Rottmnt Raph X Reader - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Hanahaki Disease


The boys x gn!reader

Description: how the boys would react to the reader dying from Hanahaki Disease

Hanahaki Disease

Before separation:

You stared down at the bloody petals in your hand, panic rushing through you. Looking around the room you noted how the boys hadn't noticed the bloody flower in your hand. You coughed some more and covered your mouth, trying to hide the flower buds erupting from your throat.

Mikey looked over curiously and tilted his head. " What's up Y/n ? " He asked and shifted closer. You panicked and closed your fist. Donnie raised a brow leaned forward. " Y/n. What's wrong? " He asked and narrowed his eyes. This caught the attention of the other two.

" It's nothing " you said again before letting out another cough. Leo took a nervous step forward and held a hand out to rub your back. " Y/n ? " He whispered with worry. Blood dripped down your chin as another flower bud crawled up your throat. You let out a small gag and cover your mouth before running to the bathroom. You doubled over the toilet seat and pulled a whole ass flower from your throat.

You heard the door open and looked up nervously to see your crush standing in the doorway. " Y/n " they whispered softly.


Leo stared at you with panic. He looked down at the petals that you had dropped. " Y/n what is this ? " He asked, worry filling his voice. " And don't. Lie to me. " He told you seriously.

You nervously gulped and shifted to your side. " I... " You whispered staring down, tears welling your eyes. Taking a deep Shakey breath you walked yourself to look up. " I uhm...I- " you were cut off by more coughs.

You let out a wheezing gasp and leaned forward, thorns scratching your throat as you coughed up while flowers, stems and all. You let out a small gag and grabbed your throat, before gagging one more time and doubling over.

Gasping, you vomited out flowers and vines, blood staining everything. Leo covered his mouth and stared at you with fear. " Y/n ! " He yelled and ran over to you before falling to his knees. He held your hair back and took shakey breaths.

", no, no, no, no, no " you sobbed and wiped your lips. " I was doing so good " you cried and hit the floor. You looked up at Leo, tears streaming down your cheeks. " Leo I- " you started before getting cut off by his broken sob. Freezing you finally registered the fact he was crying.

Your heart shattered. The thought of making the turtle in front of you cry broke you. The fact you made a single tear fall from his beautiful fucking eyes made you this close to having a breakdown yourself. " Leo " you whispered and coughed more.

" Why didn't you tell me " the male hissed and stared at you with longing eyes. " Why didn't you tell me you loved me " he repeated and smacked your hand away. You shrunk away and took a deep breath. " I...I don't seemed so...happy when I wasn't around. So I suffered in silence. " You muttered and rubbed your shoulder

" I'm really so- " before you could continue you coughed more. Your lungs suddenly felt like they were collapsing in on themselves. You let out a pained gasp which led to more coughing. Leo jumped and stared at you with fear, getting ready to hold your hair back.

You let out a small whimper and gripped the collar of your shirt. Coughing more, you had a feeling your insides were being ripped to shreds. Your breath quickened. Obviously. Your mind flooded with thoughts of dying in front of your love.

You let out a small sob, coughing more. You leaned over, more flowers and petals slipping through your lips. Leo rubbed your back worridly and stared down at you. " Y/n... " He whispered and leaned forward.

You didn't hear him. Your ears were ringing, your vision blurring. " Y/n ! " He yelled and cupped your cheeks. You gasped and grabbed his forearms, your eyes flooding with tears. " What " you croaked out, your throat being destroyed.

" I know it won't save you now but...I love you " he told you and rubbed your cheek bones. " I love you Y/n. I have. I couldn't tell or show you because you were never around. I could've helped you " he sobbed and stared at you with broken eyes

You opened your mouth to speak. All that slipped out was a small croak of pain. You shakely cupped one of his cheeks and gave him a small smile. You pulled him closer and wiped your lips. " Thank you " you whispered softly.

All feeling left your body after that, a sensation that could only be marked as pure bliss washing over you. There was faint screaming but it wasn't enough to snap you out of it. At last. You were in peace


You heard a Shakey gasp and shot your head up to see Mikey staring in the doorway. " Mike " you whispered softly. You saw the fear in his eyes and panicked yourself.

" N-no ! I'm okay, this is- " you started before getting cut off by another cough. He stumbled over to you and fell to his knees, holding a hand out for you. You held his wrist and kept coughing.

Another flower erupted from your throat and landed in his hand. He jumped and dropped the flower, panic filling him. " Y/n ! Why didn't you tell me !? " He yelled and stared at you with genuine fear.

You let out a small whimper and flinched away. You stared down at your hands and played with your fingers, tears pricking your eyes. You felt another flower trying to erupt from your throat but you absolutely ignored it. Or tried to at least.

Your throat felt like it was being torn apart from the inside. Tears started to slip down your cheeks, cooling them down for a split second. " Mikey " you whispered, cutting his rant off. " Mikey I'm sorry " you whimpered and held your throat.

", don't be sorry " he said quickly and cupped your cheeks. " Don't be sorry Y/n " he whispered. " J-just focus on you " he told you and pushed some of your hair out of your face.

You let out more painful coughs, blood rising with them. Spitting out some saliva you shared down at the blood slowly joining the rest. " Mikey I.... " You whispered, your vision getting blurry.

You leaned against his plastron, whimpering to yourself. " Mikey I love you " you whispered softly, your breath shortening. " I'm sorry I didn't tell you " you croaked out. You heard a broken sob and felt a tear land on the top of your head. You knew what it was but could get yourself to look up. " I'm sorry " he sobbed and pulled you closer.

You simply shifted to hug him, exhaustion hitting you like a wave. You slowly closed your eyes, not realizing your breath had slowed to where it was about to stop.

" I love you " was the last thing you heard.


You heard a knock on the door and looked up, tears welling in your eyes. " Y/n ? " He asked and bit his lip. " H-hey Raph " you squeaked and wiped your lips in a desperate attempt to hide the blood flowing down.

" What're you doing ? " The snapping turtle asked and walked over. You cleared your throat before coughing...hard. Letting out a small whimper you grabbed your throat, another flower bud erupting from its confines.

You let out a pained gasp and fell back, using your other hand to catch yourself. You looked over at Raph's worried expression, his eyes filled with fear. Your heart shattered knowing the one you loved was watching you die even though he didn't realize it.

You gagged and leaned forward, panting a little. You coughed more before reaching your hand up to your lips. You opened your mouth as wide as you could and pulled out a large flower from the back of your throat. This triggered your gag reflex causing you to double over and vomit up blood and bile with a couple of flower petals mixed in.

Fear filled your body as you felt the scratches in your chest and throat get worse. " Y/n ! " Raph yelped and wiped your chin. " Oh god " he whispered softly. " Shit, shit, shit, shit " he repeated and looked around with worry. " Y-you'll be okay. I'll get help. Donnie's gonna have something " he started and looked down at you.

You had a small, broken smile on your lips. " Why are you smiling " he cried and stared at you with worry before it clicked in his head. " wanted to d- " He whispered before you cut him off. " It was a better option than to see you drift away " you whispered softly.

" you could've told me " he whimpered and stared at you, tears sliding down his cheeks. " I thought you would've rejected me. We would've lost what we had. " You whispered and pushed away from him. " Besides. This is better than being alone. " You dryly joked.

He opened his lips to say something else before you coughed some more. He realized how bad +your condition was. You watched as reality slowly hit him. " Oh Raph " you whispered and stared at his broken expression. He hugged you tightly and buried his face in your shoulder. " This can't be happening " he cried.

" I can't lose you. " He sobbed. You hugged him in return, ignoring the new batch of flowers and vines crawling up your throat. " I love you Raphy, I always have and I always will. " You whisper in his ear, your vision getting foggy.

" Stay. With. Me. " He demanded through gritted teeth, tears staining your shirt. " Please Y/n. " He hiccupped and pulled you closer.

" I'm sorry. " Was the last thing you could say before your lungs gave out


You heard a small gasp and looked up at the softshell standing in the doorway. " Don... " You whispered and stumbled back. " Y/n...what's going on " he asked with a serious tone.

" N-nothing ! " You whimpered and rubbed the back of your neck. He knew you were lying. It was clear as day. You coughed some more and pulled some petals out from your mouth. " Y/n... " He whispered and stared at you with worry.

You shrunk back and stared down at your lap, tears slowly welling in your eyes. You opened your mouth to say something but more petals fell out. You coughed more and pulled out a full blooming flower out of your throat.

" Y/n " he whispered and walked twords you, fear in his eyes. You refused to look up. You /couldn't/ look up. You couldn't see the frustration and pity in his eyes, or that plain, dead panned look he always wears. You used to love it but now that he knew your secret you couldn't bear to see it.

" Y/n look at me. " He told you and crouched next to you, his hand nervously reaching out to you. You coughed more and pulled more flowers and vines from your throat.

You slowly looked up at him with a pained expression. " Donnie. " You whispered and held your throat. You stared in his eyes and saw worry. Genuine worry. " Don... " You whispered softly and took a Shakey breath.

" Don...Don I-I'm so- " you started before he cut you off. " Don't. " He growled and shook a little. You flinched at the tone and spat out some blood. " Why didn't you tell me. " He hissed and looked up at you with a pained expression.

You're breath caught in your throat. " Donni- " you gasped and coughed more, blood shooting up from your lungs. Letting out a small whimper you spat out a large pile of petals coated in a shit ton of blood.

You took frantic and shakey breaths, more vines climbing up your throat. You pulled multiple flowers and vines out from your throat, blood sliding down your chin. Donnie fell back and took panicked breaths himself. " Y/n " he whispered and scrambled up.

" L-lets get you to the lab or-or med bay. " He told you and pulled you up. You stumbled and fell into him, a small groan slipping from your throat. " Donnie " you whispered. " Maybe I can make something to help you. It shouldn't- " he kept on ranting, not acknowledging the fact you had said something.

You gave him an annoyed look and shook your head. " Donnie " you said louder. He still didn't hear you and kept ranting about ways he could possibly help. " DONNIE ! " You yelled. He shut up and stared down at you with pain, tears streaming down his cheeks. " We have to find a way " he whispered and wiped his eyes

" No. It''s too late. " You whispered and cupped his cheeks. " I'm sorry " he whispered, breaking down in your arms. " I'm sorry I never noticed. " He apologized and wiped his eyes.

" Donnie " you croaked and let out a small broken sob. You coughed some more and leaned away from the two of you to spit out some plant life. " I should...I should be sorry. " You whispered and wiped your lips.

" There has to be a way to save you. " He whimpered and stared down at you. He held you close and cupped your jaw. " There isn't...I'm-I'm sorry... " You whispered, tears slipping down your cheeks.

" I just want to be with you. " You whispered and wiped your eyes. Your knees started getting wobbly and your lungs didn't want to work anymore. You fell to the ground and coughed, gasping for air. " Y/n... " He sobbed and kneeled next to you.

" I love you. " He whispered and pulled you to his plastron, not caring about the touch. " I love you so much " he cried and buried his face in your shoulder. " I'm sorry I'm leaving Don. " You whispered and looked up with teary eyes. " I love you too, Donatello Hamato. " You whispered before going limp in his arms.


Sooooo, how we find after this? Good? I hope not. I wrote this in the span of one day I think. It was an adventure. I've made many people cry on this adventure. I hope you guys enjoyed it :D

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7 months ago

In This Episode of "Mad Dogs Love Reader" : Mystic Library

A/N: This lowkey feels like crack-fiction. Then I remember the premise is the actual, released episode itself. I did my utmost trying to adhere with the characters' personalities when it came to non-canonical dialogue.

I am aware of your comments about my Donnie X Reader shots and feel really happy to hear them! After a year or so of not writing, though, I apologize for my rough return. I still love Rise of TMNT with my heart and hope to see a single glimpse of the show's possible continuation.

Constructive criticism is much appreciated! Especially for character-writing! Leave some comments about it if you will.

In This Episode Of "Mad Dogs Love Reader" : Mystic Library

Summary: While searching for something to help your project, you found yourself jammed into a fiasco of a book find with the Mad Dogs in the Mystic Library.

Episode Base: Episode 20A "Mystic Library"

Implied Pairings: Rise! Donnie X Reader • Rise! Leo X Reader • Rise! Raph X Reader

Reader: Gender Neutral. Human.

Word Count: ~2070

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You whipped your head. "What the hell was that?" you muttered to yourself, cautious of the "Hush Bats" hanging from above.

Your hand flipped through pages of a book, yet nothing remarkable piqued you. You sighed. You needed to get a project done as soon as possible before you could hit the weekend concert in Central Park. "Where are all the books on the anatomy of frogs. . .?" You picked out another book, this time with a fish-like Yōkai on the cover page.

"What are they doing here?" Your ears perked at recognizing that coarse, scratchy voice. "Can't we enjoy a nice peaceful Sunday without those clowns showing up?"

April and the others showed up? Here?

"I got an idea," Foot Brute gestured a "knuckle-sandwich." "Since they're always messing up whatever we're doing, why don't we mess up whatever they're doing?"

Under their breaths, they snickered evilly.

You frowned. Not on my watch, bozos.

⇨ ⇨ ⇨

"Loom 16." Donnie slid, rocking into his rhythm as he busted out singing. "Take Corridor B. Down-the-stairs past the Ibis tapestry."

"Uhh. . . Donnie?" Raph whispered, feeling uneasy when even Leo decided to join in with his beatboxing. "We're still in the library." Yet his warning went ignored.

"Sliding bookcase after bookcase shows the way to the hall– up a pole through a hole to the waterfall." He rhymed with every line. Raph hushed him, "Keep it down Donnie!"

Aimlessly, Raph glimpsed up the library, careful of the Hush Bats. He did not want to be taken to the kiddie room. He was expecting one to come right out of the endless ceiling, flying straight for him and his ridiculously noisy brothers.

He heard nothing. He saw nothing. His back faced his brothers as Raph kept his eyes out for those bats. He quirked an "eyebrow" when the silence settled in.

"Gee Donnie. Didn't think you'd be the one to listen." Curious, the snapping turtle finally spun around to face his brothers.

What he truly did not expect was bumping right into Leo's shell. A relatively low "oomph" emitted. Now, he felt confused. "Guys?" Raph tried calling. "What's the big idea? Why are we stoppin' out of nowhere? We got Mayhem to save!" He glimpsed at his phone to April's frantic texts.

Looking back up, he noticed Leo wrapping his hands over Donnie's mouth. Their heads were blocking his view of something. Or rather, someone. Raph leaned his head to the side and found–.


In a whisper, of course.

You would hope so.

He nearly yelled for the world to hear.

The Hush Bats above dilated their pupils in great suspicion.

From your end, you watched the wide-eyes and shocked looks plastered on their faces. Leo covering Donnie's mouth before he could scream at seeing you pop out of the blue. A deep fluster evident on Donnie's features. You did kind of jump from behind a ledge.

That wasn't what mattered, though.

"Why hello." You somehow dropped the whole warning-spiel to give a quick greeting, hand on your hip.

But it wasn't quick.

"(Name)!?" Raph quietly exclaimed. Perfect timing for an oxymoron. "What on Earth are you doing here!?" He rushed to you, giant hands on your shoulder and lightly shook you. "Were you trapped here?!"

"Raph, Raphie." You lightly knocked off his grip. "I'm fine. I was looking for a book to finish my biology project. I would really love to get to this concert coming this weekend, but I can't dance my soul out when my grade hangs on the balance of Mr. Racataian." You waved dramatically.

Donnie yanked off his twin-brother's hands. "I had an excellent cadence going before you ruined it, Leo!" He scrunched his face. "Keep your germs off. Who knows where your hands have been?" Donnie sanitized the area around his mouth. He faced you, the disgust wiped off in an instant. He raised an eyebrow, obviously judging the decision you just made.

"Allow me to digest this." He repeated slowly, "You are looking for a book."


"To help you with a school project."


"From the human world."


"And you're not searching in any of New York's public libraries, but in the Mystic Library?"

"Sums it up."

"'Sums it up?' That is downright absurd!" His eye twitched. "Why?"

"Yeah. No offense, (Name)," Leo intercepted. "This lowkey doesn't feel like the right place for you to be searching for human books. You should try one of the higher stories." He quirkily pointed up.

"Oh, you're right! They'd–."

"You should neither be endorsing this nor encouraging them, Leonardo!" Donnie hissed and went to pinch between his brows. "Dear Darwin, you have access to the Internet, (Name)!"

"I'm well aware, Don."

He blinked incredulously. "Oh Bohr. What have they done to you, my brightest pupil? My intelligent (Name)! Has New York decided to reduce state funding on public education as of late?" He suddenly hugged you, garnering shock from Leo and Raph. Donnie rarely– much emphasis on rarely– touched anyone out of his will. So this said a lot. "We shall fix this. An old fashion petition won't do. They never listen to those–."

"Donnie!" You shoved the mutant off, ignoring his endearing title for you. "Did you seriously believe I hadn't visited the public libraries?"

"I'm afraid you are not making any sense, (Name). To come here implies there weren't any books at all relating to your topic–!"

"Of course, there are!" You ruffled your hair. "But my teacher begged everyone to put in forty sources– all of them as books– or else he'd drop our grades by two whole letters! I don't know what's his deal with bringing in physical work! It's been decades! Can he please catch up to today's technology!?"

Yes, you were in fact whispering still.

"Sheesh." Leo crossed his arms and muttered, "And here I thought high school's all about the sports. Y'know, the better stuff."

"Why are you guys even here?"

In a blink of an eye, Raph tensed up. Hands on his head, he panicked as he snatched his phone out of you-don't-know-where. He frantically tapped his thumbs on the screen, texting. You looked around. "And where's Mikey and April?"

"Mikey. . . kinda got taken to the kiddie room." Leo rubbed his nape. "He did that to himself though, so I wouldn't really worry 'bout him that much."

"Oh." You snickered. "So he's the one I heard that loud echo from." You would have laughed real hard at that.

"Not gonna lie, I kinda wanna do the same thing. But those bats up there are giving me the heebie-jeebies."

"And so where's April? Isn't she usually with you guys too?"

"Mayhem. . . got stuck in her mirror."

". . ."

Leo twiddled with his fingers.

You freaked out, your one spare hand wiggling and everything. "Why are you guys even chatting with me!?" Your eye twitched. "Are you lost or something? There's some Magic 8 Ball thing down that hall. You could've found the book by now–!"

"Which I would've found if it weren't for my annoying colleague interupting my memory rhythm." Donnie gritted his teeth. "But fret you shall not, (Name). Everything is handled without flaw as long as my intellect is around. Nothing is necessary except for your mind."

Ah. Your daily dose of Donnie's wisdom. You didn't even have to ask.

"Woah-ho. Now you're blaming me, mi hermano?" The latter had his hands up defensively. "You're the only one with directions inside your head. I was only trying to stop you from getting snatched by bats. Did you get that?" He spelled each letter, "B-A-T-S."

"You!" Robotic arms from Donnie's Battle Shell snatched Leo and shook him like an earthquake. "I won medalions from the National Spelling Bee, you simpleton! You can't even spell 'soldier' without replacing the letter 'd' with a 'j'! Who are you to quest–!?

Oh Bohr."

He did in fact yell.

You and Leo gaped with wide-open jaws as your friend with a big ego dramatically floated away by bats.

"Donnie!" Raph nearly screeched.

⇨ ⇨ ⇨

"I know Donnie has once again messed up our mission as he does on virtually every mission." Leo glanced between April's panicked messages on his brother's phone and you. His sights lingering on you each time.

"Are you trying to impress (Name) by putting down Donnie?"

"Wha–What? Of course not." Leo nervously chuckled. "W-Where did you get that idea from?" He looked at you yet again. The moment you made direct eye-contact, he tried putting up his nonchalant facade. Instead, he looked kind of goofy.

You wouldn't tell him that though.

Raph pointed at him, narrowing his eyes. "Are you trying to get Donnie fired?" Before his brother's hand slammed his face.

"We'll discuss that later." He swung to change the subject. "Let's just focus on getting that book, so we can save Mayhem." Leo held his chin, pondering. "We need to remember the song. How did it go? Something about a Loom."

"Loom 16." You heard it briefly when you had gone off in search of your buddies. You were sure if you could catch onto the beat again, you could remember all the lyrics– directions.

"That's right!" Raph snapped his fingers softly. "Take Corridor B. . . Uhhh. And then where'd it go?"

"Oh my God." You clasped your mouth. The other two whipped their heads. "What happened, (Name)?"

"I forgot to tell you guys!" said you in a hushed voice. "Those two guys from the Foot Clan are here to mess things up again!"

"You said who!?" Raph crashed into another body.

"Us." There they were, Foot Brute and Foot Lieutenant, right in the flesh. "How thoughtful of you to let us make our own welcoming, instead of spoiling it for others." The Lieutenant signaled in your direction with a sneer.

"Hey! Step aside, chump! We're on a crucial mission!"

"Which is why we're going to throw a little monkey wrench into your plans."

"We'll see about that." Raph charged to land an attack, but meeting the Brute's palm. Everyone quickly remembered the Hush Bats hanging patiently along a beam. The two backed off. Blue hopped on his brother's back. "We can't fight these guys! We have to be quiet, or we'll never get the book to free Mayhem!"

"So we fight them as quietly as the quietest lions in the jungle of silence!" Raph grunted. "Like a boss!"

"Oh dear me. Where's your other partner?" The Lieutenant pointed. Without a thought, the two mutants whipped their heads behind another time. Figuratively, your missing figure left a flashing dotted outline. Raph shrieked, "(Name)'s been kidnapped! What have you–?"

Book dust puffed out into his face. He nearly bursted into a sneeze if not for Leo's quick reaction.

"Oh, it's so on." Blue's competitive spirit tingled.

Raph stomped on the Brute's foot. Leo gave a real disgusting wet willy to the Lieutenant's ear. Things quickly escalated to making one another laugh as hard and loud as possible. Even the other visitors looked disturbed, either wheeling back their squeaking chairs or simply turning away.









Leo and Raph froze in the middle of their shenanigans as two heavy books struck the heads of the Feet. What an odd name, you would have thought. The impact created loud sounds that resonated throughout the library.

Two more victims for the kiddie room were claimed that day.

"Hey guys. Sorry, I went off for a mome–. Why is there a book in your mouth, Leo?"

He spat out the book, its spine drenched saliva.

"Oh. . ."

"You. . . did not see anything."

You slid down the bookcase. The one book with the fish-like Yōkai remained in your grasp. Raph practically teared up upon your sight. "Y-You weren't kidnapped after all. . .!"

"Thank you for the concern, but why would I be. . .?" You blinked amusingly before waving it off. "Nevermind." You pointed in a specific direction. "Let's head this way. There's Corridor B right there. Someone told me where this 'waterfall' is."

♪ Up the pole through the hole to the waterfall. ♫

"Oh-ho! So he did mention a waterfall." Leo snapped his fingers. "You're a life-saver, (Name). Up high!" You lightly high-five– or is it high-three– his hand.

Raph exhaled, patting your back– a usual sign of either appreciation or reassurance you came to learn. "Like a boss."

"See?" Blue nudged Red. "Like I said, who needs Donnie when–."

"Don't even think about it, Leo."

A sudden low ring of Raph's phone vibrated. The snapping turtle proceeded to take it out, but your hands were quick to stop him. "Shh! Don't you dare answer that. We don't know how loud whoever's calling is!"

Raph looked unsure. "It's April. I hafta take this or she's gonna go berserk! Don't want her to think we've forgotten about Mayhem!"

"Hey, I'd love talk to my best friend too, but right now, if any loud noise–."

Much to your damned misfortune, however, a heavy– extra heavy– book fell onto the floor beside the snapping turtle.

He did not realize he was leaning on the bookcase.


And on the cover, there existed the title: How to Not Drop Anything.

The Hush Bats, in a single second, clouded your vision like a fog. A vein popped on Raph's forehead, gritting his teeth. He groaned exasperately. "Okay, I've had just about enough of this jumble! Forget being quiet, we got our buddy Mayhem to save!" His tonfās glowed red.

You frantically waved your arms. "Hold on a second, Raph–!"

"Power smash-a-roni!"

It was too late. You and the red-eared slider were tightly shoved against each other, being held in a gigantic holographic hand as Raph activated his energy construct. "You're seriously going to wreck the entire library!?" Leo shouted. "OW. Watch the grip, King Kong! You're squeezing the very life out of us!"

♪ Down the stairs past the Ibis Tapestry. ♫

Raph's eyes lit up at the banner with a long-beaked bird on it. "Ibis Tapestry!" The Hush Bats swarmed around you once again.

You screamed, "To your left!"

The sliding bookshelves were found. Raph simply smashed his way past them. "To think I was gonna apply here as an assistant too!" You wailed. "I'm never going to be able to come back here as long as I'm associated with you guys!"

The Hush Bats began to charge right at you three. But Leo yanked out his ōdachi. With a swipe, a portal opened up, sending all the bats right into the bookshelves opposite.

"Can someone tell me if we're almost there?" Leo had been waving and brandishing his ōdachi. The repetitive high-pitched squeaks were heard when the blade struck something. "Ughh. These bats are getting on my nerves! My arms are getting sore!"

♪ Up the pole through the hole to the waterfall. ♫

"Up the pole!" Raph yelled until he broke through the fountain. The book, Complete Compendium of Escape Rituals, glimmered in the center of a large podium. One of the shiniest covers you could ever witness glowing.

"Don't worry I got it!" Leo portal'ed himself right over and snatched the book. But the Hush Bats rushed in as well. He grinned, "Oh yeah! Hero of the day!"

"Leo! Hand over the book!" Raph urged. "While you're at it, portal (Name) out of here!"

Your eyes widened. "What are you do–!?" Raph used his energy construct and flung you and himself over. You shrieked, "You little! You forgot I'm a humaaannn!" Leo passed the book to his brother, and swung his ōdachi. The portal that appeared behind you teleported you away from getting a concussion and five weeks of a coma on a bookshelf.

As two brothers exploded through the walls, crashing through the glass, the Bat Librarian– busy stamping books– instantly painted her face across in horror when she looked up. Her wide yellow eyes as she watched the destruction unfold right above the main chamber.

Oh boy did she herself explode into rage. "You! I'll pummel you into papyrus!" she hissed. Her normal Yōkai form mutated into something larger, expanding her wings and all of her six limbs.

Leo gulped thickly.

"Err. . .

. . .Is it too late to be pardoned?"

So much for being the "Face."

She soared up, seizing the two mutants, and body-slammed them down into another room. The debris scattering across the puzzle-tiled floor and unicorn-themed carpet. The book was still safe in Raph's grasp.

Hold on.

Puzzles and unicorns?

"Oh my God. It's about time you showed up! Why the hell would you teleport me here of all places, Leo!?"

They groaned, recovering from the brutal impact. Only to discover you were tied in jumpropes and about to be sacrificed to. . . Mikey?!

They had crashed into the kiddie room.

Their box turtle of a younger brother, covered in glow-in-the-dark marker and his head crowned with feathers, sat high and mighty on a stack of giant books like a throne. The armrests were made with alphabet blocks. Donnie sat on the side, fanning him with leaves. The Foot Brute and Lieutenant were also tied in jumpropes and hung like cocoons. The other Yōkai chanted and beated the drums.

He swayed his attention from you to the huge raging bat climbing up the rubble, hissing at the turtles.

Mikey, as if declared the king of the jungle, pointed at the Bat Librarian with crazed eyes.

"N E W T O Y!"

April would refuse to believe their fiasco if it weren't for you having a broken rib and bruises on your limbs.

At least your ancient teacher handed you that perfect score.

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A/N: Fish consume frogs. You wanted to learn about frog anatomy, and it ended up being a cookbook surrounding frogs.

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2 years ago



[x - romantic]

[& - platonic]



Caught (x yokai!reader)

Little presents (& little!sister!reader)

Language check! (x bilingual!reader) [#1 in queue]


Crush too much? (x reader) [#2 in queue]



Ally (x fem!ninja!reader)

Love is blind (x fem!blind!reader)


Drabble #1 (transfer!Leo x nb!reader)

Pulling your hair out (x nb!reader) [#6 in queue]



Tech support - masterlist (x spiderman!nb!reader)

But feelings are scary... (x nb!reader)

Advantages of having fur (x male!hyena!reader) [#5 in queue]

Pulling your hair out (x nb!reader) [#6 in queue]


Well, that was awkward... (x fem!reader) [#3 in queue]



Coming soon...


Coming soon...



Raph's secret (x fem!reader) [writing ✎]


Coming soon...


Tags :
2 years ago

Saw your ask was open so could I request how each rise boi would react to gn dinosaur yokia reader ? Like say allosaurus or spino . And maybe how they would bond with the reader ? Also hope your having a good day and love your writing btw.

A/n: DUDE I LOVE THIS IDEA SO MUCH, also thank you for the compliant! This can be read as Romantic or Platonic really whatever you want to read it as.

Genre: Headcannons, Fluff, Crack

Saw Your Ask Was Open So Could I Request How Each Rise Boi Would React To Gn Dinosaur Yokia Reader ?
Saw Your Ask Was Open So Could I Request How Each Rise Boi Would React To Gn Dinosaur Yokia Reader ?


He and his brothers had bumped into you in the hidden city 

There was a street market being held downtown and they happened to come across your booth

Donnie was absolutely ecstatic when he saw you! 

Though he tries to play it cool you don’t miss the way his eye light up when he sees you

Be prepared to answer a flood of questions

He's already a super curious person so naturally he has a ton of questions for you 

Do forgive him if he accidentally oversteps some boundaries, he just gets caught u in his excitement  

Donnie's seen ton of different mutants in the hidden city and even just mutants like meat sweats that tend to keep around New York

But he’s never seen any kind of Dinosaur mutant

So naturally he’s pretty stoked 

He wants to study you and learn all about you in his lab which yes he realizes that sounds very incriminating, but it's for science 

He won’t do anything your uncomfortable with though 

But after having you around for so long he’ll start to grow attached to you 

He’ll genuinely enjoy having you around which isn’t something he’ll ever tell you face to face 

Likes to have you test his latest inventions and help him out with experiments

Though ‘helping’ out will just be you sitting off to the sides and watching him work while occasionally handing him things 

Eventually he'll trust you enough to actually help him out with experiments and get involved

Likes to invite you over late at night so he’ll have company while hes working on a project 


Leo came across you while on his way to the basketball court

None of his brothers were interested in being beaten by him him basketball ad having him rub it in their faces, so Leo was off on his own 

He was originally planning on practicing some dribbling on his own since he couldn't really play against anyone

That was until he met you

He was you playing on the court and he has to admit he was impressed by your skills

You were quick and you seemed to be able to dribble flawlessly easily keeping up speed as you ran

You were already pretty tall so that probably gave you an advantage anyways 

Leo was determined to play you if he could win against someone that fast and twice his size than it would totally justify his bragging

So you know he walks up to you all smug asking if you wanted to play him in a couple of rounds 

Long story short Leo got his ass whooped by you 

But he actually took it surprising well 

He was already impressed with your skills before but dudes pretty much whipped at this point

So after hanging out with you for a couple of hours he invited you over to the lair hoping to introduce you to his brothers  

Dude loves to skate with you mostly because you fall off a lot ad he gets a laugh out of it and because he can easily show you up when skating 

But also likes to show you all the cool tricks he can do on his board 

He loves to talk to you about all of his comics and even lets you borrow them to read if you ask him nicely 


Was introduced to you by one of his brothers 

He thought it was awesome that you were a dinosaur yokai! 

I feel like Raph had a dinosaur obsessed phase when he was little so he's pretty excited when he first sees you

I mean he wouldn’t have judged you anyway, I mean he’s a mutant turtle after all

Dude would definitely ask you to train when his brothers aren’t in the mood 

Will invite you to workout with him on a regular basis if you're up for it! Really just appreciates having someone to keep him company while he trains

Definitely admires how strong you are and would ask you for tips on how to get that strong

Offers you some tips as well if you asked him as well

Asks you to tag along on missions and thinks you make a great addition to the team!

Becomes super protective of you even though you literally tower above him

He knows that you're fully capable of protecting yourself but he can’t help but worry sometimes 

I mean he worries about everyone its just in his nature to be a little overprotective 

Will invite you over for Jupiter Jim movie marathons 

Will also probably ask you some questions about yourself that might be a little too personal but he swears he doesn't ever mean to overstep any boundaries with you he's just curious

You and him definitely have a secret handshake with him


If you thought Donnie was excited wait till you see Mikey

He practically explodes from excitement when he sees you he is all over you in a matter of seconds 

Thinks you look really cool, and instantly asks you to model so he can draw you 

Loves to draw all sorts of weird stuff and you just so happen to be the perfect kind of weird for a drawing of his

Of course he gives it to you when he's finished it’s kind of like a peace offering 

Will invite to over to stay the night very often

Will make pillow forts with you and watch Baxter stock boy’s horror videos he needs someone to cling to while he shakes in fear

Please don’t ever show him a real horror movie poor boy would cease to exist even if it's  really badly made like the first jaws movie

It doesn't matter he’ll get paranoid about evil sharks for weeks 

Likes to cook with you 

If you don’t know how, that’s okay! Mikey can teach you after all he's been cooking for his brothers all of these years 

If you’d rather just watch that's fine, he’ll even make something especially for you 

Loves making sweets for you just to see your reaction 

Doesn't ever really get compliments about his cooking skills so it means a lot when you do give him praise 

Another one who will share his comics with you if you ask him

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2 years ago

Alright here's a Rise request for you! (Bc I also am hyperfixating rn lol)

So movie Casey is from the future right? How would the turtles/April react to him revealing that reader (their crush who they haven't confessed to yet) is their spouse in the future? (also slight angst bc reader is most likely gone which Casey might reveal later)

A/n: You guys are coming up with such great prompts! And I will get to all of them this just took so long for me to write because I kinda procrastinated.

I also couldn't think of anything for April so I skipped her but I'll add her in once I think of something so don't worry.

Genre: One-shots, Fluff, A tiny bit of crack

Alright Here's A Rise Request For You! (Bc I Also Am Hyperfixating Rn Lol)
Alright Here's A Rise Request For You! (Bc I Also Am Hyperfixating Rn Lol)

The air seemed tense, nobody moved from their spots in the tank, nobody dared to speak. Your gaze was fixated on the road ahead, Krang tentacles had been wrapped around any possible surface, there was no place safe, everything had been overtaken. You felt yourself slowly begin to loosen your muscles, taking in a deep breath as you realized you’d been holding your breath through the whole drive.

No doubt there was worry clouding everyone's mind, leaving a tense feeling of bitterness. You didn’t blame them at all. But still it was so strange seeing all of them so upset, scared, and even angry. You wanted to do something for them, just to get their minds off everything. There was no harm in trying to lighten the mood a bit right? Well at least what you decided 

You thought for a moment, could you say? You didn’t want to come off as insensitive, like you weren’t taking the situation seriously. What was something that would distract them for a couple of seconds? Then it came to you, you smiled as you began to speak up.

“So Casey, you're from the future right?” you asked the grin still present on your face.

Casey turned to you his focused expression shifted to one of confusion as he quirked an eyebrow at you not really sure where you were taking this.

“Well I was just curious. Could you tell me a little bit about the future?” you asked, glancing at Casey. This didn’t seem to spark too much curiosity amoungst the brothers though, much to your dismay. That was until Casey started speaking. 


“Well after you get married to Master Leo…”

Your eyes grow wide, you nearly gave yourself whiplash from how fast you turned to face the black haired male beside you. “What?” you said with a slight bit of urgency.

“When do we get married?” Leo pipes up from the back genuinely curious.  

“I didn’t actually get to ask, before well…” Casey trails off his face contouring into a sour expression as he shifts his gaze back to the road ahead of him. 

The tank goes silent for a moment before Casey speaks up again. 

“Well, I can still tell you what he did tell me.” Casey grins. 

“Master Leo used to always gush about you whenever he had the chance, talking about how sweet you were. Especially how cute you were.” Casey added 

 Leo feels his face begin to heat up as a dorky smile spreads across his face. You and him? Married? Sure he’d flirt with you here and then but he never thought he’d actually ever have the chance to ask you out.

You giggled as you could hear Donnie groaning in the backseat as Mikey began to coo at Leo lightly teasing him.

You looked back and for a split second you’d looked Leo in the eyes. You immediately looked away feeling extremely embarrassed considering everything that Casey had just told you. The tank suddenly came to a stop, and everyone went silent.

One by one everyone began exiting the tank. You took a deep breath as you began to walk out, that was before a firm hand on your shoulder pulled you back causing you to let out a quiet yelp.

You were suddenly turned around to meet Leo’s uncharacteristically stern gaze. “Is something wrong?” you ask immediately concerned for the blue clad turtle. 

Leo's head dropped for a second before he sighed, bringing it back up to look at you with his signature smile on his face. “I don’t know what’s going to happen out there but I want you to stay safe.” he said his voice firm as he spoke. Suddenly you felt yourself being pulled into Leo as your lips were met with his cold ones.

Your eyes widened for a moment before you closed them leaning into Leo's embrace. Before he pulled away. Offering you his trademark smile before walking out of the tank. Leaving you there face bright red.


“Once you guys got married…” Casey was cut off as Leo spoke up from the back.

“Wait wait, hold up. You're telling me, my baby brother Donnie.”

“We’re the same age Nardo…” Leo clasped a hand over Donnie's mouth to silence his protest as Leo continued his teasing as Donnie pushed his blue brother off of him.

“Actually managed to ask someone out? I didn’t know you had any sort of romantic charm.” Leo grinned as he continued pestering his already humiliated brother. 

Casey spoke up.“He actually ends up being the one flustered by his S/o.” Casey states bluntly. Leo bursts out laughing, deciding to take another jab at his twin as Mikey jumps in too, teaming up against his purple brother. Much to Donnie's dismay. “Aw, come one Leo cut Donnie some slack.” Raph said

This was not how he planned to confess to you at all. Shrinked up, in the back of a hot smelly tank surrounded by his ignorant brothers. He was imagining something more romantic.

You and him, sitting on a rooftop looking down at all of the lights and people. And then Donnie would confess to you. Not like this, nothing like this.

Meanwhile you were still struggling to grasp Casey's blunt response. Sure Donnie had always treated you with a special kindness he didn’t treat anyone else with, and yeah sure he would ask you to stay with him at night to keep him company while he worked on something, it didn’t really mean anything when he would constantly compliment you on your skills and talents. Oh. Oh. 

How could you be so dense? All of the signs were pointing to the fact that Donnie had a crush on you, how could you not see it?

You spoke over Leo and Mikeys teasing remarks. Hoping to comfort Donnie just a little bit.

“Well I think it’s sweet Donnie.” you spoke sincerely as the purple turtle felt himself wanting to shrink away from all of this tournament. You let a stupid grin spread across your face as your mind drifts to a domestic future with Donnie. As you shifted into living out this sudden fantasy.

Your daydream was broken as the breaks of the tank were slammed on. “We're here.” Casey said, opening the door to the tank. As he and his brothers began to walk out Donnie called to you. 

You turned around now facing Donnie as he continued to desperately avoid your gaze. You smiled at him.

“Yeah Donnie?” you asked as Donnie took a deep breath in before speaking. 

“I wanted to apologize on behalf of my brothers.” he spoke firmly as he finally gained the courage to meet your gaze. You smiled leaning up to peck him on the cheek as you took his hand leading him out of the tank. “Come on, we're going to fall behind the others!” you said dragging the flustered brother behind you. 


“Well, You and Mikey get married a couple years after all of this happens.” Casey says with ease. You can hear Mikey gasp from the back. As his face lights up with joy. 

Leaning over to Casey with a glimmer in his eyes as he begins to shower poor Casey questions.

“Really?! Me and Y/n?” he exclaims happily not even trying to hide the fact this new revelation has the orange turtle captivated. 

Casey chuckles as he takes a glance at Mikey before continuing.

“Yeah, you and Y/n.” he states again as Mikeys face lights up with joy you can’t help but beam with excitement as well. 

“When do we get married?” you asked curiously, Casey turns to face you humming in thought before he answers your question. 

“I think in the middle of October,” he says. Mikey hasn’t finished his celebration as he continued to dance around in the back.

You laugh at his antics before he turns to you, pulling you up from your seat to dance with him. He takes your hands in his and with a laugh he spins you around pretending to dip you as he pulls you back up. You giggled as he struggled to pull you back up.

Donnie pretends to gag from behind you as Leo rolls his eyes playfully, as he watches you two dance happily. 

“Can you believe we're going to get married?!” Mikey exclaimed his smile growing as he spoke 

You shook your head playfully. You hear Raph chuckle at his little brother as he walks out of the tank.

“Alright lover boy, time to go.” Donnie said, pushing past you as he exited the tank. 

“You're just jealous Dee!” Mikey retorted, sticking his tongue out as he rested his hands on his hips. 

“Yeah yeah.” Leo says walking out as Casey follows. You smile as Mikey takes your hand confidently as he turns to you grinning. 

“Come on! Future spouse.” you chuckled following him out of the tank. 


“You and Raph get married a little after…all of this.” he pauses before continuing waving his hand around to emphasize what he was talking about. Your eyes widened at the mention of Ralph's name. You hear Raph cough awkwardly from the back, before he speaks up shyly.

“Me and Y/n?” he asks, unsure of what he had just heard.

Casey nodded in reply. You could feel yourself trying to avoid Raphs gaze as you fixated your vision on the road outside. It was obvious you and Raph were very shy about this new information. You hear Leo whisper something to Raph before Raph's face was covered in a crimson red, his mask practically disappearing on his face before he turned to his brother quietly scolding him. 

“Oh Y/n, There's something Raphs been dying to tell you.” Leo cooed from the back seat as you turned around in confusion. Raph turned to Leo again, his brows furrowed together.

“Shut up Leo!” said hitting his brother lightly as the blue turtle continued to laugh. 

“Oh come on Raph you know you want to.” Mikey jumped in teasing his brother as Raph's face grew red again in embarrassment. 

“Not you too Mikey!” he groaned, putting his head in his hands. You giggled softly at the sight.  

Raph was always so sweet to you, always treating you with kindness and respect, you're sure that if he had something to tell you it wouldn’t be as big a deal as Mikey and Leo were making it out to be. 

You walked back to Raph crouching down as you softly removed his hands from his face. 

“Raph, you can tell me anything, I won’t freak out I promise.” you smiled reassuringly as he looked away embarrassed. Raph sighed.

“Okay here it goes. Y/n will you go out with me?” now it was your turn to be embarrassed you looked away. Before nodding softly, turning back to Raph with a shaky smile. 

“I’d love to.” Raph’s eyes widened as Leo and Mikey cheered in the background.

“Can I kiss you?” Raph asked meekly, avoiding your eyes. You nodded shyly. 

Raph gently cupped your face before giving you a quick peck on the lips. Leaving you both embarrassed as hell.

As the tank came to a stop Raph rose up offering you a hand which you gladly took.

“Alright guys let's go.” Raph said as a confident smiled spread across his face

Alright Here's A Rise Request For You! (Bc I Also Am Hyperfixating Rn Lol)

Tags :
2 years ago

I absolutely ADORE your Donnie and Leo with a reader that uses pet names!!!

But can we get one of Raph? Raph needs a little love too. Lol

(You don't have to write anything you don't want to ❤️)

A/n: Awe thank you! I'm so glad you enjoyed it! So sorry this took so long to write. I was hoping someone would ask for Raph, sorry if this is short

Genre: Fluff, Headcannons

Gn Reader as always

I Absolutely ADORE Your Donnie And Leo With A Reader That Uses Pet Names!!!

Raph adored your pet names 

He found them absolutely adorable

And found himself flustered whenever you referred to him as “Darling, Honey,” or his personal favorite “Sweetpea”

It seemed as though you’d only use certain nicknames for him and just the thought of him having special names reserved for him left a sweet fluttering feeling in his chest

He loves to see that you use your nicknames when referring to his brothers in such a sweet way, to see you dote on them like a mother goose made it feel like you were really apart of the family

Seeing you genuinely love and care for his brothers as he did made his heart swell with pride at the fact he could call you his

He adores when you gently cup his face and whisper one of your sweet names to him kissing his face all over with your soft smiling lips

Especially when he's having a bad day and you call out to him, your voice as sweet as a melody, it washes the dread from his body as you embrace him softly cooing to him lovingly

He loves your pet names they make him feel so special and so loved

I Absolutely ADORE Your Donnie And Leo With A Reader That Uses Pet Names!!!

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1 year ago

Okay okay okay- I had this idea for ROTTMNT for so long and have wanted someone to write it and I’m curious how you’d take it-

Okay so I have a dog named Leo, and I ironically didn’t name it after one of the ninja turtles-

What do you think the main turtles reactions would be to a s/o (or friend if you only do platonic) who has a dog that’s named the same thing as them but were met before meeting the turtles?

Feel free to ignore if you don’t wan for write it ^^

A/n: ANON, I LOVE THIS REQUEST SM. I underestimated how long it would take to write for four characters though so this took longer than anticipated. Thanks for being patient!

Pairing: Donnie and gn reader, Leo and gn reader, Mikey and gn reader, and Raph and gn reader (can be read as Romantic or platonic, all separate by the way!)

Okay Okay Okay- I Had This Idea For ROTTMNT For So Long And Have Wanted Someone To Write It And Im Curious


Would be ecstatic, hes flipping out as soon as he find out

You have a dog named after him? He feels so honored

Feels his chest fill with pride at the fact that your dog has the same name as him

But as soon as you explain how your dog wasn’t named after him exactly, and how you just liked the name, he feels a little sting of disappointment

But he soon perks back up when realizing that you actually like his name, his face will brighten up, a smile stretching across his face as he turns to you his eyes sparkling 

“You like my name?!” 

“Yes Mikey.” 

He is full of a lot of energy after that

No matter if your dog is named after him or not, he still very much enjoys playing and spending time with your dog

Sometimes they get confused when you call their name 


They both perk up and turn to look at you with hopeful eyes  

“I, uh, meant the dog, Mikey.” 

Sometimes it gets confusing, so when Mikeys around you call your dog by a nickname like, pup, puppy, bud, etc

“I mean we're practically the same!” Mikey quipped, holding your dog's fluffy face in his green hands as he looked deep into his thoughtless eyes as if searching for something. You rolled your eyes, a light hearted grin spreading across your face, as you finished plopping the wet dog food into Mikeys blue bowl, placing it next to the turtle and dog sitting next to each other on your spotless kitchen floor. 

“Sure, Mikey. But do you mind releasing my dog so he can eat?” you giggled, Mikey removed his hands from the small dog's tangled fur as he scampered cheerfully to his bowl of food. You turned back around to the counter, turning on the faucet as you scrubbed your hands down, before drying them down with the wash cloth laying next to the sink. 

“I mean we both love food, we're both super friendly, and we both love art!” you let out a snort, turning to the young turtle. 

“I didn’t know my dog had such refined taste.” you teased taking a seat on the floor next to Mikey 

“Well, I’ll have you know little M and I are both on the same wavelength when it comes to art.” he spoke, lifting his head in the air as he crossed his arms smugly. You smiled warmly as your dog came racing back, making himself comfortable in your lap. 

“Well I’m just glad my two boys get along.”


Smug bitch

Seriously thinks you named a whole dog after him, and he is not letting it go

He’s not very subtle about it either 

“Leo! Come here boy, y’know I’ve always thought Leo was a very pretty name.”

You simply roll your eye to his endless banter, you knew that he was just fishing for compliments 

But that did not stop him from trying

When it comes to your actual dog though, Leo and him get along pretty well, he’s definitely not as enthusiastic as Mikey but the spirit is there

He’ll play and pet your dog but that’s about as far as it goes

Is what Leo told you, but one day when you stumbled into your dark apartment after a late shift to find Leo and your pup snuggled up on the couch fast asleep watching some sort of Cable show

You made sure to get as many pictures as possible to show Leo later, and the look on his face was so worth it

“Awe, it’s fine if you two wanna cuddle instead, I get it, I’m definitely not as soft.” you teased, Leo’s face bursting into a crimson red, you never saw the blue turtle this distraught, he never paused or fumbled over his words like this, and over a dog, nonetheless. 

“Would you just let that go, I’m not going to cuddle your dog.” he huffed, playfully rolling his eyes as he plopped down next to you on your gray couch, seeping into the cushions, this however seemed to alert your puppy as he turned his head excitedly, sprinting over to the couch before jumping up onto the sofa and burying his head in Leos lap as if on instinct. You snickered as Leo stuttered trying to find a way to justify the situation.

“Okay Leo, I get it you love my dog more than me, no need to shove it in my face.” you exclaimed, pressing a hand over your chest dramatically. Leo scoffed.

“Maybe I do love him more. At least he doesn’t take pictures of me while I sleep. Don’t you, boy? You wouldn’t do that to me would you?” Leo murmured  warmly to the dog now covering his face with loving kisses, you gasped, shoving Leo lightly with a grin across your face. 

“Whatever you dork, you know you love me.” Leo turned back to you, throwing an arm around you bringing you closer to kiss your cheek.


Bro has beef with your dog for some reason

Like as soon as they met Donnie had a clear look of disgust written across his face

“Y/n, while I’m pleased to know that you love my name so much to name your dog after me, this creature is no Donnie. It would be much appreciated if you could rename your dog asap.” 

He was not kidding, and was not amused when you laughed at his little monologue

“Wait, you're serious?”  


“Donnie, I’m not going to rename my dog for you!”

Is super moody whenever he comes over, he side eye your dog

Very distraught whenever you shower your dog with attention when he trying to talk to you

Is incredibly salty about it 

“I just don’t get it. Why don’t you like Don?” you wondered aloud, as you continued to play with your dog, pulling gently on the knotted rope that your dog jostled around, shaking his head around as an attempt to yank the toy from your hands. You chuckled lightly, and to this you could hear Donnie groan, you could practically feel him rolling his eyes. 

“I just don’t see the appeal.” he muttered bitterly, an idea popped into your head to his response, a smug smile stretching across your face from ear to ear. 

“Or maybe you're just jealous that Don’s getting more of my attention.” you cooed, you had struck a nerve, because as soon as you had spoken Donnie had shot up from the couch abandoning the machine he had been tinkering with on your coffee table, as he marched off to you, a scowl present on his face.  

“If I pet your dog to prove I’m not jealous will you please drop it?” you hummed as if thinking hard about his little truce, Donnie let out another exasperated groan. 

“Oh come on, please y/n?” you shrugged

“Sure, why not.” to this Donnie let out a sigh. You picked up your dog, handing the puppy to Donnie as flinched, his body tensing. Slowly he became less tense as he began to pet the small animal, his look of discomfort melting away.

“Not so bad huh?” 

“Shut up, y/n”


This man is absolutely in love with your little dog

He fully believes that  your dog is just a tiny version of him

Treats your dog like his son

There be times you feel like its Raphs dog more than yours, sometimes you won’t get your dog back from him for hours at a time

He’ll spoil your dog with treats and toys, it’s a little overwhelming if your being honest

Is upset that he can’t go on walks with your dog because of y’know, his whole situation, but will do everything else he can to spend time with your dog

Bathe them, feed them, play with them, anything and everything!

“Raph, could you please hand me the soap?” you asked, the running water from the bathtub roaring over you as you reached for the faucet turning the hot water off. 

“Are you sure we can’t put bubbles in it?” Raph asked, a hint of disappointment in his voice as he looked at your dog with sad eyes.

“I mean, they just look so sad without any bubbles.” you roll your eyes lovingly, as you reach for the bottle of soap yourself. 

“Yes Raph, I’m sure. They don’t need bubbles, they just need to be clean.” Raph sighs as he scoots over to you getting on his knees as he begins to rub the soap into your dog's soft fur. You smile. 

“See it's not so bad, right?” 

“Yeah I guess.” Raph muttered as he stopped, dipping his hands in the water to rinse the soap from your dog's matted fur. Your dog let out a sad whimper, and to this Raph's eyes widened as he immediately babbled out a string of apologies to your dog before you intervened.

“Raph, it’s okay. They just don’t like being washed. You didn’t do anything wrong.”  you assured the red turtle, patting his back comfortingly. He gave a sad nod, still not quite convinced. You sighed. 

“How about if we finish this, we can all watch a movie together?” The offer seemed to brighten the oldest brother as he nodded, giving you a sharp tooth smile.

Okay Okay Okay- I Had This Idea For ROTTMNT For So Long And Have Wanted Someone To Write It And Im Curious

This was such a fun request! And to everyone else who has requested I will be working on the others later today!

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