myginterlude - erro’s

she/her| BLK| 18+

13 posts

It Hasnt Even Been A Full Day And Im Already Impatient For Part Two No Seriously This Deserves More Attention

It hasn’t even been a full day and I’m already impatient for part two 😅… No seriously this deserves more attention 😩


angst imagine with Rio.

After days of not seeing Rio, you two argue about questionable reasons behind why he's spending so much time with certain suburban moms.


It's the odd hours of the night when Rio turns the keys to unlock his apartment door, rolling his neck in frustration and fatigue.

He spent the whole day running around trying to handle business, but the suburban moms--Annie, Ruby, and Beth (especially Beth, that woman was working his last nerves)--were messing with his chances of making money, causing him to speak sense into them. He was growing tired of the moms constant nagging and difficulties. The idea of being away from you and Marcus for the past few days wasn't bringing him to have any better of a mood. Even with the daily messages he sent you:

"How's your day mama?"

"The way I'm finna kiss you when I get home."

"Tell Marcus papa says hi."

it never made up for the idea of physically being with his two favorite people.

Rio's hand makes contact to open the unlocked doorknob to enter his apartment. Being welcomed by the dimmed entrance hallway, Rio makes an effort to quietly remove his coat and shoes, careful not to wake you or Marcus. He takes a deep breath, taking in the rare moment like tonight, where he has the opportunity of being in his comfort place, his solitude of being home.

He walks over to your shared bedroom, expecting to find you already fast asleep, until noticing that might not be the case as he sees from the hallway, that the bedroom light is still on.

Maybe she fell asleep and forgot to turn the lights off.

With a raised eyebrow, Rio softly presses a hand against the bedroom door to let himself in, still cautious of the possibility that you might be asleep. Instead, his eyes lay upon a different sight. There you are, sat upright on the bed, focused on reading a novel. The light from the desk lamp on your side of the nightstand captures every attribute of your beauty; from the eyes your narrow while your nose slightly scrunches upwards in a manner for you to better concentrate to your book. Even with your bonnet on and baggy hoodie in the odd hours of the night, it's moments like now where Rio finds you the most beautiful. While one of your hands grasps the book, the other hand softly stokes Marcus's hair, as the boy's head is gently laid against your lap, fast asleep. Rio smiles, taking mental pictures of this adorable sight to keep in his mind. As Rio starts walking over to your shared bed, you swiftly look up at your husband with a shocked expression, briefy surprised by his unannounced presence. You then stop his movements by putting a finger over your mouth before pointing down at Marcus, indicating for him to be quiet.

"Hey beautiful, why ain't you asleep yet?" Rio whispers.

"Cause we were waiting up for you, but Marcus grew tired and fell asleep. Promise I'd wake him up when you'd finally come home." You whisper back, sternly. Rio frowned, immediately picking up on the tone of resentment in your voice. Although hesitant to ask, he drops the potential risk in starting an argument, as the idea of his son waiting so long to the point of falling asleep just to see him crushed him.

"I'm here now."

You give Rio a fixed look before looking down at Marcus, letting out an exasperated sigh. As much as you wanted to give Rio an earful, you knew that waking up Marcus and seeing him beam from the sight of his father was more important. You softly tap Marcus's shoulder while leaning down to kiss his forehead as a gentle effort to wake him up.

"Hey sweetheart, wake up, guess whose here."

Marcus slowly wakes up, rubbing his eyes. He slowly sits up, droopy eyes wandering across the room. It wasn't until he makes eye contact with his father when his eyes widen.

"Dad, you're home! I missed you!"

Marcus practically jumps off the bed to hug his father, in which Rio picks him up for an embrace while planting a kiss to his forehead.

"Missed you too champ! I know you want to talk but you gotta sleep buddy. I'm sorry for makin' you wait up to see your old man. Promise I'll make it up to you, yeah? Tell you what, tomorrow we can go to the park to catch up on our soccer practice, how's that?"

Marcus nods his head sleepily before resting his head against Rio's shoulder.

Rio turns to you.

"I'm gonna put him to bed real quick, I'll be back."

You nod silently in agreement while Rio steps away to tuck Marcus goodnight in his room.

After a few moments, Rio returns to find you no longer reading. Instead, your back is turned against him, laid down on the bed. He lightly shakes his head before walking towards the closet to find a fresh pair of clothes to change into.

"When you're done doin' what you gotta do in the room, turn the lights off so I can be able to sleep."

Rio halts his steps, once again detecting the blatant attitude in your tone of voice. He hated whenever you both would go to sleep upset at each other. He especially wasn't fond of your anger towards him tonight because all he wanted to do right now is shower, change, and jump into bed and be able to hold you into the wee hours of the morning. He missed you like hell, and there was no way he wasn't gonna try to solve his issue tonight.

"Aight mama, what's up?"

"Nothin, just tired. Goodnight Christopher."

"Nah, something's up. You gotta issue with me? What's with the attitude?"

"My issue-" you say, adruptly sitting up, fuming. You glance up to make eye contact with his standing figure. "-Is that I have to console Marcus when he cries about how he hasn't seen his father in days, meanwhile you go around entertaining these other mothers."

Rio's eyes narrow, his own growing irritation becoming more apparent.

Entertaining other mothers?

"C'mon Y/N, you know it ain't like that."

"Oh really?" You scoff, unconvinced.

Truth was, you were tired. You knew the real reason he was out all hours of the night is because he had some unexplainable interest with those suburban moms, especially the ginger- haired one, Elizabeth. Since the time she "ran" into you both that one time when you and Rio had a casual date night at the bar. You observed, in irritation, how the married women shamelessly blatantly had eyes for your husband. She annoyingly kept twirling her hair and batting her lashes at him. Even with Rio shutting her down eventually, it didn't go past you the way you saw the certain glances Rio and that woman shared.

Rio pokes his tongue against the inside of his cheek.

"The hell is that supposed to mean? If you gotta accusation, then say it darlin."

You roll your eyes in annoyance. "What I mean, is that you are running around after some red-headed woman for "business" knowing fully well how she thirsts over you 24/7. I understand how the expectations of your job is demanding, but I ain't stupid to see that there is something beyond business that's making you invested with those mothers."

Rio stalks his way towards you, bringing a hand to rub his chin. Even with his seemingly calm appearance, you could tell he was losing his patience in this conversation, fast.

"What did I just say, darlin'? It ain't nothin more than business with those suburban housewives. Things have simply gotten... more complicated at the moment with how they are bein' sneaky behind my back and be messin' with my money."

You search his face to detect any deception.

Why can't I seem to fully believe you?

You let out a shaky sigh, refusing to engage in the conversation any longer. You didn't want to end the night in a potential yelling match when Rio just got home and with your current state of feeling fatigued and angry. You turn to the bed to grab a pillow before making the effort once more in looking at your husband.

"You might be right, but at this time I just need my space. I'm gonna sleep in the guest bedroom. Goodnight Christopher."


this is a bit short but I'm gonna make a part two of this that will hopefully be longer. hopefully you enjoyed reading (:

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More Posts from Myginterlude

2 years ago

Possessive rio omg>> 😆

Spitting Game.

Rio being jealous imagine.

While you and Rio are enjoying a simple meal, he can't help but be amused at the waiter making heart eyes at you.

Spitting Game.

"Thank you again for taking me out to eat during my lunch break, I'm starving." You brush a soft peck against Rio's cheek as he's driving.

Rio smiles while placing one hand to lightly squeeze your thigh as a silent response.

It was another Wednesday afternoon, but for you two, it was the first time in weeks where you both had the opportunity to spend quality time together. After continuous weeks of brief goodbye kisses before rushing to work, and hectic schedules causing you both not to meet again until late hours of the night where you were both exhausted and craving sleep. It's safe to say you both mutually missed each other's company.

Rio reverses the car onto the designated parking spot.

"As long as you spoil yourself today by ordering anything you want mama."

Rio then gets out of the car to walk over to open the passenger door.

You get out, reaching to take his hands in yours. "I for real need to catch you up on the office tea from the last couple of weeks."

Rio playfully rolls his eyes while pulling you close to kiss your forehead. "Damn, at this point with all the drama at your workplace you guys should sign a deal to become a reality show."

Entering the building, Rio and you wait a brief period to be seated before being greeted by the hostess and walked over to a table.

"Here are your menus, a waiter should be coming over soon to take your orders!"

You both share your thanks to the hostess before scanning over the menu.

After a minute, you look up at Rio. His eyes are already fixed on you, his hand resting on his chin.

You suddenly feel shy of his gaze upon you.

"You know what you're ordering yet?"

He bits his bottom lip, admiring you.

"Mhm hm."

You playfully role your eyes while reaching over the table to attempt to lightly swat at his chest.

"I'm not on the menu Christopher."

Rio slightly tilts his head, eyes never leaving yours.

"You sure about that darlin'? With the way you're lookin' in that office attire today?"

You blush from his comment. As if on cue, the waiter arrives, breaking up the atmosphere.

"Sorry for the wait folks, what can I get for you both?"

Rio hesitantly removes his gaze off you to look up at the waiter with a smile.

"Ey, wassup man. I'll have the chicken special with just a glass of water for now on the side."

The waiter writes down Rio's order before turning to you.

"And for you ma'am-"

The waiter's eyes widen at the sight of you before slightly shaking his head as if to briefly bring him back to reality.

"Uh-sorry about that, what can I get for you miss?"

You briefly look back at the menu again.

Unbeknownst to you, Rio's demeanor changes. His darkened gaze is how settled at the waiter while broadcasting a tight-lipped smile.

"Sorry, forgot my order for a second." You momentarily chuckle. "I'll get the cheese and ham sandwich with fries, and a peach iced tea as something to drink, thanks."

"No problem," The waiter says, smiling brightly at you while collecting the menus. "I'll bring your drinks and food out in a moment."

While the waiter walks away, Rio turns to look at you with a raised eyebrow.

You look at him, confused.


He shakes his head, chuckling.

"You mean you didn't see how homeboy back there was drooling over you?"

You scoff, playfully rolling your eyes.

"No way was he drooling, Christopher. He just kindly asked what we want for lunch."

Rio let's out another chuckle.

"Whatever you say mama."

You take his hand towards your lips to place a soft kiss against it while flashing a reassuring smile.

"Christopher, even if he was interested in me, which he isn't, I would let him know that I already got a man, okay?"

Rio slightly smiles before nodding.

"Great, now lemme finally tell you the work tea to boost your mood! Been waiting for weeks to tell you already!"

While you happily chat away, Rio once again places his hand against his chin to admire you. Even though you were doing the most simplest things such as discussing events at your workplace, his heart would swell in pride and love.

"Here you go sir."

Rio's thoughts are interrupted as his meal and beverage is set before him by the waiter.

"And here you go miss," the waiter says. Accompanied with your meal and tea, the waiter sets down an unfamiliar desert on the table.

You and Rio look at the sugary dish before looking at one another.

Neither of you ordered any dessert.

You look up at the waiter, flashing a polite smile.

"Thank you for your meals but I don't think we ordered dessert yet.."

The waiter smiled at you.

"It's on the house, it's the least I can do for a beautiful lady like yourself. Maybe your man should take notes from me in how to properly treat a gorgeous lady out for lunch!" He joked, briefly giving Rio a "friendly" slap on the back.

Rio laughed in response, but you could tell he found the comment far from funny.

Before you could respond, the waiter winks at you before walking away.

Rio clears his throat, breaking the silence. You turn to glance at him. He's already looking at you, smirking.

"You gonna believe me now?"

Your mouth is slightly open, still taken aback from the waiter's words.

Rio shakes his head, smiling.

"Don't worry about it mama, it's all good. Just enjoy your meal, yeah?"

In the course of eating lunch, the flirtatious event made by the waiter was almost forgotten, almost.

It wasn't until Rio looked at the bill to see how much to pay for the meal where he saw a handwritten phone number written on the bottom of the bill saying "call me beautiful, forget your bum ass date today <3," in which Rio reached his final limit.

Hiding the receipt in his pocket away from you to see, Rio waits for the waiter to hand him change. After doing so, you both start to stand up to head towards the entrance door. Rio hesitantly walks behind you before coming to the decision to walk back and over to the waiter. When standing in front of the man, Rio clasps one hand against the waiter's shoulder.

"Ey man, appreciate you waiting us today. I understand that you makin' heart eyes at my lady, but Iet me personally assure you that she ain't interested."

The waiter tenses up while avoiding eye-contact, suddenly becoming intimidated by the tatted man's presence.

"Eyes on me and listen to what I have to say, yeah?"

Rio smiles before stepping closer to the waiter, his grasp on the man's shoulder becoming tighter while leaning towards his ear.

"The next time we come to eat here and I catch you trying to spit some "bum ass" game like this towards her," Rio states mockingly while holding up the now crumpled written receipt for the waiter to see, "we won't have this same type of chat, understand?"

The waiter gulps in response, nodding his head in agreement.

"Good, glad we understand each other."

Rio smiles once more and pats the man's shoulder as a final intimidating gesture before making his way over to you.

"Ready to head back to work mama?"

Tags :
1 year ago
[i've Never Doubted That Palestine Will Live.
[i've Never Doubted That Palestine Will Live.
[i've Never Doubted That Palestine Will Live.

[i've never doubted that palestine will live.

the US dropped more than 7.5 million tons of bombs on vietnam, laos and cambodia from 1965-75. they destroyed our land, used agent orange, slaughtered villages, separated families, the list goes on.

but we're. still. here.

indigenous people are still here. black people are still here. colonized people are resilient. even if you kill our people, ban our languages, destroy our homes, heritage sites and artifacts, we will always find a way to keep our cultures alive and that has always been true

so much of the west and isntreal's tactics and actions are hauntingly familiar to me as a viet person. its a colonizer's rinse and repeat. and so that's how i know palestine will be free. we've seen this film before]

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1 year ago

to turn a bad thing good | jjk. II


➵ summary: jungkook’s drunken one night stand goes awry when he comes to learn not only is he being forced into an arranged marriage, but it’s to the very girl he abandoned that night—and things get a lot more complicated when you’re the best hookup he’s ever had.  

➵ pairing: ceo!jungkook x law student!f. reader

➵ genre: series, arranged marriage!au, fwb!au (?), haters to lovers!au, smut, fluff, angst  

➵ rating: 18+

➵ word count: 13k

➵ warnings: swearing, loads of angsty arguing aGAIN, sexual tension at its finest, depictions of anxiety and ptsd

➵ a/n: second chapter is hERE! thank you endlessly to everyone who waited for me despite completely disappearing 😭 life got crazy but i was always working on this second chapter, can’t wait until the third hehehehe. 🥺 pls forgive me for mistakes i did not have a beta bLEH. your feedback means the world to me <3


chapter two: “i’ll be in airplane mode”

prev. ↞ || ↠ next  || masterlist  


Jungkook is going to implode. 

He’s currently showering, letting the therapeutic water beat down his body this morning as he nurses a nasty crook in his neck; courtesy of sleeping on the couch. But that’s not the worst of his problems, no, the worst of his problems is soundlessly slumbering in his bed outside. 


Keep reading

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1 year ago

how you can help palestine

How You Can Help Palestine


palestine children's relief fund

palestine red crescent society

help bring down israel's weapon trade - palaction

save palestine - islamic relief canada

click to donate -

send medical supplies to gaza - palestinian american medical association

How You Can Help Palestine


petition to investigate war crimes committed by israeli military

demand ceasefire -

open call for immediate ceasefire

american government call for immediate ceasefire

american government to stop funding israeli military

ceasefire and increase humanitarian assistance - oxfam au

location specific petitions

gaza call for ceasefire - oxfam (UK)

end israeli occupation - parliament uk (UK)

email your MP - medical aid for palestine (UK)

stop fuelling genocide - action network (USA)

call congress and demand a ceasefire - uscpr (USA - they provide a script of what you should say, so don't worry about it)

australia call on israel to stop attacking palestinians - apan (AUS)

sign to send letter to MP for ceasefire - nccm (CANADA)

ceasefire now! - ijv (CANADA)

cessez-le-feu et un couloir humanitaire - le mouvement (FRANCE)

write to your député - assemblée nationale (FRANCE)

skydda civilbefolkningen i gaza! - mittskifte (SWEDEN)

singaporeans call for immediate ceasefire (SIN)

contact your elected reps and demand a ceasefire (GERMANY)

write to the EU demanding a ceasefire (EUROPE)

How You Can Help Palestine


friends of al-aqsa

❥ UK-specific

urge your MP to speak up for palestine

hands off al-aqsa

stop administrative detention

petition for UK to stop arming israel

❥ International

boycott puma — email them to end their partnership with israel

boycott coca-cola

palestine action

join the resistance

islamic relief canada

urge your MP to rally for ceasefire

text campaign for people living in USA

text CEASEFIRE @ 51905 to call for a ceasefire

How You Can Help Palestine

please let me know if you have any more links. i will add them to a follow up post.

How You Can Help Palestine


Tags :
2 years ago

This honestly deserves more recognition 🥲

You’re 22 (jh x black reader)

Youre 22 (jh X Black Reader)


Pairing: Jung Hoseok x Black Reader

Genre: strangers to lovers, hook-up, one-night stand, club au, smut

Summary: You find yourself dancing with an attractive stranger at a club…

Warnings: smut at the end, swearing, unprotected sex (wear protection!)

WC: 2,258

A/N: I highly recommend you listen to “22” by JayO. It’s the song that inspired this one-shot so it’ll help set the vibes when reading!



The sultry melodic rhythm of the afrobeat-inspired song drifting through the club aided the movement of the slow wine of your hips. You were content being alone as your friends had scattered off throughout the night thus leaving you to find your own entertainment.

The club your friends had chosen wasn’t as bad as you had imagined. From your experiences, most of the clubs you visited were pretty shit. It was always hot and the smell of sweat seemed to permeate the dancefloor of every club, not to mention the gaggle of guys who didn’t understand what the word “no” meant when asking to dance.

But immediately upon entering this club you knew it was different. The aesthetic of the club, for one, was mesmerizing. The dance floor allowed ample room for dancing, the bar was decorated with colorful neon lights, and the music was absolutely immaculate. The DJ had been playing various rap and R&B songs that had everyone in the club dancing- including you.

Your body had practically started moving on its own as soon as your black strappy heels touched the floor. Your body twisted and twirled to the music, your eyes closing at one point as the beat from the speakers matched the pumping of your heart. But once your favorite song started playing by an up-and-coming artist your eyes fluttered open to take in the people around you.

Various glittery and silky fabrics surrounded you as people began pairing up with the other drunk and attractive patrons that swayed to the sultry melody. The atmosphere was sensual as the once flashing club lights dimmed and took on a Tyrian purple hue that overtook every other color in the building. Suddenly you felt a pair of hands encompass you, softly running along the glowing melanin of your skin.

You were used to men coming up from behind you, silently asking for a dance. If they were cute and you were tipsy enough, you’d let them. When you turned your head slightly to check out the man that had just approached you, you felt your heart stutter. This man was, for a lack of better words, hot as fuck.

His blonde highlights caught in the light of the club from underneath his long jet-black hair that slightly shadowed his slender eyes. His golden skin looked soft and smooth and his sharp nose paired with his heart-shaped lips completed his look. You couldn’t quite see his outfit from your angle but you could make out the silky fabric of his black shirt that had a deep v-neck cut that almost ran down to his belly button.

After properly inspecting him, your eyes flicked back up to meet his gaze from underneath your long eyelashes. His eyes seemed to track your features before a dark smirk spread across his beautiful lips, revealing his white teeth. You simply returned the smirk before turning around and pushing your ass into the man’s crotch and swaying your hips slowly over him.

The stranger took no time in situating his expansive hands across your waist, their heavy warm weight sent a shiver of pleasure through your core. He began moving with your body with practiced ease which you were eternally grateful for. Some guys would be all off rhythm and then kill the whole vibe, but that wasn’t a problem for the man behind you as he matched your tempo perfectly.

As you continued grinding, your hands found their way around the stranger’s neck, softly twirling the ends of his hair, pulling him closer to you. The man took advantage of the new position as he lowered his lips to kiss along the nape of your neck, the contact sent a jolt of surprise through you causing you to gasp softly which luckily went unheard due to the loud music playing.

His lips were soft and you reveled in the feeling by tipping your head to the side, allowing the man better access to your skin. You felt his breath softly cascade over you, almost like a ghostly caress before it was quickly replaced by his lips once again, this time traveling higher up your neck until you felt his tongue dip out to lick your ear.

You couldn’t take much more teasing.

With a swift turn of your body, you faced the stranger who was once holding you between his arms. A look of amusement fluttered over his face as his eyes glanced down to check out the rest of your outfit and suddenly you were glad you went with the new short black dress you bought with the thighs cut out.

Taking a step closer to the man you wrapped your hands back around his neck, pulling him closer to you until finally, your lips touched. It was as if he torched a fire within you as you were burning with need when you felt him kiss you back with the same intensity. He tasted like tequila and you were intoxicated by him, you felt his hands wrap back around you, holding you in place while you made out on the dance floor.

Breaking away from the kiss you took a second to catch your breath before nodding your head in the general direction of the bathrooms.

Luckily, your dancing partner seemed to understand what you were offering and with a short lick of his lips he nodded and the two of you made your way past the other club-goers and into a random bathroom.

Pushing him into the biggest stall, you wasted no time in slipping your hands under his shirt and feeling his hardening nipples, your lips lifting up to meet the man. He reciprocated the kiss while his hands snaked around you to grasp your ass, giving it a firm squeeze.

Not wanting to waste any more time, your hands quickly left his firm chest and went to unbuckle his bulky belt.

“Fuck…” you whispered sharply as you fumbled with the belt, your hands too uncoordinated to take the leather material out of the loop.

The stranger chuckled darkly before gently grasping your hands, his eyes meeting yours briefly before he mumbled, “I got it.”

You’d be lying if you said hearing his voice didn’t make you extremely horny. His voice was deep and yet soft and you wanted to hear what he sounded like when fucking you senseless.

After a few seconds, he had managed to strip himself of his belt and unzipped his pants. You were quick to feel the hard erection he was sporting from underneath his black boxers and even quicker to grasp the man’s dick in your hand. You pumped him slowly, using his precum to help make your ministrations feel a bit better. Your thumb ran over the slit of his penis and a soft moan escaped his lips, his head bumping against the glossy tiled walls of the bathroom.

You took this time to admire the man’s cock, it was quite pretty, surprisingly. It was a nice length, nothing too crazy, and curved upwards. His pink tip shined from under the white fluorescent lights of the bathroom, his blue veins ran subtly across the shaft, and he was properly trimmed. You wouldn’t have minded having him in your mouth and you were sure he’d appreciated it but before you could propose the offer you felt the stranger begin to lift the fabric of your dress until it rested above your pelvis.

“Can I?” his question momentarily shocked you.

You looked up to find his messy hair spread across his forehead, his dark eyes tracking your facial expression, and his hands pulling you closer to him.

“You better.”

With a cocky smile, the man’s hand left your waist to run down your thigh, sending a shiver down your skin until you felt his cold finger connect with your heated core. You already knew you were dripping wet and that fact seemed to excite the stranger before you as his smile widened after slipping a finger inside you with ease.

You moaned quietly and leaned your head against his shoulder while hiking your leg around the man’s side, his other hand holding your thigh up. His slender and long finger slipped in and out of you at an achingly slow pace. Only after another minute did he slip in another finger, but it wasn’t enough. You wanted all of him.

“Please…” you begged after a few more seconds passed. Your breath hit his blushing ear as your hands gripped his broad shoulders.

“Only because you were so polite…”

In an instant, you felt the man pull his fingers out of you which would’ve been a disappointment if you didn’t know what else was waiting for you. You were surprised, however, when instead of asking you to turn over, he wrapped his hands around your thighs and picked you up, cradling you in his strong arms.

You didn’t have time to even react before you felt him slip inside you with relative proficiency. You gasped when you felt yourself stretch slightly to accommodate him and when you felt adjusted you nodded to the man who grunted in response and began moving you up and down, establishing a steady pace.

From this angle, his dick was able to run deep inside you, and the feeling of him plunging into you was enough to get you moaning loudly in the (thankfully) empty bathroom. But truthfully, you wouldn’t have cared if it was filled with people because the way this man was currently fucking you was enough to alleviate any feelings or thoughts of shame.

Speaking of the man, through your own pleasure you were able to crack open your eyes and see that he appeared to be enjoying you as much as you were enjoying him. You squeezed him tighter as you watched him grit his teeth, harsh pants, and curses spilling from his beautiful lips. The muffled beat of the R&B song playing from outside accompanied your desire-fueled moans.

You felt the man suddenly spin and have you pushed against the cold wall but it didn’t stop him from fucking you as he brought his lips to yours. His tongue slipped out to taste yours and soon you were engaged in an oral wrestling match for a few minutes until you felt yourself starting to peak over the edge.

“I-I’m cl-close!” You moaned through the kiss.

“So…so am I. Where should I…?”

You forced your lips away from the man to look at him, you were sure your makeup was fucked up by this point but you did your best to look just as seductive as you did when you first entered the club, “inside.”

The man offered you a quizzical look, his pace slowing slightly, “you sure?”

You nodded, “I’m on birth control, it’s fine really. Besides…” you leaned closer to him, pecking his lips softly as you mumbled, “I want to feel you come inside me.”

That seemed to be enough for the man as a sharp smile crossed his lips. He began plunging inside you at a ruthless pace. You could barely keep up, all your senses honed in on the feeling of this stranger absolutely fucking up your insides. It didn’t take long until you felt yourself gripping him even harder as a blinding light overtook your vision. You had never come as hard or fast before as the pleasure inside you erupted into something almost transcendental.

It didn’t take long for the man to follow suit as a few seconds after your high his pace began to stutter until you felt him climax inside you, his warmth filling you up. You watched as he came, his head thrown back, eyes shut, and hair sticking to his sweaty forehead. His skin glistened from the workout and his voice echoed in the bathroom, his moan sounded so sexy.

As he came back down from his high his lips peppered yours before finally he slipped out of you and gently set you back down on the floor. For a second the two of you stayed entangled with one another with your arms resting on his shoulders, his arms still holding you by the waist, and your breaths mingling in the small space between you.

After a minute though he stepped back from you and began cleaning you up with the toilet paper he had grabbed. As he helped clean you up, from his crouched position you began fixing and combing through his hair.

“You’re fucking beautiful,” you heard him say, his eyes flicking up to meet yours.

You were glad your skin prevented him from seeing the blush that flowered over your cheeks as you responded, “I could say the same about you.”

The man chuckled before finishing up and throwing the soiled toilet paper in the trash. You both walked out of the stall and to the large bathroom mirror, inspecting your visages and washing your hands. You both knew you still most likely looked like you had a quickie but you didn’t really care.

After the man supposedly finished adjusting his clothes he turned to you, his hips leaning against the counter while calling out to you, “you wanna dance a bit more?”

The question surprised you, but you definitely weren’t against spending more time with this stranger and maybe after tonight, he wouldn’t be a stranger anymore.

With a bright smile, you nodded and took hold of his hand as he led the two of you out of the bathroom and back into the dim club.

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