myfandomrealitea - My Fandom Reality
My Fandom Reality

Welcome to my fandom reality. A discussion, debate and discourse blog based on fandom spaces and experiences.

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Can You Please Get Real Problems Instead Of Bitching About Antis. Please Explain To Someone You Know

can you please get real problems instead of bitching about “antis.” please explain to someone you know irl that you jack off to weird pedo fanfiction and see how they react lol.

This is so unironically funny.

Anyway. Once again a daily reminder that fictional content does not fall under CSEM by definition of the U.S law and reporting it to enforcement and protection agencies only wastes the resources intended for actual real victims.

Also remember to stay hydrated, take your medicine, wash your bedding regularly and take out the lint in your tumble dryer.

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More Posts from Myfandomrealitea

1 year ago

This was prompted by an ask I just received, but:

Being a proshipper does not mean you are not allowed to have personal limits, things you do not wish to engage with, or things that you do not morally support or have concerns about.

What being a proshipper is about is recognising that fictional content has a right to exist, does not necessarily reflect its creator, and that you are not the dictatorship on what is or is not allowed to exist and do not have a right to cause someone harm based on their fictional activity.

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1 year ago

"Understanding that fiction is not reality. It does not create victims."

I don't know if I can agree with that, there definitely have been instances where shipping has created victims, real people shipping to be exact.

Both Harry Styles & Lois Tomlinson from One Direction and Camila Cabello & Lauren Jauregui from Fifth Harmony have publicly spoken about how fans shipping them put a major strain on their respective friendships and how they would like fans to stop.

Ofc most ships will never reach the amount of popularity needed to actually become a real life problem, but it is possible.

Fiction does not create real victims in that if I write about someone being raped, nobody is actually getting raped. Nobody is a victim of what happens within my fanfiction.

Just like the very legal defence of how thoughts are not actual crimes. I can think about overthrowing the government. But it only becomes an actual crime if I prepare to, or try to.

Likewise, I can write about all the murder I want. It doesn't make me an actual murderer.

Fiction does not create real victims.

Fanfiction itself is not to blame for how actual, real people, interact with and expose content to other real people. It wasn't people writing fanfiction who made those celebrities uncomfortable. It was the actions of the people who bombarded them with inappropriate content and interactions.

Mark Fischbach and Sean McLoughlin are a prime example of this. They knew people shipped them. They knew people wrote explicit fanfiction and drew explicit fanart. They didn't care. It was a separate part of their fandom they did not involve themselves in.

It only began to cause, as you say, real life problems when certain people began to harass their real life partners over it, began to tag them in or send them explicit content, and began to try forcing Mark and Sean to actually fanservice them.

Mark and Sean didn't ask people to stop shipping them. They asked people to stop forcing the ship on them in real life. They asked people not to harass their partners, not to send them explicit pornography, and not to force them to change how they behave in order to make it easier to construe it as romantic or sexual.

What people do with content will always be more inherently harmful than the actual content itself.

That is, again, why respect is such a huge part of proshipping and the RPF community. Why there are certain rules we follow and processes we follow in order to not be those people. The heavy emphasis on why things like tagging are so important is not only for our sakes, but for the sakes of the people we are using creatively. The only way they can avoid certain content is if we religiously give them the tools and meet the criteria they need us to in order to be able to.

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1 year ago

The reality about a DNI is that its more of a warning that you won't interact with someone who fits it more than it is some kind of magical boundary line that prevents anyone from interacting with you in any capacity.

A DNI is not about the other person. Its about you.

Its you saying that if they engage with you, you're not going to reciprocate. You're going to prevent further engagement.

Furthermore; stop having unrealistic expectations and demands of how people respect DNIs and become aware of them. The other reality is that very few people will waste time clicking through multiple blogs and whole pages of requirements to make sure that them reblogging from someone who reblogged from someone else who reblogged your post isn't them violating your DNI. They're just going to see a post on their dashboard from someone they follow and they're going to reblog it.

And that's fine.

If you don't want it to happen again, you can block them. That's actually the entire purpose of that tool; to curate your own space.

A DNI is basically a no entry sign. Its all well and good, but its still up to you to lock the door.

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1 year ago

Are they actually acting out of character or does the author's interpretation simply not align with your headcanons?

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1 year ago

"Fanfiction is not a 1:1 reflection of reality."

"But Jaws—!"

"Fanfiction Is Not A 1:1 Reflection Of Reality."

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