Saving the world one muscle at a time. Teacher of embodiment, muscle meditation, and biomechanical enlightenment. Muscle and growth fetishist.
440 posts
A Handful Of Bones
A handful of bones
A handful of bones A handful of bones just about all that we can hold in our mind as we go through the process of our complex daily full body movements. A handful of bones is enough to coordinate and balance the system in almost any position. Perhaps in our mundane daily movement of the body only a few at a time need to occupy our immediate attention. These are the most consistently…

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More Posts from Muscle-monk
Nothing is more reassuring
What happens when sanity becomes insanity and health becomes disease? Where do we look for the truth? There is no better place than your own body, your immutable and universal anatomy, your sophisticated and friendly sensory motor system, your marvelous muscles and bones, here in the real world with each other. Does anyone else have a better idea? Nothing is more reassuring than our own very…

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This is what horny looks like. Musclemonk is sexy. Saving the world with muscle is sexy. Don’t be silly. Be sexy.
Why do we still believe in the shoulder?!
I can prove that the shoulder does not exist. This in itself is very interesting but what is even more interesting this how we could believe in it so confidently. How is it possible that we could repeatedly make such a persistent and glaring error but never notice? Part of the answer is interoception and I will address it below but we know that part of it also has to be cultural and historical.…

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