Reason - Tumblr Posts
The revolution that starts from within:
the importance of understanding our own anatomy. The body is self reproducing, self organizing and self healing. The human body does all of this, but not without self-awareness. If animals are able to renegotiate many forms of even quite dramatic trauma that occur in a natural environment, shouldn’t the same be true for us? Wouldn’t a large part of that necessary somatic self-awareness simply…

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Touch, the absence of touch, and trauma. Reflections on the recent 2023 USABP Annual Meeting.
I just returned from a conference of body psychologists, where I presented but also attended a panel seminar on touch. For 90 minutes I listened to these people talk on and on about how wonderful touch is and how careful they must be and how to use touch and how to get permission for touch, and they acted as though they were dealing with nitroglycerin instead of just a soft animal. It was…

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There is no guilt. There is no shame.
Musclemonk has something to say.
There is no guilt. There is no shame. There is no fear either. There is only self-awareness. That is, if you hold on long enough to your own breath. The challenges to be able to hold on long enough and this is what biomechanical enlightenment is about. Simple, friendly, mechanical, anatomical tools of structural centration that you can use to balance and ground yourself and find length and lift…

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This is an introduction to a theory of coordination dynamics as a form of embodiment, and I hope that you enjoy listening to it. Please forgive the frank and intimate nature of the video, the sometimes poor quality of the sound, but this is a genuine expression of a great deal of profound thinking and research.
A handful of bones
A handful of bones A handful of bones just about all that we can hold in our mind as we go through the process of our complex daily full body movements. A handful of bones is enough to coordinate and balance the system in almost any position. Perhaps in our mundane daily movement of the body only a few at a time need to occupy our immediate attention. These are the most consistently…

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Biomechanical enlightenment is not arcane and esoteric.
Biomechanical enlightenment is not arcane and esoteric. Thinking about coordination dynamics the question we must consider is whether the several major coordinative centers of the body, complex multilevel bony systems, each produce a characteristic voice, an identity, a sense of the whole greater than the sum of its parts–one that is predictable and understandable. We suppose that this might be…
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I am inside this enormous obscene thing.
Armpit as Metastability
Biomechanical enlightenment should be both sexy and fun.
Armpit as Metastability The armpit a major locus of biomechanical metastability. The armpit is the heavily meaning laden and sensual body part that is also the coordinative center for the arm. It is deep, dark, and reaches deep within. And yet biomechanically it is by far more interesting than the superficial and blunt shoulder. This fact is important because of the tremendous amount of…
“Faith consists in believing what reason cannot.”
“All our knowledge begins with the senses, proceeds then to the understanding, and ends with reason. There is nothing higher than reason.”
—Immanuel Kant
kay guys.
tell me one danganronpa 2 character
Maybe I'm not meant to do anything great or have my life together? -E.S. Sat, May. 25th / 2024 5:50p.m. @sunkissed-summerdaze
the real reason howl kept his castle moving was tax evasion
I do like the quotation from Hebrews for this one. We often think of faith as something held on the evidence - but actually that is the nature of belief, not faith.
Faith itself (being a substance, a gift of spirit) is itself evidence. Maybe not for observers. But for the person who finds that spark of Heaven within and believes on its basis, it is fully legitimate evidence. A reason to believe.
I also think it's important to understand that real faith may be involved whenever someone, anyone, believes in God. I try to be careful not to evangelize in such a way that it could harm the faith of an adherent to another religion. Just like Jesus didn't burn down Judaism before founding Christianity.
It has been a source of great confusion to me that two things are simultaneously self-evident to me, and they appear contradictory on the surface.
A person's intellectual honesty can be measured by how open they are to persuasion based on new evidence.
If tomorrow someone showed me a newspaper with color pictures and video showing that they had found the body of Jesus in Israel, and it was somehow DNA verified by a group of independent scientists, and endorsed by the Gospel Coalition, the Patriarchate of Jerusalem, and the Pope, I would be well justified to rip it up and throw it in their face.
It seems to me that the only possible way to reconcile these two statements is the idea that each believer has access within themselves some kind of prima facie evidence that can be directly observed and verified without appeal to any kind of material or external factors.
But perhaps that is what is meant by "faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."
4 reason to watch IASIP

the beginning of the gang misses the boat is one of my favourites: mac is vibing to hollaback girl, frank and charlie are eating worms, dee has a fake mustache and pretends to be a captain and dennis is applying mascara and then he rides into the river

Brad knew there was no more clear or better place to be free to express yourself, to be who you are without judgement, and to promote positive self image of men who like men, than a fiercely competitive nationally televised drag competition that culminated in a paraded showdown of its self-proclaimed losers deemed so via unquestioned, ambiguous, and unwritten rules.
Did you get all of that? Read it again if you need to. The library will be open for a minute.
It was true. Just in the last ten minutes of that show viewers were forced to jump through more flossy hoops than in Fergie’s earring collection just to justify their own sanity and get hooked for another episode. It was hardly surprising straight women could relate. When it came to meeting the many sets of expectations and double standards put forth by society, were we not all consumed in various orders of intricate dance?
Brad knew he could make anything WERK in part because as a gay man he had to from the get go. He could make whatever was thrown at him WERK in the very same sense slapping the word irony on anything instantly made it ironic. The difference of course being irony didn’t actually take any work. What presented itself on the show was WERK, a hole different level (yes, hole is spelled correctly), and according to gay legend that made drag OK.
Anyone could make something ironic, and it’s usually by accident. Where it gets tricky is doing it with any thread of intention. You sure better make like Madonna and make it an art or you are that person wearing the printed t-shirt and the embroidered hat that does speak truth as proclaimed but don’t realize it’s actually about them.
Eeek. That’s always painful to come across for many reasons. For one, it’s a good guess the poorly threaded failed to friend any gay men or black women because neither have the time for something like that. Each would save the other a step at the register and likely ask for the money since they’re just throwing it away anyway.
Slap a WERK on instead, and what you already knew to be nothing is suddenly something because the gays navigate more than a google of hoops just to walk out that front door. Yes. That was worth repeating.
That’s right. No need to ask ladies, the ‘Amens!’ are are all up in here already. It is just how it is right now. At least that’s what it felt like to Brad.
As many in the erotic dancer and male model industries, Brad held no doubt that show went mainstream via the same well mirrored thread as the flick Pretty Woman just with the reverse set of players. Not everyone was on board, but it was enough sassy razzle dazzle in the right place at the right time with just enough tattered frames of attention to get through.
Both earned enough money to let ruffled feathers go, and it remain tolerated by the others as it’s understood as a one time deal. Once deemed ironic something can’t be made more ironic. The same notion apparently applied here.
Brad also knew if you make the impossible WERK the first time, you’re not going to go through it again. It’s far too exhausting and who wants to live by the skin of their teeth where they already do? You’ve been there. You are there. You made it happen, and any decent queen knows how to make her peace…
‘Did everyone not see the mf rain just now?!? Sky. Water. Fell. You’re welcome. Ok then. I gots to go!’
The door slams and that’s what happened.
The show goes on because it must.
It was here Brad heard the snap of his own finger.
Pulled out of his own thoughts and still leaning against the palm tree in his shiny new speedo, Brad realized he was really gay. Like really really REALLY gay.
Brad let out a sigh and took note of his bulge.
Well, that certainly explained having a boyfriend.
It explained quite a bit actually.
Looking at things a little closer, Brad could say this much as to his newly realized gayness…
As long as he put out, Brad felt confident his boyfriend Chris would be ok with everything.
And that he was.
Bill Nye for most of his career: Imma do science for kids. Science without politics. Nice, tame science for the kiddos.
Bill Nye now: