Hello there, I am Feratina (she/her, 28), Russia. Using this site for art/writing/memes/other and following blogs. #my-stuff - for poorly drawn art, memes and etc.
26 posts
There Is Myself Insert Edgesona - Sina, She Is Buggiemen Based On PopularBagworm Moth. She Always Wears

There is my self insert Edgesona - Sina, she is Buggiemen based on popular Bagworm moth. She always wears coat (with zipper, pockets inside and holes for hands) that covered with pieces of cloth, wich is normal for Buggiemen Bagworm moths (coat also can be covered with stones, branches, shells etc.). She is handmade artist, usually gloomy, silent and inovert.
Oh my god this is so cute??? I am loving the amount of people who are making sonas for this setting aaaaah
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More Posts from Mx-feratina
Kurosian Fan Breed: The Himuldrafiur
Species: Himuldrafiur
Description: Like a Yinvaht, Himuldrafiur is a feathered Kuros, but you can see the differences between them. They are not rare and rather common breed. Legends says, that Mahoura created this breed in order to not let Light and Good to escape and hide in the sky.
Characteristics: They are rather thin and long dragons, a little taller than Yinvaht. Their bones are made of lightweight kuronium to make more easier to fly. Himuldrafiur are owners of bird-like or angel-like wings. Head, neck, back, tail (fully or not), ear shells (if they got them) and back of limbs are covered in large, medium or small feathers (behind the lower jaw there can be feathers too). Their snouts are longer than Yinvaht. Their eyes haven’t irises nor pupils, but that doesn’t mean that they are blind. They are the fast and enduring flyers, if not the best in all Kurosia, learning fast to fly from early age. For the most part, they spend their time in the air. They have excellent eyesight and they can notice the target, regardless of the weather and time.
Behavior: These Kuros are the most calmest of the breeds, it doesn’t mean, that they aren’t feel nothing at all, they just hiding they feels behind professional poker face, even from an early age.
Most common: Air
Common: Water, fire, electricity, poison
Uncommon: Ice, fear, shadow, magic
Rare: Earth, nature, metal
Professions (the most common): Dancers, singers, spies and guards (from above), leaders of scientific expeditions (they can also participate in it), teachers (flight training).
~ They all have high voices.
~ Prefer to breed with someone from their own breed, but it doesn’t mean they can’t with others.
~ Can’t tolerate the alcohol at all.
(I hope their design haven't gone too far adfsfnfhzvs ;_;)
OOC : Daaaaayum son! These are some well thought out babs, a close kin to Yinvaht but different and unique in the best ways, so they stand on their own well! Love the lore, and the professions/abilities make sense! I flippin adore, great work ;u;

Opps, I meme’d again
Inspired by this meme http://envy-kitty.tumblr.com/post/171453301911/new-alignment-chart-lawful-tired-youre-tired

Another Russia popular mythological being - Baba Yaga
In Edgeworld she is an old powerfull hag of an elf with bucked teeth, kerchief on her head, which she never takes off and nasty attitude, who does not have a permanent residence and travels the world (usualy she travels through the woods) on her big mortar with chicken legs*, collecting various things from buttons to someone’s bones. She was born without right hand, and used various things as a prosthesis before with magic, now she uses someones bones** (if she goes far from Edge, she needs to cover bone hand). Sometimes, when she have when she is in a good mood, she can help someone. Doesn’t like new things, especially new technologies. Have a unwilling slave voluntary assistant a male mouseflie (who have some nyagas genes, so he is bigger and longer that average mouseflie) - Misha, who is doing things helping her.
* In folklore Baba Yaga have house with chicken legs and flying big mortar, but I desided to combine them
** In folklore Baba Yaga have bone leg, but since elves have invisible legs, I gave her bone arm
This is so cool?! I love that people have started making Edgeworld versions of folklore characters and this design really fun!
Long mousefly is killing me

Another food pun Satyr/Faun - Sgrapegoat
These fellas have grape tails, horns (grapes are grow on them), and beards (even children have beards). They like to sing, dance and drink grape wine (and will not get drunk from it and only from it), children and people far from The Edge drink grape juice.
I’m so glad you’ve noticed the theme of some Edgeworld species basically just being a single pun/really bad joke and absolutely nothing else. Love this dude!