." Your resolve remained strong. "I wish to help him."

The Jinni merely sighed. "Perhaps it is time for me to conduct use of my other assets."

A voice reverberated from inside the Prodigal.

"Unsightly insects!" His hand swung at Hermanubis, who leapt onto the arm and bolted up to strike the head. Scaramouche seethed, "Keep your claws off of me, animal!"

He attempted to snatch Hermanubis off, but the latter jumped to the shoulder and landed another heavy strike to the puppet's spine. Catching him off guard, the Prodigal nearly fell forward.

Another to the head.

Across the face.

Until Scaramouche screamed, enraged.

"Worthless humans should be bowing down to your God!"

He hurled Hermanubis down onto the sand. Giving no time to recover from the impact, the Prodigal ignited a blast. The energy revving from within.


Scaramouche audibly hitched his breath as a needle practically stabbed him through the heart. His sights fell to the very Princess he despised, standing in his way. You smirked.

"There's more to me than smile-and-waves!"

You aimed another arrow to the chest. The bow you carried being a metamorphosed Liloupar. "Leave Setekh alone!" Releasing in an instant, the arrowhead struck the heart, pieces of glass breaking off from its outer casing. His emanating power briefly faltered. The Hermanubis figure picked themselves from the sand, their glowing white eyes staring upon you.

"Cyno! Strike the heart!"

The figure silently nodded, leaping back onto the puppet's arm again.

Scaramouche became more agitated. "No!" The Prodigal tried to swing him off, but Hermanubis clutched on, who propelled himself up to thrust a powerful lightning bolt to the puppet's chest. The entirety of the heart case shattered into thousands of pieces.

An energy wave bursted in response.

The puppet began to collapse, but Scaramouche, in his final chance of retaliation, shot a beam in your direction. "I refuse to be brought down alone!" he yelled.

Hermanubis, or rather Cyno, darted to you. Their glowing eyes widened. Their claws dug into the sand and vaulted themselves in desperation to grasp you.

Time slowed down in this very moment.

Hermanubis wrapped you into their claws, right before the light blinded you.

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