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Chapter 2
Chapter 2
Synopsis: A girl going through college wanting to make friends, but is faced with two problems in doing so - her hermit lifestyle and social anxiety. However, as she navigates through college she meets a boy and they become fast friends. But...is that everything?
Warnings: none
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The next time Redd was on campus, she looked for Sam. It was her first friend since high school, and she was excited. Seeing him sitting alone at the cafeteria, she moved over (at a normal pace) and sat at the same place she had before. “How’s your coding assignment coming along?”
Sam looked up, surprised, then recognized Redd. “Oh, it’s going okay. It’s due tonight and I can finally be done with it and move on to the next thing.”
“Well that’s good.” She smiled.
Sam didn’t speak for a moment and Redd realized she was staring. Clearing her throat she pulled out her own laptop and began to type. Sam finally spoke again. “How’s your own assignments coming along?”
“Oh, just fine. I finished an essay earlier today which I’m happy about, and I have some other stuff due tonight that I should be working on.” Redd shrugged.
Sam let out a small yawn. “Sorry, I didn't get much sleep last night. Glad you’re keeping up though.”
“Assignment kicking your ass?”
“Yeah. I really hate this class.” Sam chuckled.
“Well, midterms are around the corner, and then you don’t have much left to go.” She tried to comfort him.
Sam groaned and let his head slip from his hand, smacking against the table. The volume of the hit made people turn and look. Redd blinked a little before standing and reaching over the table. “Are you alright?”
Sam didn’t answer for a moment. Then snores. He had fallen asleep, or knocked himself out. Redd couldn’t quite tell. She wonders what she should do. Before she could answer her own question, Sam let out a snore so loud it woke him back up. He jolted and turned to Redd reaching over to him.
“You had uh,” Redd stuttered. “Slammed against the table and passed out. Just how much sleep did you get?”
“Twenty minutes.” Sam answered groggily.
“Maybe you should go home. Do you have a ride?” Redd looked around for anybody coming towards them that could be Sam’s friend.
“No, I drive here by myself.”
“How the hell did you drive here on twenty minutes of sleep?” Redd asked incredulously.
“I don’t know.” Sam shrugged. “It’s okay, I can drive myself.”
“I don’t think it’s safe for you to do that. I can drive you home.” Redd offered.
“But what about my car? It’ll stay here overnight.”
“We can either come get it later or I can drop you off here tomorrow.” Redd just wanted Sam to be safe.
Sam thought about it for a second. He’d only met this girl once before, did he really want her to know where he lived? But then again, it wasn’t like she had any malicious intent…she seemed kind enough. After a moment of thought, Sam nodded. “We can come here tomorrow.”
• ───────────────── •
Redd watched Sam stumble into his house from her car. She wanted to make sure he got in before she drove away. They gave each other one last wave goodbye before she began to pull out of his driveway. She was glad to know he was safe in his home rather than falling asleep behind the wheel.
It wasn’t long before her uncle called her. She saw his number pop up on her dashboard and she could guess he knew she wasn’t on campus right now. However, she answered, not wanting to be in more trouble for not answering.
“Why are you not on campus?”
“How do you know I’m not-”
“I saw your car. I passed you a little while ago. What’s going on?”
“Sam wasn’t feeling well and kept falling asleep, so I drove him home.”
“You know where he lives?” Lance asked.
“Just learned today…why are you near here? What’re you doing?”
“Work. Hey, we’ll talk about this later. I gotta get going.”
“Okay, bye.”
“Bye kid.” Lance hung up.
• ───────────────── •
Lance turned to Maelstrom after hanging up, pocketing his phone. “Sorry about that.”
“It’s fine. She’s special.” Maelstrom had a certain look in her eye.
Lance recognized it and narrowed his own eyes. “You stay away from her. Matter of fact, tell your buddies to stay away from her too. I don’t need her getting caught up in this stuff.”
Maelstrom didn’t say anything, but turned and began to walk. Lance followed behind her, missing the conniving look on her face. Redd had intrigued Maelstrom, and with Lance forcing her away, it made her want to get ever closer.
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This one's a little shorter, but I hope you all enjoyed! I won't be posting every single day however, I'm a college student and I have another blog running. But I still hope you can enjoy this story even if updates are slow :3
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Hello I am here with Seto Kaiba brainrot
Can we get some angst head canons 👀
Oooo okay
Content: Seto Kaiba x reader
Warnings: Angst, possessive behavior
Notes: Taking a small break from writiing AOT stuff to write this (I'm writing like 3 things behind the scenes) this also turned into more of a cons list for Seto lol but we still love him anyway
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When you guys get into arguments (it's not a question of if, it's a when) he becomes the pettiest bitch on Earth
Constantly does things to spite you when he's angry with you
For example, if you have some sort of pet peeve he knows of, he'll be sure to trigger it at least once
He loves you, but he values his pride more at times. That's something you'll have to come to accept if you want to be with him
He's also quick to shut you out at the slightest sign of negativity
Has a hard time telling you when he's upset
Is ultimately terrified of letting you in, even if he loves you
Thinks you'll become another abuser if he lets you in
He's got a lot of problems with trust, which leads to him getting...not jealous, but possessive very easily
He's not jealous, he's Seto Kaiba
He doesn't like you hanging around Yugi and the others, especially Joey/Jonouchi
Will do everything in his power to take you away from Joey, even if its insulting him heavily and physically pulling you away
Thats another thing you two might get in fights over
Don't think he's above the silent treatment, cause he's not
Also a huge hypocrite, he can tease you about things but if you tease him? It's dueling time so he can regain his pride
If you win the duel, he's going to give you the silent treatment for a week and actively avoid you
If you two ever got to the point of screaming in each others faces, he would throw you out of the house for the night. He doesn't care where you stay (as long as its not with Joey), but expects you to come back to him the morning after
Probably values Mokuba more than you, and will consider his ideas way more than yours
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Here is my Masterlist in case you want to request, or look for more of your favorite character!
Nothing Builds a Friendship Like a Crisis (part 2)

Co-written with multifandoms27 Summary: Kaiba hired you to assist Mokuba for one day as Mokuba performed his monthly inspection of the local, Domino City branch of Kaiba Land. You were totally up to the task, until things spiraled out of your control in the worst way possible. Dub canon plus a version of DSOD. Female Reader. Set maybe two years post DSOD. Fun fact: I always write my Reader character with personality and specific description. This means she may not be as generic as is customary for this type of story. Each reader character also has a specific place in the Yu-Gi-Oh world, and is basically an OC with set connections and feelings about the various canon characters and other reader characters. This is reader B, who is immune to the siren song of romance, cheap, eccentric, logical, and hands-on. Word count: 1,495 You can read part 1 here.
Mokuba was dressed for work, wearing a button up shirt, tie, and dress pants. If he were in an office, the choices would have seemed normal, but since the two of you were spending the day in an amusement park, he looked quite out of place. At the moment, Mokuba was talking to each of the attendants working in the arcade, asking them questions, looking at spreadsheets, and trying to gauge how popular the newest game cabinets were. You wore your usual cargo capris, brightly colored socks, and a t-shirt decorated with little images of Scapegoat ringing the ends of the sleeves. Atop your head you wore a baseball cap and sunglasses; you had no intention of being identified in any paparazzi photographs if you could help it—fame seemed like more trouble than it was worth.
Standing around, you eyed the snack bar, wanting one of the neon colored slushies marked as “extremely sour” on the menu board, but simultaneously not wanting to spend your money on overpriced theme park drinks. Men in dark suits and sunglasses loitered around as well—Mokuba’s security detail: Cole, Bishop, and… you couldn’t remember the names of the other two. Eventually, Mokuba finished talking with the employees, and walked back. You helped him sort his notes—asking questions, listening closely to his answers, acting like both of you were adults, even though Mokuba wasn’t one, and you rarely felt like a grownup. The guards did a good job of gently brushing away anyone who tried to approach without permission, as Mokuba finally concluded he was certain all Kaiba Corp regulations and standards were being met in the arcade. It was time for fun. Starting with rhythm games before moving on to dancing games, you and Mokuba had a blast. After working up a bit of a sweat, you leaned against the metal handrail attached to the dancing game, “Why are you so good at this?” Mokuba grinned at you, “Practice.” “Practice? I don’t want to have to practice to get good at games!” You enjoyed joking around with Mokuba, it felt natural, almost like he was your little brother—no, thoughts like that were dangerous. Even if Mokuba had taken a shine to you, there was no way the Kaiba brothers were about to let you into their circle of people they truly trusted and cared about; even Yugi barely managed to make it in, and he was one of the sweetest people in the world. One of the guards, Bishop, approached with a slushy in each hand. You had interacted with him a few times over the past year, and he was always attentive to people’s needs. Gratefully, you took the proffered neon green concoction, surprised at how sour the drink was; you loved tart foods. Beside you, Mokuba chugged down his own pink slushy, giving himself a brain freeze. “Arrrgh, why doesn’t this happen to you?!” You shrugged, “I eat slowly. It has its perks.” The two of you made your way outside, where the bright sunlight and gentle breeze contrasted with the dim, noisy interior of the arcade building. Continuing to sip on your slushy, you wondered if you had somehow overdone it playing dancing games. You did enough cardio workouts in your daily life that it shouldn’t be negatively affecting you like this, but… You forced yourself to keep walking across the park, sipping at your cold drink and trying to act like you felt fine. “Can we go on the new roller coaster now?” Mokuba interrupted your thoughts. “I haven’t had a chance to ride it since it opened two weeks ago.” He turned to face you, “Woah, are you feeling okay?” “Not really.” Talking caused an unexpected spike of nausea. “I think I need to sit down for a minute, but you can go ahead and ride.” What on earth had you done to yourself back there? Mokuba hesitated. “I’ll be fine. You can ride it again with me before we leave.” There was no way you were going to hold Mokuba back, even in such a small matter.
“If you say so.” Mokuba sounded unsure. As though sensing his boss’s uncertainty, Bishop suggested, “We can leave two of the guards with her, in order to make sure Ms. l/n remains undisturbed while we’re on the ride.” Mokuba nodded, “Good suggestion.” He grinned at you, “See ya later.” With Bishop and one of the other guards in tow, the short teen headed for the waiting line.
Smiling wanly at the two remaining security guards, you walked over to a nearby bench, slowly sitting to avoid roiling your stomach further. You watched as Mokuba and Bishop slipped under a velvet rope blocking off the secondary access line to the coaster and made their way to the front. After seeing the two of them start to enter the next available car with the other park goers, you closed your eyes and let your head sink back, glad to be sitting still and resting.
Listening to the people passing by, the soundtrack for the roller coaster line, and the distant screams of riders enjoying themselves, you relaxed. After a few minutes, you began to feel better, which was just as well, since Mokuba was likely to be bounding up any second now. A couple more minutes passed. It was too quiet. Opening your eyes, you realized the roller coaster wasn’t running. Your eyes traced along its brightly colored path; you didn’t see any cars running on the tracks, only empty cars at the loading station, which weren’t being filled. So the previous cars must still be on the tracks, and since you couldn’t see them, it must have been in one of the covered portions. Groaning, you pushed yourself up and made for the ride. With the two guards at your side, it was easy to make it to the front of the line, where a young woman was trying not to panic as she talked into her intercom. Finishing her call, the ride operator covered her face with her hands, “I’m gonna lose my job…” “What’s wrong?” You asked as you approached, eyes scanning over the ride’s control panel as you spoke. Noticing you and the guards, the young woman tried to straighten up, “Oh, uh, one of the magnetic brake systems completely engaged when it wasn’t supposed to, and now the ride is stopped at the top of the second peak.” She pointed to the relevant part of the ride, which was covered by an outer tunnel, hiding the cars from view. “I’m hardly an expert, but that can be caused by a sensor malfunction causing the security protocols to engage, right?” You wished you knew more about how roller coasters worked. The young woman nodded, “That’s right, but if that happens, I should be able to fix it by restarting the system, and it’s not working!”
A rapidly approaching helicopter almost drowned out your next question, “How long before someone gets out here to fix it?”
“A technician should be here in a couple minutes, but I don’t—” the helicopter was too loud now, drowning out the ride operator’s words. It seemed louder than the Kaiba Corp copters you had been near a few times.
Squelching down your unease, you moved to get a better look at the helicopter, which was unmarked. The copter stopped over the place where you knew the roller coaster cars with Mokuba were stuck, and two men jumped out onto the roof of the tunnel. Was this a rescue operation? Turning to yell to the two guards with you, you saw them motioning to one another in a way that made it clear this was not supposed to be happening. At this angle, it was hard to see what the men from the helicopter were doing, but they appeared to pry a panel off of the tunnel and drop down inside.
More black suited men were arriving at the loading platform now, shouting terse commands and code words you recognized from studying the security protocols last night; this was bad.
Some of the guards began to make their way into out-of-bounds maintenance areas, drawing guns from their suit jackets and preparing to climb steep emergency staircases up towards the place Mokuba was trapped. Caught up in watching the security men, you failed to notice what was happening until the ride operator grabbed you and pointed. Three men were rising from the hole in the tunnel, with a bound but struggling Mokuba in tow.
“Mokuba!!” The helicopter drowned out your cry, as the four figures disappeared inside. The roller coaster cars suddenly started moving again, its passengers’ screams becoming audible as the helicopter began to fly away, rapidly disappearing in the distance.
Leaning back against the side of the control panel, you slid to the ground, your knees almost touching your shoulders. “Mokuba…” This time the word was barely audible, your throat tight as tears threatened to spill from your eyes.
Chapter 4
Synopsis: A girl going through college wanting to make friends, but is faced with two problems in doing so - her hermit lifestyle and social anxiety. However, as she navigates through college she meets a boy and they become fast friends. But...is that everything?
Warnings: stalker-ish behavior
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Redd munched on the delicious bread Sam had given her in almost every class. People gave her weird looks for munching on a whole loaf of bread, but she was too excited to care anymore. After her last class, she whipped out her phone, leaning against the wall as people walked by her.
Redd: Hey Sam! It’s Redd. You in the cafeteria?
Sam: Yep, waiting on you :)
Grinning, she pushed herself off the wall and made her way to the stairs, jogging down them and searching for Sam. She was a little nervous, hoping she wouldn’t screw this up and potentially lose a friend. As she was trying to look for Sam, a pair of familiar blue eyes locked onto hers from the back of the cafeteria. Why…why was Maelstrom here?
Redd was about to start walking towards Maelstrom to confront her, but before she could, a hand landed on her shoulder.
“Hey! Let’s get going.” Sam smiled.
Redd looked at him, then back to where Maelstrom was, but she was gone.
“You okay?” Sam asked.
“Yeah…yeah I’m alright.” Redd nods before turning to look at him. “Just thought I saw something. Let’s get goin’!”
Sam hesitated for a moment but nodded. A smile returned to his face as he walked out of the building with Redd, and towards his car. Redd snickered. “Taking me in your car this time, huh?”
“Yeah, figured you could use a break from driving.” Sam motions to his car, then opens the door for her.
“Such a gentleman.” Redd comments, getting in and thanking him.
“Always.” Sam then shuts the door when she’s settled, and gets in the driver's seat. “Alright, where’s this place again?”
• ───────────────── •
Both of them sat down with their orders, sitting across from each other. Suddenly Redd grew very shy, not wanting to screw this up. She stuffed her face with her fries to not be able to speak, but then realized she probably looked like a fool. Sam was eating normally across from her, keeping his eyes averted. He was nervous too, but most likely not nearly as much as Redd was. For a moment, neither of them said anything and it was awkward.
Finally, Sam spoke up. “How is it?”
“Good.” Redd spoke, mouth full of food. Her face grew bright red in embarrassment.
Sam laughed a little. “That’s good. Are you nervous?”
Redd stopped for a moment. Did she really want to expose herself like that? “Yeah. You’re the first friend I’ve made in college, I don’t want to screw this up…”
Sam felt a little sad at that. “Hey it’s okay, if it helps I’m a little nervous too.”
“You are? But you seem so calm.” Redd gave him a once-over.
“Looks can be deceiving.” Sam reminded her.
Redd stopped at that. Yes, looks could be deceiving, but was this code for something? Did he know? She stopped herself. Of course he didn’t know…right?
“You okay?” Sam asked.
“Hm? Oh, yeah. Sorry.” She grinned sheepishly. “Just a lot on my mind.”
“Oh, like what?” Sam’s brows furrowed slightly, seeming concerned.
Redd panicked. “Oh just- my uncle, he’s uh…”
Sam was looking at her expectantly. Redd was trying to find anything to say other than what she would have said.
“Got a new girlfriend.” Fuck, she thought. “Yeah, and it’s been an adjustment because it’s just been the two of us for God knows how long.”
“Oh, yeah. I’m sure that’s tough, I’m sorry. If you don’t mind me asking, what happened to your parents?”
“Lance told me they died in a fire when I was a baby, so I don’t really know anything about them other than that.” Redd scratched at her neck lightly, then took another bite of her food.
“Oh my God, I’m so sorry about that!” Sam’s eyes widened, his tone gushing with sympathy.
“It’s alright, I didn’t really know them. But it’s hard for Lance to talk about, so if you ever meet him don’t bring it up.” Redd warned.
“Why would I bring that up in a casual conversation?” Sam asked, waving a fry in her face.
Redd chuckled a little. “True, I guess.”
The two of them continued to ease into casual conversation, enjoying each other's presence. Now making a friend suddenly didn’t seem so scary to Redd. The two laughed and chatted the evening away, long after they had finished their food. It wasn’t until Redd checked her phone for the time did she realize how late it was.
“Oh geez, it’s almost eight. We should get out of here.” She looked back up at Sam.
Sam nods. “Yeah, I think the employees are giving us dirty looks.”
The two of them get up and throw away their trash and finally exit the fast food place. They had been there for a good couple of hours. The drive back to campus was slightly more quiet, but enjoyable nonetheless. When Redd finally got to her car, she turned to Sam.
“Thank you for tonight. I enjoyed it.” She smiled.
Sam seemed a bit caught off guard by that. “I enjoyed it too…! We should do this again soon.”
“Sure, but I’ll make you a meal.” Redd offered.
“Are you sure?”
“Hey, you make me bread and I make you dinner.” Redd grinned.
Sam smiled. “Okay, next time at your place then. It’s a date.”
“What?” Redd cocked a brow.
“Nothing, have a good night!” Sam went to his car and quickly drove off.
Redd chuckled as she watched him drive off before getting into her own car and began to head back home. However, as she was driving, something in her back seat shifted. Alarmed, she looked in her mirror to see what it was, and a pair of ice blue eyes stared right back at her. Redd screamed and slammed on the breaks. When it was stopped, she turned to yell at the woman.
“What the hell are you doing here?!”
“Don’t play stupid! Why are you following me?!” Redd gripped her steering wheel tightly.
“Just go back home, talk to Lance. He’ll know what to do, I promise.” Maelstrom explained before she was suddenly gone.
Redd stayed there for a moment before the car behind her laid on the horn and she began to move once more. Rolling the window back up, she tried to forget about what happened as she drove back home. Lance better have a good explanation for this.
Mael watched Redd’s car drive away, a black blob limp on the ground behind her. Once the car was out of sight she turned around to leave, picking up the corpse on the way.. What she took with her definitely wasn’t a deer.
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Had my boyfriend proofread part of this to make sure it was okay. Hope you all enjoy, thank you!
Happy Birthday Seto Kaiba!

He'd get a Blue Eyes sheet cake for sure lol
My new blog is out, it's @jwritesstuff4! I only have one post out, but I encourage you all to look at it if you're interested (and hey if you don't wanna, no biggie, I understand <3)